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Arabic-English Lexicon by Edward William Lane (d. 1876) المعجم العربي الإنجليزي لإدوارد وليام لين

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1 مَكَرَ, aor. ـُ (Msb, TA,) inf. n. مَكْرٌ; (S, A, Msb, K;) and ↓ امكر; (Msb;) He practised deceit, guile, or circumvention; or he practised deceit, guile, or circumvention, desiring to do to another a foul, an abominable, or an evil, action, clandestinely, or without his knowing whence it proceeded; syn. خَدَعَ; (Msb;) and of the inf. n. خَدِيعَةٌ: (S, A, K:) he practised an evasion or elusion, a shift, an artifice, or artful contrivance or device, a machination, a trick, a plot, a stratagem, or an expedient; he plotted; or he exercised art, craft, cunning, or skill, in the management or ordering of affairs, with excel-lent consideration or deliberation, and ability to manage according to his own free will; syn. of the inf. n. إِحْتِيَالٌ: (S, TA:) or to this explanation, conveyed by احتيال as the syn. of the inf. n., should be added secretly, or privately: (Lth, TA:) مَكْرٌ is praised or dispraised according to the nature of its object. (El-Basáir.) [For further explanation, see what follows.] b2: It is trans. by means of بِ: and also, accord. to Z, by itself: (MF:) [but I know not any instance of its being trans. by itself: except as meaning he plotted a thing: see مَكْرَ السَّيِّئ in the Kur, xxxv. 41, cited voce سَيِّئٌ:] you say مَكَرَ بِهِ, (S, A, TA,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (S, TA,) meaning, He deceived, beguiled, or circumvented, him; or he deceived, beguiled, or circumvented, him, and desired to do him a foul, an abominable, or an evil, action, clandestinely, or without his knowing whence it proceeded: &c.: (S, A, TA:) syn. كَادَهُ: or it differs [somewhat] from كاده, accord. to Aboo-Hilál El-'Askeree: (TA:) some say, that مكر به signifies as above with the addition of feigning the contrary of his real intentions; which كاده does not imply: or this latter signifies “ he did him harm,” or “ mischief; ” and the former, he did him harm, or mischief, clandestinely. (MF, voce كاد.) See art. خدع. b3: مَكَرَ also signifies He managed with thought, or consideration, or acted with policy, and practised stratagem, in war. (TA.) b4: مَكَرَ اللّٰهُ and ↓ أَــمْكَرَ are syn., (IKtt, Msb,) signifying, (tropical:) God recompensed, or requited, for مَكْر [or the practising deceit, &c.]: (Lth, * Msb, TA: *) or مَكْرُ اللّٰهِ signifies God's granting a man respite or delay, and enabling him to accomplish his worldly aims [so as to bring upon himself the punishment due to his evil actions]: (Er-Rághib, TA:) or, accord. to IAth, God's causing his trials to befall his enemies, exclusively of his friends: or his taking men by little and little, so that they do not reckon upon it, bestowing upon them renewed favours for acts of obedience which are imagined to be accepted whereas they are rejected. (TA.) 3 ماكرهُ He practised with him mutual deceit, guile, or circumvention; &c.; (A, * TA;) syn. خَادَعَهُ. (TA.) 4 أَــمْكَرَ see 1, in two places.6 تماكروا They practised mutual deceit, guile, or circumvention; &c. (A, * TA.) مَكُورٌ: see مَاكِرٌ.

مَكَّارٌ: see مَاكِرٌ.

مَاكِرٌ (S, A, Msb, K) and ↓ مَكَّارٌ (S, A, K) and ↓ مَكُورٌ (K) epithets from مَكَرَ: (S, A, Msb, K:) [the first signifying Practising deceit, guile, or circumvention; &c.: and the second and third, practising the same much, or frequently; deceitful, guileful, artful, crafty, or cunning; a trickster, or crafty knave.]


1 مَكَرَ بِهِ i. q. خَدَعَهُ, (Msb, &c.,) see كَادَهُ.

مَكْرٌ [Artifice; machination; stratagem; fraud; fraudulence; guile].



7 اِنْكَرَسَ فِى الشَّىْءِ He entered into the thing and concealed himself. (IKtt, in TA, art. نمس.) كُرْسِىُّ الخَاتَمِ (T, K, art. بظر) The bezel of the ring. (TK.) كِرْسَنَّةٌ

, thus written: (TA:) [Bitter vetch:] see خَانِقٌ.

كِرْسِنِىٌّ [or كَرْسَنِىٌّ] A sort of حِمَّص. (The Minháj, in TA, art. حمص.)


2 كرّسهُ, (TA,) inf. n. تَكْرِيسٌ, (K, TA,) He put it, or placed it, namely, anything, one part upon another. (TA.) b2: He put it together, one part to another. (TA.) b3: He founded it, namely, a building. (K, TA.) 4 اكرست الدَّارُ The house had in it compacted dung and urine of camels or of sheep or goats: S, A, * TA:) and in like manner you say of a place: (TA:) and اكرست الدّابَّةُ The beast of carriage had upon it, (K, TA,) i. e., upon its tail, (TA,) compacted dung and urine. (K, TA.) See كِرْسٌ.5 تكرّس It (anything) became put, or placed, one part upon another. (TA.) b2: It became compacted and cohering; (A, * TA;) as also ↓ تكارس. (TA.) b3: It (the foundation of a building) became hard and strong. (TA.) A2: He collected together fire-wood, &c. (Msb.) 6 تَكَاْرَسَ see 5.

كِرْسٌ Compacted, or caked, or a cake of, dung and urine of camels and of sheep or goats, (S, * A, * K, * TA,) in a house, and upon the traces of men's abode: (TA:) and also, compacted clay or mud: (TA:) pl. أَكْرَاسٌ. (A, TA.) [Hence,] كِرْسُ الحَوْضِ The place in which the camels stand at the watering-trough or tank, and which in consequence becomes compacted [by the mixture of their dung and urine with the soil]. (TA.) b2: كِرْسُ بِنَآءٍ [The foundation, or lowest part of a building: see 2]. (TA.) A2: One of the أَكْرَاس [meaning series or strings of beads] of [the necklaces and similar ornaments called] قَلَائِد and وُشُح and the like: you say, قِلَادَةٌ ذَاتُ كِرْسَيْنِ [a necklace of two such series], and ذَاتُ أَكْرَاسٍ ثَلَاثَةٍ [of three such series], when you join one part to another [in several places, by larger beads: see قِلَادَةٌ مُكْرَــسَةٌ, below]. (Lth, K. *) كَرِسٌ: see مُكْرِــسٌ.

كُرْسِىٌّ and (sometimes, S, Msb) كِرْسِىٌّ (S, Msb, K) A throne; syn. سَرِيرٌ: (K:) a chair: (TK:) a seat not larger than is sufficient for one person: (Bd, ii. 256:) [and a stool:] pl. كَرَاسِىٌّ (S, Msb, K) and sometimes كَرَاسٍ, agreeably with a rule mentioned by ISk. (Msb.) It is the place [or seat] of the king, and of the learned man: and hence, as used in the Kur ii. 256, it is explained as signifying (tropical:) Dominion: (A:) and (tropical:) the power of God, whereby He holds the heavens and the earth: (TA:) and (tropical:) knowledge: (A, K:) which last explanation is ascribed to I'Ab: but the truth is, that I'Ab explained it as there signifying the [foot-stool of God; or] place of the feet: but as to the عَرْش [of God], this is immeasurable: (Az, TA:) or it signifies the sphere of the stars. (TA, art. عرش.) [Hence, also, you say,] هُوَ مِنْ أَهْلِ الكُرْسِىِّ (tropical:) He is of the people of science. (TK.) [And hence,] الكَرَاسِىُّ is also used [elliptically] to signify (tropical:) The learned men; accord. to Ktr. (A.) b2: Also, A prop, or support, for a wall. (TA.) b3: [ذَاتُ الكُرْسِىِّ The Constellation Cassiopeia: see خَضِيبٌ.]

كِرْيَاسٌ A privy on the top of the roof of a house, (S, A, * Msb, K,) with a conduit from the ground, (K,) or, as in some lexicons, to the ground: one that is below is not so called: (TA:) or the privy of an upper chamber: (MF:) of the measure فِعْيَالٌ, (Az, Msb, K,) from كِرْسٌ, meaning, “ compacted dung and urine of camels, or of sheep or goats: ” (Az, * A, * K, TA:) so called because of the filth that adheres to it, and becomes compacted: (Az, TA:) incorrectly said by some to be also written كِرْبَاسٌ, with the single-pointed letter [ب]: the pl. is كَرَايِيسُ. (TA.) كُرَّاسٌ: see what next follows.

كُرَّاسَةٌ [A quire, or parcel, of paper, generally consisting of five sheets, forming ten leaves, of a book; also vulgarly called كَرَّاسَةٌ and كَرَّاسٌ;] one of what are termed ↓ كُرَّاسٌ and كَرَارِيسُ; [كُرَّاسٌ being a coll. gen. n. and كَرَارِيسُ a pl.;] (S, A, K;) a portion of a صَحِيفَة [i. e. book or volume]: (A, K:) so called because compacted: (TA:) or from تَكَرَّسَ signifying “ he collected together ” fire-wood, &c. (Msb.) You say, فِى هٰذِهِ الكُرَّاسَةِ عَشْرُ وَرَقَاتٍ [In this quire of a book are ten leaves]. (A.) And هٰذَا الكِتَابُ عِدَّةُ كَرَارِيسَ [This book is composed of a number of quires]. (A.) And قَرَأْتُ كُرَّاسَةً مِنْ كِتَابِ سِيبَوَيْهِ [I read a quire of the Book of Seebaweyh]. (A.) And التَّاجِرُ مَجْدُهُ فِى كِيسِهِ وَالعَالِمُ مَجْدُهُ فِى كَرَارِيسِهِ [The merchant's glory is in his purse, and the learned man's glory is in his quires of books]. (A.) مُكْرَــسٌ: see مُكْرِــسٌ. b2: قِلَادَةٌ مُكْرَــسَةٌ and ↓ مُكَرَّــسَةٌ A necklace in which the pearls or other beads are strung upon two strings, and these are joined together by divisions of large beads: so in the TS and K, excepting that in the latter, فِى خَيْطٍ is erroneously put for فِى خَيْطَيْنِ. (TA.) [See كِرْسٌ, last signification.] And [in like manner], ↓ نَظْمٌ مُكَرَّــسٌ and مُتَكَرِّسٌ A string of beads one above another. (TA.) رَسْمٌ مُكْرِــسٌ (S) (in the L and TA مُكْرَــسٌ, but the former, being agreeable with the verb, (see 4,) is probably the right reading,] Traces of men's abode in which is a compacted mixture of dung and urine of camels or of sheep or goats. (S, L, * TA. * [And accord. to the second and third of these authorities, ↓ كَرِسٌ seems to signify the same.]) مُكَرَّــسٌ: see مُكْرَــسٌ: the former, in two places.

مُتَكَرِّسٌ: see مُكْرَــسٌ: the former, in two places.



1 كَرَبَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. كُرُوبٌ, It was, or became, near; drew near; approached. (S, K.) [Compare قَرُبَ.] b2: [You say] كَرَبَ أَنْ يَكُونَ, and كَرَبَ يَكُونُ, He, or it, was near, or nigh, to being b3: . (TA.) This is one of the verbs to which one does not give as its enunciative the act. part. n. of the verb which is its proper enunciative: [so that] you do not say, كَرَبَ كَائِنًا: [in which كَرَبَ implies the pron. هُوَ, which is called its noun; and كائنا is put for يَكُونُ, or أَنْ يَكُونَ, its proper enunciative]. (Sb.) كَرَبَ أَنْ يَفْعَلَ كَذَا He was near, or nigh, to doing so; he well nigh, or almost, did so. (S, K.) b4: كَرَبَتِ الشَّمْسُ The sun was, or became, near to setting. (S, K.) b5: كربت الجَارِيَةُ ان تُدْرِكَ The girl was near to coming of age. (TA.) b6: كَرَبَتْ حَيَاةُ النَّارِ The fire was near to becoming extinguished. (S, K.) A2: كَرَبَ He bound near together the two pasterns of an ass or of a camel with a rope or with shackles. (TA.) b2: كَرَبَ القَيْدَ He straitened, or made narrow, the shackle, or shackles, (S, K, TA,) upon the [animal] shackled. (S, K.) 'Abd-Allah Ibn-'Anameh Ed-Dabbee says, أَزْجُرْ حِمَارَكَ لَا يَرْتَعْ بِرَوْضَتِنَا

إِذًا يُرَدَّ وَقَيْدُ العَيْرِ مَكْرُــوبُ [Check thine ass: let him not pasture at large in our meadow: in that case he will be sent back with the ass's shackles straitened]: (S:) meaning Do not venture to revile us; for we are able to shackle this ass, and to prevent his acting as he pleaseth. (L.) See Ham, p. 290. b3: كَرَبَ, aor. ـُ He loaded a she-camel. (S, K.) A3: كَرَبَهُ, (aor.

كَرُبَ, inf. n. كَرْبٌ, TA,) It (sorrow, grief, &c., S, K, or an affair, Msb, TA) afflicted, distressed, or oppressed, him, (S, Msb, K,) so that it filled his heart with rage. (Msb.) See also 8.

A4: كَرَبَ الدَّلْوَ, aor. ـُ (inf. n. كَرْبٌ, TA,) and ↓ كرّبها, (K,) and ↓ اكربها, (S, K,) He put or attached, a كَرَب to the bucket. (S, K.) b2: كَرِبَ, aor. ـَ The rope called كَرَب of his bucket broke. (K.) كَرَبَ, aor. ـُ and ↓ كرّب; explained by the words طَقْطَقَ الكَرِيبَ لِخَشَبَةِ الخَبَّازِ [app. meaning, He caused the كريب (a baker's wooden implement) to make a sound, or a reiterated sound, such as is termed طَقْطَقَة]. (K.) A5: كَرَبَ; (accord. to the K;) or ↓ كرّب, inf. n. تَكْرِيبٌ; (accord. to IM;) He sowed land such as is called كَرِيبٌ. (K.) b2: كَرَبَ الأَرْضَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. كَرْبٌ and كِرَابٌ, He turned over the ground for sowing, (K,) or for cultivating. (S, Msb.) A6: كَرَبَ, aor. ـُ He took the كَرَب (or lower parts, or ends, of the branches) from the palm-trees. (IAar, K.) He lopped a palmtree. (Msb.) A7: كَرَبَ, aor. ـُ and ↓ كرّب; He ate the dates called كُرَابَة. (K.) A8: كَرَبَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. كَرْبٌ, He twisted [a rope &c.] (قُتَلَ: accord. to some copies of the K) or he slew (قَتَلَ: accord to other copies of the same).2 كَرَّبَكرّب: see 1 in four places.3 كاربه i. q. قاربه, He, or it, approached, or was or became near to, him, or it. (K.) The ك is substituted for ق. (TA.) 4 أَكربهُ [He, or it, affected him with كَرْب, i. e. sorrow, grief, distress, or affliction: occurring in the TA in several places.]

A2: اكرب, inf. n. إِكْرَابٌ, He filled (K) a skin. (TA.) b2: اكرب الإِنَاءَ He nearly filled the vessel: [as also اقربه]. (TA.) b3: See 1.

A3: اكرب, inf. n. إِكْرَابٌ, (tropical:) He hastened, or sped: (S, K:) he ran, in the manner termed إِحْضَار and عَدْو. (Az.) You say, خُذْ رِجْلَيْكَ بِإِكْرَابٍ [Take up thy feet with speed,] when you order one to hasten in his pace. (S.) In this sense, أَكْرَبَ is said of a man, but seldom; and of a horse, or other animal that runs. (Lth, Lh.) 5 تكرّب He picked the dates called كُرَابَة (K) from among the roots of the branches (TA) [after the racemes of fruit had been cut off]; and تكرّب النَّخْلَةَ he picked the dates that were among the roots of the branches of the palm-tree, as also تَخَلَّلَهَا. (AHn, TA in art. خل.) 8 اكترب He became afflicted, distressed, or oppressed, by sorrow, grief, &c., (K,) or by an affair (TA) so also ↓ كَرِبَ, aor. ـَ (TA.) كَرْبٌ [an inf. n. of 1, q. v.] b2: [You say]

هٰذَهِ إِبِلٌ مِائَةٌ أَوْ كَرْبُهَا (this is the right reading; and some say that ↓ كُرْبُهَا is correct: TA: [the latter is the reading in the CK:]) There are a hundred camels, or about that number; or nearly so. (K.) كرب is syn. with قُرْبٌ. (L.) A2: كَرْبٌ (S, O, K) and ↓ كُرْبَةٌ (S, O, Msb, K) Grief [or distress, that affects the breath or respiration, [lit.] that takes away the breath: (S, O, and so accord. to some copies of the K, [agreeably with present usage, see بَهْرٌ, last sentence:]) or the soul: (so [erroneously] accord. to some copies of the K) or anxiety, solicitude, or disquietude of the mind: (Msb:) [or grief, or anxiety, that presses heavily upon the heart:] or both signify anxiety, grief, or intense grief: (MA:) pl. of the former كُرُوبٌ, (K,) and of the latter كُرَبٌ. (Msb.) كُرْبٌ: see كَرْبٌ.

كَرَبٌ The rope that is tied to the bucket after the مَنِين, which is the first [or main] rope, so that it (the كرب) remains if the منين break: or the rope that is tied to the middle of the cross-bars of the bucket, (and is then doubled, and then trebled, S,) so as to be that which is next the water, in order that the great rope may not rot: (S, K:) but in a marginal note in a copy of the S, it is said that this latter explanation properly applies to the دَرَك; not to the كرب: (IM:) pl. أَكْرَابٌ. (TA.) A2: كَرَبٌ [coll. gen. n.] The lower parts, or ends, of palm-branches, (S, K,) which are thick and broad, (K,) like shoulderblades: (S:) or the stumps of the branches, or what remain upon the palm-tree, of the lower parts, or ends, of the branches, after the lopping, like steps: n. un. with ة. (TA.) Hence the proverb, مَتَى كَانَ حُكْمُ اللّٰهِ فِى كَرَبِ النَّخْلِ [When was the wisdom of God in the stumps, or lower ends, of palm-branches?] (S.) Said by Jereer, in reply to Es-Salatán El-'Abdee, who had pronounced El-Ferezdak superior to Jereer in point of lineage, and Jereer superior to ElFerezdak as a poet. IB denies it to be a proverb; but IM contends against him that it is, [The meaning is, When was God's wisdom in husbandmen, and possessors of palm-trees? for the region of Es-Salatán's tribe abounded in palm-trees. The words are applied to a man who provokes another to a contest for excellence, being unworthy of the contest. See Freytag, Arab. Prov., ii. 628.]

كُرْبَةٌ: see كَرْبٌ.

كَرَبَةٌ sing. of كِرَابٌ, which latter signifies The channels in which water flows (S) in a valley: (K:) or the upper parts (صُدُور) of valleys. (AA.) Aboo-Dhu-eyb says, describing bees, جَوَارِسُهَا تَأْوِى الشُّعُوفَ دَوَائِبًا وَتَنْصَبُّ أَلْهَابًا مَصِيفًا كِرَابُهَا [The eaters, or feeders, among them, resort to the upper parts of the mountains, busily engaged, and pour down (into) ravines with crooked water-channels]. (S.) [جوارس, شعوف, and مصيف, are explained as above in the TA: and الهاب is said in the S and TA, art. لهب, to be here pl. of لِهْبٌ. In a copy of the S, this last is erroneously written إِلْهَابًا.]

A2: كَرَبَةٌ (in the TA, written كَرَبٌ,) The piece of wood (زِرّ) in which is inserted the head of a tent-pole. (K.) كَرْبَانُ A vessel nearly full: (S:) fem. كَرْبَاءُ; pl. كَرْبَى and كِرَابٌ. (TA.) Yaakoob asserts, that the ك in this word is a substitute for the ق in قَرْبَانُ; but ISd denies this. (TA.) كرابُ إِنَاءٍ [app. كِرَاب or كُرَاب] What is less than جُمَامُ إِنَاوِ; [i. e., what is nearly equal to the full, or piled-up, contents, or measure, of a vessel]. (TA.) See قِرَابٌ.

الكِرَابُ عَلَى البَقَرِ [The turning over of the soil is the work of the oxen]: a proverb. (S, K.) See art. كِلب: [where other readings, namely الكِرَابَ and الكِلَابَ and الكِلَابُ, are mentioned]. (K.) كَرِيبٌ i. q. قَرَاحٌ [Land which has neither water nor trees: or land that is cleared for sowing and planting: pl., app., كِرَابٌ: see an ex. near the end of the first paragraph of art. ختم:] (K:) and جَادِسٌ [land that is not cultivated nor ploughed], that has never been sowed. (TA.) See also جَرِيبٌ.

A2: A wooden implement of a baker, or maker of bread, with which he forms the cakes of bread (يُرَغِّفُ). (K.) [In the TA is added “ in the oven ”: but I doubt the propriety of this addition.]

A3: A knot, or joint, (كَعْبٌ), of a reed or cane. (K.) A4: Accord. to IAar, i. q. شُوبَقٌ, which is the same as فَيْلَكُونٌ. [شوبق is an arabicised word, from the Persian شُوبَجْ, or چُوبَهْ, both of which signify a rolling-pin, and this meaning is given to شوبق and شوبك in the present day. It should be remarked, however, that كَرْنِيب (with ن), which is probably a corruption of كَرِيبٌ, is a name often given in Egypt, in the present day, to a baker's peel.] In the L, كريب is explained, as on the authority of Kr, by سَوِيقٌ; but this is probably a mistake for شوبق. (TA.) See مَكْرُــوبٌ.

كَرَابَةٌ: see كُرَابَةٌ كُرَابَةٌ (S, K) and ↓ كَرَابَةٌ (K), but the former is the more approved word, (TA,) Dates that are picked from among the roots of the branches (S, K) after the racemes of fruit have been cut off: (S:) the scattered dates that remain at the roots of the branches: (AHn, TA voce خُلَالَةٌ, which signifies the same:) pl. أَكْرِبَةٌ, in the formation of which, the augmentative letter (meaning the fem. ة, TA,) seems to have been rejected [or disregarded]; for فُعَالَةٌ (this is the right reading; TA; but in some copies of the K we read فُعَالَى, and in others فُعَال;) does not form a pl. on the measure أَفْعِلَةٌ. (K.) b2: AHn says, that in this verse of Aboo-Dhu-eyb, كَأَنَّمَا مَضْمَضَتْ مِن مَّاءِ أَكْرِبَةٍ

عَلَى سَيَابَةِ نَخلٍ دُونَهُ مَلَقُ اكربة signifies Mountain-tops, from which the water of the mountains flows down; and that its pl. is كَرْبَةٌ: but ISd remarks, that this assertion is not valid; because a sing. of such a measure does not form a pl. on the measure أَفْعِلَةٌ. He also says, in one place, that اكربة is [said to be] pl. of كرابة, which signifies “ dates that fall among the roots of the palm-branches; ” but [that] this is a mistake: upon which ISd remarks, In like manner, [this] his saying is in my opinion a mistake. (TA.) كَرِيبَةٌ A misfortune; a calamity: (S:) or a severe misfortune, or calamity: (K:) pl. كَرَائِبُ. (S.) الكَرُوبِيُّونَ (K) and الكَرُّوبِيُّونَ, or this latter is a mistake, and الكَرُوبِيَّةُ, (TA,) [Hebr. כְּרֻבִים

Cherubim,] the chiefs, or princes, of the angels; the archangels; (K;) of whom are Jebraeel and Meekáeel and Isráfeel; who are also called المُقَرَّبُونَ, accord. to Abu-l-'Áliyeh: (TA:) the nearest of the angels to the bearers of the throne: so called from كرب as signifying “ nearness ” or the “ being near: ” (L:) or from their firmness, or compactness, of make; [see مُكْرَــبٌ] because of their strength, and their patience in worship: or from كَرَبٌ, “ sorrow &c., ” because of their fear and awe of God. (MF.) Sh quotes the following of Umeiyeh: كَرُوبِيَّةٌ مِنْهُمْ رُكُوعٌ وَسُجَّدٌ [Archangels, among whom are (some) that bend down the body, and (some) that prostrate themselves]. (TA.) مَا بِالدَّارِ كَرَّابٌ There is not any one in the house. (S, K.) كَارِبٌ [Becoming near; drawing near; approaching]: near; nigh. (TA.) b2: 'Abd-Keys Ibn-Khufáf El-Burjumee says, أَبُنَىَّ إِنَّ أَبَاكَ كَارِبُ يَوْمِهِ فَإِذَا دُعِيتَ إِلَى المَكَارِمِ فَاعْجَلِ [O my child, verily thy father is near to his day (of death): therefore when thou shalt be called to (the performance of ) generous actions, make haste]. (S.) A2: أَمْرٌ كَارِبُ An afflicting, distressing, or oppressive, affair. (TA.) مُكْرَــبٌ (assumed tropical:) A joint full of sinews (K.) b2: (assumed tropical:) A hard hoof. (TA.) b3: (assumed tropical:) A firm, or compact, beast of carriage: (S:) a horse of strong and firm make: (AA:) a firm, or compact, (or strongly compacted, TA,) rope, building, joint, or horse: (K:) a strong horse. (ISd.) b4: مُكْرَــبُ المَفَاصِلِ, (A,) and المفاصل ↓ مَكْرُــوبُ, (Lth,) (tropical:) An animal of firm joints. (Lth, A.) b5: مُكْرَــبُ الخَلْقِ (assumed tropical:) Of firm make. (TA.) A2: مُكْرَــبَاتٌ Camels that are brought to the doors of the tents, or dwellings, in the season of severe cold, in order that they may be warmed by the smoke: (K:) [or] i. q. مُقْرَبَاتٌ: see مُقْرَبٌ. (TA.) A3: دَلْوٌ مُكْرَــبَةٌ A bucket having a كَرَب attached to it. (S.) مَكْرُــوبٌ and ↓ كَرِيبٌ Afflicted, distressed, or oppressed, by sorrow, grief, or anxiety. (K, Msb.) A2: See also مُكْرَــبٌ.



1 كَرِهَهُ [He disliked, was displeased with, disapproved of, hated, him or it.] الكَرَاهَةُ is the contr. of الإِرَادَةُ and الرِّضَى. (Marg. note in TA.) b2: كَرِهَهُ (Mgh, Msb), inf. n. كَرَاهَةٌ and كَرَاهِيَةٌ, (Mgh,) or كُرْهٌ and كَرْهٌ, (Msb,) He did not desire it; he disapproved it, or was displeased or discontented with it; (Mgh;) he disliked it; disapproved it; hated it; contr. of حَبَّهُ. (Msb.) b3: كَرِهَ and ↓ تَكَرَّهَ: see سَخِطَ.2 كَرَّهْتُ إِلَيْهِ الشَّىْءَ

, inf. n. تَكْرِيهُ, I made the thing to be an object of dislike, disapprobation, or hatred, to him. (S, K. *) 4 أَكْرَهْتُهُ عَلَى كَدَا I made him to do such a thing against his will. (S.) 5 تَكَرَّهَهُ He showed, or expressed, dislike, disapprobation, or hatred, of it; see تَاَجَّمَهُ and تَسَخَّطَهُ: and عَليْهِ ↓ تَكَارَهَ signifies the same; see قَنَحَ. b2: تَكَرَّهَ He expressed dislike, displeasure, disapprobation, discontent, or hatred. (IbrD.) See examples in the K, voce أَخّْ, and voce أَفّْ, &c. The above is the prevailing signification, and often occurs. b3: تَكَرَّهَهُ i. q.

كَرِهَهُ, q. v. (K, * TA.) See also تَأَجَّمَهُ.6 تَكَاْرَهَ see 5.

كَرِيهٌ Disliked, disapproved of, blamed, or hated; hateful, blameable, displeasing, or odious; as also ↓ مَكْرُــوهٌ.

الكَراَهِيَةُ للشَّىْءِ signifies البُغْضُ لَهُ and عَدَمَ مُلَاءَمَتِهِ. (MF in art. ابى.) كَارِهٌ Unwilling: see an ex. voce أَسَآءَ.

مَكْرَــهٌ A thing that one dislikes, disapproves, or hates, or that one dislikes to do: opposed to مَنْشَطٌ: (TA in art. نشط:) [a thing, or an event, that is an object of dislike or hatred].

مَكْرُــوهٌ Foul, abominable, or evil; i. q. سَيِّئٌ; (Beyd, xvii. 40;) and شَرٌّ: (TA:) [held in aversion]. See كَرِيهٌ. b2: مَكَارِهُ, a pl. of مَكْرُــوهٌ. b3: مَكَارِهُ الدَّهْرِ The afflictions, or calamities, of fortune; syn. نَوَازِلُهُ and شَدَائِدُهُ. (TA.) See also مَكْرَــهٌ.


: see an ex. voce عَرَضٌ.



1 كَرُمَ

, inf. n. كَرَمٌ, It (a thing) was, or became, highly esteemed or prized or valued; excellent, precious, valuable, or rare: (Msb:) followed by عَلَيْهِ: see 1 in art. فجع. b2: كَرُمَتْ

أَرْضُهُ His land yielded increase of its seed-produce, (ISh, K,) and its soil became good, (ISh,) being manured; (ISh, K;) [or it was, or became, generous, or good; i. e., productive, or fertile]. b3: كَرُمْتُ عَلَيْهِ, (S, K, art. عز,) I exceeded him in generosity, or nobleness. (TK, voce عَزٌّ.) 2 كَرَّمَهُ عَلَىَّ [He honoured him above me]. (Kur, xvii. 64). b2: كَرَّمَهُ عَنْ كَذَا [He preserved him from such a thing]: see an ex. in a verse cited in art. عل (conj. 3): and see, here, 4 and 5. b3: كَرَّمَ He highly regarded a horse or the like. b4: See تَكْرِمَةٌ.4 أَكْرَمَهُ He treated him with honour, or courtesy. b2: أَكْرَمَ, and ↓ اِسْتَكْرَمَ, He found a generous horse (فَرَسًا كَرِيمًا). (TA in art. ربط.) See رَبَطَ. b3: أَكْرَمْتُ عَنْهُ عِرْضِى

I preserved myself from it. (S in art. عرض. See also 2.) 5 تَكَرَّمَ عَنْهُ

, and ↓ تَكَارَمَ, He shunned it; avoided it; kept, or removed, himself far from it; or preserved himself from it; (K;) for in stance, from foul speech. (TA in art. دقع.) b2: تَكَرَّمَ He affected, or constrained himself, to be generous. (S.) 6 تَكَاْرَمَ see 5.10 اِسْتَكْرَمَ الشَّىْءَ

: see 10 in art. فره. b2: See also 4.

إِبْنُ الكَرْمِ The قِطْف [i. e. grape, or bunch of grapes]. (T in art. بنى.) كَرَمٌ in a horse, &c., generous quality. See حَسَبٌ; and see كَرِيمٌ, and مَكْرُــمَةٌ, and شَرِيفٌ.

ذُو الجَلَالِ وَالإِكْرَامِ (Kur, lv. 27) Possessed of majesty, or greatness, and bounty: (Jel:) or, of absolute independence and universal bounty. (Bd.) الكُرْكُمُ الصَّغِيرُ

: see العُرُوقُ الصُّفْرُ.

كَرِيمٌ Generous; liberal; honourable: noble; high-born; contr. of لَئِيمٌ. (K, &c.) b2: [A generous, a noble, a high-bred, a well-born, or an excellent, horse, &c.; of generous, high, or good, breed or quality.] b3: A thing highly esteemed or prized or valued; excellent, precious, valuable, or rare. (Msb.) b4: [أَرْضٌ كَرِيمَةٌ Productive land. See كَرُمَتْ أَرْضُهُ.] b5: بَعِيرٌ كَرِيمٌ عَلَى أَهْلِهِ [A camel held in high estimation by his owner]. (TA in art. دفع.) b6: [وَجْهُ اللّٰهِ الكَرِيمُ means The glorious face of God: see an ex. voce سُبْحَةٌ.] b7: كَراَئِمُ المَالِ (TA) or الأَمْوَالِ (Mgh, Msb) Such as are held in high estimation, precious, or excellent, of cattle or other possessions; (Mgh, Msb, TA;) the choice, or best, thereof. (Mgh, Msb.) حُبًّا وَكَرَامَةٌ

, see حُبٌّ. b2: لَا وَلَا كَرَامَةً

No; nor a jar-cover: i. e., No: (I will not give thee, or I will not do, what thou requirest,) nor anything else. See حُبٌّ; and see تَكْرِمَة. b3: كَراَمَةٌ, the kind of miracle so called: pl. كَرَامَاتٌ; like the term χαρίσματα as used by St. Paul in 1 Cor. xii. 9: it may be well rendered thaumaturgy: and صاَحِبُ كَراَمَاتٍ a thaumaturgus, or thaumaturgist: see مُعْجِزَهٌ, and قَرَاسَةٌ.

أَكْرَمُ in the sense of كَرِيمٌ, as in أَكْرَمُهُمْ أَبًا: see بَيَاضٌ.


, syn. with تَكْرِيمٌ; (Mgh;) subst. from كَرَّمْتُهُ; as also ↓ كَرَامَةٌ. (Msb.) مَكْرَــمَةٌ A means. or cause, of attaining honour. (Mgh, Msb.) مَكْرُــمٌ

: see أَلُوكٌ and يُسْرٌ.

مَكْرُــمَةٌ A generous, or honourable, quality or action. (Msb, &c.) b2: عَلِىَ فِى المَكَارِمِ [He became eminent in generous, or honourable, actions or practices or qualities or dispositions]. (Msb in art. علو.) b3: مَكَارِمُ may often be rendered Excellencies.

أَرْضٌ مَكْرُــمَةٌ and ↓ كَرَمٌ (tropical:) Generous, good, land: (K, TA:) [good and fertile land:] or dunged and tilled land. (TA.) And أَرْضٌ مَكْرُــمَةٌ لِلنَّبَاثِ (tropical:) Land producing good herbage or plants. (S, TA. [In some copies of the S, good for herbage or plants.])



1 خَبَتَ ذِكْرُهُ The mention of him, or it, was, or became, concealed: (L:) [app. meaning he, or it, was, or became, obscure; or of no reputation, or repute.]

A2: خَبُثَ, accord. to Z, i. q. خَبُثَ [q. v.]: occurring in a trad. (TA.) [See خَبِيتٌ.]4 اخبت He became in what is termed خَبْتٌ [q. v.]. (A, TA.) b2: And, (S, Msb, K, TA,) [hence, or] from خَبْتٌ, (Ksh and Bd in xi. 25, and TA,) or from خَبَتَ ذِكْرُهُ, (L,) inf. n. إِخْبَاتٌ, (S, Msb,) (tropical:) He (a man, Msb, TA) was, or became, lowly, humble, or submissive, (S, Msb, K, TA,) in heart, (Msb,) and obedient, (TA,) لِلّٰهِ to God. (S, TA.) And in like manner, in the Kur [xi. 25], (TA,) وَأَخْبَتُوا إِلَى رَبِّهِمْ means (tropical:) And who have become lowly, humble, or submissive, [and obedient,] to their Lord; or have lowered, humbled, or abased, themselves to their Lord; or have trusted to their Lord: (A, * TA:) for the Arabs put إِلَى in the place of لِ. (TA.) خَبْتٌ A low, or depressed, tract of ground: (TA:) or a low, or depressed, (S,) or concealed and low, (TA,) tract of ground, in which is sand: (S, TA:) or a wide, or spacious, low tract of ground: (IAar, A, K:) or a plain, or soft, tract of ground in a [stony tract such as is termed]

حَرَّة: (TA:) and a wide bottom, or bed, or interior, of a valley: (A:) or a deep valley, easy to be walked or ridden through, extended [to a great length], and in which grow varieties of the عِضَاه: (TA:) pl. [of pauc.] أَخْبَاتٌ (K) and [of mult.] خُبُوتٌ: (A, K:) it is a genuine Arabic word. (TA.) فِيهِ خَبْتَةٌ (tropical:) In him is lowliness, humility, or submissiveness. (S, TA.) خَبِيتٌ A thing that is contemptible, or despicable; (K, TA;) bad, corrupt, abominable, vile, base, or disapproved; [&c.;] (TA;) and [thus] i. q. خَبِيثٌ. (As, K.) The Jew of Kheyber says, يَنْفَعُ الطَّيِّبُ القَلِيلُ مِنَ الرِّزْ قِ وَلَا يَنْفَعُ الكَثِيرُ الخَبِيتُ

[The lawful, but small, supply of the means of subsistence is beneficial, but the large and unlawful is not beneficial]. (TA.) Kh asked As respecting الخبيت in this verse; and the latter replied that the poet meant الخَبِيث; the former word being of the dial. of Kheyber: but Kh rejoined, “If so, the poet would have said الكتير: it behooves you only to say that the people of Kheyber change ث into ت in some words: ” AM thinks that الخبيت in this verse is a mistranscription for الخَتِيت, which means the thing that is “ contemptible and bad,” and is syn. with الخَسِيس. (TA.) b2: It is also applied to a man; meaning as above; or Bad, corrupt, vitious, or depraved. (TA.) مُخْبِتٌ (assumed tropical:) Still; motionless: as also مُخْبِطٌ. (TA in art. خمد.)
خبث1 خَبُثَ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K, &c.,) aor. ـُ (Msb, K,) inf. n. خَبَاثَةٌ, (S,) or خُبْثٌ, the former being a simple subst., (Msb,) or both, (Mgh, K, [the latter word erroneously written in the CK خَبْث,]) and خَبَاثِيَةٌ, (K,) said of a thing, (S, Mgh, Msb,) It was, or became, خَبِيث [q. v., meaning bad, &c.]; contr. of طَابَ. (S, Mgh, Msb, K.) [Hence,] خَبُثَتْ رَائِحَتُهُ (tropical:) [Its, or his, odour was, or became, bad, foul, or abominable]. (A.) And خَبُثَ طَعْمُهُ (tropical:) [Its taste was, or became, bad, foul, abominable, or nauseous]. (A.) And خَبُثَتْ نَفْسُهُ (tropical:) His soul [or stomach] became heavy; (TA;) it heaved, or became agitated by a tendency to vomit; syn. غَثَتْ: (A and TA in the present art., and S and K in art. غثى: [see also مَذِرَتْ نَفْسُهُ, in art. مذر:]) a phrase forbidden by Mohammad to be used; as though he disliked the word خُبْثٌ. (TA.) One says of certain food, تَخْبُثُ عَنْهُ النَّفْسُ (tropical:) [The soul, or stomach, becomes heavy, or heaves, or becomes agitated by a tendency to vomit, in consequence of it]. (TA.) b2: خَبُثَ, (S, A, K,) inf. n. خُبْثٌ, (S, K,) said of a man, signifies [in like manner] He was, or became, خَبِيث, (S, A, K,) meaning bad, corrupt, base, or abominable; wicked, deceitful, guileful, artful, crafty, or cunning. (S, K, TA. [See also 4.]) [Hence,] خَبُثَ بِهَا (tropical:) He committed adultery, or fornication, with her. (A, Mgh, Msb, K.) b3: [It is also said of a venomous reptile and the like, meaning It was, or became, malignant, or noxious; impure, unclean, foul, or filthy.]2 هٰذَا مِمَّا يُخَبِّثُ النَّفْسَ, (TA,) or ↓ يُخْبِثُ, النفس, (so in a copy of the A, [but the former I believe to be the right,]) This is of the things that cause the soul [or stomach] to become heavy, or to heave, or become agitated by a tendency to vomit. (TA.) 4 اخبث He (a man) was, or became, characterized by خُبْث (Msb, TA) and شَرّ (Msb) [meaning badness, wickedness, deceit, &c.: see also خَبُثَ]. b2: He had bad, wicked, or deceitful, companions or friends, and a bad, wicked, or deceitful, family: (L:) or his companions, or friends, became bad, wicked, or deceitful: (S in art. فلس:) or he took to himself bad, wicked, or deceitful, companions or friends (S, L, K) or connexions or assistants. (TA.) A2: اخبثهُ He taught him to be bad, wicked, or deceitful: and rendered him bad, corrupt, vitious, or depraved. (S.) b2: See also 2.5 تَخَبَّثَ see what next follows.6 تحابث (A, TA) He made a show of being, or pretended to be, bad, wicked, or deceitful. (TA.) And you say also ↓ تخبّث [either in the same sense, or as meaning He affected, or endeavoured, to be bad, wicked, or deceitful; or to do that which was خَبِيث, or bad, &c.]. (A, TA.) 10 استخبث [He deemed, or esteemed, خَبِيث, i. e. bad, &c.]. كَانَتِ العَرَبُ تَسْتَخْبِثُ مِثْلَ الحَيَّةِ وَالعَقْرَبِ [The Arabs used to deem impure, unclean, foul, or filthy, such as the serpent and the scorpion]. (Msb.) b2: (tropical:) He deemed bad, or corrupt, a word, or a dialectic variant. (A, TA.) خُبْثٌ an inf. n. of خَبُثَ: (S, Mgh, Msb, K:) [used as a simple subst., it means Any of the qualities denoted by the epithet خَبِيثٌ, q. v., i. e. badness, &c.:] and ↓ خِبِّيثَى signifies the same: (K:) or this is a subst. from أَخْبثَ meaning “ he had a bad, wicked, or deceitful, family; ” (TA;) and signifies the state of having bad, wicked, or deceitful, companions or friends or connexions: (L:) ↓ خَابِثَةٌ, also, is syn. with [خُبْثٌ, and so is] ↓ خَبَاثَةٌ, (K,) [for] this last is another inf. n. of خَبُثَ, like خُبْثٌ, (S, Mgh, K,) or it is a simple subst. (Msb.) [Hence,] the first particularly signifies (tropical:) Adultery, or fornication. (K, TA.) See also خَبِيثٌ, in three places.

خَبَثٌ The dross of iron, (S, TA,) and of silver, when they are molten. (TA.) [Hence the saying,] لَيْسَ الإِبْرِيزُ كَالخَبَثِ [lit. Pure gold is not like dross]; meaning (tropical:) the good is not like the bad. (A, TA.) b2: Adulterating alloy in gold and iron &c. (Har p. 135.) b3: A thing wherein is no good. (TA.) b4: (tropical:) Excrement, or ordure: impurity, or filth. (Mgh in art. قل, and TA.) Hence the saying in a trad., إِذَا بَلَغَ المَآءُ قُلَّتَيْنِ لَمْ يَحْمِلْ خَبَثًا [explained in art. احل]. (Mgh ubi suprà, and TA.) يَا خُبَثُ: see خَبِيثٌ.

يَا خِبْثَةُ: see خَبيثٌ.

A2: خِبْثَةٌ with respect to a slave signifies (assumed tropical:) Unlawful capture; capture from a people whom it is unlawful to make slaves, (Mgh, * K, TA,) by reason of a treaty, or league, made with them, (Mgh, TA,) or of some sacred, or inviolable, right, originally belonging to them. (TA.) You say of a slave, لَا خِبْثَةَ فِيهِ مِنْ إِبَاقٍ وَلَا سَرِقَةٍ (tropical:) [There is no unlawful capture in his case, from having run away, nor from having been stolen]. (A.) b2: فُلَانٌ لِخِبْثَة is like the saying لِزِنْيَةٍ (assumed tropical:) [Such a one is the offspring of adultery, or fornication]. (S.) And وُلِدَ فُلَانٌ لِخِبْثَةٍ means (tropical:) Such a one was born spuriously. (A, * L.) خَبَاثِ: see the next paragraph, in two places.

