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Arabic-English Lexicon by Edward William Lane (d. 1876) المعجم العربي الإنجليزي لإدوارد وليام لين

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1 شَهِلَ, aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. شَهَلٌ, (S, * O, * TA,) He (a man, S, O) had that quality of the eye which is termed شُهْلَةٌ [expl. below]; (S, O, K;) as also ↓ اشهلّ, inf. n. اِشْهِلَالٌ. (K.) [And in like manner each of these verbs is probably used as said of the eye.]2 تَشْهِيلٌ is a vulgar dial. var. of تَسْهِيلٌ [inf. n. of سَهَّلَ, q. v.]. (TA.) 3 شاهلهُ, (K,) inf. n. مُشَاهَلَةٌ, (S, O, TA,) He acted with him in an evil manner; or contended, or disputed, with him; syn. شَارَّهُ; (S, * O, * K, TA;) and لَاحَاهُ [which has the latter of these significations]: and opposed him, being opposed by him; syn. عَارَضَهُ: (TA:) he reviled him; or reviled him, being reviled by him: (K:) he exchanged bad names with him; syn. قَارَصَهُ: (S, * TA: [in the O, المُقَارَضَة is put for المُقَارَصَة:]) he bandied words with him. (S, O, TA.) 5 تشهّل, said of the freshness, or brightness, and beauty, of the face, (مَآء الوَجْه,) It went away, or departed, (O, K, TA,) by reason of emaciation. (TA.) 9 إِشْهَلَّ see 1.

شَهْلٌ A mixture of two colours. (ISk, TA.) b2: Hence, (ISk, TA,) one says, فِى فُلَانٍ وَلْعٌ and شَهْلٌ, (ISk, O, K, *) or فى فلان شَهْلٌ, (JK,) (assumed tropical:) In such a one is lying. (ISk, JK, O, K.) A2: See also شَهْلَةٌ.

شَهَلٌ [properly inf. n. of شَهِلَ]: see شُهْلَةٌ.

شَهْلَةٌ A middle-aged, intelligent woman: an epithet peculiarly applied to a woman: (S, O, K:) one says اِمْرَأَةٌ شَهْلَةٌ كَهْلَةٌ, but not ↓ رَجُلٌ شَهْلٌ كَهْلٌ; though IDrd mentions شَهْلٌ كَهْلٌ. (TA.) b2: And An old woman. (K.) شُهْلَةٌ A tinge, or mixture, of زُرْقَة [i. e. blueness, or grayness, or a greenish hue,] in the black of the eye: (S, O:) or, as also ↓ شَهَلٌ, [this latter mentioned above as inf. n. of شَهِلَ, a tint] less than زَرَقٌ, [in the CK الزُّرْق is erroneously put for الزَّرَق, which is here used in the sense of الزُّرْقَة,] and more beautiful than this, in the black of the eye: (K, TA:) thus in the M: (TA:) or a tinge of redness in the black of the eye, not in lines, like شُكْلَةٌ, but [consisting in] a paucity of blackness of the black of the eye, so that it is as though it inclined to redness: (K:) or a hue of the black of the eye between redness and blackness: or a lack of purity of the blackness thereof: or a redness in the black of the eye; شُكْلَةٌ being the like of a redness in the white thereof; thus expl. by A 'Obeyd; and in like manner by Es-Semmák. (TA.) شَهْلَآءُ fem. of أَشْهَلُ [q. v.]. (S, O, K.) A2: Also A want; syn. حَاجَةٌ: (S, O, K:) said by IF to be originally شَكْلَآءُ. (O.) شِهْلِيلِىٌّ A دِرْهَم [app. meaning a silver coin] of the measure of the breadth of the hand. (Mgh.) أَشْهَلُ, applied to a man, (S, O,) Having that quality of the eye which is termed شُهْلَةٌ: (S, O, K:) accord. to Az, syn. with أَشْكَلُ: (TA: [but see this latter epithet:]) fem. شَهْلَآءُ; (K;) which is applied as an epithet to an eye. (S, O.) b2: Also A mountain, and a wolf, dust-coloured inclining to whiteness. (En-Nadr, TA.) b3: And الأَشْهَلُ is the name of A certain idol. (Ibn-El-Kelbee, O, K.)



2 شَبَّهَهُ إِيَّاهُ and بِهِ, (MA, K,) inf. n. تَشْبِيهٌ, (S, K, KL,) He made it to be like it, or to resemble it; he assimilated it to it; (MA, KL;) i. q. مَثَّلَهُ [meaning thus: and also meaning he likened it to it, or compared it with it; agreeably with the explanation here next following]: (S, * K:) شَبَّهَتُ الشَّىْءَ بِالشَّىْءِ I put the thing in the place, or predicament, of the [other] thing, by reason of an attribute connecting them [or common to them]; which attribute may be real and ideal; real as when one says, “this dirhem is like this dirhem,” and “ this blackness is like this blackness; ” and ideal as when one says, “Zeyd is like the lion ” or “ like the ass ” i. e. in his strength or his stupidity, and “ Zeyd is like 'Amr ” i. e. in his power and his generosity and similar qualities; and sometimes it is tropical, as when one says, “ the absent is like the non-existent,” and “ the garment is like the dirhem ” i. e. the value of the garment is equivalent to the dirhem. (Msb.) شَبَّهُ, [app. for شبّه شَيْئًا بِشَىْء ٍ,] accord. to IAar, means He made a thing equal to a thing, or like a thing. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] شبّههُ عَلَيْهِ, inf. n. as above, He rendered it confused to him [by making it to appear like some other thing]; (JK, * TA;) he rendered it ambiguous, dubious, or obscure, to him. (MA.) See also 8, [with which it is, in its pass. form, and in its act. form likewise, nearly or exactly syn. in one of the senses,] in two places. b3: [And شَبَّهَتْهُ إِلَيْهِ النَّفْسُ, or الحَالُ, The mind, or the case, imaged it to him; like خَيَّلَتْهُ: see art. خيل.] See also 5, [with which, in its pass. form, this verb is nearly or exactly syn. in one sense.]

b4: [تَشْبِيهٌ used as a simple subst. means A comparison, simile, similitude, or parable: and has for its pl. تَشْبِيهَاتٌ. Hence, عَلَى التَّشْبِيهِ By way of comparison.]3 شَاْبَهَ see the next paragraph, in four places.4 اشبههُ, [inf. n. إِشْبَاهٌ;] and ↓ شابههُ, [inf. n. مُشَابَهَةٌ;] (S, K;) He was, or became, like him; he resembled him; syn. مَاثَلَهُ. (K.) One says أَشْبَهَ الوَلَدُ أَبَاهُ, and ↓ شابههُ, The child [resembled his father, or] shared with his father in some one of his qualities, or attributes. (Msb.) and مَنْ أَشْبَهَ أَبَاهُ فَمَا ظَلَمَ, (Meyd, TA,) or ↓ مَنْ يُشَابِهُ

أبَهُ فَمَا ظَلَمَ, as some relate it, (TA,) [Whoso resembles his father, he has not done that which is wrong:] a prov., meaning, he has not put the likeness in the wrong place; for there is not any one more fit, or proper, for him to resemble than he: or it may mean that the father has not done that which is wrong. (Meyd. [See also Har pp. 667-8.]) And اشبه الرَّجُلُ أُمَّهُ, (IAar, K,) and ↓ شَابَهَهَا, (K,) [The man resembled his mother,] meaning (assumed tropical:) the man became impotent, and weak. (IAar, K.) And it is said in a trad. of 'Omar, إِنَّ اللَّبَنَ يُشْبَهُ عَلَيْهِ [Verily one becomes like by feeding upon milk]: i. e. the infant that is suckled often becomes like the woman who suckles it, because of the milk: (JK:) or اللبن يشبه [app. for اللَّبَنُ يُشْبَهُ عَلَيْهِ]: i. e. one acquires a likeness to the natural dispositions of the woman who suckles [him]: or, as it is also related, ↓ يتشبّه [app. for يُتَشَبَّهُ عَلَيْهِ]. (TA.) A2: [اشبه is also a verb of wonder: hence the saying, مَا أَشْبَهَ اللَّيْلَةَ بِالبَارِحَهْ How like is this night to yesternight! expl. in art. برح.]5 تشبّه بِهِ [He became assimilated to him, or it: and he assumed, or affected, a likeness, or resemblance, to him, or it; he imitated him, or it;] he made himself to be like, or to resemble, him, or it; (MA, KL; *) i. q. تمثّل: (S, * TA: [in the former, this meaning is indicated, but not expressed:]) said of a man. (S.) See also 4, last sentence but one. b2: [Hence,] تشبّه لَهُ أَنَّهُ كَذَا It became imaged to him [in the mind, i. e. it seemed to him,] that it was so; syn. تَخَيَّلَ, (S and K * in art. خيل,) and تَخَايَلَ: (S in that art.:) and إِلَيْهِ أَنَّهُ كَذَا ↓ شُبِّهَ [signifies the same; or] it was imaged to him [in the mind] that it was so; syn. خُيِّلَ. (PS in that art.) 6 تَشَابُهٌ signifies The being equal, or uniform; syn. اِسْتِوَآءٌ: (TA:) [or rather the being consimilar.] You say, تَشَابَهَا They were like, or they resembled, each other. (MA.) And الخُطُوطُ تَتَشَابَهُ The lines are like one another; the lines resemble one another. (Mgh.) b2: See also the next paragraph, in two places.8 اِشْتَبَهَا and ↓ تَشَابَهَا They resembled each other so that they became confounded, or confused, or dubious. (K.) And اشتبه (S, MA) and ↓ تشابه (MA) It (a thing, S, MA, or an affair, MA) was, or became, ambiguous, dubious, or obscure, (MA,) عَلَىَّ [to me], (S,) or عَلَيْهِ [to him]: (MA:) and عَلَيْهِ الأَمْرُ ↓ شُبِّهَ the thing, or affair, was rendered confused, or dubious, to him: (K, * TA:) and الشَّىْءُ ↓ شَبَهٌ, also, [see مُشْتَبِهٌ,] the thing was, or became, confused, or dubious. (IAar, TA.) شِبْهٌ and ↓ شَبَهٌ are syn., (S, Msb, K,) like مِثْلٌ and مَثَلٌ, and بِدْلٌ and بَدَلٌ, and نِكْلٌ and نَكَلٌ, the only other instances of the kind, i. e. of words of both these measures, that have been heard, having the same meaning, (S and TA in art. بدل,) i. q. ↓ شَبِيهٌ, (S, Msb, K,) syn. مِثْلٌ, (K,) [i. e.] A like; a similar person or thing; (MA; Msb;) [an analogue; a match;] a fellow: (MA:) pl. (of all, TA) أَشْبَاهٌ. (K, TA.) One says, هٰذَا شِبْهُهُ [and ↓ شَبَهُهُ], i. e. ↓ شَبِيهُهُ [meaning This is the like, &c., of him, or it]. (S.) And فُلَانٌ شِبْهُكَ and ↓ شَبَهُكَ and ↓ شَبِيهُكَ [Such a one is the like, &c., of thee]. (JK.) [And ↓ بِهِ This is like him, or it. And hence, in lexicology, الأَشْبَاهُ وَالنَّظَائِرُ The words that are alike in form: generally applied to rare instances.] b2: See also the next paragraph, in two places.

شَبَهٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in three places. b2: [Hence,] syn. with شَكْلٌ [signifying A likeness, resemblance, or semblance, as meaning something resembling]; (AA, K and TA in art. شكل;) and ↓ شُبْهَةٌ is syn. with مِثْلٌ [in the same sense]: (K in the present art.: [see exs. of the latter voce عُقْرٌ:]) pl. of the former [in this sense, as is indicated in the S,] ↓ مَشَابِهُ, contr. to rule, like مَحَاسِنُ and مَذَاكِيرُ; (S, TA;) or this is a pl. having no proper sing. (TA.) One says, بَيْنَهُمَا شَبَهٌ [Between them two is a likeness, &c.]. (S,) And نَزَعَ إِلَى أَبِيهِ فِى الشَّبَهِ [He inclined to his father in likeness]. (S, in art. نزع.) And a poet cited by IAar says, أَصْبَحَ فِيهِ شَبَهٌ مِنْ أُمِّهِ مِنْ عِظَمِ الرَّأْسِ وَمِنْ خُرْطُمِّهِ [He became so that there was in him a resemblance of his mother, in respect of bigness of the head, and of his nose]. (TA.) And one says also, لَهُ ↓ بِهِ شُبْهَةٌ i. e. مِثْلٌ [In him is a likeness, or something having a likeness, to him, or it]. (TK.) b3: Also, (JK, S, Msb, K, &c.,) and ↓ شِبْهٌ, (JK, S, K,) and ↓ شَبَهَانٌ, (K, TA, but not in the CK,) [A sort of fine brass;] a metal resembling gold in its colour, the highest in quality of صُفْر [or brass]; (Msb;) yellow نُحَاس; (K;) a sort of نُحَاس (JK, T, S, M *) rendered yellow by the addition of an alloy (lit. a medicament): (T, M, * TA:) so called because resembling gold in its colour: (M, TA:) pl. أَشْبَاهُ. (K.) One says كُوزُ شَبَه ٍ and ↓ شِبْه ٍ [A mug of شبه]. (S.) A2: See also شَبَهَانٌ.

شُبْهَةٌ: see شَبَهٌ, in two places. b2: [Hence,] Confusedness, or dubiousness: (S, K:) pl. شُبَهٌ (TA) [and شُبْهَاتٌ and شُبَهَاتٌ and شُبُهَاتٌ: whence the phrase أَصْحَابُ الشُّبُهَاتِ Those persons who are of dubious characters; those who are objects of suspicion]. One says, لَيْسَ فِيهِ شُبْهَةٌ [There is not any confusedness, or dubiousness, in respect of it]: referring to property. (Msb voce شَائِبَةٌ, in art. شوب.) شَبَهَانٌ and ↓ شَبَهٌ, (K accord. to the TA,) the latter on the authority of IB, (TA, [and mentioned also in the M voce سَيَالٌ on the authority of AA,]) A certain thorny plant, (K accord. to the TA,) resembling the سَمُر [or gum-acacia-tree], (TA,) having an elegant red blossom, and grains like the شَهْدَانَج [or hemp-seed], an antidote for the bite, or sting, of venomous reptiles, beneficial for the cough, lithotriptic, and binding to the bowels. (K accord. to the TA: but see what here follows.) And ↓ شُبُهَانٌ, (K accord. to the TA,) or شَبَهَانٌ, (so in a copy of the S,) or both, (so in copies of the K,) or ↓ شَبُهَانٌ, or ↓ شُبَهَانٌ, (so in different copies of the S, [the latter of these two I find in one copy only,]) A kind of trees, of the [kind called] عِضاَه: (S, K:) or the ثُمَام [i. e. panic grass]: (K, TA, but not in the CK:) or the نَمَّام [now commonly applied to wild thyme, thymus serpyllum], (S, K), one of the sweetsmelling plants, (S,) having an elegant red flower, &c., as in the next preceding sentence. (So in copies of the K. [See شَهَبَانٌ.]) A2: See also شَبَهٌ.

شَبُهَانٌ, or شُبُهَانٌ, or شُبَهَانٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

شَبَاهٌ (Lth, JK, K) and شُبَاهٌ (CK [but not in my MS. copy of the K nor in the TA]) A certain grain, like that called حُرْف (Lth, JK, K) in colour, [see حُرْفٌ and رَشَادٌ,] which is taken, i. e. swallowed, as a medicine. (Lth, JK.) شَبِيهٌ: see شِبْهٌ, in four places.

أَشْبَهُ [More, and most, like]. أَشْبَهُ مِنَ التَّمْرَةِ بِالتَّمْرَةِ [More like than the date to the date] is a prov.: and so أَشْبَهُ مِنَ المَآءِ بِالمَآءِ [More like than water to water]. (Meyd.) b2: [And More, or most, suitable. One says, هٰذَا أَشْبَهُ بِكَ This is more suitable to thee. And هٰذَا الأَشْبَهُ This is the most suitable.]

مُشَبَّهٌ: [see its verb: b2: and] see مُشْتَبِهٌ. b3: Also, applied to the plant called نَصِىّ, Becoming yellow. (TA.) مُشَبِّهٌ: [see its verb: b2: and] see مَشْتَبِهٌ.

مَشَابِهُ: see شَبَهٌ, of which it is said to be an anomalous pl. مُشْتَبِهٌ [part. n. of 8, q. v.]. مُشْتَبِهَاتٌ, (S,) and ↓ مُشَبِّهَاتٌ, [thus agreeably with an explanation of its verb by IAar, (see 8, last sentence,)] (JK,) or أُمُورٌ مُشْتَبِهَةٌ, and ↓ مُشَبَّهَةٌ like مُعَظَّمَةٌ, (K,) Things, or affairs, that are confused or dubious [by reason of their resembling one another or from any other cause]: (JK, S, K:) [and uncertain: (see an ex. of مُشَبَّه in this sense in a verse cited voce سَنَفَ:)]

↓ مُشْتَبِهًا وَغَيْرَ مُتَشَابِه ٍ, in the Kur [vi. 99], means resembling one another so that they become confounded, or confused, or dubious, and not resembling one another &c. (TA.) مُتَشَابِهٌ Consimilar, or conformable, in its several parts: thus مُتَشَابِهًا means in the Kur xxxix. 24. (Jel.) And مُتَشَابِهَاتٌ Things like, or resembling, one another. (JK, S.) b2: See also مُشْتَبِهٌ. b3: مُتَشَابِهَاتٌ in the Kur iii. 5 means Verses that are equivocal, or ambiguous; i. e. susceptible of different interpretations: (Ksh:) or verses unintelligible; such as the commencements [of many] of the chapters: (Jel:) or the مُتَشَابِه in the Kur is that of which the meaning is not to be learned from its words; and this is of two sorts; one is that of which the meaning is known by referring it to what is termed مُحْكَم [q. v.]; and the other is that of which the knowledge of its real meaning is not attainable in any way: (TA:) or it means what is not understood without repeated con-sideration: (TA in art. فسر:) Ed-Dahhák is related to have explained المُحْكَمَاتُ as meaning “ what have not been abrogated; ” and المُتَشَابِهَاتُ as meaning what have been abrogated. (TA in the present art.)



1 تَعِبَ, (S, A, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ (A, K,) inf. n. تَعَبٌ, (S, Msb,) He [a man and a beast] was, or became, fatigued, tired, wearied [by labour or journeying &c.], or jaded; (S, A, Msb;) contr. of اِسْتَرَاحَ. (K.) [تَعَبٌ, which, used as a simple subst., may be rendered Fatigue, tiredness, weariness, or the state of being jaded, is here said in the TA to be contr. of رَاحَةٌ; and to signify شِدَّةُ العَنَآءِ, which may be rendered much fatigue &c.; but accord. to an explanation of the verb of عَنَآءٌ in the S and TA in art. عنى, this word and تَعَبٌ signify the same. See also مَتْعَبٌ.]4 اتعب He fatigued, tired, wearied, or jaded, another; (S, Msb, K;) and himself, in a work that he imposed upon himself, or in which he laboured; and his travelling-camels, by urging them quickly, or by hard journeying. (TA.) b2: (tropical:) He broke a bone again after it had been set, or consolidated: or he caused a bone to have a defect in it, after it had been set, so that there remained in it a constant swelling, or resulted a lameness: اتعب العَظْمَ signifying أَعْنَتَهُ بَعْدَ الجَبْرِ: (so in the CK:) or أَعْتَبَهُ بعد الجبر. (So in MS. copies of the K and in the TA. [In the latter, in art. عتب, this reading is confirmed; but a remark below, voce مُتْعَبٌ, rather favours the former reading, that of the CK.]) b3: (tropical:) He filled a vessel; (A, K;) as, for instance, a drinking-cup, or bowl. (A.) A2: اتعب القَوْمُ The people's cattle became fatigued, tired, wearied, or jaded. (K.) تَعِبٌ Fatigued, tired, wearied, or jaded; as also ↓ مُتْعَبٌ; (S, Msb, K;) but not مَتْعُوبٌ. (S, K.) [↓ تَعْبَان, for تَعْبَانٌ, fem. with ة, is used in this sense in the present day.]

تَعْبَان: see what next precedes.

مَتْعَبٌ A place of تَعَب [or fatigue, &c.]: b2: and tropically, syn. with تَعَبٌ: pl. مَتَاعِبُ. (Har p. 431.) مُتْعَبٌ: see تَعِبٌ. b2: Also (tropical:) A camel that has had a bone of one of his fore legs or hind legs broken and set, and has been fatigued beyond his power of endurance before the bone has consolidated, so that the fracture has become complete: whence the phrase عَظْمٌ مُتْعَبٌ [app. meaning (tropical:) a bone broken again after its having been set, or consolidated: see 4]. (TA.) b3: A vessel, as, for instance, a drinking-cup, or bowl, (tropical:) filled. (TA.) b4: Water (tropical:) squeezed forth, or expressed, from the earth, to be drunk. (A, TA.) مَتْعَبَةٌ [A cause of fatigue or weariness: a word of the same class as مَجْبَنَةٌ and مَبْخَلَةٌ: loosely explained in Har p. 475 as meaning a place of fatigue]. One says, اِسْتِخْرَاجُ المُعَمَّى مَتْعَبَةٌ لِلْخَوَاطِرِ [The eliciting of the meaning of that which is made enigmatical is a cause of fatigue to minds]. (A.)



1 تَاحَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. تَيْحٌ, It (a thing) was, or became, easy, and facilitated, or prepared. (Msb.) And تَاحَ لَهُ, (S, L, K,) aor. as above, (K,) and so the inf. n.; (TA;) and ↓ أُتِيحَ; (S, K;) It (a thing) was appointed, or ordained, to him, or for him: (S:) or was prepared for him; as also تَاحَ لَهُ, aor. ـُ (K,) inf. n. تَوْحٌ: (TA:) and it (an event) was appointed, ordained, or decreed, to betide him. (L.) One says, وَقَعَ فِى مَهْلَكَةٍ فَتَاحَ لَهُ رَجُلٌ فَأَنْقَذَهُ, [He fell into a place of destruction, and a man was appointed, or ordained, or prepared, for him, and he saved him]: (Lth, TA:) or لَهُ مَنْ أَنْقَذَهُ ↓ فَأُتِيحَ and تَاحَ لَهُ مَنْ خَلَّصَهُ [and there was appointed, &c., for him he who saved him]. (A.) A2: تَاحَ فِى مِشْيَتِهِ He affected an inclining of his body from side to side in his gait, or manner of walking. (S, K.) 4 اتاحهُ, (S, A, Msb, K,) inf. n. إِتَاحَةٌ, (Msb,) He (God, S, A, Msb, K) made it (a thing) easy; facilitated it; (Msb;) or prepared it: (S, A;) whether good or evil; (TA;) لَهُ to him, or for him. (S, A.) One says, وَقَعَ فِى مَهْلَكَةٍ فَأَتَاحَ اللّٰهُ لَهُ مَنْ أَنْقَذَهُ [He fell into a place of destruction, and God appointed, or prepared, for him, him who saved him]. (Lth, TA.) And it is said in a trad., لأُتِيحَنَّهُمْ فِتْنَةً [I will assuredly appoint, or ordain, or prepare, for them trial, or punishment, or conflict and faction, or the like]. (TA.) See also 1, in two places.

تَيِّحَانٌ, (T, S, A,) or تَيَّحَانٌ, (so in one copy of the S,) or both, (L, K,) like شَيِّآنٌ and شَيَّآنٌ applied to a horse, and هَيِبَّانٌ and هَيَبَّانٌ applied to a man, the only other instances of the kind, (L,) or the former is not allowable, (Ham p. 58,) so says Sb, as is stated in a marginal note in a copy of the S, (TA,) applied to a horse, meaning That goes obliquely, (S, A, K,) by reason of briskness, liveliness, or sprightliness, (S, K,) and bends over on each side; (S, A,) as also ↓ تَيَّاحٌ and ↓ مِتْيَحٌ: (S, A, K:) or that runs vehemently: and all signify, applied to a horse, fleet, swift, or excellent in running. (T, TA.) AHeyth explains the first and second as meaning Tall, or long. (TA.) b2: It is also applied to a man, meaning Who addresses himself to every generous action, and difficult affair: (T, TA:) or forward, officious, meddling, or a busybody, (A, and Ham pp. 58 and 505,) who says that which does not concern him: (Ham p. 505:) or who obtrudes himself, or interferes, in affairs: (Abu-l-'Alà

El-Ma'arree in a marginal note in a copy of the S, and Ham p. 58:) or, as also ↓ مِتْيَحٌ, (S K,) and ↓ تَيَّاحٌ, (K,) who obtrudes himself, or interferes, in that which does not concern him: (S, K:) or who falls into trials, or afflictions: (K:) or ↓ مِتْيَحٌ, (TA,) which is also applied as an epithet to a heart, (S, A, TA,) signifies who obtrudes himself, or interferes, in everything, and falls into that which does not concern him; or who incessantly falls into trials, or afflictions; and its fem. is with ة; (TA;) or who intrudes among a people whose affair, or business, is not his: (IAar, T, TA:) and ↓ مِتْيَاحٌ, (K,) applied to a man, (TA,) signifies much in motion; forward, officious, meddling, or a busybody. (K,* TA. [In the CK, العَريضُ is erroneously put for العِرِّيضُ.]) تَيَّاحٌ: see تَيِّحَانٌ, in two places.

