Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
3922. للب1 3923. لم8 3924. لمأ7 3925. لمج10 3926. لمح16 3927. لمز133928. لمس19 3929. لمظ17 3930. لمع17 3931. لمق12 3932. لن10 3933. لنجر2 3934. لهب12 3935. لهت4 3936. لهث15 3937. لهج16 3938. لهد11 3939. لهذب3 3940. لهذم8 3941. لهزم13 3942. لهط9 3943. لهف14 3944. لهلأ4 3945. لهم12 3946. لهو11 3947. لو9 3948. لوأ4 3949. لوب16 3950. لوت6 3951. لوث17 3952. لوج7 3953. لوح19 3954. لوذ14 3955. لوز12 3956. لوش4 3957. لوص15 3958. لوط17 3959. لوع13 3960. لوف10 3961. لوق13 3962. لوك14 3963. لوم20 3964. لون18 3965. لوى12 3966. ليأ5 3967. ليب4 3968. ليت15 3969. ليث12 3970. ليس17 3971. ليط13 3972. ليغ8 3973. ليف13 3974. ليق14 3975. ليك3 3976. ليل16 3977. لين18 3978. ليه8 3979. م7 3980. مأ1 3981. مأج5 3982. مأد5 3983. مأق10 3984. مأن13 3985. مأه1 3986. مأى6 3987. مت4 3988. متأ6 3989. متح14 3990. متع19 3991. متن19 3992. متى8 3993. مث5 3994. مثل23 3995. مج5 3996. مجح8 3997. مجد16 3998. مجر16 3999. مجس16 4000. مجل11 4001. مجم1 4002. مجن15 4003. مجنق5 4004. مح4 4005. محت8 4006. محث4 4007. محر5 4008. محص17 4009. محض14 4010. محق19 4011. محل16 4012. محن19 4013. محو13 4014. مخ3 4015. مخج6 4016. مخر13 4017. مخض15 4018. مخط14 4019. مد4 4020. مدح15 4021. مدر17 Prev. 100




1 لَمَزَهُ, aor. ـِ and لَمُزَ, inf. n. لَمْزٌ, He made a sign to him with the eye, or the like, (S, A, * Msb, K,) as the head, and the lip, with low speech. (TA.) This is the original signification. (S, Msb, TA.) b2: Hence, (S, Msb, TA,) He blamed, upbraided, or reproached, him; he found fault with him: (S, Msb, K:) or he did so in his face: (TA:) or he met him with blaming, upbraiding, reproaching or finding fault: (IKtt, TA:) or he spoke evil of him, or spoke of him in a manner that he disliked, mentioning vices or faults as chargeable to him, either behind his back or before his face, though it might be with truth; syn. إِغْتَابَهُ. (TA.) The two forms of the aor. occur in readings of the words of the Kur., [ix. 58,] وَمِنْهُمْ مَنْ يَلْمِزُكَ فِى الصَّدَقَاتِ and يَلْمُزُكَ, (S, TA,) And of them are those who blame thee with respect to the division of the alms: (Bd, Jel:) and Ibn-Ketheer reads ↓ يُلَامِزُكَ. (Bd.) A2: لَمَزَهُ, (Ks, S,) aor. ـِ (S,) inf. n. لَمْزٌ, (S, A, K,) He pushed him, or impelled him, or repelled him: (Ks, T, S, A, K:) said by AM to be the primary signification: (TA:) and he struck him, or beat him. (S, A, K.) 3 رَأَيْتُهُ يُلَاغِزُهُ وَيُلَامِرُهُ [means I saw him talking enigmatically with him, or to him, and making signs with him, or to him: or, accord. to the TA, مُلَامَزَةٌ is syn. with مُلَاغَزَةٌ]. (A, in art. لغز.) لُمَزَةٌ One who blames, upbraids, reproaches, or finds fault with, others, much, or habitually; (S, K;) as also ↓ لَمَّازٌ, (so in two copies of the S, and in a copy of the A,) or ↓ لَمَازٌ, like سَحَابٌ: (K:) لُمَزَةٌ is applied to a man and to a woman; for its ة is to denote intensiveness, and not the fem. gender: (TA:) هُمَزَةٌ and لُمَزَةٌ signify the same; (ISk, Zj, K;) i. e., one who speaks evil of others, or does so in their absence, though it may be with truth; (يَغْتَابُهُمْ; and this may mean [who detracts by making signs] with the side of the mouth, or with the eye, or with the head; TA;) and defames them; (ISk, Zj, TA;) or one who often goes about with calumny, a separater of companions and friends: (Abu-l-'Abbás, TA:) and ↓ لَمَّازٌ, like شَدَّادٌ, a frequent, or habitual, calumniator, or slanderer: (TA:) or هُمَزَةٌ and لُمَزَةٌ differ in signification; the latter signifying one who blames, upbraids, reproaches, or finds fault with, thee to thy face; and the former, one who does so in thine absence; (K;) and Lth says the like: (TA:) or the latter, one who speaks evil of others, though it may be with truth, (مُغْتَابٌ,) behind the back; and the former, one who does so to the face: or the latter, one who speaks against the lineages of men; and the former, one who speaks against the characters of men: or the latter, [one who reproaches] with the tongue; and the former, with the eye: or the reverse: (K [but omitted in the CK], TA:) or the latter signifies one who excites discord, or animosity, between two persons. (TA.) See also هُمَزَةٌ. and see the Ksh and Bd in civ. 1.

لَمَازٌ: see لُمَزَةٌ.

لَمَّازٌ [One who makes frequent signs with the eye, or the like: fem. with ة: see one ex. voce رَمَّازٌ]. b2: See also لُمَزَةٌ, in two places.

لَامِزٌ act. part. n. of 1. b2: لُمَّازٌ [its pl.] Persons who speak evil of others, though it may be with truth, (مُغْتَابُونَ,) in their presence. (IAar, TA.)
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