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67668. ث5 67669. ثءب1 67670. ثءج1 67671. ثءر1 67672. ثءي1 67673. ثأ167674. ثَأْ 1 67675. ثأَب1 67676. ثَأَبَ1 67677. ثأب11 67678. ثَأْثَأَ1 67679. ثأثأ9 67680. ثأَج1 67681. ثَأجُ1 67682. ثَأَجَ1 67683. ثأج6 67684. ثأد5 67685. ثأَد1 67686. ثَأَدَ1 67687. ثَأَدَ 1 67688. ثأر12 67689. ثأَر1 67690. ثَأَرَ1 67691. ثَأَرَ 1 67692. ثأط8 67693. ثأَط1 67694. ثَأَطَ1 67695. ثَأَطَ 1 67696. ثأل12 67697. ثَأَلَ1 67698. ثألله1 67699. ثَأْلُولَة1 67700. ثأن2 67701. ثأو2 67702. ثأى3 67703. ثأي3 67704. ثَأْيٌ1 67705. ثأي 1 67706. ثَأْيٌ 1 67707. ثُئِبَ1 67708. ثئد1 67709. ثئي1 67710. ثا1 67711. ثاءَةُ2 67712. ثَائِر1 67713. ثائِرة1 67714. ثَائريّ1 67715. ثَابَ1 67716. ثَابُ1 67717. ثاب1 67718. ثَابَة1 67719. ثَابِت1 67720. ثَابِتَة1 67721. ثَابِتيّ1 67722. ثابر1 67723. ثَابِر1 67724. ثَابِرِي1 67725. ثَابِريّ1 67726. ثَابِيَا1 67727. ثاتُ1 67728. ثاتٌ1 67729. ثاج1 67730. ثَاجِب1 67731. ثَاجَةُ1 67732. ثَاجِّيّ1 67733. ثَاجِيّ1 67734. ثاخَتِ1 67735. ثاد1 67736. ثاد 1 67737. ثَادِقُ1 67738. ثادِقٌ1 67739. ثار1 67740. ثَارَ ضدّ1 67741. ثَارَ على1 67742. ثَارات1 67743. ثَارِبيّ1 67744. ثارو1 67745. ثَارِيّ1 67746. ثَارِي1 67747. ثاريقة1 67748. ثاط1 67749. ثاغمها1 67750. ثافِتُ1 67751. ثافسيا1 67752. ثَافِلٌ1 67753. ثافل1 67754. ثافن1 67755. ثَاقِب1 67756. ثَاقِبَة1 67757. ثاقفه1 67758. ثال2 67759. ثَالِثَة1 67760. ثالل1 67761. ثالي1 67762. ثَامِر1 67763. ثَامِرَة1 67764. ثَامِرِيّ1 67765. ثَامِل1 67766. ثامنه1 67767. ثَانِت1 Prev. 100





R. Q. 1 ثَأْثَأَ He watered camels to their satisfaction: (S, M, K; but in some copies of the S, the verb is made trans. by means of بِ:) or he watered them (T, M) so as to quench their thirst, (T,) but not so as to satisfy them. (T, M.) b2: Also, contr., He kept camels thirsty; i. e. he did not water them at all; or he watered them little, so that they were not satisfied. (K, * TA.) b3: He extinguished fire. (Sgh, K.) b4: He stilled another's anger. (TA.) And ثَأْثَأَ عَنْهُ غَضَبَهُ He quenched his anger. (M.) [Or this may be rendered He dispelled from him his anger: agreeably with what follows.] b5: He removed (IDrd, M, K) a thing (M) from its place. (IDrd, M, K.) b6: ثَأْثَأَ عَنِ القَوْمِ He repelled from, or defended, the people, or company of men, (As, S, K,) and rendered them reciprocal aid. (As, TA.) b7: ثَأْثَأَ, (T, M, K,) inf. n. ثَأْثَأَةٌ, (T,) also signifies He restrained, or withheld, (T, M, K,) a man (T, M,) from (عَنْ) another man, (T,) or from (عَنْ) a thing, or an affair. (M.) A2: ثَأْثَأَتِ الإِبِلُ The camels drank to their satisfaction: (M, K:) or drank, but not so as to satisfy themselves. (M.) b2: And, contr., The camels thirsted. (K.) b3: And ثَأْثَأَ It became stilled; (K;) said of anger. (TA.) b4: See also R. Q. 2.

A3: ثَأْتَأَ بِالتَّيْسِ, (AA, Az, M, K,) inf. n. ثَأْثَآءٌ, (K,) like تَأْتَآءٌ, (TA,) He called the he-goat (AA, Az, M, K) to copulate. (AA, K.) R. Q. 2 تَثَأْثَأَ He deemed it right that he should abide, or remain, where he was, (Az, T, K,) and abstain, (Az, TA,) after he had desired to make a journey (Az, T, K) to a country, or land. (Az, TA.) And تثأ عَنِ الأَمْرِ, (M,) or عَنِ ↓ ثأثأ

الشَّىْءِ, (TA,) He deemed it right that he should abstain from the affair, or thing, (M, TA,) or that he should pause at it, (M,) after he had desired it. (M, TA.) b2: لَقِيتُ فُلَانًا فَتَثَأْثَأْتُ مِنْهُ I met such a one, and feared him. (As, S, K. *)
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