مُتَاحٌ A thing appointed, ordained, or decreed; as also ↓ مِتْيَاحٌ. (K.) مِتْيَحٌ: see تَيِّحَانٌ, in three places.

مِتْيَاحٌ: see تَيِّحَانٌ: A2: and مُتَاحٌ.



أب1 ثُئِبَ, ('Eyn, T, M, K,) like عُنِىBَ, (K,) and ثَئِبَ, (IKoot, L, and so in a copy of the A,) inf. n. ثَأْبٌ, (K,) or ثَأَبٌ, (M,) He became relaxed and sluggish; said of a man: (A:) or he became affected with sluggishness and languor; (M;) as also ↓ تثآءب: (M, A:) or he became affected with sluggishness and languor like the languor of drowsiness; as also ↓ تثآءب and ↓ تثأّب; (K;) which last is approved by IDrd and Thábit Es-Sara- kustee, who disallow ↓ تثآءب, though this is the form commonly known and approved, and is the most chaste form: (TA:) or he became affected with languor like the heaviness of drowsiness, in consequence of something that he had eaten or drunk, without becoming insensible; (T;) as also ↓ تثآءب: (L:) or ↓ this last signifies he yawned, or opened his mouth, (Mgh, Msb,) by reason, (Mgh,) or on the occasion, (Msb,) of languor (Mgh, Msb,) like the heaviness of drowsiness; (Mgh;) or he yawned, or opened his mouth, and stretched himself, on being affected by sluggishness or drowsiness or anxiety; (MF, TA, on the authority of IDrst;) or he yawned, or opened his mouth, and emitted wind from his stomach, by reason of some affection thereof: (TA on the authority of EtTedmuree:) التَّثَاؤُبُ is from الثُّؤَبَآءُ; (Az, T, S, Mgh;) and is on the occasion of one's stretching himself, and being languid: (Lth, T:) one should not say تَثَاوَبَ; (Az, T, S, O, Mgh;) [for] this is vulgar. (Msb.) Hence, أَحَدُكُمْ فَلْيُغَطِّ ↓ إِذَا تَثَأَءَبَ فَاهُ [When any one of you yawns, he should cover his mouth with the back of his left hand; for it is believed that the devil leaps into the uncovered yawning mouth]. (Mgh.) 5 تَثَاَّ^َ see 1.6 تَثَاَّ^َ see 1, in six places.

ثُؤَبَآءُ, (T, S, M, K, &c.,) as also ثُؤْبَآء, accord. to Ibn-Mis-hal, but this is strange, (TA,) is a subst. derived from التَّثَاؤُبُ, like مُطُوَآءُ from التَّمَطِّى; (T;) or from ثَئِبَ; and means A state of relaxation and sluggishness: (A:) or sluggishness and languor (M, K) like the languor of drowsiness: (K:) or languor like the heaviness of drowsiness, in consequence of something that one has eaten or drunk, not attended by insensibility: (T, L:) or a yawning, or opening the mouth, by reason of languor like the heaviness of drowsiness: (Mgh:) or a yawning, or opening the mouth, and stretching oneself, on being affected by sluggishness or drowsiness or anxiety: (IDrst, MF, TA:) or a yawning, or opening the mouth, and emitting wind from the stomach, by reason of some affection thereof. (Et-Tedmuree, TA.) Hence the prov., أَعْدَى مِنَ الثُّؤَبَآءِ, (S, A, TA,) and [الثُّوَبَآءِ,] without ء, as some say; (MF;) or the pronunciation without ء is vulgar, (IDrst, TA,) or erroneous; (TA;) [More catching than yawning;] for when a man yawns ( اذا تثاءب ) in the presence of others, they become affected as he is. (TA.) مَثْؤُوبٌ Affected with sluggishness and languor like the languor of drowsiness: from ثُئِبَ, q. v. (K.)



1 لَاحَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. لَوْحٌ, It (a thing) shone; gleamed; glistened. (S.) b2: لَاحَ, (aor. ـُ inf. n. لَوْحٌ and لُؤُوحٌ and لَوَحَانٌ; TA;) and ↓ الاح; It (lightning) flashed slightly, not extending sideways in the adjacent tracts of cloud: (S, K:) or ↓ الاح signifies it lighted up what surrounded it. (TA.) b3: لَاحَ, (S, Msb,) aor. ـُ (Msb;) inf. n. [لَوْحٌ and] لِيَاحٌ; (IAth;) It appeared: (IAth, Msb:) it (a star) appeared, (S, Msb,) as also ↓ الاح, (S, K,) [it loomed,] and shone, gleamed, or glistened; (TA;) as also ↓ الاح: (Msb, TA:) ISk says, لَاحَ سُهَيْل Canopus appeared; (S;) and ↓ الاح it shone and glistened. (S, K.) b4: لاح, and ↓ الاح, He (a man) came forth and became apparent. (A 'Obeyd.) b5: لَاحَ لِى أَمْرُكَ, and ↓ تلوّح, (tropical:) Thine affair became apparent and manifest to me. (A.) b6: لَاحَ الشَّيْبُ فِى رَأْسِهِ Hoariness appeared upon his head. (TA.) b7: لَاحَهُ, aor. ـُ He saw him, or it. (K.) b8: لَاحَ إِلَى كَذَا, aor. ـُ He looked at, or towards, such a thing; as a distant fire. (L.) b9: لَاحَهُ بِبَصَرِهِ, aor. ـُ inf. n. لَوْحَةٌ, [so in the L,] He saw him, or it, and then he or it became concealed from him. (L.) b10: See 4.

A2: لَاحَ, (S,) aor. ـُ (TA,) inf. n. لَوْحٌ (S, K,) and لُوحٌ (K) and لُوَاحٌ (S, K) and لُؤُوحٌ and لَوَحَانٌ; (K;) and ↓ التاح; (S, K;) He thirsted: (S, K;) or he thirsted in the slightest degree: (TA:) or he thirsted quickly. (Lh.) b2: لَاحَهُ, (aor. ـُ inf. n. لَوْحٌ, TA,) It (thirst, K, or travel, S, K, and cold, and disease or illness, and grief, TA,) altered him, (S, K,) and made him lean, lank, light of flesh, slender, or lank in the belly; (TA;) as also ↓ لوّحهُ, (K,) inf. n. تَلْوِيحٌ: or the latter signifies it (the heat of fire or of the sun) altered the colour of his skin: (TA:) or both verbs signify it parched, scorched, or burned, and blackened, his skin. (Zj.) الشَّمْسُ ↓ لَوَّحَتْهُ The sun altered him, and scorched, i. e. slightly burned, and changed the colour of, his face; (S;) and in like manner fire, and the hot wind called سَمُوم; as also لَاحَتْهُ. (A.) 2 لوّح, (inf. n. تَلْوِيحٌ, TA,) He heated (S, K) a thing with fire. (S; see MA, and see 1.) b2: لوّحهُ الشَّيْبُ Hoariness altered him; (TA;) rendered him white. (K, TA.) b3: See 1, and 4.4 أَلْوَحَ See 1 throughout the first half. b2: الاح مِنَ الشَّىْءِ, (inf. n. الاحة, TA,) (tropical:) He (a man) was cautious and fearful of the thing. (S, K. *) A2: الاح بِثَوْبِهِ, (L,) and به ↓ لوّح, (Lh, S, L,) and به ↓ لاح, (L,) (tropical:) He made a sign with his garment, (S, L,) from a distant place, taking the end of it in his hand, and waving it about, to make it seen by some one whom he desired to see it. (L.) الاح بِسَيْفِهِ; (S, K;) and به ↓ لوّح, (K,) inf. n. تَلْوِيحٌ; (TA:) (tropical:) He made a sign with his sword, (S, K,) and waved it, or moved it about, [for the purpose above mentioned]. (TA.) b2: لوّح لِلْكَلْبِ بِرَغِيفٍ فَتَبِعَهُ (tropical:) He made a sign to the dog with a cake of bread, and he followed him. (A.) A3: الاح بِحَقَِّىِ He went away with, or took away, that which belonged to me. (ISk, S.) A4: الاحهُ, (inf. n. إِلَاحَةٌ, TA,) He destroyed him or it. (S, K.) 8 إِلْتَوَحَ see 1.10 استلاح He sought, tried, or endeavoured, to see, syn. تَبَصَّرَ, (K,) فِى الأَمْرِ into the affair, or thing. (TA.) لَوْحٌ A look; syn. نَظْرَةٌ; [or rather a glance, or light or quick look;] like لَمْحَةٌ. (K.) A2: See لُوحٌ

A3: Any broad, or wide, and thin, thing, such as a board or plank or the like, of wood or of bone: (T, M, Msb, K:) pl. أَلْوَاحٌ, and pl. pl. أَلَاوِيحُ. (K.) A word of this kind has not a pl. of the measure أَفْعُلٌ, because dammeh to the و is disliked. (Sb.) b2: أَلْوَاحٌ i. q. لَوَائِحُ, q. v. b3: The scapula or shoulder-blade, (T, S, Msb, K,) when it is written upon, or inscribed. (T, Msb, K.) b4: Any wide bone: (S, Msb:) or any bone of the body, except the bones called قَصَب of the arms and legs. (Msb.) See also مِلْوَاحٌ. b5: لَمْ يَبْقَ مِنْهُ إِلَّا الالواح (tropical:) There remained of him nothing but the wide bones. Said of one that is lean, or emaciated. (A.) b6: لَوْحُ الكَتِفِ The smooth part of the shoulder-blade, where its projecting part (عَيْر [so I read for غير, in the L]) terminates, in the upper portion. (L.) b7: لَوْحٌ That [meaning a tablet] upon which one writes. (S.) b8: كَتَبْنَا لَهُ فِى الأَلْوَاحِ [We wrote for him upon the tablets, or tables]. (Kur vii. 142.) They are said to have been two tablets; but it is allowable to call two tablets الواح. (Zj.) b9: اللَّوْحُ المَحْفُوظُ, mentioned in the Kur, [chap. lxxxv. last verse, The Preserved, or Guarded, Tablet, whereon are said to be inscribed all the divine decrees;] (tropical:) the depository of the decrees, or willed events, ordained by God: (TA:) or i. q. أُمُّ الكِتَابِ: or a light which appears to the angels, showing to them the things which they are commanded to do, and which they obey. (Msb.) لُوحٌ (S, K) and ↓ لَوْحٌ, (Lh, K,) but the former is of higher authority, (K,) and the latter is mentioned by none but Lh, (TA,) The air, or atmosphere, (S, K,) between heaven and earth: (S:) the air next to the higher part, or to the clouds, of the sky; syn. سُكَاك: this is its meaning in the phrase لَا أَفْعَلُ ذٰلِكَ وَلَوْ نَزَوْتَ فِى اللُّوحِ [I will not do that even if thou leap into the air next to the higher part, or to the clouds, of the sky]. (S.) إِبِلٌ لَوْحَى Thirsty camels. (S, K.) لَيَاحٌ: see لِيَاحٌ.

شَىْءٌ لِيَاحٌ, (S, K,) and ↓ لَيَاحٌ, (K,) A white thing. (S.) The و is changed into ى because of the kesreh before it. (Fr, S.) لَيَاحٌ is extr.; for there is no reason for the change of the و therein into ى, unless for alleviation of the sound. (L.) b2: Also لِيَاحٌ and ↓ لَيَاحٌ Of a shining, or glistening, white hue. (L.) b3: أَبْيَضُ لِيَاحٌ, and ↓ لَيَاحٌ, (tropical:) Intensely white. (K, TA.) b4: Also لِيَاحٌ (S, K) and ↓ لَيَاحٌ (K) The wild bull: (S, K:) so called because of his whiteness. (S.) b5: Also both words, The daybreak, or dawn: (K:) so called for the same reason. (TA.) b6: لَقِيتُهُ بِلِيَاحٍ I met him at the period of the afternoon called العَصْر, when the sun was white. (L.) لَوَّاحَةٌ لِلْبَشَرِ, [Kur, lxxiv. 29, referring to سَقَرُ,] Burning the [scarf-] skin so as to blacken it. (Zj.) لَوَائِحُ شَىْءٍ [pl. of لَائِحَةٌ] The parts of a thing that are apparent, and that show the signs thereof. (TA.) لَوَائِحُ and ↓ أَلْوَاحٌ The external parts of a thing. (A.) لَوَاحِى الشَّيْبِ The apparent signs of hoariness, occurs in a verse of Khufáf Ibn-Nudbeh, for لَوَائِح الشيب. (TA.) b2: السِّلَاحِ ↓ أَلْوَاحُ Shining, gleaming, or glistening, weapons; such as the sword, (S, K,) end the like, (K,) and the spear-head; (S;) generally meaning swords, because of their whiteness: (ISd:) or, as some say, the cases, or receptacles, in which are the swords together with their scabbards and suspensory belts or strings, because made of boards. (IB.) 'Amr Ibn-Ahmar ElBáhilee says, تُمْسِى كَأَلْوَاحِ السِّلَاحِ وَتُضْ حِى كَالْمَهَاةِ صَبِيحَةَ القَطْرِ [In the evening she is like shining weapons, (so accord. to the S.) or like sword-cases, (accord. to IB,) and in the early part of the day, after sunrise, she is like the wild cow on the morning of, or after, rain]. IB says, that the poet means, in the evening she is lean, or slender, like a sword-case; but in the morning, like a wild cow, &c. (L.) مِلْوَحٌ: see مِلْوَاحٌ, مِلْوَاحٌ Large in the أَلْوَاح, (K,) meaning [the shoulder-blades, or] any of the wide bones of the body: applied to a camel and to a man: (TA:) or having excellent and large الواح: (Sh, AHeyth:) and الواح is said to mean the ذِرَاعَانِ [or two radii], the سَاقَانِ [or two tibiæ], and the عَضُدَانِ [or two humeri, or upper bones of the arms]. (TA.) b2: Tall. (K.) b3: Lean, lank, or light of flesh; or slender, or lank in the belly: (K:) applied alike to a man and a woman: also, a beast of carriage that becomes so quickly: (TA:) also, a woman that quickly becomes lean, or emaciated: (K:) pl. مَلَاوِيحُ. (TA.) b4: مِلْوَاحٌ A beast (S) that quickly becomes thirsty; (S, K;) as also ↓ مِلْوَحٌ (K) and مِلْيَاحٌ; (IAar, K;) the last extr., as though the و were changed into ى because of the kesreh which is near before it, and as though they had imagined a kesreh to the ل. (ISd.) b5: رِيحٌ مِلْوَاحٌ [A very thirsty wind]. (TA, voce نَكْبَآءُ.) A2: [A kind of decoy-bird. See رَامِقٌ.]

مِلْيَاحٌ: see مِلْوَاحٌ.

مُلَوَّحٌ Altered by fire, or by the sun, or by travel, [&c.]: an arrow, before it is furnished with feathers and a head, altered by fire; and in like manner the iron head of an arrow or of a spear, or the like: (TA:) also ↓ مُلْتَاحٌ altered (K) by the sun, or by travel, &c. (TA.) مُلْتَاحٌ: see مُلَوَّحٌ.



1 نَفَقَتِ السُّوقُ The marked became brisk, its goods selling much; syn. قَامَت. (K.) b2: نَفَقَ It was, or became, saleable; easy, or ready, of sale; or in much demand: see its syn. رَاجَ. b3: نَفَقَتْ It (a commodity, سِلْعَة,) was in much demand: and she (a woman) was demanded in marriage by many. (Msb.) b4: نَفِقَتِ الدَّراَهِمُ, inf. n. نَفَقٌ, The dirhems passed away, came to an end, or became spent or exhausted; syn. نَفِدَت. (Msb.) 3 نَافَقَ He played the hypocrite in religion: (K, TA:) he pretended, to the Muslims, that he held the religion of El-Islám, concealing in his heart another religion than El-Islám. (Msb.) And نَافَقَ فُلاَنًا He acted with such a one hypocritically. (TK in art. دهن. [But I have not found this elsewhere.]) And نَافَقَ فِى المَحَبَّةِ [He acted the hypocrite in respect of love]. (Har, p. 505.) See خَانَ.4 أَنْفَقَ He expended money: and he (God or a man) dispensed gifts.5 تَنَفَّفَتِ الجَزُورُ [The slaughtered camel became dealt out, or dispensed]. (S, K in art. شيط.) b2: تَنَفَّقَ: see Har, p. 472. b3: تَنَفَّقَ It (a wound) cracked in its sides, and made, in the flesh, what resembled ↓ أَنْفَاق, i. e. holes in the ground, or subterranean excavations or habitations, pl. of نَفَقٌ. (TA in art. دسم.) نَفَقٌ

: see سَرَبٌ b2: أَنْفَاقٌ The hole of rats or mice. (S, TA in art. خفى:) see 1 in that art.: holes in the ground; or subterranean excavations or habitations; pl. of نَفَقٌ. (TA in art. دسم.) See 5.

A2: Also Fresh olive-oil: see فَاقٌ in art. فوق: also mentioned in art. نفق in the TA.

نَفَقَةٌ What one expends, of money and the like, (K, TA,) upon himself and upon his family or household. (TA.) نَيْفَقٌ The part of a pair of drawers, or trousers, which is turned down at the top, and sewed, and through which the waistband, or string, passes. See نُقْبَة.



1 مَهَرَ المَرْأَةَ, (Az, S, A, Mgh, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ (S, Msb, K) and مَهُرَ, (K,) inf. n. مَهْرٌ, (S, Msb, TA,) He gave the woman a مَهْر [or dowry]: (A, Mgh, Msb, K:) or he assigned to her (جَعَلَ لَهَا) a مَهْر: (K:) and ↓ أَمْهَرَهَا signifies the same as مَهَرَهَا, (Az, S, Msb, K,) which is of the dial. of Temeem, and the more usual: (Msb:) or مَهَرَهَا has the first of the above significations, (A, Mgh, Msb, K,) or signifies he set apart for her a مَهْر: (Msb:) and ↓ أَمْهَرَهَا signifies he named for her a مَهْر and married her to himself for it; (A, Mgh;) or he married her to another man for a certain مَهْر; (Msb, K;) or he sent for her a مَهْر. (TA.) A2: مَهَرَ الشَّىْءَ, (S, K,) and فِيهِ, and بِهِ (K,) and فِيهِ ↓ تمهّر, (K, * TA,) and مَهَرَ صِنَاعَتَهُ, (A,) and فِيهَا, (Mgh, Msb,) and بِهَا, and فِيهَا ↓ تمهّر, (A,) and مَهَرَ فِى العِلْمِ وَغَيْرِهِ, (Msb,) aor. ـَ (Msb, K,) inf. n. مَهَارَةٌ (S, A, Mgh, L, Msb, K) and مِهَارَةٌ (L) and مُهُورٌ (Msb, K) and مَهَارٌ and مَهْرٌ, (K,) He was, or became, skilled, or expert, (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K,) in the thing, (S, K,) and in his art, or craft, (A, Mgh, Msb,) and in science, &c., (Msb,) knowing its abstrusities and niceties, or having learned the whole of it; syn. حَذَقَ. (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K.) 2 مهّر, inf. n. تَمْهِيرٌ, He desired a colt: (K, TA:) he procured for himself a colt. (JK, K, TA.) [In the CK, and in a MS. copy of the K, we find المَهْر put by mistake for المُهْر.] Aboo-Zubeyd says, describing a lion, أَقْبَلَ يَرْدِى كَمَا يَرْدِى الحِصَانُ إِلَى

مُسْتَعْسِبٍ أَرِبٍ مِنْهُ بِتَمْهِيرِ He came [beating the ground with his feet] like as a horse comes [so beating the ground] to a man borrowing him for covering, wanting by his means to procure for himself a colt. (TA.) [In the L, and TA, يَرْوِى is put for يردى in both instances: but it is corrected by SM in the margin of the L.]4 امهر المَرْأَةَ: see 1, in two places.

A2: امهر النَّاقَةَ He called, or rendered, (جَعَلَ) the she-camel a مَهْرِيَّة: (K:) [it has sometimes, if not always, the latter meaning; for] it is said of the breaker, or trainer; and is like أَرْحَلَهَا. (TA, in art. رحل.) A3: امهرت الفَرَسُ The mare had a colt following her. (TA.) 5 تَمَهَّرَ see 1, in two places.

مَهْرٌ A dowry; a nuptial gift; a gift that is given to, or for, a bride; syn. صَدَاقٌ: (S, A, Msb, K:) pl. مُهُورٌ, (K,) or مُهُورَةٌ, like as بُعُولَةٌ is pl. of بَعْلٌ, and فُحُولَةٌ of فَحْلٌ. (Msb.) زَوْجٌ مَهْرٍ

A husband from whom a dowry is got: (S, art. بهر:) or a husband who has not nobility of race, and who therefore doubles the dowry to make himself desired. (TA, same art.) See بَهْرٌ. b2: The hire of a prostitute. Ex. نَهَى عَنْ مَهْرِ البَغِىّ He forbade [receiving] the hire of the prostitute. (Mgh, Msb.) مُهْرٌ A colt; the male foal of a mare; (S, K;) and of a mare kept for breeding: (TA:) or the first male offspring of a mare or other animal; (K;) i. e., of a tame ass; &c.: (ISd, TA:) fem. with ة; a filly: (S, Msb, K:) and dim. مُهَيْرٌ: (JK:) pl. masc., (of pauc., TA,) أَمْهَارٌ, and (of mult., TA) مِهَارٌ and مِهَارَةٌ; (S, Msb, K;) and pl. fem. مُهَرٌ and مُهَرَاتٌ. (S, Msb.) إِبِلٌ مَهْرِيَّةٌ Camels of Mahreh; i. e. certain camels, so called in relation to Mahreh Ibn-Heydán, (T, S, Msb, K,) a tribe, (K,) or a great tribe, (TA,) or the father of a tribe of El-Yemen: (S:) or in relation to Mahreh, a district of 'Omán: (Msb:) they are excellent camels, that outstrip horses; and some add, that they are unequalled in quickness of running, understanding what is desired of them with the least training, and having names, by which being called, they answer quickly: (Msb:) [and hence, any such like camels; i. e. any excellent, fleet, camels: (see 4:) n. un. مَهْرِىٌّ:] pl. مَهَارِىُّ [which is irreg. like ظَهَارِىٌّ] (S, Msb, K) and مَهَارٍ (S, K) and مَهَارَى, (K, TA,) written in the L مَهَارِى, (TA,) [and so in the CK,] or مَهَارَا, the ى being changed into ا, (Msb,) [but it generally retains the form of ى, though pronounced ا.] See also حُوشِىٌّ.

مَهِيرَةٌ [A woman to whom a dowry has been given: and hence,] a free [married] woman: (S, K:) opposed to سُرِّيَّةٌ: (A:) pl. مَهَائِرُ. (A, TA.) And, (TA,) One whose dowry is dear. (K, TA.) مَاهِرٌ Skilled, or skilful, (A, Msb, K,) فى

صِنَاعَتِهِ, in his art, (A, Msb,) and بكُلِّ عَمَلٍ, in every work, (A, K,) فِى عِلْمِ وَغَيْرِهِ in science &c., (Msb,) knowing its abstrusities and niceties, or having learned the whole of it; syn. حَاذِقٌ: (A, Msb, K:) and, (K,) in most instances, (TA,) [but only when used absolutely,] a good swimmer; (JK, K;) as also ↓ مُتَمَهِّرٌ: (Z, TA;) pl. مَهَرَةٌ: (A, K:) also ↓ مُتَمَهِّرٌ a lion skilled in slaying his prey. (K.) مُمْهِرٌ A mare having a colt or foal. (S, K.) مَمْهُورَةٌ A woman dowered; to whom a dowry has been given; or for whom a dowry has been set apart. (Msb.) It is said in a proverb, كَالْمَمْهُورَةِ إِحْدَى خَدَمَتَيْهَا [Like her who has been dowered with one of her two anklets]: (S, K:) or أَحْمَقُ مِنَ الْمَمْهُورَةِ إِحْدَى خَدَمَتَيْهَا [More stupid than she who has been dowered with one of her two anklets]: (Mgh:) applied to him who has reached the utmost degree of stupidity: from the following case: (TA:) a stupid woman demanded of her husband her dowry, (K, TA,) when he paid her his first visit, and she said, I will not obey thee unless thou give me my dowry: (TA:) so he pulled off one of her two anklets (K, TA) from her foot, (TA,) and gave it to her, and she was content with it. (K, TA.) In like manner, a certain man gave to another property, and he married with it the daughter of the giver, and then reproached her for the dowry he had given her: so they said, كَالْمَمْهُورَةِ مِنْ مَالِ أَبِيهَا [Like her who has been dowered from the property of her father]: (K, TA:) [a proverb] applied in relation to him who reproaches for that which is not his own. (TA.) مُتَمَهِّرٌ: see مَاهِرٌ, in two places.



