1 صَدَحَ, (S, A, K, &c.,) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. صَدْحٌ (S, K, &c.) and صُدَاحٌ, (K,) in a verse of Wejeehah Bint-Ows Ed-Dabbeeyeh صُدَّاح, (Ham p. 617,) He cried, or raised a loud cry; (S, A;) or raised his voice vehemently; (Lth, T;) said of a cock [i. e. he crowed, or crowed loudly or vehemently]; (Lth, T, S, A;) and of a crow [i. e. he croaked, or croaked loudly or vehemently]: (Lth, T, S:) said of an ass, he brayed loudly: (L:) said of a bird, and (assumed tropical:) of a man, he raised his voice in singing (L, K) or otherwise; cried out vehemently and sharply; or uttered a vehement and sharp voice. (L.) صَدْحَةٌ (S, L, K) and ↓ صُدْحَةٌ and ↓ صَدَحَةٌ (L, K) A kind of bead (خَرَزَةٌ, Lh, S, L, K) used for the purpose of captivating, or fascinating: (K:) or with which men are captivated, or fascinated: (S:) or with which women captivate, or fascinate, men: (Lh:) or with which men are conciliated. (L.) صُدْحَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.صَدَحَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.
صَدُوحٌ Having a loud cry or voice; as also ↓ صَدَّاحٌ; both applied to a cock [meaning loudcrowing]; (A;) [and to a crow as meaning loudcroaking]; and so the former applied to an ass [meaning loud-braying]; and so ↓ صَيْدَحٌ applied to a horse [meaning loud-neighing]; (S, K;) [and app. also applied to a camel as meaning loudbraying, for] صَيْدَحُ was the name of the she-camel of Dhu-r-Rummeh: (S, K:) or صَدُوحٌ (L, K) and ↓ صَدَّاحٌ (L) and ↓ صَيْدَحٌ and ↓ صَيْدَاحٌ and ↓ مِصْدَحٌ (L, K) signify that raises his voice much in singing or otherwise; (L;) [app. thus applied to a bird, and (assumed tropical:) to a man; (see 1;)] or that cries out vehemently, or much; or has a loud, or strong, voice; (L, K;) and so ↓ صَيْدَحِىٌّ. (Ham p. 558.) [Hence,] ↓ قَيْنَةٌ صَادِحَةٌ (tropical:) [A loud-voiced female singer]. (A, TA.) And ↓ حَادٍ صَيْدَحٌ (tropical:) [A loud-voiced man urging camels by his singing]. (A, TA.) And ↓ مِزْهَرٌ صَدَّاحٌ (tropical:) [A loud-sounding lute]. (S, A.) صَدَّاحٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in three places.
صَادِحَةٌ: see صَدُوحٌ.
صَيْدَحٌ: see صَدُوحٌ, in three places.
صَيْدَحِىٌّ: see صَدُوحٌ.
صَيْدَاحٌ see صَدُوحٌ.
الأَصْدَحُ The lion: (K:) so called because of his roaring. (TA.) مِصْدَحٌ: see صَدُوحٌ.