خَبِيثٌ contr. of طَيِّبٌ; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) applied to objects of the senses and to those of the intellect; (Kull p. 177;) to sustenance, or victuals, and to offspring, and men, and to other things: (TA:) Bad; corrupt: (Msb, TA:) disapproved, hated, or abominable; (Msb, TA;) this accord. to IAar, being its primary signification: (TA:) or so in respect of taste, and of odour: (Mgh:) [nasty, nauseous, loathsome, or disgusting:] impure, unclean, foul, or filthy: (Mgh, Msb, TA:) unlawful; (Mgh, Msb;) applied in this sense to certain food: and, applied to certain beverage, injurious: (TA:) applied to medicine such as is forbidden in a certain trad., it means either impure and unlawful, such as wine &c., or nauseous to the taste: (IAth, TA:) you say that a thing is خَبِيث in taste, [and in odour,] and in colour: and you apply this epithet to adultery, or fornication; and to property unlawfully acquired; and to blood, and to the like things which God has forbidden: (TA:) also to such things as garlic and onions (Msb, TA) and leeks, (TA,) which are disagreeable in taste and odour: (TA:) and to such things as the serpent and the scorpion: (Msb:) applied to language, it means (assumed tropical:) opprobrious, or of a reviling nature; (TA;) and (tropical:) bad or corrupt [in respect of authority; or of a bad dialect]: (A, TA:) applied to religion, (assumed tropical:) infidel, or of the nature of infidelity: (TA:) applied to a man, bad, corrupt, base, or abominable; wicked, deceitful, guileful, artful, crafty, or cunning; (S, K, TA;) as also ↓ خَابِثٌ: (K:) and an adulterer, or a fornicator: (Msb:) and a blamer, or censurer: or a slanderer, or calumniator: (Har p. 611:) [and, applied to a venomous reptile and the like, malignant, or noxious; as well as impure, unclean, foul, or filthy:] the fem. is خَبِيثَةٌ: (Msb:) the pl. masc. is خِبَاثٌ (A, TA) and خُبُثٌ, for which it is allowable to say ↓ خُبْثٌ, accord. to the dial. of Temeem, (Msb,) and خُبَثَآءُ, (S, A, Msb, TA,) like شُرَفَآءُ [pl. of شَرِيفٌ], (Msb,) and أَخْبَاثٌ, like أَشَرَافٌ [another pl. of شَرِيفٌ], (Msb, MF, TA,) and خَبَثَةٌ, (Kr, Msb, MF, TA,) like ضَعَفَةٌ pl. of ضَعِيفٌ, (Msb, MF, TA,) two instances of which the like can scarcely be found, (Msb,) or is not found among sound words, for سَرَاةٌ pl. of سَرِىٌّ is an unsound word, (MF, TA,) and خُبُوثٌ, (Az, TA,) which is also extr., (TA,) [and خَبَاثَى, (like as حَزَانَى is a pl. of حَزِينٌ,) applied in the A, in art. خنث, to خَنَاثَى, pl. of خُنْثَى,] and خَبِيثُونَ [applied only to rational beings]: (Mgh:) and the pl. fem., i. e. of خَبِيثَةٌ, is خَبَائِثُ (Msb, TA) and خَبِيثَاتٌ. (Mgh.) الشَّجَرَةُ الخَبِيثَةُ, mentioned in the Kur [xiv. 31], (TA,) means The colocynth: or the كَشُوث, (K; TA,) which is a certain plant that clings to the branches of trees and has no root in the earth; (S and K in art. كشث;) [a species of cuscuta, or dodder;] or yellow عُرُوق that cling to trees: (TA in the present art.:) also occurring in a trad., as meaning the garlic-plant; and the onion; and the leek; because of their disagreeable taste and odour. (IAth, TA.) It is said in a trad. respecting the slain at Bedr, ↓ أُلْقُوا فِى قَلِيبٍ خَبِيثٍ مُخْبِثٍ

They were cast into a well corrupt, and corrupting what fell into it. (TA.) ↓ خَبِيثٌ مُخْبِثٌ, (S, L,) or خَبِيثٌ and ↓ مُخْبِثٌ, (K,) and ↓ خَابِثٌ (TA) and ↓ مَخْبَثَانٌ, (S, L, K,) applied to a man, signify One who takes to himself bad, wicked, or deceitful, companions or friends (S, L, K, TA) or connexions or assistants: (TA:) or ↓ مَخْبَثَانُ, as a determinate noun, [without the article ال] is only used in calling to, or addressing, a person: (K:) you say, يَا مَخْبَثَانُ; (S;) fem. ↓ مَخْبَثَانَةُ: and to a man and woman together, يا مَخْبَثَانُ: (L, TA:) and in the phrase ↓ خَبِيثٌ مُخْبِثٌ, the former word signifies bad, wicked, or deceitful, in himself; and the latter, having bad, wicked, or deceitful, companions or friends and assistants. (A 'Obeyd, TA.) One says also, ↓ يَاخُبَثُ, meaning يا خَبِيثُ [O bad or wicked or deceitful man!]; and to a woman, ↓ يَاخَبَاثِ, (S, K,) indecl., with kesr for its termination, (S,) and يا خَبِيثَةُ. (K [accord. to SM: so in all the copies in his hands; but not found by him in any other lexicon: not in the CK, nor in my MS. copy of the K.]) ↓ خَبَاثِ also occurs, in a saying of El-Hasan, addressed to the present world, الدُّنْيَا. (L.) and ↓ يَا خِبْثَةُ was said by El-Hajjáj to Anas, as meaning يا خَبِيثُ: and is also used as meaning O [thou of] bad, wicked, or deceitful, qualities or dispositions! [app. addressed to a woman, as the context seems to show; and agreeably with an assertion in Ham p. 810, that خِبْثةٌ is sometimes used in speaking of an old woman]. (L, TA.) خَبِيثُ النَّفْسِ means (tropical:) Having the soul [or stomach] heavy, [or heaving, or agitated by a tendency to vomit,] and in a disagreeable state. (TA.) And ↓ مَخْبَثَانٌ applied to a lie occurs in a trad, as meaning خَبِيثٌ app. in an intensive sense [i. e. Very abominable]. (TA.) In the saying, أَعُودُ بِاللّٰهِ, (Mgh,) or اَللّٰهُمَّ إِنِّى أَعُودُ بِكَ, (Msb, * K, * TA,) مِنَ الخُبُثِ وَالخبَائِثِ, (Mgh, Msb, TA,) or وَالخَبَائِثِ ↓ مِنَ الخُبْثِ, (Msb, K, TA,) a form of words which Mohammad directed his followers to pronounce on entering a privy, or place of retirement for the relief of nature, because devils are in such a place, (Mgh, TA,) الخُبُث is pl. of الخَبِيث, (Mgh, Msb, TA,) and so is الخُبْث accord. to the dial. of Temeem, (Msb, TA,) and الخَبَائِث is pl. of الخَبِيثَة; (Mgh, TA;;) and the meaning is, I seek protection by God, or O God, I seek protection by Thee, from the male devils and the female devils, (IAth, Mgh, Msb, K, TA,) of the genii and of mankind: (Mgh:) or, reading ↓ الخُبْث, [as a subst,] from infidelity and the devils: (Aboo-Bekr, TA:) or, [so reading, and regarding الخبائث as pl. of ↓ الخَبِيثَةُ used as a subst.,] from infidelity and acts of disobedience: (Msb, TA:) or, from wicked, or unrighteous, conduct, such as adultery and the like, and culpable actions and evil qualities or dispositions: El-Khattábee asserts that the reading الخُبْث, with the ب quiescent, is a mistake of the relaters of traditions; but En-Nawawee rejects this assertion. (TA.) خَبَاثَةٌ: see خُبْثٌ.

خَبِيثَةٌ fem. of the epithet خَبِيثٌ. (Msb.) b2: Also, [used as a subst.,] A bad, wicked, or deceitful, quality or disposition; and a culpable action: pl. خَبَائِثُ. (L, TA.) [Hence,] أُمُّ الخَبَائِثِ (assumed tropical:) [The mother of bad qualities &c.; meaning] wine. (T in art. ام.) See also خَبِيثٌ, last sentence. b3: الخَبَائِثُ also signifies Those things which the Arabs deemed foul, or filthy, or unclean, and which they did not eat; such as vipers, and scorpions, and the برص [i. e. either بَرْص or بُرْص], and the وَرَل, and beetles, and the rat, or mouse. (L.) خِبِّيثٌ, applied to a man, (TA,) signifies كَثِيرُ الخُبْثِ [i. e. Very bad or wicked or deceitful; or much addicted to adultery or fornication]: pl. خِبِّيثُونَ. (K.) خِبِّيثَى: see خُبْثٌ.

خَابِثٌ: see خَبِيثٌ, in two places.

خَابِثَةٌ: see خُبْثٌ.

أَخْبَثُ [compar. and superl. of خَبِيثٌ]: pl. أَخَابِثُ. (TA.) You say, هُمْ أَخَابِثُ النَّاسِ [They are the worst, or the most wicked or deceitful, of men]. (TA.) And هُوَ مِنَ الأَخَابِثِ [He is of the worst, &c., of men]. (A, TA.) And هِىَ

أَخْبَثُ الُّغَتَيْنِ (tropical:) It is the worse, or more corrupt, [in respect of authority,] of the two words, or dialectic variants. (A, TA.) b2: الأَخْبَثَانِ Urine and dung (S, A, Msb, K) of a human being: (S, Msb, K:) or vomit and human ordure or thin human ordure: (Fr, TA:) or fetor of the mouth, and sleeplessness: or sleeplessness, and disquietude of mind by reason of grief. (K.) It is said in a trad., لَا يُصَلِّى الرَّجُلُ وُهُوَ يُدَافِعُ الأَخْبَثَيْنِ [The man shall not pray while he is striving to suppress the urine and ordure]. (TA.) وَقَعَ فِى وَادِى تُخُبِّثَ, (K, * TA,) in which the last word, also pronounced تُخُبَّثَ, is imperfectly decl., (TA,) is similar to وقع فى وادى تُخُيِّبَ [and means He fell into a state of things that was bad, corrupt, disapproved, &c.]. (K, TA.) مُخْبِثْ One who teaches others to be bad, wicked, or deceitful: and some allow it to be applied to one who attributes, or imputes, to others what is bad, wicked, or the like. (TA.) b2: See also خَبِيثٌ, in four places.

مَخْبَثَةٌ A cause of evil or corruption: (S, K:) pl. مَخَابِثُ. (TA.) So in the saying of 'Antarah, نُبِّئْتُ عَمْرًا غَيْرَ شَاكِرِ نِعْمَتِى

وَالكُفْرُ مَخْبَثَةٌ لِنَفْسِ المُنْعِمِ [I have been told that 'Amr is not thankful for my beneficence: and ingratitude is a cause of evil to the soul of the benefactor]. (S.) One says also, فِيهِ مَخَابِثُ جَمَّةٌ [In him, or it, are many causes of evil or corruption]. (A.) And طَعَامٌ مَخْبَثَةٌ (tropical:) Food that is a cause of heaviness to the soul [or stomach]; or of heaving, or becoming agitated by a tendency to vomit: or that is unlawful. (TA.) مَخْبَثَانٌ and مَخْبَثَانُ and مَخْبَثَانَةُ: see خَبِيثٌ, in four places.



1 عَادَ إِلَيْهِ, (S, A, O, TA,) and لَهُ, and فِيهِ, (TA,) aor. ـُ (S, O,) inf. n. عَوْدٌ and عَوْدَةٌ, (S, O, K, TA,) which latter is also an inf. n. of un., (TA,) and مَعَادٌ, (K, TA,) He, or it, returned to it, (S, A, O, K, * TA,) namely, a thing: (TA:) or, accord. to some, the verb is differently used with فِى and with other preps.: (MF, TA:) [with فى it seems generally to imply some degree of continuance, in addition to the simple meaning of the verb alone:] one says, عاد الكَلْبُ فِى قَيْئِهِ The dog returned to his vomit: (Msb in art. رجع:) and عاد لَهُ بَعْدَ مَا كَانَ أَعْرَضَ عَنْهُ [He returned to it after he had turned away from it]: (S, O:) and ↓ اِعْتَادَ, also, signifies he returned: (KL:) or عاد إِلَى كَذَا, and لَهُ, inf. n. عَوْدٌ (Mgh, Msb) and عَوْدَةٌ, (Msb,) signifies He, or it, came to such a thing or state or condition; syn. صَارَ إِليْهِ; (Mgh, * Msb;) at first, or for the first time, or originally; and also, a second time, or again; and the verb is trans. by means of عَلَى and فِى as well as إِلَى and لِ, and also by itself: (Mgh:) لَتَعُودُنَّ فِى مِلَّتِنَا, in the Kur [vii. 86 and xiv. 16], means Ye shall assuredly come to our religion; for the words relate to the apostle: (O, * and Bd in xiv. 16:) or the words relate to the apostle and to those who believed with him, the latter being made to have a predominant influence upon the verb; (Bd in vii. 86 and xiv. 16, and Jel in vii. 86;) the meaning being ye shall assuredly return to our religion: (Bd * and Jel in vii. 86:) or the meaning is, ye shall assuredly enter the communion of our religion; the verb here signifying beginning: and the saying, of a poet, وَعَادَ الرَّأْسُ مِنِّى كَالثَّغَامِ is cited as an ex. [i. e. as meaning And my head began to be white like the plant called ثغام]: or the meaning in this instance may be, became like the ثغام: (MF, TA:) you say also, عاد كَذَا He, or it, became so, or in such a state or condition: (K, TA:) and it is said in a trad., وَدِدْتُ

أَنَّ هٰذَا اللَّبَنَ يَعُودُ قَطِرَانًا [I wish that this milk would become tar]. (O, TA.) عاد is also used as an incomplete [i. e. a non-attributive] verb in the sense of كَانَ [He, or it, was], requiring an enunciative [generally] on the condition of its being preceded by a conjunction, as in the saying of Hassán, وَلَقَدْ صَبَوْتُ بِهَا وَعَادَ شَبَابُهَا غَضًّا وَعَادَ زَمَانُهَا مُسْتَظْرَفًا [And I had inclined to silly and youthful conduct with her, when her youth was fresh and her time of life was deemed comely]; the meaning being كَانَ شَبَابُهَا [and كَانَ زَمَانُهَا]. (MF, TA.) [See also an ex. in a verse cited voce مَطْمَعَةٌ. But the first of the significations mentioned in this art. is that which is most common. Hence several phrases mentioned below voce عَوْدٌ. And hence the phrase يَعُودُ عَلَى كَذَا, inf. n. عَوْدٌ, used by grammarians, It refers, or relates, to such a thing; as a pronoun to a preceding noun. Hence, likewise,] b2: عَادَهُ is also syn. with اِعْتَادَهُ, q. v. (S, O.) b3: [Hence, also,] عاد, (Az, TA,) inf. n. عَوْدٌ (Az, K, TA) and عِيَادٌ, (K,) He repeated, or did a second time. (Az, K, * TA.) One says, بَدَأَ ثُمَّ عَادَ He began, or did a first time, or the first time: then repeated, or did a second time. (Az, TA.) It is said in a prov., العَوْدُ أَحْمَدُ [Repetition is more praiseworthy: see art. حمد]. (S, O.) See also 4, in two places. b4: And عُدْتُهُ, (S, O, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (S, O,) inf. n. عِيَادَةٌ (S, O, Msb, K) and عِيَادٌ and عَوْدٌ and عُوَادَةٌ (K) and عَيْدُودَةٌ [like كَيْنُونَةٌ], (MF,) [I came to him time after time: see its act. part. n., عَائِدٌ:] I visited him, (Msb, K, TA,) [commonly and especially (see again عَائِدٌ)] meaning a sick person. (S, O, Msb, K, TA.) b5: عَادَنِى الشَّىْءُ, (TA,) inf. n. عَوْدٌ; (K;) and ↓ اِعْتَادَنِى, (TA,) inf. n. اِعْتِيَادٌ; (K;) The thing befell me, betided me, or happened to me. (K, * TA.) One says, هَمٌّ وَحُزْنٌ ↓ اِعْتَادَنِى

[Anxiety and grief betided me]. (TA.) b6: عَاد بِمَعْرُوفٍ, aor. ـُ inf. n. عَوْدٌ, He conferred, or bestowed, favour, or a favour or benefit. (Msb.) One says, عاد عَلَيْنَا فُلَانٌ بِمَعْرُوفِهِ [Such a one conferred, or bestowed, his favour upon us]. (A.) And عاد عَلَيْهِ بِصِلَةٍ [He conferred, or bestowed, a free gift upon him]. (TA.) And عاد عَلَيْهِ بِالعَائِدَةِ الصَّالِحَةِ, aor. ـُ [meaning It brought him that which was a good return or profit,] is said of a thing purchased with the price of another thing. (S. and K in art. رجع.) b7: عاد عَلَيْهِمُ الدَّهْرُ Fortune destroyed them. (A.) And عَادَت الرِّيَاحُ وَالأَمْطَارُ عَلَى الدِّيَارِ حَتَّى دَرَسَتْ [The winds and the rains assailed the dwellings so that they became effaced]. (A.) b8: عَوْدٌ is also syn. with رَدٌّ: (K, TA:) one says عاد, inf. n. عَوْدٌ, meaning He rejected (رَدَّ) and undid (نَقَضَ) what he had done [as though he reverted from it]. (TA.) [Accord. to the TK, one says, عاد السَّائِلَ, meaning رَدَّهُ, i. e. He turned back, or away, the beggar, or asker.] b9: And i. q. صَرْفٌ: (K:) one says, عَادَنِى أَنْ أَجِيْئَكَ, in which عادنى is [said to be] formed by transposition from عَدَانِى, meaning He, or it, diverted me from coming to thee: mentioned by Yaakoob. (TA.) 2 عوّدهُ إِيَّاهُ He accustomed, or habituated, him to it. (Msb, K.) One says, عوّد كَلْبَهُ الصَّيْدَ He accustomed, or habituated, his dog to the chase. (S, O.) And هٰذَا أَمْرٌ يُعَوِّدُ النَّاسَ عَلَىَّ is a saying mentioned by Aboo-'Adnán as meaning This is a thing that causes men to become accustomed, or addicted, to treating me wrongfully. (O, TA.) A2: عوّد [from the subst. عُوَادَةٌ] He (a man, O) ate what is termed عُوَادَة, (O, K,) i. e. food brought again after its having been once eaten of. (O.) A3: عوّد said of a camel, (S, O, K,) and of a sheep or goat, (IAth, TA,) inf. n. تَعْوِيدٌ, (K,) He became such as is termed عَوْد [i. e. old, &c.]: (S, O, K:) or, said of a camel, he exceeded the period of his بُزُول [q. v.] by three, or four, years: one does not say of a she-camel عوّدت. (T, TA.) And, said of a man, He became advanced in age, or years. (IAar, TA.) A4: عيّد [from عِيدٌ, and therefore retaining the ى in the place of the original و], (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. تَعْيِيدٌ, (Msb,) He was present on the occasion of the عِيد [or periodical festival; or at the prayers, or other observances, thereof; or he kept, observed, or solemnized, the festival, or a festival]. (S, Msb, K.) One says, عيّد بِبَلَدِ كَذَا, meaning He was, on the day of the عِيد, [or he kept the عيد or an عيد,] in such a town, or country. (O.) 3 مُعَاوَدَةٌ signifies The returning to the first affair. (S, O.) b2: And عاودهُ He returned to it time after time. (Msb.) b3: [Hence,] i. q. اِعْتَادَهُ, q. v., as syn. with تَعَوَّدَهُ. (K.) b4: [عاودهُ الكَلَامَ, or عاودهُ alone, or each of these phrases, the latter being probably used for the former, like as رَاجَعَهُ is used for رَاجَعَهُ الكَلَامَ, app. signifies primarily He returned time after time to talking with him: and hence, he talked with him alternately; (compare a signification assigned to 6;) he returned him answer for answer, or answers for answers; held a dialogue, or colloquy, or conference, or a disputation, or debate, with him; bandied words with him: for it is said that] رَاجَعَهُ الكَلَامَ is syn. with عَاوَدَهُ [app. meaning عاودهُ الكَلَامَ]; (S * and K in art. رجع;) [and that] رَاجَعْتُهُ is syn. with عَاوَدْتُهُ. (Msb in that art.) b5: And عاودهُ بِالْمَسْأَلَةِ He asked him the question repeatedly, or time after time. (S, O.) b6: [Hence,] عاود مَا كَانَ فِيهِ He persevered in that in which he was engaged. (TA.) b7: And عَاوَدَتْهُ الحُمَّى (S, O, TA) [may signify The fever returned to him time after time: or] means the fever clave perseveringly to him. (TA.) 4 اعادهُ (O, K) He returned it, or restored it, (K,) إِلَى مَكَانِهِ [to its place; he replaced it]. (O, K.) b2: And He did it a second time: (S, Msb:) he repeated it, or iterated it; syn. كَرَّرَهُ; namely, speech; (K;) as also لَهُ ↓ عَادَ; he said it a second time; (Mgh;) and إِلَيْهِ ↓ عاد and عَلَيْهِ [likewise] signify the same as اعادهُ: (TA:) but Aboo-Hilál El-'Askeree says that كَرَّرَهُ signifies he repeated it once or more than once; whereas اعادهُ signifies only he repeated it once: (MF, TA:) اعاد الكَلَامَ mean he repeated the speech [saying it] a second time; syn. رَدَّدَهُ ثَانِيًا. (O.) One says, اعاد الصَّلَاةَ He said the prayer a second time. (Msb.) and مَا يُبْدِئُ وَمَا يُعِيدُ signifies ما يَتَكَلَّمُ بِبَادِئَةٍ وَلَا عَائِدَةٍ, (Lth, A, O,) i. e. He does not say anything for the first time; nor anything for the second time; or anything original, nor anything in the way of repetition; بَادِئَةُ الكَلَامِ signifying what is said for the first time; and الكَلَامِ ↓ عَائِدَةُ, what is said for the second time, afterwards: (TA in art. بدأ:) or he says not anything: (A:) and he has no art, artifice, or cunning. (IAar, TA; and A in art. بدأ; q. v.) b3: [Also He returned it, or restored it, to a former state: and hence, he renewed it: he reproduced it.] One says of God, يُبْدِئُ الخَلْقَ ثُمَّ يُعِيدُهُ, meaning [He createth, or bringeth into existence, mankind:] then He returneth them, after life, to lifelessness, in the present world; and after lifelessness, to life, on the day of resurrection. (TA.) b4: See also 8. b5: [اعاد also signifies He, or it, rendered; or made to be, or become; (like جَعَلَ;) in which sense it is doubly trans.: see an ex. in a verse cited voce عَسِيفٌ.]5 تَعَوَّدَ see 8, in three places.6 تعاودوا They returned, each party of them to its chief, or leader, in war or battle, (S, K,) &c. (S.) b2: And تَعَاوَدْنَا العَمَلَ وَالأَمْرَ بَيْنَنَا We did the work, and the affair, by turns among us. (T in art. دول. [But perhaps the right reading here is تَعَاوَرْنَا.]) 8 اعتاد: see 1, near the beginning.

A2: اعتادهُ He frequented it; or came to it and returned to it; namely, a place. (T in art. ارى.) b2: and He looked at it time after time until he knew it. (TA in art. بلد.) b3: And, as also ↓ تعوّدهُ, (S, O, Msb, K,) and ↓ عَادَهُ; (S, O;) and so ↓ عاودهُ, inf. n. مُعَاوَدَةٌ and عِوَادٌ; and ↓ اعادهُ, (K,) and ↓ استعادهُ; (O, K;) He became accustomed, or habituated, to it; or he accustomed, or habituated, himself to it; or made it his custom, or habit. (S, O, Msb, K.) It is said in a trad., الخَيْرَ ↓ تَعَوَّدُوا فَإِنَّ الخَيْرَ عَادَةٌ وَالشَّرَّ لَجَاجَةٌ, meaning Accustom yourselves to good; for good becomes a habit, and evil is persevered in. (A.) And one says, ↓ تعوّد الكَلْبُ الصَّيْدَ The dog became accustomed, or habituated, to the chase. (S.) b4: See also 1, latter half, in two places.10 استعادهُ He asked him to return. (O, Msb, K.) b2: And استعادهُ الشَّىْءَ He asked him to repeat the thing; to do it a second time: (S, O, Msb, K:) and استعادهُ مِنْهُ [He asked for the repetition of it from him]. (Har p. 28.) b3: See also 8.

عَادٌ: see عَادَةٌ.

A2: مَا أَدْرِى أَىُّ عَادَ هُوَ, (S, O, K,) عاد being in this case imperfectly decl., (S, O, [but in the CK and in my MS. copy of the K it is written عادٍ,]) means I know not what one of mankind he is. (S, O, K.) [Perhaps it is from عَادٌ the name of an ancient and extinct tribe of the Arabs.]

عَادِ, indecl., with kesr for its termination, is a particle in the sense of إِنَّ, governing an accus. case, on the condition of its being preceded by a verbal proposition and a conjunction; as in the saying, رَقَدْتُ وَعَادِ أَبَاكَ سَاهِرٌ [I slept, and verily thy father was waking, or remaining awake, by night]: b2: it is also an interrogative particle in the sense of هَلْ, indecl., with kesr for its termination, requiring an answer; as in the saying, عَادِ أَبُوكَ مُقِيمٌ [Is thy father abiding?]: b3: it also denotes an answer, in the sense of a proposition rendered negative by means of لم or of ما, only; indecl., with kesr for its termination; and this is when it is conjoined with a pronoun; as when an interrogator says, هَلْ صَلَّيْتَ [Didst thou perform, or hast thou performed, the act of prayer?], and thou answerest, عَادِنِنى, meaning Verily I (إِنَّنِى) did not perform, or have not performed, the act of prayer: b4: and some of the people of El-Hijáz suppress the ن in عَادِنِى: both the modes are chaste when عَادِ is used in the sense of إِنَّ: b5: sometimes, also, it is used by the interrogator and the answerer; the former saying, عَادِ خَرَجَ زَيْدٌ [Did Zeyd go forth? or has Zeyd gone forth?], and the latter saying, عَادِهِ, meaning Verily he did not go forth, or has not gone forth: b6: all this is unmentioned by the leading authors on the Arabic language, those of lengthy compositions as well as the epitomisers. (MF, TA.) عَوْدٌ an inf. n. of 1, as also ↓ عَوْدَةٌ, (S, O, K,) and ↓ عُوَادَةٌ, and ↓ مَعَادٌ. (K.) [Hence,] one says, لَكَ العَوْدُ and ↓ العَوْدَةُ and ↓ العُوَادَةُ It is for thee to return (Lh, K, TA) فِى هٰذَا الأَمْرِ in this affair. (TA.) And ↓ اَللّٰهُمَّ ارْزُقْنَا إِلَى البَيْتِ مَعَادًا and ↓ عَوْدَةً (A, TA) O God, grant us a return to the House [i. e. the Kaabeh, called “ the House” as being “ the House of God”]. (TA.) and رَجَعَ عَوْدَهُ عَلَى بَدْئِهِ, (Sb, K,) [expl. in the TA in art. غبر as meaning He returned without his having obtained, or attained, anything,] and عَوْدًا عَلَى بَدْءٍ: (K:) and رَجَعْتُ عَوْدِى عَلَى بَدْئِى: (Sb:) expl., with other similar phrases, in art. بدأ, q. v.

A2: See also عَائِدٌ.

A3: Also A camel, (IAar, S, O, Msb, K,) and a sheep or goat, (IAar, O, K,) old, or advanced in age: (S, O, Msb, K:) applied to the former, that has passed the ages at which he is termed بَازِل and مُخْلِف: (S, O:) or that has passed three years, or four, since the period of his بُزُول: (Az, TA:) or a camel old, or advanced in age, but retaining remains of strength: (L:) or one old, or advanced in age, and well trained, and accustomed to be ridden or the like: (TA:) fem. with ة: you say نَاقَةٌ عَوْدَةٌ, (As, S, O,) and نَاقَتَانِ عَوْدَتَانِ, (As, TA,) and عَنْزٌ عَوْدَةٌ: (TA:) or one should not say نَاقَةٌ عَوْدَةٌ, nor نَعْجَةٌ عَوْدَةٌ; (Az, TA;) but one says شَاةٌ عَوْدَةٌ: (Az, IAth, O:) the pl. of عَوْدٌ is عِوَدَةٌ (As, S, O, K) and عِيَدَةٌ (O, K) as some say, but this is anomalous, (O,) of a particular dial., and bad; (Az, TA;) and the pl. of عَوْدَةٌ is عوَدٌ. (As, O, TA.) It is said in a prov., إِنْ جَرْجَرَ العَوْدُ فَزِدْهُ وِقْرًا [If the old camel make a grumbling sound in his throat, then increase thou his load]. (S.) and in another, عَوْدٌ يُعَلَّمُ العَنَجِ [expl. in art. عنج]. (O.) b2: It is also applied to man: (S, O:) one says, زَاحِمْ بِعَوْدٍ أَوْ دَعْ, (S, O, K,) (assumed tropical:) Ask thou aid of a person of age, (S, O,) and experience in affairs, (O,) and knowledge, (S, O,) or let it alone; (O;) for the judgment of the elder is better than the aspect, or outward appearance, (مَشْهَد,) of the youth, or young man: (S, O:) or ask aid, in thy war, of perfect men advanced in age: (K:) a proverb. (S, O.) [See also Freytag's Arab. Prov. i. 586.] b3: And (tropical:) An old road: (S, O, K:) from the same word as an epithet applied to a camel. (O.) A poet says, (S, O,) namely, Besheer Ibn-En-Nikth, (TA, and so in a copy of the S,) عَوْدٌ عَلَى عَوْدٍ لِأَقْوَامٍ أُوَلْ يَمُوتُ بِالتَّرْكِ وَيَحْيَا بِالعَمَلْ (S, * O, TA) i. e. An old camel upon an old road [belonging to prior peoples], (S, O, TA,) a road that dies away by being abandoned and revives by being travelled. (TA.) And another says, عَوْدٌ عَلَى عَوْدٍ عَلَى عَوْدٍ خَلَقْ i. e. An old man upon an old camel upon an old worn road. (IB, TA.) [See also مُعِيدٌ.] b4: and سُودَدٌ عَوْدٌ means (tropical:) Old [lordship, or glory or honour or dignity]. (S, A, O, K, TA.) [See also عَادِىٌّ.] b5: And إِنَّكَ لَتَمُتُّ بِرَحِمٍ عَوْدَةٍ occurs in a trad., as said by Mo'áwiyeh, meaning [Verily thou seekest to advance thyself in my favour] by an old and remote tie of relationship. (TA.) b6: And عَوْدٌ is used by Abu-n-Nejm as meaning The sun, in the saying, وَتَبِعَ الأَحْمَرَ عَوْدٌ يَرْجُمُهْ [And a sun followed the red dawn, driving it away]: by الأَحْمَر he means الصُّبْح. (TA.) عُودٌ Wood; timber; syn. خَشَبٌ: (Mgh, O, K:) any slender piece of wood or timber: (Lth, TA:) or a piece of wood of any tree, whether slender or thick: or a part, of a tree, in which sap runs, whether fresh and moist or dry: (TA:) a staff; a stick; a rod: and also a sprig: (the lexicons &c. passim:) a branch; or twig; properly, that is cut off; but also applied to one not cut off: (Har p. 499:) [and the stem of the raceme of a palm-tree, and the like: (see فَجَّانٌ, in art. فج:)] pl. [of mult.] عِيدَانٌ, (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K,) originally عِوْدَانٌ, (Msb,) and [of pauc.]

أَعْوَادٌ. (S, O, Msb, K.) b2: [Hence,] رَكَّبَ اللّٰهُ عُودًا عُودًا, (A,) or عُودًا عَلَى عُودٍ, (TA,) God caused the arrow to be put upon the bow, for shooting; (A;) meaning that civil war, or conflict, or faction, or sedition, became excited. (A, TA.) b3: And سَبِيلُ ذِى الأَعْوَادِ (assumed tropical:) Death: الاعواد meaning the pieces of wood upon which the dead is carried: (El-Mufaddal, Az, L:) for the Arabs of the desert, having no biers, put two pieces of wood together, and on them carry the dead to the grave. (Az, L.) b4: And العُودَانِ The pulpit and the staff of the Prophet. (Sh, O, K.) b5: and one says, هُوَ صُلْبُ العُودِ: (tropical:) see art. صلب. b6: and هُوْ مِنْ عُودِ صِدْقٍ and سَوْءٍ (tropical:) [He is of a good branch and of a bad branch]. (TA.) b7: And it is said in a trad. of Shureyh, إِنَّمَا القَضَآءُ جَمْرٌ فَادْفَعِ الجَمْرَ عَنْكَ بِعُودَيْنِ [Verily the exercise of the judicial office is like the approaching live coals; and repel thou the live coals from thee by means of two sticks]: meaning, guard thyself well from the fire [of Hell] by means of two witnesses; like as he who warms himself by means of fire repels the live coals from his place with a stick or other thing that he may not be burned: or act firmly and deliberately in judging, and do thy utmost to repel from thee the fire [of Hell]. (L.) b8: عُودُ الصَّلِيبِ: see يَبْرُوحٌ. b9: العُودُ also signifies [Aloes-wood;] a well-known odoriferous substance; (Msb;) that with which one fumigates himself; (S, O, K; *) a certain aromatized wood, with which one fumigates himself; thus called because of its excellence: (L:) العُودُ الهِنْدِىُّ [which, like عُودُ البَخُورِ and عُودُ النَّدِّ and العُودُ القَمَارِىُّ and العُودُ القُاقُلِّىُّ, is a common, well-known, term for aloes-wood,] is said to be the same as القُسْطُ البَحْرِىُّ. (TA. [See art. قسط.]) b10: And A certain musical instrument, (S, O, L, Msb, K,) well known; (TA;) [the lute; which word, like the French “ luth,” &c., is derived from العُود: accord. to the L, it has four chords; but I have invariably found it to have seven double chords: it is figured and described in my work on the Modern Egyptians: in the present day it is generally played with a plectrum, formed of a slip of a vulture's feather; but in former times it seems to have been usually played upon with the tips of the fingers:] pl. as above, عِيدَانٌ and أَعْوَادٌ. (Msb.) b11: And The bone [called os hyoides] at the root of the tongue; (O, K;) also called عُودُ اللِّسَانِ. (O.) b12: And أُمُّ العُودِ signifies The [portion, or appertenance, of the stomach of a ruminant animal, called] قِبَة, (O,) or قِبَّة, (K,) i. e. the فَحِث: (TA:) pl. أُمَّهَاتُ العُودِ. (O.) عِيدٌ, originally عِوْدٌ, the و being changed into ى because of the kesreh before it, (Az, TA,) An occurrence that befalls, or betides, one, or that happens to one, [or returns to one, of some former affection of the mind or body, i. e.] of anxiety, (S, O, K,) or of some other kind, (S, O,) of disease, or of grief, (O, K,) and the like, (K,) of affliction, and of desire: and accord. to Az, the time of return of joy and of grief. (TA.) b2: [And hence, A festival; or periodical festival;] a feast-day; (KL;) i. q. مَوْسِمٌ; (Msb;) any day on which is an assembling, or a congregating; (K;) [and particularly an anniversary festival:] so called because it returns every year with renewed joy: (IAar, TA:) or, from عَادَ, because people return to it: or from عَادَةٌ, “a custom,” because they are accustomed to it: (TA:) pl. أَعْيَادٌ; the ى being retained in the pl. because it is in the sing., or to distinguish it from أَعْوَادٌ the pl. of عُودٌ; (S, O, Msb;) for regularly its pl. would be أَعْوَادٌ, like as أَرْوَاحٌ is pl. of رِيحٌ. (TA.) [The two principal religious festivals of the Muslims are called عِيدُ الأَضْحَى The festival of the victims (see art. ضحو and ضحى) and عِيدُ الفِطْرِ The festival of the breaking of the fast after Ramadán.] The dim. of عِيدٌ is ↓ عُيَيْدٌ; the ى being retained in it like as it is retained in the pl. (TA.) b3: See also عَادَةٌ, in two places.

A2: Also, A certain sort of mountain-tree, (K, TA,) that produces twigs about a cubit in length, dust-coloured, having no leaves nor blossoms, but having much peel, and having many knots: fresh wounds are dressed with its peel, and close up in consequence thereof. (TA.) عَادَةٌ A custom, manner, habit, or wont; syn. دَأْبٌ, and وَتِيرَةٌ, (MA,) or دَيْدَنٌ: (K:) so called because one returns to it time after time: it respects more especially actions; and عُرْفٌ, sayings; as in indicated in the Telweeh &c.; or, accord. to some, عُرْفٌ and عَادَةٌ are syn.: (MF, TA:) and accord. to El-Mufaddal, [↓ عِيدٌ signifies the same as عَادَةٌ; for he says that] عَادَنِى عِيدِى meansعَادَتِى [i. e. My habit returned to me: but see the next preceding paragraph, first sentence]: (L, TA:) the pl. of عَادَةٌ is عَادَاتٌ (S, O, Msb) and ↓ عَادٌ, (S, O, Msb, K,) or rather this is a coll. gen. n., (TA,) and ↓ عِيدٌ, (L, K, TA,) mentioned by Kr, but not of valid authority, (L, TA,) [app. a mistranscription for عِيَدٌ, like حِوَجٌ, a pl. of حَاجَةٌ,] and عَوَائِدُ, (Msb, TA,) like as حَوَائِجُ is pl. of حَاجَةٌ; but, accord. to Z and others, this last is pl. of عَائِدَةٌ, not of عَادَةٌ. (TA.) عَوْدَةٌ: see عَوْدٌ, first three sentences.

عَادِىٌّ An old, or ancient, thing: (S, A, Mgh, * O, Msb, * K:) as though so called in relation to the [ancient and extinct] tribe of 'Ád (عاد). (S, A, O, Msb.) One says خَرِبٌ عَادِىٌّ Old, or ancient, ruins. (Mgh.) And بِئْرٌ عَادِيَّةٌ An old, or ancient, well: (O:) or a well strongly cased with stone or brick, and abounding with water, the origin of which is referred to [the tribe of] 'Ád. (Msb.) And بِنَآءٌ عَادِىٌّ A firm, or strong, building, the origin of which is referred to [the tribe of] 'Ád. (Msb.) And عَادِىُّ أَرْضٍ Land possessed from ancient times. (Msb.) And مُلْكٌ عَادِىٌّ Dominion of old, or ancient, origin. (Msb.) And مَجْدٌ عَادِىٌّ Old, or ancient, glory. (A.) [See also عَوْدٌ.]

عِيدِيَّةٌ an appellation given to Certain excellent she-camels; (S, O, K;) so called in relation to a stallion, (S, O, K,) well-known, (K,) that begat an excellent breed, (S, O,) named عِيدٌ: (O, K:) [so some say:] but ISd says that this is not of valid authority: (TA:) or so called in relation to El-'Eedee Ibn-En-Nadaghee Ibn-Mahrah-Ibn- Heidán: (Ibn-El-Kelbee, O, K:) or in relation to 'Ád Ibn-'Ád: or 'Ádee Ibn-'Ád: (K:) but if from either of the last two, it is anomalous: (TA:) or in relation to the Benoo-'Eed-Ibn-El- 'Ámiree: (O, K:) Az says that he knew not the origin of their name. (L.) b2: And accord. to Sh, [A female lamb;] the female of the بُرْقَان [pl. of بَرَقٌ]; the male of which is called خَرُوف until he is shorn: but this was unknown to As. (L.) عَيْدَانٌ Tall palm-trees: (As, S, O, K:) or the tallest of palm-trees: (K in art. عيد:) but not so called unless the stumps of their branches have fallen off and they have become bare trunks from top to bottom: (AHn, M, TA in art. عيد:) or i. q. رَقْلَةٌ [q. v.]: (AO, TA in art. عيد:) [a coll. gen. n.:] n. un. with ة: (S, O, K:) which As explains as applied to a hard, old tree, having roots penetrating to the water: and he says, ومنه هيمان وعيلان: [but what these words mean, I know not:] (TA:) the word belongs to this art. and to art. عيد: (K in art. عيد:) or it may belong to the present art., or to art. عدن [q. v.]. (Az, S, O.) The Prophet had a bowl [made of the wood] of an عَيْدَانَة, (K, TA,) or, accord. to some, it is preferably written with kesr [i. e.

عِيدَانَة], (TA,) in which he voided his urine. (K, TA.) عَوَادٌ: see عُوَادَةٌ. b2: عُدْ فَإِنَّ لَكَ عِنْدَنَا عَوَادًا حَسَنًا, (S, O, K,) as also عُوَادًا and عِوَادًا, (O, K,) these two only, not the first, mentioned by Fr, (O,) means [Return thou, and thou shalt have with us] what thou wilt like: (S, O, K:) or kind treatment. (TA.) عَوَادِ, [an imperative verbal noun,] like نَزَالِ (S, O) and تَرَاكِ, (S,) means Return thou; syn. عُدْ. (S, O, K.) عُيَيْدٌ dim. of عِيدٌ, q. v. (TA.) عُوَادَةٌ: see عَوْدٌ, first and second sentences. b2: Also, (S, O, K,) and if you elide the ة you say ↓ عَوَادٌ, like لَمَاظٌ and قَضَامٌ, (Az, TA,) [in the O عَوَادَةٌ and عُوَادَةٌ with damm, (but the former is probably a mistranscription,)] Food brought again after its having been once eaten of: (S, O:) or food brought again for a particular man after a party has finished eating. (A, K.) عَوَّادٌ A player upon the عُود [or lute]: (K:) or one who makes, (يَتَّخِذُ,) the stringed عُود [or lute]; (O;) or a maker (مُتَّخِذ) of عِيدَان [or lutes]. (TA.) [Fem. with ة.]

عَائِدٌ A visiter of one who is sick: (Msb, TA:) thus it more commonly and especially means: but it also signifies any visiter of another, who comes time after time: (TA:) pl. عُوَّادٌ (Msb, K) and ↓ عَوْدٌ, (K,) or [rather] عَوْدٌ and عُوَّادٌ signify the same, like زَوْرٌ and زُوَّارٌ, (Fr, O, TA,) but عَوْدٌ is a quasi-pl. n. like as صَحْبٌ is of صَاحِبٌ: (TA:) the fem. is عَائِدَةٌ, of which the pl. is عُوَّدٌ, (Az, Msb, TA,) incorrectly said in the K to be a pl. of عَائِدٌ; and عَوَائِدُ also is a pl. of the fem. (TA.) عَائِدَةٌ fem. of عَائِدٌ [q. v.]. (Az, Msb, TA.) b2: عَائِدَةُ الكَلَامِ: see 4. b3: عَائِدَةٌ also signifies Favour, kindness, pity, compassion, or mercy: (S, O, K:) a favour, a benefit, an act of beneficence or kindness: a gratuity, or free gift: (K:) and [a return, i. e.] advantage, profit, or utility; or a cause, or means, thereof: (S, O, K:) a subst. from عَادَ بِمَعْرُوفٍ: (Msb:) pl. عَوَائِدُ. (A.) One says, فُلَانٌ ذُو صَفْحٍ وَعَائِدَةٍ Such a one is a person of forgiving disposition, and of favour, kindness, or pity. (S, A, O.) And إِنَّهُ لَكَثِيرُ العَوَائِدِ عَلَى قَوْمِهِ [Verily he is one who confers, or bestows, many favours, or benefits, upon his people]. (A.) هٰذَا الشَّىْءُ أَعْوَدُ عَلَيْكَ مِنْ كَذَا means This thing is more remunerative, advantageous, or profitable, to thee than such a thing: (S, O, K: *) or more easy, or convenient, to thee. (A, * TA.) مَعَادٌ, signifying Return, is originally مَعْوَدٌ. (IAth, TA.) See عَوْدٌ, first and third sentences. b2: Also A place to which a person, or thing, returns: a place, state, or result, to which a person, or thing, eventually comes; a place of destination, or an ultimate state or condition: syn. مَرْجِعٌ: and مَصِيرٌ. (S, A, O, K.) b3: [Hence,] المَعَادُ signifies [particularly] The ultimate state of existence, in the world to come; syn. الآخِرَةُ; (M, K, TA;) [and] so مَعَادُ الخَلْقِ: (S, O:) the place to which one comes on the day of resurrection. (TA.) And Paradise. (K.) And Mekkeh: (O, K:) the conquest of which was promised to the Prophet: (TA:) so called because the pilgrims return to it. (O.) لَرَادُّكَ إِلَى مَعَادٍ, in the Kur [xxviii. 85], is expl. as meaning will assuredly return thee, or restore thee, to Mekkeh: (O, K:) or معاد here means Paradise: (K:) or thy fixed place in Paradise: (I'Ab, TA:) or the place of thy birth: (Fr, TA:) or thy home and town: (Th, TA:) or thy usual state in which thou wast born: or thy original condition among the sons of Háshim: or, accord. to most of the expositors, the words mean will assuredly raise thee from the dead. (TA.) b4: And The pilgrimage. (K.) b5: And مَعَادٌ (Lth, TA) and ↓ مَعَادَةٌ (Lth, A, TA) A place of wailing for a dead person: (Lth, A, TA:) so called because people return to it time after time: (Lth, * A:) pl. مَعَاوِدُ. (A.) [Hence,] one says, ↓ لِآلِ فُلَانٍ مَعَادَةٌ, meaning An affliction has happened to the family of such a one, the people coming to them in the places of wailing for the dead, or in other places, and the women talking of him. (Lth, TA.) مَعُودٌ and مَعْوُودٌ, (K,) the latter anomalous, (TA,) A sick person visited. (K.) مُعِيدٌ A stallion-camel that has covered repeatedly; (S, M, O, K;) and that does not require assistance in his doing so. (Sh, O.) b2: and hence, (Sh, O,) applied to a man Acquainted with affairs, (Sh, O, K,) not inexperienced therein, (Sh, O,) possessing skill and ability to do a thing. (O, K. *) One says, فُلَانٌ مُعِيدٌ لِهٰذَا الأَمْرِ, meaning Such a one is able to do this thing: (S, O, Msb, K: *) because accustomed, or habituated, to it. (Msb.) b3: And hence, (O,) or because he returns to his prey time after time, (TA,) The lion, (O, K, TA.) b4: المُبْدِئُ المُعِيدُ applied to God: b5: and مُبْدِئٌ مُعِيدٌ applied to a man, and to a horse: see art. بدأ. b6: مُعِيدٌ also signifies A road travelled and trodden time after time. (TA.) [See also عَوْدٌ.]

مَعَادَةٌ: see مَعَادٌ, last two sentences.

مُعَاوِدٌ Persevering; (Lth, A, K;) applied to a man. (Lth, A.) b2: A courageous man; (S, O, K;) because he does not become weary of conflict. (S, O.) b3: And One skilful in his work. (A.)