1 نَفَعَهُ It profited him; availed him; was of use or benefit, or was useful or beneficial, to him. b2: نَفَعَهُ مِنْهُ: see an ex. voce جَدٌّ. b3: يَنْفَعُ لِكَذَا, and مِنْ كَذَا, It (a medicine) is good, beneficial, or profitable, as a remedy, for, or against, such a thing, meaning such a disease or the like.2 نَفَّعَهُ

, inf. n. تَنْفِيعٌ, He caused نَفْع to come to him. (TA.) 8 اِنْتَفَعَ بِهِ He benefited or profited by it; made use of it; had the use of it; enjoyed it; like تَمَتَّعَ بِهِ. See 10.10 اِسْتَنْفَعَهُ He sought, or demanded, his profiting him, or being useful to him. (IAar, TA.) b2: And اِسْتَنَفَعَ sometimes occurs in the sense of ↓ اِنْتَفَعَ. (TA.) نَفْعٌ contr. of ضَرٌّ: (TA:) or a thing whereof one makes use for the attainment of good: (B:) or good: or a means of attaining one's desire. (Msb.) مَنْفَعَةٌ [A cause, or means, of advantage, profit, utility; or benefit: and simply, advantage; profit, or profitableness; utility, use, usefulness; or benefit:] contr. of مَضَرَّةٌ. (S, art. ضر.)



1 بَارَ, (S, M, Msb,) aor. ـُ (Msb,) inf. n. بَوَارٌ (Lth, T, S, M, K) and بَوْرٌ, (M, K,) or بُورٌ, (Msb,) He, (S,) or it, (Msb,) perished. (Lth, T, S, M, Msb, K.) You say, بَادُوا وَ بَارُوا [They became extinct, and perished]. (A.) b2: [Hence,] بَارَتِ الأَرْضُ (tropical:) The land was, or became, in a bad, or corrupt, state, and uncultivated; (K, * TA;) was unsown. (A.) b3: And بَارَ عَمَلُهُ (assumed tropical:) His work was, or proved, vain, or ineffectual: such is the signification of the verb in the Kur xxxv. 11. (S, K.) b4: And بَارَ, (T, S, &c.,) aor. as above, inf. n. بَوَارٌ, (Msb,) (tropical:) It (a thing, Msb, or commodity, T, S, A, Mgh) was, or became, unsaleable, or difficult of sale, or in little demand: (T, S, A, Mgh, Msb:) because a thing, when neglected, becomes of no use, and thus resembles that which perishes. (Msb.) b5: And بَارَتِ السُّوقُ, (T, M,) inf. n. بَوْرٌ and بَوَارٌ, (K,) (tropical:) The market was, or became, stagnant, or dull, with respect to traffic. (T, M, K.) b6: And بَارَتِ الأَيِّمُ, (A,) inf. n. بَوَارٌ, (T, S, K,) (tropical:) The woman without a husband was not desired, or sought for: (A:) or remained in her house long without being demanded in marriage. (T, K.) b7: [بَارَ is also used as an imitative sequent of حَارَ; like as بَائِرٌ is of حَائِرٌ: see exs. in art. حور.]

A2: بَارَ النَّاقَةَ, (T, S, A, K,) aor. as above, (T, S, A,) inf. n. بَوْرٌ, (S,) He brought the she-camel to the stallion to see if she were pregnant or not: (T, S, A, K:) for if she is pregnant, she voids her urine in his face (S, K) when he smells her. (S.) b2: Also He (the stallion) smelt the she-camel to know if she were pregnant or not; (T, S, M, K;) and so ↓ ابتارها. (S, M.) b3: Hence the saying, بُرْ لِى مَا عَنْدَ فُلَانٍ (tropical:) Try thou, or examine, and learn, for me, what is in the mind (نَفْس S) of such a one. (S, A. *) You say, بَارَهُ, (T, S, M, K,) aor. as above, (T, S,) inf. n. بَوْرٌ; (T, M, K;) and ↓ ابتارهُ, (M,) inf. n. اِبْتِيَارٌ; (S, K;) meaning (tropical:) He tried him; assayed him; proved him by experiment or experience; examined him. (T, S, M, K.) ElKumeyt says, ↓ ةِ إِمَّا ابْتِهَارًا و إِمَّا ابْتِيَارَا قَبِيحٌ بِمِثْلِىَ نَعْتُ الفَتَا (T, S) (tropical:) It were foul in the like of me to characterize the damsel either by false accusation or by trying, with speaking truth, to elicit what is in her mind (مَا عِنْدَهَا [i. e. مَا فِى نَفْسِهَا, agreeably with an explanation given above]): (S, TA:) or ↓ ابتيارا, which is without ء, here signifies by asserting with truth my having had sexual intercourse with her: (TA:) [for] ابتارها signifies he asserted with truth that he had had sexual intercourse with her; and ابتهرها “ he asserted the same falsely: ” (A 'Obeyd, T:) and the former signifies also he had sexual intercourse with her (K, TA) by force; he ravished her: (TA:) or ابتار signifies he charged, or upbraided, a person with that which was not in him; and ابتهر “ he charged, or upbraided, with that which was in him. ” (TA in art. بهر.) 4 ابارهُ He (God) destroyed him; caused him to perish. (S, M, A, K.) 8 إِبْتَوَرَ see 1, in four places.

أَرْضٌ بَوْرٌ, (A 'Obeyd, T, &c.,) in which the latter word is an inf. n. [of 1] used as an epithet, (IAth,) (tropical:) Land not sown; (A 'Obeyd, T, S, IAth;) as also ↓ بَوَارٌ, [likewise an inf. n. used as an epithet,] of which the pl. is بُورٌ: (A, IAth:) or land before it is prepared for sowing (AHn, M, K) or planting: (AHn, M:) or land that is left to lie fallow one year, that it may be sown the next year: (K:) and ↓ أَرْضٌ بَائِرٌ, (Zj, M, K,) and ↓ بَائِرَةٌ, (Zj, K,) and ↓ بُورٌ, [which is originally an inf. n.,] (K,) or الأَرْضِ ↓ بُورُ, [in which the former word may be pl. of بَوَارٌ, mentioned above,] (M,) (tropical:) land that is in a bad state, and uncultivated, (K, * TA,) unsown, (M, TA,) and not planted: (TA:) or left unsown. (Zj, M.) You say also, أَصْبَحَتْ

↓ مَنَازِلُهُمْ بُورًا (assumed tropical:) Their abodes became void, having nothing in them. (Fr, T.) b2: See also بُورٌ.

بُورٌ A bad, or corrupt, man; (S, A, K;) and one (M, K) in a state of perdition; (S, M, A, K;) in whom is no good; (S, K;) originally an inf. n., (Fr, T,) and [therefore, as an epithet,] applied also to a female, (AO, T, S, M, K,) and to two persons, and more: (AO, T, M, K:) [but see what here follows:] ↓ بَائِرٌ, also, signifies bad, or corrupt; destitute of good; (Zj, M;) a man in a state of perdition; (AO, T, S;) and its pl., (K,) or rather quasi-pl., (M, TA,) is ↓ بَوْرٌ, (M, K,) like as نَوْمٌ is of نَائِمٌ, and صَوْمٌ of صَائِمٌ; (M, TA;) and another pl. of the same is بُورٌ, (AO, T, S, M,) like as حُولٌ is of حَائِلٌ, or, accord. to some, as Akh states, this is a dial. var., not a pl., of بَائِرٌ. (S.) b2: See also بَوْرٌ, in three places.

A2: إِنَّهُمْ لَفِى حُورٍ وَ بُورٍ (A, TA [but in the latter, جور is put for حَور]) Verily they are in a state of deficiency, or detriment. (TA.) See also بَائِرٌ.

[And see حَوْرٌ.] You say also, ذَهَبَ فُلَانٌ فِى

↓ الحَوارِ وَ البَوَارِ Such a one went away in a defective and bad state. (L, TA in art. حور.) بَارِىٌّ and ↓ بُورِىٌّ and ↓ بَارِيَّةٌ (As, S, M, K) and ↓ بُورِيَّةٌ (M, K) and ↓ بَارِيَآءُ and ↓ بُورِيَآءُ, (S, M, K,) all arabicized words, from the Persian, (M,) A woven mat, (M, K,) made of reeds; (S;) what is called in Persian بُورِيَا: (As, K:) or a rough حَصِير [or mat]. (Msb in art. برى [to which the words belong accord. to Fei, and the same is asserted to be the case by some others].) [The pl. is بَوَارِىُّ.] It is said in a trad., كَانَ لَا يَرَى

↓ بَأْسًا بِالصَّلَاةِ عَلَى البُورِىِّ explained as meaning He did not see any harm in praying upon a mat made of reeds. (TA.) b2: Accord. to some, (M,) A road; syn. طَرِيقٌ: (K, M:) [so, perhaps, in the trad. cited above:] arabicized. (K.) بُورِىٌّ: see بَارِىٌّ, in two places.

A2: Also A kind of fish; [a species of mullet, the mugil cephalus of Linnæus, of the roe and milt of which is made what the Italians call botargo, and the Arabs بَطَارِخ, and, accord. to Golius, بوترغا;] so called from a town in Egypt, named بُورَةُ, (K,) between Tinnees and Dimyát, of which there are now no remains. (TA.) بَارِيَّةٌ: see بَارِىٌّ.

بُورِيَّةٌ: see بَارِىٌّ.

بَارِيَآءُ: see بَارِىٌّ.

بُورِيَآءُ: see بَارِىٌّ.

بَوَارٌ, an inf. n. of 1: see بُورٌ, last sentence. b2: [Hence,] بَوَارِ, like قَطَامِ, [an indecl. noun,] Perdition: (El-Ahmar, S, M, K:) as in the saying, نَزَلَتْ بَوَار عَلَى الكُفَّار Perdition fell upon the unbelievers. (El-Ahmar, S, TA.) A2: See also بَوْرٌ.

بَوَارِىٌّ A seller of mats of the kind called بَارِىٌّ

&c. (K.) بَائِرٌ: see بُورٌ. b2: You say also رَجُلٌ حَائِرٌ بَائِرٌ, (T, S, M, A, K,) and ↓ فِى حُورٍ وَ بُورٍ, (A,) meaning A man who does not apply himself rightly, (T, S, TA,) or has not applied himself rightly, (K,) to anything; (T, S, K;) erring; losing his way; (T;) who will not do right of his own accord, nor obey one directing him aright: (K:) it may be from the signification of laziness, or sluggishness, and it may be from that of perdition: (M:) [or] بائر is here an imitative sequent of حائر. (S.) [Respecting the latter phrase, see also art. حور.] b3: See also بَوْرٌ, in two places.

فَحْلٌ مِبْوَرٌ A stallion-camel that knows the state of the female, whether she be pregnant or not. (M, A, K.) مُبِيرٌ A destructive man, acting exorbitantly in destroying others. (TA, from a trad.)



1 حَنَشَ, (S, A, Msb, K,) aor. ـِ (Msb, K,) He hunted, sought to catch or capture, or caught or captured, (S, A, Msb, K,) such animals as are hunted &c., (S, Msb, K,) or such as are termed أَحْنَاش, pl. of حَنَشٌ; (A;) as also ↓ احنش. (TA.) b2: حَنَشَتْهُ الحَيَّةُ The serpent bit him. (A, TA.) 4 أَحْنَشَ see above.

حَنَشٌ Anything that is hunted, or caught or captured, of birds or flying things, and of [or, accord. to the CK, this word “ of ” should be omitted here, as well as where it next occurs,] what are termed الهَوَامّ [venomous or noxious reptiles or the like, such as scorpions and serpents], (S, A, Mgh, * Msb, K,) and of what are termed حَشَرَاتُ الأَرْضِ, (K,) such as the hedgehog, and the [lizards of the kinds called] ضَبّ and وَرَل, and the [rat called] جُرَذ, and the common rat or mouse, and the serpent: (TA:) or any animal whose head resembles that of the serpent, (Lth, Mgh, Msb, * K,) of chameleons and of [the lizards called] سَوَامُّ أَبْرَصَ and the like: (Lth, Mgh, * Msb: *) or any creeping thing, of beasts and of birds or flying things: (Kr, TA: *) and the serpent: (S, Kr, A, Mgh, K:) or the viper: (S:) or a kind of white and thick serpent, like the ثُعْبَان, or larger; or the black kind thereof: (TA:) or a serpent that blows, but does not hurt: (Ham p. 626:) and the common fly: (Ibn-'Abbád, A, Sgh, K:) pl. أَحْنَاشٌ (S, A, Mgh, K) and حِنْشَانٌ. (A, TA.) مَحْنُوشٌ Stung, or bitten, by what is termed حَنَش. (IAar, K.)



1 حَاطَ بِهِ, aor. ـُ see 4, in three places. b2: حَاطَهُ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. as above, (S, Msb,) inf. n. حَوْطٌ (S, Msb, K) and حِيطَةٌ and حِيَاطَةٌ, (S, K, TA, [the second and third, in the CK, erroneously, with fet-h to the ح, the former of them being expressly said in the S and TA, and the latter also in the TA, to be with kesr, and both being shown in the S to be originally with و, i. e. حِوْطَةٌ and حِوَاطَةٌ,]) and حِيَاطٌ is used in poetry for the last of these; (TA;) and ↓ حوّطهُ, (K,) inf. n. تَحْوِيطٌ; (TA;) and ↓ تحوّطهُ; (K, TA; [omitted in the CK;]) He guarded, kept, kept safely, protected, or took care of, him, or it; (S, Msb, K, TA;) he defended him, or it; (TA;) he paid frequent attention to him, or it; (K, TA;) he minded, or was regardful of, the things that were for his, or its, good. (TA.) You say, لَا زِلْتَ فِى حِيَاطَةِ اللّٰهِ Mayest thou not cease to be in the protection of God. (TA.) And مَعَ فُلَانٍ

حِيطَةٌ لَكَ There is with such a one compassion and affection for thee: you should not say عَلَيْكَ. (S.) And أَحُوطُ عِرْضِى [I guard, or defend, or take care of, my honour, or reputation]. (TA.) And أَخَاهُ ↓ هُوَ يَتَحَوَّطُ He takes care of, or pays frequent attention to, his brother; and undertakes, or superintends, or manages, his affairs. (TA.) And حَاطَهُمْ قَصَآءَهُمْ and بِقَصَائِهِمْ He fought in their defence. (TA.) [But this is generally meant ironically.] When an affliction befalls thee, and thy brother does not guard thee, or defend thee, and does not aid thee, one says [to thee], حَاطَكَ الفَضَآءَ [so in the TA, app. a mistranscription for القَصَآءَ or القَصَا, with which, however, it is nearly syn.,] which is used ironically; i. e. He guarded thee, or defended thee, in a distant quarter; meaning, (tropical:) he did not guard thee, or defend thee; for he who guards, or defends, his brother, draws near to him, and supports him, or aids him. (A, TA.) [See also 1 in art. حبو.] You say also, حَاطُونَا القَصَآءَ, (K,) or القَصَا, (TK,) [both are said to be correct in the TA in art. قصو, on the authority of Ibn-Wellád,] in some of the copies of the K with ف and ض, and in some with ف and ض, the latter unpointed, and so in [a copy of] the A, (TA,) (tropical:) They retired to a distance from us, they being around us, and we not being distant from them, had they desired to come to us. (K, TA.) And حُطْنِى القَصَا (tropical:) Retire thou to a distance from me; (Ibn-Wellád, and K in art. قصو;) as also القَصَآءَ. (Ibn-Wellád, and TA in that art.) And لَأَحُوطَنَّكَ القَصَا وَلَأَغْزُوَنَّكَ بِالعَصَا, in each case with the short & ا, meaning I will assuredly leave thee, and not go near thee; [and I will assuredly go against thee to fight thee with the staff.] (Ks, TA in art. قصو.) حُطْ حُطْ means Take thou care of the tie of kindred, and preserve it. (IAar, K. *) It also signifies Deck thou the boys (الصِّبْيَة [in the CK الصَّبِيَّة the girl]) with the حَوْط [for preservation from the evil eye]. (IAar, K.) And حُوطُوا غُلَامَكُمْ Deck ye your boy with the حَوْط. (AA.) b3: حَاطَ الحِمَارُ عَانَتَهُ, (S, * Msb, K,) nor, as above, (S, Msb,) inf. n. حَوْطٌ, (Msb,) The [wild] he-ass collected, or drew together, (S, * Msb, K, *) and guarded, or took care of, (TA,) his عَانَة [app. meaning his herd of wild asses: or the phrase may mean the he-ass drew towards himself, or compressed, and guarded, his she-ass: Freytag here renders عانة by “ pubem; ” and Golius, by “ veretrum ”]. (S, Msb, K.) 2 حوّط حَوْلَهُ, inf. n. تَحْوِيطٌ, He surrounded it by some such thing as earth, so as to make this to encompass it. (Msb.) And حوّط كَرْمَهُ, inf. n. as above, He built a حَائِط [or wall] around his vine. (S.) b2: Hence, أَنَا أُحَوِّطُ ذٰلِكَ الأَمْرُ (tropical:) I have within my compass, or power, and care, that thing, or affair; [like أُحَوِّضُ, q. v.;] syn. أَدُورُ. (S, TA.) [Hence also, حوّط عَلَيْهِ, in the present day, is used to signify (assumed tropical:) He monopolized it. See also 4.] b3: حوّط حَائِطًا, (K,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) He made a حائط [meaning either a walled garden or a wall; app. a wall of enclosure]; (K, TA;) as also ↓ احاطهُ. (IDrd, TA.) b4: See also 1.3 حاوط فُلَانًا (tropical:) He endeavoured to induce such a one to turn, or incline; or endeavoured to turn him by deceit, or guile; (دَاوَرَهُ;) in a matter that he desired of him, and which he refused him: (K:) as though each of them were guarding, or taking care of, (يَحُوطُ,) the other. (K: and so in the A, in illustration of what next follows.) حَاوِطْهُ فَإِنَّهُ يَلِينُ لَكَ (tropical:) Endeavour thou to induce him to turn, or incline; or endeavour thou to turn him by deceit, or guile; [for he will relent to thee;] syn. دَاوِرْهُ. (A, TA.) 4 احاط بِهِ and بِهِ ↓ حَاطَ signify the same [i. e. It, or he, surrounded, encompassed, environed, enclosed, or hemmed in, it, or him]. (TA.) Yousay, احاط القَوْمُ بِالبَلَدِ, inf. n. إِحَاطَةٌ; and ↓ حَاطُوا بِهِ; The people surrounded, encompassed, environed, encircled, or beset, the sides of the town. (Msb.) And احاطت الخَيْلُ بِفُلَانٍ, (S, TA,) and به ↓ حَاطَتْ, (TA,) and به ↓ احتاطت, (S,) The horses, or horsemen, surrounded, encompassed, environed, encircled, or beset, such a one. (S, TA.) [And احاطوا بِهِ مِنْ جَانِبَيْهِ, meaning They surrounded him on all his sides; lit. on his two sides: see جَنْبٌ.] b2: It is said in the Kur [xvii. 62], إِنَّ رَبَّكَ أَحَاطَ بِالنَّاسِ (assumed tropical:) Verily thy Lord hath men in his grasp, or power: (Bd, TA:) or (assumed tropical:) hath destroyed them; meaning Kureysh. (Bd.) You say also, أُحِيطَ بِفُلَانٍ, meaning (assumed tropical:) Such a one was destroyed: or (assumed tropical:) his destruction drew near. (TA.) And hence the saying in the Kur [xviii. 40], وَأُحِيطَ بِثَمَرِهِ (assumed tropical:) And its fruit became smitten by that which destroyed and spoiled it: (TA:) or (assumed tropical:) his possessions became destroyed: from أَحَاطَ بِهِ العَدُوُّ [the enemy surrounded him]. (Bd.) [Hence also, in the same, ii. 75,] وَأَحَاطَتْ بِهِ خَطِيْئَتُهُ (assumed tropical:) and over whom his sin hath gained the mastery, affecting all the circumstances of his case, so that he hath become as though he were entirely encompassed thereby: (Bd:) or (assumed tropical:) who hath died in the belief of a plurality of Gods. (TA.) You also say, احاط بِهِ الأَمْرُ (assumed tropical:) The thing beset him on every side, so that he had no place of escape from it. (TA.) And احاط عَلَيْهِ (assumed tropical:) He took it entirely to himself, debarring others from it: [see also 2.] (TA in art شرب.) b3: احاط بِهِ, (K,) or احاط بِهِ عِلْمًا, (S, Msb, TA,) and احاط بِهِ عِلْمُهُ, (S, TA,) (tropical:) [He comprehended it, or knew it altogether, in all its modes or circumstances;] he knew it extrinsically and intrinsically; (Msb;) or he attained the utmost particular thereof, and had a comprehensive and complete knowledge thereof: or he attained everything [relating to it], and the utmost knowledge thereof. (K, accord. to different copies. [In the CK, اَحْصٰى عِلْمُهُ is put, erroneously, for احصى عِلْمَهُ.]) It is said in the Kur [xxvii. 22], أَحَطْتُ بِمَا لَمْ تُحِطْ بِهِ (tropical:) I have known in all its circumstances, or modes, that which thou hast not so known. (TA.) And you say also, عَلِمَهُ عِلْمَ

إِحَاطَةٍ (tropical:) He knew it in all its circumstances, or modes; nothing of them escaping him. (TA.) b4: See also 2.5 تَحَوَّطَ see 1, in two places.8 احتاط: see 4. b2: Also (tropical:) He took the course prescribed by prudence, precaution, or good judgment; he used precaution; he took the sure course; (S, * K, * TA;) لِنَفْسِهِ for himself; (S, TA;) [and مِنَ الشَّىْءِ against the thing:] he sought the most successful means, and took the surest method; لِلشَّىْءِ for [the accomplishment, or attainment, of] the thing. (Msb.) The subst. [denoting the abstract signification of the inf. n., اِحْتِيَاطٌ,] is حيطة, (Msb,) i. e. ↓ حَيْطَةٌ and ↓ حِيطَةٌ, (K, TA,) which latter is originally حِوْطَةٌ, (TA,) [and is also an inf. n. of 1,] and ↓ حَوْطَةٌ. (K, TA.) Some hold احتياط to belong to art. حيط. (Msb.) You say also فِى الأُمُورِ ↓ استحاط [meaning in like manner (assumed tropical:) He took the course prescribed by prudence, &c., in affairs, or in the affairs: as is shown below: see مُحْتَاطٌ]. (TA.) 10 إِسْتَحْوَطَ see 8.

حَوْطٌ A twisted string of two colours, black and red, (IAar, K,) called بَرِيم, (IAar,) upon which are beads and a crescent of silver, which a woman binds upon her waist, [and which is bound upon a boy, (see 1,)] in order that the evil eye may not smite her [or him]: (IAar, K:) and also the crescent above mentioned; as well as the string with it. (TA.) [See also تَحْوِيطَةٌ.]

حَوْطَةٌ: see 8.

حَيْطَةٌ: see 8.

حِيطَةٌ: see 8.

حُوَاطٌ: see what next follows.

حُوَاطَةٌ An enclosure (حَظِيرَة) made for wheat: (S, K:) or it signifies a thing which one soon quits, or relinquishes, or from which one soon abstains; and so ↓ حُوَاطٌ, as occurring [accord. to one relation] in a verse cited voce عُرْسٌ. (L.) حَيِّطٌ, [originally either حَوِيطٌ or حَيْوِطٌ,] like سَيِّدٌ, A man who guards, protects, or defends, (يَحُوطُ,) his family and his brethren. (TA.) حَوَّاطٌ A monopolizer: so in the present day.]

حَوَّاطُ أَمْرٍ (tropical:) The undertakers, superintendents, or managers, of an affair. (K, TA.) [See a verse cited voce عُرْسٌ.]

حَائِطٌ A wall. (Msb, * K, TA:) or a wall of enclosure: (Msb, * TA:) or one that surrounds a garden: (Mgh:) [often applied to a fence of wood, or sticks, or of reeds, or canes:] so called because it surrounds what is within it; (TA;) but it is a subst., like سَقْفٌ and رُكْنٌ, though implying the meaning of surrounding: (IJ, TA:) or it is an act. part. n., from حَاطَ: (Msb:) pl. حِيطَانٌ, (S, Msb, K,) in which the و is changed into ى because of the kesreh before it, (S,) but by rule it should be حُوطَانٌ; (Sb, K;) and حِيَاطٌ. (IAar, K.) b2: And hence, (Mgh,) A garden, (Mgh, Msb, K,) in general: or a garden of palmtrees, surrounded by a wall: (TA:) pl. حَوَائِطُ. (Msb, TA.) اِفْعَلِ الأَحْوَطَ (assumed tropical:) Do thou that which is most comprehensive in relation to the principles of the ordinances [applying to the case], (مَا هُوَ أَجْمَعُ لِأُصُولِ الأَحْكَامِ,) and furthest from the sophistications of interpretations not according to the obvious meanings. (Msb.) And هٰذَا أَحْوَطُ (assumed tropical:) This is more, or most, conducive to put [one] in a position of اِحْتِيَاط [or taking the course prescribed by prudence, precaution, or good judgment; &c.: see 8]. (Mgh.) The word أَحْوَطُ is from the phrase حَاطَ الحِمَارُ عَانَتَهُ; not from الاِحْتِيَاطُ; because the افعل of excess is not formed from a verb of five letters: (Msb:) or it is anomalous, like أَخْصَرُ from الاِخْتِصَارُ. (Mgh.) [It may be rendered More, or most, prudent: or more, or most, sure.]

