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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2655. طيع6 2656. طيف13 2657. طين14 2658. ظ6 2659. ظأ1 2660. ظأر132661. ظبو5 2662. ظبى4 2663. ظر4 2664. ظرب16 2665. ظرف17 2666. ظعن18 2667. ظفر19 2668. ظل5 2669. ظلع15 2670. ظلف16 2671. ظلم21 2672. ظمأ13 2673. ظمخ5 2674. ظمو1 2675. ظمى3 2676. ظن8 2677. ظنب11 2678. ظهر20 2679. ظوف7 2680. ظى1 2681. ع6 2682. عب6 2683. عبأ13 2684. عبث16 2685. عبد20 2686. عبر16 2687. عبس19 2688. عبط17 2689. عبق14 2690. عبقر15 2691. عبك9 2692. عبل14 2693. عبهل8 2694. عبو7 2695. عبى5 2696. عتب20 2697. عتد19 2698. عتر20 2699. عتق21 2700. عتك11 2701. عتل17 2702. عتم17 2703. عته14 2704. عث5 2705. عثر19 2706. عثكل9 2707. عثم13 2708. عثن13 2709. عج6 2710. عجب17 2711. عجر19 2712. عجرف10 2713. عجز18 2714. عجس11 2715. عجف18 2716. عجل19 2717. عجم21 2718. عجن17 2719. عجو8 2720. عد8 2721. عدس17 2722. عدف10 2723. عدل23 2724. عدم15 2725. عدن20 2726. عدو12 2727. عذب17 2728. عذر23 2729. عذط8 2730. عذف9 2731. عذق14 2732. عذل16 2733. عذو7 2734. عذى2 2735. عر6 2736. عرب23 2737. عربد9 2738. عربن8 2739. عرتب4 2740. عرتن5 2741. عرج19 2742. عرجن13 2743. عرد13 2744. عرس22 2745. عرش22 2746. عرص15 2747. عرصف6 2748. عرض23 2749. عرضن4 2750. عرطب5 2751. عرف21 2752. عرفج10 2753. عرفط7 2754. عرق21 Prev. 100




أر1 ظَأَرَهَا, (S, Mgh, K,) or ظَأَرَهَا عَلَى وَلَدِ غَيْرِهَا, (M,) aor. ـَ (M, K,) inf. n. ظَأْرٌ (S, M, K) and ظِئْارٌ, (M, K,) He made her (a camel, S, Mgh) to incline to, or to affect, a young one not her own, (S, M, Mgh, K,) and to suckle it; (M, K;) as also ↓ أَظْأَرَهَا, and ↓ ظَآءَرَهَا: (K:) and [it is also said that] ظِئَارٌ signifies the making a she-camel to incline to, or to affect, and suckle, the young one of another, by the application of a غِمَامَة in her nose, (S, * K, * TA,) i. e. by stopping her nose, and also her eyes, (TA,) and by the insertion of a دُرْجَة [q. v.] composed of rags into her vulva, (رَحِم, T, TA, or حَيَآء, S), and closing its [i. e. the vulva's] edges by means of two pointed pieces of wood stuck through, and putting upon her a غِمَامَة covering her head, and leaving her in this state until it distresses her, (T, TA,) and she imagines herself to be in labour; (TA;) when the درجة is pulled out from her vulva (حَيَآء), and the young one of another is brought near to her, having its head and skin bedaubed with what has come forth with the درجة from the lower part of the vulva; (T, * TA;) then they open her nose and her eyes; (TA;) and when she sees and smells the young one, she imagines that she has brought it forth, and yields it milk: moreover, when the درجة is inserted, the space between the two edges of her vulva is closed by a thong [passed round the extremities of the two pointed pieces of wood]. (T, TA.) It is said in a trad., of 'Omar, (T,) or Ibn-'Omar, (S, TA,) that he purchased a she-camel, and, seeing in her the laceration on the occasion of ظِئْار, returned her. (T, S, * TA.) b2: [Hence,] ظَأَرَهُ عَلَى أَمْرِ كَذَا, and ↓ أَظَأَرَهُ, and ↓ ظَآءَرَهُ, (tropical:) He made him to incline to such a thing: (Lth, T, TA:) and ظَأَرَنِى عَلَى الأَمْرِ, (so in the CK,) or ↓ ظَآءَرَنِى