1 حَاقَ بِهِ, aor. ـِ (S, K,) inf. n. حَيْقٌ and حُيُوقٌ and حَيَقَانٌ, (K,) It surrounded, encompassed, encircled, or beset, him, or it; (S, K;) only used in relation to evil; (Bd in xvi. 36;) [as also حاق به, aor. ـُ inf. حَوْقٌ;] and so به ↓ احاق. (Ibn-'Abbád, K.) So in the Kur [xxxv. 41], وَلَا يَحِيقُ الــمَكْرُ السَّيِّئُ إِلَّا بِأَهْلِهِ [and evil artifice shall not beset any save the authors thereof]: (S:) or this means shall not befall: (Msb:) [for] حاق به, (Ibn-'Arafeh, Msb, K, *) aor. as above, (Msb, TA,) inf. n. حَيْقٌ and حَاقٌ, (TA,) signifies [also] it clave to him, and became his due, (Ibn-'Arafeh, K,) and befell him: (Ibn-'Arafeh, Msb, K,) and thus it is said to mean in the Kur [xi. 11, &c.], وَحَاقَ بِهِمْ مَا كَانُوا بِهِ يَسْتَهْزِئُونَ [And that at which they used to mock shall cleave to them, or be their due, or befall them; namely, the punishment at which they mocked.] (TA.) You say also, حاق بِهِمُ العَذَابُ Punishment beset them, and befell them. (S.) And حاق بِهِ البَلَآءُ Trial, or trouble, beset him. (TA in art. حق.) A2: حاق فِيِ, (K,) inf. n. حَيْقٌ, (TA,) i. q. حاك. (K.) 3 حايقهُ, (AA, K,) inf. n. مُحَايَقَةٌ, (AA, TA,) He envied him, and hated him. (AA, K.) 4 أَحْيَقَ see 1.

A2: احاق اللّٰهُ بِهِمْ مَكْرَــهُمْ God made their artifice to beset them: (Lth, TA:) or made it to befall them. (Th, K, * TA.) حاقُ الجُوعِ Vehemence of hunger. (TA.) See also حَاقٌّ, in art. حق حَيْقٌ What besets a man, ('Eyn, K,) and befalls him, of artifice, ('Eyn, TA,) or of an evil deed, that he has done. ('Eyn, K.) مَحْيُوقٌ: see art. حوق.



1 خَمَرَ, aor. ـُ (TA,) inf. n. خَمْرٌ, (K,) He veiled, covered, or concealed, a thing; (K, * TA;) as also ↓ خمّر, inf. n. تَخْمِيرٌ, (Mgh, Msb,) which also signifies he covered over a thing; (S, Msb, K;) and ↓ اخمر, (TA,) inf. n. إِخْمَارٌ. (K.) [Hence,] خَمَرَهَا [and app. ↓ خمّرها also, for the quasi-pass. is تخمّرت as well as اختمرت, He veiled her with a muffler;] he put on her a خِمَار. (A.) And إِنَآءَهُ ↓ خمّر, and وَجْهَهُ, He covered over his vessel, and his face. (S.) And خمّر ↓ بَيْتَهُ He concealed his house, or chamber, or tent, [meaning its interior,] and ordered it aright. (TA, from a trad.) And أَخْمَرَتْهُ ↓ الأَرْضُ عَنِّى and مِنِّى and عَلَىَّ The land, or ground, concealed him, or it, from me. (K.) And ↓ اخمرهُ (assumed tropical:) He concealed it, or conceived it, in him mind. (S, K.) And اخمر ↓ فُلَانٌ عَلَىَّ ظِنَّةً (assumed tropical:) Such a one concealed, or conceived, in his mind a suspicion, or an evil opinion, of me. (T, TA.) And خَمَرَ شَهَادَتَهُ, (S, Msb,) and ↓ خمّرها, (A, Mgh,) and ↓ اخمرها, (TA,) (tropical:) He concealed his testimony. (S, A, Mgh, Msb, TA.) And الخَمْرُ تَخْمُرُ العَقْلَ (assumed tropical:) Wine veils [or obscures] the intellect; (K;) and so ↓ تُخَامِرُهُ, lit. covers it: (Msb:) or the latter signifies (assumed tropical:) Infects it; [as though acting like leaven; and if so, from خَمَرَ العَجِينَ, which see in what follows; nearly the same as “intoxicates,” which properly signifies “ empoisons,” or “ infects with poison; ”] syn. تُخَالِطُهُ. (S, * K. [See خَمْرٌ.]

A2: خَمِرَ, aor. ـَ (S, K,) inf. n. خَمَرٌ, (S,) He became concealed, or hidden; or he concealed, or hid, himself; (S, K;) عَنِّى from me; (S;) as also ↓ خامر, (S, K,) inf. n. مُخَامَرَةٌ; (K;) and ↓ اخمر: (K:) or this last signifies he concealed, or hid, himself in a خَمَر [or covert of trees or the like]. (TA.) One says also, خَمِرَ عَنِّى الخَبَرُ (assumed tropical:) The news, or story, became concealed from me. (S.) And one says to the hyena, خَامِرِى ↓ أُمَّ عَامِرٍ Hide thyself, O Umm-'Ámir: (S, K:) which is a prov.: (TA:) and is said to be also a phrase used as a surname of the hyena, in the manner of تَأَبَّطَ شَرًّا. (Ham p. 242.) And حَضَاجِرْ أَتَاكِ مَا تُحَاذِرْ ↓ خَامِرِى [Hide thyself, O hyena: what thou fearest has come to thee]: thus we have found it: (K:) and this is the reading commonly obtaining accord. to the authors on proverbs: (TA:) but it should properly be خَامِرٌ [and أَتَاكَ] or تُحَاذِرينَ. (K.) b2: خَمَرٌ also signifies The becoming changed, or altered, from a former state or condition. (K.) You say, خَمِرَ الشَّىْءُ The thing became changed, &c. (TK.) A3: خَمَرَ العَجِينَ, (Ks, S, A, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (S, Msb, K) and خَمِرَ, (S, K,) inf. n. خَمْرٌ, (S, Msb, K,) [He leavened the dough;] he put خُمْرَة, (Ks, A,) or خَمِير, (S, A, Msb,) into the dough; (Ks, S, A, Msb, TA;) as also ↓ خمّرهُ: (TA:) or he left the dough until it became good [or mature]; (K;) and in like manner, accord. to the K, الطِّينَ [the clay, or mud: see فَطَرَ]: or, as in other lexicons, الطِّيبَ [the perfume]; (TA;) and the like; as also ↓ خمّرهُ, inf. n. تَخْمِيرٌ, in relation to any of these things; and ↓ اخمرهُ in relation to the first [and probably to the others also]: (K:) and خَمَرَ النَّبِيذَ [he fermented the beverage called نبيذ;] he put خُمْرَة into the نبيذ. (A.) [Mtr says, in the Mgh, العَصِيرَ ↓ خَمَّرَ I have not found, nor ↓ تخمّر as its quasi-pass.] b2: خَمَرَهُ, aor. ـُ (TA,) inf. n. خَمْرٌ; (K;) and ↓ اخمرهُ; (Mgh;) He gave him (namely, a man, and a beast, such as a horse and the like, TA) wine (خَمْر) to drink. (K, * Mgh, TA.) b3: خُمِرَ, (Mgh, TA,) inf. n. خَمْرٌ, (TA,) He suffered, or was affected with, خُمَار [i. e. the remains of intoxication]. (Mgh, TA.) [See also 5.]

A4: خَمَرَهُ, aor. ـُ (AA, S,) inf. n. خَمْرٌ, (K,) He was ashamed for himself, or of himself, or was bashful, or shy, with respect to him; was abashed at him, or shy of him. (AA, S, K. *) 2 خَمَّرَ see 1, in eight places: A2: and see also 3.3 خامر as an intrans. v.: see 1, in three places.

A2: خامرهُ, inf. n. مُخَامَرَةٌ, It mixed, mingled, commingled, intermixed, or intermingled, with it; became incorporated, or blended, with it; infected, or pervaded, it; syn. خَالَطَهُ. (S, A, Mgh, * K.) You say, خامر المَآءَ اللَّبَنَ The water mixed with the milk. (A.) And خَامَرْتُ فُلَانًا (tropical:) I mixed with such a one in familiar, or social, intercourse; conversed with him; or became intimate with him; syn. خَالَطْتُهُ. (A.) And الخَمْرُ تُخَامِرُ العَقْلَ: see 1. And خامرهُ الدَّآءُ (assumed tropical:) The disease infected, or pervaded, him; syn. خَالَطَهُ: (Sh:) or infected, or pervaded, (خالط,) his inside. (Lth.) b2: Also, (TA,) inf. n. as above, (K,) (assumed tropical:) He approached it; or was, or became, near to it; (K, * TA;) namely, a thing. (TA.) b3: And خامر المَكَانَ, (S, A,) inf. n. as above, (K,) (tropical:) He kept, or clave, to the place; (S, A, K;) did not quit it; (A;) remained, stayed, dwelt, or abode, in it; (K;) and in like manner, بَيْتَهُ his house, or tent; and so ↓ خمّرهُ. (TA.) A3: خامر, (TK,) inf. n. as above, (IAar, K,) [app. in the dial. of El-Yemen, (see 10,)] also signifies He sold a free person as being a slave. (IAar, K, TK.) 4 اخمر: see 1 in the former half of the paragraph, in six places. b2: أَخْمَرَتِ الأَرْضُ The land abounded with خَمَر, (S, K,) meaning tangled trees. (TA.) A2: See also 1, latter part, in two places.

A3: اخمرهُ الشَّىْءَ He gave him the thing, or put him in possession of it, (K,) is a phrase common in El-Yemen: (Mohammad Ibn-Ketheer, TA:) a man says, أَخْمِرنِى كَذَا, meaning Give thou me such a thing as a free gift: put me in possession of it: and the like. (Mohammad Ibn-Ketheer, S.) 5 تَخَمَّرَتْ: see 8.

A2: Also She (a woman) applied خُمْرَة as a liniment to her face, to beautify her complexion. (TA.) A3: تخمّر He was affected with languor by wine. (TA.) [See خُمِرَ.] b2: See also 1, near the end of the paragraph.8 اِخْتَمَرَتْ She wore, or put on [her head], a خِمَار; (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K;) as also ↓ تخمّرت. (A, Mgh, Msb, K.) A2: اختمر, said of dough, [It became fermented;] it had خُمْرَة put into it: and in like manner one says of the beverage called نَبِيذ [it became fermented]: (A:) or, said of dough, and of clay, or mud, (طِين, as in the K, but accord. to other lexicons perfume, طِيب, TA,) and the like, it was left until it became good [or mature]: (K:) and اختمرت الخَمْرُ the wine became mature [and fermented]; (Mgh, Msb, K;) as it does when it becomes changed in odour: (TA:) or became changed in odour. (S.) 10 استخمرهُ He made him, or took him as, a slave: (S, Mgh, K:) of the dial. of El-Yemen. (Mgh, TA.) [See 3.] So in the trad. of Mo'ádh, مَنْ اسْتَخْمَرَ قَوْمًا أَوَّلُهُمْ أَحْرَارٌ وَجِيرَانٌ مُسْتَضْعَفُونَ فَلَهُ مَا قَصَرَ فِى بَيْتِهِ [Whosoever hath made slaves, or taken as slaves, persons the first state of whomhath been that of freemen and neighbours, regarded as weak, to him shall belong what he hath held in possession in his house or tent]: (S, * L:) i. e., hath taken them by force, and obtained possession of them: (S:) meaning, whosoever hath made slaves, or taken as slaves, persons in the Time of Ignorance, and then El-Islám hath come, to him shall belong those whom he hath held in possession in his house or tent: they shall not go from his hand. (Az, TA.) Mohammad Ibn-Ketheer says, This is a phrase known to us in ElYemen, where any other is scarcely ever used [in its stead]. (S.) خَمْرٌ [Wine: or grape-wine:] what intoxicates, of the expressed juice of grapes: (ISd, K:) or the juice of grapes when it has effervesced, and thrown up froth, and become freed therefrom, and still: (Mgh:) or it has a common application to intoxicating expressed juice of anything: (K, TA:) or any intoxicating thing, that clouds, or obscures, (lit. covers,) the intellect; as some say: (Mgh, * Msb: [but see what follows:]) and the general application is the more correct, because خَمْر was forbidden when there was not in El-Medeeneh any خَمْر of grapes; the beverage of its inhabitants being prepared only from dates in their green and small state, or full-grown but unripe, or fresh and ripe, or dried: (K, * TA:) or the arguing thus, from this fact alone, requires consideration: (MF:) AHn says, it is (assumed tropical:) sometimes prepared from grains: but ISd holds this to be an improper signification: (TA:) it is also sometimes applied to the (assumed tropical:) beverage called نَبِيذ, like as نبيذ is sometimes applied to wine expressed from grapes: (L in art. نبذ:) applied to (tropical:) expressed juice from which خَمْر [properly so called] is made, [i. e., to must, or unfermented نَبِيذ,] it is tropical: it is so used in a trad. in which خَمْر is said to have been sold by [a companion of Mohammad named] Samurah: خَمْر [in its proper acceptation] is so called because it veils (تَخْمُرُ, i. e. تَسْتُرُ,) the intellect: (K:) or because it infects (تُخَامِرُ, i. e. تُخَالِطُ,) the intellect: (S, K:) [as though acting like leaven: (see 1:)] so said 'Omar: (TA:) or because it is left until it has become mature [and fermented]; (K;) or until its odour has changed: (IAar, S:) [see 8:] the proper application of the root is to denote “ covering,” and “ commingling in a hidden manner: ” (Sgh, Er-Rághib, TA:) it is of the fem. gender, and sometimes masc.: (Msb, K:) you say هُوَ الخَمْرُ as well as هِىَ الخَمْرُ: but As does not allow it to be masc.: (Msb:) and ↓ خَمْرَةٌ signifies the same: (K:) [or a kind of wine:] or خَمْرٌ and خَمْرَةٌ are like تَمْرٌ and تَمْرَةٌ; [the former a coll. gen. n., and the latter its n. un.;] (S;) and خَمْرَةٌ [thus] signifies some wine; lit., a portion of خَمْر: (Msb:) the pl. of خَمْرٌ is خُمُورٌ. (S, Msb.) You say [also] صِرْفٌ ↓ خَمْرَةٌ [Some pure, or unmixed, wine; using a masc. epithet, contr. to rule]. (S.) b2: [Hence the saying,] مَا عِنْدَ فُلَانٍ خَلٌّ وَلَا خَمْرٌ, (S,) or مَا هُوَ بِخَلٍّ وَلَا خَمْرٍ, (K,) (tropical:) Such a one, (S,) or he, (K,) possesses neither good nor evil: (S, K:) [or neither evil nor good: for] AA says that some of the Arabs make الخَمْرُ to be good, and الخَلُّ to be evil; and some of them make الخمر to be evil, and الخلّ to be good. (Har p. 153.) b3: خَمْرٌ also signifies (assumed tropical:) Grapes; (AHn, M, K;) in the dial. of ElYemen:) (M:) like as عِنَبٌ signifies “ wine ”

in that dial. (AHn, TA in art. عنب.) It is said in the Kur [xii. 36], إِنِّى أَرَانِى أَعْصِرُ خَمْرًا Verily I thought myself pressing grapes: (ISd:) or the meaning is, pressing out wine from grapes. (Ibn-'Arafeh.) خَمَرٌ A covert of trees &c.: (ISk, S, Mgh, K:) or a place where the ground is eaten away by a torrent, or an oblong tract of sand collected together and elevated, forming a place for concealment: (ISk, S:) and a hollow, or cavity, in which a wolf conceals himself: and tangled trees. (TA.) You say, تَوَارَى الصَّيْدُ مِنِّى فِى خَمَرِ الوَادِى

[The game, or wild animal or animals, concealed itself, or themselves, from me in the covert, &c., of the valley]. (S.) And هُوَ يَدِبُّ لَهُ الضَّرَآءَ وَ يَمْشِى

لَهُ الخَمَرَ (assumed tropical:) [He creeps to him in the thicket, or place overgrown with trees; and he walks to him in the covert of trees, &c.: see Freytag's Arab. Prov. 913]: speaking of a man when he deceives, or circumvents, his companion. (S.) And جَآءَنَا عَلَى خَمْرٍ and ↓ على خِمْرَةٍ (assumed tropical:) He came to us secretly; unexpectedly; clandestinely. (K.) b2: Hence, (S,) خَمَرٌ and ↓ خُمَارٌ and ↓ خَمَارٌ (S, K) and ↓ خَمْرَةٌ (K) (assumed tropical:) A crowding, (S,) or congregation, (K,) and multitude, of men or people. (S, K.) You say, النَّاسِ ↓ دَخَلَ فِى خَمَارِ and ↓ خَمَارِهِمْ, dial. vars. of غُمَار and غَمَار, i. e. (tropical:) He entered among the crowding and multitude of the men or people; (S;) and in like manner, فى ↓ خَمَرْتِهِمْ and غَمَرْتِهِمْ; (TA;) as also فى خَمَرِهِمْ and غَمَرِهِمْ: (TA in art. غمر:) or among such [a crowd] of the people as hid him. (ISk, S.) خَمِرٌ A place abounding with coverts of the description termed خَمَر; (IAar, S, K;) a place concealing by dense trees. (TA.) A2: (assumed tropical:) A man infected, syn. مُخَامَرٌ, (Sh, IAar, S,) by a disease: (TA:) thought by ISd to be a possessive epithet: (TA:) or in the last stage of the remains of intoxication. (S.) [See also مَخْمُورٌ.]) خَمْرَةٌ: see خَمْرٌ, in two places. b2: Also, (S, A, K,) and ↓ خِمْرَةٌ (Kr, K) and ↓ خُمْرَةٌ, (K,) The odour of perfume: (S, A:) or a sweet odour: (K:) and the last signifies also an odour which has infected (خَامَرَ, i. e. خَالَطَ,) a person; (K;) as also ↓ خَمَرَةٌ. (Az, K.) You say, وَجَدْتُ خَمْرَةَ الطِّيبِ I experienced, or smelt, the odour of the perfume. (S, A.) A2: See also خَمَرٌ, in two places.

خُمْرَةٌ: see خَمِيرٌ, in two places. b2: Also a dial. var. of غُمْرَةٌ [q. v.], A thing [or composition] which is used as a liniment for beautifying the complexion; (S;) [the plant called] وَرْس and certain perfumes which a woman uses as a liniment (so in the K, or applies as a liniment to her face, as in other lexicons, TA) to beautify her face. (K.) A2: Pain, and headache, and annoyance, occasioned by wine (خَمْر, for which in some copies of the K we find حُمَّى erroneously put, TA); as also ↓ خُمَارٌ: or the intoxication thereof, which has infected (خَالَطَ) [a person]; (K;) and so ↓ خُمَارٌ: (TA:) or this latter signifies the remains of intoxication: (S:) pl. of the former خُمَرٌ. (TA.) b2: See also خَمْرَةٌ.

A3: A small pot or jar: and a vessel for leaven. (KL.) A4: A small mat, (S, A, * Mgh, Msb, K,) [of an oblong shape,] large enough for a man to prostrate himself upon it, (Mgh, Msb,) used for that purpose [in prayer], (S, A,) made of palm-leaves (S, K) woven (تُرْمَلُ) with threads or strings: (S:) so called because it veils the ground from the face of the person praying [upon it]: (Zj, * Mgh:) or because its threads or strings are hidden by its palm-leaves. (TA.) خِمْرَةٌ A hiding, or concealing, oneself: (IAar, TA:) [or, accord. to analogy, a mode, or manner, of doing so.] b2: See also خَمَرٌ. b3: A mode, manner, or way, of wearing the خِمَار. (K, * TA.) You say, إِنَّهَا لَحَسَنَةُ الخِمْرَةِ [Verily she has a beautiful mode of wearing the خمار]. (S.) And hence the saying of 'Omar to Mo'áwiyeh, مَا أَشْبَهَ عَيْنَكَ بِخِمْرَةِ هِنْدٍ [How like is thine eye to Hind's (when she practises her) mode of wearing the خمار!]. (TA.) Hence also, (TA,) إِنَّ العَوَانَ لَا تُعَلَّمُ الخِمْرَةَ [Verily she who has had a husband will not require to be taught the mode of wearing the خمار]: (S, K, * TA:) a prov., (S, TA,) applied to him who is experienced and knowing: (K:) i. e. the experienced woman is not to be taught how she should act. (TA.) A2: See also خَمْرَةٌ.

خَمَرَةٌ: see خَمْرَةٌ.

خَمْرِىٌّ Grapes (عِنَبٌ) fit for wine. (TA.) b2: A colour resembling the colour of wine. (TA.) خِمِرٌّ: see خِمَارٌ.

خَمَارٌ: see خَمَرٌ, in two places.

خُمَارٌ: see خَمَرٌ, in two places: A2: and see also خُمْرَةٌ, in two places.

خِمَارٌ [A woman's muffler, or veil, with which she covers her head and the lower part of her face, leaving exposed only the eyes and part or the whole of the nose: such is the خمار worn in the present day: a kind of veil which is called in Turkish يَشْمَقْ; as in the TK:) a woman's headcovering; (Mgh, TA;) a piece of cloth with which a woman covers her head; (Msb;) i. q. نَصِيفٌ, (K,) pertaining to a woman; (S) as also ↓ خِمِرٌّ: (Th, K:) and any covering of a thing; anything by which a thing is veiled, or covered: (K:) pl. [of pauc.] أَخْمِرَةٌ (K) and [of mult.]

خُمُرٌ (Msb, K) and خُمْرٌ. (K.) b2: Also A man's turban; because a man covers his head with it in like manner as a woman covers her head with her خمار: when he disposes it in the Arab manner, he turns [a part of] it under the jaws [nearly in the same manner in which a woman disposes her خمار]. (TA.) [Hence,] مَا شَمَّ خِمَارَكَ, a prov., (TA,) [meaning] (assumed tropical:) What hath changed thee from the state in which thou wast? What hath befallen thee? (K.) خَمِيرٌ (K) and ↓ مَخْمُورٌ and ↓ مُخَمَّرٌ, (TA,) applied to dough, [Leavened;] having had خَمِير [as meaning leaven] put into it: (TA:) or, applied to dough, and to clay or mud (طِين, as in the K, but accord. to other lexicons perfume, طِيب, TA), and the like, left until it has become good [or mature]: (K:) pl. [of the first] خَمْرَى. (TA.) You say also خُبْزٌ خَمِيرٌ Bread [leavened, or] into which leaven (خَمِير) has been put: (Lh, TA:) or yesterday's bread; bread that has been kept over a night: (S:) and خُبْزَةٌ خَمِيرٌ, without ة [in the epithet]. (Lh, TA.) And خَمِيرٌ is also applied to Bread itself: or leavened bread. (Sh, TA.) b2: خَمِيرٌ [used as a subst.] (S, A, Msb, K) and ↓ خَمِيرَةٌ and ↓ خُمْرَةٌ (S, A, K) signify Leaven, or ferment, expl. by مَا خُمِّرَ بِهِ, (K,) of dough, and of perfume; (TA;) what is put into dough, (S, A, Msb,) and into the beverage called نَبِيذ; (A;) and ↓ خُمْرَةٌ also signifies what is put into perfume, as well as what is put into dough and into نبيذ: (Ks:) the خُمْرَة of نبيذ is its dregs, (K,) and its [ferment which is called] دُرْدِىّ; (TA;) or what is put into it, of wine (خَمْر) and of دُرْدِىّ; and so too of perfume; (S;) and the خُمْرَة of milk is its ferment (رُوبَة) which is poured upon it in order that it may quickly curdle, or coagulate, or thicken, or become thick and fit for churning. (TA.) b3: [Hence,] اِجْعَلْهُ فِى سِرِّ خَمِيرِكَ (tropical:) Conceal thou it (i. e. a secret, A) in thy mind. (A, TA.) And أَخْرَجَ مِنْ سِرِّ خَمِيرِهِ سِرًّا (tropical:) He revealed, or disclosed, a secret. (TA.) b4: See also مَخْمُورٌ.

خَمِيرَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

خَمَّارٌ A vintner; a seller of خَمْر [or wine]. (K.) خِمِّيرٌ (S) and ↓ مُسْتَخْمِرٌ (K) One who constantly drinks wine; (S, K;) a great drinker; devoted to drink. (K.) مُخَمَّرٌ (assumed tropical:) A horse having a white head, whatever be the rest of his colour; but not ↓ مُخْتَمِرٌ: (Lth:) and مُخَمَّرَةٌ, applied to a ewe or she-goat, (Az, T, S, A,) accord. to Lth and the K ↓ مُخْتَمرَِةٌ, but the former is the right term, (TA,) [in the CK مُخْتَمِر,] (assumed tropical:) whose head is white, and the rest of her black; like رَخْمَآءُ: (S:) or having a white head; (Az, T, A;) and in like manner, a mare: (K:) or a black ewe with a white head: from the خِمَار of a woman. (TA.) A2: See also خَمِيرٌ. b2: and see مَخْمُورٌ.

مُخَمِّرٌ A maker of خَمْر [or wine]. (K.) مَخْمُورٌ: see خَمِيرٌ. b2: Also, (S,) and ↓ مُخَمَّرٌ and ↓ خَمِيرٌ, (TA,) A man affected with خُمَار, (S, TA,) i. e. the remains of intoxication. (S. [Like مَبْخُورٌ. See also خَمِرٌ.]) مُخْتَمِرٌ, and with ة: see مُخَمَّرٌ.

مُسْتَخْمِرٌ: see خِمِّيرٌ.



1 كَادَهُ, aor. ـِ (S, L, Msb,) inf. n. كَيْدٌ (S, L, Msb, K) and مَكِيدَةٌ, (S, L, K,) or the latter is a simple subst.; (Msb;) and ↓ كايدهُ, (A,) inf. n. مُكَايَدَةٌ; (S;) or this implies reciprocation; (TA;) [and ↓ اكتادهُ, which see below. app. signifies the same as كَادَهُ like as اِخْتَدَعَهُ signifies the same as خَدَعَهُ;] He deceived, beguiled, or circumvented, him or he deceived, beguiled, or circumvented, him; and desired to do him a foul, an abominable, or an evil, action, clandestinely, or without his knowing whence it proceeded; i. q. مَكَرَ بِهِ (S, L, Msb, K) and خَدَعَهُ: (Msb:) or, accord. to some, مكربه implies the feigning of the contrary of one's real intentions; whereas كاده does not: or this latter signifies he did him harm, or mischief; and the former, he did so clandestinely. (MF.) b2: كَادَ, aor. ـِ (L,) inf. n. كَيْدٌ and مَكِيدَةٌ, (L, K,) [or the latter is a simple subst.,] He acted deceitfully, mischievously, or wickedly. (L, K.) b3: Also, inf. n. كَيْدٌ, He practised an evasion or elusion, a shift, a wile, an artifice, or artful contrivance or device, a plot, a stratagem, or an expedient; or he exercised art, artifice, cunning, ingenuity, or skill, in the management or ordering of affairs,, with excellent consideration or deliberation, and ability to manage with subtilty according to his own free will; syn. اِخْتَالَ; (L:) and of the inf. n., حِيلَةٌ. (L, K.) b4: كَادَهُ He taught him الكَيْد [i. e., to deceive, beguile, or circumvent, &c., or, to act deceitfully, mischievously, or wickedly; or, to practise modes, or means, of evading or cluding, &c.]. So some explain it in the Kur xii. 76. (TA.) b5: It is said in a trad., مَا قَوْلُكَ فِى عُقُولٍ كَادَهَا خَالِقُهَا What sayest thou of intellects to which their Creator hath desired to do evil? (L.) So some explain the verb in the Kur xxi. 58. (TA.) b6: يَكِيدُونَ كَيْدًا وَأَكِيدُ كَيْدًا [Kur lxxxvi. 16, They practise an artful device, and I will practise an artful device]. كَيْدُ اللّٰهِ لِلْكُفَّارِ CCC [God's practising an artful device towards the unbelievers] means his taking them unawares, so that they do not reckon upon it; bestowing upon them enjoyments in which they delight, and on which they place their reliance, and with which they become familiar so as not to be mindful of death, and then taking them in their most heedless state; إِسْتِدْرَاجُهُمْ مِنْ حَيْثُ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ. (Zj, L.) b7: كَادَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. كَيْدٌ, He contrived, devised, or plotted, a thing, whether wrong or right. Ex. فُلَانٌ يَكِيدُ أَمْرً مَا أَدْرِى مَا هُوَ Such a one contrives, devises, or plots, a thing: I know not what it is. (L.) b8: كَادَ, aor. ـِ He worked, or laboured, at, or upon, anything; he laboured, took pains, applied himself vigorously, exerted himself, strove, or struggled, to do, execute, or perform, or to effect, or accomplish, or to manage, or treat, anything; he laboured, strove, or struggled, with anything, to prevail, or overcome, or to effect an object; syn. عَالَجَ. (S, L.) b9: كَادَ, inf. n. كَيْدٌ, He strove, or laboured; exerted himself, or his power or ability; employed himself vigorously, laboriously, sedulously, or earnestly; was diligent; took extraordinary pains. (L.) A2: كَادَ, inf. n. كَيْدٌ, He (a raven or crow) exerted himself in his croaking. (S, K.) A3: كَادَ بِنَفْسِهِ, (K,) aor. ـِ (S, L,) inf. n. كَيْدٌ, (L,) (tropical:) He gave up his spirit: (S, L, K:) endured distress in giving up the ghost. (A.) b2: كَادَ, (K,) inf. n. كَيْدٌ, (S, K,) He vomited. (S, K.) b3: كَادَ, inf. n. كَيْدٌ, It (a زَنْد) emitted fire. (L, K.) b4: كَادَتْ, (L, K,) aor. ـِ inf. n. كَيْدٌ, (L,) She had the menstrual flux. (L, K.) A4: لَا أَفْعَلُ ذٰلِكَ وَلَا كَيْدًا وَلَا هَمًّا I will not do that, nor do I desire, nor do I purpose, or intend. (K, * TA.) See كَادَ in art. كود.

A5: كَادَ يَفْعَلُ كَذَا, (L. Msb, K,) originally كَيِدَ, first Pers\. كِدْتُ, aor. ـَ (L, Msb;) and كِيدَ: (L, K:) see art. كود.

[It is mentioned in arts. كود and كيد in the L, K: in the former only in the S: and in the latter only in the Msb.]3 كَاْيَدَ see 1.6 هُمَا يَتَكَايَدَانِ (L, K) They two deceive, beguile, or circumvent, each other; or do so, each desiring to do to the other a foul, abominable, or evil, action clandestinely. (TK.) See 1. Youshould not say يَتَكَاوَدَانِ. (L, K.) 8 اكتاد is of the measure افْتَعَلَ from الكَيْدُ; (K;) and اكتادهُ signifies إحْتَالَهُ [or rather إِحْتَالَ عَلَيْهِ]. (TK.) See 1.

كَيْدٌ: see 1. b2: (tropical:) War: (S, K:) so called because of the stratagems employed therein. (TA.) One says, غَزَا فُلَانٌ فَلَمْ يَلْقَ كَيْدًا (tropical:) Such a one went on a hostile expedition and found not war: (S, L:) i. e., did not fight. (A.) b3: كَيْدٌ ذَاتُ غَدْرٍ (tropical:) A war characterized by perfidy.

كيد is here made fem. because meaning حَرْبٌ. (L, from a trad.) A2: كَيْدٌ Vomit. (S, * L, K. *) بَلَعَ الكَيْدَ. He swallowed vomit. (L, from a trad.) مَكِيدَةٌ: see 1. b2: As a simple subst., Deceit, guile, or circumvention, and desire to do a foul, an abominable, or an evil, action, to another clandestinely: (Msb:) [and an evasion, or elusion, a shift, a wile, an artifice, &c.: see 1 as intrans.:] pl. مَكَائِدُ. (A.)



أ1 سَآءَ, (Lth, M, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (Lth, Msb,) inf. n. سَوْءٌ, (Lth, M,) or سَوَآءٌ, like سَحَابٌ, (K,) [but the former is that which is commonly known,] It (a thing, Lth, M) was, or became, evil, bad, abominable, foul, unseemly, unsightly, or ugly. (Lth, M, Msb, K.) It is used in this sense, (IKt, TA,) or [rather] is like بِئْسَ, (Bd, Jel,) in the Kur [xvii. 34], where it is said, سَآءَ سَبِيلًا [Evil, &c., is it as a way of acting]: (IKt, Bd, Jel, TA:) which is like the saying, سَآءَ هٰذَا مَذْهَبًا [Evil, &c., is this as a way of acting or believing, &c.]: the noun being in the accus. case as a specificative. (IKt, TA.) And so in the saying, سَآءَ مَا فَعَلَ فُلَانٌ صَنِيعًا [Evil, &c., as an action, is that which such a one has done]. (TA.) b2: One says also, سُؤْتُ بِهِ ظَنًّا, and أَسَأْتُ ↓ بِهِ الظَّنَّ , [lit. I was evil in opinion respecting him, or it, and I made the opinion respecting him, or it, to be evil, each virtually meaning I held, or formed, an evil opinion respecting him, or it,] the noun being determinate, with the article ال, in the latter case, (ISk, S, Msb, TA,) because it is an objective complement, for the verb is trans., (IB, TA,) and the noun being indeterminate in the former case, (IB, Msb, TA,) because it is in the accus. case as a specificative; (IB, TA;) but some allow it to be indeterminate after ↓ أَسَأْتُ, which is here the contr. of أَحْسَنْتُ. (Msb.) A2: It is also trans.: (Lth, TA:) you say, سَآءَهُ, (S, M, K,) aor. ـُ (S,) inf. n. سَوْءٌ (S, M, K) and (??), with damm also, (TA, [and said to be an (??)n. in the Ksh and by Bd in ii. 46, but as it is (??) entioned as an inf. n. in the S nor in the M (??) the K, but is expressly said in all these to (??)st., I think that is should be rejected, or (??) as a quasi-inf. n. like كَلَامٌ and ثَوَابٌ (??) سَوَآةٌ (K) and سَوَآءَةٌ (Az, M, K) and (??), K,) of the measure فَعَالِيَةٌ, like (??) M,) and سَوَايَةٌ, (S, M, K,) which is a contraction of that next preceding, (Kh, S, M,) and مَسَآءٌ (M, K) and مَسَآءَةٌ, (S, M, K,) originally مَسْوَأَةٌ, (Har p. 81,) and مَسَائِيَةٌ, which is originally مَسَاوِئَةٌ, (Kh, S, M, K,) and مَسَايَةٌ, (S, M, K,) which is a contraction of that next preceding, (Kh, S,) and مَسَائِيَّةٌ, (M, K,) this last written in the L with two ى s, [i. e. مَسَاييِةٌ,] (TA,) [He did evil to him;] he did to him that which he disliked, or hated; (M, K;) he displeased, grieved, or vexed, him; contr. of سَرَّهُ. (S.) One says, سُؤْتُ الرَّجُلَ, meaning I displeased, grieved, or vexed, the man by what he saw [or experienced] from me. (S.) And أَرَدْتُ مَسَآءَتَكَ and مَسَائِيَتَكَ [I desired to displease, grieve, or vex, thee]. (Lth, TA.) And إِنَّ اللَّيْلَ طَوِيلٌ وَلَا يَسُؤْ بَالُهُ [Verily the night is long, and may the state thereof not displease, grieve, or vex, me]: meaning لَا يَسُؤْنِى بَالُهُ; and expressing a prayer. (Lh, M. [In the TA, in the place of بَالُهُ is put ما له; as though meaning مَا لَهُ مِنَ الحَوَادِثِ or the like, i. e. its events, or accidents, &c.]) And لَهُ عِنْدِي مَا سَآءَهُ وَنَآءَهُ [I have, belonging to him, or I owe him, what grieved him, and oppressed him by its weight], and مَا يَسُوْؤُهُ وَيَنُوْؤُهُ [what does, or will, grieve him, &c.]. (S.) تَرَكَ مَا يَسُوْؤُهُ وَيَنُوْؤُهُ [He left, or has left, what will grieve him, and oppress him by its weight, on the day of judgment, by the responsibility that it has imposed upon him,] is a prov., said of him who has left his property to his heirs. (Meyd, TA.) It is said that El-Mahboobee was possessed of riches; and when death visited him, he desired to make a testament; so it was said to him, “What wilt thou write? ” and he answered, “Write ye, 'Such a one,' meaning himself, 'has left what will grieve him, and oppress him by its weight:' ” i. e., property which his heirs will devour, while the burden thereof will remain upon him. (Meyd, TA.) [See also 4.] b2: One says also, سُؤْتُ وَجْهَ فُلَانٍ, aor. ـُ inf. n. مَسَآءَةٌ and مَسَائِيَةٌ, (Lth, TA,) i. q. قَبَحْتُهُ [i. e. I said, May God remove the person (lit. the face) of such a one far from good, or prosperity, &c.]. (TA. [It is said in a copy of the M, that سُؤْتُ لَهُ وَجْهَهُ means قَبَّحْتُهُ: but I think that the right explanation is قَبَحْتُهُ, without tesh-deed, meaning I said to him, قَبَحَ اللّٰهُ وَجْهَكَ: see art. قبح.]) 2 سوّأ [He corrupted, or marred]. You say, سَوِّ وَلَا تُسَوِّئْ Rectify thou, and do not corrupt, or mar. (A, TA.) [See also 4.] b2: سوّأ عَلَيْهِ He said to him أَسَأْتُ [Thou hast done ill]. (M.) You say, سَوَّأْتُ عَلَيْهِ مَا صَنَعَ, (S,) or صَنِيعَهُ, (K,) i. e. فِعْلَهُ, (TA,) inf. n. تَسْوِئَةٌ and تَسْوِىْءٌ, I discommended to him what he had done, or his deed; and said to him أَسَأْتَ [Thou hast done ill]. (S, K.) And إِنْ أَسَأْتُ فَسَوِّئْ عَلَىَّ [If I do ill, say thou to me, Thou hast done ill]. (S.) 4 أَسَآءَ, [inf. n. إِسَآءَةٌ,] He did evil, or ill; or acted ill; contr. of أَحْسَنَ: (S, M, K:) [and so]

اسِآء فِى فِعْلِهِ. (Msb.) You say, اسآء إِلَيْهِ (S, K) and لَهُ and عَلَيهِ and بِهِ (TA) He did evil or ill, or acted ill, to him. (S, K, TA.) b2: [See also أَسْوَى, in several senses, in art. سوي.]

A2: اسآءهُ He corrupted it, or marred it; (M, K;) [did it ill;] did it not well; namely, a thing. (M.) It is said in a prov., أَسَآءَ كَارِهٌ مَا عَمِلَ [An unwilling person did ill what he did]; relating to a man who was compelled against his will, by another, to do a thing, and marred it, or did it not well: it is applied to the man who seeks an object of want and does not take pains to accomplish it. (M, Meyd. *) See also 1, in two places, in the former half of the paragraph. [And see 2.]8 استآء He experienced evil, or that which he disliked or hated, (S, * K, TA,) or displeasure, (TA,) or grief, or anxiety. (M, TA.) اِسْتَآءَ لَهَا occurs in a trad. as meaning He (the Prophet) became displeased, or grieved, or anxious, on account of it; i. e., on account of a dream that had been related to him: or, accord. to one relation, the right reading is اِسْتَآلَهَا, meaning “ he sought the interpretation of it, by consideration. ” (TA.) سَوْءٌ is an inf. n. of سَآءَ, (Lth, S, M, K,) intrans., (Lth, M,) and trans.: (S, M, K:) and is also used as an epithet, applied to a man, (M, Msb, and Ham p. 712,) and to an action. (Msb.) Yousay رَجُلُ سَوْءٍ (S, M, Msb, K) [A man of evil nature or doings; or] a man who does what is evil, displeasing, grievous, or vexatious: (M, TA:) and رَجُلُ السَّوْءِ [the man of evil nature or doings &c.]: (S, K:) and ذِئْبُ السَّوْءِ [the wolf of evil nature &c.], as in a verse cited voce أَحَالَ, in art. حول: (S:) and عَمَلُ سَوْءٍ [a deed of evil nature]: (M, Msb:) and عَمَلُ السَّوْءِ [the deed of evil nature]: (Ham p. 498:) and نَعْتُ سَوْءٍ [an epithet of evil nature]: (O and K in art. سحق:) and سَعْفُ سَوْءٍ a bad commodity: (O and TA in art. سعف:) and if you make the former word determinate [by means of the article ال], you use the latter as an epithet [also], (M, * Msb, and Ham, p. 712, *) and you say الرَّجُلُ السَّوْءُ [the evil man, or the man who does what is evil &c.]: (Msb, and Ham p. 712:) and العَمَلُ السَّوْءُ [the evil deed]: (Msb:) [this last phrase I hold to be correct, regarding السَّوْءُ in this case as originally an inf. n. of the intrans. verb سَآءَ, and therefore capable of being used as an epithet applied to anything; though] IB says that السَّوْءُ used as an epithet is applied to a man but not to a deed: (TA:) [in what here follows from the S, denying the correctness of another phrase mentioned above on the authority of lexicologists of high repute, there is, in my opinion, an obvious mistranscription, twice occurring, السَّوْءُ for السُّوْءُ, which I suppose to have passed from an early copy of that work into most other copies thereof, for I find it alike in all to which I have had access:] Akh says, one should not say الرَّجُلُ السَّوْءُ, though one says الحَقُّ اليَقِينُ as well as حَقُّ اليَقِينِ; for السَّوْءُ is not the same as الرَّجُلُ, but اليَقِينُ is the same as الحَقُّ: he says, also, nor should one say, هٰذَا رَجُلُ السُّوْءِ with damm: (S:) [here the expres-sion “ with damm ” may perhaps be meant to refer to السوء in all of the three instances above; not in the last only:] IB says, [in remarking on this passage of the S, in which he appears to have read السُّوْء, with damm, in all of the three instances,] Akh allows one's saying رَجُلُ السَّوْءِ and رَجُلُ سَوْءٍ, with fet-h to the س in both; but not رَجُلُ السُّوْءِ, with damm to the س, because السُّوْءُ is a subst., meaning “ harm, injury, hurt, mischief, or damage,” and “ evilness of state or condition; ” and رَجُل is prefixed, as governing a gen. case, only to the inf. n.: and he adds that one says, هٰذَا الرَّجُلُ السَّوْءُ, not prefixing [the former noun to the latter, but using the latter as an epithet]. (TA.) b2: See also the next paragraph, in six places.

سُوْءٌ is the subst. from سَآءَهُ; (S, M, * K;) [so, app., accord. to the generality of the lexicologists;] or inf. n. (Ksh and Bd in ii. 46) of سَيِّئٌ, (Ksh ibid.,) or of سَآءَ, aor. ـُ (Bd ibid.,) or of سَآءَهُ [q. v.]; (TA;) signifying Evilness, badness, abominableness, foulness, or unseemliness; [and displeasingness, grievousness, or vexatiousness;] as, for instance, of natural disposition, and of doings: (Ksh ubi suprà:) vitious, immoral, unrighteous, sinful, or wicked, conduct: [hence, رَمَاهُ بِسُوْءٍ: see art. رمي:] anything disapproved, or disallowed; or regarded as evil, bad, abominable, foul, or unseemly: (S, TA:) [an evil action or event:] evilness of state or condition: harm, injury, hurt, mischief, or damage: (IB, TA:) anything that is mentioned as being سَيِّئ [i. e. evil, &c.]: (Lth, TA:) any evil, evil affection, cause of mischief or harm or injury, noxious or destructive thing, calamity, disease, or malady: (M, K, TA:) [pl. أَسْوَآءٌ, accord. to a general rule.] The saying مَا أُنْكِرُكَ مِنْ سُوْءٍ means I do not disacknowledge thee in consequence of سُوْء [i. e. evilness, &c.,] that I have seen in thee, but only in consequence of my little knowledge of thee. (S.) لِنَصْرِفَ عَنْهُ السُّوْءَ وَالفَحْشَآءَ, in the Kur [xii. 24], is said by Zj to mean, [In order that we might turn away from him] unfaithfulness to his master, and adultery. (M, TA.) And سُوْءُ الحِسَابِ, in the Kur [xiii. 18, i. e. The evilness of the reckoning], is expl. by him as meaning a reckoning in which no good work will be accepted, and no evil work passed over; because infidelity will have made the former to be of no avail: or, as some say, it means a reckoning pursued to the utmost extent, in which no evil work will be passed over. (M, TA.) لَا خَيْرَ فِى قَوْلِ السُّوْءِ means There is no good in thy saying سُوْء [i. e. a thing that is evil; قول being here used in its original sense of an inf. n.]: but if you say ↓ السَّوْء, [you use قول in the sense of مَقُول, and] the meaning is, in evil speech. (TA as from the K, but not in the CK nor in my MS. copy of the K.) سُوْءٌ accord. to one reading, and ↓ سَوْءٌ accord. to another, (K, TA, [but all that is given in this sentence as from the K is so given only on the authority of the TA, not being in the CK nor in my MS. copy of the K]) the latter of which readings is the more common, (TA,) in the phrase دَائِرَةُ السّوء, (K, TA,) in the Kur [ix. 99 and xlviii. 6], (TA,) mean Defeat, and evil; (K, TA;) and trial, or affliction, and torment; (TA;) and perdition, and destruction, or corruption: (K, TA:) and in like manner in the saying, أُمْطِرَتْ مَطَرَ السّوءِ, (K, TA,) in the Kur [xxv. 42]: (TA:) or السُّوْء means harm, injury, hurt, mischief, or damage; and evilness of state or condition; [as expl. before;] and ↓ السَّوْء, corruption, or destruction, or perdition: (K, * TA:) or السُّوْء in the phrase دَائِرَةُ السُّوْءِ means defeat and evil; and the reading ↓ السَّوْء is from [i. e. syn. with] المَسَآءَة [as inf. n.]. (S. [See also دَائِرَةٌ, in art. دور.]) Accord. to Zj, in the saying in the Kur [xlviii. 6], ↓ الظَّانِّينَ بِاللّٰهِ ظَنَّ السَّوْءِ, (TA,) meaning ظَنَّ الأَمْرِ السَّوْءِ [i. e. Who opine, of God, the opining of the evil thing], (Bd,) it is allowable to read ظَنَّ السُّوْءِ; (T, TA;) and thus some read in this instance: (Jel:) but AM says, in the saying in the Kur [xlviii. 12], ↓ وَظَنَنْتُمْ ظَنَّ السَّوْءِ [And ye opined the evil opining], it is read only with fet-h, and damm to the س is not allowable in this instance, for there is in it no meaning of trial, or affliction, and torment: (TA:) [for this distinction, however, I see no reason; and it is not correct; for] السوء is with fet-h and with damm to the س in the three sentences [whereof this last is one] in which it occurs in this chapter. (Jel.) b2: In the Kur vii. 188, it is said to mean (assumed tropical:) Diabolical possession; or insanity, or madness. (M, TA.) b3: (tropical:) Leprosy, syn. بَرَصٌ, (Lth, S, M, K, TA,) is said to be its meaning in the Kur xx. 23 and xxvii. 12 and xxviii. 32. (S, TA.) b4: (assumed tropical:) The fire: so in the Kur xxx. 9, accord. to the reading السُّوْءَ: (K, TA:) said to mean there Hell: but the reading commonly known is ↓ السُّوْءَى. (TA.) b5: And (assumed tropical:) Weakness in the eye. (K. [Thus, i. e. with damm to the س, in the CK and TK: in the TA said to be بالفتح; but this is evidently a mistake for بالضمّ.]) سَىْءٌ: see سَيِّئٌ.