تَحُوطُ and التَّحُوطُ &c.: see what next follows.

تُحِيطُ and ↓ تَحُوطُ (ISk, TS, K) and تَحِيطُ and تِحِيطُ and ↓ يَحِيطُ (TS, K) and ↓ التَّحُوطُ and التَّحِيطُ (L, K) [and ↓ تَحَوُّط and ↓ تحوَّط (mentioned, with the third and fourth, in Freytag's Arab. Prov., ii. 803, as on the authority of Fr,)] (tropical:) The year of dearth, scarcity, or straitness, that destroys the beasts, (Fr, K, * TA,) or men: (A, TA:) تَحُوطُ being from حَاطَ بِهِ in the sense of أَحَاطَ; or it is used as a term of good omen; accord. to the A. (TA.) You say, وَقَعُوا فِى

تُحِيطَ, &c., [the last word being a noun imperfectly decl., (tropical:) They fell into the affliction of a year of dearth, &c.] (ISk, TA.) تَحْويِطَةٌ A thing that is hung upon a boy to repel the evil eye: of the dial. of El-Yemen. (TA.) [See also حَوْطٌ.]

مَحَاطٌ A place behind the camels or other beasts and the people [to whom they belong], surrounding and protecting them: (K:) some say that أَرْضٌ مَحَاطٌ signifies land surrounded by a wall: if not so surrounded, it is termed ضَاحِيَةٌ. (TA.) فُلَانٌ مُحَاطٌ بِهِ (assumed tropical:) Such a one is slain; is destroyed. (TA.) مُحِيطٌ [act. part. n. of 4; Surrounding, encompassing, or enclosing: &c.] b2: It is said in the Kur [lxxxv. 20], وَاللّٰهُ مِنْ وَرَائِهِمْ مُحيِطٌ (assumed tropical:) and God, behind them, includeth them altogether within his power; not one shall escape Him. (TA.) And again, [xi. 85,] عَذَابَ يَوْمٍ مُحِيطٍ (assumed tropical:) The punishment of a day which shall beset on every side so that there shall be no place of escape from it: (TA:) or of a destructive day: meaning the day of resurrection: or the punishment [of a day] of extermination: the epithet, which is that of the punishment, being applied to the day because it includes it. (Bd.) And again, [ii. 18,] وَاللّٰهُ مُحِيطٌ بِالكَافِرِينَ, explained by Mujá-hid as signifying (assumed tropical:) And God will collect together the unbelievers on the day of resurrection. (TA.) كَرْمٌ مُحوَّطٌ A vine having a wall built around it. (S.) هُوَ مُحْتَاطٌ فِى أَمْرِهِ and فِيهِ ↓ مُسْتَحِيطٌ [He is taking the course prescribed by prudence, precaution, or good judgment; or using precaution; or taking the sure course; or seeking the most successful means, and taking the surest method; in his affair: see 8]. (TA.) مُسْتَحِيطٌ: see what next precedes.

يَحِيطٌ: see تُحِيطٌ.



1 حَذَفَهُ, (S, * Mgh, Msb, K, &c.,) aor. ـِ (Mgh, Msb, K,) inf. n. حَذْفٌ, (S, Mgh, Msb,) He cut it off: (Mgh, Msb:) or he cut it [so as to lessen it] at its extremity; (TA;) he cut off somewhat from the extremity of it; he curtailed it; as, for instance, the tail of a beast: (Lth, TA:) and he made it to fall; dropped it; rejected it. (S, Mgh, Msb, K.) One says, حَذَفْتُ مِنْ شَعَرِى, (S,) or من شَعَرِهِ, (Msb, K, *) and من ذَنَبِ الدَّابَّةِ, (S, Msb,) [شَيْئًا being understood,] I took, or cut off, [somewhat] from my hair, [or his hair,] and from the tail of the beast; (S, K; *) I clipped it. (Msb.) And حَذَفَ الشَّعَرَ [He clipped the hair]: said of a cupper. (TA.) And ↓ احتذف الثَّوْبَ He cut off a piece from the garment, or cloth. (TA.) And حَذَفْتُ رَأْسَهُ بِالسَّيْفِ I cut off a portion of his head with the sword: (IF, Msb:) I struck his head with the sword and cut off a portion of it. (S.) b2: Also, inf. n. as above, (assumed tropical:) He elided it, struck it off or out, or rejected it; namely, a letter, [and a syllable,] from a word: (MA, PS:) he omitted it. (MA.) [(assumed tropical:) He suppressed it; namely, a word of a proposition or sentence.] And حَذَفَ السَّلَامَ, (K,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) (tropical:) He made the salutation to be light [of utterance], and concise; (K, TA;) i. e., the salutation in prayer. (TA.) And حَذَفَ فِى قَوْلِهِ, (Msb,) and فى الأَذَانِ, and القِرَآءَةِ, aor. and inf. n. as above, (Mgh,) (assumed tropical:) He was concise, (Mgh, Msb,) and quick, in his saying, (Msb,) and in the call to prayer, and the recitation, or reading. (Mgh.) b3: حَذَفَهُ بِالعَصَا He struck him, or beat him, with the staff, or stick: (TA:) and he cast, or threw, at him the staff, or stick. (S, K, TA.) It is said in a prov. of the Arabs, mentioned by Sb, إِيَّاكُمْ وَ أَنْ يَحْذِفَ أَحَدُكُمُ الأَرْنَبَ, i. e. [Beware ye] lest any one of you cast at, or shoot, the hare: because this animal is of evil omen. (TA. [But the reading there given is ايّاى: an evident mistranscription.]) Or حَذَفَهُ, inf. n. as above, signifies He struck, or he cast at, or shot, him, or it, from one side. (Lth, TA.) b4: [Hence,] حَذَفَ فُلَانًا بِجَائِزَةٍ (tropical:) He gave such a one a gift. (Z, K.) b5: And حَذَفَ بِهَا (assumed tropical:) He broke wind. (Ibn-'Abbád, TA.) b6: حَذَفَ فِى مَشْيَتِهِ He moved about his side and his hinder parts (in the CK he moved about his hinder parts and his shoulderjoint) in his gait: and (in the CK “ or ”) he went with short steps. (En-Nadr, K, TA.) 2 حذّفهُ, [inf. n. تَحْذِيفٌ,] He clipped it much: he took, or cut off, from its lateral parts, whatever it was, so as to make it even: (Msb:) he (a workman, or an artificer,) made it (a thing) becomingly even; as though he cut off from it whatever required to be cut off, so that it became free from everything unseemly, and was nicely, neatly, or properly, trimmed. (A, TA.) تَحْذِيفُ الشَّعَرِ [or الرَّأْسِ] signifies The cutting of the hair so as to form a طُرَّة [q. v.], by taking from its sides so as to make it even [with the cut portion over the forehead]; (T, Mgh;) as is done by, or to, a girl: (Mgh:) or تحذيف الرأس is a custom of women, consisting in the removing of the hair from [the sides of] the head as far as a line upon the side of the face made by putting one end of a string, or thread, upon the top of the ear, and the other end upon the angle of the جَبِين [or part above the temple]: (Msb:) accord. to En-Nadr, the تحذيف of the طُرَّة is the making a [طرّة such as is termed] سُكَيْنِيَّة, [i. e., after the fashion of Sukeyneh the daughter of El-Hoseyn, as is shown in the S and K &c. in art. سكن,] like as do the Christians. (L, TA.) b2: Also, inf. n. as above, (tropical:) He prepared it; or put it into a right, or good, state; and made it; or made it skilfully, or well. (S, K, TA.) 8 إِحْتَذَفَ see 1.

حَذَفٌ Small, black sheep or goats, (S, Msb, K,) of El-Hijáz; (S, K;) or of Jurash, (ISh, K, TA,) of El-Yemen, small, with short, or short and fine, wool or hair, (ISh, TA,) without tails and without ears: (ISh, K, TA:) or the young ones of sheep or goats, in general: and metaphorically applied to (tropical:) gazelles: (TA:) n. un. with ة. (S, Msb.) b2: A certain kind of bird: (Sgh, K:) or small بَطّ [or ducks]: (K:) like [or likened to] the sheep, or goats, thus called: it is said by IDrd to be not a genuine Arabic word. (TA.) b3: The small زَاغ [or rook], which is eaten; (Lth, K;) the small black birds of the crow-kind, called زِيغَان [pl. of زاغ], which are eaten: n. un. with ة. (ISh, TA.) A2: The leaves of seed-produce, (L,) or of grain. (O, K.) حِذْفَةٌ A piece cut off from a garment. (L, TA.) حُذَفَةٌ Short: applied to a woman: (Sgh, K:) and to a ewe. (Sgh.) أُذُنٌ حَذْفَآءُ An ear that is as though it were clipped, or cut off. (K, TA.) حُذَافَةُ Clippings, or what one cuts off, of a hide, (Lh, S, Sgh, K,) &c: (S, Sgh, K:) or what is cut off, of a thing, and thrown away. (TA.) — [Hence,] one says, مَا فِى رَحْلِهِ حُذَافَةٌ (tropical:) There is not in his travelling-utensils any food: (S, Sgh, K:) or any small quantity of food &c. (Z, TA.) And أَكَلَ الطَّعَامَ فَمَا تَرَكَ مِنْهُ حُذَافَةٌ (assumed tropical:) [He ate the food, and left not of it anything]. (ISk, S.) And اِحْتَمَلَ رَحْلَهُ فَمَا تَرَكَ مِنْهُ حُذَافَةً (assumed tropical:) [He took up and carried away his travelling-apparatus, and left not of it anything]. (ISk, S.) Accord. to the companions of A' Obeyd, the word is حذافة, with ق; but this is disallowed by Sh; and is wrong. (Az, TA.) الحَذَّافَةُ The anus, or the podex; syn. الاِسْتُ. (K.) حَاذِفٌ [act. part. n. of 1]. b2: You say, هُمْ مَا بَيْنَ حَاذِفٍ وَ قَاذِفٍ, i. e. [They are partly, or in part,] beating with the staff, or stick, and [partly, or in part,] pelting with stones; [or some beating &c., and the others pelting &c.] (TA in the present art.; and S and TA in art. قذف, but without مَا before بين.) رَجُلٌ مُحَذَّفُ الكَلَامِ (tropical:) A man chastened, good, free from every fault, in respect of speech: and you say also مُحَذَّفَةُ الكلامِ; in which the ة is added to give intensiveness to the signification: the latter occurring in a trad. (TA.)



1 حَرَفَ الشَّىْءَ عَنْ وَجْهِهِ, (AO, S, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (Msb,) or ـِ (K,) inf. n. حَرْفٌ, (S, Msb,) He turned the thing from its proper way, or manner: (K:) or altered it therefrom: (Msb:) and ↓ حرّفهُ, inf. n. تَحْرِيفٌ, has this latter meaning: (K, * TA:) or has an intensive signification of this kind. (Msb.) الكَلِمِ عَنْ ↓ تَحْرِيفُ مَوَاضِعِهِ signifies The altering words from their proper meanings: (S, * TA:) and agreeably with this explanation, the verb is used in the Kur iv. 48, &c.: (TA:) or تحريف signifies the perverting of language: (Msb:) or the altering a word in form; as in writing بُرْدٌ for بَرْدٌ; or vice versâ: (KT:) [and the mistranscribing a word in any manner: commonly used in this sense in the lexicons &c.: or the altering a word by substituting one letter, or more, for another, or others. See also صَحَّفَ.]

A2: See also 7.

A3: حَرَفَ لِعِيَالِهِ, (Msb, K,) aor. ـِ (As, S, K,) or ـُ (Msb,) He earned or gained [subsistence], or laboured to do so, for his family, or household, (As, S, Msb, K,) from this and that quarter; (As, S;) as also ↓ احترف: (Mgh, * Msb, TA:) and بِيَدَيْهِ ↓ احترف [he earned, or gained, with his hands]: and لِعِيَالِهِ ↓ تحرّف he applied himself to earn or gain [subsistence] for his family, or household, by means of any, or every, art or craft: (TA:) and ↓ احرف he laboured, or sought gain or sustenance, for his household, or family; expl. by كَدَّ عَلَى عِيَالِهِ. (IAar, K.) A4: حَرَفَ عَيْنُهُ, inf. n. حَرْفَةٌ, (K,) not an inf. n. of un., (TA,) He applied collyrium to his eye (K, TA) with the [style called] مِيل. (TA.) A5: حُرِفَ فِى مَالِهِ, inf. n. حَرْفَةٌ, He suffered the loss of somewhat of his property. (Lh, K.) 2 حَرَّفَ see 1, in two places. b2: [Hence,] طَاعُونٌ يُحَرِّفُ القُلُوبَ [A pestilence] causing the hearts [of those witnessing its effects] to turn away, and be aloof: (K:) occurring in a trad.: or, accord. to one relation, يُحَوِّفُ القلوب, (TA,) i. e., turning the hearts from confidence, and inclining them to removal and flight. (K and TA in art. حوف.) b3: تَحْرِيفُ القَلَمِ The nibbing the writing-reed obliquely; (S, * K, * TA;) making the right tooth of the nib higher [i. e. longer] than the left. (TA.) You say also, حَرَّفَ القَطَّةَ [He made the nibbing oblique]. (TA.) and حرّف السِّكِّينَ فِى حَالِ القَطِّ [He turned the knife obliquely in nibbing]. (TA.) b4: See also 7. b5: تَحْرِيفٌ also signifies The putting in motion, or into a state of commotion; syn. تَحْرِيكٌ. (TA.) b6: قَالَ بِيَدِهِ فَحَرَّفَهَا كَأَنَّهُ يُرِيدُ القَتْلَ, in a trad., means [He made a sign with his hand,] and imitated with it the cutting of a sword with its edge. (TA.) 3 حُورِفَ He was debarred from the means of subsistence; because he of whom this is said is aloof (بِحَرْفٍ) from the means of subsistence. (Mgh.) And حُورِفَ كَسْبُ فُلَانٍ Such a one was made to experience difficulty (S, TA) in his buying and selling, and was straitened (TA) in his means of subsistence; as though his means of subsistence were turned away from him: (S, TA:) or he had his gain, or earnings, turned away from him. (Msb.) It is said in a trad. of Ibn-Mes'ood, مَوْتُ المُؤْمِنِ عَرَقُ الجَبِينِ تَبْقَى عَلَيْهِ البَقِيَّةِمِنَ الذُّنُوبِ فَيُحَارِفُ بِهَا عِنْدَ المَوْتِ, i. e. [The death of the believer is accompanied with sweating of the side of the forehead: some sins remain chargeable against him, and] he is made to experience difficulty by them [in dying], in order that his sins may be diminished. (S.) A2: مُحَارَفَةٌ has also a meaning like مُفَاخَرَةٌ: Sá'ideh says, فَقَدْ عَلِمُوا فِى الغَزْوِ كَيْفَ نُحَارِفُ [And they certainly know, in warfare, how we vie for superiority in glory: or] accord. to Skr, it means how we deal with them; as when one says to a man, What is thy حِرْفَة (i. e. thine occupation) and thy lineage? (TA:) [or the meaning may be how we requite; for]

A3: حارفهُ بِسُوْءٍ signifies He requited him for evil (K, TA) that he had done. (TA.) And it is said in a trad., إِنَّ العَبْدِ لَيُحَارَفُ عَنْ عَمَلِهِ الخَيْرَ أَوْ الشَّرَّ, i. e. [Verily the servant] shall be requited [for his deed; the good I mean, or the evil]. (IAar, TA.) And ↓ احرف also signifies He requited for good or evil. (IAar, K.) A4: مُحَارَفَةٌ signifies also The measuring a wound with the مِحْرَاف, i. e. the probe. (K, * TA.) 4 احرف: see 1. b2: Also, (inf. n. إِحْرَافٌ, Msb,) His مال [or cattle] increased, and became in a good state or condition. (Az, S, Msb, K.) One says, جَآءَ بِالحَقِ وَالإِحْرَافِ, meaning He came with, or brought, much cattle. (Az, S. [See حِلْقٌ.]) A2: He emaciated, or rendered lean, a she-camel: so says As: others say احرث. (S.) [See حَرْفٌ: and see حَرِيثَةٌ.]

A3: See also 3, last sentence but one.5 تَحَرَّفَ see 7: b2: and see also 1.7 انحرف [It became turned, or altered, from its proper way, or manner; quasi-pass. of 1 in the first of the senses explained above: and] he turned aside; (Az, S, Mgh, Msb, K;) as also ↓ تحرّف; (Az, S, Mgh, K;) and ↓ احرورف; (Az, S, K;) and ↓ حَرَفَ, inf. n. حَرْفٌ; (TA;) عَنْهُ from it. (Az, S, Msb, TA.) [Hence,] one says, انحرف مِزَاجَهُ [His temperament, or constitution, became disordered]; as also ↓ حَرَّفَ, [app. a mistranscription for حُرِّفَ,] inf. n. تَحْرِيفٌ. (TA.) [And انحرف عَلَيْهِ He turned against him, with enmity, or anger.] And انحرف إِلَيْهِ He turned to, or towards, him, or it. (TA.) 8 إِحْتَرَفَ see 1, in two places.12 إِحْرَوْرَفَ see 7.

حَرْفٌ The extremity, verge, border, margin, brink, brow, side, or edge, (S, Mgh, * K, TA,) of anything; (S, K;) as, for instance, the side of a river or rivulet, and of a ship or boat, (TA,) and of the notch of an arrow; (Msb;) and the edge of a sword: (L, TA:) pl. [of mult. حُرُوفٌ, and of pauc.] أَحْرُفٌ. (TA.) Hence, (S,) [A point, a ridge, a brow, and a ledge, of a mountain:] the pointed, sharp, or edged, summit of a mountain: (S, Msb, K:) a projecting portion in the side of a mountain, in form like a small دُكَّان [i. e. bench] or the like: and a portion in the summit of a mountain, having a thin edge, or ridge, rising above the upper part of the back: (Sh, TA:) pl. (of the word thus used in relation to a mountain, TA) حِرَفٌ; (Fr, S, Msb, K;) accord. to Fr, (Msb,) the only instance of the kind except طِلَلٌ as pl. of طَلٌّ. (Msb, K.) [Hence, also,] A nib, of a writing-reed, obliquely cut: so in the phrase قَلَمٌ لَا حَرْفَ لَهُ, in the S and K in art. جزم, a writingreed not having a nib obliquely cut. (TA in that art. [See 2 in the present art.]) And حَرْفَا الرَّأْسِ The two lateral halves of the head. (TA.) [Hence, also, the phrase] فُلَانٌ عَلَى حَرْفٍ مِنْ

أَمْرِهِ [and بِحَرْفٍ مِنْهُ (see 3, first sentence,)] Such a one is [standing] aloof with respect to his affair, (عَلَى نَاحِيَةٍ مِنْهُ, ISd, TA,) [in suspense,] waiting, and looking to the result, if he see, in regarding it from one side, what he likes; (TA;) turning from it if he see what does not please him. (ISd, TA.) The saying, in the Kur xxii. 11, وَمِنَ النَّاسِ مَنْ يَعْبُدُ اللّٰهَ عَلَى حَرْفٍ means And of men is he who serves God standing aloof with respect to religion, in a fluctuating state, like him who is in the outskirts of the army, who, if sure of victory and spoil, stands firm, and otherwise flees: (Ksh, Bd: *) or the meaning is, who serves God in doubt, or suspense, (Zj, K, Jel,) being unsteady like him who alights and abides upon the حَرْف [i. e. point, or ridge, or brow,] of a mountain: (Jel:) or in a state of disquietude respecting his case; (Ibn-'Arafeh, K;) i. e. not entering into the religion firmly, or steadily: (K:) or who serves God in one mode of circumstances; i. e. when in ample circumstances, and not when straitened in circumstances; (Az, S, K;) as though good fortune and plenty were one side, and an evil state were another side: (Az, TA:) [hence,] حَرْفٌ sometimes signifies a mode, or manner, and a way. (Msb.) b2: A letter of the alphabet: pl. حُرُوفٌ: (S, Msb, K:) the letters being thus called because they are the extremities of the word [and of the syllable]. (Kull.) The saying of the lawyers, تُبْطَلُ الصَّلَاةَ بِحَرْفٍ مُفْهِمٍ [Prayer is made null by a significant letter] means only by an imperative of a verb of which the first and last radical letters are infirm; such as فِ from وَفَى, and قِ from وَقَى, and the like. (Msb.) b3: As a grammatical term, (assumed tropical:) [A particle; i. e.] what is used to express a meaning, and is not a noun nor a verb: every other definition of it is bad: (K:) pl. حُرُوفٌ. (Msb, &c.) b4: And (tropical:) A word [absolutely: often used in this sense in lexicons &c.]. (Kull.) b5: A dialect, an idiom, or a mode of expression, peculiar to certain of the Arabs: pl. [of pauc.]

أَحْرُفٌ: so in the saying (of Mohammad, TA) نَزَلَ القُرْآنُ عَلَى سَبْعَةِ أَحْرُفٍ The Kur-án has been revealed according to seven dialects, of the dialects of the Arabs: (A'Obeyd, Az, IAth, K:) or this means, according to seven modes, or manners, (Mgh, Msb,) of reading: whence فُلَانٌ يَقْرَأُ بِحَرْفِ ابْنِ مَسْعُودٍ Such a one reads in the manner of reading of Ibn-Mes'ood. (Mgh.) A2: Applied to a she-camel, (assumed tropical:) Lean, or light of flesh; or lean, and lank in the belly; (S, K;) and firm, strong, or hardy; likened to the حَرْف of a mountain; (S;) or to the حرف of a sword, (Z, O, TA,) in respect of her leanness, or thinness, and her sharpness and effectiveness in pace; (Z, TA;) or to a letter of the alphabet, meaning the letter ا, in respect of her leanness: (TA:) or excellent, or high-bred, or strong and light and swift, sharp and effective in pace, rendered lean by journeyings; likened to the حرف of a sword: (L:) or emaciated: (S, K:) so As used to say: (S:) but this is inconsistent with Dhu-r-Rummeh's description of a she-camel by the epithets جُمَالِيَّةٌ حَرْفٌ سِنَادٌ: (TA:) [see حَرِيثَةٌ:] or [in the CK “ and ”] great; big; of great size; (K, TA;) likened to the حرف of a mountain: (TA:) it is applied only to a she-camel: one may not say جَمَلٌ حَرْفٌ. (IAar, TA.) حُرْفٌ and ↓ حِرْفَةٌ (S, K) and ↓ حُرْفَةٌ (Mgh, K) and ↓ حِرَافٌ (TA) Ill-fatedness; privation of prosperity; or the being denied prosperity; syn. حِرْمَانٌ [as inf. n. of حُرِمَ]: (K, TA:) lack of good fortune, so that one has no increase of his cattle or other property: (S:) debarment from the means of subsistence. (Mgh.) Hence the saying of 'Omar, أَحَدِهِمْ أَشَدُّ عَلَىَّ مِنْ عَيْلَتِهِ ↓ لِحِرْفَةُ, (S, K,) or, accord. to one reading, ↓ لَحُرْفَةُ, (TA,) [Verily the ill-fatedness of any one of them is more distressing to me than his poverty:] i. e., the supplying the wants of the poor man is easier to me than the making the bad to thrive: or the meaning is, the want of the means of gaining subsistence by any one of them, and grief on that account, is more distressing to me than his poverty: so in the Nh. (TA.) A2: الحُرْفُ A certain grain, resembling الخَرْدَل [or mustard]; (Az, Msb, TA;) called by the vulgar, (AHn, TA,) or in the dial. of El-'Irák, (TA in art. رشد,) حَبُّ الرَّشَادِ, (AHn, S, K,) or الرَّشَادُ: (Msb:) n. un. with ة, (TA,) applied to a single grain thereof. (Msb.) [See art. رشد.] Hence حِرِّيفٌ [q. v.]. (S, Msb.) حُرْفَةٌ: see حُرْفٌ, in two places.

حِرْفَةٌ A craft, or handicraft, (S, K, TA,) by which one gains his subsistence; a mode, or manner, of gain; any habitual work or occupation of a man; because he turns (يَنْحَرِفُ, K, i. e. يَمِيلُ, TA) to it; (K, TA;) a subst. from اِحْتَرَفَ: (Mgh, Msb:) pl. حِرَفٌ. (TA.) A2: See also حُرْفٌ, in two places.

حُرْفِىٌّ A seller of الحُرْف, i. e. حَبّ الرَّشَاد. (K.) حِرَافٌ: see حُرْفٌ.

