طِنْفِسَةٌ and طَنْفَسَةٌ, (M, Msb, K,) the former of which is the more approved, (Msb,) and طُنْفَسَةٌ (Kr, M, K) and طِنْفَسَةٌ, [which is a form often occurring,] (M, K,) and طَنْفِسَةٌ, (K,) [variously written in different copies of the S, and in that lexicon, and in the Msb, mentioned in art. طفس, indicating that the ن is augmentative in the opinion of the authors of those two works,] A carpet: and a piece of cloth (ثَوْبٌ): or a kind of carpet called in Persian طَبْسَهْ (Har p. 376) [and تَنْبَسَهْ]: or a carpet having a fine nap, or pile: or, as some say, what is put beneath the رَحْل [or camel's saddle], upon the shoulders of the camel: (Msb:) or the نُمْرُقَة [q. v.] above the رَحْل: (M:) pl. طَنَافِسُ. (S, Msb, K.)