عَلَيْهِ, (M, TA, and so in some copies of the K,) inf. n. مُظَآءَرَةٌ, (TA,) he endeavoured to turn me, or to entice me, to do the thing; (M, K, TA;) it not being in my mind: (TA:) or he compelled me to do the thing, against my will; (K, TA;) I having refused to do it. (TA.) It is said in a prov., الطَّعْنُ يَظْأَرُ, meaning, Thrusting, or piercing, with the spear inclines [one's enemies] to peace: (As, T, A, K:) J says يَظْأَرُهُ, as also IKtt, which F disapproves; but others approve it: or the reading of the S is ↓ يُظْئِرُهُ. (TA.) The Arabs also said, الطَّعْنُ ظِئَارُ قَوْمٍ (M, K) Thrusting, or piercing, with the spear is a means of inclining a people to peace; (K;) meaning, make people to fear, that they may love thee. (M, K.) It is also said, in a trad. of 'Alee, أَظْأَرُكُمْ إِلَى الحَقِّ وَأَنْتُمْ تَفِرُّونَ مِنْهُ, [perhaps a mistake for على الحقّ,] I incline you [or I endeavour to turn you] to the truth, and ye flee from it. (TA.) A2: ظَأَرَتْ, (S, K,) [of which ظُؤُورَةٌ, q. v., appears to be an inf. n.; or you say ظَأَرَتْ عَلَى وَلَدِ غَيْرِهَا, and عَلَى بَوٍّ;] and ↓ اِظَّأَرَتْ; (T, M, K; in one copy of the K اِظْآرَّتْ;) She (a camel, T, S, M) inclined to, or affected, a young one not her own, (T, M, K,) and suckled it: (K:) or inclined to, or affected, the stuffed skin of a young camel. (S.) b2: [Hence,] ظَأَرَ عَلَى عَدُوِّهِ (tropical:) He returned against his enemy. (A, TA.) A3: And ظَأَرَ, aor. ـَ (Msb;) or ـَ inf. n. مُظَآءَرَةٌ. (Az, S;) He took to himself a ظِئْر [or nurse]. (Az, S, Msb.) [See also 8.]3 ظَاَّ^َ see 1, in four places. b2: One says also, ظَآءَرَتْ, (inf. n. مُظَآءَرَةٌ, T, A,) She took to herself a child to suckle. (T, M, A, K.) b3: And بَيْنَهُمَا مُظَآءَرَةٌ There is between them two that relation which consists in each one's being the ظِئْر [or rather the fosterer of the child] of the other. (M, K.) A2: ظَاوِرْ occurs in a trad. for ظَائِرْ. (TA.) [But in what sense is not explained.]4 أَظْاَ^َ see 1, in three places.8 إِظْتَاَ^َ see 1, near the end. b2: اِظَّأَرَ لِوَلَدِهِ ظِئْرًا, (S, and so in some copies of the K,) or اِظْطَأَرَ, (M, and so in some copies of the K,) the former being similar to اِظَّلَمَ, (S,) means He took a nurse for his child. (S, M, K.) 10 استظأرت She (a bitch) desired the male: (K:) mentioned by AM; but he says, “I hesitate respecting it. ” (TA.) [I think it is probably a mistake for استطارت, mentioned in art. طير.

See also ظُؤْرَى.]

ظَأْرٌ Anything accompanied by the like thereof: thus applied to a run (عَدْوٌ): (As, T, TA:) in the K, and in the Tekmileh, عَدُوٌّ is erroneously put for عَدْوٌ: (TA:) and عَدْوٌ ظَأْرٌ is used by the poet El-Arkat, in describing [wild] asses, as meaning a run not unsparingly performed. (T, TA.) ظِئْرٌ One that inclines to, or affects, the young one of another, and suckles [or fosters] it; applied to a human being, (M, A, K,) and to a camel, (M,) or other [animal]; (A, K;) to a female and to a male: (M, A, K:) or a she-camel that inclines to, or affects, the young one of another; (Msb;) as also ↓ ظَؤُورٌ: (S:) and hence applied also to a strange woman that nurses, or fosters, the child of another: and likewise to a man who fosters the child of another: and also pronounced ظِيرٌ, with the ء suppressed: (Msb:) and the epithet ظِئْرَةٌ is also applied to a female: (A:) the pl. [of pauc.] is أَظْؤُرٌ (M, K) and أَظْآرٌ, (S, M, A, Msb, K,) [which latter is also used as a pl. of mult., accord. to an ex. given in the A;] and [the proper pls. of mult. are] ظُؤُورٌ and ↓ ظُؤَارٌ, (S, M, K,) which last is an extr. form, (M,) and ↓ ظُؤْرَةٌ, (M, K,) or, accord. to Sb, this is a quasipl. n., (M,) and ظُؤُورَةٌ, (M, K,) like فُحُولَةٌ and بُعُولَةٌ: (M:) or the pl., applied to camels, is ↓ ظُؤَارٌ; and to women, ظُؤُورَةٌ: (M:) or to women, ظِئَارٌ and ↓ ظُؤَارٌ: (Msb:) ↓ ظُؤُورَةٌ also signifies a nurse: (IAar:) and ↓ ظَؤُورٌ signifies the same as ظِئْرٌ: (TA:) or a she-camel made to incline to, or affect, the young one of another; (M;) as also ↓ مَظْؤُورَةٌ: (S:) or that keeps close to the young one, or to the stuffed skin of a young one. (M.) b2: [The pl.] ↓ ظُؤَارٌ is also applied (by a poet, M, TA) to (tropical:) The three stones upon which the cooking-pot is placed: (S, M, K, TA:) likened to camels; (M, TA;) because of their inclining (S, M, TA) towards, (S,) or around, (M, TA,) the ashes. (S, M, TA.) b3: And ظِئْرٌ signifies also (tropical:) An angle, or a corner, of a قَصْر [or pavilion, &c.]. (K.) b4: And (assumed tropical:) A buttress built against a wall; (K, * TA;) likewise called ↓ ظِئْرَةٌ. (TA.) ظُؤْرَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

ظِئِرَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

ظُؤْرَى A cow desiring the male: (K:) mentioned by Az, on the authority of AHát; and said to have no verb. (TA. [But see 10, above.]) ظُؤَارٌ: see ظِئْرٌ, in four places.

ظِئَارٌ A غِمَامَة [q. v.] that is put into the nose of a she-camel to make her to incline to, or affect, the young one of another, in order that she may not perceive the smell of her young one. (A.) [See also 1.]

ظَؤُورٌ: see ظِئْرٌ, in two places.

ظُؤُورَةٌ Inclination to, or affection for, the young one of another: (M, K:) it may be an inf. n., as well as a pl. [of ظِئْرٌ]. (M.) b2: Also [The relation in which one stands by being a ظِئْر, or nurse:] like عُمُومَةٌ and خُؤُولَةٌ &c. (TA.) b3: See also ظِئْرٌ, latter half.

مَظْؤُورَةٌ: see ظِئْرٌ, latter half.

هُوَ مُظَائِرٌ لَهَا He is the father of the child which she is nursing. (T, TA. *)
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