حَرِيفٌ A fellow-worker, syn. مُعَامِلٌ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) in one's craft or ordinary occupation: (K:) and an associate: (KL:) pl. حُرَفَآءُ. (Msb.) b2: It is mostly used by foreigners as meaning A companion in drinking: and by most of the Turks, as implying vituperation; [like our term “ fel-low; ”] so that when any one of them addresses another by this epithet, he is angry. (TA.) حَرَافَةٌ The quality, or property, of burning, or biting, the tongue; acritude. (S, Msb, TA.) حِرِّيفٌ, from الحُرْفُ, Burning, or biting, to the tongue: (S, Msb, TA:) it is applied in this sense to an onion, and to other things: one should not say حَرِّيفٌ. (S, TA.) مَحْرِفٌ A place to which to turn away, or back, from a thing. (AO, S, K.) So in the saying, مَالِى عَنْ هٰذَا الأَمْرِ مَحْرِفٌ [I have no place to which to turn away, or back, from this thing]. (AO, S, K. *) b2: Also, and ↓ مُحْتَرَفٌ, A place in which a man earns or gains [subsistence], or labours to do so, and employs himself as he pleases, or follows his various pursuits. (K.) مُحْرِفٌ A man whose property increases, and becomes in a good state or condition; or whose cattle increase &c. (S, Msb.) مِحْرَفٌ: see مِحْرَافٌ.

مِحْرَفَةٌ: see مِحْرَافٌ.

مُحَرَّفٌ [pass. part. n. of 2, q. v. b2: ] One whose property has gone. (TA.) b3: A writing-reed nibbed obliquely; having the right tooth of the nib higher [i. e. longer] than the left. (TA.) مُحَرِّفُ القُلُوبِ, applied to God, The Turner, or Incliner, of hearts: or the Mover of hearts: (TA:) or the Remover of hearts. (Fr, TA voce مُحَرِّك, q. v.) مِحْرَافٌ (S, L, K) and ↓ مِحْرَفٌ, (L, TA,) or ↓ مِحْرَفَةٌ, (Akh, TA,) A probe with which the depth of a wound is measured: (S, L, K:) pl. of the first مَحَارِيفُ; and [of the second, or,] accord. to Akh, of the last, مَحَارِفُ. (TA.) مُحَارَفٌ Prevented, or withheld, from obtaining good; withheld from good fortune, or from sustenance; denied, or refused, good, or prosperity; lacking good fortune; having no increase of his cattle or other property; (S, Mgh, * K; *) contr. of مُبَارَكٌ: (S:) or having his gain, or earnings, turned away from him: (Msb:) or who obtains not good from a quarter to which he betakes himself: or scanted in his means of subsistence: or who works not, or labours not, to earn, or gain: or who earns, or gains, with his hands, but not enough for the support of himself and his household or family: (TA:) مُخَارَفٌ and مُجَارَفٌ are dial. vars. thereof. (TA in art. خرف.) مُحْتَرَفٌ: see مَحْرِفٌ.

مُحْتَرِفٌ A handicraftsman; a worker with his hands. (S, TA.) مُتَحَرِّفًا لِقِتَالٍ, in the Kur [viii. 16], means Turning away for the purpose of returning to fight: the doing which is one of the stratagems of war. (Mgh, Msb. *)



1 حَشَفَ, said of a she-camel's dug, Its milk became drawn up or withdrawn or withheld, or it went away, from it. (IDrd, L, TA. [See also 4 and 10.]) 2 حشّف عَيْنَهُ, inf. n. تَحْشِيفٌ, He (a man, TA) contracted his eyelids, and looked through the interstices of their lashes. (IDrd, K.) 4 احشف, said of a she-camel's udder, It became contracted, and like an old worn-out water-skin or milk-skin. (TA. [See also 1 and 10.]) b2: احشفت النَّخْلَةُ The palm-tree bore dates such as are termed حَشَف. (S, Mgh, Msb.) 5 تحشّف He wore old and worn-out clothing, (O, L, KL, TA,) such as is termed حَشِيف: (O, L, TA:) in the copies of the K, erroneously, ↓ استحشف. (TA.) 10 استحشف, said of an udder, (JM, K,) It became contracted: (JM:) or became dried up and contracted. (K. [See also 1 and 4.]) and استحشفت الأُذُنُ The ear became dried up (Mgh, Msb, K) and contracted. (K.) And استحشف الأَنْفُ The cartilage of the nose became dried up from want of natural motion. (Msb.) b2: See also 5.

حَشْفٌ Dry bread. (K.) حَشَفٌ The worst kind of dates; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) that dry up without ripening, so that they have no flesh: (Msb:) or dates without firmness, having no stones; (K;) like شِيص: (TA:) or dry, or tough, bad dates; (K;) for when they dry up, they become hard and bad, without taste and without sweetness: (TA:) or of which the lower portion has become bad and rotten, while in its place: (IAar, TA in art. خشو:) n. un. with ة. (Msb.) [Hence,] أَحَشَفًا وَ سُوْءَ كِيلَةٍ, a prov., (S, Meyd, O,) meaning Dost thou combine the worst of dates and bad measure? applied to him who combines two bad qualities. (Meyd, O.) b2: A worn-out udder; (S, K;) as also ↓ حَشِفٌ: (K:) or an udder of which the milk has dried up, so that it has become contracted. (EM p. 67.) b3: A thing that is lean, and dry, or withered. (KL.) حَشِفٌ: see حَشَفٌ. — تَمْرٌ حَشِفٌ Dates having many such as are termed حَشَف. (TA.) حَشَفَةٌ The head [or glans] of the penis: (TA:) or the part of the penis, (S, K,) [i. e.] the part of the head of the penis, (Mgh,) that is above [i. e. beyond] the place of circumcision: (S, Mgh, K:) [accord. to the latter explanation, somewhat more than the glans:] the mulct for the cutting off of which is the whole price of blood. (TA.) حَشِيفٌ Old, and worn-out: applied to clothing or a garment. (S, K, TA.) نَخْلَةٌ مِحْشَافٌ [A palm-tree that bears dates such as are termed حَشَف]. (S and L voce مِعْرَارٌ.) مُتَحَشِّفٌ A man clad in old and worn-out clothing [such as is termed حَشِيف]: (S, TA:) a man in evil condition; slovenly in his person; threadbare, shabby, or mean, in the state of his apparel: or dried up, and shrivelled: or having his garment tucked up. (TA.)



1 حَصُفَ, aor. ـُ (S, K,) inf. n. حَصَافَةٌ, (S, TA,) [app., in its primary and proper sense, It was, or became, compact, or firm and close; said of a rope, and of a web, and the like: see its part. n., حَصِيفٌ; and see also 10. b2: And hence,] (tropical:) He (a man, TA) was, or became, firm, or sound, in intellect or sense; (S, K, TA;;) or strong in intellect, and good in judgment. (TA.) A2: حَصِفَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. حَصَفٌ, It (the skin, S, TA, or the body, or person, Msb) was, or became, affected with dry mange or scab: (S, K, TA:) or broke out with small pustules, (Msb, TA,) like the smallpox, (Msb,) generating matter, or thick purulent matter, and not becoming large; sometimes coming forth in the soft parts of the belly in the days of heat. (TA.) 4 احصف, (K,) inf. n. إِحْصَافٌ, (S,) He twisted a rope firmly, strongly, or compactly. (S, K.) And احصف نَسْجَهُ [He made his weaving, or his web, compact; or firm and close; or close in texture, and strong: see the pass. part. n. below]: said of a weaver. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] (tropical:) He established, or settled, or he did, performed, or executed, an affair, firmly, solidly, soundly, or well. (S, K, TA.) b3: (tropical:) He (a man, and a horse,) passed, went, or went along, quickly, or swiftly: (S, K:) or raised the pebbles in his running: (Sgh, K:) or went with short steps, but quickly: (ISk, K:) or he (a horse) ran quickly, with short steps, at the utmost rate of the pace termed حُضْر. (AO, TA.) A2: احصفهُ الحَرُّ, inf. n. as above, The heat caused pustules [such as are termed حَصَف] to come forth upon his body, or person. (TA.) 10 استحصف It (a thing, S, TA) was, or became, firm, strong, compact, sound, or free from defect: (S, K, TA:) properly said of a rope, as meaning it was, or became, firmly, strongly, or compactly, twisted: and b2: tropically said of judgment [as meaning (tropical:) it was, or became, firm, strong, sound, or good]: and of an affair [as meaning (tropical:) it was, or became, established, or settled, or done, performed, or executed, firmly, solidly, soundly, or well]. (TA. [See also حَصُفَ.]) b3: (tropical:) It (the vulva) was, or became, narrow, and firm, or tough, on the occasion of جِمَاع. (K, TA.) The quality thus denoted is approved; and the woman possessing it is termed ↓ مُسْتَحْصِفَةٌ. (TA.) b4: (tropical:) It (time, or fortune,) pressed hardly, or severely, (S, K, TA,) عَلَيْهِ upon him. (S, TA.) b5: (assumed tropical:) It (a company of men) collected, or congregated. (TA.) حَصَفٌ Dry mange or scab: (S, K:) or small pustules, [like the small-pox, (see حَصِفَ,)] that generate matter, or thick purulent matter, and do not become large; sometimes coming forth in the soft parts of the belly in the days of heat. (TA.) حَصِفٌ: see حَصِيفٌ.

A2: Also part. n. of حَصِفَ. (Msb.) حَصِيفٌ Anything firm, strong, compact, sound, and free from defect. (TA.) A garment, or piece of cloth, compactly, or firmly and closely, woven: (TA:) or dense; concealing [what is within it]: (Kf, TA:) and ↓ مُحْصَفٌ [in like manner] signifies dense and strong. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] (tropical:) Firm, or sound, in intellect or sense; (S, K, TA;) and ↓ حَصِفٌ signifies the same; and firm in judgment; [or possessing firmness, or soundness, of intellect and judgment; for] it is a possessive epithet: and the former is said to signify strong in intellect, and good in judgment. (TA.) حَصِيفُ العُقْدَةِ, occurring in a letter of 'Omar, means (assumed tropical:) [Firm] in judgment, and in the management, conducting, ordering, or regulating, of affairs. (TA.) مُحْصَفٌ: see حَصِيفٌ. b2: [Hence,] بَيْنَهُمَا حَبْلٌ مُحْصَفٌ (tropical:) Between them two is a firm tie of brotherhood. (TA.) مُحْصِفٌ A horse that goes in the manner denoted by the verb احصف; (K;) as also ↓ مِحْصَفٌ (S, K) and ↓ مِحْصَافٌ; (K;) [or] the last is applied to a she-camel: (S:) the fem. of the first is with ة. (TA.) مِحْصَفٌ: see what next precedes.

مِحْصَافٌ: see what next precedes.

مُسْتَحْصِفٌ A narrow فَرْج [or vulva]. (S.) See also 10.



1 حَزَقَ, (S, K,) aor. ـِ inf. n. حَزْقٌ, (K,) He tied, or bound, a thing (S, K) with a rope: (S:) he tied, or bound, it strongly with a rope. (TA.) b2: He bound, or bound round, a foot, or a man. (K, accord. to different copies.) b3: He strung a bow. (TA.) b4: He pulled, or drew, a bond, and a bow-string, hard, or vehemently. (K.) b5: He, or it, squeezed, pressed, compressed, or pinched, a thing. (K.) You say of a tight boot, حَزَقَ رِجْلَهُ It compressed, or pinched, his foot. (K.) b6: He straitened; made strait, or narrow. (TA.) b7: حَزَقُوا بِهِ They surrounded, encompassed, or encircled, him, or it. (TA.) A2: He broke wind: (K:) said of an ass. (TA.) Hence the saying of 'Alee, in disparagement of the schismatics, حَزْقُ عَيْرٍ حَزْقُ عَيْرٍ; meaning “ the case is not as ye assert: ” said by El-Mufaddal to be a proverbial phrase, applied in relation to a man who relates a piece of information that is not complete nor realized. (TA.) 4 احزقهُ, (K,) inf. n. إِحْزَاقٌ, (TA,) He prevented, withheld, debarred, or forbade, him, (Az, K,) عَنْهُ from it. (TA.) 5 تحزّق i. q. تجمّع [It became collected, brought together, &c.]. (TA.) 7 انحزق i. q. انضمّ [It became drawn, collected, or gathered, together; or drawn and joined, or adjoined; &c.]. (TA.) حِزْقٌ and ↓ حِزْقَةٌ and ↓ حَازِقَةٌ and ↓ حَزِيقٌ and ↓ حَزِيقَةٌ (S, K) and ↓ حَزَاقَةٌ (K) A collection (S, K) of men, and of birds, and of palm-trees, &c. : pl. of the second حِزَقٌ. (S.) حَزَقٌ [Niggardliness, or tenaciousness, of that which is in one's hands]: see حُزُقٌّ.

حِزْقَةٌ: see حِزْقٌ: b2: and see also حَزِيقَةٌ.

حَزُقٌّ: see the next paragraph.

حُزُقٌّ and ↓ حُزُقَّةٌ Short: or short in step by reason of the weakness of his body: (K:) or short, and short in step: (S:) or narrow in judgment: (K:) so As, in explanation of the latter word; applied to a man and to a woman: (TA:) or this signifies short: and short and ugly: and the former, narrow in power and judgment, and avaricious, niggardly, or tenacious: (Sh, T, TA:) and the latter, (AO, TA,) or both, (K,) large-bellied and short, and, in walking, turning about his buttocks; as also ↓ أُحْزُقَّةٌ and ↓ حَزُقَّةٌ: [the last in the CK without teshdeed:] or [in the CK “ and ”] the first two words, and ↓ حَزُقٌّ and ↓ حَزُقَّةٌ, a short man who is short in step by reason of his shortness or of the weakness of his body: or a man niggardly, or tenacious, of that which is in his hands; and the subst. [signifying the quality thus denoted] is ↓ حَزَقٌ: (K:) also evil in disposition, (IAar, K,) and niggardly: (IAar, TA:) and straitened in circumstances: (Sh, K:) or الحُزُقَّةُ [in the CK الحُزَقَةُ] signifies [sometimes] a sort of game; (K;) as in a trad., in which it is said of some girls, لَعِبْنَ الحُزُقَّةَ [They played at the game of الحزقّة]. (TA.) حُزُقَّةٌ حُزُقَّهْ تَرَقَّ عَيْنَ بَقَّهْ (S, TA) is a saying of the Arabs, (S,) explained as meaning Short in step by reason of thy weakness, short in step &c., climb up, [O eye of a gnat or musquito;] and was said, as is related in a trad., by the Prophet, in dancing El-Hasan and El-Hoseyn; whereupon the child would climb up until he placed his feet upon the Prophet's chest: (TA:) حُزُقَّةٌ is for أَنْتَ حُزُقَّةٌ, or يَا حُزُقَّةُ: (IAth, TA:) and تَرَقَّ means اِرْقَى, from رَقِيتُ فِى الدَّرَجَةِ: (S:) and عَيْنَ بَقَّهْ is an allusion to smallness of the eye, (IAth, TA, and Har p. 619,) as being likened to the eye of the gnat or musquito; or denotes smallness of person. (Har.) حَزُقَّةٌ: see حُزُقٌّ, in two places.

حُزُفَّةٌ: see حُزُقٌّ.

حِزَاقٌ Anything with which one ties, binds, or makes fast. (TA.) [The meaning of بِالضُّرُوَرة assigned by Golius to حِزَاقًا is a mistake, occasioned by his misunderstanding a passage in the K, where it is said of a woman that she used حِزَاقًا by poetic license (لِلضَّرُورَةِ) for حَازِوقًا, a proper name of a man.]

حَزِيقٌ: see حِزْقٌ: b2: and see also حَزِيقَةٌ.

حَزَاقَةٌ: see حِزْقٌ.

حَزِيقَةٌ: see حِزْقٌ. b2: Also, (K,) and ↓ حِزْقَةٌ, (TA,) A part, or portion, (K, TA,) [of a swarm] of locusts; (TA;) as also خِرْقَةٌ; (K and TA in art. خرق;) or of anything; (K, TA;) even of wind: (TA:) pl. of the former حَزَائِقُ and حُزُقٌ (K, TA [in the CK حِزَقٌ, which is pl. of حِزْقَةٌ,]) and [coll. gen. n.] ↓ حَزِيقٌ. (K.) b3: And i. q. حَدِيقَةٌ [A walled garden; &c.]: (K:) or the like of a حديقة (Ibn-'Abbád, TA.) حَازِقٌ One who is pinched by a tight boot: (S, K:) of the measure فَاعِلٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ. (K.) One says, لَا رَأْىَ لِحَازِقٍ

[No counsel, or advice, is possible to one who is pinched by a tight boot]. (S, TA.) [See also حَاقِنٌ.]

حَازِقَةٌ: see حِزْقٌ.

أُحْزُقَّةٌ: see حُزُقٌّ.

إِبْرِيقٌ مَحْزُوقُ العُنُقِ A narrow-necked ewer. (A, Nh, K.) مُتَحَزِّقٌ Very niggardly or tenacious or avaricious. (S, K.)



1 حَبَلَهُ, (K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. حَبْلٌ, (TA,) He bound, tied, or made fast, him, or it, with a rope, or cord. (K, TA.) b2: [Hence,] حَبْلٌ signifies [also] (assumed tropical:) The making a covenant. (KL.) b3: and (assumed tropical:) The obtaining أَمَان [i. e. a promise, or an assurance, of security or safety]. (KL.) b4: and The placing a snare for game. (KL.) And The catching game with, or in, a snare. (KL.) Yousay, حَبَلَ الصَّيْدَ, (Az, ISd, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (Msb,) inf. n. حَبْلٌ; (Msb, TA;) and ↓ احتبلهُ, (Az, S, ISd, Msb, K,) and ↓ تحبّلهُ; (TA;) He took, or caught, the game with the حِبَالَة [or snare]: (Az, S, ISd, Msb, K:) or he set up the حِبَالَة for the game. (ISd, K.) And حَبَلَتْهُ الحِبَالَةُ The snare [caught him, or] clung to him: and hence, قَذًى

حَبَلَتْهُ عَيْنُهُ (tropical:) [Motes which his eye caught]; a metaphorical phrase, used by Er-Rá'ee; the eye being likened to the snare; and the motes, to game. (TA.) And حُبِلَ عَنِ البَرَاحِ (assumed tropical:) [He was prevented, as by a snare, or by a rope, from quitting his place] (TA.) And زَوْجُهَا ↓ اِحْتَبَلَهَا [app. meaning (assumed tropical:) Her husband entrapped her: or laid a snare for her]. (TA.) And ↓ احتبلهُ المَوْتُ (tropical:) [Death ensnared him; or took him]. (ISd, Z, TA.) And حَبَلَتْهُ فُلَانَةُ (tropical:) Such a woman smote his heart with her love; [or captivated him;] as also ↓ اِحْتَبَلَتْهُ. (TA.) [And accord. to the CK, حَبْلٌ also signifies the same as مُدَاهَنَةٌ [i. e. (assumed tropical:) The endeavouring to conciliate; &c.]: but the reading in the TA, and in my MS. copy of the K, is دَاهِيَة: which, however, occurs afterwards in the K as a meaning of حَبْلٌ and of حِبْلٌ.]

A2: حَبِلَتْ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ (Msb, K,) inf. n. حَبَلٌ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K, TA, [in the CK حَبْل,]) said of a woman, (S, Mgh, Msb,) and of any female beast, (Msb,) She was, or became, pregnant: (S, Msb, K:) حَبَلٌ and حَمْلٌ signifying the same: (AO, S, ISd, K: *) or the former applies only to human beings; and the latter, to others. (Msb, TA.) You say وَقْتُ حَبَلِ أٌمِّهِ بِهِ [The time of his mother's being pregnant with him]. (S.) b2: [Hence,] حَبَلٌ signifies also (tropical:) The being full. (ISd, K, TA.) You say, حَبِلَ مِنَ الشِّرَابِ and المَآءِ, aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. حَبَلٌ, (K, * TK,) (tropical:) He became full of beverage, or wine, and of water, (K, TA,) and his belly became swollen [therewith, like that of a pregnant woman]. (TA.) b3: and (tropical:) The being angry. (K, * TA.) You say, حَبِلَ فُلَانٌ (tropical:) Such a one became angry. (TK.) 2 حبّل الزَّرْعُ, inf. n. تَحْبِيلٌ, (M, A, K, [in the CK, and in my MS. copy of the K, erroneously, الزَّرْعَ,]) (tropical:) The seed-produce shot forth (قَذَفَ) one part thereof upon another, or parts thereof upon others: (M, K, TA:) or the ears of the seedproduce [or corn] became compacted and filled with the grain. (A, TA.) 4 احبل العِضَاهُ The [trees called] عضاه [produced their حُبْل, or حُبَل; or] scattered their blossoms, and organized and compacted their fruit [i. e. their pods with the seeds therein]; expl. by تَنَاثَرَ وَرْدُهَا وَ عَقَدَ [meaning عَقَدَ الثَّمَرَ]: (A, O, K:) from الحُبْلَةُ [q. v.], like عَلَّفَ from العُلَّفَ. (AA, O, TA.) A2: احبلهُ, (S, K,) inf. n. إِحْبَالٌ, (TA,) He fecundated it; syn. أَلْقَحَهُ. (S, K.) 5 تَحَبَّلَ see 1.8 إِحْتَبَلَ see 1, in four places.

حَبْلٌ i. q. رَسَنٌ [as meaning A rope, or cord]; (S;) a certain thing well known; (Msb;) a thing with which one ties, binds, or makes fast, a beast &c.; syn. رِبَاطٌ: (M, K:) and i. q. رَسَنٌ [as meaning a halter]; (M, Msb, K;) as in the Kur cxi. 5; (TA;) and so ↓ مُحَبَّلٌ: (M, K:) in the former sense, the pl. [of pauc.] is أَحْبُلٌ (S, M, K) and أَحْبَالٌ (M, K) and [of mult.] حِبَالٌ (S, M, Msb, K) and حُبُولٌ (M, K) and حِبَالَةٌ (L voce جُرْحٌ) [and حُبُولَةٌ, agreeably with a usage of the Arabs, which is, to add ة to any pl. of the measure فِعَالٌ or of that of فُعُولٌ, (see حَجَرٌ,)] and ↓ حَبَائِلُ, which is anomalous, as in the phrase حَبَائِلُ اللُّؤْلُؤِ [cords of pearls], occurring in a trad.; or this is a mistranscription for جَنَابِذُ, (K, TA, [in the CK حَنائِدُ,]) with ج [and ن] and ذ: (TA:) and in the latter sense, the pl. is حُبُولٌ. (M, Msb, K.) In a trad. in which it is said that a man's hand is to be cut off for his stealing a حَبْل, the حبل of a ship may be mean. (Mgh in art. بيض.) b2: [Hence, (assumed tropical:) A bond; cause of union; or link of connexion:] connexion with another by the bond of love or friendship or the like; (S, K, TA;) pl. حِبَالٌ: (TA:) mutual connexion by such a bond. (ISd, Msb, K.) You say, وَصَلَ فُلَانٌ فِى حَبْلِ فُلَانٍ (assumed tropical:) Such a one married his daughter to such a one. (Har p. 223.) And هُوَ يَخْطُبُ فِى حَبْلِ فُلَانِ (assumed tropical:) He aids such a one in seeking, or demanding, a woman in marriage. (TA.) And it is said in a trad., إِنَّ بَيْنَنَا وَ بَيْنَ القَوْمِ حِبَالًا وَ نَحْنُ قَاطِعُوهَا (assumed tropical:) Verily there is between us and the party a connexion by the bond of love or friendship or the like, and we are severing it. (TA.) You say also, إِنَّهُ لَوَاسِعُ الحَبْلِ (tropical:) Verily he is large, or liberal, in disposition; [or in the scope of his friendship;] and ضَيِّقُ الحَبْلِ (tropical:) narrow therein. (TA.) b3: (tropical:) A covenant, or compact: (S, Msb, K, TA:) (tropical:) a covenant, or an obligation, by which one becomes responsible for the safety, or safe-keeping, of a person or thing: (K, TA:) and (tropical:) a promise, or an assurance, of security, or safety; (A 'Obeyd, S, Msb, K, TA;) such as a man, desiring to make a journey, used [and still uses] to take from the chief of a tribe: (A 'Obeyd, TA:) pl. حِبَالٌ. (TA.) You say, كَانَتْ بَيْنَهُمْ حِبَالٌ فَقَطَعُوهَا (tropical:) There were between them covenants, and obligations whereby they were responsible for one another's safety, and they broke them. (TA.) And it is said in the Kur [iii. 108], إِلَّا بِحَبْلٍ مِنَ اللّٰهِ وَ حَبْلٍ مِنَ النَّاسِ (tropical:) Unless [they have] a covenant from God and a covenant from men: (Ibn-'Arafeh, TA:) for the unbeliever requires a covenant from God, which consists in his being of those who have a revealed scripture without which he cannot retain his religion nor enjoy protection, and a covenant granted to him by men. (Er-Rághib, TA.) And it is also said in the Kur [iii. 98], وَاعْتَصِمُوا بِحَبْلِ اللّٰهِ i. e. (tropical:) [And hold ye fast] by the covenant of God: (TA:) or (tropical:) the means of approach, or access, unto God; i. e. the Kur-án, and the Prophet, and intelligence, &c., which are the means of obtaining the protection of God; for حَبْلٌ is metaphorically applied to (tropical:) any means of access to a thing: (Er-Rághib, TA:) or these words of the Kur mean (tropical:) and follow ye the Kur-án, and abstain from schism. (A'Obeyd, TA.) And in like manner, the saying of Ibn-Mes'ood, عَلَيْكُمْ بِحَبْلِ اللّٰهِ, means (tropical:) Keep ye to the Book of God; for it is a security for you, and a covenant, against the punishment of God. (A'Obeyd, TA.) b4: (tropical:) An elongated, or extended, tract of sand, (T, S, M, Mgh, K,) collected together, abundant, and high: (T, TA:) or حَبْلٌ مِنَ الرَّمْلِ means a long, extended, tract of sand, collected together, and elevated: (Msb:) [or simply a long, or long and elevated, tract of sand; likened to a rope, as is indicated in the Mgh:] pl. حِبَالٌ. (TA.) b5: [(assumed tropical:) A long, creeping, or twining, stalk or shoot or branch; likened to a rope or cord: pl. حِبَالٌ: often occurring in descriptions of plants by AHn and others.]

b6: See also حَبَلَةٌ. b7: الحَبْلُ (assumed tropical:) The وَرِيد; [a name applied to each of the two carotid arteries, and sometimes to each of the two external jugular veins;] also called حَبْلُ الوَرِيدِ; a vein between the windpipe and the [two sinews called the]

عِلْبَاوَانِ; (Fr, TA;) a certain vein in the neck, (S,) or in the حَلْق. (Msb.) b8: (assumed tropical:) The عَاتِق [or part between the shoulder-joint and the neck]: (K:) or الحَبْلُ, (K,) or حَبْلُ العَاتِقِ, (TA,) signifies the طَرِيقَة [app. here meaning, as it does in some other instances, oblong muscle] that is between the neck and the head of the shoulder-blade: or a sinew between the neck and the shoulderjoint: (K:) or حَبْلُ العَاتِقِ signifies a bond, or ligament, between the عاتق and the neck; (T, Msb, TA;) or between the neck and the shoulderjoint: (Lth, TA:) or certain sinews. (S.) b9: (assumed tropical:) A certain vein, or nerve, (عِرْق,) in the fore arm, (K, TA,) extending from the wrist until it becomes concealed in the shoulder-joint: (TA:) or حَبْلُ الذِّرَاعِ is [a vein, or nerve,] in the arm: (S:) or حِبَالُ الذِّرَاعَيْنِ signifies the sinews that appear upon the two fore arms; and in like manner, those of a horse. (TA.) One says, هُوَ عَلَى حَبْلِ ذِرَاعِكَ, (S, TA,) a prov., (S,) meaning (tropical:) He, or it, is near to thee: (T, S, Sgh:) or within thy power, or reach; or possible, or practicable, to thee; or easy to thee. (ISd, Z, TA.) b10: Also, (K,) or حَبْلُ الفَقَارِ, (TA,) (assumed tropical:) A certain vein, or nerve, (عِرْق,) in the back, (K, TA,) extending from the beginning thereof to its end. (TA.) b11: الحِبَالُ فِى السَّاقِ, (K,) or حِبَالُ السَّاقَيْنِ, (M,) (assumed tropical:) The sinews of the two shanks. (M, K.) b12: الحِبَالُ فِى الذَّكَرِ, (K,) or ↓ حَبَائِلُ الذَّكَرِ, (M,) (assumed tropical:) The veins (عُرُوق) of the penis. (M, K.) b13: الحَبْلُ also signifies The station of the horses collected for a race, before they are let go. (K.) [Probably it was marked by an extended rope; and for that reason was thus called.]

