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Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
3202. فصع11 3203. فصل21 3204. فصم15 3205. فصى6 3206. فض5 3207. فضح133208. فضخ15 3209. فضل20 3210. فضو9 3211. فطأ9 3212. فطح11 3213. فطحل7 3214. فطر25 3215. فطس18 3216. فطم16 3217. فطن13 3218. فظ5 3219. فظع16 3220. فعل16 3221. فعم10 3222. فغر13 3223. فغفور1 3224. فغم11 3225. فغو6 3226. فقأ13 3227. فقح11 3228. فقد17 3229. فقر22 3230. فقص9 3231. فقع16 3232. فقم14 3233. فقه18 3234. فقو4 3235. فك4 3236. فكر16 3237. فكل10 3238. فكه18 3239. فل5 3240. فلت14 3241. فلج19 3242. فلح21 3243. فلذ16 3244. فلز10 3245. فلس18 3246. فلست1 3247. فلطح8 3248. فلع11 3249. فلق19 3250. فلقس5 3251. فلك19 3252. فلن13 3253. فلهد4 3254. فلو9 3255. فلى5 3256. فم5 3257. فن4 3258. فنتق3 3259. فنجان2 3260. فنخ9 3261. فند17 3262. فندر5 3263. فندق7 3264. فنزج6 3265. فنطس9 3266. فنع10 3267. فنق13 3268. فنك15 3269. فنو6 3270. فنى4 3271. فه3 3272. فهد13 3273. فهر14 3274. فهرس8 3275. فهم16 3276. فهو4 3277. فو4 3278. فوت16 3279. فوج14 3280. فوح13 3281. فوخ10 3282. فود15 3283. فور19 3284. فوز16 3285. فوص5 3286. فوض16 3287. فوط9 3288. فوظ5 3289. فوف13 3290. فوفل3 3291. فوق17 3292. فول10 3293. فولاذ1 3294. فوم18 3295. فوه18 3296. فى1 3297. فيأ16 3298. فيج9 3299. فيح13 3300. فيخ5 3301. فيد13 Prev. 100




1 فَضَحَهُ, (S, A, &c.,) aor. ـَ inf. n. فَضْحٌ, (Msb,) He exposed his vices, faults, or evil qualities or actions; disgraced him; or put him to shame. (S, A, L, Msb, * K.) لَا تَفْضَحْنَا بَيْنَ خَلْقِكِ, occurring in a prayer, means Expose not Thou our vices, or faults, among thy creatures: or the meaning may be, protect Thou us, that we may not be disobedient, and so deserve to have our vices, or faults, exposed among thy creatures. (Msb.) b2: [Hence,] فَضَحَ القَمَرُ النُّجُومَ (tropical:) [The moon put to shame the stars; i. e.] the light of the moon predominated over that of the stars, (A, TA,) so that they were not apparent, or distinct: (TA:) and in like manner, الصُّبْحُ the dawn. (A, TA.) b3: And فَضَحَكَ الصُّبْحُ, said to a person sleeping at daybreak, (TA,) (tropical:) Daybreak has shone forth, so as to discover thee to him who may see thee, and to expose thee to shame: (L, TA:) or i. q. فَصَحَكَ [i. e. daybreak has become apparent to thee, and its light has overcome thee: or daybreak has come upon thee suddenly]. (K.) b4: And فَضَحَ الصُّبْحُ, (so in the S, and in some copies of the K,) or ↓ فضّح, (so in other copies of the K,) and ↓ افضح, (S, K,) (assumed tropical:) The daybreak appeared, (S, K, TA,) and shone forth. (TA.) A2: فَضِحَ, aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. فَضَحٌ, (TK.) It was, or became, of the colour termed فُضْحَةٌ [q. v.]. (K.) 2 فَضَّحَ see the last sentence but one above.3 فاضحهُ [He exposed his vices, faults, or evil qualities or actions, the other doing the like to him: see also 6]. (A.) 4 أَفْضَحَ see 1, last sentence but one. b2: افضح البُسْرُ (assumed tropical:) The full-grown unripe dates showed in them a redness. (S.) And افضح النَّخْلُ (assumed tropical:) The palm-trees became red and yellow [in their fruit]. (K.) 6 تفاضح المُرْتَجِزَانِ [The two composers, or reciters, of verses of the metre termed رَجَز exposed each other's vices, faults, or evil qualities or actions]. (A.) And أَرَادُوا أَنْ يَتَنَاصَحُوا فَتَفَاضَحُوا [They desired, or meant, to give sincere, or faithful, advice or counsel, one to another, and they exposed one another's vices, faults, or evil qualities or actions]. (A.) 8 افتضح His vices, faults, or evil qualities or actions, became exposed; he became disgraced, or put to shame: (S, L, K:) he did evil, and became disgraced thereby. (L.) b2: And [hence] اِفْتَضَحْنَا فِيكَ We have been negligent, or have failed of our duty, in respect of visiting thee, and seeking for thee. (A, TA.) الصُّبْحُ الفَضَحُ The dawn that is overspread with redness: (K, TA:) because of its shining forth. (TA.) A2: See also what next follows.