سَوْءَةٌ The عَوْرَة [or pudendum], (S, Mgh, Msb,) i. e. (Msb) the فَرْج [which means the same, or the external portion of the organs of generation], (Lth, M, IAth, Msb, K,) of a man, and of a woman: (Lth, Msb, TA:) and the anus: (Az and TA in art. سوى:) dual سَوْءَتَانِ: and pl. سَوْآتٌ: so called because its becoming exposed to men displease [or shames] the owner thereof; (Msb;) or because of its unseemliness. (Ham p. 510.) In the Kur vii. 19, for سَوْآتِهِمَا, some read سَوَاتِهِمَا; and some, سَوَّاتِهِمَا. (Bd.) b2: In the Kur v. 34, it means The dead body, or corpse; (Bd, Jel;) because it is deemed unseemly to be seen. (Bd.) b3: Accord. to IAth, the former is the primary signification: and hence it is transferred to denote Any saying, or action, of which one is ashamed when it appears: (TA:) any evil, bad, abominable, foul, or unseemly, saying or action; (S, K, TA;) as also ↓ سَوْآءُ: (M:) any disgracing action or thing: (Lth, TA:) an evil, abominable, or unseemly, property, quality, custom, or practics; (K, TA;) as also ↓ سَوْآءُ, or ↓ سَوْءَى; (accord. to different copies of the K; [the latter perhaps fem. of ↓ أَسْوَأُ like the former, of the same class as دَفْأَى and دَنْأَى, or fem. of ↓ سَوْآنُ, like عَطْشَى fem. of عَطْشَانُ;]) or so both of these; (TA;) or so ↓ سَوْءَةٌ سَوْآءُ: (S:) [or this last means a property, &c., that is very evil &c.] One says, سَوْءَةً لِفُلَانٍ May a disgracing action or thing befall such a one; [or disgrace, or shame, to such a one;] using the accus. case because it is an expression of reviling and imprecation. (Lth, TA.) [See also سَيِّئَةٌ and سُوْءَى.] b4: ↓ السَّوْءَةُ السَّوْءَى [or ↓ السَّوْءَةُ السَّوْآءُ] also means The contrarious wife or woman. (TA.) سَايَةٌ as used in the saying ضَرَبَ فُلَانٌ عَلَى فُلَانٍ

سَايَةً is held by some to be originally with ء, and of the measure فَعْلَةٌ, from السَّوْءُ; so that the saying means Such a one did to such a one a thing that caused displeasure to him; and did evil to him: others hold that the saying means such a one made a way to do what he desired to such a one; in which case, ساية is of the measure فَعْلَةٌ from سَوَّيْتُ; originally سَوْيَةٌ, which is changed into سَيَّةٌ, and then into سَايَةٌ, in like manner as دِوَّانٌ is changed into دِيوَانٌ. (Aboo-Bekr, TA.) [See the same word in art. سوى.]

سَوْءَى: see سَوْءَةٌ, in two places.

سُوْءَى is [fem. of ↓ أَسْوَأُ, q. v., as meaning More, and most, evil, bad, abominable, foul, unseemly, unsightly, or ugly: and is also] a subst. signifying an evil, a bad, an abominable, a foul, or an unseemly, action; (Msb, TA;) i. q. فَعْلَةٌ سَيِّئَةٌ [and سَيِّئَةٌ alone]: in this sense, [as well as in the former,] (TA,) contr. of حُسْنَى. (S, M, K, TA.) b2: In the Kur xxx. 9, (S, TA,) accord. to the reading commonly known, (TA,) [as contr. of الحُسْنَى,] السُّوْءَى means (assumed tropical:) The fire (S, K, TA) of Hell. (TA.) See also سُوْءٌ, last explanation but one.

سَوْآءُ: see أَسْوَأُ (of which it is said by some to be fem.) in two places: b2: and see also سَوْءَةٌ, in four places.

خَزْيَانُ سَوْآنُ is [app. an instance of the alteration of the latter of two epithets to assimilate it to the former, originally خَزْيَانُ أَسْوَأُ, meaning Ashamed, or base, or vile, or ignominious, and evil, bad, &c.,] from القُبْحُ. (M, TA.) b2: See also سَوْءَةٌ.

سَيِّئٌ, [originally سَيْوِئٌ (as will be shown below, voce سَيِّئَةٌ), then سَيْيِئٌ, and then سَيِّئٌ,] applied to a thing [of any kind], (Lth, TA,) Evil, bad, abominable, foul, unseemly, unsightly, or ugly; (Lth, Msb, TA;) contr. of حَسَنٌ: (Msb:) sometimes contracted into ↓ سَىْءٌ, like as هَيِّنٌ is contracted in هَيْنٌ, and لَيّنٌ into لَيْنٌ; as in the saying of Et-Tuhawee, وَلَا يَجْزُونَ مِنْ حَسَنٍ مِسَىْءٍ

وَلَا يَجْزُونَ مِنْ غِلَظٍ بِلِينِ [And they will not requite good with evil, nor will they requite roughness with gentleness]. (S.) You say قَوْلٌ سَيِّئٌ [An evil saying; or] a saying that displeases. (M, TA.) And فَعْلَةٌ سَيِّئَةٌ [An evil action or deed]. (TA.) And it is said in the Kur [xxxv. 41], وَــمَكْرَ السَّيِّئِ وَلَا يَحِيقُ الْــمَكْرُ السَّيِّئٌ

إِلَّا بِأَهْلِهِ [And in the plotting of that which is evil; but the evil plotting shall not beset any save the authors thereof]. (M, TA.) One says also, فُلَانٌ سَيِّئُ الاِخْتِيَارِ [Such a one is evil in respect of choice, or preference]. (S.) [See also the next paragraph.]

سَيِّئَةٌ [fem. of سَيِّئٌ, q. v.: and also a subst., being transferred from the category of epithets to that of substs. by the affix ة], originally سَيْوِئَةٌ, (S,) An evil act or action; contr. of حَسَنَةٌ; (Msb;) a fault, an offence, or an act of disobedience; or such as is intentional; a sin, a crime, or an act of disobedience for which one deserves punishment; syn. خَطِيْئَةٌ: (M, K:) pl. سَيِّئَاتٌ. (TA.) It is said in a trad., الحَسَنَةُ بَيْنَ السَّيِّئَتَيْنِ [The good act is between the two evil acts]; meaning that the exceeding of the just bounds is a سَيِّئَة, and the falling short thereof is a سَيِّئَة, and the pursuing a middle course between these two is a حَسَنَة. (TA.) [See also سَوْءَةٌ and سُوْءَى.] b2: Also; tropically, (tropical:) The recompense of a سَيِّئَة properly so termed [i. e. as expl. above]. (Msb in art. مكر.) b3: An evil, or evil accident; a calamity; a misfortune; (Ksh in iv. 81;) a trial, or an affliction; opposed to حَسَنَةٌ; (Ksh and Bd in iv. 80;) scarcity of herbage, or of the goods, conveniences, and comforts, of life; straitness of circumstances; and unsuccessfulness; thus [likewise] opposed to حَسَنَةٌ in the Kur iv. 80. (Er- Rághib, TA in art. حسن.) أَسْوَأُ; fem. سُوْءَى: see the latter word. One says, هُوَ أَسْوَأُ القَوْمِ He is the most evil, &c., of the people, or party; syn. أَقْبَحُهُمْ: and هِىَ السُّوْءَى

She is the most evil, &c. (Msb.) And the [common] people say أَسْوَأُ الأَحْوَالِ, meaning The [worst, or] most scanty, and weakest, of states or conditions. (Msb.) A2: [Also,] applied as an epithet to a man, (El-Umawee, M, TA,) Evil, bad, abominable, foul, unseemly, unsightly, or ugly: (ElUmawee, M, K, TA:) fem. ↓ سَوْآءُ, (El-Umawee, M, K,) which is thus applied to a woman; (ElUmawee, S, M;) or this is an instance of the measure فَععلَآءُ having no [masc. of the measure]

أَفَعَلُ. (M, TA.) See also سَوْءَةٌ, in four places. It is said in a trad. (M, TA) of the Prophet, or of 'Omar, (TA,) وَلُودٌ خَيْرٌ مِنْ حَسْنَآءَ عَقِيمٍ ↓ سَوْآءُ [An ugly prolific woman is better than a beautiful barren one]. (M, TA.) مَسَآءَةٌ an inf. n. of سَآءَهُ: (S, M, K:) and [also a subst. signifying An evil, as being] a cause of grief or vexation; contr. of مَسَرَّةٌ: originally مَسْوَأَةٌ: and therefore the pl. is ↓ مَسَاوٍ, for مَسَاوِئُ; (Msb;) signifying also vices, faults, defects, or imperfections; (S, Msb, K, TA;) and diseases; (S, TA;) and acts of disobedience: (Msb:) so in the saying, بَدَتْ مَسَاوِيهِ His acts of disobedience, and vices, faults, &c., appeared: (Msb:) and الخَيْلُ تَجْرِى عَلَى مَسَاوِيهَا Horses run, notwithstanding their vices, or faults, &c., (S, Meyd, K,) and diseases; (S, Meyd;) for their generousness impels them to do so: (S, Meyd, K: but omitted in the CK:) and in like manner, the ingenuous generous man bears difficulties, and defends, or protects, what he is bound to defend or protect, or to regard as sacred, or inviolable, though he be weak, and practises generosity in all circumstances: (Meyd, TA:) or it is applied in relation to the protection and defence of what should be sacred, or inviolable, or of wives, or women under covert, and the members of one's household, notwithstanding harm, or injury, and fear: or it means that one may seek to defend himself by means of a man though there be in him qualities disapproved: (MF, TA:) but accord. to Lh, المَسَاوِى has no proper sing., like المَحَاسِنُ: (Meyd, TA: *) accord. to some of the writers on inflection, it is the contr. of المَحَاسِنُ, and an anomalous pl. of السُّوْءُ, being originally with ء. (TA.) مَسَاوٍ: see the next preceding paragraph.



1 جَنَبَهُ He broke his side: (S, K:) or he hit, or hurt, his side. (TA.) [The aor. of the verb in this sense is probably جَنُبَ, and the inf. n., accord. to the TK, is جَنْبٌ.] b2: He led him by his side; (S, A, * Msb, K;) namely, a horse (S, A, Msb, TA) or the like, (S, A,) and a captive. (S, TA.) In this sense, its aor. is جَنُبَ, (A, Msb, TA,) and the inf. n. جَنَبٌ (S, A, Msb, K) and مَجْنَبٌ. (K.) Hence, طَوْعُ الجَنَبِ: see جِنَابٌ.

جَنَبٌ which is forbidden (S, A, TA) in a trad., [in which it is said, لَا جَلَبَ وَلَا جَنَبَ] (A, TA) relating to horse-racing and to [the collecting of] the poor-rate, (TA,) means [in the former case] A man's leading, by the side of a horse that he rides in a race, another horse, (S, A, K,) without a rider, (TA,) and when the horse that he rides has become languid and weak, (K,) or when he fears that he will not outstrip upon it, (S,) or when he draws near to the goal, (A,) transferring himself to the other, (S, A, K,) in order that he may outstrip: (A:) and in relation to the poorrate, it means the collector's alighting in the most remote of the places whence the portion appointed for the poor-rate is to be collected, and then ordering that the camels or the like [that constitute that portion] shall be led to him: or the going of the owner of the property to a distance, [or aside, or out of the way,] with his property, so that the collector is obliged to go to a distance in quest of it. (K. See more in art. جلب, first paragraph.) b3: He placed, or put, at a distance, or he put, or sent, away, or far away, or far off, or he removed far away, alienated, or estranged, him, or it; (K;) as though he put him, or it, aside, or as though he walked aside; as also ↓ جانبهُ (TA.) And He pushed, thrust, or drove, him, or it, away, aside, or to a distance. (K, * TA.) and جَنَبَهُ الشَّىْءَ (S, K, *) or الشَّرَّ (Fr, Zj, Msb,) aor. ـُ (S, Msb, K;) and ↓ جنّبهُ, (Fr, Zj, S, A, Msb, K,) but this has an intensive signification; (Msb;) and ↓ اجنبهُ; (Fr, Zj, A, K;) He put aside, or away, or he warded off, from him, (S,) or he removed from him, (S, Msb, K,) or removed far from him, (Msb, K,) the thing, (S, K, *) or evil. (Fr, Zj, A, Msb.) It is said in the Kur [xiv. 38], وَاجْنُبْنِى وَبَنِىَّ أَنْ نَعْبُدَ الأَصْنَامَ [and put Thou away from me and my sons our worshipping of idols], (S,) or, accord. to one reading, ↓ وَأَجْنِبْنِى. (TA.) b4: He yearned towards, longed for, or desired, him, or it. (K, * TA.) A2: جَنَبَ بِهِ, aor. ـُ [He went aside, apart, out of the way, to a distance, or far away, with him, or it: or, like جَنَبَهُ, in a sense explained above,] he placed, or put, at a distance, or he put, or sent, away, or far away, or far off, him, or it. (K, TA.) b2: جَنَبَ فِى بَنِى فُلَانٍ, (S, K, *) aor. ـُ inf. n. جَنَابَةٌ; (S;) and ↓ تجنّب; (so, app., in the TA;) He alighted, or descended and abode, or settled, as a stranger, among the sons of such a one. (S, K, * TA.) One says, نِعْمَ القَوْمُ هُمْ لِجَارِ الجَنَابَةِ [Excellent are the people, they,] to the neighbour who is a stranger. (S. [See also جُنُبٌ.]) And لَا تَحْرِمَنِّى عَنْ جَنَابَةٍ Do not thou by any means refuse me because of being remote (S, A, TA) in respect of relationship. (A, TA.) [See also جَنَابَةٌ mentioned below as a subst.] b3: جَنَبَتِ الرِّيحُ, (S, A, K,) aor. ـُ (TA,) inf. n. جُنُوبٌ; (K;) and ↓ اجنبت; (TA;) The wind was, or became, such as is termed جَنُوب [i. e. south, or southerly]; (K;) it blew in the direction of the wind thus called: (A, TA:) or the former, (S,) or جَنِبَت, (TA,) the wind changed, or veered, so as to become جَنُوب (S, TA.) b4: [And hence, (see جَنُوبٌ,)]

جَنَبَ إِلَيْهِ, (IAar, K,) or إِلَى لِقَائِهِ, (TA,) aor. ـُ (K;) and جَنِبَ, aor. ـَ (Th, K;) [inf. n., app., جَنْبٌ, for the verb is said in the K to be like نَصَرَ and سَمِعَ;] (assumed tropical:) He was, or became, disquieted by vehement desire to see him, or to meet him. (K, * TA.) A3: جَنِبَ, aor. ـَ (S,) inf. n. جَنَبٌ, (S, K,) He (a camel) limped, or halted, by reason of [pain in] his side: (S:) or he had an affection resembling ظَلْع [i. e. limping, or halting], (K, TA,) but not the same as this: (TA:) and, (K,) or accord. to As, (S,) his lungs clave to his side by reason of vehement thirst: (S, K:) or, accord. to the Arabs of the desert, as ISk says, he became bent, or contorted, by reason of vehemence of thirst: (S:) and he (a camel) had a pain in his side from vehemence of thirst. (TA.) The epithet is ↓ جَنِبٌ; which is applied by Dhu-r-Rummeh to an ass. (S, TA.) b2: جنبت الدَّلْوُ [app. جَنِبَت] The bucket inclined to one side in consequence of the breaking of one or two of the thongs attacking it to the cross-bars. (L, TA.) A4: جَنِبَ and جَنُبَ and جَنَبَ are syn. with أَجْنَبَ in a sense explained below: see 4.

A5: جُنِبَ He had, or became affected by, the disease termed ذَاتُ الجَنْبِ [or pleurisy]: (S, Mgh, Msb:) he had a complaint of his side. (K.) A6: جُنِبُوا They were, or became, affected by the [south, or southerly, wind called] جُنُوب. (S, A, K.) And also, [in allusion to the fertilizing effect attributed to the wind so called,] They were, or became, affected by that wind in their cattle. (L, TA.) 2 جنّبهُ: see 1: b2: and see also 3.

A2: جنبّ, inf. n. تَجْنِيبٌ, He did not send the stallion-camel among his she-camels, nor the ram or he-goat among his ewes or she-goats. (K.) b2: جنّب القَوْمُ The milk of the people's camels became little: (S:) or the people's milk ceased; (K, TA;) or became little: or the people's camels had no milk: and جنّب said of a man, his camels had no milk, nor had his sheep or goats. (TA.) Hence, عَامُ تَجْنِيبٍ [A year of little, or no, milk]. (S, TA.) b3: جنّبت الأِبِلُ The camels, with the exception of one or two, brought forth no young. (Az, TA.) The camels did not conceive, so as to have milk. (TA.) A3: تَجْنِيبٌ [as an inf. n. of which the verb, if it have one in any of the following senses, is جُنِّبَ,] also signifies A bending, or curving, and tension [of the sinews] (تَوْتِيرٌ), of the hind leg of a horse; which is a quality approved: (S, K:) or, accord. to AO, a turning aside of his fore legs in raising them and putting them down: but accord. to As, it is in the kind legs, and تَحْنِيبٌ is in the back-bone and in the fore legs. (TA.) [See also 2 in art حنب; and see also مُجَنَّبٌ.]3 جانبهُ, (A, K,) inf. n. مُجَانَبَةٌ and جِنَابٌ, (K,) He was, or became, at, or by, his side: (A, K:) and he walked, or went, by his side. (A.) A2: Also i. q. بَا عَدَهُ; (A, K;) i. e. He was, or became, [distant, remote, far off, or aloof, from him; or] apart from him; or in a part, quarter, or tract, different from that in which he (the other) was; (TA;) thus bearing two contr. significations. (A, K.) جانبهُ and ↓ تجانبهُ and ↓ تجنّبُهُ and ↓ اجتنبهُ all signify the same, (S, K,) i. e. He was, or became, distant, remote, far off, or aloof, or he went, or removed, or retired, or withdrew himself, to a distance, or far away, or far off, or he alienated, or estranged, himself, or he stood, or kept, aloof, from him, or it; he shunned, or avoided, him, or it; as also ↓ جِنّبه (K) [and مِنْهُ ↓ تجنّب]. You say, جَانِبِ اللِّئَامَ [Remove thyself far from the mean, or ignoble; stand, or keep, aloof from them; shun, or avoid, them]. (A.) And لَجَّ فِى جِنَابٍ قَبِيحٍ He persisted in removing himself to a distance, or estranging himself, from his family. (S, A, K. [In two copies of the S, I find جناب here written with fet-h to the ج; but it is expressly said in the TA to be with kesr.]) b2: See also 1.4 اجنبهُ: see 1, in the former half of the paragraph, in two places.

A2: اجنب, (S, IAth, Mgh, Msb, K, &c.,) inf. n. إِجْنَابٌ; (IAth, TA;) and ↓ جَنِبَ; (IB, K;) but the former is more common than the latter; and the latter, than the next here following; (IB, TA;) and ↓ جَنُبَ (S, Msb, K,) [inf. n. جَنَابَةٌ, agreeably with analogy;] and ↓ جَنَبَ, aor. ـُ (L, TA;) and أُجْنِبَ, and ↓ استجنب, (K,) and ↓ تجنّب; (L, TA;) He was, or became, in the state of one who is termed جُنُب; (S, IAth, Mgh, L, Msb, K;) i. e., under the obligation of performing a total ablution, by reason of sexual intercourse and discharge of the semen. (IAth, TA.) لَا يُجْنِبُ, said by I' Ab, of a man, and of a garment, and of the ground, (TA,) and of water, (Mgh, TA,) means (tropical:) He, or it, will not become polluted (Mgh, TA) by the touch of him who is جُنُب so that one should need total ablution in consequence of the touching thereof. (TA.) A3: اجنبوا They entered upon [a time in which blew] the [south, or southerly,] wind termed الجُنُوب. (S, A, K.) b2: See also 1 in the latter half of the paragraph.5 تَجَنَّبَ see 1: b2: and 3, in two places: b3: and 4.6 تَجَاْنَبَ see 3.8 إِجْتَنَبَ see 3.10 إِسْتَجْنَبَ see 4.

جَنْبٌ, a word of well-known meaning; (S;) The side, or half, or lateral half, syn. شِقٌّ, (A, K,) of a man &c.; as also ↓ جَانِبٌ and ↓ جَنَبَةٌ: (K:) or the part of a man that is beneath the arm-pit, extending to the flank; as also ↓ جَانِبٌ, because it is the side of the person: (Msb:) pl. (of the first, Msb) جُنُوبٌ (Msb, K) and [of the same, a pl. of pauc.,] أَجْنَابٌ (CK) and [of جَانِبٌ]

جَوَانِبُ (Lh, ISd, K, but not in the CK) and [app. of جَنْبٌ (like as لَيَائِلُ is a pl. of لَيْلٌ) or of جَنَبَةٌ (like as حَوَائِجُ is pl. of حَاجَةٌ which is originally حَوَجَةٌ) or of both these] ↓ جَنائِبُ (M, K,) which is extr. (M, TA.) [Hence,] قَعَدْتُ إِلَى جَنْبِ فُلَانٍ and فلان ↓ الى جَانِبِ [I sat by the side of such a one]: both meaning the same. (S.) And ↓ إِنَّهُ لَمُنْتَفِخُ الجَوَانِبِ [Verily he is inflated in the side]: جوانب being here one of those words which are used in the sing. sense though in the pl. form. (Lh, TA.) And أَعْطَاهُ الجَنْبَ [lit. He gave him the side; meaning] he was, or became, submissive, manageable, easy, or tractable, to him. (A.) And جَارُ الجَنْبِ He who cleaves to one, keeping by one's side. (K. [Differing from جَارُ الجُنُبِ, q. v. infrà.]) And الصَّاحِبُ بِالجَنْبِ [in the Kur iv. 40] The travelling-companion; the companion in a journey: (S, K:) or he who is near one; or by one's side: or the companion in every good affair: or the husband: or the wife. (TA.) And ذَاتُ الجَنْبِ, (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K, &c.,) with which ↓ الجُنَابُ is syn., (K,) [and sometimes الجَنْبُ, as will be seen in what follows,] A well-known disease; (Mgh;) [the pleurisy; called by the first of these three appellations in the present day;] a severe disease, being an inflammatory tumour in the [pleura, or] membrane within the ribs: (Msb:) or an ulcer, or a purulent pustule, that comes within a man's side: (S, TA:) it is a severe disease in the side: accord. to El-Hejeree, it is in either side; and they assert that when it is in the left side, the patient perishes: accord. to ISh, the دُبَيْلَة; which is an ulcer that penetrates into the belly: or the ulcer (دُبَيْلَة and دُمَّل) that comes forth within the side, and discharges internally; the sufferer from which seldom recovers: he who suffers from it [and dies in consequence], or, as some say, he who is afflicted by a complaint of the side (absolutely) while warring in the cause of God, is reckoned a martyr: (TA:) [soldiers in a campaign are notoriously more subject to it than persons in most other circumstances; and it is app. for this reason that] it is termed دَآءُ الصَّنَادِيدِ [the disease of the courageous chiefs]. (A, TA.) ذُو الجَنْبِ, of which ذَاتُ الجُنْبِ is the fem., signifies Having a complaint of his side by reason of [the disease above mentioned, or what is termed] الدُّبَيْلَة. (TA. [See also مَجْنُوبٌ.]) b2: A poet says, النَّاسُ جَنْبٌ وَالأَمِيرُ جَنْبُ [The people are a side and the prince is a side]: (Akh, S, TA:) as though he reckoned the latter equal to all the people. (TA. [This is cited in the S and TA as though it were an ex. of جنب in the sense here next following: but it seems to be rather an ex. of this word in the sense first explained in the present paragraph.]) b3: I. q. نَاحِيَةٌ [A side; meaning a lateral, or an outward or adjacent, part or portion, region, quarter, or tract; or a part, region, quarter, or tract, considered with respect to its collocation or juxtaposition or direction, or considered as belonging to a whole; a vicinage, or neighbourhood]; (S, K;) as also ↓ جَانِبٌ (S, Msb, K) and ↓ جَنَابٌ and ↓ جَنْبَةٌ (S, K) and ↓ جَنَبَةٌ (S) and ↓ جَنَابَةٌ. (L, TA.) It is said that the primary signification of جَنْبٌ is the part of the body mentioned in the beginning of this paragraph, and that its use in the sense of نَاحيَةٌ is metaphorical, as is the case of يَمِينٌ and شِمَالٌ; but نَاحِيَةٌ is mentioned in the Msb as the primary signification of ↓ جَانِبٌ; (MF, TA;) though its primary signification accord. to the K and ISd seems to be that first mentioned. (TA.) You say, ↓ مَشَوْا جَانِبَيْهِ and ↓ جَنَابَيْهِ and ↓ جَنْبَتَيْهِ and ↓ جَنَابَتَيْهِ [They walked, or went on foot, on either side of him]. (A, TA. *) And ↓ مَرُّوا يَسِيرُونَ جَنَابَيْهِ (S, L) and ↓ جَنْبَتَيْهِ and ↓ جَنَابَتَيْهِ (L, TA) They went along journeying on either side of him. (S, L.) And كُنَّا عَنْهُمْ

↓ جَنَا بَيْنِ and ↓ جَنَابًا We were apart from them [on two sides and on one side]. (TA.) And نَزَلُوا الوَادِى ↓ فِى جَنَابَاتِ [They alighted in the sides of the valley, or in the tracts beside the valley]. (A.) And ↓ فُلَانٌ لَا يَطُورُ بِجَنَبَتِنَا Such a one will not approach our quarter: (S:) thus accord. to AO; with fet-h to the ن: IJ, however, says, people are wont to say, ↓ أَنَا فِى ذَرَاكَ وَجَنَبَتِكَ [meaning I am under thy protection and in thy quarter]; but that the correct expression is ↓ جَنْبَتِكَ, with the ن quiescent. (IB, TA.) The Arabs also said, سُهَيْلٍ ↓ الحَرُّ جَانِبَىْ, meaning (assumed tropical:) The heat is on either side of Suheyl [or Canopus: i. e., during the period next before, and that next after, the auroral rising of Canopus; which rising began, in central Arabia, at the commencement of the era of the Flight, about the 4th of August, O. S.]: this is the greatest heat. (TA.) One also says, ↓ أَحَاطُوا بِهِ مِنْ جَانِبَيْهِ [meaning They surrounded him on all his sides; lit., on his two sides]; dividing the surrounding parts into two, but not meaning that any of these remained vacant. (Expos. of the exs. cited as testimonies by Sb, TA in art. حول.) b4: Also, [and ↓ جَانِبٌ, which is thus used in the L in art. جنح, and by many authors,] A part, or portion, of a thing; (L;) the greater, or main, or chief, part or portion thereof; most thereof; (L, K;) or a great part or portion thereof; much thereof. (L.) Hence, [or perhaps from جَنْبٌ in the second of the senses assigned to it above, conveying the idea of juxtaposition, and thus of comparison,] هٰذَا قَلِيلٌ جَنْبِ مَوَدَّتِكَ [This is little in comparison with the magnitude of thy love; or simply, in comparison with thy love]. (TA.) b5: يَا حَسْرَتَا عَلَى مَا فَرَّطْتُ فِى جنْبِ اللّٰهِ [in the Kur xxxix. 57] means ↓ فى جَانِبِه, i. e. (assumed tropical:) [O my grief, or regret, for my negligence, or remissness,] in respect of that which is the right, or due, of God! (A, Bd, TA,) i. e., (Bd,) in respect of obedience to God! (Bd, Jel:) or, in respect of [the means of attaining] nearness to God! (Fr, TA;) or, nearness to God in Paradise! (IAar, TA:) or, in respect of the way of God, to which He hath called me! i. e., the profession of his unity, and the confession of the prophetic office of Mohammad. (Zj, TA.) The saying of the Arabs, اِتَّقِ اللّٰهَ فِى جَنْبِهِ وَلَا تَقْدَحْ فِى سَاقِهِ [may be rendered (assumed tropical:) Fear God in respect of his (thy brother's) right, or due, and impugn not his honour, or reputation: or] means, accord. to the copies of the K, لَا تَقْتُلْهُ [slay him not], or, as in the L, and in the original draught of the author [of the K] لا تَغْتَلْهُ [slay him not clandestinely, or on an occasion of inadvertence], from الغِيلَةُ, and throw him not into trouble, or trial: (TA:) or, accord. to some, فى جنبه means in detracting from his reputation, or reviling him. (K, TA. [See also Freytag's Arab. Prov. i. 240.]) A poet, cited by IAar, says, خَلِيلَىَّ كُفَّا وَاذْكُرَا اللّٰهَ فِى جَنْبِى (assumed tropical:) [O my two friends, refrain, and be mindful of God in respect of my reputation; (see also جَانِبٌ;)] meaning, in detracting from my reputation, or reviling me: or, accord. to MF, in my case. (TA.) And one says, مَا فَعَلْتَ فِى جَنْبِ حَاجَتِى (assumed tropical:) What didst thou, or what hast thou done, in the case of the thing that I want? (L, TA.) جَنَبٌ: see جَنِيبٌ.

A2: طَوْعُ الجَنَبِ: see جِنَابٌ.

A3: جَنَبٌ also signifies Short; (K;) applied to a man. (TA.) جَنِبٌ: see جَنِبَ. b2: It is also applied as an epithet to a wolf, because he pretends to halt, from guile, or cunning. (L, TA.) b3: Also A man who goes aside, or to a distance, from the beaten way, for fear of guests' coming to him for entertainment. (K, TA.) جُنُبٌ, (El-Fárábee, S, A, Msb, K,) which is sometimes used in the sing. form as pl., and has no fem. form, (TA,) and ↓ جَانِبٌ and ↓ أَجْنَبِىٌّ, (El-Fárábee, S, Msb, K,) which is said by Az in art. روح to be seldom or never used by the Arabs, but is mentioned by him in its proper art., (Msb,) and ↓ أَجْنَبُ, (Az, S, Msb, K,) are syn., (El-Fárábee, S, Msb, K,) signifying A stranger; (K;) as also ↓ جَنِيبٌ: (S:) or a man who is distant, or remote: (Msb:) or distant, or remote, in respect of relationship: (Az and Msb in explanation of the third and fourth:) [or not a relation; as will be seen from what follows:] and ↓ جَانِبٌ [as an act. part. n.] signifies one alighting, or descending and abiding, or settling, as a stranger, among a tribe: (S:) pl. of the first أَجْنَابٌ, (A, TA,) and of the second جُنَّابٌ, (S, TA,) and of the fourth أَجَانِبُ. (Msb.) الجَارُ الجُنُبُ [occurring in the Kur iv. 40] (T, S, A, Msb, K) and جَارُ الجُنُبِ (TA) The person who is one's neighbour, but who belongs to another people; (T, S, A, Msb, K;) who is not of one's family nor of one's lineage; (A;) who is of another lineage than he of whom he is a neighbour; (T, TA;) who is not a relation: (MF:) or one who is distant, or remote, in an absolute sense: (TA:) or the person who is not a relation to another, and who comes to him, and asks him to protect him, and abides with him: such has the title to respect that belongs to him as neighbour of the other, and to his protection, and as relying upon his safeguard and promise. (TA in art. جور. [Differing from جَارُ الجَنْبِ, q. v. suprà.]) It is said in a trad., هُمْ أَجْنَابُ النَّاسِ They are the strangers of mankind, or of the people. (TA.) And in another trad., قَالَ لِجَارِيّةٍ هَلْ مِنْ مُغَرِبَةِ الخَبَرُ ↓ خَبَرٍ قَالَتْ عَلَى جَانِبٍ [He said to a girl, Is there any news from abroad? She answered,] It is for a stranger coming from a journey [to give such news]. (TA.) And one says, هُوَ مِنِّى ↓ أَجْنَبِىٌّ [He is a person not related to me]. (A.) b2: Also, ↓ the same four words, (of which only the last is mentioned in this sense in the S,) That will not be led; intractable. (K.) b3: جُنُبٌ is also an epithet from الجَنَابَةُ; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) signifying A man under the obligation of performing a total ablution, by reason of sexual intercourse and discharge of the semen: (IAth, TA: [see 4:]) and is used alike as masc. and fem. (S, Mgh, Msb) and sing. (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K) and dual (Msb, TA) and pl.; (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K;) being regarded as quasi-coordinate to the class of inf. ns.; for the inf. n., when used as an epithet, must remain, in form, sing. and masc.: (MF in art. عفت:) or one may use the dual form جُنُبَانِ; (K;) and sometimes they used the pl. أَجْنَابٌ (S, Msb, K *) and جُنُبُونَ, (S, Msb,) and the fem. pl. جُنُبَاتٌ; (Msb;) but not جُنُبَةٌ, (K, TA,) applied to a female. (TA.) It is said in a trad., لَا تَدْخُلُ المَلَائِكَةُ بِيْتًا فِيهِ جُنُبٌ, meaning [The angels will not enter a house, or chamber, or tent, in which is] one who usually neglects the total ablution when under an obligation to perform it for the cause above mentioned. (IAth, TA.) جَنْبَةٌ: see جَنْبٌ, in four places: b2: and see جَانِبٌ. b3: Also Retirement, or secession, from others: (K, TA:) and in a trad., in which it is enjoined, used as meaning retirement from women; avoiding the sitting by them, and the approaching the place that they occupy. (TA.) You say, رَجُلٌ ذُو جَنْبَةٍ A man of retirement. (TA.) and نَزَلَ جَنْبَةً He alighted, or descended and abode, or settled, in a place aside, or apart. (S, TA.) and قَعَدَ جَنْبَةً He [sat apart, or] retired from others. (A, TA.) b4: The state of being a stranger; as also ↓ جَنَابَةٌ. (K. [Both are there mentioned as simple substs.; but the latter is an inf. n.: see جَنَبَ فِى بَنِى فُلَانٍ; and what next follows it: and see also 4.]) Both also signify Remoteness in respect of relationship. (TA.) A2: Also, جَنْبَةٌ, A piece of skin from the side of a camel, (S, L, K, *) of which is made a kind of milking vessel (عُلْبَة), (S, L,) larger than the مِعْلَق, but smaller than the جَوْبَة. (L.) A3: And Every kind of plant, (S,) or every kind of tree in general, (K,) that produces [new leaves such as are termed] رَبْل in the season of the صَيْف [which may mean either summer or spring]: (S, K:) or every kind of plant that produces leaves in that season without rain: (TA:) or a name given to many plants, all of them عُرُوق [perhaps meaning resembling roots, i. e. straggling, or spreading like roots]; so called because less than large trees and higher than those that have no root-stock (أَرُومَة) in the earth; comprising the نَصِىّ and صِلِّيَان and حَمَاط and مَكْر and حذر [so in the TA, but I do not find it elsewhere, and think it may be a mistranscription for حَزْر, of which حَزْرَة (the name of a certain sour tree) is probably the n. un.,] and دَهْمَآء; which are smaller than شَجَر and superior to بُقُول: all this has been heard from the Arabs: (T, TA:) or green and fresh صلّيان: (TA:) or what is [of a kind] between بَقْل and شَجَر; (AHn, K, TA;) being [in the TA وهما, but this is evidently a mistake for وَهِىَ,] of the kind of which the root remains in the winter while the branches perish: (AHn, TA:) or herbage of which the root is deep in the earth; such as the نَصِىّ and the صِلِّيَان. (TA voce خَضِرٌ.) جَنَبَةٌ: see جَنْبٌ, in four places: b2: and see جَانِبٌ.

جُنَبَةٌ A thing from which one retires, or withdraws himself, to a distance, or far away, or far off; from which one stands, or keeps, aloof. (K.) جَنَابٌ: see جَنْبٌ, in five places. [Hence,] كُنَّا عَنْهُمْ جَنَابَيْنِ and جَنَابًا We were remote, or retired, from them; or out of their way. (TA.) b2: Also, (S, A, Msb, K,) and ↓ جَانِبٌ, (Msb, * TA,) A court, or yard, or an open or a wide space in front of a house or extending from its sides: (S, A, K, TA:) and a place of alighting or abode; or a settlement, or place of settling: (A:) a mansion; an abode; a habitation; or a place to which a man betakes himself, or repairs, for lodging, covert, or refuge, in a city or town or village or other place of settled habitations; syn. رَحْلٌ: (K:) and a vicinage, neighbourhood, or tract adjacent to the place of abode or settlement, of a people or company of men: pl. أَجْنِبَةٌ. (S.) You say, أَنَا فِى جَنَابِ زَيْدٍ I am in the court, or yard, of Zeyd; and in his place of alighting or abode, or settlement. (A, TA.) and فُلَانٌ رَحْبُ الجَنَابِ, (A, TA,) and خَصِيبُ الجَنَابِ, (S, A,) the former meaning Such a one is possessed of an ample رَحْل [or mansion, &c., as explained above]: (TA:) [and the latter, such a one is surrounded by a plentiful, or fruitful, tract:] or both mean (tropical:) such a one is generous or bountiful [or hospitable]. (A.) And فَلَانٌ جَدِيبُ الجَنَابِ (S, TA) [meaning Such a one is environed by a tract affected with drought, or barrenness; as explained in the S in art. جدب: but generally used tropically, as meaning (assumed tropical:) such a one is ungenerous, illiberal, or inhospitable]. And أَخْصَبَ جَنَابُ القَوْمِ [The neighbourhood of the people, or the tract surrounding them, became plentiful, or fruitful]. (S, TA.) And أَجْدَبَ بِنَا الجَنَابُ [Our neighbourhood, or the tract surrounding us, became affected with drought, or barrenness]. (TA from a trad.) b3: رَجُلٌ لَيِّنُ الجَنَابِ [perhaps a mistranscription for الجَانِبِ] (tropical:) A man easy to deal with, compliant, or obsequious. (A.) b4: [الجَنَابُ is also a title often given by writers of letters and the like to any great man to whom others betake themselves, or repair, for protection; and sometimes to God; meaning (tropical:) The object of recourse; the refuge; the asylum: similar to الحَضْرَةُ, q. v., and used in the same manner, i. e., alone, and, without the article, prefixed to the name of the person to whom it is applied, or to a pronoun; but the latter is generally considered as implying greater respect than the former.]

الجُنَابُ i. q. ذَاتُ الجَنْبِ: see جَنْبُ. (K.) جِنَابٌ A cord tied to the head and neck of a beast, by which he is led, or drawn. (KL.) [Hence,] فَرَسٌ طَوْعُ الجَنَابِ A horse easily led; or easy to be led; tractable; [obedient to the جناب;] (S, A, K, TA;) as also ↓ طَوْعُ الجَنَبِ. (TA. [See 1, near the beginning.]) جَنُوبٌ, of the fem. gender, and, accord. to Sb, both a subst. and an epithet, [so that one says رِيحٌ جَنُوبٌ, as well as جَنُوبٌ alone and رِيحُ الجَنُوبِ,] (TA,) [The south wind: or a southerly wind:] the wind that is opposite to that called the شَمَال: (S, K:) [consequently, the wind that blows from the direction of the south pole, accord. to the S;] the wind that blows from the direction of the left hand of a person standing opposite to the kibleh [by which is here meant that corner of the Kaabeh in which is set the Black Stone; which corner is towards the east]: (Th, TA:) or the wind that blows from the quarter between the place where Canopus rises [S. 29? E. in central Arabia] and the place where the same star sets [S. 29? W. in the same latitude]: ('Omárah, TA:) or from the quarter between the place where Canopus rises and the place where the sun sets in winter [W. 26? S. in central Arabia]: (As, TA:) or it is a hot wind, that blows in every season; blowing from that part of the tract between the quarter whence blows the east wind (الصَّبَا) and that whence blows the west wind (الدَّبُور) which is next to the place where Canopus rises: (T, TA:) or the wind that blows from the quarter between the place where Canopus rises and that where the Pleiades set [W. 26? N. in central Arabia]: (IAar, K:) [the points whence it usually blows seem to differ somewhat in different parts:] As says that the جنوب is attended by good, and by fecundating influence; and the شمال by drying up [of the earth &c.]: (TA:) accord. to IAar, it is hot in every place, except in Nejd, where it is cold, or cool: (MF:) pl. جَنَائِبُ (T, K) and [of pauc.]

أَجْنُبٌ. (T, TA.) b2: One says, of two persons, when they are on terms of sincere friendship, رِيحُهُمَا جَنُوبٌ (assumed tropical:) [Their wind is south, or southerly]; and when they are separated, شَمَلَتْ رِيحُهُمَا (assumed tropical:) [Their wind has become north, or northerly]. (TA.) جَنِيبٌ, applied to a horse and a captive, (TA,) Led by one's side; as also ↓ مَجْنُوبٌ and ↓ مُجَنَّبٌ: (K:) or you say ↓ خَيْلٌ مَجَنَّبَةٌ, meaning horses led by the side; the teshdeed denoting application to many objects: (S, TA:) pl. [of the first, and of جَنِيبَةٌ, q. v., or only of this last,] جَنَائِبُ and [quasi-pl. n.] ↓ جَنَبٌ. (K.) One walking by the side of another; (A;) [and] so ↓ جُنَّابٌ. (K.) b2: Any animal or man that is obedient, tractable, or submissive. (S, TA.) You say, أَصْبَحَ جَنِيبَهُ He became compliant to him. (A.) A2: See also جُنُبٌ.

A3: Also, applied to a man, [app. Having a pain in the side; or having the pleurisy; like مَجْنُوبٌ: and hence, or from جَنِبَ, q. v., irregularly formed,] as though walking on one side, bent or crooked, مُتَعَقِّفًا: so in the L: in the M and K, on the authority of IAar, مُتَعَقِّبًا [to which I am unable to assign an appropriate meaning, except its modern one of lagging behind]: so in the saying of a poet, رَبَا الجُوعُ فِى أَوْنَيْهِ حَتَّى كَأَنَّهُ جَنِيبٌ بِهِ إِنَّ الجَنِيبَ جَنِيبُ [Hunger increased in him (lit. in the two sides of his saddle-bags); so that he seemed as though he walked on one side, bent thereby; for he who has a pain in his side walks on one side, in that manner]. (TA.) A4: Also An excellent kind of dates, (K, TA,) well known; (TA;) one of the best kinds of dates. (Mgh in art. جمع, Msb.) جَنَابَةٌ: see جَنْبٌ, in four places: and see جَانِبٌ.

A2: See also جَنْبَةٌ. b2: Accord. to IAth, its primary signification is Distance: and hence it signifies The state of him who is under the obligation of performing a total ablution, by reason of sexual intercourse and discharge of the semen. (TA.) b3: The sperma genitalis [itself]. (K. [But in a marginal note in my copy of that work I find this last signification rejected as erroneous.]) A3: See also the next paragraph.