A2: Also Heaviness; weight, or weightiness; ponderousness; syn. ثِقَلٌ. (Az, K.) حُبْلٌ: see حُبْلَةٌ.

حِبْلٌ A calamity, or misfortune; (S, K;) as also ↓ حَبُولٌ: (K:) pl. حُبُولٌ. (S, K.) ISd cites as an ex. the saying of El-Akhtal, وَ كُنْتُ سَلِيمَ القَلْبِ حَتَّى أَصَابَنِى

مِنَ اللَّامِعَاتِ المُبْرِقَاتِ حُبُولُ [And I was sound of heart until calamities befell me from the resplendent females, exhibiting their beauty]. (TA.) b2: رَجُلٌ حِبْلٌ (assumed tropical:) A learned, sagacious, intelligent man. (IAar, K. *) [And حِبْلٌ also signifies (assumed tropical:) Very intelligent, or very cunning. Pl. أَحْبَالٌ.] You say, إِنَّهُ لَحِبْلٌ مِنْ أَحْبَالِهَا, meaning (tropical:) Verily he is one who possesses much intelligence, or much cunning: and verily he is a gentle manager of cattle. (ISd, K, TA.) حَبَلٌ: see حَبَلَةٌ.

A2: It is also an inf. n.; i. e., of حَبِلَتْ. (S, Mgh, Msb, K.) A3: And it is also a simple subst.: (K, TA: [in the CK, واسْمُ جَمْعٍ is erroneously put for واسْمٌ:]) [i. e.] it also signifies The fœtus in the womb: (Mgh:) pl. أَحْبَالٌ. (K.) It is said in a trad., نَهَى عَنْ حَبَلِ

↓ الحَبَلَةِ, (S, Mgh,) or نَهَى عَنْ بَيْعِ حَبَلِ الحَبَلَةِ, (Msb, K,) i. e. He forbade the selling of the offspring of the offspring (S, Msb, K) in the belly (Msb, TA) of the she-camel &c.; (Msb;) [i. e.,] the offspring of the fœtus (A'Obeyd, S, Msb) in the belly of the she-camel [&c.]; (A'Obeyd, Msb;) [i. e.,] what the fœtus will bring forth, if it be a female; (Mgh;) the ة in الحبلة being the sign of the fem. gender; (A'Obeyd, Mgh, Msb;) or a sign of intensiveness of the signification: (IAmb, TA:) for the Arabs in the Time of Ignorance used to sell the offspring of the offspring in the bellies (T, M, Msb, TA) of pregnant beasts, (T, Msb,) or of sheep or goats: (M, TA:) or the meaning is, what is in the belly of the she-camel: (A'Obeyd, Esh-Sháfi'ee, K:) or the produce of the grape-vine before it has attained to maturity: (M, K:) but Suh disapproves of this last explanation, as a mistake occasioned by the ة in الحبلة. (TA.) b2: (assumed tropical:) Anything that is in another thing: thus, for instance, the pearl is the حَبَل of the oyster-shell; and the wine is the حَبَل of the glass bottle. (A, TA.) A4: (tropical:) Fulness; (ISd, K, TA; [see حَبِلَ;]) as also ↓ حُبَالٌ. (IAar, K.) b2: (tropical:) Anger: (K, TA:) (tropical:) anger and grief; as in the saying بِهِ حَبَلٌ (tropical:) In him is anger and grief: (Az, ISd, K, TA:) from the same word as meaning the “ pregnancy ” of a woman. (Az, TA.) A5: حَبَلْ حَبَلْ A cry by which sheep or goats are chidden. (Sgh, K.) حَبْلَةٌ: see حَبْلَةٌ.

حُبْلَةٌ The fruit, or produce, of the [kind of trees called] عِضَاهُ, (S, K,) in general: (K:) or the pod, or receptacle of the seeds, of the سَمُر and سَلَم; [so accord. to Az; as appears from a comparison of passages in art. بل in the T and TA;] that of other [trees of the kind called] عضاه being termed سِنْفَةٌ: (TA:) or the fruit, or produce, of the سَمُر, resembling the [species of kidney-bean called] لُوبِيَآء; (IAar, TA;) or of the سَلَم and سَيَال and سَمُر, (M, K,) which is a curved thing, containing small black grains, resembling lentils: (M, TA:) or, accord. to AO, a species of tree; as is the سَمُر: (Az, TA:) pl. ↓ حُبْلٌ, [or rather this is a coll. gen. n.,] and [the proper pl. is]

حُبَلٌ. (K.) Hence, in a trad. of Saad, وَ مَا لَنَا طَعَامٌ إِلَّا الحُبْلَةُ وَ وَرَقُ السَّمُرِ [We having no food except the حبلة and the leaves of the سمر]. (S, TA.) b2: A kind of ornament worn by women, (S, K, TA,) fashioned in the form of the fruit thus called, (TA,) and put upon necklaces, (S, TA,) used in the Time of Ignorance. (As, TA.) b3: A certain herb, (بَقْلَةٌ, ISd, K,) sweet, or pleasant, of the herbs termed ذُكُور: so says ISd: and in one place he says, a certain tree which [the lizards termed] ضِبَاب eat. (TA.) b4: See also what next follows.

حَبَلَةٌ (M, A, K) and ↓ حَبْلَةٌ, (M, A,) or ↓ حُبْلَةٌ, (K,) (assumed tropical:) A grape-vine; (M, A, K;) its branches being likened to ropes, or cords: (A, TA:) or a stock of a grape-vine: (K:) the first of these words has the latter signification (Mgh, TA) accord. to As: (TA:) or it signifies a stock of a grape-vine having its branches spread upon its trellises: (TA:) or the first and second signify a branch of a grape-vine: (S) or, accord. to Lth, حبلة [thus in the TA, without any syll. sign,] signifies a grape-vine: and also a طاق [app. here meaning an arch] of the branches of a grape-vine: so in the T: (TA:) and ↓ حَبَلَ and ↓ حَبْلٌ [are coll. gen. ns., and] signify grapevines. (K.) b2: حَبَلَةُ عَمْرٍو A sort of grapes of Et-Táïf, white, and pointed at the extremities. (TA.) A2: See also حَبَلٌ: A3: and see what next follows.

حُبْلَى Pregnant; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) as also ↓ حَابِلَةٌ; (K;) and ↓ حَبْلَانَةٌ also occurs in the same sense: (ISd, K) applied to a woman, (S, Mgh,) or, accord. to Az, to any animal having a nail, (S,) or to any beast, as, for instance, a sheep, or goat, and a cat: (Msb:) pl. of the first حَبَالَى (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and حُبْلَيَاتٌ (Msb, K) and حَبَالَيَاتٌ, (S, TA,) which last is pl. of حَبَالَى: (TA:) and the pl. of حَابِلَةٌ is ↓ حَبَلَةٌ, (K,) which is extr. (TA.) One says, اللَّيْلُ حُبْلَى لَسْتَ تَدْرِى

مَا تَلِدُ (assumed tropical:) [The night is pregnant: thou knowest not what it will bring forth]: meaning that the events of the night are not to be trusted. (TA.) b2: See also حَبْلَانَةٌ.

حُبْلِىٌّ and ↓ حُبْلَوِىٌّ Of, or relating to, one that is حُبَلَى, i. e. pregnant. (S, K.) حَبْلَانَةٌ: see حُبْلَى. b2: [Hence,] حَبْلَانُ (tropical:) Full [of beverage, or wine, and of water; see حَبِلَ]; as also ↓ حُبْلَان: fem. of the former حَبْلَى; and of the latter; ↓ حُبْلَى [which is anomalous]: (AHn, ISd, K, TA:) and ↓ أَحْبَلُ a man full of beverage or wine. (Z, TA.) b3: And حَبْلَانُ (tropical:) Angry; (K, TA;) full of anger; عَلَى فُلَانٍ against such a one: (TA:) fem. with ة. (Ibn-'Arafeh, K, TA.) حُبْلَان: see the next preceding paragraph. [By rule, it should be with tenween, like عُرْيَانٌ, and should form its fem. with ة.]

حُبْلَوِىٌّ: see حُبْلِىٌّ.

حُبْلَاوِىٌّ: see حُبْلِىٌّ.

حُبَالٌ: see حَبَلٌ.

A2: Also (assumed tropical:) Much hair. (Az, TA.) حَبُولٌ: see حِبْلٌ.

حَبِيلُ بَرَحٍ (assumed tropical:) One who stands in his place like the lion, not fleeing: (S:) or (tropical:) courageous: (K, TA:) and an appellation given to (tropical:) a lion; (K, TA;) as though he were prevented, as by a snare, or by a rope, from quitting his place; not quitting it, by reason of his boldness. (TA.) حِبَالَةٌ (S, Msb, K) and ↓ أُحْبُولَةٌ (Lth, Msb, K) and ↓ أُحْبُولٌ (Lth, K) A snare; or thing by means of which one takes, catches, or snares, game, or wild animals, or birds; (S, M, K;) of whatever kind it be; (M, TA;) a شَرَك, and the like: (Msb:) or حبالة peculiarly applies to the cord (حَبْل) of him who takes, catches, or snares, game or the like: (Er-Rághib, TA:) pl. of the first حَبَائِلُ, (Msb, TA,) and of the second [and third] أَحَابِيلُ. (Msb.) It is said in a prov., خَشِّ ذُؤَالَةَ بِالحِبَالَةِ [Frighten thou the wolf to catch him with the snare]; ذؤالة meaning the wolf: applied to him whose threatening is not cared for: i. e., threaten another than me; for I know thee. (Meyd, TA.) b2: [Hence,] النِّسَآءُ حَبَائِلُ الشَّيْطَانِ (assumed tropical:) [Women are the snares of the Devil]. (TA.) And حَبَائِلُ المَوْتِ (assumed tropical:) The causes of death. (K.) And هُوَ حِبَالَةُ الإِبِلِ (assumed tropical:) He is one who takes good care of the camels, so that they do not escape from him. (TA.) b3: For the pl. حَبَائِلُ, see also حَبْلٌ, in two places; in the first sentence, and near the end of the paragraph.

حَابِلٌ One who binds, ties, or makes fast, a rope, or cord. (TA.) Hence, (TA,) يَا حَابِلُ اذْكُرْ حَلًّا, a prov., (K, TA,) meaning O binder, or tyer, of the rope, bear in mind the time of untying. (TA.) b2: The setter of the snare (حَبَالَة) for game; (S, TA;) as also ↓ مُحْتَبِلٌ. (TA.) It is said in a prov., اِخْتَلَطَ الحَابِلُ بِالنَّابِلِ (S) (assumed tropical:) The setter of the snare became confounded with the shooter of the arrows: (TA in art. خلط:) or, in this instance, (S,) الحابل signifies the warp; and النابل, the woof. (S, K.) And in another prov., ثَارَ حَابِلُهُمْ عَلَى نَابِلِهِمْ (assumed tropical:) They kindled mischief among themselves: (K, TA:) الحابل [properly] signifying the owner of the حِبَالَة; and النابل, the shooter with نَبْل, or the owner of نَبْل: i. e., their case became confused: and sometimes it is applied to a party whose case has become turned from its proper state, and who become roused, or stirred up, one against another. (Az, TA.) One says also, حَوَّلَ حَابِلَهُ عَلَى نَابِلِهِ (assumed tropical:) He turned it upside down. (K.) And اِجْعَلْ حَابِلَهُ نَابِلَهُ, and حَابِلَهُ عَلَى نَابِلِهِ, (assumed tropical:) Turn thou it upside down. (TA.) b3: (tropical:) An enchanter. (Sgh, K, TA.) A2: A [lizard of the kind called] ضَبّ that feeds upon the حُبْلَة [q. v.]; (S, M, K;) and so a gazelle. (TA.) A3: حَابِلَةٌ: see حُبْلَى.

حَابُولٌ A rope [in the form of a hoop] by means of which one ascends palm-trees; (S, M, K;) made of bark, or of [the fibres of the palmtree called] لِيف. (Har pp. 544-5.) أَحْبَلُ: see حَبْلَانُ, voce حَبْلَانَةٌ.

أُحْبُولٌ and أُحْبُولَةٌ: see حِبَالَةٌ.

مَحْبَلٌ The time of pregnancy: (K:) [or the time of one's mother's pregnancy: for] you say, كَانَ ذٰلِكَ فِى مَحْبَلِ فُلَانٍ That was in the time of such a one's mother's being pregnant with him. (S, TA.) So in the saying of El-Mutanakhkhil El-Hudhalee: خُطَّ لَهُ ذٰلِكَ فِى المَحْبَلِ لَا تَقِهِ المَوْتَ وَقِيَّاتُهُ [His possessions by means of which he preserves himself shall not preserve him from death: that was written for him in the time when his mother was pregnant with him: or the last word is المَهْبِلِ: so in the TA in arts. هبل and وقى: see what here follows, in the next sentence]: or the meaning is that here following. (TA.) b2: [The register of God's decrees; which is called] the first writing: (ISd, K:) but in the verse cited above, the last word, accord. to some, is ↓ المَحْبِل, (TA,) which means المَهْبِل, (K, TA,) and this is the reading best known, signifying the place of gestation in the womb. (TA.) مَحْبِلٌ: see what next precedes.

مُحَبَّلٌ: see حَبْلٌ, first sentence. b2: Also Hair crisped, or twisted and contracted: so accord. to the K; in which is added, شِبْهُ الجَثْلِ; but the right reading is شِبْهُ الحَبْلِ [like the rope or cord]: or having its locks twisted like ropes or cords: [thus many Ethiopian races, and some of the Arab women, twist their hair, like cords; and thus, generally, did the ancient Egyptians:] or, accord. to the M, i. q. مَضْفُورٌ [meaning plaited, or twisted]. (TA.) مَحْبُولٌ A wild animal caught, or entangled, in a حَبَالَة [or snare]: (S:) or one for which a حبالة has been set, though he may not as yet have fallen into it: and ↓ مُحْتَبَلٌ [in the CK erroneously مُحْتَبِل] one that has fallen into it, (ISd, K,) and been taken. (ISd, TA.) مُحْتَبَلٌ: see what next precedes. b2: Also [The place of the hobble; i. e.] (tropical:) the pastern of a beast: (T, TA:) or the pasterns of a horse: (S, K:) originally used in relation to a bird caught in a snare. (A, TA.) مُحْتَبِلٌ: see حَابِلٌ.



1 حَمَلَهُ, aor. ـِ inf. n. حَمْلٌ (S, Mgh, Msb, K, &c., in some copies of the S حِمْلٌ) and حُمْلَانٌ, (Mgh, K,) He bore it, carried it, took it up and carried it, conveyed it, or carried it off or away, (MA,) عَلَى ظَهْرِهِ (S, MA,) upon his back, or عَلَى رَأْسِهِ upon his head; (MA;) and ↓ احتملهُ signifies the same: (Msb, K:) or the latter is used in relation to an object inconsiderable and small in comparison with that in relation to which the former is used; as in the saying of En-Nábighah, (TA,) إِنَّا اقْتَسَمْنَا خُطَّتَيْنَا بَيْنَنَا فَجَارِ ↓ فَحَمَلْتَ بَرَّةَ وَاحْتَمَلْتُ [Verily we have divided our two qualities between us, and thou hast borne as thy share goodness, and I have borne as my share wickedness]. (TA * in the present art., and S and TA &c. in arts. بر and فجر.) Hence, in the Kur [xx. 100], فَإِنَّهُ يَحْمِلُ يَوْمَ القِيَامَةِ وِزْرًا [He shall bear, on the day of resurrection, a heavy burden]. (TA.) Hence also, in the Kur [vii. 189], حَمَلَتْ حَمْلًا خَفِيفًا [She bore a light burden]; (S, TA;) i. e., [as some say,] the seminal fluid. (TA.) Hence also, in the Kur [xxix. 60], وَكَأَيِّنْ مِنْ دَابَّةٍ لَا تَحْمِلُ رِزْقَهَا [And how many a beast is there that does not bear its sustenance !], meaning, (assumed tropical:) does not provide its sustenance, but is sustained by God. (TA.) يَحْمِلُ الحَطَبَ [lit. He carries firewood], (A in art. حطب,) or الحَطَبَ الرَّطْبَ [juicy, or fresh, firewood], (Er-Rághib, TA,) means (tropical:) he goes about with calumny, or slander. (A in art. حطب, and Er-Rághib * and TA. *) b2: حَمَلَهُ عَلَى الدَّابَّة, (Msb, TA,) aor. ـِ (TA,) inf. n. حَمْلٌ, (Msb, TA,) [He carried him, or mounted him, (namely, a man, Msb) upon the beast; as also ↓ احتملهُ.] And حَمَلَهُ [alone] He gave him a beast upon which to ride. (T, TA. [See Kur ix. 93.]) أَحْمَلَهُ is not used in this sense. (T, TA.) b3: See also 4. b4: حَمَلَتِ المَرْأَةُ, aor. ـِ (K,) inf. n. حَمْلٌ, (TA,) (tropical:) The woman became pregnant, or conceived: (K, TA:) and حَمَلَتْ وَلَدَهَا She became pregnant with, or conceived, her child: (Msb:) one should not say, حَمَلَتْ بِهِ; or this is rare; (K;) or one should not say this, but it is frequently said; (IJ, TA;) [for] as حَمَلَتْ is syn. with عَلِقَتْ, (Msb, TA,) and the latter is trans. by means of بِ the former is thus made trans., (TA,) therefore one says, حَمَلَتْ بِهِ فِى لَيْلَةِ كَذَا وَفِى مَوْضِعِ كَذَا, meaning She became pregnant with him, or conceived him, in such a night, and in such a place. (Msb.) حَمَلَتْ is also said of a ewe or she-goat, and of a female beast of prey, [and app. of any female,] accord. to IAar; meaning (assumed tropical:) She was, or became, in the first stage of pregnancy. (TA.) b5: حَمَلَتِ الشَّجَرَةُ, inf. n. حَمْلٌ, (assumed tropical:) The tree [bore, or] produced, or put forth, its fruit. (Msb.) b6: حَمَلَ بِدَيْنٍ, and بِدِيَةٍ, inf. n. حَمَالَةٌ, (assumed tropical:) [He bore, or took upon himself, the responsibility, or he was, or became, responsible, for a debt, and a bloodwit:] (Msb:) [for] حَمَلَ بِهِ, aor. ـِ inf. n. حَمَالَةٌ, signifies كَفَلَ. (S, * K.) And حَمَلَ الحَمَالَةَ and ↓ تحمّلها (assumed tropical:) [He was, or became, responsible for the bloodwit, or debt or the like]: both signify the same: (S, TA:) and بِهِ ↓ تحمّل (assumed tropical:) He took it upon himself, or became responsible, or answerable, for it: (Msb in art. كفل:) and مُعْظَمَهُ ↓ تحمّل (assumed tropical:) He took, or imposed, upon himself, or undertook, the main part of it: (Jel in xxiv. 11:) and الأَمْرَ ↓ احتمل (assumed tropical:) He took, or imposed, upon himself, or undertook, the thing, or affair; he bore, or took upon himself, the burden thereof. (L in art. قلد.) Yousay, حَمَلَ قَوْمٌ عَنْ قَوْمٍ دِيَةً, (K, TA,) or غَرَامَةً, (TA,) (assumed tropical:) [A party bore, or took upon itself, for a party, the responsibility for a bloodwit, or a debt or the like;] as also ↓ تحمّل. (S.) [And حَمَلَ عَنْ فُلَانٍ لِفُلَانٍ كَذَا (assumed tropical:) He bore, or took upon himself, for such a one, the responsibility, to such a one, for such a thing.] And حَمَالَةً بَيْنَ ↓ تحمّل قَوْمٍ (assumed tropical:) He bore, or took upon himself, the responsibility for the bloodwits between people, in order to make peace between them, when war had occurred between them, and men's blood had been shed. (TA, from a trad.) b7: حَمَلَ ظُلْمًا (assumed tropical:) [He made himself chargeable with wrongdoing]. (Kur xx. 110.) b8: [حَمَلَ الأَمَانَةَ: see أَمَانَةٌ: accord. to some, it means (assumed tropical:) He took upon himself, or accepted, the trust: accord. to others, he was unfaithful to it: and ↓ اِحْتَمَلَهَا means the same.]

