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86016. ربّيّون1 86017. رِبِّيُّونَ1 86018. ربيون1 86019. ربيي1 86020. رَةٌ؛(و1 86021. رت386022. رتّ1 86023. رَتَّ 1 86024. رتء1 86025. رتأ6 86026. رَتَأَ1 86027. رتأَ1 86028. رتا6 86029. رَتَا1 86030. رَتَّاب1 86031. رَتَابَة1 86032. رِتَاج1 86033. رَتاهُ1 86034. رَتَبَ3 86035. رتب18 86036. رَتَبة1 86037. رتبل3 86038. رتبه1 86039. رَتَّة1 86040. رتت12 86041. رَتَتَ1 86042. رتج15 86043. رَتَجَ2 86044. رَتَجَ 1 86045. رتخَ1 86046. رَتَخَ1 86047. رتخ7 86048. رَتَخَ 1 86049. رتر1 86050. رتش1 86051. رتع16 86052. رَتَعَ2 86053. رَتَعَ 1 86054. رتعت1 86055. رُتْفُل، رُتْفَل1 86056. رتق16 86057. رتقن1 86058. رَتَكَ2 86059. رتك11 86060. رتل18 86061. رَتْل1 86062. رَتَلَ1 86063. رتم16 86064. رَتَمُ1 86065. رَتَمَ1 86066. رتمت1 86067. رتن9 86068. رتنسراتي1 86069. رتو5 86070. رتَوَال1 86071. رتوش1 86072. رتي2 86073. رَتِيب1 86074. رُتيبة1 86075. رَتيبة1 86076. رَتيعِيّ1 86077. رتيفا1 86078. رَتِيق1 86079. رَتِيلا1 86080. رُتَيْلا1 86081. رتيلة1 86082. رُتَيْلَة1 86083. رَتِيلة1 86084. رَتيمة1 86085. رتينج1 86086. رث4 86087. رَثَّ 1 86088. رثء1 86089. رثأ10 86090. رثأَ2 86091. رَثَأَ2 86092. رثئ1 86093. رثا2 86094. رِثاء1 86095. رثاه2 86096. رثث12 86097. رَثَثَ1 86098. رثد10 86099. رَثَدَ2 86100. رَثَدَ 1 86101. رثط4 86102. رَثَطَ1 86103. رثع10 86104. رَثَعَ1 86105. رَثَعَ 1 86106. رَثْعَاء1 86107. رثعن4 86108. رثغ5 86109. رثم12 86110. رَثَمَ1 86111. رَثَمَ 1 86112. رَثْمة1 86113. رُثْمة1 86114. رثمت1 86115. رثن6 Prev. 100


رتتا كَانَ فِي لِسَانه رتة (عجمة) فَهُوَ أرت وَهِي رتاء (ج) رت
الرُّتَّةُ في عَجَلَة في الكَلاَم، رَجُلٌ أرَتُّ. والرت: شَيْءٌ يُشَبَّهُ بَالخِنْزِيْرِ البَرِّيَ، وجَمْعُه رُتوْتٌ. والرُّتُّ: الرَّئيسُ في الشَّرَفِ والعَطَاءِ. وهو من رُتُوْتِ الناسِ: أي من عِلْيَتِهم ومَنْ يُعْتَمَدُ عليهم. وقَوْمٌ رُتّانٌ.


1 رَتَّ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ (Msb,) inf. n. رَتَتٌ; (S, * Msb;) or رُتَّ, inf. n. رُتَّةٌ; (so in the M;) He had, in his speech, or utterance, what is termed رُتَّةٌ, expl. below. (S, M, Msb, K.) 4 ارتّهُ He (God) caused him to have, in his speech, or utterance, what is termed رُتَّةٌ. (S, K.) R. Q. 1 رَتْرَتَ He reiterated, by reason of an impediment in his speech, in uttering the letter ت (IAar, T, K) &c. (IAar, T.) رَتٌّ The swine that assaults or attacks [men]: (T, TA:) or a thing [meaning an animal] resembling the wild swine: (M, TA:) pl. رِتَّةٌ, (T,) or رِتَتَةٌ, (TA,) and رُتُوتٌ: (S, M, TA:) or رُتُوتٌ signifies [simply] swine: (S, K:) in some of the copies of the S, wild swine: (TA:) or boars: (M:) or boars in which is strength and boldness: (A:) it has been asserted that no one but Kh has mentioned it. (IDrd, M.) b2: [Hence, (in the TA said to be بالضمّ, but this is a mistranscription for بِالفَتْحِ,]) (tropical:) A chief (IAar, T, S, A, K) in eminence, or nobility, and in bounty, or gifts: (IAar, T:) pl. رُتُوتٌ (IAar, T, S, A, K) and رُتَّانٌ. (K.) You say, هُوَ مَنْ رُتُوتِ النَّاسِ (tropical:) He is of the lords of mankind. (A.) And هٰؤُلَآءِ رُتُوتُ البَلَدِ (tropical:) These are the lords of the town, or country. (TA.) رُتَّةٌ A vitiousness, or an impediment, in speech or utterance, so that one does not speak distinctly: (S, A, K:) or a hastiness therein, (M, Mgh,) and a want of distinctness: or the changing of ل into ى: (M:) or an impediment in speech or utterance: (Msb:) or, accord. to Mbr, what resembles wind, impeding the commencement of speech, until, when somewhat thereof comes forth, it becomes continuous: it is an inborn habit, and is often found in persons of elevated, or noble, rank: (T, Mgh, Msb:) or, as some say, it is a reiterating of a word, preceded by the breath: or the incorporating of one letter into another (إِدْغَامٌ) when this should not be done: (Msb:) or a vitious and faulty kind of repetition, in the tongue. (AA, TA.) رُتَّى A woman who changes, in pronunciation, س into ث, or ر into غ or ل, and the like; or who changes one letter into another; syn. لَثْغَآءُ. (AA, T, K.) [See also what follows.]

أَرَتُّ A man having in his speech, or utterance, what is termed رُتَّةٌ: (T, S, A, Mgh, Msb:) accord. to 'Abd-Er-Rahmán, whose word, or speech, is held back, and is preceded by his breath: (Mgh:) or having an impediment in his speech, so that his tongue will not obey his will: (TA:) fem. رَتَّآءُ: (Msb:) and pl. رُتٌّ. (A, Msb.) [See also رُتَّى.]
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