جَنِيبَةٌ A led horse or mule or ass; (S, TA;) a horse that is led [by one's side], not ridden: (Msb:) pl. جَنَائِبُ. (A, TA.) b2: جَنِيبَتَا البَعِيرِ The [two equal] loads on the two sides of the camel. (K.) b3: [Hence, app.,] اِتَّقِ اللّٰهَ الَّذِى لَا جَنيبَةَ لَهُ (tropical:) Fear thou God, to whom there is no equal. (A, TA.) b4: Also جَنِيبُةٌ, (S,) or ↓ جَنَابَةٌ, (K,) or both, (TA,) A she-camel that one gives [or lends] to people, (S, M, K,) with money, (M, TA,) in order that they may bring corn or other provision for him; (S, M, K;) also called عَلِيقَةٌ: pl. جَنَائِبُ. (S.) A2: Also, (Kr, M, K,) and خَبِيبَةٌ, (M, TA,) The wool of a ثَنِّى [or sheep in its third year]: (Kr, M, K:) it is better and cleaner than what is termed عَقِيقَة, which is the wool of a جَذَع [or sheep in or before its second year]. (TA.) جَنُوبِىٌّ Of, or relating to, the quarter of the wind termed the جَنُوب; south, or southerly.]

جَنَائِبٌ as an extr. pl.: see جَنْبٌ, first sentence.

جُنَّابٌ: see جَنِيبٌ.

جَانِبٌ; pl. جَوَانِبُ: see جَنْبٌ, in eleven places. [Hence, لَانَ جَانِبُهُ (assumed tropical:) He was, or became, gentle, easy to deal with, compliant, or obsequious. and رَجُلٌ لَيِّنُ الجَانِبِ (assumed tropical:) A man who is gentle, easy to deal with, compliant, or obsequious; contr. of غَلِيظُ الجَانِبِ; see art. غلظ: and see جَنَابٌ.

And] تُزَنُّ بِلِينِ الجَانِبِ (assumed tropical:) [She is suspected of easiness, or compliance], (K in art. لمس,) towards him who desires of her that he may lie with her. (TA in that art.) [Hence also,] جَانِبَا الأَنْفِ (CK) and ↓ جَنَابَتَا and ↓ جَنْبَتَا and ↓ جَنَبَتَا (K) The two sides of the nose: (K:) or the two lines that surround the two sides of the nose of a doe-gazelle: (Sb, TA:) pl. [of the second, agreeably with analogy,] جَنَائِبُ. (TA.) b2: See also جَنَابٌ. [It often signifies The vicinage or neighbourhood of a people &c.: and a region or quarter or tract of a people or country: like ناحية. b3: The bank of a river; and any bank, or steep acclivity. b4: and A limit, bound, or boundary: see a tropical usage of its pl. (جَوَانِبُ) voce. حِنْوٌ. b5: And عَلَى جَانِبٍ means Beside, aside, or apart; and so جَانِبًا, and فِى جَانِبٍ. b6: جَانِبٌ مِنْ مَالٍ, in posi-classical writings, means A portion, and particularly a large portion, of property: and جَانِبٌ alone, in the same, a sum, and particularly a large sum, of money. b7: The latter, also, in post-classical writings, signifies, like جَنْبٌ, q. v., (assumed tropical:) A man's honour, or reputation, which should be preserved inviolate; so used in the K voce عِرْضٌ, in an explanation of the latter word taken from IAth; i. q. نَامُوسٌ and حُرْمَةٌ, as in the TK in that case.]

A2: Avoided and despised. (K, TA.) b2: [Hence, perhaps, دَعْ كَذَا جَانِبًا Let thou, or leave thou, such a thing alone: see an ex. voce أَوٌّ.] b3: See also جُنُبٌ, in four places. b4: And see مُجَنَّبٌ.

أَجْنَبُ: see جُنُبٌ, in two places.

أَجْنَبِىٌّ: see جُنُبٌ, in three places b2: You say also, هُوَ أَجْنَبِىٌّ مِنْ كَذَا, (A,) or عِنْ كذا, (TA,) (tropical:) He has no concern nor acquaintance with such a thing. (A, TA.) مَجْنَبٌ (S, AAF, K) and ↓ مِجْنَبٌ (AAF, K) Much (A'Obeyd, S, AAF, K) of good (A'Obeyd, K) and of evil. (K.) You say, إِنَّ عِنْدَنَا لَخَيْرًا مَجْنَبًا Verily with us is much good, and شَرًّا مَجْنَبًا much evil. (S.) And طَعَامٌ مَجْنَبٌ means Much [wheat or food]. (Sh, TA.) مُجْنِبٌ: see what next follows.

مِجْنَبٌ A shield; (S, A, K;) because it wards off from its possessor what is displeasing to him; (A, TA;) also with damm to the م [app. ↓ مُجْنِبٌ, act. part. n. of 4]. (K.) b2: A thing by which a person or thing is veiled, concealed, or hidden; a veil, curtain, or covering; (K, TA;) for a house, or chamber, or tent. (TA.) b3: A thing like a door, upon which the gatherer of honey stands; (K, TA;) he being let down [upon it] by means of ropes to [the place of] the honey [in the face of a rock or mountain]. (TA.) b4: A thing (شَبَحٌ [app. here meaning a wooden implement]) resembling a comb without teeth (K, TA) and thinedged in its lowest part, (TA,) with which earth is raised upon, or against, the أَعْضَاد and فُلْجَان [or raised borders of watering-troughs or the like, and streamlets for irrigation]. (K, TA. [In the CK, الفِلْجانِ is put for الفُلْجانِ.]) b5: The extreme part of the territory of the foreigners towards that of the Arabs: (S, K:) and the nearest part of the territory of the Arabs to that of the foreigners. (S) A2: See also مَجْنَبٌ.

مُجَنَّبٌ; and its fem., with ة: see جَنِيبٌ. b2: Also, the former, (TA,) or ↓ جَانِبٌ, (K, [but this is said in the TA to be a mistake,]) A horse wide in the space between the two kind legs, (K, TA,) without what is termed فَجَجٌ [which is an awkward kind of straddling, with the hocks wide apart]: it is a quality approved. (TA. [See also 2; and see مُحَنَّبٌ.]) مُجَنِّبٌ A man whose sheep or goats [&c.] have few young ones; [and therefore, having little milk;] (TA in art. يسر;) contr. of مُيَسَرٌ. (S and TA in that art. [See also 2.]) مُجَنَّبَةٌ The van, or fore part, (K, TA,) of an army. (TA.) المُجَنِّبَتَانِ The right and left wings of an army: (K: [Golius has erroneously written مِجْنَبَتَانِ, and has given J as the authority instead of the K:]) or مُجَنَّبَةٌ signifies a portion of an army (كَتِيبَةٌ) that takes one of the two sides of a way: but the former meaning is the more correct. (IAar, TA.) مَجْنُوِبٌ pass. part. n. of 1 [q. v.]. b2: See also جنِيبٌ. b3: Also Affected by the disease termed ذَاتُ الجَنْبِ [or pleurisy]: (S, Mgh, Msb, TA:) and said to mean also having a complaint of his side, absolutely. (TA.) b4: And Affected by the [south, or southerly, wind called] جَنُوب. (S, TA.) [And Affected by that wind in one's cattle: see 1, last sentence.] سَحَابَةٌ مَجْنُوبَةٌ A cloud brought by the blowing of that wind. (S, A, K.) The saying of Aboo-Wejzeh, مَجْنُوبَةُ الأُنْسِ مَشْمُولٌ مَوَاعِدُهَا means Her familiarity passes away with the جَنُوب [or south-wind], and her promises pass away with the شَمَال [or north wind]. (IAar, TA.)



1 فَلَحَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. فَلْحٌ, He clave, split, slit, or cracked; and he cut: (K: [compare فَلَجَ, and فَلَقَ, and فَلَذَ:]) he clave, and cut, iron. (T, Msb.) Hence, the saying of a poet, (T, TA,) إِنَّ الحَدِيدَ بِالحَدِيدِ يُفْلَحُ Verily iron with iron is cloven, and cut. (T, S, Mgh, * K. *) And فَلَحَ رَأْسَهُ, inf. n. as above, He clave, split, or cracked, his head. (TA.) and فَلَحَ شَفَتَهُ, aor. and inf. n. as above, He slit, or cracked, his lip. (L.) And فَلَحَ الأَرْضَ, (S, Msb,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (Msb.) He furrowed, or ploughed, the land, to cultivate it; he tilled the ground. (S, Msb. [And فَلَجَهَا has a similar meaning.]) A2: Also, aor. and inf. n. as above, He acted with artifice, fraud, or guile; (K, TA;) and so ↓ فلّح, inf. n. تَفْلِيحٌ. (K, TA.) You say, بِهِمْ ↓ فلّح He acted with artifice, fraud, or guile, towards them, and said what was not true. (TA.) And بِهِ ↓ فلّح He mocked at him, or derided him, and acted with artifice, fraud, or guile, towards him. (L, K. *) b2: And, aor. as above, inf. n. فَلْحٌ and فَلَاحَةٌ, He defrauded him in a sale; syn. of the inf. n. بَخْسٌ فِى بَيْعٍ: (so in the CK:) or he bade high for an article of merchandise in order to inveigh another into purchasing it at a high price: syn. of the inf. n. نَجْشٌ فِى بَيْعٍ. (So in other copies of the K, and in the L and TA.) You say, فَلَحَ بِهِ [He so acted towards him in a sale]: this is when one trusts to thee, and says to thee, “Sell to me a slave,” or “ an article of merchandise,” or “ buy it for me,” and thou comest to the merchants, and buyest it at a high price, and sellest by defrauding, and obtainest something from the merchant: or, accord. to the T, فَلْحٌ signifies a hirer's exceeding [in an offer] in order that another may do so; thus inciting him. (L.) A3: فَلِحَتْ شَفَتُهُ السُّفْلَى, [aor. ـَ inf. n. فَلَحٌ, His under lip was slit, or cracked. (MA.) See also فَلَحٌ below.2 فَلَّحَ see 1, former half, in three places.4 افلح He prospered; was successful; attained, or acquired, that which he desired or sought, (MA, L, Msb,) or what was good, or felicity, or that whereby he became in a happy and good state: (L:) he was, or became, fortunate, happy, or in a happy and good state. (MA.) It is commonly known as an intrans. verb; but Talhah Ibn-Musarrif and 'Amr Ibn-'Obeyd, read قَدْ

أُفْلِحَ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ, [the first verse of ch. xxiii. of the Kur-án,] with the verb in the pass. form. (MF.) [See also 10.] b2: He was, or became, in a state of safety. (L.) b3: He continued in a good, or prosperous, state, (MA, L,) and in the enjoyment of ease, comfort, or the blessings of life. (L.) b4: افلح بِالشَّىْءِ He lived [or continued in life] by means of the thing. (K.) The saying of 'Abeed, أَفْلِحْ بِمَا شِئْتَ فَقَدْ يُبْلَغُ بِا?? (??) وَقَدْ يُخَدَّعُ الأَرِيبُ means Live thou by what thou wilt: whether by stupidity or by intelligence; for [one's object is sometimes attained by stupidity, and the intelligent, or sagacious, is sometimes deluded, or much deluded; or] the stupid is sometimes supplied with the means of subsistence, and the intelligent is [sometimes] denied: (T, L:) or the meaning is prosper thou, &c. (L.) 10 اِسْتَفْلِحِى بِأَمْرِكِ, said by a man to his wife, (S,) a form of words used in divorcing (L, K) in the Time of Ignorance, (L,) Prosper thou in thy case, (AO, S, Mgh, TA,) and be independent therein: (AO, Mgh, TA:) when a man says thus to his wife and she consents, his saying so once separates her from him so that he cannot take her back: (L, from a trad.:) but as it is merely an allusive expression, intention is necessary to render it binding: as some relate the trad, it is with ج [i. e. استفلجى: see art. فلج]. (MF.) [See also 4, above.]

فَلْحٌ A fissure, cleft, slit, or crack: pl. فُلُوحٌ. (Msb.) One says, فِى رِجْلِهِ فُلُوحٌ In his (a man's, S) foot are fissures, or cracks, (S, K, TA,) preduced by cold: (TA:) as also فُلُوجٌ. (S, TA.) فَلَحٌ A fissure, or crack, in the under lip; (T, K;) [or] ↓ فَلَحَةٌ has this meaning; (S;) or signifies the place of such a fissure or crack: (L:) [or the former is a coll. gen. n.; and the latter, its n. un.:] that which is in the upper lip is termed عَلَمٌ: (T, TA:) or فَلَحٌ signifies a fissure, or crack, in the lip: or, in the middle of the lip, less than what is termed عَلَمٌ: or a slitting, or cracking, in the lip, such as happens to the lips of the [Africans called] زَنْج. (L.) b2: [And] The having the under lip slit, or cracked. (S. [App. an inf. n. of which the verb is ↓ فَلِحَ: like as it is of فَلِحَت said of the under lip as mentioned above.]) A2: See also فَلَاحٌ.

فَلَحَةٌ: see فَلَحٌ. b2: Also A [field, or land, such as is termed] قَرَاح, (AHn, L, K,) furrowed, or ploughed, for cultivation: its pl., فَلَحَات, occurs in a verse of Hassán, as some relate it; but as others relate it, it is فَلَجَات, with ج. (AHn, L.) فَلَاحٌ (S, A, Mgh, L, Msb, K, &c.) and ↓ فَلَحٌ (S, L, K) the latter a contraction of the former, (L,) Prosperity; success; the attainment, or acquisition, of that which one desires or seeks, (S, A, Mgh, L, Msb, K,) or of that whereby one becomes in a happy and good state. (L.) and Safety, or security. (S, L, K.) And Continuance, or permanence, in a good, or prosperous, state, (A, L, K,) and in the enjoyment of ease, comfort, or the blessings of life; and the continuance of good: (L:) and simply continuance, permanence, lastingness, duration, or endurance. (ISK, S, L.) There is not in the language of the Arabs any word more comprehensive in its significations of what is good in the present life and in the final state than الفَلَاحُ. (TA.) حَىَّ عَلَى الفَلَاحْ, in the call to prayer, means Come ye to the means of the attainment of Paradise, and of permanence therein: (IAth, L:) or hasten to the attainment of everlasting life: (L:) or come to safety, or security: (S:) or come ye to the way of safety and prosperity: (Msb:) or come to the continuance of good. (L.) And you say, لَا أَفْعَلُ ذٰلِكَ فَلَاحَ الدَّهْرِ I will not do that while time lasts. (L.) A poet says, وَلٰكِنْ لَيْسَ لِلدُّنْيَا فَلَاحُ meaning [But there is not to the present state of existence] lastingness, or endurance. (S, L.) b2: Also (both words) (tropical:) The [meal, or food, called]

سَحُور [that is eaten a little before daybreak previously to commencing a day's fast]: (S, A, L, K:) so called because thereby is the continuing of the fast; (S, A;) or because of the lastingness of its utility. (L.) فَلَاحَةٌ: see what next follows.

فِلَاحَةٌ, (thus in my copies of the S, and in the L and Msb,) with kesr, (Msb,) [agreeably with general analogy,] or ↓ فَلَاحَةٌ, with fet-h, (K, [but I think that fet-h is here a mistake for kesr, because فَلَاحَهٌ deviates from general analogy, and because it is a general rule of the author of the K to omit the mention of the vowel of a word when it is fet-h,]) Agriculture; or the art, work, or occupation, of ploughing, tilling, or cultivating, land. (S, L, Msb, K.) فَلِيحَةٌ The pericarp (سِنْفَة) of the [tree called]

مَرْخ, when it splits: (K, TA:) also mentioned as with ج [i. e. فَلِيجَةٌ]. (TA.) فَلَّاحٌ A plougher, tiller, or cultivator, of land; [a peasant;] (S, Msb, K, TA;) because he cleaves (يَفْلَحُ i. e. يَشُقُّ) the land: (TA:) [pl. فَلَّاحُونَ:] coll. gen. n. فَلَّاحَةٌ. (A, TA.) b2: And [hence, as being likened to a plougher,] A seaman, or sailor; (K, TA;) a servant of ships or boats. (TA.) b3: And One who lets asses, or other beasts, on hire; syn. مُكَارٍ: (T, K, TA:) so called as being likened to the plougher, &c., of land. (TA.) A2: And One who defrauds in a sale, in the manner described in the explanation of the phrase فَلَحَ بِهِ. (L.) أَفْلَحُ Having a fissure, or crack, in the under lip: (S, Mgh:) or a man having what is termed فَلَحٌ in his lip: fem. فَلْحَآءُ. (L.) 'Antarah El-'Absee was surnamed الفَلْحَآءُ because of a fissure in his under lip; the fem. form of the epithet being used because الشَّفَةُ (the lip) is fem.; (S, L;) or because his name is fem. (L.) [See also أَعْلَمُ.]

قَوْمٌ أَفْلَاحٌ [i. q. مُفْلِحُونَ] A people prospering; successful; attaining, or acquiring, that which they desire or seek, or what is good, or that whereby they become in a happy and good state: افلاح is a pl. of which ISd says, “I know not any sing. of it. ” (L.) مَفْلَحَةٌ A cause, or means, of prosperity or success; or of the attainment, or acquisition, of that which one desires or seeks, or of what is good, or of that whereby one becomes in a happy and good state. (L, from a trad.) رَجُلٌ مُتَفَلِّحُ الشَّفَةِ, and اليَدَيْنِ, and القَدَمَيْنِ, A man having the lip chapped, or cracked, much, by cold, and so the hands, and the feet. (L.) [See also 5 in art. فلج.]



1 دَخَلَ, (S, K, &c.,) aor. ـُ (TA,) inf. n. دُخُولٌ (S, Msb, K) and مَدْخَلٌ, (S, K,) He, or it, entered; or went, came, passed, or got, in; contr. of خَرَجَ; (K;) as also ↓ اِدَّخَلَ, of the measure اِفْتَعَلَ, and ↓ اندخل, (S, K,) this last occuring in poetry, but not chaste, (S,) and ↓ تدخّل, (K,) or this signifies it (a thing) entered by little and little. (S, O.) You say, دَخَلْتُ مَدْخَلًا حَسَنًا [like دُخُولًا حَسَنًا I entered with a good entering]. (S.) And دَخَلْتُ البَيْتَ (S) or الدَّارَ, i. e. [I entered the house, or] I became within the house, and the like, (Msb,) correctly meaning إِلَى البَيْتِ [&c., or فِى البَيْتِ &c., i. e. I entered into the house, &c.], the prep. being suppressed, and the noun put in the accus. case after the manner of an objective complement: for nouns of place are of two kinds, vague and definite; the vague being such as the six relative locations, خَلْفٌ, and قُدَّامٌ, and يَمِينٌ, and شِمَالٌ, and فَوْقٌ, and تَحْتٌ, and the like, such as أَمَامٌ, and وَرَآءٌ, and أَعْلَى, and أَسْفَلُ, and عِنْدَ, and لَدُنْ, and وَسْطٌ in the sense of بَيْنٌ, and قُبَالَةٌ, all which, and similar nouns of place, may become adverbs, because indefinite; for dost thou not see that what is خَلْف to thee may be قُدَّام to another? but that which is definite, having make, and corporeal substance, and tracts that comprehend it, as a mountain and a valley and a market and a house and a mosque, the noun signifying such a thing cannot become an adverb; for you may not say, قَعَدْتُ الدَّارَ, nor صَلَّيْتُ المَسْجِدَ, nor نِمْتُ الجَبَلَ, nor قُمْتُ الوَادِىَ; the phrases of this kind that occur being instances of the suppression of a prep.; as دَخَلْتُ البَيْتَ, and نَزَلْتُ الوَادِىَ, and صَعِدْتُ الجَبَلَ. (S, O, TA.) You say also, دَخَلْتُ عَلَى زَيْدٍ الدَّارَ, meaning I entered the house after Zeyd, he being in it. (Msb.) [And simply دَخَلَ عَلَيْهِ He came in upon him: and also he came upon him; i. e. invaded him.] And دَخَلَ بِامْرَأَتِهِ, (Msb, TA,) and عَلَيْهَا, (MA,) inf. n. دُخُولٌ, (Mgh, Msb,) [like دَخَلَ بِأَهْلِهِ, and عَلَيْهَا, (see أَهْلٌ,) i. e. (tropical:) He went in to his wife or woman,] is a metonymical phrase, denoting الجِمَاع, (Msb, TA,) i. e. الوَطْء, (Mgh, Msb, TA,) whether it be such as is allowed by the law or such as is forbidden, (Mgh,) generally such as is lawful. (Msb, TA. [See what is said in explanation of the term خَلْوَةٌ in the first paragraph of art. خلو.]) And دَخَلَ بَعْضُهُ فِى بَعْضٍ i. q. تَدَاخَلَ [q. v.]. (TA in art. قصر, &c.) [For ex.,] you say, دَخَلَ بَعْضُ النُّجُومِ فِى بَعْضٍ

[The stars became confused together]. (Mgh and TA in art. شبك: in the former coupled with اِخْتَلَطَتْ.) And دَخَلَ فِيهِمْ [He entered among them, so as to become a member of their community, confraternity, party, sect, or the like;] said of a stranger. (K.) [And دَخَلَ فِى طَاعَتِهِ: see طَائِعٌ, in art. طوع.] When دَخَلَ is said of income, or revenue, [meaning It came in, accrued, or was received,] the aor. is as above, and the inf. n. دَخْلٌ: (Msb:) and you say, يَدْخُلُ عَلَى الإِنْسَانِ [It comes in, or accrues, to the man]. (Msb, K. *) دَخَلَ بِهِ [lit. He entered with him, or it]: see 4. b2: [Hence, دَخَلَ فِيهِ meaning (assumed tropical:) It became included, comprehended, or comprised, in it. And hence,] دَخَلَ فِى دِينِ الإِسْلَامِ (assumed tropical:) [He entered within the pale of the religion of ElIslám; he entered the communion of that religion; he entered into, embraced, or became a proselyte to, that religion]. (Msb in art. سلم, &c. [See Kur cx. 2.]) And دَخَلَ فِى الأَمْرِ, inf. n. دُخُولٌ, (assumed tropical:) He entered upon, began, or commenced, the affair. (Msb.) [And دَخَلَ فِى أَمْرِ غَيْرِهِ, and أُمُورِ غَيْرِهِ, and ↓ تدخّل, and ↓ تداخل (assumed tropical:) He entered into, or mixed himself in, another's affair, and another's affairs.] b3: [Hence also, دَخَلَ عَلَيْهِ said of night, &c., It came upon him, or invaded him. And said of a word, such as a prep. &c., It was, or became, prefixed to it, preposed to it, or put before it.] b4: [دَخَلَنِى مِنْهُ seems (from an instance in art. بضع in the K) to mean (assumed tropical:) An evil opinion of him entered my mind; from دَخْلٌ as signifying “ a thing that induces doubt, or suspicion, or evil opinion. ”]

A2: دُخِلَ, (S, K,) like عُنِىَ; (K;) and دَخِلَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. [of the former] دَخْلٌ and [of the latter] دَخَلٌ; (K;) (assumed tropical:) He had an unsoundness (دَخَلٌ, S, K, i. e. فَسَادٌ, K) in his intel-lect, (S, K,) or in his body, (K,) or in his grounds of pretension to respect. (TA in explanation of the former verb.) And دَخِلَ أَمْرُهُ, aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. دَخَلٌ, (TA,) (assumed tropical:) His affair, or case, or state, was, or became, intrinsically bad or corrupt or unsound. (K.) b2: دُخِلَ الطَّعَامُ The corn, or food, became eaten by worms or the like. (JK.) b3: دُخِلَ عَلَيْهِ (assumed tropical:) He was led into a mistake, or an error, respecting a thing, without knowing it, by his having preconceived it. (Msb.) 2 دخّل, inf. n. تَدْخِيلٌ, He put dates into a دَوْخَلَّة [q. v.]. (TA.) [In the present day, دخّلهُ is used in the first of the senses assigned below to أَدْخَلَهُ; but for this I have not found any classical authority.]3 مُدَاخَلَةٌ [inf. n. of داخل] signifies The entering [with another] into a place: or (assumed tropical:) into an affair. (KL.) You say, داخلهُ فِى أُمُورِهِ (assumed tropical:) [He entered with him into, or mixed with him in, his affairs]. (JK, S.) And دَاخَلَهُمْ [alone (assumed tropical:) He entered with them into, or mixed with them in, their affairs: he mixed with them in familiar, or social, intercourse: he conversed with them; or was, or became, intimate with them]. (Lh, TA in the present art. and in art. خلط. [See 3 in art. خلط.]) And دَاخَلَهُ فَسَادٌ فِى عَقْلٍ أَوْ جِسْمٍ (assumed tropical:) [Unsoundness in intellect, or body, infected him, as though commingling with him; like خَالَطَهُ]. (K.) دِخَالٌ [also is an inf. n. of داخل]: see 6, in two places. b2: [See also دِخَالٌ below.]4 ادخلهُ, inf. n. إِدْخَالٌ and مُدْخَلٌ, (S, K,) He made, or caused, him, or it, to enter; or to go, come, pass, or get, in; he put in, inserted, brought in, or introduced, him, or it; as also بِهِ ↓ دَخَلَ [lit. he entered with him, or it], (K, TA,) inf. n. دُخُولٌ. (TA.) You say, أَدْخَلْتُ زَيْدًا الدَّارَ, [for فِىالدَّارِ, I made, or caused, Zeyd to enter the house, or I brought, or introduced, Zeyd into the house,] inf. n. مُدْخَلٌ. (Msb.) Hence, in the Kur [xvii. 82], رَبِّ أَدْخَلْنِى مُدْخَلَ صِدْقٍ (S, * TA) O my Lord, cause me to enter El-Medeeneh in a good, or an agreeable, manner: (Jel: [see also various similar explanations in Bd:]) [or ↓ مُدْخَل may be here a n. of place, or of time: see, in art. خرج, what is said of the words of the Kur that follow, أَخْرِجْنِى مَخْرَجَ صِدْقٍ.] One says also, أَدْخَلْتُ الخُفَّ فِى رِجْلِى and القَلَنْسُوَةَ فِى رَأْسِى [for أَدْخَلْتُ رِجْلِى فِى الخُفِّ and رَأْسِى فِى القَلَنْسُوَةِ I put, or inserted, my leg, or foot, into the boot and my head into the cap]. (Ham p. 43.) b2: Hence the saying, يُدْخِلُ عَلَى قَوْمِهِ مَكْرُــوهًا يَلْطَخُهُمْ بِهِ [He brings against his people an abominable, or evil, charge, aspersing them with it]. (S in art. عر.) 5 تَدَخَّلَ see 1, first sentence: and again in the latter half of the paragraph.6 تداخل signifies دَخَلَ بَعْضُهُ فِى بَعْضٍ [One part of it entered into another, or parts of it into others; meaning it became intermixed, intermingled, commixed, or commingled; it intermixed; it became confused: and hence it often means it became compact, or contracted]. (TA in art. قصر.) [Hence,] تَدَاخَلٌ signifies The entering of joints one into another; (M;) as also ↓ دِخَالٌ (JK, M, K) and ↓ دَخِيلٌ; (K;) but this last is not in the M [nor in the JK], and requires consideration: (TA:) [perhaps the joints (مَفَاصِل) here mentioned are those of a coat of mail; for it is said immediately before in the JK that دِخَالٌ in coats of mail signifies firmness, or compactness, of make. Hence also,] تَدَاخُلُ اللُّغَاتِ [The intermixture, or commixture, of dialects]. (Mz 17th نوع.) And تَدَاخُلُ الأُمُورِ (assumed tropical:) The dubiousness and confusedness of affairs; as also الأُمُورِ ↓ دِخَالُ. (TA.) b2: See also 1, in the latter half of the paragraph.

A2: [It is also trans.] You say, تَدَاخَلَنِ مِنْهُ شَىْءٌ [Something thereof, or therefrom, crept into me, i. e., into my mind]. (S, TA. [In the former, this meaning seems to be indicated by what there immediately precedes.]) And تَدَاخَلَنِى مِنْ هٰذَا الأَمْرِ رَمَضٌ (assumed tropical:) [Distress and disquietude, or grief, crept into me from, or in consequence of, this thing]. (A and TA in art. رمض.) 7 إِنْدَخَلَ see 1, first sentence.8 إِدَّخَلَ: see 1, first sentence. ادّخل عَلَىَّ [app. He encroached upon me]. (TA in art. هيض: see 1 in that art.) 10 استدخل He wished, desired, asked, or begged, to enter. (KL.) b2: And He entered a خَمَر [or covert of trees &c., or some other place of concealment]: said of one lurking to shoot, or cast, at objects of the chase. (TA.) دَخْلٌ Income, or revenue, or profit, that comes in, or accrues, to a man from his immovable property, such as land and houses and palm-trees

&c., (T, Msb, K,) and from his merchandise; (Msb;) contr. of خَرْجٌ; (S;) as also ↓ مَدْخُولٌ [for مَدْخُولٌ بِهِ]: (TA:) the former is originally an inf. n., of which the verb is دَخَلَ, aor. ـُ (Msb.) You say, دَخْلُهُ أَكْثَرُ مِنْ خَرْجِهِ [His income is more than his outgoings, or expenditure]. (Msb.) A2: See also دُخْلَةٌ. b2: A disease; (K;) as also ↓ دَخَلٌ: (K, TA; but not decisively shown to have this meaning in the CK:) a vice, fault, defect, or blemish; (S, K;) and particularly in one's grounds of pretension to respect, (Az, TA,) as also, thus restricted, ↓ دَخَلٌ: (K, TA:) and a thing that induces doubt, or suspicion, or evil opinion; as also ↓ دَخَلٌ [app. in all the senses explained in this sentence: each originally an inf. n.: see دُخِلَ and دَخِلَ]. (S, K.) Hence the saying, (S, TA,) of دَخُلَ Athmeh Bint-Matrood, (TA,) وَمَا يُدْرِيكَ بِالدَّخْلِ تَرَى الفِتْيَانَ كَالنَّخْلِ [Thou seest the youths, or young men, like palmtrees; but what will acquaint thee with the vice, &c., that is, or may be, in them]: (S, O, TA:) applied in relation to him who is of pleasing aspect, but devoid of good. (O, TA. [See also another reading of this verse voce رَقْلَةٌ.]) A3: See also دِخَالٌ: A4: and دَخِلٌ.

دُخْلٌ [A species of millet;] i. q. جَاوَرْسٌ; as also دُخْنٌ. (TA.) دِخْلٌ: see دُخْلَةٌ.

دَخَلٌ primarily signifies A thing that enters into another thing and is not of it. (Bd in xvi. 94.) See دَخْلٌ, in three places. Also Badness, corruptness, or unsoundness; or a bad, a corrupt, or an unsound, state or quality; (S in art. دغل, and K;) in intellect or in body [&c.]. (K.) You say, فِى عَقْلِهِ دَخَلٌ [In his intellect is an unsoundness]. (S, K.) And هٰذَاالأَمْرُ فِيهِ دَخَلٌ and دَغَلٌ [This affair, or case, in it is an unsoundness]: both signify the same. (S.) b2: Rottenness in a palm-tree. (TA.) b3: Leanness, or emaciation. (TA.) b4: Perfidiousness, faithlessness, or treachery: (K and TA; but not in the CK:) deceit, guile, or circumvention. (S, K.) Hence, in the Kur [xvi. 96], وَلَا تَتَّخِذُوا أَيْمَانَكُمْ دَخَلًا بَيْنَكُمْ [And make ye not your oaths to be a means of] deceit, or guile, or circumvention, between you. (S, TA. [And in the same sense it is used in verse 94 of the same ch.]) A2: Also People, or persons, who assert their relationship to those of whom they are not: (K:) in this sense thought by ISd to be a quasi-pl. n. [app. of دَخِيلٌ (q. v.), like as شَرَفٌ is of شَرِيفٌ]. (TA.) You say, هُمْ دَخَلٌ فِى بَنِى فُلَانٍ They are, among the sons of such a one, persons who assert their relationship to them not being of them. (S, K.) [But Freytag asserts, though without naming any authority, evidently taking it from the TK, in which I find it, that one says, هم دخل لهم, and also هو; thus applying it to a single person (which is questionable) as well as to a plurality.]

b2: And Tangled, or luxuriant, or abundant and dense, trees; (K;) as also دَغَلٌ. (TA.) دَخِلٌ Intrinsically bad or corrupt or unsound: and ↓ دَخْلٌ occurs in the same sense at the end of a verse: this may be a contraction of the former, or it may be for ذُو دَخْلٍ. (TA.) دَخْلَةٌ A place in which bees, (K,) or wild bees, (AA, TA,) deposit their honey. (AA, K, TA.) A2: See also the next paragraph.

دُخْلَةٌ The night of the ceremony of conducting a bride to her husband. (TA.) [In the present day, this night is commonly called لَيْلَةُالدُّخْلَةِ; vulgarly لَيْلَة اَلدُّخْلَهْ.]

A2: (assumed tropical:) The inward, or intrinsic, state, or circumstances, of a man; as also ↓ دَاخِلَةٌ: (S:) or, as also ↓ دِخْلَةٌ and ↓ دَخْلَةٌ and ↓ دَخِيلَةٌ and ↓ دَخِيلٌ and ↓ دُخْلُلٌ and ↓ دُخْلَلٌ and ↓ دُخَيْلَآءُ and ↓ دَاخِلَةٌ and ↓ دُخَّلٌ and ↓ دِخَالٌ, (K,) or, accord. to Lth, ↓ دُخَالٌ, (TA,) and ↓ دُخَّيْلَى and ↓ دِخْلٌ and ↓ دَخْلٌ (assumed tropical:) a man's intention: his way of acting, or his opinion: his whole case or circumstances: his mind, or heart: and his secret. (K.) You say, هُوَ عَالِمٌ بِدُخْلَتِهِ (assumed tropical:) He is acquainted with his inward, or intrinsic, state or circumstances. (S.) And every one of the foregoing fourteen syn. words is prefixed to the word أَمْر, so that you say, عَرَفْتُ دُخْلَةَ أَمْرِهِ &c., meaning (assumed tropical:) I knew the whole [of the inward, or intrinsic, circumstances] of his case. (TA.) ↓ فَرَشْتُهُ دِخْلَةَ

أَمْرِى, or فَرَشْتُ لَهُ دِخْلَةَ أَمْرِى, is a post-classical prov., meaning (assumed tropical:) I laid open to him the inward, or intrinsic, and true, or real, state of my case. (Har p. 306.) One says also, ↓ هُوَ حَسَنُّ الدِّخْلَةِ and ↓ المَدْخَلِ (tropical:) He is good in his way of acting in his affairs: (K, TA:) and ↓ فُلَانٌ حَسَنُ المَدْخَلِ وَالمَخْرَجِ (assumed tropical:) Such a one is good, and laudable, in his way of acting, or conduct. (TA.) دِخْلَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in three places: b2: and see دُخْلُلٌ. b3: Also A mixture of colours in a colour. (T, M, K.) دُخْلَلٌ: see دُخَّلٌ.

A2: and see also دُخْلَةٌ: b2: and the paragraph here next following.

دُخْلُلٌ (assumed tropical:) A companion, [such as is] a confidant, and special friend; as also ↓ دَخِيلٌ (KL) and ↓ دَخِيلَةٌ [app. for صَاحِبُ دَخِيلَةٍ] (K * and TA voce وَلِيجَةٌ) and ↓ دِخْلَةٌ [app. for صَاحِبُ دِخْلَة]: (L voce وَلِيجَةٌ:) [the pl.] دُخْلُلُونَ signifies special, or particular, and choice, or select, friends: (Az, TA:) or دُخْلُلٌ signifies, as also ↓ دِخْلَلٌ and ↓ دَخِيلٌ and ↓ مُدَاخِلٌ, one who enters with another into the affairs of the latter: (K, TA:) [i. e.] الرَّجُلِ ↓ دَخِيلُ and دُخْلُلُهُ signify the man's particular, or special, intimate, who enters with him into his affairs. (S.) You say, بَيْنَهُمَا دُخْلُلٌ and ↓ دِخْلَلٌ, meaning (assumed tropical:) Between them two is a particular, or special, intimate, who enters with them into their affairs: so says Lh: but ISd says, I know not what it is: accord. to the T, on the authority of AO, the meaning is, between them is brotherhood, or fraternization, and love, or affection: and accord. to ISd and the K, الحُبِّ ↓ دُخْلَلٌ and دُخْلُلُهُ [the latter not in the CK nor in my MS. copy of the K] and ↓ دَاخِلُهُ signify (assumed tropical:) purity of inward love. (TA.) b2: دُخْلُلُونَ signifies also Persons of the lower, or lowest, sort, who enter among a people, or party, of whom they are not: thus having two contr. meanings. (Az, TA.) b3: الدخلل [app. الدُّخْلُلُ] and ↓ الدُّخَّالُ [thus in the TA] and ↓ الدَّاخِلُ, accord. to IAar, all signify The same as الأُذُنِ ↓ دَخَّالِ [an appellation now applied to the ear-wig; in the K, art. عقرب, said to be the عُقْرُبَان, but not as meaning the عَقْرَب or the male عَقْرَب]: accord. to Az, it is the هرنصان [i. e. هِرْنِصَان or هِرِنْصَان, a kind of worm, the species of which is doubtful]. (TA.) b4: See also دِخَّلٌ.

A2: And see دُخْلَةٌ.

دِخْلَلٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in two places.

دِخْلِلٌ A portion of flesh (in some copies of the K of fat, TA) in the midst of flesh. (JK, Ibn-'Abbád, K.) دُخَالٌ: see دِخَالٌ: A2: and see also دُخْلَةٌ.

دِخَالٌ [an inf. n. of 3, q. v.]. b2: In watering, (S, K,) it is The putting in a camel, that has drunk, between two camels that have not drunk, (K,) or the bringing back a camel, that has drunk, from the resting-place by the water, to the watering-trough, and putting him in between two thirsty camels, (S,) in order that he may drink what, may-be, he has not drunk: (S, K:) in like manner it is explained in the T, on the authority of As, who adds that this is done only when the water is scanty: (TA:) or the putting in a weak or sick camel [that has already drunk] with those that are drinking, and then, after that, with those that are returning to the water, so that he drinks three times: (Skr:) or the driving of camels to the watering-trough a second time, in order that they may complete their drinking, after they have already been watered drove by drove: (JK, TA:) so says Lth; but the approved explanation is that of As: (TA:) or the driving of camels to the watering-trough at once, all together; as also ↓ دَخْلٌ. (JK.) A2: The forelocks of a horse; (K;) because of their entering, one into another; (TA;) as also ↓ دُخَالٌ: (K:) so in the M. (TA.) A3: See also دُخْلَةٌ.

دَخِيلٌ A guest. (M, TA.) Hence the saying of the vulgar, أَنَا دَخِيلُ فُلَانٍ [I am the guest of such a one; generally meaning I am under his protection]. (TA.) b2: See also دُخْلُلٌ, in three places. b3: [An adventive abider among a people.] You say, فُلَانٌ دَخِيلٌ بَيْنَ القَوْمِ Such a one is a person abiding among the people, not related to them. (Msb.) And هُوَ دَخِيلٌ فِيهِمْ He is a stranger to them (M, K) who has entered, (M,) or who enters, (K,) among them: (M, K:) applied also to a female. (TA.) [See دَخَلٌ, which is app. a quasi-pl. n. of دَخِيلٌ in this sense.] b4: Hence, A subject of discourse introduced by way of digression, or as having some relation to the class, or category, of the proper subjects treated of, but not included therein. (Msb.) b5: And A word that is adventitious, not indigenous, to the language of the Arabs; that is introduced into that language, and does not belong to it. (K.) There are many such words in the Jemharah of Ibn-Dureyd. (TA.) b6: And A horse that is introduced between two other horses in a race for a wager. (JK, O, TA.) [See مُحَلِّلٌ.] See also دَخِيلِىُّ. b7: And see دُخْلَةٌ: b8: and دَاخِلٌ.

A2: It is also said in the K to be syn. with دِخَالٌ in a sense explained above: see 6.

دَخِيلَةٌ: see دُخْلَةٌ: b2: and دُخْلُلٌ.

دُخَيْلَآءُ: see دُخْلَةٌ.

دَخِيلِىٌّ A gazelle [and any animal] brought up in, or near, the house or tent, and there fed, syn. رَبِيبٌ, (IAar, K, TA,) like أَهْلِىٌّ, (TA,) upon the neck of which are hung cowries. (IAar, TA.) And A horse that is fed only with fodder: so accord. to Aboo-Nasr and others: a meaning erroneously assigned in the K to ↓ دَخِيلٌ. (TA.) Accord. to Skr, A horse of a race called بَنَاتُ دَخِيلٍ. (TA.) دُخَيْلِيَآءُ [in the CK with ة in the place of the ء] A certain game of the Arabs. (JK, O, K, TA.) دُخَّلٌ Herbage that enters among the stems of trees, (S, K,) or among the lower parts of the branches of trees, (M, TA,) or among the branches of trees, and cannot be depastured by reason of its tangled state; also termed عُوَّذٌ. (T, TA.) b2: The feathers, or portions of feathers, that enter between the ظُهْرَان and بُطْنَان [here app. meaning the outermost and innermost portions]: (K:) they are the best thereof, because the sun does not strike upon them. (TA.) b3: A portion, or portions, of flesh, or of muscle, lying within sinews: (M, K:) or flesh whereof one portion is intermixed with another: (TA:) or دُخَّلُ اللَّحْمِ means flesh that cleaves to the bone; and such is the best of flesh. (T, TA.) b4: Applied to a man, (TA,) Thick, and compact, or contracted, in body; (K, * TA;) lit, having one portion thereof inserted into another. (TA.) b5: A certain bird, (S, K,) of small size, (S, TA,) dust-coloured, (K, TA,) that alights upon palm-trees and other trees, and enters among them; (TA;) also called ↓ دُخْلَلٌ and ↓ دُخْلُلٌ: (K:) n. un. دُخَّلَةٌ: ISd says that it is an intrusive bird, smaller than the sparrow, found in El-Hijáz: accord. to the T, it is a kind of small bird, like the sparrow, that has its abode in caves and in dense trees: AHát says, in “the Book of Birds,” that the دُخَّلَة is a certain bird that is found in caves, and enters houses or tents, and is caught by children: when winter comes, the birds of this kind disperse; and some of them become of a dusky colour, and of a dark and somewhat reddish colour, and gray (زَرْقَآء); and some, variegated with blackness and redness, and with whiteness: they are of the size of the lark, but the latter is larger than they are in the head; neither short nor long in the tail; but short in the legs, which are like the legs of the lark: (TA:) the pl. is دَخَاخِيلُ, (S, M, K,) which is anomalous in respect of the insertion of the ى: (M:) in the T, دخاليل [which is app. a mistranscription]. (TA.) A2: See also دُخْلَةٌ.

دُخَّلَةٌ Any compact portion of flesh. (Sgh, K.) b2: Also n. un. of دُخَّلٌ [q. v.]. (TA.) دَخَّالٌ That enters [into anything] much, or often; wont to enter. (TA.) [See دَسَّاسٌ.] b2: [Hence,] دَخَّالُ الأُذُنِ: see دُخْلُلٌ.

الدُّخَّالُ: see دُخْلُلٌ.

دُخَّيْلَى: see دُخْلَةٌ.

دَاخِلٌ [act. part. n. of 1, Entering, &c. Hence,] الدَّاخِلُ as meaning دَخَّالُ الأُذُنِ: see دُخْلُلٌ. b2: It is [also] applied as an epithet to a disease, and to love; [as meaning Internal, or inward;] and so ↓ دَخِيلٌ, in the same sense. (K.) b3: [Also, as a subst.,] The interior of anything; (M, Msb, * TA;) contr. of خَارِجٌ. (Msb.) Sb says that it is not used adverbially unless with a particle; [so that you may not say دَاخِلًا as meaning Within; but you say فِى دَاخِلٍ; and in like manner you say إِلَى دَاخِلٍ meaning In, or inwards; and مِنْ دَاخِلٍ meaning From within;] i. e. it is only a subst.; because it has a special signification, like يَدٌ and رِجْلٌ. (TA.) b4: دَاخِلُ الحُبِّ: see دُخْلُلٌ.

دَاخِلَةُ الإِزَارِ The part of the ازار [or waist-wrapper] that is next the body; (Mgh;) the extremity of the ازار that is next the body, (S, K,) next the right side (K, TA) of a man when he puts it on; being the inner extremity in that case: and the part of the body which is the place thereof; not of the ازار: IAmb says that, accord. to some, it is a metonymical term for the مَذَاكِير [meaning the penis with what is around it]: or, accord. to some, the hip, or haunch. (TA.) b2: دَاخِلَةُ الأَرْضِ The part of the ground that may serve as a place for concealment, and that is low, or depressed: pl. دَوَاخِلُ. (T, K.) One says, مَا فِى أَرْضِهِمْ دَاخِلَةٌ مِنْ خَمَرٍ [There is not in their land a place for concealment such as a hollow or a covert of trees]. (TA.) b3: [In the K and TA in art. جوز, the term دَاخِلَة is applied to Bad pieces of money intermixed and concealed among good pieces; as is there indicated in the K, and plainly shown in the TA.] b4: الدَّوَاخِلُ in the phrase الدَّوَاخِلُ وَالخَوَارِجُ has been explained in art خرج. (Msb. See خَارِجَةٌ.) b5: See also دُخْلَةٌ, in two places.