b9: حَمَلْتُ إِدْلَالَهُ: see 8. b10: حَمَلَ عَنْهُ: see 8. b11: حَمَلَ فُلَانٌ الحِقْدَ عَلَى فُلَانٍ (assumed tropical:) Such a one [bore or] concealed in his mind rancour, malevolence, malice, or spite, against such a one. (TA.) and فُلَانٌ لَا يَحْمِلُ, i. e. يُظْهِرُ غَضَبَهُ [which may be meant as the explanation of لا يحمل, i. e. (assumed tropical:) Such a one shows (or will not conceal) his anger; and thus SM understood it; or as the explanation of يحمل alone, i. e. such a one will not show his anger]: (Az, TA:) [for] حَمَلَ الغَضَبَ, (K,) aor. ـِ inf. n. حَمْلٌ, (TA,) means (tropical:) he showed, or manifested, anger. (K, TA.) And hence, it is said, is the saying, in a trad., إِذَا بَلَغَ المَآءُ قُلَّتَيْنِ لَمْ يَحْمِلْ خَبَثًا, i. e. (assumed tropical:) [When the water amounts to the quantity of two vessels of the kind called قُلَّة,] impurity does not appear in it: (O, K, * TA:) or the meaning is, (assumed tropical:) it does not admit the bearing of impurity: for one says, فُلَانٌ لَا يَحْمِلُ الضَّيْمَ, i. e. (assumed tropical:) such a one refuses to bear, or submit to, and repels from himself, injury. (Msb.) Yousay also, حَمَلَ مِنْ ذٰلِكَ أَنَفًا (assumed tropical:) He conceived, in consequence of that, disdain, or scorn, arising from indignation and anger. (TA in art. انف, from a trad.) b12: حَمَلَ الحَدِيثَ (assumed tropical:) [He bore in his memory, knowing by heart, the tradition, or narrative, or story; and in like manner, القُرْآنَ the Kur-án]. (Msb in art. روى.) b13: حَمَلَ فُلَانًا, and بِهِ ↓ تحمّل and عَلَيْهِ, (assumed tropical:) He relied upon such a one in intercession, and in a case of need. (TA.) b14: حُمِلَ عَلَى النَّاقَةِ (assumed tropical:) The she-camel was covered by a stallion. (M in art. صمد.) b15: حَمَلَ عَليْهِ [as syn. with حَمَّلَهُ]: see 2, in three places. b16: حَمَلَ عَلَى دَابَّتِهِ فَوْقَ طَاقَتِهَا فِى السَّيْرِ (assumed tropical:) [He tasked his beast beyond its power in journeying, or marching, or in respect of pace]. (S in art. جهد.) and حَمَلَ عَلَى نَفْسِهِ فِى السَّيْرِ (assumed tropical:) He jaded, or fatigued, himself, or tasked himself beyond his power, in journeying, or marching. (S, TA.) [See also 6.]

b17: حَمَلَ عَلَيْهِ فِى الحَرْبِ, inf. n. حَمْلَةٌ [which is properly an inf. n. of un.], (T, S,) (assumed tropical:) He charged, or made an assault or attack, upon him in war, or battle. (TA.) b18: حَمَلْتُ عَلَى بَنِى فُلَانٍ (assumed tropical:) I made mischief, or I excited disorder, disagreement, dissension, or strife, between, or among, the sons of such a one. (Az, S.) b19: حَمَلَهُ عَلَى الأَمْرِ, aor. ـِ (assumed tropical:) He incited, excited, urged, instigated, induced, or made, him to do the thing, or affair. (ISd, K.) b20: [حَمَلَ لَفْظًا عَلَى لَفْظٍ آخَرَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. حَمْلٌ, a phrase often used in lexicology and grammar, (assumed tropical:) He made, or held, a word, or an expression, to accord in form, or in meaning, or syntactically, with another word, or expression. One says, يُحْمَلُ عَلَى الأَكْثَرِ (assumed tropical:) It (a word) is made to accord in form with those words with which it may be compared that constitute the greater number: thus one says of رَحْمَانُ, which is made to accord in form with words of the measure فَعْلَانُ, though it has not a fem. of the measure فَعْلَى, in preference to فَعْلَانٌ, because words of the measure فَعْلَانُ are more numerous than those of the measure فَعْلَانٌ. And يُحْمَلُ عَلَى نَقِيضِهِ (assumed tropical:) It (a word) is made to accord in form with its contrary in meaning: thus عِجَافٌ, an anomalous pl. of أَعْحَفُ, is made to accord. in form with سِمَانٌ, a regular pl. of سَمِينٌ. and يَحمَلُ عَلَى المَعْنَى (assumed tropical:) It (a word) is made to accord syntactically with its meaning: and يُحْمَلُ عَلَى اللَّفْظِ (assumed tropical:) It is made to accord syntactically with its grammatical character: the former is said when, in a sentence, we make a mase. word fem., and the contrary, because the meaning allows us to substitute a fem. syn. for the masc. word, and a masc. syn. for the fem. word: for ex., it is said in the Kur vi. 78, فَلَمَّا رَأَى الشَّمْسَ بَازِغَةً قَالَ هٰذَا رَبِّى “ And when he saw the sun rising, he said, This is my Lord: ” here (by saying بازغة) الشمس is first made to accord syntactically with its grammatical character (تُحْمَلُ عَلَى اللَّفْظِ); and then (by saying هٰذَا instead of هٰذِهِ) it is made to accord syntactically with its meaning (تُحْمَلُ عَلَى المَعْنَى), which is الجِرْم or the like: this is allowable; but the reverse in respect of order is of weak authority; because the meaning is of more importance than the grammatical character of the word. (Collected from the Kull pp. 156 and 157, and other works.)] b21: حَمَلَهُ أَحْسَنَ مَحْيَلٍ (assumed tropical:) [He put the best construction upon it; namely, a saying: محمل being here an inf. n.]. (TA in art. ابو) b22: [حَمَلَهُ عَلَى النَّاسِخِ (assumed tropical:) He attributed it to, or charged it upon, the copyist; namely, a mistake. حُمِلَ علَى النَّاسِخِ, said of a mistake, occurs in the K in art. ربخ b23: عَلَى آخَرَ حَمَلَ شَيْئًا, in logic, means (assumed tropical:) He predicated a thing of another thing.] b24: See also حُمْلَانٌ.2 حمّلهُ الشَّىْءَ, (Msb,) and الرِّسَالَةَ, (S, TA,) inf. n. تَحْمِيلٌ, (TA,) He made him, or constrained him, to bear or carry [the thing, and the message; and in like manner, عَلَيْهِ الشَّىْءَ ↓ حَمَلَ]. (S, Msb, * TA.) [And حمّلهُ, alone, He loaded him; namely, a camel, &c.] You say also, حَمَّلَهُ الأَمْرَ ↓ فَتَحَمَّلَهُ, inf. n. of the former تَحْمِيلٌ and حِمَّالٌ, like كِذَّابٌ, [which is of the dial. of El-Yemen], and of the latter verb تَحَمُّلٌ and تِحِمَّالٌ [like تِكِلَّامٌ &c.], (K,) (assumed tropical:) He imposed upon him the affair, as a task, or in spite of difficulty or trouble or inconvenience, and he undertook it, as a task, &c. (Msb in art. كلف.) And ↓ حَمَّلْتُهُ أَمْرِى فَمَا تَحَمَّلَ (assumed tropical:) [I imposed upon him my affair, as a task, &c., but he did not undertake it]. (TA.) It is said in the Kur [xxiv. 53], فَإِنَّمَا عَلَيْهِ مَا حُمِّلَ وَعَلَيْكُمْ مَا حُمِّلْتُمْ (assumed tropical:) [Upon him rests only that which he has had imposed upon him; and upon you, that which ye have had imposed upon you]: i. e., upon the Prophet rests the declaring of that which has been revealed to him; and upon you, the following him as a guide. (TA.) And رَبَّنَا عَلَى الَّذِينَ مِنْ ↓ عَلَيْنَا إِصْرًا كَمَا حَمَلْتَهُ ↓ تَحْمِلٌ قَبْلِنَا رَبَّنَا وَلَا تُحَمِّلْنَا مَا لَا طَاقَةَ لَنَا بِهِ (assumed tropical:) [O our Lord, and do not Thou impose upon us a burden, like as Thou imposedst it upon those before us: O our Lord, and do not Thou impose upon us that which we have not power to bear]: (Kur ii. last verse:) or, accord. to one reading, تُحَيِّلْ, which has an intensive signification [when followed by على]. (Bd.) b2: [حمّلهُ ذَنْبًا (assumed tropical:) He charged him with a crime, or an offence: see a verse of En-Nábighah cited voce عَرٌّ.]3 حاملهُ [He bore with him a burden]. You say, of a Wezeer, حَامَلَ المَلِكَ أَعْبَآءَ المُلْكِ (assumed tropical:) [He bore with the King the burdens of the regal office]. (A in art. وزر.) [See also 4.] b2: Also (assumed tropical:) He requited him; namely, a man: or, accord. to AA, مُحَامَلَةٌ signifies the requiting with beneficence. (TA.) 4 احملهُ He helped him to bear, or carry, (T, S,) that which he was bearing, or carrying: (T, TA:) or you say, احملهُ الحِيْلَ he helped him to bear, or carry, the load, or burden: and ↓ حَمَلَهُ, i. e. فَعَلَ ذٰلِكَ بِهِ [he did that with him]. (M, O, K.) [See also 3.]

A2: أَحْمَلَتْ She (a woman, S, K, and a camel, S) yielded her milk without being pregnant. (S, K.) 5 تحمّل He took upon himself the bearing, or carrying, of loads, or burdens: this is the primary signification. (Har p. 48.) b2: [Hence, (assumed tropical:) He burdened himself with, or he became, or made himself, chargeable with, or he bore, or took upon himself, the burden of, a sin, or crime, or the like; as also ↓ احتمل:] you say احتمل إِثْمًا meaning تحملّهُ. (Jel in iv. 112 and xxxiii. 58.) And تحمّل غُرْمًا (assumed tropical:) He took, or imposed, upon himself a debt, or fine. (MA.) b3: [And hence, likewise, several other significations:] see 2, in two places: b4: and 8: b5: and 1, in six places. b6: Also He bound the load, or burden, [or the loads, or burdens, on the saddle, or saddles, or on the beast, or beasts;] (Har p. 48;) and ↓ احتيل signifies [the same, or] he put, or placed, the load, or burden, [or the loads, or burdens,] on the saddle, [or saddles, or on the beast, or beasts.] (Har p. 556.) b7: [And hence,] تحمّلوا and ↓ احتملوا (assumed tropical:) They went away, departed, or journeyed. (S, TA.) 6 تحامل عَلَيْهِ [He bore, bore his weight, pressed, or pressed heavily, upon it, or him]. You say, تَحَامَلَ عَلَى رَأْسِ رُمْحِهِ مُعْتَمِدًا عَلَيْهِ لِيَمُوتَ [He bore, bore his weight, pressed, or pressed heavily, upon the head of his spear, leaning upon it, in order that he might die]. (Mgh in art. ركز.) And تَحَامَلْتُ عَلَيْهِ كَالعَاصِرِ [I pressed, or pressed heavily, upon it, like the squeezer of fruit &c.]. (Msb in art. همز.) b2: [Hence,] (assumed tropical:) He wronged him; or treated him wrongfully, or unjustly. (S, Mgh, and Har p. 80.) And it is asserted that one says, تحامل الزَّمَانُ عَنْ فُلَانٍ

meaning (assumed tropical:) Time, or fortune, turned from such a one, and took away his property: and تحامل إِلَيْهِ (assumed tropical:) It became favourable to him. (Har ibid.) b3: [Also] (assumed tropical:) He imposed upon him, or tasked him with, that which he was not able to bear, or to do. (M, O, K.) And تحامل عَلَى نَفْسِهِ, (S, O,) or تحامل فِى الأَمْرِ and بِالأَمْرِ, (M, K,) (assumed tropical:) He imposed upon himself, or tasked himself with, or constrained himself to do, the thing, or affair, notwithstanding difficulty, or trouble, or inconvenience, (S, M, O, K,) and fatigue. (M, TA.) And تَحَامَلْتُ فِى المَشْىِ (assumed tropical:) I constrained myself to walk, notwithstanding difficulty, or trouble, or inconvenience, and fatigue: whence, رُبَّمَا يَتَحَامَلُ الصَّيْدُ وَيَطِيرُ, i. e. (assumed tropical:) Sometimes the game will constrain itself to fly, notwithstanding difficulty, &c., and will fly. (Mgh.) [See also two similar phrases in the first paragraph.] b4: ↓ مُتَحَامَلٌ is used as its inf. n., and also as a noun of place: using it as an inf. n., you say, مَافِى فُلَانٍ مُتَحَامَلٌ i. e. تَحَامُلٌ (assumed tropical:) [There is not, in such a one, wrongdoing, &c.]: and using it of a place, هٰذَا مُتَحَامَلُنَا (assumed tropical:) [This is our place of wrong-doing, or wrongtreatment, &c.]. (S, TA.) 7 انحمل عَلَى الأَمْرِ (assumed tropical:) He was, or became, incited, excited, urged, instigated, induced, or made, to do the thing, or affair. (ISd, K.) 8 احتمل He raised a thing upon his back. (Har p. 41.) b2: See also 1, in five places: and see 5, in three places. b3: (assumed tropical:) He bore, endured, or sustained. (KL.) You say, اِحْتَمَلْتُ مَا كَانَ مِنْهُ (assumed tropical:) [I bore, or endured, what proceeded from him, or what he did or said, or] I forgave what proceeded from him, and feigned myself neglectful of it. (Msb.) And إِدْلَالَهُ ↓ حَمَلْتُ and اِحْتَمَلْتُ (assumed tropical:) [I bore, or endured, his presumptuousness occasioned by his confiding in my love]. (S.) and احتملهُ (assumed tropical:) [He bore with, endured, suffered, or tolerated, him; or] he bore, or endured, his annoyance, or molestation, (احتمل أَذَاهُ,) and feigned himself neglectful of what proceeded from him, and did not reprove him. (Har p. 41.) and احتمل (assumed tropical:) He was forbearing, or clement; he acted with forbearance, or clemency; he treated with forbearance, or clemency, him who reviled him: (TA:) he forgave an offence; as also ↓ تحمّل: (Har p. 637:) and عَنْهُ ↓ حَمَلَ (tropical:) he treated him with forbearance, or clemency. (K, TA.) [and احتمل النِّعْمَة (assumed tropical:) He bore wealth; or he had, or exercised, the quality of doing so; generally meaning, in a becoming, or proper, manner; but also absolutely, as is shown by the phrase] سُوْءُ احْتِمَالِ النِّعْمَةِ (assumed tropical:) [The bearing of wealth ill, or in an evil manner]. (Er-Rághib voce بَطَرٌ.) and احتمل الصَّنِيعَةَ (assumed tropical:) He bore the benefit as a badge, and was thankful, or grateful, for it. (ISd, K.) b4: [In lexicology, said of a word or phrase or sentence, (assumed tropical:) It bore, admitted, or was susceptible of, a meaning, a sense, or an interpretation: and, elliptically, (assumed tropical:) it bore, admitted, or was susceptible of, two, or more, different meanings, senses, or interpretations; it was equivocal.] In the conventional language of the lawyers, and the Muslim theologians [and men of science in general], (Msb,) it is used, (Kull,) or may be used, (Msb,) as importing supposition, and admissibleness, or allowableness; and thus used, it is intrans.: and also as importing necessary implication, and inclusion; and thus used, it is trans.: you say, يَحْتَمِلُ أَنْ يَكُونَ كَذَا (assumed tropical:) [It is supposable, or admissible, or allowable, that it may be thus; or simply it may be thus; as also يُحْتَمَلُ, which is often used in this sense]: and اِحْتَمَلَ الحَالُ وُجُوهًا كَثِيرَةً (assumed tropical:) [The case necessarily implied, or included, many (possible) modes, or manners of being; or admitted of being put, or explained, or understood, in many ways; or bore many kinds of interpretation]. (Msb, Kull.) b5: احتملهُ الغَضَبُ (assumed tropical:) Anger disquieted, or flurried, him. (Mj, TA.) And اُحْتُمِلَ [alone] (assumed tropical:) He was disquieted, or flurried, by anger: (T, TA:) or, accord. to the Mj and M and O; but accord. to the K, followed by لَوْنُهُ; (TA;) (assumed tropical:) he was angry, and his colour changed. (K, TA.) b6: [اِحْتَمَلَتْ She (a woman) used a drug, or the like, in the manner of a suppository in the ragina: so in the present day: and so in the K, on the words قُنَّبِيطٌ and نِفْطٌ &c.] b7: احتمل He bought what is termed حَمِيل, i. e. a thing [in the CK للسَّبْىِ is put for لِلشَّىْءِ] carried from one country or town to another (K, TA) among a party of captives. (TA.) 10 اِسْتَحْمَلْتُهُ signifies سَأَلْتُهُ أَنْ يَحْمِلَنِى [i. e. I asked him to carry me, or to give me a beast on which to ride]. (S.) b2: استحملهُ نَفْسَهُ (assumed tropical:) He imposed upon him his wants and affairs. (M, K.) R. Q. 1 حَوْمَلَ He carried water. (Ibn-'Abbád, K.) حَمْلٌ [inf. n. of 1, q. v. b2: (tropical:) Gestation: see an ex. voce إِنْىٌ. b3: And hence,] (assumed tropical:) The young that is borne in the womb (M, K) of any animal; (M, TA;) and (assumed tropical:) the fruit of a tree, (IDrd, S, M, Msb, K,) as also ↓ حِمْلٌ: (IDrd, S, M, K:) or the former, (assumed tropical:) the thing that is in a belly, or on the head of a tree: (ISk, S, M, Mgh, K:) and ↓ the latter, a thing borne, or carried, (Msb, K,) on the back; [i. e. a load, or burden;] (Msb;) the thing that is on the back or on the head: (ISk, S, M, Mgh, K:) or the former, (assumed tropical:) a burden that is borne internally; as the young in the belly, and the water in the clouds, and the fruit in the tree as being likened to the حَمْل of the woman: and ↓ the latter, a burden that is borne externally; as the thing that is borne on the back: (Er-Rághib, TA:) or [when applied to fruit] the former signifies a fruit that is internal: and ↓ the latter, a fruit that is external: (M, K:) or the former, fruit of a tree when large, or much: and ↓ the latter, fruit when not large, or when not much and large: (K accord. to different copies:) this is the saying of AO, mentioned in the T, in art. شمل, where, in the copies of the T, is found ما لم يكثر, not مالم يكبر: (TA:) and the former also occurs as meaning a burden that requires, for the carrying it, a beast or the hire of a porter: (Mgh:) the pl. [of pauc.] of the latter (Mgh, Msb, K) and of the former (K) is أَحْمَالٌ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and [the pl. of mult.] (of the former, K, * TA) حِمَالٌ (K) and (of the latter, Msb) حُمُولٌ (Msb, K) and حُمُولَةٌ. (S, M, Mgh, Sgh.) Hence, (in a trad., TA) هٰذَا الحِمَالُ لَاحِمَالُ خَيْبَرَ (assumed tropical:) [This is the fruit: not the fruit of Kheyber]: meaning that it is the fruit of Paradise; and that it does not fail, or come to an end. (M, K.) b4: See also what next follows.

حِمْلٌ: see حَمْلٌ, in five places. b2: حُمُولٌ, (S, M, K,) as pl. of حِمْلٌ, (M, K,) and of ↓ حَمْلٌ also, (K,) signifies likewise [Vehicles of the kind called] هَوَادِج [pl. of هَوْدَجٌ], (M, K,) whether having in them women or not: (M, TA:) or (assumed tropical:) camels upon which are هوادج, (Az, S, M, O, K,) whether there be in them women or not: (Az, S, O:) it is not applied to camels unless they have upon them هوادج. (M, TA.) b3: See also مَحْمِلٌ, and حَمُولَةٌ.

حَمَلٌ A lamb; i. e. the young one of the ewe in the first year; (Mgh, Msb;) i. q. بَرَقٌ; (S;) or خَرُوفٌ [explained in the K in art. خرف as the male young one of the sheep-kind; or such as has pastured, and become strong]: (K, and S and Msb in art. خرف:) or such as is termed جَذَعٌ, [i. e. a year old, or from six to ten months,] of the young of the sheep-kind; and less than this [in age]: (ISd, K:) accord. to Er-Rághib, it signifies مَحْمُولٌ [borne, or carried]; and the young of the sheep-kind is particularly called thus because borne, or carried, on account of its impotence, and of the nearness of the time when its mother was pregnant with it: (TA:) pl. حُمْلَانٌ (S, M, Mgh, Sgh, Msb, K) and أَحْمَالٌ. (M, K.) b2: [Hence,] الحَمَلُ (assumed tropical:) [The sign Aries;] a certain sign of the zodiac; (K;) the first of the signs of the zodiac; (S;) the constellation comprising, first, the شَرَطَانِ, which are its two horns; then, the بُطَيْن; then, the ثُرَيَّا. (T, TA.) One says, مُطِرْنَا بِنَوْءِ الحَمَلِ and بنوء الطَّلِىِّ (assumed tropical:) [We were, or have been, given rain by the auroral setting of Aries: so the pagan Arabs used to say: see نَوْءٌ; and see مَنَازِلُ القَمَرِ, in art. نزل]. (TA.) One says also, هٰذَا حَمَلٌ طَالِعًا (assumed tropical:) [This is Aries, rising]; suppressing the ال, but making the noun to remain determinate; and thus one does in the case of every name of a sign of the zodiac, preserving the ال or suppressing it. (TA.) b3: حَمَلٌ signifies also (tropical:) Clouds containing much water: (M, K, TA:) or black clouds: (T, TA: [see also حَوْمَلٌ, below:]) or, as some say, the rain [supposed to be given] by the نَوْء [see above] of الحَمَل. (TA.) حَمْلَةٌ (assumed tropical:) A charge, or an assault or attack, in war, or battle. (T, K.) حُمْلَةٌ: see what next follows.

حِمْلَةٌ and ↓ حُمْلَةٌ Carriage from one دار [app. here meaning country, or town, or the like,] to another. (K.) حُمْلَانٌ an inf. n. of حَمَلَ [q. v.]. (Mgh, K.) A2: Also A beast upon which a present is borne. (M, Mgh, O, K.) b2: Hire for that which is borne, or carried. (Lth, Mgh, TA.) b3: And, as a conventional term (Mgh, O, K) of the صَاغَة [or workers in gold and silver], (Sgh, K,) Adulterating alloy (غِشّ) that is added to dirhems, or coin (عَلَى الدَّرَاهِمِ ↓ يُحْمَلُ). (Mgh, Sgh, K.) b4: Also pl. of حَمَلٌ [q. v.]. (S, M, &c.) حَمَالٌ or حِمَالٌ: see حَمَالَةٌ.

حَمُولٌ (assumed tropical:) Forbearing, or clement. (M, K.) حَمِيلٌ i. q. ↓ مَحْمُولٌ [Borne, carried, taken up and carried, conveyed, or carried off or away]. (Msb, K.) b2: Hence, (Msb,) The rubbish, or rotten leaves, and scum, that are borne of a torrent. (S, Msb, K. *) b3: A thing [شَىْء, accord. to copies of the K and the TA, but accord. to the CK سَبْى, agreeably with the next of the explanations here following,] that is carried from one country or town to another (K, TA) among a party of captives. (TA.) b4: A captive; because carried from one country or town to another. (Msb.) b5: One who is carried a child from his country, not born in [the territory of] El-Islám: (S, O:) or one who is carried from his country to the country of El-Islám: or a child with a woman who carries it, and says that it is her son: or any relation, or kinsman, in the territory of the enemy: (Mgh:) or one that is carried from the territory of the unbelievers to that of ElIslám, and who is therefore not allowed to inherit without evidence: (Th, TA:) or a child in the belly of his mother when taken from the land of the unbelievers. (K.) b6: A foundling, or child cast out by his mother, whom persons carry off and rear: (K:) in some copies of the K, فَيَرِثُونَهُ is erroneously put for فَيُرَبُّونَهُ. (TA.) b7: (assumed tropical:) One whose origin, or lineage, is suspected; or who claims for his father one who is not; or who is claimed as a son by one who is not his father; syn. دَعِىٌّ. (S, Msb, K.) b8: (assumed tropical:) A stranger: (K:) as being likened to [the حَمِيل of] the torrent, or to the child in the belly. (Er-Rághib, TA.) b9: (assumed tropical:) One who is responsible, or a surety, (S, Msb, K,) for (بِ) a debt or a bloodwit; as also ↓ حَامِلٌ: (Msb:) because he bears [or is burdened with] the obligation, together with him upon whom the obligation properly rests. (TA.) b10: (assumed tropical:) What is withered and black of the ثُمَام and وَشِيج (K, TA) and ضَعَة and طَرِيفَة. (TA.) b11: (assumed tropical:) The [thong called] شِرَاك [of a sandal]. (O, K.) In one copy of the K, الشريك is put in the place of الشراك. (TA.) حَمَالَةٌ A bloodwit, (S, K, TA,) or a debt, an obligation, or a responsibility, that must be paid, discharged, or performed, taken upon himself by a person, (S, TA,) or taken upon themselves by a party of men, (K, TA,) for others; (S, K, TA;) as also ↓ حَمَالٌ, accord. to the T and M; or ↓ حِمَالٌ, accord. to the K: (TA:) or a responsibility which one takes upon himself for a debt or a bloodwit: pl. حَمَالَاتٌ: (Msb:) the pl. of حمال is حُمُلٌ. (K.) حِمَالَةٌ The occupation, or business, of a porter, or carrier of burdens. (M, K.) b2: Also said to be sing. of حَمَائِلُ, and syn. with مِحْمَلٌ, which see, in two places.