فُضْحَةٌ, a subst from فَضِحَ, (L, K, TA,) and ↓ فَضَحٌ, (S, L, TA,) the inf. n. of فَضِح, (TK,) Whiteness, but not in an intense degree: (K, TA: [and the same is implied in the S:]) or, as some say, dust-colour inclining to طُحْلَة [which is a hue between that of dust and whiteness, with a little blackness, or between that of dust and blackness, with a little whiteness], (S, L, TA,) intermixed with an ugly hue; one of the colours of camels and of pigeons: the epithet is ↓ أَفْضَحُ; fem.

فَضْحَآءُ: said by an Arab of the desert, in answer to a question of AA respecting it, to be the colour of cooked flesh-meat. (L, TA.) فُضْحَةُ الصُّبْحِ means The whiteness of the dawn. (TA.) فِضَاحٌ: see فَضِيحَةٌ.

فَضُوحٌ One who exposes [much, or habitually, or often,] the vices, faults, or evil qualities or actions, of others; who [so] disgraces them, or puts them to shame; as also ↓ فَضَّاحٌ. (TA.) One says, الخَمْرُ فَضُوحٌ لِشَارِبِهَا [Wine is a thing that exposes much the vices, faults, or evil qualities or actions, of the drinker thereof]. (A.) b2: يَا فَضُوحُ means O thou who act rendered notorious by thy evil character or conduct. (K, * TA.) فُضُوحٌ: see فَضِيحَةٌ, in two places.

هُوَ فَضِيحٌ فِى المَالِ He is a bad manager of property, or cattle; (K, TA;) not taking good care thereof. (TA.) فَضَاحَةٌ: see the paragraph here following.

فُضُوحَةٌ: see the paragraph here following.

فَضِيحَةٌ a subst. from فَضَحَهُ, as also ↓ فُضُوحٌ, (S, A, L, K,) and ↓ فُضُوحَةٌ, and ↓ فَضَاحَةٌ, (L, K,) and ↓ فِضَاحٌ; (K;) Disgrace, shame, or ignominy; (PS, TA;) a state of exposure of the vices, faults, or evil qualities or actions, of a man: (Har p. 3:) any evil thing that exposes its author to disgrace or shame; any disgraceful, or shameful, thing: (L:) a vice, or fault, or the like; syn. عَيْبٌ: pl. فَضَائِحُ: (Msb:) [and] a disgracing; putting to shame; or rendering ignominious. (MA and KL; in both of which it is mentioned as an inf. n.) It is said in a trad., الدُّنْيَا أَهْوَنُ مِنْ فُضُوحِ ↓ فُضُوحُ الآخِرَةِ [The disgrace of the present world is easier to bear than the disgrace of the world to come]. (A, TA.) فَضَّاحٌ: see فَضُوحٌ.

فَاضح [act. part. n. of 1]. It is said in a prov., الظَّمَأُ الفَادِحُ أَهْوَنُ مِنَ الرِّىِّ الفَاضِحِ [Oppressing thirst is easier to bear than the state of satisfaction with drinking that disgraces, or puts to shame] and you say, إِذَا كَانَ العُذْرُ وَاضِحًا كَانَ العِتَابُ فَاضِحًا [When the excuse is manifest, reproof is disgracing]. (A, TA.) b2: And الفَاضِحُ signifies (assumed tropical:) The daybreak, or dawn: because it exposes and manifests everything. (Har. p. 556.) أَفْضَحُ White, but not intensely so: (S, L, K:) see also explanations of فُضْحَةٌ, indicating other meanings: fem. فَضْحَآءُ. (L, TA.) b2: Hence, because of their colours, (S,) الأَفْضَحُ signifies The lion: and The camel. (S, K.)
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