دَوْخَلَّةٌ and دَوْخَلَةٌ, with and without teshdeed, A thing [or receptacle] made of palm-leaves woven together, (ISk, S, K,) in which fresh ripe dates are put, (ISk, S,) or in which dates are put: (K:) pl. دَوَاخِيلُ, occurring in poetry, [the ى being app. inserted by poetic license,] (TA,) and دَوَاخِلُ. (K in art. لهث.) مَدْخَلٌ An entrance, i. e. a place of entrance, or ingress, (S, Msb,) of a house [or the like; and any inlet]. (Msb.) b2: [Hence,] (tropical:) A way of act-ing. (K, TA: see دُخْلَةٌ, last sentence, in two places.) [And مَدْخَلُ خَيْرٍ (assumed tropical:) A means of attaining, or doing, good.] b3: [Also A time of entrance.]

مُدْخَلٌ is syn. with إِدْخَالٌ: and is also the pass. part. n. of أَدْخَلَهُ: (S:) [and a n. of place: and of time:] see 4. b2: Also (assumed tropical:) Base, base-born, or ignoble; of suspected origin or lineage, or adopted, or who claims for his father one who is not: (K, * TA:) because he is introduced among a people [to whom he is not related]. (TA.) مِدْخَلٌ An instrument by means of which one enters: mentioned by Golius as meaning a key; on the authority of Ibn-Seenà (Avicenna).]

مُدَّخَلًا, in the Kur [ix. 57, accord. to the most usual reading, there meaning A place into which to enter], is originally مُدْتَخَلًا. (TA.) مَدْخُولٌ [for مَدْخُولٌ بِهِ]: see دَخْلٌ. b2: مَدْخُولٌ بِهَا [and عَلَيْهَا] (tropical:) A wife, or woman, to whom a man has gone in; meaning compressed; whether with the sanction of the law or not; (Mgh, TA;) but generally the former. (TA.) A2: (assumed tropical:) Having an unsoundness in his intellect, (S, K,) or in his body, or in his grounds of pretension to respect. (TA.) b2: (assumed tropical:) Emaciated. (S, K.) b3: Corn, or food, eaten by worms or the like. (TA.) b4: نَخْلَةٌ مَدْخُولَةٌ A palm-tree rotten (S, K) within. (S.) مُدَاخِلٌ: see دُخْلُلٌ. b2: نَاقَةٌ مُدَاخِلَةٌ الخَلْقِ A she-camel compact, and firm, or strong, in make. (TA.) And الجِسْمِ ↓ رَجُلٌ مُتَداخِلُ (K, * TA) A man compact, or contracted, in body; lit., having one portion thereof inserted into another. (TA.) مُتَدَخَّلٌ فِى أُمُورٍ One who puts himself to trouble, or inconvenience, to enter into affairs. (K.) [One who intrudes in affairs.]

مُتَداخِلُ الجِسْمِ: see مُدَاخِلٌ.



1 طَرْقٌ signifies The beating [a thing], or striking [it, in any manner, and with anything]; (K, TA;) this being the primary meaning: (TA:) or with the مِطْرَقَة, (K, TA,) which is the implement of the blacksmith and of the artificer [with which he beats the iron], and the rod, or stick, with which one beats wool [or hair] to loosen or separate it: (TA:) and the slapping (K, TA) with the hand. (TA.) You say, طَرَقَ البَابَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. طَرْقٌ, He knocked [or (as we say) knocked at] the door. (Msb.) طَرَقَ الصُّوفَ, (S, O, TA, *) or الشَّعَرَ, (TA,) aor. as above, (S, O,) and so the inf. n., (S, O, K,) He beat the wool, (S, O, K, TA,) or the hair, (TA,) with the rod, or stick, called مِطْرَقَة, (S, O,) to loosen it, or separate it: (S, * O, * TA:) or he plucked it [so as to loosen it, or separate it]. (K, TA.) اُطْرُقِى

وَمِيشِى, a prov., and occurring in a verse of Ru-beh, [originally addressed to a woman,] and [lit.] meaning Beat thou the wool with the stick, and mix the hair with the wool, is said to him who confuses or confounds, in his speech, and practises various modes, or manners, therein. (Az, TA. [See Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 28.]) And you say also, طَرَقَ الحَدِيدَةَ He beat the piece of iron [with the مِطْرَقَة]: (Mgh, * Msb:) and ↓ طرّقها he beat it much, or vehemently. (Msb.) And طَرَقَهُ بِكَفِّهِ, inf. n. as above, He slapped him with his hand. (TA.) And طَرَقْتُ الطَّرِيقَ I travelled [or beat] the road. (Msb.) [And hence, app.,] طَرْقٌ signifies also The being quick of pace; [probably as an inf. n.;] or quickness of going along. (Sh, TA.) And طُرِقَتِ الأَرْضُ The ground was beaten so as to be rendered even, or easy to be travelled; and trodden with the feet. (TA.) And طَرَقَ الدَّوَابُّ المَآءَ بِالرِّجْلِ حَتَّى تُكَدِّرَهُ [The beasts beat the water with the foot so as to render it turbid, or muddy]: (Er-Rághib, TA:) or طَرَقَتِ الإِبِلُ المَآءَ, (S, O, TA,) aor. as above, (O,) (tropical:) the camels staled and dunged in the water. (S, O, TA.) b2: Also (assumed tropical:) The coming by night; (K, TA;) because he who comes by night [generally] needs to knock at the door; as some say; (TA;) and so طُرُوقٌ [which is the more common in this sense]. (K, TA.) You say, طَرَقَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. طُرُوقٌ, He came by night. (S.) أَتَانَا فُلَانٌ طُرُوقًا (assumed tropical:) Such a one came to us by night. (S.) and طَرَقَ القَوْمَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. طَرْقٌ and طُرُوقٌ, (assumed tropical:) He came to the people, or party, by night. (TA.) And طَرَقَ أَهْلَهُ, (TA,) or طَرَقَ أَهْلَهُ لَيْلًا, (S, O,) inf. n. طُرُوقٌ, (TA,) (assumed tropical:) He came to his اهل [meaning wife] by night: (S, * O, TA:) the doing of which by him who has been long absent is forbidden by the Prophet. (O, TA. *) and طَرَقَ النَّجْمُ, aor. ـُ inf. n. طُرُوقٌ, (assumed tropical:) The star, or asterism, rose: and of anything that has come by night, one says طَرَقَ. (Msb.) One says also, طُرِقَ فُلَانٌ (assumed tropical:) Such a one was made an object of [or was visited by or was smitten by] nocturnal accidents or calamities. (TA.) And طَرَقَهُ الزَّمَانُ بِنَوَائِبِهِ (assumed tropical:) [Time, or fortune, visited him, or smote him, with its accidents, or calamities; or did so suddenly, like one knocking at the door in the night]. (TA.) And طَرَقَنِى خَيَالٌ (assumed tropical:) [An apparition, or a phantom, visited me in the night]. (TA.) And طَرَقَنِى هَمٌّ (assumed tropical:) [Anxiety came upon me; or did so suddenly, like one coming in the night]. (TA.) And [hence, app.,] طَرَقَ سَمْعِى

كَذَا (assumed tropical:) [Such a thing struck my ear]: and طُرِقَتْ مَسَامِعِى بِخَيْرٍ (assumed tropical:) [My ears were struck by good tidings]. (TA.) b3: Also The stallion's covering the she-camel; (Msb, K; *) and so طُرُوقٌ; (K, TA;) and طِرَاقٌ likewise [app. another inf. n. of طَرَقَ, as its syn. ضِرَابٌ is of ضَرَبَ]: (TA:) or his leaping her, (S, O, TA,) and covering her. (TA.) You say, طَرَقَ القَحْلُ النَّاقَةَ, (S, O, Msb, TA,) aor. ـُ (S, O, TA,) inf. n. طَرْقٌ, (Msb,) or طُرُوقٌ, (S) or both, (O, TA,) The stallion covered the she-camel: (Msb:) or leaped the she-camel, (S, O, TA,) and covered her. (TA.) b4: And [The practising of pessomancy;] i. q. ضَرْبٌ بِالحَصَى, (S, IAth, O, K,) which is performed by women, (IAth, TA,) or by a diviner; (K;) a certain mode of divination: (S:) or [the practising of geomancy; i. e.] a man's making lines, or marks, upon the ground, with two fingers, and then with one finger, and saying, اِبْنَىْ عِيَانْ أَسْرِعَا البَيَانْ: (Az, O, TA: [see this saying explained, with another description of the process, in the first paragraph of art. خط:]) or it is the making lines, or marks, upon the sand: (TA:) you say, طَرَقَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. طَرْقٌ, He made lines, or marks, with a finger, (&c.,) in divining. (JK.) [See the last sentence in art. جبت.] Also The diviner's mixing cotton with wool when divining. (Lth, K.) b5: And طَرَقْنَا النَّعْجَةَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. طَرْقٌ, We branded the ewe with the mark called طِرَاق. (ISh, O.) A2: طُرِقَ, (K, TA,) like عُنِىَ, (TA,) [inf. n., app., طَرْقٌ, q. v.,] (tropical:) He was, or became, weak in intellect, (K, TA,) and soft. (TA.) A3: طَرِقَ, aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. طَرَقٌ, (Fr, S, O, K,) He (a camel) had a weakness in his knees: (Fr, S, O, K: [see حَلَلٌ:]) or, said of a human being and of a camel, he had a weakness in the knee and in the arm or the fore leg: (TA:) or, said of a camel, he had a crookedness in the سَاق (Lth, * O, * K) of the kind leg, [app. meaning in the thigh,] without the [kind of straddling termed] فَحَج, and with an inclining in the heel. (Lth, O.) b2: [See also طَرَقٌ below.]

A4: طَرِقَ signifies also He drank turbid, or muddy, water, (O, K, TA,) such as is termed [طَرْقٌ and] مَطْرُوقٌ. (TA. [In the K it is said to be, in this sense, like سَمِعَ; which seems to indicate that the inf. n. is طَرْقٌ, not طَرَقٌ.]) 2 طرّق الحَدِيدَةَ: see 1, former half. b2: طرّق طَرِيقًا He made a road plane, or even, so that people travelled it [or beat it with their feet] in their passing along. (TA.) The saying لَا تُطَرِّقُوا المَسَاجِدَ means Make not ye the mosques to be roads [or places of passage]. (TA.) طَرَّقْتُ لَهُ is from الطَّرِيقُ: (S, O:) you say, طرّق لَهَا [app. referring to camels] He made for them a road, or way: (K:) or طرّق لَهُ he gave a way to, or admitted, him, or it. (MA.) b3: طَرَّقَتْ said of the [bird called] قَطَاة, peculiarly, (inf. n. تَطْرِيقٌ, O, K,) She arrived at the time of her egg's coming forth: (As, A'Obeyd, S, O, K:) or she (a قطاة) hollowed out in the ground a place wherein to lay her eggs: as though she made a way for them: so says A Heyth: but the verb may be similarly used of other than the قطاة, metaphorically; whence the saying, قَدْ طَرَّقَتْ بِبِكْرِهَا أُمُّ طَبَقْ i. e. (tropical:) Calamity [has prepared to bring forth her first-born]. (Az, TA.) [Hence, app.,] one says also, ضَرَبَهُ حَتَّى طَرَّقَ بِجَعْرِهِ [He beat him until he gave passage, or was about to give passage, to his ordure]. (As, S, O.) And طرّق لِى, inf. n. تَطْرِيقٌ, signifies أَخْرَجَ [app. meaning He gave forth, or produced, to me something]. (TA.) b4: طَرَّقَتْ بِوَلَدِهَا, said of a camel, means She brought forth with difficulty, her young one sticking fast, and not coming forth easily; and in like manner it is said of a woman: (As, S, O, K:) so in a verse of Ows Ibn-Hajar, cited voce نِفَاسٌ: (O:) or طرّقت said of a woman and of any pregnant female, means the half of her young one came forth, and then it stuck fast. (Lth, TA.) [Hence,] طرّق فُلَانٌ بِحَقِّى (tropical:) Such a one acknowledged my right, or due, after disacknowledging it. (As, S, O, K, TA.) b5: Accord. to Az, (TA,) طرّق الإِبِلَ means He withheld the camels from pasture, (S, O, K, TA,) or from some other thing: (S, O, TA:) Sh, however, says that he knew not this; but that IAar explained طَرَّفْتُ, with ف, as meaning “ I repelled. ” (TA.) b6: أَخَذَ فُلَانٌ فِى التَّطْرِيقِ means (assumed tropical:) Such a one practised artifice and divination. (TA.) A2: طَرَّقْتُ التُّرْسَ I sewed the shield upon another skin: and طَرَّقْتُ النَّعْلَ, inf. n. تَطْرِيقٌ, I made the sole of two pieces of skin, sewing one of them upon the other. (Msb. [See also the next paragraph.]) 3 طَارَقْتُ النَّعْلَ [meaning I sewed another sole upon the sole] is an instance of a verb of the measure فَاعَلَ relating to the act of a single agent. (AAF, TA in art. خدع.) [See also 2, last sentence.] You say also, طارق الرَّجُلُ نَعْلَيْهِ, [inf. n. مُطَارَقَةٌ,] The man put one of his two soles upon the other and sewed them together. (As, TA.) And طارق بَيْنَ نَعْلَيْنِ He sewed one sole upon another. (S, O, K.) And طارق بين الثَّوْبَيْنِ, (S,) or بَيْنَ ثَوْبَيْنِ, (O, K,) and بين الدِّرْعَيْنِ, (TA,) i. q. طَابَقَ, (K,) or ظَاهَرَ, i. e. He put on himself one of the two garments, or one of two garments, [and one of the two coats of mail,] over the other. (S, O.) طُورِقَ is said of anything as meaning It was put one part thereof upon, or above, another; and so ↓ اِطَّرَقَ; (TA;) [and in like manner ↓ أُطْرِقَ; for] one says of shields, يُطْرَقُ بَعْضُهَا عَلَى بَعْضٍ One of them is sewed upon another: (S, O, K:) and أُطْرِقَتْ بِالجِلْدِ وَالعَصَبِ They were clad [or covered] with skin and sinews. (S, O.) b2: طارق الغَمَامُ الظَّلَامَ The clouds followed upon the darkness. (TA.) b3: And طارق الكَلَامَ (tropical:) He practised, or took to, various modes, or manners, in speech; syn. تَفَنَّنَ فِيهِ. (TA.) 4 اطرقهُ فَحْلَهُ He lent him his stallion [camel] to cover his she-camels. (S, O, K.) b2: لَا أَطْرَقَ اللّٰهُ عَلَيْكَ, (O,) or عَلَيْهِ, (K, TA,) means (tropical:) May God not cause thee, or him, to have one whom thou mayest, or whom he may, take to wife, or compress. (O, K, TA.) b3: See also 3, latter part. b4: اطرق رَأْسَهُ He inclined his head [downwards]. (TA.) And أَطْرِقْ بَصَرَكَ Lower thine eyes towards thy breast, and be silent: occurring in a trad. respecting the looking unexpectedly [at one at whom one should not look]. (TA.) And أَطْرَقَ, alone, He bent down his head: (MA:) or he lowered his eyes, looking towards the ground; (S, O, K;) and sometimes the doing so is natural: (TA: [and the same is indicated in the S:]) and it may mean he had a laxness in the eyelids: (A'Obeyd, TA:) or he contracted his eyelids, as though his eye struck the ground: (Er-Rághib, TA:) and he was, or became, silent, (ISk, S, O, K,) accord. to some, by reason of fright, (TA,) not speaking. (ISk, S, O, K.) It is said in a prov., أَطْرِقٌ كَرَا أَطْرِقٌ كَرَا

إِنَّ النَّعَامَ فِى القُرَى

[Lower thine eyes karà: lower thine eyes karà: (كرا meaning the male of the كَرَوَان, a name now given to the stone-curlew, or charadrius ædicnemus:) verily the ostriches are in the towns, or villages]: applied to the self-conceited; (S, O;) and to him who is insufficient, or unprofitable; who speaks and it is said to him, “Be silent, and beware of the spreading abroad of that which thou utterest, for dislike of what may be its result: ” and by the saying انّ النعام فى القرى is meant, they will come to thee and trample thee with their feet: (O:) it is like the saying فَغُضِّ الطَّرْفَ. (S. [See also كَرَوَانٌ: and see also Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 30-31.]) It is asserted that when they desire to capture the كرا, and see it from afar, they encompass it, and one of them says, أَطْرِقْ كَرَا إِنَّكَ لَا تُرَى [or لَنْ تُرَى (Meyd in explanation of the preceding prov.) i. e. Lower thine eyes, or be silent, karà: thou wilt not be seen:] until he becomes within reach of it; when he throws a garment over it, and takes it. ('Eyn, TA.) And أَطْرِقْ كَرَا يُحْلَبْ لَكَ [Lower thine eyes, or be silent, karà: milk shall be drawn for thee:] is [a prov., mentioned by Meyd,] said to a stupid person whom one incites to hope for that which is vain, or false, and who believes [what is said to him]. (O.) b5: One says also, اطرق إِلَى اللَّهْوِ (tropical:) He inclined to diversion, sport, or play. (IAar, K, TA.) b6: اطرق اللَّيْلُ عَلَيْهِ: see 8: b7: and اطرقت الإِبِلُ: see 6.

A2: اطرق الصَّيْدَ He set a snare for the beasts, or birds, of the chase. (TA.) b2: And hence, اطرق فُلَانٌ لِفُلَانٍ (assumed tropical:) Such a one plotted against such a one by calumny, or slander, in order to throw him into destruction, or into that from which escape would be difficult. (TA.) 5 تطرّق إِلَى كَذَا He found a way to such a thing: (MA:) or he sought to gain access to such a thing. (Er-Rághib, TA.) 6 تَطَارُقٌ signifies The coming consecutively, or being consecutive. (TA.) You say, تطارقت الإِبِلُ The camels came following one another, the head of each. [except the first] being at the tail of the next [before it], whether tied together in a file or not: (TA:) or went away, one after another; (S, O, K;) as also ↓ اِطَّرَقَت; (O, K, TA;) in the S, incorrectly, ↓ أَطْرَقَت; (O, K, TA;) in mentioned in the K, in another part of the art., and there expl. as meaning the followed one another; but the verb in this sense is ↓ اِطَّرَقَت: (TA:) and, (O, K, TA,) as some say, (O, TA,) this last signifies they scattered, or dispersed, themselves upon the roads, and quitted the main beaten tracks: (O, K, TA:) As cited as an ex., (from Ru-beh, TA,) describing camels, (O,) شَتِيتَا ↓ جَآءَتْ مَعًا واطَّرَقَتْ meaning They came together, and went away in a state of dispersion. (S, O, TA.) And you say, تطارق الظَّلَامُ وَالغَمَامُ The darkness and the clouds were, or became, consecutive. (TA.) And تطارقت عَلَيْنَا الأَخْبَارُ [The tidings came to us consecutively]. (TA.) 8 اِطَّرَقَ: see 3. Said of the wing of a bird, (S, TA,) Its feathers overlay one another: (TA:) or it was, or became, abundant and dense [in its feathers]. (S, TA.) And اطّرقت الأَرْضُ The earth became disposed in layers, one above another, being compacted by the rain. (TA.) And اطّرق الحَوْضُ The watering-trough, or tank, had in it [a deposit of] compacted dung, or dung and mud or clay, that had fallen into it. (TA.) and اطّرق عَلَيْهِ اللَّيْلُ, as in the O and L; in the K, erroneously, ↓ أَطْرَقَ; The night came upon him portion upon portion. (TA.) See also 6, in three places.10 استطرقهُ فَحْلًا He desired, or demanded, of him a stallion to cover his she-camels; (S, O, K;) like استضربهُ. (TA.) b2: And استطرقهُ He desired, or demanded, of him the practising of pessomancy (الضَّرْبَ بِالحَصَى), and the looking [or divining] for him therein. (K, * TA.) b3: And He desired, or demanded, of him the [having, or taking, a] road, or way, within some one of his boundaries. (TA.) b4: مِنْ غَيْرِ أَنْ يَسْتَطْرِقَ نَصِيبَ الآخَرِ, a phrase used by El-Kudooree, means Without his taking for himself the portion of the other as a road or way [or place of passage]. (Mgh.) And الاِسْتِطْرَاقُ بَيْنَ الصُّفُوفِ, a phrase used by Khwáhar-Zádeh [commonly pronounced KháharZádeh], means The going [or the taking for oneself a way] between the ranks [of the people engaged in prayer]: from الطَّرِيقُ. (Mgh.) And اِسْتَطْرَقْتُ

إِلَى البَابِ I went along a road, or way, to the door. (Msb.) [Hence a phrase in the Fákihet el-Khulafà, p. 105, line 15.] b5: [اسْتَطْرَقَتْ in a verse cited in the K in art. دد is a mistake for استطرفت, with فا: see 10 in art. طرب.]

طَرْقٌ [originally an inf. n., and as such app. signifying An act of striking the lute &c.: and hence,] a species (ضَرْبٌ) of the أَصْوَات [meaning sounds, or airs, or tunes,] of the lute: (TA:) or any صَوْت [i. e. air, or tune], (Lth, O, K, TA,) or any نَغْمَة [i. e. melody], (K, TA,) of the lute and the like, by itself: (Lth, O, K, TA:) you say, تَضْرِبُ هٰذِهِ الجَارِيَةُ كَذَا وَكَذَا طَرْقًا [This girl, or young woman, or female slave, plays such and such airs or tunes, or such and such melodies, of the lute or the like]. (Lth, O, K. *) b2: [Hence, probably,] عِنْدَهُ طُرُوقٌ مِنَ الكَلَامِ, sing. طَرْقٌ, a phrase mentioned by Kr; thought by ISd to mean He has [various] sorts, or species, of speech. (TA.) b3: See also طَرْقَةٌ, in four places.

A2: Also (tropical:) A stallion [camel] covering: (O, K, TA:) pl. طُرُوقٌ and طُرَّاقٌ: (TA:) an inf. n. used as a subst. [or an epithet]: (O, K, TA:) for ذُو طَرْقٍ. (TA.) b2: And (assumed tropical:) The sperma of the stallion [camel]: (S, K:) a man says to another, أَعِرْنِى

طَرْقَ فَحْلِكَ العَامَ i. e. [Lend thou to me] the sperma, and the covering, (As, TA.) which latter is said to be the original meaning, (TA,) of thy stallion [camel this year]. (As, TA.) And it is said to be sometimes applied metaphorically to (assumed tropical:) The sperma of man: or in relation to man, it may be an epithet, [like as it is sometimes in relation to a stallion-camel, as mentioned above,] and not metaphorical. (TA.) And طَرْقُ الجَمَلِ means also The hire that is given for the camel's covering of the female. (TA in art. شبر.) A3: Also, and ↓ مَطْرُوقٌ, (tropical:) Water (S, O, K, TA) of the rain (S, O, TA) in which camels (S, O, K) and others [i. e. other beasts] have staled, (S,) or waded and staled, (S, * O, K, TA,) and dunged: (S, O, TA:) or stagnant water in which beasts have waded and staled: (Mgh:) and ↓ طَرَقٌ [expressly stated to be مُحَرَّكَة] signifies [the same, or] water that has collected, in which there has been a wading and staling, so that it has become turbid; (TA;) or places where water collects and stagnates (S, O, K, TA) in stony tracts of land; (TA;) and the pl. of this is أَطْرَاقٌ. (TA.) A4: طَرْقٌ also signifies A [snare, trap, gin, or net, such as is commonly called] فَخّ, (IAar, O, K,) or the like thereof; and so ↓ طِرْقٌ: (K: [by Golius and Freytag, this meaning has been assigned to طَرْقَةٌ; and by Freytag, to طِرْقَةٌ also; in consequence of a want of clearness in the K:]) or a snare, or thing by means of which wild animals are taken, like the فَخّ; (Lth, O;) and ↓ طَرَقَةٌ, (S, O, K,) of which the pl. [or coll. gen. n.] is ↓ طَرَقٌ, (S, K,) signifies [the same, or] the snare (حِبَالَة) of the sportsman, (S, O, K,) having [what are termed] كِفَف [pl. of كِفَّةٌ, q. v.]. (S, O) A5: And A palm-tree: of the dial. of Teiyi. (AHn, K.) A6: And (tropical:) Weakness of intellect, (K, TA,) and softness. (TA [See طُرِقَ.]) طُرْقٌ: see طَرْقَةٌ.

A2: [Also a contraction of طُرُقٌ, pl. of طَرِيقٌ, q. v.]

A3: And pl. of طِرَاقٌ [q. v.]. (K.) طِرْقٌ Fat, as a subst.: (S, O, K:) this is the primary signification. (S, O.) [See an ex. voce بِنٌّ.] b2: And Fatness. (AHn, K.) One says, هٰذَا البَعِيرُ مَا بِه طِرْقٌ i. e. This camel has not in him fatness, and fat. (AHn, TA.) It is said to be mostly used in negative phrases. (TA.) b3: And Strength: (S, O, K:) because it mostly arises from fat. (S, O.) One says, مَا بِهِ طِرْقٌ, meaning There is not in him strength. (TA.) The pl. is أَطْرَاقٌ. (TA.) A2: See also طَرْقٌ, last quarter.

طَرَقٌ: see طَرْقٌ, third quarter. b2: Also i. q. مُذَلَّلٌ [applied to a beast, app. to a camel,] meaning Rendered submissive, or tractable; or broken. (TA.) A2: It is also pl. of ↓ طَرَقَةٌ, [or rather is a coll. gen. n. of which the n. un. is طَرَقَةٌ,] (S, O, K,) which latter signifies A row of bricks in a wall, or of other things, (S, O,) or [particularly] of palm-trees. (As, TA.) b2: Also, ↓ the latter, [as is expressly stated in the TA, and indicated in the S and O, (آثارُ and بَعْضُهَا in the CK being mistakes for آثارِ and بَعْضِهَا,)] The foot-marks [or track] of camels following near after one another. (S, O, K.) You say, وَاحِدَةٍ ↓ جَآءَتِ الإِبِلُ عَلَى طَرَقَةٍ The camels came upon one track [or in one line]; like as you say, عَلَى خُفٍّ وَاحِدٍ. (S, O. [See also a similar phrase voce مِطْرَاقٌ.]) And Aboo-Turáb mentions, as a phrase of certain of BenooKiláb, الإِبِلِ ↓ مَرَرْتُ عَلَى طَرَقَةِ and عَرَقَتِهَا, meaning I went upon the track of the camels. (TA.) b3: See also طَرْقٌ, last quarter.

A3: Also, i. e. طَرَقٌ, A duplicature, or fold, (ثِنْى, in the CK [erroneously] ثَنْى,) of a water-skin: (S, O, K:) and أَطْرَاقٌ is its pl., (S, O,) signifying its duplicatures, or folds, (S, O, K,) when it is bent, (O,) or when it is doubled, or folded, (S, K,) and bent. (S.) b2: And أَطْرَاقُ البَطْنِ The parts of the belly that lie one above another (K, TA) when it is wrinkled: pl. of طَرَقٌ. (TA.) b3: طَرَقٌ in the feathers of a bird is their Overlying one another: (S, O, K, TA:) or, accord. to the A, it is softness and flaccidity therein. (TA.) b4: [Also inf. n. of طَرِقَ, q. v.]

طَرْقَةٌ A time; one time; syn. مَرَّةٌ; (S, O, K;) as also ↓ طَرْقٌ, (O, K,) and ↓ طُرْقَةٌ and ↓ طُرْقٌ. (K.) You say, اِخْتَضَبَتِ المَرْأَةُ طَرْقَةً, (S, O,) or طَرْقَتَيْنِ, (S,) or ↓ طَرْقًا, (K,) or ↓ طَرْقَيْنِ, (O, K,) [&c.,] i. e. [The woman dyed her hands with hinnà] once, or twice. (S, O, K.) And أَنَا آتِى, فُلَانًا فِى اليَوْمِ طَرْقَتَيْنِ, (S, K,) and ↓ طَرْقَيْنِ, (O, K,) &c., (K,) i. e. (tropical:) [I come to such a one in the day] twice. (S, O, TA.) And هُوَ أَحْسَنُ مِنْ فُلَانٍ

بِعِشْرِينَ طَرْقَةً (assumed tropical:) [He is better than such a one by twenty times]. (A, TA.) A2: طَرْقَةُ الطَّرِيقِ meansThe main and middle part, or the distinct [beaten] track, of the road. (TA.) b2: And هٰذِهِ النَّبْلُ طَرْقَةُ رِجُلٍ وَاحِدٍ [These arrows are] the work, or manufacture, of one man. (S, O, K. *) A3: See also طِرِّيقَةٌ.

طُرْقَةٌ i. q. طَرِيقٌ, q. v. (K.) b2: And sing. of طُرَقٌ signifying The beaten tracks in roads; and of طُرُقَات in the phrase طُرُقَاتُ الإِبِلِ meaning the tracks of the camels following one another consecutively. (TA.) b3: Also A way, or course, that one pursues (طَرِيقَةٌ) to a thing. (K.) b4: and (assumed tropical:) A custom, manner, habit, or wont. (S, O, K.) One says, مَا زَالَ ذٰلِكَ طُرْقَتَكَ (assumed tropical:) That ceased not to be thy custom, &c. (S, O.) b5: And A line, or streak, (طَرِيقَةٌ,) in things that are sewed, or put, one upon another. (K, * TA: [المُطارَقَةُ in the CK is a mistake for المطارقةِ:]) as also ↓ طِرْقَةٌ. (K.) b6: And A line, or streak, in a bow: or lines, or streaks, therein: pl. طُرَقٌ: (K:) or its pl., i. e. طُرَقٌ, has the latter meaning. (S, O.) b7: And Stones one upon another. (O, K.) A2: Also Darkness. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K.) One says, جِئْتُهُ فِى طُرْقَةِ اللَّيْلِ [I came to him in the darkness of night]. (TA.) A3: And i. q. مَطْمَعٌ [app. as meaning Inordinate desire, though it also means a thing that is coveted], (Ibn-'Abbád, O,) or طَمَعٌ [which has both of these meanings]. (K.) [That the former is the meaning here intended I infer from the fact that Sgh immediately adds what here follows.] b2: IAar says, (O,) فِى فُلَانٍ

طُرْقَةٌ means In such a one is تَخْنِيث [i. e., app., a certain unnatural vice; see 2 (last sentence) in art. خنث]: (O, TA:) and so فِيهِ تَوْضِيعٌ. (TA.) A4: See also طَرْقَةٌ.

A5: Also Foolish; stupid; or unsound, or deficient, in intellect or understanding. (O, K.) A6: [Freytag adds, from the Deewán of the Hudhalees, that it signifies also A prey (præda).]

طِرْقَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

طَرَقَةٌ: see طَرَقٌ, in four places: b2: and see also طَرْقٌ, last quarter. b3: One says also, وَضَعَ الأَشْيَآءَ طَرَقَةً طَرَقَةً i. e. He put the things one upon another; and so ↓ طَرِيقَةً طَرِيقَةً. (TA.) طُرَقَةٌ (tropical:) A man who journeys by night in order that he may come to his أَهْل [meaning wife] in the night: (S, O, TA:) or one who journeys much by night. (L in art. خشف.) طِرَاقٌ (of which طُرْقٌ is the pl. [app. in all its senses]) Any sole that is sewed upon another sole so as to make it double, (S, * O, K,) matching the latter exactly: (O, K:) [this is called طِرَاقُ نَعْلٍ; for it is said that] طِرَاقُ النَّعْلِ signifies that with which the sole is covered, and which is sewed upon it. (S.) b2: And The skin [meaning sole] of a sandal, (Lth, O, K,) when the [thong, or strap, called] شِرَاك has been removed from it. (Lth, O.) El-Hárith Ibn-Hillizeh [in the 13th verse of his Mo'allakah, using it in a pl. sense,] applies it to the Soles that are attached to the feet of camels: (TA:) or he there means by it the marks left by the طراق of a she-camel. (EM p. 259.) And A piece of skin cut in a round form, of the size of a shield, and attached thereto, and sewed. (O, K.) b3: And Anything made to match, or correspond with, another thing. (Lth, O, K.) b4: Iron that is expanded, and then rounded, and made into a helmet (Lth, O, K) or a [kind of armlet called]

سَاعِد (Lth, O) and the like. (Lth, O, K.) and Any قَبِيلَة [i. e. plate, likened to a قبيلة of the head,] of a helmet, by itself. (Lth, O.) and Plates, of a helmet, one above another. (TA) b5: رِيشٌ طِرَاقٌ Feathers overlying one another. (S.) And طَائِرٌ طِرَاقُ الرِّيشِ A bird whose feathers overlie one another. (TA.) A2: Also A brand made upon the middle of the ear of a ewe, (En-Nadr, O, K,) externally; being a white line, made with fire, resembling a track of a road: (En-Nadr, O:) there are two such brands, called طِرَاقَانِ. (TA.) A3: See also طِرِّيقَةٌ.

طَرِيقٌ A road, way, or path; syn. سَبِيلٌ; (S;) [i. e. a beaten track, being of the measure فَعِيلٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ; and applied to any place of passage;] and ↓ طُرْقَةٌ signifies the same: (K:) [see also مُسْتَطْرَقٌ:] it is masc. (S, O, Msb, K *) in the dial. of Nejd, and so in the Kur xx. 79; (Msb;) and fem. (S, O, Msb, K) in the dial. of El-Hijáz: (Msb:) the latter accord. to general usage: (MF:) [see زُقَاقٌ:] the pl. [of pauc.] is أَطْرِقَةٌ (S, Msb, K) with those who make the sing. masc. (Msb) and أَطْرُقٌ (O, K) with those who make the sing. fem. (TA) and [of mult.] طُرُقٌ (S, O, Msb, K) and طُرْقٌ [of which see an ex. voce دِلَالَةٌ] (K) and أَطْرِقَآءُ, (O, K,) and طُرُقَاتٌ is a pl. pl. (Msb, K) i. e. pl. of طُرُقٌ. (Msb, TA.) b2: In the saying بَنُو فُلَانٍ

يَطَؤُهُمُ الطَّرِيقُ, accord. to Sb, الطَّرِيقُ is for أَهْلُ الطَّلرِيقِ: [the meaning therefore is, (assumed tropical:) The sons of such a one sojourn, or encamp, where the people of the road tread upon them, i. e., become their guests: (see more in art. وطأ:)] or, as some say, الطريق here means the wayfarers without any suppression. (TA.) b3: حَقُّ الطَّرِيقِ [The duty relating to the road] is the lowering of the eyes; the putting away, or aside, what is hurtful, or annoying; the returning of salutations; the enjoining of that which is good; and the forbidding of that which is evil. (El-Jámi' es-Sagheer. See جَلَسَ.) b4: قَطَعَ الطَّرِيقَ [He intercepted the road] means he made the road to be feared, relying upon his strength, robbing, and slaying men [or passengers]. (Msb in art. قطع.) [And أَصَابَ الطَّرِيقَ means the same; or, as expl. by Freytag, on the authority of Meyd, He was, or became, a robber.] b5: [Hence,] اِبْنُ الطَّرِيقِ means (assumed tropical:) The robber [on the highway]. (T in art. بنى.) b6: [But أَهْلُ طَرِيقِ اللّٰهِ means (assumed tropical:) The devotees.] b7: أُمُّ طَرِيقٍ, thus correctly in the 'Eyn, [and shown to be so by a verse there cited, q. v. voce عَسْبٌ,] (assumed tropical:) The hyena: erroneously written by Sgh, ↓ امّ طُرَّيْقٍ; and the author of the K has copied him in this instance accord. to his usual custom. (TA.) b8: See also أُمُّ الطَّرِيقِ and أُمَّةُ الطَّرِيقِ in art. ام. b9: بَنَاتُ الطَّرِيقِ means (assumed tropical:) The branches of the road, that vary, and lead in any, or every, direction. (TA.) b10: طَرِيقٌ signifies also The space between two rows of palm-trees; as being likened to the طَرِيق [commonly so called] in extension. (Er-Rághib, TA.) b11: أَخَذَ فُلَانٌ فِى الطَّرِيقِ means the same as أَخَذَ فِى التَّطْرِيقِ [expl. before: see 2, near the end]. (TA.) b12: طَرِيقٌ as syn. with طَرِيقَةٌ: see the latter word, first sentence. b13: [بِالطَّرِيقِ الأَوْلَى is a phrase of frequent occurrence, app. post-classical; lit. By the fitter way; meaning with the stronger reason; à fortiori: see an ex. in Beyd xlii. 3, and De Sacy's Anthol. Gr. Ar. p. 467.]

A2: Also A sort of palm-tree. (TA.) b2: See also طَرِيقَةٌ (of which it is said to be a pl.), last sentence.

طُرَيْقٌ: see أُطَيْرِقٌ.

طَرُوقَةٌ A she-camel covered by the stallion; of the measure فَعُولَةٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولَةٌ. (Msb.) طَرُوقَةُ الفَحْلِ means The female of the stallion [camel]. (S, O.) And (S, O) A she-camel that has attained to the fit age for her being covered by the stallion: (S, O, Msb, K:) it is not a condition of the application of the term that he has already covered her: (Msb:) or a young, or youthful, she-camel that has attained to that age and kept to the stallion and been chosen by him. (TA.) And one says to a husband, كَيْفَ طَرُوقَتُكَ, meaning (assumed tropical:) How is thy wife? (TA:) every wife is termed طَرُوقَةُ زَوْجِهَا, (O,) or طروقة بَعْلِهَا, (Msb,) or طروقة فَحْلِهَا; (K, * TA;) which is thought by ISd to be metaphorical. (TA.) b2: One says also, نَوَّخَ اللّٰهُ الأَرْضَ طَرُوقَةً

لِلْمَآءِ i. e. (assumed tropical:) God made, or may God make, the land capable of receiving the water [of the rains so as to be impregnated, or fertilized, or soaked, thereby]; expl. by جَعَلَهَا مِمَّا تُطِيقُهُ. (S in art. نوخ.) [See also a verse cited in art. سفد, conj. 4.]

طَرِيقَةٌ A way, course, rule, mode, or manner, of acting or conduct or the like, (syn. مَذْهَبٌ, S, TA, and سِيرَةٌ, and مَسْلَكٌ, TA,) of a man, (S, TA,) whether it be approved or disapproved; (TA;) as also ↓ طَرِيقٌ, which is metaphorically used in this sense: (Er-Rághib, TA:) [like مَذْهَبٌ, often relating to the doctrines and practices of religion: and often used in post-classical times as meaning the rule of a religious order or sect:] and meaning also a manner of being; a state, or condition; (syn. حَالَةٌ, S, or حَالٌ, O, K;) as in the saying, مَا زَالَ فُلَانٌ عَلَى طَرِيقَةٍ وَاحِدَةٍ [Such a one ceased not to be in one state, or condition]; (S;) and it is applied to such as is good and to such as is evil. (O.) One says also, هُوَ عَلَى

طَرِيقَتِهِ [He is following his own way, or course]. (TA voce جَدِيَّةٌ.) لَوِ اسْتَقَامُوا عَلَى الطَّرِيقَةِ, in the Kur [lxxii. 16], means, accord. to Fr, [If they had gone on undeviating in the way] of polytheism: but accord. to others, of the right direction. (O.) [The pl. is طَرَائِقُ.] b2: [It is also used for أَهْلُ طَرِيقَةٍ: and in like manner the pl., for أَهْلُ طَرَائِقَ. Thus,] كُنَّا طَرَائِقَ قِدَدًا, in the Kur [lxxii. 11], means (assumed tropical:) We were sects differing in our desires. (Fr, S, O. [See also قِدَّةٌ.]) And طَرِيقَةُ القَوْمِ means (tropical:) The most excel-lent, (S, O, K, TA,) and the best, (S, O,) and the eminent, or noble, persons, (K, TA,) of the people: (S, O, K, TA:) and you say, هٰذَا رَجُلٌ طَرِيقَةُ قَوْمِهِ (tropical:) [This is a man the most excellent, &c., of his people]: and هٰؤُلَآءِ طَرِيقَةُ قَوْمِهِمْ and طَرَائِقُ قَوْمِهِمْ (tropical:) These are [the most excellent, &c., or] the eminent, or noble, persons of their people: (S, O, K, * TA:) so says Yaakoob, on the authority of Fr. (S, O, TA.) وَيَذْهَبَا بِطَرِيقَتِكُمُ المُثْلَى, in the Kur [xx. 66], means [And that they may take away] your most excellent body of people: (O:) or your eminent, or noble, body of people who should be made examples to be followed: and Zj thinks that بطريقتكم is for بِأَهْلِ طَرِيقَتِكُم: (TA:) or, accord. to Akh, the meaning is, your established rule or usage, and your religion, or system of religious ordinances. (O, TA.) b3: [Also (assumed tropical:) The way, or course, of an event: and hence,] طَرَائِقُ الدَّهْرِ means (assumed tropical:) The vicissitudes of time or fortune. (TA.) b4: [And (assumed tropical:) The air of a song &c.: but this is probably post-classical.] b5: Also A line, streak, or stripe, in a thing: (K, TA:) [and a crease, or wrinkle; often used in this sense:] and [its pl.] طَرَائِقُ signifies the lines, or streaks, that are called حُبُك, of a helmet. (TA.) The طَرِيقَة [or line] that is in the upper part of the back: and the line, or streak, that extends upon [i. e. along] the back of the ass. (TA.) [A vein, or seam, in a rock or the like. A track in stony or rugged land &c. A narrow strip of ground or land, and of herbage.] An extended piece or portion [i. e. a strip] of sand; and likewise of fat; and [likewise of flesh; or] an oblong piece of flesh. (TA.) b6: [Hence, app.,] ثَوْبٌ طَرَائِقُ A garment old and worn out [as though reduced to strips or shreds]. (Lh, K.) b7: ذَاتُ طَرَائِقَ and فِيهَا طَرَائِقُ are phrases used, the latter by Dhu-r-Rummeh, in describing a spear-shaft (قَنَاة) shrunk by dryness [app. meaning Having lines, or what resemble wrinkles, caused by shrinking]. (TA.) b8: And طَرَائِقُ signifies also The last remains of the soft and best portions of pasturage. (TA.) b9: And The stages of Heaven; so called because they lie one above another: (TA:) [for] السَّمٰوَاتُ سَبْعُ طَرَائِقَ بَعْضُهَا فَوْقَ بَعْضٍ

[The Heavens are seven stages, one above another]; (Lth, O, TA:) and they have mentioned [likewise] the stages of the earth [as seven in number: and of hell also: see دَرَكٌ]. (TA.) See also طَرَقَةٌ. b10: Accord. to Lth, (O, TA,) طَرِيقَةٌ signifies also Any أُحْدُورَة, (so in the O and in copies of the K and accord. to the TA, and thus also in the JK,) or أُخْدُودَة, (thus accord. to the CK,) [neither of which words have I found in any but this passage, nor do I know any words nearly resembling them except أُحْدُور and أُخْدُود, of which they may be mistranscriptions, or perhaps dial. vars., the former signifying a declivity, slope, or place of descent, and the latter a furrow, trench, or channel,] of the earth or ground: (O, K, TA:) or [any] border, or side, (صَنِفَة,) of a garment, or piece of cloth; or of a thing of which one part is stuck upon another, or of which the several portions are stuck one upon another; and in like manner of colours [similarly disposed]. (O, TA.) b11: And A web, or thing woven, of wool, or of [goats'] hair, a cubit in breadth, (S, O, K, TA,) or less, (S, O, TA,) and in length four cubits, or eight cubits, (TA,) [or] proportioned to the size of the tent (S, O, K, TA) in its length, (S, O,) which is sewed in the place where the شِقَاق [or oblong pieces of cloth that compose the main covering of the tent] meet, from the كِسْر [q. v.] to the كِسْر; (S, O, K, TA;) [it is app. sewed beneath the middle of the tent-covering, half of its breadth being sewed to one شُقَّة and the other half thereof to the other middle شُقَّة; (see Burckhardt's

“ Bedouins and Wahábys,” p. 38 of the 8vo ed.;) and sometimes, it seems, there are three طَرَائِق, one in the middle and one towards each side; for it is added,] and in them are the heads of the tentpoles, [these generally consisting of three rows, three in each row,] between which and the طرائق are pieces of felt, in which are the nozzles (أُنُوف) of the tent-poles, in order that these may not rend the طرائق. (TA.) b12: Also A tent pole; any one of the poles of a tent: a خِبَآء has one طريقة: a بَيْت has two and three and four [and more]: and the part between two poles is called مَتْنٌ: (Az, TA in art. زبع:) or the pole of a [large tent such as is called] مِظَلَّة, (K, TA,) and of a خِبَآء. (TA.) b13: And A tall palm-tree: (K:) or the tallest of palm-trees: so called in the dial. of ElYemámeh: (AA, ISk, S, O:) or a smooth palmtree: or a palm-tree [the head of] which may be reached by the hand: (TA:) pl. [or rather coll. gen. n.] ↓ طَرِيقٌ. (AA, ISk, S, O.) طِرَّاقٌ: see طِرْيَاقٌ.