حَمُولَةٌ A camel, or horse, or mule, or an ass, upon which burdens are borne: (Mgh, Msb:) and sometimes applied to a number of camels: (Msb:) camels that bear burdens: and any beast upon which the tribe carries, namely, an ass or other animal; (S;) or a beast upon which people carry, namely, a camel, and an ass, and the like; (K;) whether the loads be thereon or not: (S, K:) or such as are able to bear: (Az, TA:) or particularly applied to such as have on them the loads; as also ↓ حُمُولٌ: (ISd, TA:) accord. to the T, not including asses nor mules: applied to one and to more than one: (TA:) a word of the measure فَعُولٌ receives the affix ة when it has the meaning of a pass. part. n. (S, TA.) b2: Also, accord. to the K, The loads, or burdens, themselves: but this, accord. to the S and M [and Mgh] and Sgh, is [حُمُولَةٌ, a pl. of حِمْلٌ,] with damm [to the ح]. (TA.) حَمِيلَةٌ (assumed tropical:) i. q. كَلٌّ and عِيَالٌ: so in the saying, هُوَ حَمِيلَةٌ عَلَيْنَا (assumed tropical:) [He is a burden upon us; one whom we have to support]. (O, K.) b2: Also said to be sing. of حَمَائِلُ, and syn. with مِحْمَلٌ, q. v.

حَمَائِلُ: see مِحْمَلٌ, in two places.

حَمَّالٌ A porter, or carrier of burdens. (Msb, K.) b2: حَمَّالَةُ الحَطَبِ [is applied in the Kur cxi. 4 to a woman, lit. meaning The female carrier of firewood: and as an intensive epithet is applied to a man, as meaning] (tropical:) The calumniator, or slanderer. (TA.) حَامِلٌ [Bearing, carrying, taking up and carrying, conveying, or carrying off or away;] act. part. n. of 1 having for its object what is borne on the back [&c.]: (Msb:) fem. with ة: (S, Msb:) pl. masc. حَمَلَةٌ: (S, TA:) and pl. fem.

حَامِلَاتٌ. (TA.) Hence, حَمَلَةُ العَرْشِ [The bearers of the عرش, or empyrean, held by the vulgar to be the throne of God]. (S, TA.) and the phrase فَالْحَامِلَاتِ وِقْرًا [in the Kur li. 2, lit. And the bearers of a load, or heavy load:] meaning (assumed tropical:) the clouds. (TA.) b2: Applied to a woman, (tropical:) Pregnant; (S, Mgh, Msb, K, &c.;) as also حَامِلَةٌ: (S, Msb, K:) the former as being an epithet exclusively applied to a female: the latter as conformable to its verb, which is حَمَلَتْ; (S, Msb;) or as being used in a tropical [or doubly tropical] manner, meaning pregnant in past time or in future time; (Msb;) or as a possessive epithet [meaning having a burden in the womb]: (TA:) [see an ex. of the latter in a verse cited in the first paragraph of art. مخص:] accord. to the Koofees, the former, not being applied to a male, has no need of the sign of the fem. gender: but the Basrees say that this [rule] does not uniformly obtain; for the Arabs say رَجُلٌ أَيِّمٌ and اِمْرَأَةٌ أَيِّمٌ, and رَجُلٌ عَانِسٌ and اِمْرَأَةٌ عَانِسٌ; and that, correctly speaking, حَامِلٌ and طَالِقٌ and حَائِضٌ and the like are epithets masc. in form applied to females, like as رَبْعَةٌ and رَاوِيَةٌ and خُجَأَةٌ are epithets fem. in form applied to males. (S.) It is also applied to a she-camel [and app. to any female] in the same sense. (Mgh.) b3: Applied to trees (شَجَرٌ), (assumed tropical:) Bearing fruit: (TA:) fem. with ة. (K.) b4: See also حَمِيلٌ. b5: [Respecting this epithet, and the phrases حَامِلُ الأَمَانَةِ and مُحْتَمِلُ الأَمَانَةِ, see also أَمَانَةٌ, last sentence but one.] b6: حَمَلَةُ القُرَآنِ (assumed tropical:) [Those who bear in their memory the Kur-án, knowing it by heart]. (S, TA.) حَوْمَلٌ Clouds (سَحَابٌ) black by reason of the abundance of their water. (O, K.) [See also حَمَلٌ.] b2: A clear torrent. (K.) b3: The first of anything. (K.) حَامِلَةٌ fem. of حَامِلٌ [q. v.]. (S, Msb.) b2: حَوَامِلُ is its pl.: and signifies The legs; (M, K;) because they bear the man. (TA.) b3: and The sinews, or tendons, of the foot and of the fore arm; (M, K;) and the [veins called the] رَوَاهِش thereof. (M, TA. [See الوَرِيدُ.]) b4: See also مَحْمِلٌ.

مَحْمِلٌ [of which the primary signification is A place of bearing or carrying], (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) or ↓ مِحْمَلٌ [which primarily signifies An instrument for bearing or carrying], (M, Mgh,) or the latter is allowable, (Msb,) The [kind of vehicle called] هَوْدَج; (Msb;) as also ↓ حِمْلٌ: (M, K:) or the large هودج termed حَجَّاجِىٌّ: (Mgh:) or a pair of dorsers, or panniers, or oblong chests, (شِقَّانِ,) upon a camel, in which are borne two equal loads, (K,) [and which, with a small tent over them, compose a هودج;] first made use of by El-Hajjáj Ibn-Yoosuf Eth-Thakafee: (TA:) one of the مَحَامِل of the pilgrims: (S:) مَحَامِلُ being the pl. (K.) Hence, ↓ مَحَامِلِىٌّ A seller of مَحَامِل. (K.) [What is now particularly termed the محمل (vulgarly pronounced مَحْمَل) of the pilgrims is an ornamented هودج, which is borne by a camel, but without a rider, and is regarded as the royal banner of the caravan; such as is described and figured in my work on the Modern Egyptians. (See also مَحَارَةٌ, in art. حور.)] Its application to (tropical:) The camel that bears the محمل is tropical. (Mgh.) [See also حِمْلٌ. The assertion that it signifies also the silk covering that is sent every year for the Kaabeh is erroneous. This covering is sent from Cairo, with the baggage of the chief of the Egyptian pilgrim-caravan.] b2: Also مَحْمِلٌ, (K,) or ↓ مِحْمَلٌ, (M,) A basket (زِنْبِيل) in which grapes are carried to the place where they are to be dried; and so ↓ حَامِلَةٌ. (K.) b3: One says also, مَا عَلَى فُلَانٍ مَحْمِلٌ (assumed tropical:) There is no ground of reliance upon such a one; syn. مُعْتَمَدٌ: (S:) or no relying, or reliance: (MA:) or no ground (lit. place) for imposing upon such a one the accomplishment of one's wants. (M, TA.) And مَا عَلَى البَعِيرِ مَحْمِلٌ مِنْ ثِقَلِ الحِمْلِ (assumed tropical:) [There is no ground of reliance, or no relying, upon the camel, by reason of the heaviness of the load.] (TA.) مُحْمِلٌ A woman, (S, M, K,) and a she-camel, (S, M,) who yields her milk without being pregnant. (S, M, K.) مِحْمَلٌ: see مَحْمِلٌ, in two places. b2: The عِلَاقَة of a sword (S, Msb, * K) &c.; (Msb;) i. e. its suspensory thong [or cord or shoulder-belt], by which the wearer hangs it upon his neck; (S, TA;) as also ↓ حِمَالَةٌ (S, Msb, K) and ↓ حَمِيلَةٌ: (IDrd, K:) and the ↓ حِمَالَة of the bow is similar to that of the sword: the wearer throws it upon his right shoulder, and puts forth his left arm from it, so that the bow is on his back: (AHn, TA:) the pl. of مِحْمَلٌ is مَحَامِلُ: (Az, Msb:) and that of حِمَالَةٌ, (S, Msb,) or of حَمِيلَةٌ, (Kh, TA,) is ↓ حَمَائِلُ; (Kh, S, TA;) or, accord. to As, حَمَائِلُ has no proper sing., its sing. being only مِحْمَلٌ. (S, TA.) b3: Dhu-r-Rummeh applies it to (tropical:) The root of a tree; (S, K;) likening this to the محمل of a sword. (S.) b4: مَحَامِلُ الذَّكَرِ and ↓ حَمَائِلُهُ (assumed tropical:) The veins in the root and skin of the penis. (M, K.) نَاقَةٌ مُحَمَّلَةٌ A she-camel heavily burdened, or overburdened. (TA.) مَحْمُولٌ: see حَمِيلٌ. b2: Also (tropical:) A fortunate man: from the riding of beasts such as are termed فُرَّهٌ, (K, * TA,) i. e. brisk, sharp, and strong. (TA in art. فره.) b3: [In logic, (assumed tropical:) A predicate: and (assumed tropical:) an accident: in each of these senses contr. of مَوْضُوعٌ.]

مَحْمُولَةٌ A dust-coloured wheat, (K, TA,) like the pod of the cotton-plant, (TA,) having many grains, (K, TA,) and large ears, and of much increase, but not approved in colour nor in taste: so in the M. (TA.) مُحَامِلٌ (assumed tropical:) One who is unable to answer thee; and who does it not, to preserve thine affection. (TA.) مَحَامِلِىٌّ: see مَحْمِلٌ.

مُحْتَمِلُ الأَمَانَةِ: see أَمَانَةٌ, last sentence but one.

مُتَحَامَلٌ: see 6, last sentence.

شَهْرٌ مُسْتَحْمِلٌ A month that brings people into difficulty, or distress; (K, TA;) that is not as it should be. (TA.) Such is said by the Arabs to be the case إِذَا نَحَرَ هِلَالٌ شِمَالًا [app. meaning when a new moon faces a north-east wind]. (TA.)



1 حَلَمَ, (S, Msb, K, [in the CK, erroneously, حَلُمَ,]) aor. ـُ inf. n. حُلْمٌ (Msb, TA) and حُلُمٌ, of which the former is a contraction, (Msb,) [both used also as simple substs.,] He dreamed, or saw a dream or vision (S, Msb, K) فِى نَوْمِهِ (K) in his sleep; (S, * Msb, K;) as also ↓ احتلم (S, ISd, Msb, K,) and ↓ انحلم, (ISd, K,) and ↓ تحلّم. (K.) You say, حَلَمَ بِهِ, (S, K, [in the CK, again, erroneously, حَلُمَ,]) and عَنْهُ, (K,) and عَنْهُ ↓ تحلّم, (TA,) and حَلَمَهُ also, (S,) He dreamed, or saw a dream or vision, of it: (S, K:) or he saw it in sleep. (M, K.) And حَلَمَ بِالمَرْأَةِ He (a man) dreamed in his sleep that he was compressing the woman. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] حُلْمٌ and ↓ اِحْتِلَامٌ signify [The dreaming of] copulation in sleep: (K:) and the verbs are حَلَمَ and ↓ احتلم. (TA.) And [hence,] both signify The experiencing an emission of the seminal fluid; properly, in dreaming; and tropically if meaning, without dreaming, whether awake or in sleep, or by extension of the signification. (TA.) And hence, (Mgh,) حَلَمَ, (Mgh, Msb,) aor. ـُ inf. n. حُلْمٌ; (Mgh;) and ↓ احتلم; (Mgh, Msb;) He (a boy) attained to puberty, (Msb,) [or] to virility. (Mgh, Msb.) A2: حَلُمَ, with damm [to the ل], inf. n. حِلْمٌ, (S, Msb, K,) [He was, or became, forbearing, or clement;] he forgave and concealed [offences]: or he was, or became, moderate, gentle, deliberate, leisurely in his manner of proceeding or of deportment &c., patient as meaning contr. of hasty, grave, staid, sedate, or calm; (S, K;) and (assumed tropical:) intelligent: (K:) or he managed his soul and temper on the occasion of excitement of anger. (TA.) [See حِلْمٌ below.] You say, حَلْمَ عَنْهُ and ↓ تحلّم [He treated him with forbearance, or clemency, &c.]: both signify the same. (TA.) And يَحْلُمُ عَمَّنْ يَسُبُّهُ [He treats with forbearance, or clemency, &c., him who reviles him]. (TA in art. حمل.) A3: حَلِمَ, aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. حَلَمٌ, (TA,) He (a camel) had [upon him] many ticks, such as are termed حَلَم. (K.) b2: Also the same verb, (S, K,) with the same inf. n., (S,) It (a hide, or skin,) had in it worms, such as are termed حَلَم, (S, K, TA,) whereby it was spoilt and perforated, (S, TA,) so that it became useless. (TA.) A poet says, (S,) namely, El-Weleed Ibn-'Okbeh, TA,) فَإِنَّكَ وَالكِتَابَ إِلَى عَلِىٍّ

كَذَابِغَةٍ وَقَدْ حَلِمَ الأَدِيمُ [For verily thou, as to the letter, or writing, to 'Alee, art like a woman tanning when the hide has become spoilt and perforated by worms]: (S, TA:) he was urging Mo'áwiyeh to contend in battle with 'Alee, [as though] saying to him, Thou labourest to rectify a matter that has become completely corrupt, like this woman who tans the hide that has become perforated and spoilt by the حَلَم. (TA.) [The latter hemistich of this verse is a prov.: see Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 346.]

A4: حَلَمَهُ, (K,) inf. n. حَلْمٌ, (TA,) He plucked the حَلَم from it; [app., accord. to the K, the worms thus called from a hide, or skin;] as also ↓ حلّمهُ: (K:) or, accord. to Az, he took from him, namely, a camel, the [ticks called]

حَلَم. (TA.) 2 حلّمهُ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) inf. n. تَحْلِيمٌ (S, K) and حِلَّامٌ, like كِذَّابٌ, (K,) signifies جَعَلَهُ حَلِيمًا [i. e. He made him to be forbearing, or clement, &c.; or he pronounced him to be so; or he called him so; or he held, or believed, or though, him to be so]: (S, K:) or he enjoined him الحِلْم [i. e. forbearance, or clemency, &c.]: (K:) or he attributed to him الحِلْم. (Mgh, Msb.) A2: حلم [so in the TA, evidently حلّم, (see 5, its quasi-pass.,)] also signifies It fattened a lamb, or kid; said of sucking. (TA.) b2: and He filled a skin. (TA.) A3: See also 1, last sentence.4 احلمت She (a woman) brought forth حُلَمَآء

[i. e. children that were forbearing, or clement, &c.]. (K.) 5 تحلّم: see 1, first and second sentences. b2: Also He affected, or pretended, to dream, or see a vision in sleep: whence, in a trad., تَحَلَّمَ مَا لَمْ يَحْلُمْ [He affected, or pretended, to have dreamed that which he did not dream]. (TA.) And He asserted himself falsely to have dreamed, or seen a vision in sleep. (TA.) And تحلّم الحُلْمَ i. q. اِسْتَعْمَلَهُ [He feigned the dream; or made use of it as a pretext]. (K.) A2: He affected, or endeavoured to acquire, (تَكَلَّفَ) [the quality termed] الحِلْم [i. e. forbearance, or clemency, &c.]. (S, K.) A poet says, تَحَلَّمْ عَنِ الأَدْنَيْنَ وَاسْتَبْقِ وُدَّهُمْ وَلَنْ تَسْتَطِيعَ الحِلْمَ حَتَّى تَحَلَّمَا [Endeavour thou to treat with forbearance the meaner sort of people, and preserve their love; for thou wilt not be able to be forbearing unless thou endeavour to be so]. (S.) b2: See also حَلُمَ عَنْهُ. b3: [Hence,] تَحَلَّمَتِ القِدْرُ (tropical:) The cooking-pot ceased to boil; contr. of جَهِلَت (TA in art. جهل.) b4: See also 6.

A3: It became fat; said of the [kind of lizard called] ضَبّ; (L in art. ملح;) and likewise of cattle: (K:) [or] it became fat and compact; said of a child, and of the ضَبّ: (S:) [or] it began to be fat; said of a child, and of the ضَبّ, (K,) and of the jerboa, and of the قُرَاد [or tick]; in the K, erroneously, جَرَاد. (TA.) b2: تَحَلَّمَتِ القِرْبَةُ The skin became full. (TA.) 6 تحالم He made a show of having الحِلْم [i. e. forbearance, or clemency, &c.], not having it; (S, TA; *) and ↓ تحلّم [in like manner] signifies [sometimes] he made a show of الحِلْم; expl. by أَظْهَرَ الحِلْمَ. (TA in art. فصح.) 7 إِنْحَلَمَ see 1.8 إِحْتَلَمَ see 1, in four places.

حَلْمٌ: see حِلْمٌ.

حُلْمٌ an inf. n. of حَلَمَ; as also ↓ حُلُمٌ. (Msb.) b2: And A dream, or vision in sleep; (S, K;) as also ↓ حُلُمٌ: (K:) accord. to most of the lexicologists, as well as F, syn. with رُؤْيَا: or it is specially such as is evil; and رؤيا is the contr.: this is corroborated by the trad., الرُّؤْيَا مِنَ اللّٰهِ وَالحُلْمُ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ [The رؤيا is from God, and the حلم is from the Devil]: (MF:) and by the phrase, in the Kur [xii. 44 and xxi. 5], أَضْغَاثُ

أَحْلَامٍ [The confused circumstances of dreams, or of evil dreams]: but each is used in the place of the other: (TA:) أَحْلَامٌ is the pl. (K.) b3: أَحْلَامُ نَائِمٍ [lit. The dreams of a sleeper;] a kind of thick cloths, or garments, (IKh, Z, TA,) striped, of the people of El-Medeeneh. (Z, TA.) حِلْمٌ [Forbearance; clemency;] the quality of forgiving and concealing [offences]: (Msb:) or moderation; gentleness; deliberateness; a leisurely manner of proceding, or of deportment, &c.; patience, as meaning contr. of hastiness: gravity; staidness; sedateness; calmness: syn. أَنَاةٌ: (S, K:) or these qualities with power or ability [to exercise the contrary qualities]; expl. by أَنَاةٌ and سُكُونٌ with قُدْرَةٌ and قُوَّةٌ: (Kull p. 167:) or the management of one's soul and temper on the occasion of excitement of anger: (TA:) or tranquillity on the occasion of emotion of anger: or delay in requiting the wrongdoer: (KT:) it is described by the term ثِقَلٌ, or gravity; like as its contr. [سَفَهٌ] is described by the terms خِقَّةٌ and عَجَلٌ, or levity, or lightness, and hastiness: (TA in art. رجح:) also (assumed tropical:) intelligence; (K;) which is not its proper signification, but a meaning assigned because it is one of the results of intelligence: and ↓ حَلْمٌ, with fet-h, is likewise said to have this last meaning; but this requires consideration: (TA:) the former is one of those inf. ns. that are [used as simple substs., and therefore] pluralized: (ISd, TA:) the pl. [of pauc.] is أَحْلَامٌ and [of mult.] حُلُومٌ. (K.) Hence, in the Kur [lii. 32], أَمْ تَأْمُرُهُمْ أَحْلَامُهُمْ بِهٰذَا (K,) said to mean (assumed tropical:) Do their understandings enjoin them this? (TA.) And أُولُو الأَحْلَامِ, occurring in a trad., means (assumed tropical:) Persons of understanding. (TA.) حَلَمٌ: see حَلَمَةٌ, in two places.

حَلِمٌ A camel having [upon him] many ticks, such as are called حَلَم. (K.) And A camel spoilt by the abundance of those ticks that were upon him. (TA.) b2: Also A hide, or skin, spoilt and perforated by [the worms termed] حَلَم: and ↓ حَلِيمٌ, [in like manner,] a hide, or skin, spoilt by the حَلَم before it is stripped off. (TA.) And عَنَاقٌ حَلِمَةٌ A she-kid whose skin has been spoilt by the حَلَم; (K, * TA;) as also ↓ تَحْلِمَةٌ, of which the pl. is تَحَالِمُ: (K:) the pl. of حَلِمَةٌ is حِلَامٌ. (TA.) حُلُمٌ: see حُلْمٌ, in two places. b2: Also A [dream of] copulation in sleep. (K.) Hence, بَلَغَ الحُلُمَ He attained to puberty, or virility, in an absolute sense. (TA.) It is said in the Kur [xxiv. 58], وَإِذَا بَلَغَ الأَطْفَالُ مِنْكُمُ الحُلُمَ فَلْيَسْتَأْذِنُوا [And when your children attain to puberty, or virility, they shall ask permission to come into your presence]. (TA.) [And hence,] أَضْرَاسُ الحُلُمِ, (also called أَضْرَاسُ العَقْلِ, TA in art. ضرس,) [The teeth of puberty, or wisdom-teeth,] so called because they grow after the attaining to puberty, and the completion of the intellectual faculties: (S, L, Msb, all in art. نجذ:) they are four teeth that come forth after the [other] teeth have become strong. (TA in art. ضرس.) حَلَمَةٌ A small tick: (K:) or a large tick; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) like عُلٌّ; (S;) and said to be like the head [or nipple, when small,] of a woman's breast: (Msb:) or a tick in the last stage of its growth; for at first, when small, it is called قَمْقَامَةٌ; then, حَمْنَانَةٌ; then, قُرَادٌ; and then, حَلَمَةٌ: (As, TA:) the pl., (S,) or [rather] coll. gen. n., (Mgh, Msb,) is ↓ حَلَمٌ. (S, Mgh, Msb.) b2: And hence, as being likened thereto, (Mgh,) (assumed tropical:) The head [or nipple, when small,] of a woman's breast, (T, S, Mgh,) in the middle of the سَعْدَانَة [or areola]; (T, TA;) in like manner called قُرَادٌ: (Mgh:) the little thing rising from the breast of a woman: (TA:) the حَبَّة [or small extuberance like a pimple] upon the head of the breast of a woman: (Msb:) the ثُؤْلُول [or small excrescence] in the middle of the breast of a woman: (K:) and the head [or nipple] of each of the two breasts of a man: (Msb:) the two together are termed ِحَلَمَتَان: (S:) the protuberant piece of flesh is termed حَلَمَةٌ as being likened in size to a large tick. (Msb.) b3: Also A certain worm, incident to the upper and lower skin of a sheep or goat, (As, S,) in consequence of which, when the skin is tanned, the place thereof remains thin: (S:) or a certain worm, incident to skin, which it eats, so that, when the skin is tanned, the place of the eating rends: pl. [or rather coll. gen. n.] ↓ حَلَمٌ. (K.) A2: And A species of plant; (S, K;) accord. to As, also called يَنَمَةٌ: (S:) As is also related to have said that it is a plant of the kind termed عُشْب, having a dusty hue, a rough feel, and a red flower: another says that it grows in Nejd, in the sands, has a blossom, and roughish leaves, and thorns resembling the nails of a man; and that the camels suffer adhesion of the spleen to the side, and their young are cast, [for وتزل اخياكها (an evident mistranscription in the TA), I read وَتزِلُّ أَحْبَالُها,] when they depasture it from the dry branches: accord. to AHn, it is [a plant] less than a cubit [in height], having a thick, or rough, leaf, and branches, and a flower like that of the anemone, except that it is larger, and thicker, or rougher: accord. to the K, it signifies also the tree [or plant] called سَعْدَان; which is one of the most excellent kinds of pasture: but Az says, it has nothing in common with the سعدان, which is a herb having round [heads of] prickles; whereas the حلمة has no prickles, but is a well-known kind of جَنْبَة; and I have seen it: (TA:) [Dmr, accord. to Golius, describes it as “ a herb less than the arnoglossa ” (or arnoglossum), “ whitening in the leaves, and downy. ”]

حَلِيمٌ Having حِلْم [i. e. forbearance, or clemency, &c.; forbearing, or clement, &c.]: (Mgh, Msb, K:) pl. حُلَمَآءُ and أَحْلَامٌ. (K.) In the Kur xi. 89, it is said to be used by way of scoffing [or irony]. (TA.) الحَلِيمُ is one of the names of God; meaning [The Forbearing, or Clement, &c.; or] He Whom the disobedience of the disobedient does not flurry, nor anger against them disquiet, but Who has appointed to everything a term to which it must finally come. (TA.) b2: حَلِيمَةٌ مُغْتَاظَةٌ (tropical:) [lit. Calm, angry; or the like; because what it contains is sometimes still and sometimes boiling;] is an appellation given to a stone cooking-pot. (A and TA in art. غيظ.) A2: A fat camel: (S:) or a camel becoming fat. (ISd, K.) ISd says, I know not any unaugmented verb belonging to it in this sense. (TA.) A3: and Coming fat. (ISd, K.) A4: See also حَلِمٌ.

حَالِمٌ originally signifies ↓ مُحْتَلِمٌ [i. e. Dreaming: and particularly dreaming of copulation: and experiencing an emission of the seminal fluid in dreaming]. (Mgh.) b2: Hence used in a general sense, (Mgh,) meaning One who has attained to puberty, or virility; (A Heyth, Mgh, Msb, TA;) as also ↓ مُحْتَلِمٌ. (Msb, TA.) حَالُومٌ A sort of أَقِط [q. v. ; i. e. a certain preparation of dried curd]: (ISd, K:) or milk that is made thick, so that it becomes like fresh cheese; (S, K;) but this it is not: (S:) a word of the dial. of Egypt. (TA.) أَحْلَامٌ Bodies; syn. أَجْسَامٌ. (ISd, K.) ISd says, I know not any sing. of it [in this sense]. (TA.) A2: It is also pl. of حُلْمٌ: A3: and of حِلْمٌ: A4: and of حَلِيمٌ. (K.) تَحْلِمَةٌ: see حَلِمٌ.

مُحْتَلِمٌ: see حَالِمٌ, in two places.
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