صِمْلَاخٌ The interior of the ear-hole. (K.) b2: And The dirt (S, A, K) of the ear (S) [i. e.] of the ear-hole; (A, K;) and the scales that come forth therefrom; (TA;) as also ↓ صُمْلُوخٌ; (S, K;) and so سِمْلَاخٌ and سُمْلُوخٌ: (K and TA in art. سملخ:) pl. صَمَالِيخُ. (TA.) صُمْلُوخٌ: see above. b2: Also sing. of صَمَالِيخُ (TA) which signifies The thin, or slender, shoots of the أُصُول [i. e. stems, or lower parts,] of the نَصِىّ (K, TA) and of the صِلِّيَان: (TA:) or the sing. signifies the أُمْصُوخ of the نَصِىّ; which is a kind of thing that is plucked therefrom, resembling a rod. (AHn, TA.) صُمَالِخٌ Thick milk, (S, K,) of a consistency resembling liver, so that it quivers. (S.) صُمَالِخِىٌّ and سُمَالِخِىٌّ signify the same; (ISh, K;) i. e. Milk collected in a skin, and buried in a hole dug in the earth, and left until it becomes thick, or coagulates: (ISh, TA:) or food, and milk, having no taste. (IAar, TA.)