أُمُّ طُرَّيْقٍ: see طَرِيقٌ, latter part.

طِرِّيقٌ means كَثِيرُ الإِطْرَاقِ [i. e. One who lowers his eyes, looking towards the ground, much, or often; or who keeps silence much, or often]; (Lth, O, K;) applied to a man: (Lth, O:) and ↓ مِطْرَاقٌ signifies [the same, or] one who keeps silence much, or often; as also ↓ مُطْرِقٌ [except that this does not imply muchness or frequency]. (TA.) b2: And The male of the [bird called] كَرَوَان; (Lth, O, K;) because, when it sees a man, it falls upon the ground and is silent. (Lth, O.) [See 4.] b3: أَرْضٌ طِرِّيقَةٌ Soft, or plain, land or ground; (O, K;) as though beaten so as to be rendered even, or easy to be travelled, and trodden with the feet. (TA.) طِرِّيقَةٌ [fem. of طِرِّيقٌ: see what next precedes.

A2: And also a subst., signifying] Gentleness and submissiveness: (S, O:) or softness, or flaccidity, and gentleness: (O, K:) and softness, or flaccidity, and languor, or affected languor, and weakness, in a man; as also ↓ طَرْقَةٌ and ↓ طِرَاقٌ. (TA.) One says, تَحْتَ طِرِّيقَتِكَ لَعِنْدَأْوَةٌ (S, O, K) i. e. Beneath thy gentleness and submissiveness is occasionally somewhat of hardness: (S, O, TA:) or beneath thy silence is impetuosity, and refractoriness: (TA:) or beneath thy silence is deceit, or guile. (K, voce عِنْدَأْوَةٌ, q. v.) طِرْيَاقٌ i. q. تِرْيَاقٌ [q. v.], (O, K,) as also دِرْيَاقٌ; (O;) and so ↓ طِرَّاقٌ. (O, K.) طَارِقٌ [act. part. n. of طَرَقَ; and, as such, generally meaning] Coming, or a comer, (S,) [i. e.] anything coming, (O, Msb,) by night: (S, O, Msb:) one who comes by night being thus called because of his [generally] needing to knock at the door: in the Mufradát [of Er-Rághib] said to signify a wayfarer (سَالِكٌ لِلطَّرِيقِ): but in the common conventional language particularly applied to the comer by night: its pl. is أَطْرَاقٌ, like أَنْصَارٌ pl. of نَاصِرٌ, [and app., as in a sense hereafter mentioned, طُرَّاقٌ also, agreeably with analogy,] and the pl. of [its fem.] طَارِقَةٌ is طَوَارِقُ. (TA.) [طَارِقُ المَنَايَا, like دَاعِى المَنَايَا, means The summoner of death, lit., of deaths; because death makes known its arrival or approach suddenly, like a person knocking at the door in the night.] b2: Hence الطَّارِقُ, mentioned in the Kur [lxxxvi. 1 and 2], The star that appears in the night: (Er-Rághib, O:) or the morning-star; (S, O, K;) because it comes [or appears] in [the end of] the night. (O.) b3: Hence the saying of Hind (S, O) the daughter of 'Otbeh the son of Rabee'ah, on the day [of the battle] of Ohud, quoting proverbially what was said by Ez-Zarkà

El-Iyádeeyeh when Kisrà warred with Iyád, (O,) لَا نَنْثَنِى لِوَامِقِ نَحْنُ بَنَاتُ طَارِقِ نَمْشِى عَلَى النَّمَارِقِ (assumed tropical:) [We are the daughters of one like a star, or a morning-star: we bend not to a lover: we walk upon the pillows]: (S, * O, * TA:) meaning we are the daughters of a chief; likening him to the star in elevation; (O, TA;) i. e. our father is, in respect of elevation, like the shining star: (S:) or بَنَاتُ طَارِقٍ means (assumed tropical:) The daughters of the kings. (T and TA in art. بنى.) b4: And طَارِقٌ signifies also [A diviner: and particularly, by means of pebbles; a practiser of pessomancy: or] one who is nearly a كَاهِن; possessing more knowledge than such as is termed حَازٍ: (ISh, TA in art. حزى:) طُرَّاقٌ [is its p., and] signifies practisers of divination: and طَوَارِقُ [is pl. of طَارِقَةٌ, and thus] signifies female practisers of divination: Lebeed says, لَعَمْرُكَ مَا تَدْرِى الطَّوَارِقُ بِالحَصَى

وَلَا زَاجِرَاتُ الطَّيْرِ مَا اللّٰهُ صَانِعُ [By thy life, or by thy religion, the diviners with pebbles know not, nor the diviners by the flight of birds, what God is doing]. (S, O.) طَارِقَةٌ [a subst. from طَارِقٌ, made so by the affix ة, (assumed tropical:) An event occurring, or coming to pass, in the night: pl. طَوَارِقُ]. One says, نَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنْ طَوَارِقِ السَّوْءِ (tropical:) [We seek protection by God from] the nocturnal events or accidents or casualties [that are occasions of that which is evil]. (Er-Rághib, TA.) And طَارِقَةٌ occurring in a trad. of 'Alee is expl. as signifying طَرَقَتْ بِخَيْرٍ [app. meaning An event that has occurred in the night bringing good, or good fortune]. (TA.) A2: Also A man's [small sub-tribe such as is called] عَشِيرَة, (S, O, K,) and [such as is called] فَخِذ. (S, O.) A3: And A small couch, (IDrd, O, K,) of a size sufficient for one person: of the dial. of El-Yemen. (IDrd, O.) A4: [El-Makreezee mentions the custom of attaching طَوَارِق حَرْبِيَّة upon the gates of Cairo and upon the entrances of the houses of the أُمَرَآء; and De Sacy approves of the opinion of A. Schultens and of M. Reinaud that the meaning is Cuirasses, from the Greek θώραξ: (see De Sacy's Chrest. Arabe, sec. ed., vol. i. pp. 274-5:) but I think that the meaning is more probably large maces; for such maces, each with a head like a cannon-ball, may still be seen, if they have not been removed within the last few years, upon several of the gates of Cairo; and if so, طَوَارِق in this case is app. from طَرَقَ “ he beat: ” see also عَمُودٌ.]

طَارِقِيَّةٌ A قِلَادَة [i. e. collar, or necklace]: (K:) [or rather] a sort of قَلَائِد [pl. of قِلَادَة]. (Lth, O.) أَطْرَقُ A camel having the affection termed طَرَقٌ, inf. n. of طَرِقَ [q. v.]: fem. طَرْقَآءُ: (S, O, K:) and the latter is said by Lth to be applied to the hind leg as meaning having the crookedness termed طَرَقٌ in its سَاق. (O.) أُطَيْرِقٌ and ↓ طُرَيْقٌ A sort of palm-tree of El-Hijáz, (AHn, O, K,) that is early in bearing, before the other palm-trees; the ripening and ripe dates of which are yellow: (O:) AHn also says, in one place, the اطيرق is a species of palm-trees, the earliest in bearing of all the palm-trees of El-Hijáz; and by certain of the poets such are called الطُّرَيْقُونَ and الأُطَيْرِقُونَ. (TA.) تُرْسٌ مُطْرَقٌ [A shield having another sewed upon it: or covered with skin and sinews]: (S:) and مَجَانُّ مُطْرَقَةٌ, (S, Msb, K,) or ↓ مُطَرَّقَةٌ, (O, Msb, K,) Shields sewed one upon another; (S, O, K;) formed of two skins, one of them sewed upon the other; (Msb;) like نَعْلٌ مُطْرَقَةٌ a sole having another sole sewed upon it; as also ↓ مُطَارَقَةٌ: (S, O, K:) or shields clad [i. e. covered] with skin and sinews. (S, O.) كَأَنَّ وُجُوهَهُمُ المَجَانُّ المُطْرَقَةُ, or ↓ المُطَرَّقَةُ, occurring in a trad., (Msb, TA,) i. e. [As though their faces were] shields clad with sinews one above another, (TA,) means (assumed tropical:) having rough, or coarse, and broad, faces. (Msb, TA.) b2: And رِيشٌ مُطْرَقٌ Feathers overlying one another. (TA.) مُطْرِقٌ Having a natural laxness of the eye [or rather of the eyelids, and a consequent lowering of the eye towards the ground]: (S, O:) [or bending down the head: or lowering the eyes, looking towards the ground; either naturally or otherwise: (see its verb, 4:)] and silent, or keeping silence. (TA. See also طِرِّيقٌ.) b2: It is also applied as an epithet to a stallion-camel: and to a [she-camel such as is termed] جُمَالِيَّة [i. e. one resembling a he-camel in greatness of make], and, thus applied, [and app. likewise when applied to a stallion-camel,] it may mean That does not utter a grumbling cry, nor vociferate: or, accord. to Khálid Ibn-Jembeh, [quick in pace, for he says that] it is from طَرْقٌ signifying “ quickness of going. ” (Sh, TA.) b3: See also مِطْرَاقٌ, last sentence. b4: And, applied to a man, (tropical:) Low, ignoble, or mean, (K, TA,) in race, or parentage, or in the grounds of pretension to respect or honour. (TA.) A2: Also An enemy: from أَطْرَقَ فُلَانٌ لِفُلَانٍ expl. above [see 4, last sentence]. (TA.) مِطْرَقٌ: see the next paragraph.

مِطْرَقَةٌ The rod, or stick, with which wool is beaten, (S, O, K, TA,) to loosen it, or separate it; (S, * O, * TA;) as also ↓ مِطْرَقٌ. (O, K, TA.) And A rod, or stick, or small staff, with which one is beaten: pl. مَطَارِقُ: one says, ضَرَبَهُ بِالمَطَارِقِ He beat him with the rods, &c. (TA.) b2: and The implement [i. e. hammer] (S, Mgh, O, Msb) of the blacksmith, (S, O,) with which the iron is beaten. (Mgh, Msb.) ذَهَبٌ مُطَرَّقٌ Stamped, or minted, gold; syn. مَسْكُوكٌ. (TA.) b2: And نَاقَةٌ مُطَرَّقَةٌ [like مَطْرُوقَةٌ (q. v.)] (assumed tropical:) A she-camel rendered tractable, submissive, or manageable. (TA.) b3: And جُلٌّ مُطَرَّقٌ [A horse-cloth] in which are [various] colours [app. forming طَرَائِق, i. e. lines, streaks, or stripes]. (O.) b4: See also مُطْرَقٌ, in two places.

قَطَاةٌ مُطَرِّقٌ [thus without ة] A bird of the species called قَطًا that has arrived at the time of her egg's coming forth. (S.) [See also مُعَضِّلٌ.]

مِطْرَاقٌ: see طِرِّيقٌ.

A2: Also A she-camel recently covered by the stallion. (O, TA.) A3: And pl. of مَطَارِيق in the saying جَآءَتِ الإِبِلُ مَطَارِيقَ (TA) which means The camels came in one طَرِيق [i. e. road, or way]: (Er-Rághib, TA:) or the camels came following one another (S, O, K, * TA) when drawing near to the water. (O, K, TA. [See also a similar phrase voce طَرَقٌ.]) b2: [Hence,] مِطْرَاقُ الشَّىْءِ signifies That which follows the thing; and the like of the thing: (K:) one says, هٰذَا مِطْرَاقُ هٰذَا This is what follows this; and the like of this: (S, O:) and the pl. is مَطَارِيقُ. (S.) b3: And مَطَارِيقُ signifies also Persons going on foot: (K:) one says, خَرَجَ القَوْمُ مَطَارِيقَ The people, or party, went forth going on foot; having no beasts: and the sing. is مِطْرَاقٌ, (O,) or ↓ مُطْرِقٌ, ('Eyn, L, * TA, *) accord. to A 'Obeyd; the latter, if correct, extr. (TA.) مَطْرُوقٌ [pass. part. n. of طَرَقَ; Beaten, &c.].

هُوَ مَطْرُوقٌ means He is one whom every one beats or slaps (يَطْرُقُهُ كُلُّ أَحَدٍ). (TA.) b2: And (tropical:) A man in whom is softness, or flaccidity, (As, S, O, K, TA,) and weakness: (As, S:) or weakness and softness: (TA:) or softness and flaccidity: from the saying هُوَ مَطْرُوقٌ i. e. اصابته حادثة كتفته [which, if we should read كَتَفَتْهُ, seems to mean he is smitten by an event, or accident, that has disabled him as though it bound his arms behind his back; but I think it probable that كتفته is a mistranscription]: or because he is مصروف [app. a mistake for مَضْرُوب], like as one says مَقْرُوع and مَدَوَّخ [app. meaning beaten and subdued, or rendered submissive]: or as being likened, in abjectness, to a she-camel that is termed مَطْرُوقَةٌ [like مَطَرَّقَةٌ (q. v.)]. (Er-Rághib, TA.) مَطْرُوقَةٌ applied to a woman means [app. Soft and feminine;] that does not make herself like a man. (TA.) [See also a reading of a verse cited voce مَطْرُوفٌ.] b3: Also (tropical:) Weak in intellect, (K, TA,) and soft. (TA.) b4: Applied to herbage, Smitten by the rain after its having dried up. (Ibn-'Abbád, L, K.) b5: See also طَرْقٌ, latter half. Applied to a ewe, مَطْرُوقَةٌ signifies Branded with the mark called طِرَاق upon the middle of her ear. (ISh, O, K.) مُطَارَقٌ: see its fem., with ة, voce مُطْرَقٌ.

مُسْتَطْرَقٌ (tropical:) i. q. سِكَّةٌ [app. as meaning A road, like طَرِيقٌ; or a highway]. (TA.) مُنْطَرِقَاتٌ Mineral substances. (TA.)



أب1 ذُئِبَ He (a man, M) was frightened by the wolf; (M, K;) as also ذَئِبَ, aor. ـَ and ذَؤُبَ, aor. ـُ (K:) or he (a man) was assailed, fallen upon, come upon, or overtaken, by the wolf. (Ibn-Buzurj, T.) And [hence, in the opinion of ISd, as he says in the M,] (tropical:) He was frightened by anything; (M, K;) and so ↓ اذأب, (AA, T, S, M, K,) inf. n. إِذْآبٌ; (TA;) said of a man. (S.) [Hence also,] ذَأَبَهُ, (M, K,) aor. ـَ (K,) [inf. n. ذَأْبٌ,] (tropical:) He frightened him [like as does a wolf]: (M, A, K, TA:) and ذَأَبَتْهُ الجِنُّ (A, TA) and ↓ تذأّبتهُ, as also تذعّبتهُ, (T, TA,) (tropical:) The jinn, or genii, frightened him. (T, A, TA.) [and hence, app.,] ذَأَبْتُهُ الرِّيحُ (tropical:) The wind came to him from every side, like the wolf; when guarded against from one direction, coming from another direction: (A:) and اِلرِّيحُ ↓ تذآءبتِ, (T, S, M, K,) and ↓ تذأّبت, (S, M, K,) (tropical:) The wind varied, (T, S, M,) or came now from one direction and now from another direction, (S, M, K,) so says As, (S,) feebly: (M, K:) accord. to As, from الذِّئْبُ, (S,) [i. e.] it is likened to the wolf, (M,) because his motions are of the like description: (S:) or, accord. to some, الذِّئْبُ is derived from ↓ تذآءبت الريح meaning the wind blew from every direction; because the wolf comes from every direction. (MF, TA.) b2: Also, (i. e. ذُئِبَ) He (a man) had his sheep, or goats, fallen upon by the wolf. (S, K.) b3: And ذَؤُبَ, (T, S, M, A, K,) aor. ـُ (T, S, K,) inf. n. ذَآبَةٌ; (S, M, K;) and ذَئِبَ; (M, A, K;) and ↓ تذأّب; (M, K;) (tropical:) He (a man, T, S, M) was, or became, bad, wicked, deceitful, or crafty, (T, S, M, A, K,) like the wolf, (S, M, A, K,) or as though he became a wolf. (T.) b4: And ذَأَبَ, aor. ـَ (tropical:) He acted like the wolf; when guarded against from one direction, coming from another direction. (TA.) [And probably (assumed tropical:) He howled like the wolf; for,] accord. to Kr, (M,) ذَأْبٌ signifies the uttering a loud, or vehement, cry or sound. (M, K.) b5: And (assumed tropical:) He hastened, or was quick, in pace, or journeying; (K;) as also ↓ اذأب. (TA.) A2: ذَأَبَهُ, [aor. ـَ inf. n. ذَأْبٌ, also signifies He despised him; and so ذَأَمَهُ: (T:) or he drove him away, and despised him: (ISk, T, S, M, K:) or he drove him away, (Lh, M, TA,) and beat him; (Lh, TA;) and so ذَأَمَهُ: (M, TA:) [or he blamed, or dispraised, him; like ذَأَمَهُ; for,] accord. to Kr, (M,) ذَأْبٌ signifies the act of blaming, or dispraising. (M, K.) b2: And He drove him, or urged him on: (K:) or ذَأَبَ الإِبِلَ, inf. n. ذَأْبٌ, he drove, or urged on, the camels. (S, M.) A3: He collected it; (T, K;) namely, a thing. (T.) b2: He made it even; syn. سَوَّاهُ. (CK: omitted in other copies of the K and in the TA.) One says of the woman who makes even (تُسَوِّى) her vehicle, [meaning the part of her camel-vehicle upon which she sits,] مَا أَحْسَنَ مَا ذَأَبَتْهُ [How well has she made it even!] (T.) b3: He made it; namely, a [camel's saddle such as is called] قَتَب (K) and [such as is called] a رَحْل (TA.) A4: He made, [or disposed,] for him, (namely, a boy,) a ذُؤَابَة [q. v.]; as also ↓ اذأبهُ and ↓ ذأّبهُ. (K.) A5: ذُئِبَ said of a horse, He was, or became, affected with the disease termed ذِئْبَة. (T, Mgh.) 2 ذَاَّ^َ see 1, last sentence but one.

A2: ذأّب الرَّحْلَ, (inf. n. تَذْئِيبٌ, K,) He made, to the رحل [or camel's saddle], what is termed a ذِئْبَة, (M, K,) or ذِئْب. (TA.) [See also مُذَأَّبٌ.]4 أَذْأَبَتِ الأَرْضُ (A, TA) The land abounded with wolves. (TA.) b2: See also 1, in three places.5 تَذَاَّ^َ see 6, in two places: b2: and see also 1, in three places.6 تذآءب لِلنّاقَةِ (S, M, K) and لَهَا ↓ تذأّب (M, K) (assumed tropical:) He disguised himself like a wolf to the she-camel, and, by so frightening her, made her to incline to, or affect, her young one: (S:) or he cloaked, or disguised, himself to the she-camel, making himself to seem like a wolf, in order to cause her to affect a young one that was not her own [by moving her with pity by the supposed danger of the latter]. (M, K) b2: See also 1, in two places.

A2: تذآءب شَيْئًا and ↓ تذأّبهُ (assumed tropical:) He did a thing by turns; syn. تَدَاوَلَهُ: (M, K, TA: [in the CK, erroneously, تَناوَلَهُ:]) from الذِّئْبُ [the wolf], which, when guarded against from one direction, comes from another direction. (M, TA.) 10 استذأب النَّقَدُ The نقد [or ugly sheep] became like wolves: a prov., applied to low, mean, or ignominious, persons, when they obtain ascendancy. (T, K.) غَرْبٌ ذَأْبٌ (assumed tropical:) A large bucket with which one goes to and fro; thought by As to be from تَذَاؤُبُ الرِّيحِ: (M:) or in much [or quick] motion, ascending and descending. (M, K.) ذِئْبٌ, also pronounced ذِيبٌ, without ء, (S, Msb, K,) originally with ء, (T, S,) The wolf, wild dog, or dog of the desert; كَلْبُ البَرِّ: (M, A, K:) applied to the male and the female; (Msb;) and sometimes, also, (Msb,) the female is called ذِئْبَةٌ: (S, M, Msb, K:) pl. (of pauc., S, Msb) أَذْؤُبٌ, and (of mult., S, Msb) ذِئَابٌ, (S, M, Msb, K,) which may also be pronounced ذِيَابٌ, with ى, because of the kesreh, (Msb,) and ذُؤبَانٌ (S, M, Msb, K) and ذِئْبَانٌ. (TA.) b2: You say, الذِّئْبُ يُكَنَّى أَبَا جَعْدَةَ [The wolf is surnamed Aboo-Jaadeh]: i. e. its surname is good, but its actions are foul. (TA. [See art. جعد; and see also Freytag's Arab. Prov., i. 449.]) b3: And الذِّئْبُ يَأْذُو الغَزَالَ [The wolf lies in wait for the young gazelle]: a prov. alluding to perfidy. (TA.) b4: And هُوَ ذِئْبٌ فِى ثَلَّةٍ (tropical:) [He is a wolf among a flock of sheep]. (A.) b5: And ذِئْبَةُ مِعْزًى وَظَلِيمٌ فِى

الخُبْرِ [A she-wolf among the goats, and a heostrich when tried]: i. e., in his evil nature he is like a [she-] wolf that attacks a herd of goats; and when tried, like a he-ostrich, which, if one say to it “ Fly,” says “ I am a camel,” and when one says to it “ Carry a burden,” says “ I am a bird: ” a prov. applied to a crafty and deceitful person. (TA.) b6: And أَكَلَهُمْ الضَّبُعُ وَ الذِّئْبُ [The hyena and the wolf devoured them]; meaning (tropical:) dearth, or drought: and أَصَابَتْهُمْ سَنَةٌ ضَبُعٌ وَذِئْبٌ, meaning (tropical:) A year that was one of dearth, or drought, befell them. (A.) b7: ذِئْبُهُ لَا يَشْبَعُ [His wolf will not be satiated], a phrase used by a poet, means (assumed tropical:) his tongue [will not be satisfied]; i. e. he devours the reputation of another like as the wolf devours flesh. (M.) b8: ذِئْبُ يُوسُفَ [The wolf of Joseph] is a prov. applied to him who is charged with the crime of another. (TA.) b9: ذُؤْبَانُ العَرَبِ, (S, M, A, K,) also pronounced ذُوبَان, without ء, (TA,) [The wolves of the Arabs,] means (tropical:) the thieves, (M, K,) or sharpers, (A,) and paupers, (A, K,) of the Arabs; (M, A, K;) or the paupers of the Arabs, who practise thieving: (T, S:) because they act like wolves. (TA.) b10: ذِئَابُ الغَضَا The wolves of the ghadà, that frequent the trees so called, (TA,) is an appellation of the sons of Kaab Ibn-Málik Ibn-Handhalah; (M, K;) because of their bad character; (M;) for the wolf that frequents those trees is the worst of wolves. (TA.) b11: دَآءُ الذِّئْبِ [The wolf's disease] means (assumed tropical:) hunger; for they assert that the wolf has no other disease than hunger; (K, TA;) and they say أَجْوَعُ مِنْ ذِئْبٍ [More hungry than a wolf]; because he is always hungry: or (assumed tropical:) death; because [it is said that] the wolf has no other sickness than that of death; and hence they say أَصَحُّ مِنَ الذِّئْبِ [More sound than the wolf]. (TA.) [Hence the prov., رَمَاهُ اللّٰهُ بِدَآءِ الذِّئْبِ: see 1 in art. رمى.] b12: الذِّئْبَانِ, in the dual form, [The two wolves,] is the name of (assumed tropical:) two white stars [app. ζ and η of Draco] between those called العَوَائِذُ and those called الفَرْقَدَانِ: and أَظْفَارُ الذِّئْبِ [The claws of the wolf] is the name of (assumed tropical:) certain small stars before those called الذِّئْبَانِ. (K.) b13: عِنَبُ الذِّئْبِ: see ثَعْلَبٌ. b14: See also the next paragraph.

ذِئْبَةٌ fem. of ذِئْبٌ. (S, M, Msb, K.) b2: Also (assumed tropical:) The [angular] intervening space between the دَفَّتَانِ [or two boards] of the [kinds of saddle called] سَرْج and رَحْل (S, K, TA) and غَبِيط, (TA,) beneath the place of juncture of the two curved pieces of wood; (S;) [or] what is beneath the fore part of the place of juncture of the two curved pieces of wood (M, K) of the [kinds of saddle called] رَحْل and قَتَب and إِكَاف and the like; (M;) which falls, or lies, upon, (S,) or bites, or compresses, (M, K,) the part called the مَنْسِج (S, M, K) of the beast. (M, K.) A poet says, وَقَتَبٌ ذِئْبَتُهُ كَالْمِنْجَلِ [And a قتب of which the ذئبة is like the reapinghook]. (M.) [See قَرَبُوسٌ.] Accord. to IAar, the ↓ ذِئْب [a coll. gen. n. of which ذِئْبَةٌ is the n. un.] of the [saddle called] رَحْل are The curved pieces of wood in the fore part thereof. (TA.) A2: Also (assumed tropical:) A certain disease of horses (T, M, Mgh, K) or similar beasts, that attacks them in their fauces; (M, K;) for which the root of the beast's ear is perforated with an iron instrument, and there are extracted from it small, white, hard nodous substances, (T, Mgh, K, *) like the grains of the [species of millet called] جَاوَرْس, (K,) or smaller than those grains. (T, Mgh.) ذِئْبَانٌ a pl. of ذِئبٌ. (TA.) A2: Also, accord. to AA, (S,) The hair upon the neck and lip of the camel: (S, K;) and accord. to Fr, who says that it is a sing. [in this sense], (S,) the remains of the [fur, or soft hair, called] وَبَر [after the greater part has fallen off or been shorn]. (S, K. [See also ذُوبَانٌ in art. ذوبْ, and ذِيبَانٌ in art. ذيب.]) ذُؤَابٌ: see the next paragraph.

ذُؤَابَةٌ (also pronounced ذُوَابَةٌ, T and K in art. ذوب,) A portion [or lock] of hair, (S, A,) hanging down loosely from the middle of the head to the back: (A:) or the hair of the fore part of the head; the hair over the forehead; syn. نَاصِيَةٌ; (M, K;) so called because, hanging down, it moves to and fro, or from side to side: (M:) or the place whence that hair grows: (M, K:) or the hair that surrounds the دُوَّارَة [or round part] of the head: (Az, T:) or plaited hair of the head: and the part of the head which is the place thereof: (Lth, T:) or a plait of hair hanging down: if twisted, it is called عَقِيصَةٌ: (Msb:) and [a horse's forelock; or] hair (M, K) of the head, (M,) in the upper part of the نَاصِيَة, of the horse: (M, K:) pl. (in all its senses, M, TA) ذَوَائِبُ, (T, S, M, Msb, K,) originally, (S, K,) or regularly, (T,) ذَآئِبُ, changed to render it more easy of pronunciation, (T, S, K,) and ذُؤَابَاتٌ also. (Msb.) Hence, فُتِلَ ذَوَائِبُهُ [His pendent locks of hair were twisted;] meaning (tropical:) he was made to abandon, or relinquish, his opinion or idea or judgment. (A.) b2: (assumed tropical:) Anything that hangs down loosely. (TA.) (tropical:) The end of a turban, (A, Msb,) that hangs down between the shoulders. (A.) (assumed tropical:) The end of a whip. (Msb.) (tropical:) Of a sandal. The thing, or portion, that hangs down from, or of, [the upper part of] the قِبَال [or thong that passes, from the sole, between two of the toes; it is generally a prolongation of the قِبَال]: (T:) or the part that touches the ground, of the thing that is made to fall down upon the foot, (M, A, K,) attached to the شِرَاك [or thong extending from the قِبَال above mentioned towards the ankle]; (A;) so called because of its waggling. (M.) (tropical:) Of a sword, The thong [or cord] which is attached to the hilt, (T, A,) and which [is sometimes also made fast to the guard, and at other times] hangs loose and dangles. (A.) (assumed tropical:) A skin, or piece of skin, that is hung upon the آخِرَة [or hinder part] of the [camel's saddle called] رَحْل; (S, M, K;) also termed عَذَبَةٌ. (TA.) A poet speaks, metaphorically, of the ذَوَائِب of palmtrees [app. meaning (tropical:) Hanging clusters of dates]. (M.) And one says نَارٌ سَاطِعَةٌ الذَّوَائِبِ (tropical:) [A fire of which the flames rise and spread]. (A.) b3: Also (assumed tropical:) The higher, or highest, part of anything: (M, K:) and ↓ ذُؤَابٌ is used as its pl., or [as a coll. gen. n., i. e.] as bearing the same relation to ذُؤَابَةٌ that سَلٌّ does to سَلَّةٌ. (M.) You say, عَلَوْتٌ ذُؤَابَةَ الجَبَلِ (tropical:) [I ascended upon the summit of the mountain]. (A.) And ذُؤَابَةُ العِزِّ وَ الشَّرَفِ (tropical:) The highest degree of might and of nobility. (T, * M.) And هُوَ فِى ذُؤَابَةِ قَوْمِهِ (assumed tropical:) He is among the highest of his people; taken from the ذؤابة of the head. (M.) And هُمْ ذُؤَابَةُ قَوْمِهِمْ (T, A) and ذَوَائِبُهُمْ (A) (tropical:) They are the nobles of their people: (A, T:) and مِنْ ذَوَائِبِ قُرَيْشٍ (tropical:) of the nobles of Kureysh. (TA.) And فُلَانٌ مِنَ الذَّنَائِبِ لَا مِنَ الذَّوَائِبِ (tropical:) [Such a one is of the lowest of the people, not of the highest]. (A.) b4: ذَوَائِبُ الجَوْزَآءُ is a name of (assumed tropical:) Nine stars disposed in a bowed, or curved, form, in the sleeve of Orion; also called تَاجُ الجَوْزَآءِ. (Kzw in his description of Orion.) b5: ذَوائِبُ لَيْلَةٍ (assumed tropical:) The last, or latter, parts, or portions, of a night. (Har p. 58.) أَرْضٌ مَذْأَبَةٌ A land containing, (S,) or abounding with, (M, K,) wolves: (S, M, K:) in the dial. of some of the tribe of Keys, مَذَيْبَةٌ, agreeing with ذِيبٌ. (M.) مُذَأَّبٌ A boy having a ذُؤَابَة. (T, S, A, K.) b2: And (assumed tropical:) A [camel's saddle such as is called] غَبِيط [&c.] having [a ذُؤَابَة, i. e.] a skin, or piece of skin, hung upon its آخِرَة [or hinder part]: (S:) or having a ذِئْبَة [q. v.]. (TA.) مَذْؤُوبٌ A man frightened by wolves: (A, TA:) or whose sheep, or goats, have been fallen upon by the wolf. (S, M, A, K.) b2: [And hence,] (tropical:) Frightened [as though by a wolf]. (T, TA.) A2: Also A horse, (Mgh,) or such as is called بِرْذَوْنٌ, (Lth, T, M, K,) and, accord. to the Tekmileh, an ass, and so مَذْبُوبٌ, as though from ذِيبَةٌ for ذِئْبَةٌ, (Mgh,) Affected with the disease termed ذِئْبَةٌ. (Lth, T, M, Mgh, K.) مُتَذَائِبٌ (assumed tropical:) A man in a state of commotion, or fluctuation; from تَذَآءَبَتِ الرِّيحُ. (TA from a trad.)



4 أَمْحَلَتِ النُّجُومُ The stars set aurorally and brought no rain. (S, K * in art. خوى.) 5 تَمَحَّلْتُ مَالًا بِغَيْرِ ثَمَنٍ I laboured to acquire property without price: (Msb:) or, accord. to Az, تَمَحَّلَ مَالًا means he laboured, and exercised art or management, in seeking [to acquire] property. (TA.) See also تَعَلَّثَ.

مَحْلٌ Drought, or suspension of rain, (S, K, Msb in art. جدب,) and dryness of the earth (S, Msb ubi suprà) depriving it of herbage; (S, TA;) and i. q. جَدْبٌ. (K.) مَحَالَةٌ : see art. حول; and see also فَوْهَآءُ voce

أَفْوَهُ, and فَوْقَآءُ voce أَفْوَقُ, and قَبٌّ.

لَبَنٌ مُمَحَّلٌ Sour milk upon which much fresh is milked: see قَارِصٌ.

مُتَمَاحِلٌ : see رَدَاحٌ.



1 كَرَعَ فِى المَآءِ

, and فِى الإِنَآءِ, He put his mouth into the water, or into the vessel, and so drank. (See عَبَّ.) كَراَعٌ

: see عِدٌّ.


: see حَرَّةٌ, رَكَضَ, ذِرَاعٌ, and بَدَنٌ.

كُرْسُوعٌ The prominent extremity of the ulna, next to the little finger, at the wrist. (S, * K.)



1 حَالَ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K, &c.,) aor. ـُ Msb, Er-Rághib,) inf. n. حَوْلٌ and حُؤُولٌ (K, Er-Rághib) [and حَوَلَانٌ], It (a thing) became altered, transmuted, or changed, (S, * Mgh, Msb, Er-Rághib, TA,) from its state, or condition, (S, Mgh,) or from its natural state or condition, and its constitution; as also ↓ استحال; (Msb;) i. q. ↓ تحوّل; (K:) which [here] signifies [as above; or] it became altered, transmuted, or changed, whether essentially or substantially, or in respect of predicament [or state or condition], or by saying; (Er-Rághib, TA;) and ↓ احال signifies the same: (K:) or this last is said of a man meaning مِنْ شَىْءٍ إِلَى شَىْءٍ ↓ تحوّل [he shifted, or turned, from one thing to another]: (TA:) and hence, (TA,) he became a Muslim: (IAar, K, TA:) for in this case one says of a man, عَمَّا كَانَ ↓ تحوّل يَعْبُدُ إِلَى الإِسْلَامِ [he turned from that which he was worshipping to El-Islám]. (IAar, TA.) b2: [Hence, also,] حال, inf. n. مَحَالٌ and حِيلَةٌ, i. q. احتال, q. v. (Ham p. 652.) b3: And حال and ↓ استحال It (anything) shifted, or removed, or went, or became shifted or transferred; syn. تحوّل: or it moved; syn. تحرّك: so accord. to different copies of the K: or, accord. to the O, the former verb has both of these significations: (TA:) or it has the latter of these significations, said of a شَخْص [i. e. a man, or person, or the figure of a thing seen from a distance]: (S:) or both verbs signify it (anything) became altered, or changed, (M, K,) from straightness, or evenness, (K,) to crookedness, or unevenness. (M, K.) You say, حَالَتِ القَوْسُ The bow became crooked (K, TA) in the portion between the part grasped by the hand and the curved extremity; or in the curved extremity: (TA:) or reverted from the state into which it was brought by pressure [with the ثِقَاف], and became crooked in the portion between the part grasped by the hand and the curved extremity; as also ↓ استحالت: (S, O:) and in like manner, الأَرْضُ عَنِ الاِسْتِوَآءِ إِلَى ↓ استحالتِ العِوَجِ [The ground became altered, or changed, from evenness to unevenness]: (S:) or [simply]

↓ استحالت it became uneven: (Msb:) [and الارض ↓ أَحَالَتِ (K in art. صمت) app. signifies the same:] or ↓ استحال signifies it (a thing) was disposed, or was about, to become altered, or changed. (Er-Rághib, TA.) And حال لَوْنُهُ Its colour altered, or changed, and became black. (S.) And حال It (a thing) shifted from its way, or manner, or direction. (TA.) And حال وَتَرُ القَوْسِ The string of the bow shifted from its place on the occasion of shooting: and حَالَتِ القَوْسُ وَتَرَهَا, [the bow shifted from its string.] (TA.) And حال مِنْ مَكَانِهِ, inf. n. حِوَلٌ, (O, TA,) or this is a simple subst., (S, M, K,) He, or it, shifted, or removed, from his, or its, place. (O, TA. [See حِوَلٌ, below.]) And حال إِلَى مَكَانٍ آخِرِ i. q. ↓ تحوّل [i. e. He, or it, shifted, or removed, or became shifted or transferred, to another place]. (S.) And حال عَنِ العَهْدِ, inf. n. حُؤُولٌ, i. q. انقلب [i. e. He withdrew, or receded, from the covenant, compact, agreement, or engagement]. (S.) b4: حال فِى مَتْنِ فَرَسِهِ, inf. n. حُؤُولٌ, He leaped, and rode, upon the back of his horse; as also ↓ احال: (S:) or حال فِى ظَهْرِ دَابَّتِهِ he leaped, and seated himself firmly, upon the back of his beast; as also ↓ احال: (K, TA:) and حال عَلَى

الفَرَسِ, (TA,) inf. n. حَوْلَةٌ, (K, * TA,) he seated himself firmly upon the horse. (K, * TA.) b5: حال صَبُوحُهُمْ عَلَى غَبُوقِهِمْ, Their morning-draught and their evening-draught became one, is said of people suffering from drought, and scarcity of milk. (TA.) b6: حال, (Mgh, Msb, K,) aor. as above, inf. n. حَوْلٌ, (Msb,) said of a year (حَوْلٌ), (Mgh, K,) It passed: (Msb:) or it revolved and passed: (Mgh:) or it became complete. (K.) You say, حال عَلَيْهِ الحَوْلُ, (S, K,) inf. n. حَوْلٌ and حُؤُولٌ, (K,) The year passed over him, or it; [or he, or it, became a year old;] (S, K;) as also ↓ احال. (S.) And حال, alone, (Msb, TA,) and ↓ احال and ↓ أَحْوَلَ, (Msb,) The year passed over it. (Msb, TA.) And ↓ احال (S, K) and ↓ أَحْوَلَ (S, TA) and ↓ احتال (K) A year passed over it; [or it became a year old;] (S, K, TA;) said of wheat, or food, and of other things: (S, TA:) and so حالت and ↓ احالت and ↓ أَحْوَلَتْ said of a دار [or house]: (S:) or حَالَتِ الدَّارُ and ↓ احالت and ↓ أَحْوَلَت and حِيلَ بِالدَّارِ years passed over the house: (K:) or the house became altered, or changed, and years passed over it: and in like manner one says, أَعَامَت and أَشْهَرَت. (TA.) and حال said of a boy, A year passed over him; [or he became a year old;] (S;) as also ↓ احول. (K.) And بِالمَكَانِ ↓ احال (Ks, S, Msb, K) and ↓ أَحْوَلَ (Ks, S, K) He remained, stayed, abode, or dwelt, a year in the place: (Ks, S, Msb, K:) or, as some say, a long time. (TA.) b7: حَالَتْ, inf. n. حِيَالٌ (S, Msb, K) and حِيَالَةٌ and حُؤُولٌ (K) and حُولٌ; (S;) and ↓ احالت, and ↓ حوّلت; (K;) said of a she-camel, (S, K,) &c., (K,) She did not conceive, or become pregnant, during a year, or two years, or some years: (K:) or she, having been covered by the stallion, did not become pregnant: (S, K:) or, said of a woman, and of a she-camel, she did not become pregnant. (Msb.) And حالت, (S, Mgh, Msb, TA,) and ↓ احالت, (Mgh,) said of a palm-tree (نَخْلَةٌ), It bore one year, and not another year: (Mgh, TA:) or did not bear, (S, Msb,) having been fecundated. (S.) b8: حال الشَّىْءُ بَيْنِى وَبَيْنَكَ, (S, Er-Rághib,) or بَيْنَ الشَّيْئَيْنِ, (Mgh, * K,) inf. n. حَيْلُولَةٌ, [originally حَيْوَلُولَةٌ,] (Mgh, Msb,) like كَيْنُونَةٌ [&c.], (Mgh,) and حُؤُولٌ (Mgh) and حَوْلٌ, (Er-Rághib, TA,) The thing intervened as a separation, a partition, a fence, a barrier, or an obstacle, or obstruction, (S, K, Er-Rághib, TA,) between me and thee, (S, Er-Rághib, TA,) or between the two things. (K.) You say, حال النَّهْرُ بَيْنَنَا The river intervened as a separation, or an obstacle, between us, preventing conjunction, or communication. (Msb.) and حال الشَّىْءُ دُونَ الشَّىْءِ [The thing intervened as an obstacle in the way to the thing]. (S voce اِعْتَرَضَ.) It is said in the Kur [viii. 24], وَاعْلَمُوا

أَنَّ اللّٰهَ يَحُولُ بَيْنَ المَرْءِ وَقَلْبِهِ [And know ye that God interveneth, or interposeth, between the man and his heart, or secret thoughts, or desire]: indicating that He turns him from his desire: (Er-Rághib, TA:) or that He possesses his heart, and turns it as He wills: (O, TA:) or that a man cannot believe nor disbelieve unless it be God's will: (Jel:) or, as some say, that God destroys a man; or reduces him to the vilest condition of life, in order that he may not know, after knowing, anything. (Er-Rághib, TA. [See other remote interpretations in the Ksh, and the Expos. of Bd.]) And in the same [xxxiv. 53], وَحِيلَ بَيْنَهُمْ وَ بَيْنَ مَا يَشْتَهُونَ [And an obstacle shall be made to intervene between them and that which they shall eagerly desire]. (TA.) b9: And حال الشَّىْءُ The thing poured out, or forth. (TA.) [See also 4.]

A2: حَوِلَتْ عَيْنُهُ, (S, K,) and حَالَتْ, inf. n. تَحَالُ, (K,) the latter, of the dial. of Temeem, accord. to Lth, (TA,) [but see what follows,] inf. n. حَوَلٌ; (S, M, Mgh, K;) and ↓ احولّت, (S, K,) inf. n. ↓ اِحْوِلَالٌ; (K;) His eye [squinted; i. e.] had the white apparent at the outer angle, and the black next the inner angle: (M, K:) or had the black turning towards the nose: (Lth, M, K:) or had one of the two blacks turned towards the nose, and the other towards the temple: (Mgh:) or had its black next the outer angle: or his eye was as though it looked towards the حِجَاج [or supraorbital bone]: or had the black inclining towards the outer angle: (M, K:) the first of which meanings is that commonly known: but some say that حَالَتْ signifies it was turned from its proper state: or it is anomalous: (TA:) the epithet applied to the man is ↓ أَحْوَلُ, (S, Mgh, K,) and ↓ حَوِلٌ: and that applied to the eye is [the fem. of the former of these, i. e.] ↓ حَوْلَآءُ: (K:) the pl. of which, and of the masc., is حُولٌ. (Har p. 412.) 2 حوّلهُ, inf. n. تَحْوِيلٌ, He altered it, transmuted it, or changed it, whether essentially, or substantially, or in respect of predicament [or state or condition], or by saying; (Er-Rághib, TA:) [as also ↓ احالهُ.] b2: [Hence, He turned it over, or about, in his mind, considering what might be its results, and so managed it; namely, an affair; like قَلَّبَهُ.] You say, رَجُلٌ بَصِيرٌ بِتَحْوِيلِ الأُمُورِ [A man who is knowing, skilful, or intel-ligent, in turning affairs over, or about, in his mind, &c.]. (S, TA.) And رَأْيَهُ فِى الأَمْرِ ↓ احال He altered, or changed, his opinion respecting the thing, or affair. (MA.) b3: He shifted it, removed it, or transferred it, from one place to another: (S, * Mgh, O, Msb, TA:) or حوّلهُ إِلَيْهِ he shifted it, removed it, or transferred it, to it, or him: (K:) and ↓ احالهُ signifies the same. (Msb.) [Hence,] حوّل الرِّدَآءَ, (Msb,) inf. n. as above, (Mgh,) He put the right side of the [garment called] رداء on the left: (Mgh:) or he shifted each extremity of the رداء to the place of the other. (Msb.) b4: He transferred, or transcribed, what was in it, namely, a book, or writing, to another, without doing away with the original form. (TA.) b5: He made it, or pronounced it to be, مُحَال [i. e. absurd, inconsistent, self-contradictory, unreal, or impossible]. (K. [See also 4.]) b6: حوّل عَيْنُهُ: see 4.

