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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
3212. فطح11 3213. فطحل7 3214. فطر25 3215. فطس18 3216. فطم16 3217. فطن133218. فظ5 3219. فظع16 3220. فعل16 3221. فعم10 3222. فغر13 3223. فغفور1 3224. فغم11 3225. فغو6 3226. فقأ13 3227. فقح11 3228. فقد17 3229. فقر22 3230. فقص9 3231. فقع16 3232. فقم14 3233. فقه18 3234. فقو4 3235. فك4 3236. فكر16 3237. فكل10 3238. فكه18 3239. فل5 3240. فلت14 3241. فلج19 3242. فلح21 3243. فلذ16 3244. فلز10 3245. فلس18 3246. فلست1 3247. فلطح8 3248. فلع11 3249. فلق19 3250. فلقس5 3251. فلك19 3252. فلن13 3253. فلهد4 3254. فلو9 3255. فلى5 3256. فم5 3257. فن4 3258. فنتق3 3259. فنجان2 3260. فنخ9 3261. فند17 3262. فندر5 3263. فندق7 3264. فنزج6 3265. فنطس9 3266. فنع10 3267. فنق13 3268. فنك15 3269. فنو6 3270. فنى4 3271. فه3 3272. فهد13 3273. فهر14 3274. فهرس8 3275. فهم16 3276. فهو4 3277. فو4 3278. فوت16 3279. فوج14 3280. فوح13 3281. فوخ10 3282. فود15 3283. فور19 3284. فوز16 3285. فوص5 3286. فوض16 3287. فوط9 3288. فوظ5 3289. فوف13 3290. فوفل3 3291. فوق17 3292. فول10 3293. فولاذ1 3294. فوم18 3295. فوه18 3296. فى1 3297. فيأ16 3298. فيج9 3299. فيح13 3300. فيخ5 3301. فيد13 3302. فيروزج3 3303. فيش10 3304. فيص11 3305. فيض19 3306. فيظ9 3307. فيف14 3308. فيق7 3309. فيل17 3310. فين14 3311. فيه1 Prev. 100




1 فَطِنَ, [aor. ـَ inf. n. فِطْنَةٌ and فَطَانَةٌ and فَطَانِيَةٌ [&c. as in the next sentence, He was, or became, intelligent, understanding, knowing, sagacious, or skilful: see the explanations of فِطْنَةٌ below]; (S;) and فَطُنَ signifies [the same, i. e.] he became such as is termed فَطِن. (Lth, TA.) You say, فَطِنَ لَهُ, (Msb, K,) and إِلَيْهِ, and بِهِ, (K,) aor. ـَ (Msb, K;) and فَطَنَ, aor. ـُ (Msb, K;) and فَطُنَ, aor. ـُ (K;) inf. n. فَطْنٌ (Msb, K) and فَطْنٌ and فُطْنٌ and فَطَنٌ and فُطُنٌ (K) and فِطْنَةٌ and فِطَانٌ (Msb) and فُطُونَةٌ and فَطَانَةٌ and فَطَانِيَةٌ; (K;) He was, or became, [intelligent, understanding, knowing, or sagacious, respecting it; (agreeably with explanations above;) or] skilled of it, i. e. skilful in it; (K;) namely, an affair: (Msb:) [and he understood, or knew, it; often used in this sense:] and sometimes they said فَطَنَهُ, making the verb trans. by itself, because it implies the meaning of فَهِمَ; (TA;) or فَطَنْتُ الشَّىْءِ, with fet-h, signifies I understood, or knew, the thing: (S:) and some say that فَطَانَةٌ [as inf. n., agreeably with analogy, of فَطُنَ, which see in what follows,] signifies [the possessing] excellence in respect of readiness of intelligence for the perception of what comes to one from another. (TA.) [فَطَنَ لَهُ also signifies He took notice of, or paid attention to, him, or it: see Har p. 626, and Ham p. 695.] And فَطُنَ signifies [also] He became one of whom فِطْنَة [i. e. intelligence, &c., as expl. below,] was a سَجِيَّة [meaning faculty, or quality, firmly rooted in the mind]. (Msb.) 2 فطّنهُ للأَمْرِ, (Msb, TA,) inf. n. تَفْطِينٌ, (K, TA,) He made him to understand, or know, the affair: (K, * TA:) or he made him knowing in the various modes of the affair, and skilful therein. (Msb.) Hence the prov., لَا يُفَطِّنُ القَارَةَ إِلَّا الحِجَارَة i. e. [Nothing will make] the she-bear [to understand, except stones]. (TA.) And فطّنهُ المُعَلِّمُ means The teacher rendered him فَطِن [i. e. intelligent, &c.,] by the disciplining of his mind and the correcting him. (TA.) 3 مُفَاطَنَةٌ is of the measure مُفَاعَلَةٌ from فَطِنَ: (S:) [as such it signifies The contending, or vying, one with another, in intelligence, understanding, knowledge, sagacity, or skill; whence فَاطَنْتُهُ is used in the K (in art. حجو) as a syn. of حَاجَيْتُهُ, q. v.: or] it signifies [sometimes] the showing intelligence, understanding, knowledge, sagacity, or skill, one with another. (PS.) [Agreeably with the former explanation,] one says, فَاطَنَهُ فِى الكَلَامِ i. e. He held a dialogue or colloquy, or a disputation or debate, with him [with the view of trying which of them would prove superior in intelligence, &c.]; syn. رَاجَعَهُ. (K) [See also 3 in art. لحن.]5 تفطّن لَهُ He understood it, or knew it, [quickly, or] with quickness of intelligence; namely, what was said. (TA.) فَطْنٌ: see what next follows.

فَطُنٌ: see what next follows.

فَطِنٌ (S, Msb, K, KL) and ↓ فَطُنٌ (S, K, KL) and ↓ فَطْنٌ and ↓ فَطِينٌ and ↓ فَطُونٌ and ↓ فَاطِنٌ (K) are epithets (S, K, TA) applied to a man, (S, TA,) signifying Intelligent, understanding, knowing, sagacious, or skilful; (S, * K, * KL;) the first expl. by Lth as signifying possessing فِطْنَة respecting things: (TA:) and it signifies one of whom فِطْنَة has become a سَجِيَّة [meaning faculty, or quality, firmly rooted in the mind]: (Msb:) the pl. [of this] is فُطْنٌ, (K,) or فُزُنٌ, with two dammehs, (Msb,) or both: (TA:) and the fem. is فَطِنَةٌ. (K.) فَطِنٌ بِخُصُومَتِهِ means A man knowing in the various modes of his disputation, or litigation, and skilful therein. (Msb.) فِطْنَةٌ [mentioned above as an inf. n. seems to be regarded by some as a simple subst., and] signifies Intelligence, understanding, knowledge, sagacity, (S, * KL, PS,) or skill; (K, KL, PS;) contr. of غَبَاوَةٌ: (TA:) or, accord. to some, such [intelligence, &c.,] as is instinctive [or natural; infused into the mind by God]; not acquired. (TA.) [See also ذِهْنٌ.]

فَطُونٌ: see فَطِنٌ.

فَطِينٌ: see فَطِنٌ.

فَاطِنٌ: see فَطِنٌ.
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