A2: See also 5, in two places. b2: حَوَّلَتْ said of a she-camel &c., i. q. حَالَتْ: (K:) see 1.3 حاولهُ, (S, M, K,) inf. n. مُحَاوَلَةٌ (M, K, KL) and حِوَالٌ, (M, K, TA, [in the CK, erroneously, حَوال,]) He desired it: (S, KL:) he sought it: (M, K, KL:) or he sought it by an artful contrivance or device; or by artful, or skilful, management; by turning over, or revolving, thoughts, ideas, schemes, or contrivances, in his mind, so as to find a way of attaining his object; syn. طَلَبَهُ بِحِيلَةٍ, (A,) or بِالْحِيلَةِ. (Har p. 326.) Aboo-Heiyeh En-Numeyree says, وَمَنْ يُحَاوِلُ شَيْئًا فِى فَمِ الأَسَدِ [And who will seek to get a thing in the mouth of the lion?] (Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 714.) and one says, حاول مِنْهَا الجِمَاعَ [He desired, or sought, of her, copulation, using blandishment, or artifice, for that purpose]. (T in art. رود, بِكَ أُحَاوِلُ occurring in a trad., means بك أُطَالِبُ [app. By means of Thee I seek, or demand, that which I want]. (Az, M, A, TA.) One says also, حَاوَلْتُهُ

أَنْ يَفْعَلَ الأَمْرَ [I sought, or endeavoured, to induce him to do the thing], and أَنْ يَتْرُكَهُ [to leave it]. (A in art. دور.) And, of water, حاول أَنْ يَجْمُدَ (L and K in art. جمد) (assumed tropical:) It was about to congeal, or freeze; was at the point of congealing, or freezing. (TK in that art.) b2: حَاوَلْتُ لَهُ بَصَرِى

I looked sharply, or intently, at him; I cast my eyes at him. (ISd, K.) 4 احال, as an intrans. v.: see 1, in eighteen places. b2: تَجَنَّبَ رَوْضَةً وَأَحَالَ يَعْدُو [He withdrew from a meadow, and set to running,] is a prov., meaning he forsook abundance of herbage, or of the goods and conveniences and comforts of life, and preferred to it straitness, or difficulty. (S.) b3: احال عَلَيْهِ بِالسَّوْطِ He set upon him with the whip, (S, MA, K,) يَضْرِبُهُ [striking him]: (S:) or he desired to strike him with the whip: or he struck him with the whip: (MA:) and أَحَلْتُهُ بِالسَّوْطِ, and بِالرُّمْحِ, [if احلته be not a mistranscription for أَحَلْتُ عَلَيْهِ, in the MS. from which I take this, as it may be inferred to be from what here precedes and follows,] I aimed at him with the whip, and with the spear, and set upon him with it: whence the saying, of him who has struck one at the point of death, and killed him, يُحِيلُ المَوْتَ عَلَى الضَّرْبِ, i. e. (assumed tropical:) He makes death [as it were] to hang upon, and cleave to, striking; like as the spear is made to cleave to the مُحَال عَلَيْه, who is the person thrust, or pierced. (Msb.) El-Farezdak says, (S, TA,) addressing Hubeyreh Ibn-Damdam, (TA,) وَكُنْتَ كَذِئْبِ السَّوْءِ لَمَّا رَأَى دَمًا بِصَاحِبِهِ يَوْمًا أَحَالَ عَلَى الدَّمِ i. e. [And thou mast like the wicked wolf: when he saw blood upon his companion, one day,] he set upon the blood. (S, TA.) b4: [Hence, perhaps,] حال عَلَيْهِ He reckoned him, or esteemed him, weak. (K.) b5: احال اللَّيْلِ Night poured upon the earth; (K;) and came on. (TA.) [See also 1, last sentence but one.] b6: احال بِفُلَانٍ الخُبْزُ The bread fattened such a one; and in like manner one says of anything by which one becomes fat. (AA, TA.) b7: And احال He did, or said, what was مُحَال [i. e. absurd, inconsistent, self-contradictory, unreal, or impossible]. (S, Sgh, K. *) b8: And His camels did not conceive, or become pregnant, (AA, S, K,) during a year, or two years, or some years, (K,) having been covered. (S.) A2: As a trans. v.: see 2, in three places. b2: احال الغَرِيمَ He referred the creditor, from himself, [for the payment of what was due to him,] to another. (M, K.) and أَحَلْتُهُ بِدَيْنِهِ I transferred his debt [i. e. the debt due to him from me] by making another person than myself responsible for it. (Msb.) and أَحَلْتُ زَيْدًا بِمَا كَانَ لَهُ عَلَىَّ عَلَى رَجُلٍ I referred, or turned over, Zeyd, for the payment of what was due to him from me, to a certain man, transferring the responsibility for the debt to the latter: in which case, I am termed ↓ مُحِيلٌ; and Zeyd is termed ↓ مُحَالٌ; and the other man, عَلَيْهِ ↓ مُحَالٌ, and عليه ↓ مُحْتَالٌ, and ↓ حَوِيلٌ; and the property, بِهِ ↓ مُحَالٌ: (Mgh:) and ↓ حَيِّلٌ, [originally حَوِيلٌ or حَيْوِلٌ,] also, is applied to him to whom the reference is made; and to him who accepts the reference; both together being termed حَيِّلَانِ. (Aboo-Sa'eed, TA.) And you say, احال عَلَيْهِ بِدَيْنِهِ [He referred a person to him for the payment of his debt]. (S.) And احال [alone] He transferred the debt for which he was responsible to the responsibility of another. (Har p. 59.) And أَحَلْتُ الأَمْرَ عَلَى زَيْدٍ [I turned over the affair to Zeyd;] I made the performance of the affair to be required restrictively of Zeyd. (Msb.) b3: احال عَلَيْهِ المَآءَ He poured out the water upon it: (K:) or احال المَآءَ مِنَ الدَّلْوِ he poured forth the water from the bucket, and turned over the latter. (S.) b4: احال اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ الحَوْلَ [God made the year to pass over him, or it]: (Lh, TA:) or احال اللّٰه الحَوْلَ God made the year complete. (K, TA.) b5: احال الرَّجُلُ إِبِلَهُ العَامَ [The man made his she-camels to pass the year without becoming pregnant; or] the stallion did not cover the man's she-camels during the year. (Lh, TA.) b6: أَحْوَلَ عَيْنَهُ, (Ks, Lh, S,) or أَحَالَهَا, and ↓ حوّلها, (K,) He made his eye to be حَوْلَآءَ [i. e. squinting, &c.]. (Ks, Lh, S, K.) [See 1, last sentence.] b7: احال كَلَامَهُ He made his speech مُحَال [i. e. absurd, inconsistent, or self-contradictory]. (S. [See also 2.]) A3: مَا أَحْوَلَ حِيلَكَ How fluctuating, and shifting, and varying, are thy evasions, wiles, artifices, or artful contrivances or devices! (Har p. 309.) b2: and مَا أَحْوَلَهُ How surpassing is he in the practice of evasions, shifts, wiles, artifices, or artful contrivances or devices; or in turning over, or revolving, thoughts, ideas, schemes, or contrivances, in his mind, so as to find a way of attaining his object! (Fr, S, K;) as also ما أَحْيَلَهُ. (Fr, S in art. حيل, and K.) 5 تحوّل: see 1, first sentence, in three places. [Hence,] تحوّل مُبْتَدِعًا [He turned innovator]. (O and K in art. بدع.) b2: It shifted, or removed, or went, or became shifted or transferred, (S, Msb, K,) from one place to another, (S,) or from its place; (Msb;) as also ↓ حوّل (S, * Msb, K *) [and حال and استحال, as shown above: see 1, near the beginning.] You say, تحوّل مِنْ مَكَانِهِ It shifted, &c., from its place. (Msb.) And تحوّل عَنْهُ It shifted from it to another. (K.) and تحوّل إِلَى مَكَانٍ آخَرَ i. q. حَالَ, q. v. (S.) and المَجَرَّةُ ↓ حَوَّلَتِ The Milky Way became in the midst of the sky; which it does in the summer, (Sh, K, TA,) when the season of heat comes on. (Sh, TA.) b3: See also 8, in two places.

A2: Also, (S, K,) or تحوّل حَالًا, (TA,) He carried a bundle upon his back. (S, K, TA.) And تحوّل الكِسَآءِ He put a thing in the [garment called] كساء, and then carried it on his back. (M, K.) b2: تحوّلهُ بِالمَوْعِظَةِ He sought to avail himself of the state in which he might be rendered prompt, or willing, to accept admonition. (AA, K.) 8 احتال عَلَيْهِ بِالدَّيْنِ [meaning He was referred, or turned over, to him for the payment of the debt] is from الحَوَالَةُ. (S, TA.) You say, احتال زَيْدٌ بِمَا كَانَ لَهُ عَلَىَّ عَلَى رَجُلٍ Zeyd was referred, or turned over, for the payment of what was due to him from me, to a certain man, to whom the responsibility for the debt was transferred. (Mgh.) b2: احتال said of a year; see 1. b3: احتال (S, MA, Msb, K, KL) and ↓ تحوّل (S, K) and تحيّل (K) signify the same, (S, K,) from الحِيلَةُ [q. v.]; (S;) and ↓ حَالَ, (Ham p. 652,) inf n. مَحَالٌ and حِيلَةٌ, (Ham ib. and K, *) also signifies the same as احتال; (Ham ib.;) which means He practised حِيلَة [i. e. an evasion or elusion, a shift, a wile, an artifice, or an artful contrivance or device, a machination, a trick, a plot, a stratagem, or an expedient, &c.]: (MA, KL:) or he exercised art, artifice, cunning, ingenuity, or shill, and excellence of consideration or deliberation, and ability to manage according to his own free mill, (K, TA,) with subtilty: (TA:) or he sought الحِيلَة i. e. [means of evading, or eluding, a thing, or of effecting an object, by] the exercise of art, artifice, cunning, ingenuity, or skill, in the management of affairs; by the turning over, or revolving, thoughts, ideas, schemes, or contrivances, in his mind, so as to find a way of attaining his object. (Msb.) You say, احتال فِى الأَمْرِ and ↓ تحوّل [&c., He practised an evasion or elusion, &c., in the affair]. (K.) [And احتال عَلَيْهِ He practised an artifice, or an artful contrivance or device, &c., against him. And احتال لِعِيَالِهِ He exercised art, artifice, cunning, ingenuity, or skill, in the management of affairs, for his family, or household.]

A2: اِحْتَوَلُوهُ They encompassed, or surrounded, him; or made him to be in the midst of them. (M, O, K.) 9 احوّلت عَيْنُهُ: see 1, last sentence. b2: [احوّلت الأَرْضُ: see 11.]10 استحال: see 1, in six places. b2: Also It (speech, or language, S, Msb, or a thing, TA) became مُحَال [i. e. absurd, inconsistent, selfcontradictory, unreal, or impossible]. (S, Msb, TA.) A2: استحالهُ He looked at it, (S, M, K,) namely, a شَخْص [i. e. a man, or person, or the figure of a thing seen at a distance], (S,) to see if it moved: (S, M, K:) as though he sought, or desired, its motion and change. (TA.) and استحال الجَهَامَ He looked at [the waterless clouds, or the clouds that had poured forth their water, to see if they changed or moved]. (TA.) b2: He reckoned it مُحَال [i. e. absurd, inconsistent, &c.: see above]. (KL.) 11 احوالّت الأَرْضُ, (K, TA, [in the CK احوّلت,]) inf. n. اِحْوِيلَالٌ, (TA,) (tropical:) The land became green, and its herbage stood erect, or became strong and erect. (K, TA.) [See حُوَلَآءُ.]

حَالٌ The state, condition, or case, (صِفَة,) of a thing; [considered as subject to change;] (Msb, Er-Rághib, TA;) as also ↓ حَالَةٌ: (Msb:) or the quality, or manner of being, and state, or condition, of a man, (K, TA,) in respect of good or evil; (TA;) as also ↓ حَالَةٌ: (K:) or the particular case, or predicament, of a man &c., in respect of changing events, in the soul and the body and the acquisitions: (Er-Rághib, TA:) and in the coventional language of the logicians, a fleeting, or quickly-transient, quality, such as accidental heat and cold and moisture and dryness; as also ↓ حَالَةٌ: (TA:) anything changing: (Ham p. 288:) the time in which one is; (Lth, K;) [the present time;] the end of the past, and the beginning of the future: and as a conventional term, [in grammar, the present tense: and (tropical:) the future: and also] a denotative of state of the agent or of the objective complement; [the former termed حَالٌ مِنَ الفَاعِلِ; and the latter, حَالٌ مِنَ المَفْعُولِ; and each said to be مَنْصُوبٌ عَلَى الحَالِ, i. e. put in the accus. case as a denotative of state, unless expressed by a complete proposition;] as [قَائِمًا] in the phrase زَيْدٌ فِى

الدَّارَ قَائِمًا [Zeyd is in the house, standing], and in ضَرَبْتُ زَيْدًا قَائِمًا [I beat Zeyd standing]: (Ibn-El-Kemál, TA:) it is fem., like حَالَةٌ; (Msb;) and mase. ; (Msb, K;) but mostly fem.: (TA:) the pl. is أَحْوَالٌ and أَحْوِلَةٌ, (K,) [both properly pls. of pauc., but the former often used as a pl. of mult., and often signifying circumstances,] the latter anomalous: (TA:) the pl. of ↓ حَالَةٌ is حَالَاتٌ: (TA:) or ↓ حالة is the n. un. or sing. of حَالٌ and أَحْوَالٌ [and حَالَاتٌ], used in relation to a man. (S, O.) You say حَالٌ حَسَنٌ and حَسَنَةٌ [A good state or condition &c.; as also ↓ حَالَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ]. (Msb.) And الدَّهْرِ ↓ حَالَاتُ and أَحْوَالُهُ The changes, or vicissitudes, of time or fortune. (K.) [And اِفْعَلْهُ حَالًا and فِى الحَالِ Do thou it now, or immediately. And عَلَى كُلِّ حَالٍ In any case: a phrase of frequent occurrence. The phrase قَالَ لِسَانُ الحَالِ (assumed tropical:) The tongue of the case said, (often used by late writers,) means the case seemed to say.]

A2: A load, or burden: (Ham p. 299:) [whence, perhaps, خَفِيفُ الحَالِ (which see in what follows) as meaning (assumed tropical:) having a small family to maintain:] and hence, (Ham ib.,) a bundle, or bundle of clothes, (كَارَةٌ,) which is carried on the back (S, Ham ib.) by a man: (S:) or a thing that a man carries on his back, (ISd, O, K,) whatever it be. (ISd, TA.) b2: A [garment of the kind called] كِسَآء in which one collects, or seeks and collects, dry herbage: (O, K:) or a garment, or piece of stuff, of which two ends are tied in a knot behind the flanks, and the other two ends over the head; in which one collects dry herbage; also called شُكْبَانٌ. (TA in art. شكب.) A3: A child's go-cart, by means of which he practises walking; (S, K *, TA;) resembling a small عَجَلَة; (S;) also called دَرَّاجَةٌ [q. v.]. (S, TA.) A4: The part of a horse that is the place of the لِبْد [or saddle-cloth]: or the line along the middle of the back: (K, TA:) or حَالُ مَتْنِ الفَرَسِ signifies the middle of the back of the horse; the place of the لِبْدِ. (S.) [See also its syn. حَاذٌ.] خَفِيفُ الحَالِ signifies the the same as خَفِيفُ الحَاذِ, (A in art. حوذ,) which means (tropical:) A man light of back; (S, A, L, Msb, all in art. حوذ;) i. e. having little property: and also having a small family to maintain; (L in that art. ;) or having little property and a small family to maintain; (L and K in that art. ;) like خَفِيفُ الظَّهْرِ. (A, L, Msb, all in that art.) A5: Black mud: (S, K:) from حَالَ “ it became altered, or changed. ” (TA.) It is said in a trad. that the حال of El-Kowthar is musk: (TA:) and in another, that Gabriel took of the حال of the river [Nile] and put it into the mouth of Pharaoh; (S, TA;) but here it has the meaning next following. (TA.) Black fetid mud; syn. حَمْأَةٌ. (K, and Ham p. 288.) And Soft earth. (K, and Ham ib.) b2: And hence, (tropical:) Weakness, and softness. (Ham ib.) b3: Stinking flesh-meat. (Ham ib.) b4: Hot ashes (IAar, K, and Ham ib.) b5: The leaves of the سَمُر [acacia, or mimosa, gummifera,] beaten and shaken off into a garment, or piece of cloth. (K.) b6: Milk. (M, K.) A6: In the dial. of Hudheyl, (IAar, TA,) A wife. (IAar, K.) حَوْلٌ A year; (S Msb, K, Er-Rághib, &c. ;) so termed in consideration of its changing, and of the revolution of the sun in its places of rising and setting; (Er-Rághib, TA;) or as being the period in which [certain] plants attain their complete strength: (El-Harállee, TA:) and even if it has not passed; because it will be [properly speaking] a حَوْل: an inf. n. used as a simple subst.: (Msb:) pl. [of pauc., but also used as a pl. of mult.,] أَحْوَالٌ (M, Msb, K) and [of mult.] حُؤُولٌ and حُوُولٌ, (M, K,) the former with ء and the latter with و. (TA.) A2: Strength, power, might, or force; syn. قُوَّةٌ; (S, TA;) as also ↓ حِيلَةٌ [originally حِوْلَةٌ] (TA) and ↓ حَوْلَةٌ, (K, TA,) or this last is a n. un. from حَوْلٌ: (TA:) it is in the soul and the body and the acquisitions: and hence the saying, in a trad., لَا حَوْلَ وَ لَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِاللّٰهِ العَلِىِّ العَظِيمِ [There is no strength nor power but in, or by means of, God, the High, the Great]: (Er-Rághib, TA:) or it here signifies motion; [see also حَوْلَةٌ;] and the meaning is, there is no motion nor power, or ability, but by the will of God: (AHeyth, TA:) or, as some say, the meaning is, there is no حول [i. e. changing, or turning, or receding,] from disobedience, nor قوّة [i. e. power] to obey, but by the accommodating, or disposing, of God. (Msb.) b2: See also حِيلَةٌ.

A3: حَوْلُ شَىْءِ The lateral, or adjacent, part to which a thing may shift, or remove: (Er-Rághib, TA:) or the environs [of a thing]. (Msb.) You say, قَعَدُوا حَوْلَهُ, (S, K, *) or قَعَدْنَا حَوْلَهُ, the noun being in the accus. case as an adv. n. of place, i. e., [They sat, or we sat, around him, or it, or] in his, or its, environs; (Msb;) and ↓ حَوَالَهُ, and حَوْلَيْهِ, (S, K,) dual of حَوْل, (TA,) and ↓ حَوَالَيْهِ, (S, Msb, K,) dual of حَوَال, (TA,) and أَحْوَالَهُ, (ISd, K,) pl. of حَوْل, and used to give intensiveness to the meaning: (ISd, TA:) but you should not say حَوَالِيهِ. (S, Sgh.) And وَلَا عَلَيْنَا ↓ اَللّٰهُمَّ حَوَالَيْنَا [O God, be Thou around us as our protector, and not against us,] occurs in a trad. respecting prayer. (TA.) It is said, in the Expos. of the exs. cited as testimonies by Sb, that one sometimes says ↓ حَوَالَيْكَ and حَوْلَيْكَ, meaning Around thee, in every direction; dividing the surrounding parts into two; like as one says, أَحَاطُوا بِهِ مِنْ جَانِبَيْهِ, not meaning that any of the surrounding parts remained vacant. (TA.) [See also an ex. voce دَنْدَنَ.]

حَوَلٌ inf. n. of حَوِلَتْ عَيْنُهُ. (S, K. [See 1, last sentence.]) A2: See also حَائِلٌ.

حَوِلٌ: see حُوَّلٌ: b2: and see also 1, last sentence.

حُوَلٌ: see حُوَّلٌ: b2: and حَائِلٌ: b3: and حِيَالٌ.

حِوَلٌ Removal from one place to another, in a passive sense; a subst. from تَحَوَّلَ: (S, O, K:) and in an active sense; a subst. from حَوَّلَهُ; (K;) accord. to ISd, it is the latter [only]; (TA;) as also ↓ حَوِيلٌ. (K.) Hence, in the Kur [xviii. 108], لَا يَبْغُونَ عَنْهَا حَوْلًا [They shall not desire removal from it]

حَوُلَ (S, M, O, K:) or, as some say, it here means ↓ حِيلَةً; i. e. they shall not [desire to] practise, or seek to practise, any evasion from it to another abode. (TA.) b2: See also حِيَلةٌ [of which it is said to be both a syn. and a pl.]. b3: And see حُولَةٌ.

A2: Also A furrow, or trench, in the ground, in which palm-trees are planted in a row. (ISd, K.) حَالَةٌ; pl. حَالَاتٌ: see حَالٌ, in seven places.

حَوْلَةٌ Motion, or removal, (تَحَرُّكٌ or تَحَوُّلٌ, accord. to different copies of the K, the former being the reading in the TA,) and change of state. (K.) [See also حَوْلٌ. And see حَالَ عَلَى الفَرَسِ, of which it is the inf. n.] b2: See also حِيلَةٌ. b3: And see حَوْلٌ, as meaning قُوَّةٌ.

حُولَةٌ: see حُوَّلٌ: b2: and حِيلَةٌ. b3: Also A wonder, or wonderful thing; pl. حُولٌ. (K: [but probably this should be حُوَلٌ, as below.]) b4: [It is also used as a pl., signifying Wonders.] Yousay, هٰذَا مِنْ حُولَةِ الدَّهِْ This is of the wonders of the age, or of time, or fortune; as also من ↓ حَوَلَانِهِ, and ↓ حِوَلِهِ [pl. of ↓ حِيلَةٌ], and ↓ حُوَلَائِهِ. (K, TA: the last, in one copy of the K, ↓ حُوَلَانِهِ, and in the CK ↓ حُوْلانهِ.) b5: An evil, or abominable, event or accident; (K, * TA;) a calamity, or misfortune: pl. حُوَلٌ: as in the saying, هُوَ حُولَةٌ مِنَ الحُوَلِ It is a calamity of calamities. (S, TA.) It is also used as an epithet; so that one says, جَآءَ بِأَمْرٍ حُولَةٍ [He did, or brought to pass, an evil, or abominable, thing]. (M, TA.) حِيلَةٌ, (S, M, Msb, K, &c.,) originally حِوْلَةٌ, (Er-Rághib, TA,) [said to be an inf. n., (see 8,)] and ↓ حَوْلٌ (S, M, K) and حَيْلٌ and ↓ حِوَلٌ, (M, K,) which is also a pl. of the first, (K,) and ↓ حَوْلَةٌ (K) and ↓ حُولَةٌ (Ks, TA) and ↓ حَوِيلٌ (M, K) and ↓ حَائِلَةٌ (Ham p. 652) and ↓ مَحَالَةٌ (S, K) and ↓ مَحَالٌ, (M, K,) [said to be an inf. n., (see 8,)] and ↓ مَحِيلَةٌ, (Sgh, TA,) i. q. اِحْتِيَالٌ and تَحَوُّلٌ and تَحَيُّلٌ; (M, K; [see 8;]) [or A mode, or manner, of changing from one state to another, or of shifting from one thing to another; حِيلَةٌ being of the measure فِعْلَةٌ from حَالَ, like جِلْسَةٌ &c. from جَلَسَ &c.; or from تَحَوُّلٌ as syn. with حَالَ; (see what follows;) a mode, or means, of evading or eluding a thing, or of effecting an object; an evasion or elusion, a shift, a wile, an artifice, or artful contrivance or device, a machination, a trick, a plot, a stratagem, or an expedient;] a means of effecting one's transition from that which he dislikes to that which he likes; (KT, in explanation of the first word;) art, artifice, cunning, ingenuity, or skill, (Msb, K,) in the management of affairs; i. e. the turning over, or revolving, thoughts, ideas, schemes, or contrivances, in the mind, so as to find a way of attaining one's object; (Msb;) and excellence of consideration or deliberation; and ability to manage according to one's own free will, (K, TA,) with subtilty: (TA:) accord. to Er-Rághib, حِيلَةٌ signifies a means of attaining to some state concealedly; and it is mostly used of that in which is sin, or offence, or disobedience; but sometimes of that in the exercise of which is wisdom; and hence God is described as شَدِيدُ

↓ المَحَالِ, meaning strong in attaining, concealedly from men, to that in which is wisdom: accord. to Abu-l-Bakà, it is from التَّحَوُّلُ; because by it one shifts from one state to another, by a species of forecast, and gentleness, or delicacy, so as to change a thing from its outward appearance: (TA:) the pl. of حِيلَةٌ is حِوَلٌ and حِيَلٌ [which latter is the most common form, and also, as well as حِوَلٌ, said to be syn. with the sing.,] and حِيلَاتٌ. (K.) One says, لَا حِيلَةَ لَهُ [He has no mode, or means, of evading &c.]. (TA.) [and مَا بِيَدِى حِيلَةٌ I have no mode, or means, of evading &c.]. And ↓ المَرْءُ يَعْجِزُ لَا مَحَالَةَ [Man becomes impotent: there is no avoiding it]. (S.) مِنْهُ ↓ لَا مَحَالَةَ means لَا بُدَّ [There is no avoiding it, or escaping it]. (S, * K.) One says, المَوْتُ آتٍ

↓ لَا مَحَالَةَ [Death comes: there is no avoiding it]. (S.) See also حِوَلٌ. b2: And see حُولَةٌ: b3: and حَوْلٌ. b4: [عِلْمُ الحِيَلِ The science of mechanics.]

حُوَلَةٌ: see حُوَّلٌ, in two places.

حَوْلِىٌّ A solid-hoofed animal in his first year: (S, O:) or a solid-hoofed animal, &c., a year old; a yearling: (K:) it is applied in this sense to a camel: and also to a plant: (TA:) and so ↓ مُحْوِلٌ and ↓ مُحِيلٌ applied to wheat, or food, &c.: (S, O:) and ↓ مُحْوِلٌ applied to a boychild: (K:) or, as some say, this signifies in the state of childhood; not limited to a year old: (TA:) the fem. of حَوْلِىٌّ is حَوْلِيَّةٌ: pl. [masc. حَوَالِىٌّ; and] fem. حَوْلِيَّاتٌ. (S, K.) حَوْلِىٌّ الغَضَا Young trees of the kind called غَضًا. (TA.) حِيَلِىٌّ: see حُوَّلٌ.

حُوَلَآءُ and حِوَلَآءُ, the latter like عِنَبَآءُ and سِيَرَآءُ, which are the only other words of this measure, (S, K,) accord. to Kh, (S,) [The membrane that encloses the she-camel's fœtus in the womb;] to the she-camel, like the مَشِيمَة (K, TA) to the woman; (TA;) i. e., (K,) a skin (S, K) of a dark, or an ashy, dust-colour (خَضْرَآء), full of water, (K,) which comes forth with the fœtus, containing أَغْرَاس [pl. of غِرْس, q. v.], and having lines, or streaks, which are red, and of a dark, or an ashy, dust-colour (خُضْر): (S, K:) or it comes forth after the fœtus, in the first سَلَى; and is the first thing that comes forth therefrom: so says ISk: and the word is sometimes used in relation to a woman: (TA:) or, accord. to Az, the water that comes forth upon the head of the fœtus, [i. e.] at the birth: (S:) or a membrane like a large bucket, which is full of water, and bursts when it falls upon the ground: then comes forth the سَلَى; and a day, or two days, after that, the صَآءَة. (TA.) Hence the saying, نَزَلُوا فِى مِثْلِ حُوَلاءِ النَّاقَةِ, (K,) and فى مثل حولاء السَّلَى, (TA,) (tropical:) They alighted amid abundance of water and green herbage. (K, * TA.) and رَأَيْتُ أَرْضًا مِثْلَ الحولاءِ (tropical:) I saw land having dark green herbage. (TA.) A2: See also حُولَةٌ.

حَوَلَان and حُوَلَان and حُوْلَان: see حُولَةٌ.

حُولَلٌ: see حَائِلٌ, in four places.

حَوَلْوَلٌ: see حُوَّلٌ, in two places.

حَوَالٌ The changing, or varying, of time, or fortune. (K.) A2: حَوَالَهُ, and حَوَالَيْهِ, and حَوَالَيْنَا, and حَوَالَيْكَ: see حَوْلٌ.

حِوَالٌ: see حَائِلٌ, in two places.

حِيَالٌ [in the CK, erroneously, حَيال] The front of a thing, as meaning the part, place, or location, that is over against, opposite, facing, fronting, or in front; syn. قُبَالَةٌ. (K, and Mgh in art. حيل.) You say, قُمْتُ حِيَالَهُ I stood in front of him; in the part, place, or location, that was over against him, opposite to him, &c.; syn. قُبَالَتَهُ. (Msb in art. حيل.) And قَعَدَ حِيَالَةٌ and بِحِيَالِهِ He sat in front of him, over against him, opposite to him, facing or fronting him; syn. بِإِزَائِهِ. (S, K.) And هٰذَا حِيَالَ كَلِمَتِكَ This is opposite to thy saying; syn. مُقَابَلَةَ; in the accus. case, as an adv. n. of place: thus related by IAar from the Arabs: but one may also say حِيَالُ كَلِمَتِكَ [the opposite of thy saying], making the phrase to consist of an inchoative and an enunciative: so says ISd. (TA.) It is originally with و [in the place of the ى]. (S, O.) b2: عَلَى حِيَالِهِ [By himself or itself; independently]. You say, أَعْطِ كُلَّ وَاحِدٍ مِنْهُمْ عَلَى

حِيَالَهُ Give thou to every one of them by himself; syn. على حِدَتِهِ; (S in art. وحد;) or بِانْفِرَادِهِ. (Mgh in art. حيل.) And فَعَلْتُ كُلَّ شَىْءٍ عَلَى

حِيَالِهِ I did everything by itself; syn. بِانْفِرَادِهِ. (Msb in art. حيل.) A2: Also A string that is tied from the camel's بِطَان [or belly-girth] to his حَقَب [or hind girth], to prevent the حَقَب from going against the sheath of his penis: (K:) so, too, in the M: but in the O, as on the authority of AA, ↓ حُوَلٌ, like صُرَدٌ, signifies the string that is between the حَقَب and the بِطَان. (TA.) حَوِيلٌ: see 4, in the latter half of the paragraph. b2: [Hence,] One who is responsible, or answerable. (K.) b3: And A witness. (K.) A2: See also حِوَلٌ: b2: and حِيلَةٌ. b3: Also [Desire: or a seeking: or a seeking by an artful contrivance or device, or by artful or skilful management, to find a way of attaining an object:] a subst. from حَاوَلَهُ. (S, O, K.) حَوَالَةٌ The effecting a transition of one river, or rivulet, to another. (M, K.) [This is what is meant by the حوالة in المُزَارَعَة, mentioned in the Mgh, as “ customary in the cases of certain plants, as rice, and the بَاذِنْجَان, and in planting. ”] b2: The transfer of a claim, or of a debt, by shifting the responsibility from one person to another: (Mgh:) the transfer of a debt by shifting the responsibility of him who transfers it to him to whom it is transferred: (KT:) [a reference made by a debtor, of his creditor, to a debtor of the former, for the payment of what is owed by the former to the latter: an order for the payment of a debt, or of a sum of money, given by one person, upon another, to a third person: so in the present day:] a subst. (S, K) from أَحَالِ عَلَيْهِ بِدَيْنِهِ, (S,) or from أَحَلْتُهُ بِدَيْنِهِ, (Msb,) or from أَحَالَ الغَرِيمَ. (K.) [See 4.] b3: A responsibility; accountableness. (K.) حَوَالِىٌّ and حُوَالِىٌّ: see the next paragraph.

حُوَّلٌ, applied to a man, signifies بَصِيرُ بِتَحْوِيلِ الأُمُورِ [i. e. Knowing, skilful, or intelligent, in turning affairs over, or about, in his mind, considering what may be their results, and so managing them]; (S, TA;) as also حُوَّلٌ قُلَّبٌ, (TA, and so in copies of the S,) and قُلَّبٌ ↓ حُوَّلِىٌّ, (TA, and so in a copy of the S,) and قُلَّبِىٌّ ↓ حُوَّلِىٌّ, and ↓ حَوَّالٌ; (TA;) and ↓ حُوَلَةٌ signifies ↓ مُحْتَالٌ [i. e. one who exercises art, artifice, cunning, ingenuity, or skill, and excellence of consideration or deliberation, and ability to manage according to his own free will, with subtilty; &c.; see the verb (8) of which مُحْتَالٌ is the part. n.]: (S:) or حُوَّلٌ and ↓ حُوَلٌ and ↓ حُوَلَةٌ and ↓ حُوْلَةٌ and ↓ حُوَّلِىٌّ, [in the CK, erroneously, حَوْلٰى,] like سُكَّرِىٌّ, [in the CK like سَكْرىٰ,] and ↓ حَالِىٌّ and ↓ حُوَالِىٌّ and ↓ حَوَلْوَلٌ, signify شَدِيدُ الاِحْتِيَالِ [i. e. one who exercises great art, artifice, &c.]: (Sgh, K:) all of these forms are mentioned by ISd, except حُوْلَةٌ and حُوَّلِىٌّ: (TA:) accord. to some, قُلَّبٌ حُوَّلٌ signifies experienced, or expert, in affairs; or one who has been tried, or proved, and strengthened by experience in affairs: (Har p. 312:) and ↓ حَوِلٌ signifies the same as حُوَّلٌ; (Ham p. 34;) having much حِيلَة [i. e. art, artifice, &c.]: accord. to analogy, it should be [حَالٌ,] like مَالٌ and صَاتٌ as epithets applied to a man: (Idem pp. 530 and 531:) حَيَّالٌ, also, [in like manner,] signifies صَاحِبُ حِيلَةٍ [i. e. one who exercises art, artifice, &c., as above]; and so ↓ حِيَلِىٌّ [from حِيَلٌ, pl. of, or syn. with, حِيلَةٌ]: (TA:) and ↓ حَوْلْوَلٌ [mentioned above (in the CK, erroneously, in this instance, حَواوِل)] signifies also cunning, or intelligent, or skilful and knowing; and quick and sharp or vigorous or effective; syn. مُنْكَرٌ كَمِيشٌ; (K, TA;) applied to a man. (TA.) حَيِّلٌ: see 4, in the latter half of the paragraph.

حُوَّلِىٌّ: see حُوَّلٌ, in three places.

حَوَّالٌ: see حُوَّلٌ.

حَائِلٌ Altering, or being transmuted, or changing; or altered, or transmuted, or changed; [in any manner; and particularly] in colour; (K, TA;) and becoming, or become, black; applied to a bone, and any other thing. (TA.) b2: Anything [shifting, or moving, or] that has shifted, or moved, in فِى [app. a mistranscription for مِنْ from]) its place. (TA.) b3: A she-camel, and any female, not conceiving, or not becoming pregnant, during a year, (M, K,) or two years, (K,) or some years: (M, K:) or a she-camel not pregnant (S, Msb, K) after having been covered by the stallion; (S, K;) because denoting a change from what is usual; (Er-Rághib, TA;) and in like manner applied to a ewe, or she-goat; (TA;) and to a woman: (Msb:) pl. حِيَالٌ and حُولٌ (S, K) and حُوَّلٌ, (K,) and ↓ حُولَلٌ (M, K) is a quasi-pl. n.: (M, TA:) [whence,] حَائِلُ حُولٍ and ↓ حُولَلٌ used as intensive epithets: or حَائِلٌ signifies not conceiving in one year, (K, TA,) when she has been covered: (TA:) and حَائِلُ حُولٍ and ↓ حُولَلٍ, not conceiving during two years; (K;) not conceiving in the first year after having been covered, nor in the next following year; like عَائِطُ عُوطٍ and عِيطٍ and عُوطَطٍ: (S in art. عوط:) one says also, لَقِحَتْ عَلَى حُولٍ and ↓ حُولَلٍ [app. meaning She conceived after having failed to do so for two years; for it seems that in this case حول and حولل are inf. ns., or that the latter is a subst. having the sense of an inf. n.: see 1, and see also عُوطَطٌ]: (TA:) and ↓ مُحَوِّلٌ signifies the same as حَائِلٌ. (K.) Also A palm-tree (Msb, K) that bears one year, and not another year: (K:) or not bearing. (Msb.) b4: The female young one of a camel, at the time of her birth: the male is termed سَقْبٌ: (S, K:) pl. حُولٌ and حَوَائِلُ. (TA.) One says, نُتِجَتِ النَّاقَةُ حَائِلًا حَسَنَةً [The she-camel brought forth a beautiful female young one]. (S.) And لَا أَفْعَلُ ذَاكَ مَا أَرْزَمَتْ أُمُّ حَائِلٍ

[I will not do that as long as a mother of a female young camel utters her gentle yearning cry]. (S.) A2: Also, (Lth, Mgh, O, TA,) and ↓ حِوَالٌ (Lth, K) and ↓ حُوَلٌ and ↓ حَوَلٌ, (K,) A thing that intervenes as a separation, a partition, a fence, a barrier, or an obstacle, or obstruction, between two other things. (Lth, Mgh, * O, K.) One says, بَيْنَهُمَا ↓ هٰذَا حِوَالٌ, i. e. حَائِلٌ [This is a thing intervening as a separation, &c., between them two]; like حِجَازٌ and حَاجِزٌ. (Lth, O, TA.) حَائِلَةٌ: see حِيَلةٌ.

أَحْوَلُ; and its fem. حَوْلَآءُ: see 1, last sentence. b2: أَحْوَلُ مِنْ بَوْلِ الجَمَلِ [More wry than the urine of the he-camel]: because it does not come forth straight, but [backwards, and] inclining to one side: a prov. (TA.) b3: هُوَ أَحْوَلُ مِنْكَ He is one who has more حِيلَة [meaning art, artifice, cunning, ingenuity, or skill, in the management of affairs, &c.,] than thou; (Fr, S, K;) as also ↓ أَحْيَلُ. (K.) And النَّاسِ ↓ هُوَ أَحْيَلُ [He is the most artful, cunning, ingenious, or skilful, of men]; originally أَحْوَلُ. (MF in art. رود: see أَرْوَدُ.) أَحْيَلُ: see the next preceding paragraph, in two places.

تَحَاوِيلُ الأَرْضِ means أَنْ تُخْطِئَ حَوْلًا وَتُصِيبَ حَوْلًا, (O, K,) i. e. The leaving the land unsown one year, and sowing it another year: whereby the land is strengthened. (TK.) مَحَالٌ: see حِيلَةٌ, in two places: b2: and see also مَحَالَةٌ, in three places.

مُحَالٌ; and مُحَالٌ عَلَيْهِ; and مُحَالٌ بِهِ: see 4, in the latter half of the paragraph. b2: مُحَالٌ also signifies [Absurd; inconsistent; self-contradictory;] comprising two contradictories; as when one speaks of one body in two places in one case [or time]: (Er-Rághib, TA:) that cannot be conceived as existing in reality: (TA:) i. q. بَاطِلٌ [as meaning untrue, or unreal]; (Msb, TA;) impossible; that cannot be: (Msb:) perverted; turned from its proper way or manner of being; (K;) applied to speech; (S, K;) as also ↓ مُسْتَحِيلٌ. (K.) مُحْوِلٌ: see مُحِيلٌ: b2: and see also حَوْلِىٌّ, in two places.

مُحِيلٌ: see 4, in the latter half of the paragraph. b2: Also A woman that brings forth a boy next after a girl; or the reverse: and in like manner applied to a she-camel; as also ↓ مُحْوِلٌ and ↓ مُحَوِّلٌ: (Ks, Sgh, K:) and accord. to some, ↓ مُتَحَوِّلٌ [if not a mistranscription for مُحْوِلٌ or مُحَوِّلٌ] signifies a she-camel that brings forth one year a male, and another year a female. (TA.) b3: See also حَوْلِىٌّ.

مَحَالَةٌ: see حِيلَةٌ, in four places. b2: Also A machine (مَنْجَنُون, Lth, K) over which [passes the rope whereby] water is drawn: (Lth, TA:) and, (K,) or as some say, (TA,) a great بَكْرَة [or sheave of a pulley], (S in art. محل, and K,) by means of which camels draw water: (S ubi suprà and TA:) [see سَانِيَةٌ:] pl. مَحَاوِلُ and [coll. gen. n.] ↓ مَحَالٌ. (K.) b3: The vertebræ; as also ↓ مَحَالٌ: (K: [in the CK, الفَقَارِ is erroneously put for الفَقَارُ:]) or the latter has this meaning; and the former signifies a single vertebra: and the م may be radical: (M, TA:) pl. مَحَالَاتٌ. (T in art. ملح.) b4: The middle (وَاسِط, as in the M and O; in the K, erroneously, وَاسِطَة, TA) of the back; (M, O, K;) as also ↓ مَحَالٌ: but accord. to some, the م is radical. (TA.) مَحِيلَةٌ: see حِيلَةٌ.

مُحَوِّلٌ: see حَائِلٌ: b2: and مُحِيلٌ.

مِحْوَالٌ A man who says much that is مُحَال [or absurd, inconsistent, self-contradictory, unreal, or impossible]. (Lth, K. *) مُحْتَالٌ: see 4, in the latter half of the paragraph. b2: أَرْضٌ مُحْتَالَةٌ (tropical:) Land upon which rain has not fallen. (TA.) b3: See also حُوَّلٌ.

مُتَحَوَّلٌ [pass. part. n. of تَحَوَّلَهُ.

A2: Also] an inf. n. of تَحَوَّلَ. (Ham p. 503.) A3: And A place to which one shifts, removes, or becomes transferred. (Idem ib.) مُتَحَوِّلٌ: see مُحِيلٌ.

رِجْلٌ مُسْتَحَالَةٌ A leg that is crooked in the two extremities of its shank. (M, O, TA.) In the K, رَجُلٌ is erroneously put for رِجْلٌ, and سَاقَيْهِ for سَاقِهَا. (TA.) And ↓ قَوْسٌ مُسْتَحِيلَةٌ (S, K) and مُسْتَحَالَةٌ (K) A bow that is crooked (S, K, TA) in the portion between the part grasped by the hand and the curved extremity, or in its curved extremity. (TA.) And ↓ أَرْضٌ مُسْتَحِيلَةٌ Uneven ground: (S, TA:) or i. q. مُسْتَحَالَةٌ, (K,) which means land that has been left [unsown, or uncultivated,] a year, or years. (M, K.) مُسْتَحِيلٌ; fem. with ة: see the paragraph next preceding, in two places: b2: and see also مُحَالٌ.

A2: Also Full. (K.)



1 كَرَثَهُ, aor. ـُ (and كَرِثَ, TA, as from the K, inf. n. كَرْثٌ; TA) and ↓ اكرثهُ; It (grief, S, and an affair, TA) pressed severely upon him; oppressed him; afflicted him; distressed him; vexed him: (S, K, TA:) [as also قَرَثَهُ]. As rejects the first form, although Ru-beh uses the expression. [You say,] كَرَثَنِى الأَمْرُ The thing grieved and oppressed me: (As, in TA [but see above:] or pained me. (AA, Skr. p. 20.) b2: كَرَثَهُ الأَمْرُ The affair moved him. (A) 4 أَكْرَثَ see 1.7 انكرث It (a rope) broke. (K.) 8 اكترث He was oppressed, afflicted, distressed, or vexed. (Lth.) b2: مَا أَكْتَرِثُ لَهُ (in some copies of the S, بِهِ, which is more common, MF) I care not for him, or it: (S, K:) or I am not moved by, and do not care for, mind, heed, or regard, him, or it: (A:) or, as some say, I turn not my face towards him, or it: like

أَلْتَفِتُ. (TA.) The affirmative phrase أَكْتَرِثُ لَهُ is a deviation from ordinary usage. (Nh.) كَرَاثٌ [coll. gen. n.] A certain kind of large trees, (K,) growing on the mountains. (AHn.) [F mentions his having seen them on the mountains of Et-Táïf.]

A2: And see كُرَّاثٌ.

كَرِيثٌ: see كَارِثٌ. b2: إِنَّهُ لَكَرِيثُ الأَمْرِ [Verily he is in oppressive, afflicting, or distressing, circumstances; or timid, and retiring]: said when one is timid, or cowardly, and draws back, or desists [from an affair]. (K.) And فُلَانٌ كَرِيثٌ عَنِ الأَمْرِ Such a one is a recoiler, or shrinker, from the affair. (A in art. ربث.) A2: كَرِيثٌ is also syn. withمَكْرُــوثٌ [Oppressed, afflicted, distressed, or vexed: and app. attended with difficulty: see رَبِيثٌ] (T in art. ربث:) or كَرِيثٌ and ↓ مَكْرُــوثٌ both signify pained. (AA, Skr, p. 20.) بُسْرٌ كَريثَآءُ, and كَرَاثَآءُ, [in the copies of the K, both words are written without tenween; if rightly introduced here they would be with tenween,] (like قَرِيثَآءُ and قَرَاثَآءُ, TA,) Good, or sweet, dates, (K.) full-grown, and ripening. (TA.) The leading lexicologists [except the author of the K] agree in mentioning كريثاء [only] in art. كرث; like قريثاء in قرث: and the author of the K mentions both again in chapter ث. Ibn-Esh-Sheybánee says, قريثاء and كريثاء signify a kind of date (تَمْر): and some say, a kind of full-grown, ripening date (بُسْر), of a black colour, the skin of which quickly falls off: accord. to the Fs, a well-known kind of full-grown, green date; and said to be the best, or sweetest, kind of date in the full-grown, green state (TA.) كَرَّاثٌ: see كُرَّاثٌ.

كُرَّاثٌ (S, Msb, K) and ↓ كَرَّاثٌ (Kr, K) and ↓ كَرَاثٌ (Aboo-'Alee El Kálee) [each a coll. gen. n.,] A certain herb, or leguminous plant, (S, Msb, K,) well-known, of foul odour, (Msb, TA,) and of disagreeable juice; (TA;) [the common leek; or allium porrum of Linn; or leeks:] كُرَّاثَةٌ is a more particular term; (Msb;) [i. e. it is the n. un. of كَرَّاثٌ, signifying a single leek.]

أَمْرٌ كَارِثٌ, and ↓ كَرِيثٌ, An affair that presses severely upon one; that oppresses, afflicts, distresses, or vexes. (K.) b2: كَرَثَتْهُ الكَوَارِثُ Affairs pressed heavily upon him; or oppressed him. (A.) الكُرْبُ الكَوَارِثُ [Oppressive sorrows, or anxieties.] (S.) (See Har. p. 245) مَكْرُــوثٌ: see كَرِيثٌ.
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