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Arabic-English Lexicon by Edward William Lane (d. 1876) المعجم العربي الإنجليزي لإدوارد وليام لين

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1 نَفُسَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. نَفَاسَةٌ (S, M, A, Msb, K) and نِفَاسٌ and نَفسٌ (K) and نُفُوسٌ; (TA;) and ↓ أَنْفَسَ, (M, A, Msb,) inf. n. إِنْفَاسٌ; (A, Msb;) It was, or became, high in estimation, of high account, or excellent; (M, Msb, TA;) [highly prized; precious, or valuable;] and therefore, (TA,) was desired with emulation, or in much request: (S, K, TA:) and the ↓ latter verb, said of property, it was, or became, loved, and highly esteemed. (TA.) A2: نَفِسَ بِهِ, (S, M, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. نَفَسٌ (M) [and app. نَفْسٌ as will be shown below] and نَفَاسَةٌ and نَفَاسِيَةٌ, which last is extr., (M, TA,) He was, or became avaricious, tenacious, or niggardly, of it, (S, M, Msb, K,) because of its being in high estimation, or excellent. (Msb.) Hence the saying in the Kur, [xlvii. 40,] فَإِنَّمَا يَبْخَلُ عَنْ نَفْسِهِ [app. meaning He is only avaricious from his avarice.] (TA.) You say, نَفِسَ عَلَيْهِ بِالشَّىْءِ, (M,) or عَنْهُ [in the place of عليه], (TA,) He was, or became, avaricious, &c., of the thing, towards him, or withholding it from him. (M, TA.) And نَفِسَ عَلَيْهِ الشَّىْءَ, (S, M, K, TA,) and بِالشَّىْءِ, (M,) inf. n. نَفَاسَةٌ. (S, K, TA,) He was, or became, avaricious, &c., of the thing, towards him, and thought him not worthy of it, and was not pleased at its coming to him: (TA:) or [simply] he thought him not worthy of it: (S, M, K;) as also نافسهُ ↓ فِيهِ ; of which last verb we have an ex. in the phrase تُنَافِسُ دُنْيَا, used by a poet in speaking of the tribe of Kureysh, meaning either تُنَافِسُ فِى دُنْبَا [they think others not worthy of worldly good]. or تُنَافسُ أَهْلَ دُنْيَا [they think the possessors of worldly good unworthy thereof]. (M.) [See also 3, below.] You say also, نَفِسْتَ عَلَىَّ بِخَيْرٍ, (A, K,) or بِخَيْرٍ قَلِيل, (S,) and نَفِسْتَ عَلَىَّ خَيْرًا كَثِيرًا, (A,) inf. n. نَفْسٌ and نَفَاسَةٌ, (A,) Thou enviedst me (S, A, K) good, (A, K,) or a little good, (S,) and much good, (A.) and didst not consider me worthy of it. (A.) And فُلَانٌ مَا يَتَنَغَّسُ عَلَيْنَا الغَنِيمَةَ وَالظَّفَرَ [app. meaning Such a one does not envy us the spoil and the victory.] (A, in continuation of what here immediately precedes.) And مَا هٰذَا النَّفَسُ What is this envying? (A, TA.) A3: نُفِسَتْ; (S, M, A, Msb, K;) and نَفِسَتْ, (S, M, Msb, K,) as some of the Arabs say, (Msb.) aor. ـ, (Msb, K:) inf. n. نِفَاسٌ and نِفَاسةٌ (S, M) and نَفَسٌ, (M, TA,) or the first of these ns. is a simple subst.; (Msb;) (tropical:) She (a woman) brought forth; (S, M, K;) and نُفِسَتْ وَلَدًا [she brought forth a child]: (Th, M:) and نُفِسَتْ بِوَلَدِهَا [she brought forth her child]. (A.) You say also, وَرِث فُلَانٌ هٰذَا قَبْلَ أَنْ يَنْفَسَ فُلَانٌ, meaning, Such a one inherited this before such a one was born. (S.) b2: Also, both these verbs, (Msb, K,) or the latter, نَفِسَتْ, only, (Az, Mgh, TA,) or the latter is the more common, (K.) the former, which is related on the authority of As, not being well known, (Msb,) (tropical:) She (a woman) menstruated. (Az, Mgh, Msb, K.) [In the CK, a confusion is made by the omission of a و before the verb which explains this last signification.] This signification and that next preceding it are from نَفْسٌ meaning “ blood. ” (Mgh.) A4: نَفَسْتُهُ بِنَفْسِ (tropical:) I smote him with an [evil or envious] eye. (S, K, TA.) 2 نفّسهُ فِيهِ, or بِهِ: see 4.

A2: نفّس كُرْبَتَهُ, (A, Mgh, Msb, K, *) and نفّس عَنْهُ كُرْبَتَهُ, (S,) inf. n. تَنْفِيسٌ (S, Msb, K) and [quasi-inf. n.] نَفَسٌ, (K,) (tropical:) He (God) removed, or cleared away, his grief, or sorrow, or anxiety: (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K *:) and نفّس عَنْهُ signifies the same; (M, Mgh;) and He made his circumstances ample and easy; (M, TA;) and he (a man) eased him, or relieved him, syn. رَفَّهَ: (S, TA:) and also, this last phrase, he granted him a delay: the objective compliment being omitted: and نَفِّسْنِى is used as meaning grant thou to me a delay: or, elliptically, نَفِّسْ كَرْبِى or غَمِّى [remove thou my grief, &c.]. (Mgh.) b2: [Hence] حَرْفُ تَنْفِيسٍ, applied to the prefix سَ [and its variants سَوْفَ &c.], meaning A particle of amplification; because changing the aor. from the strait time which is the present, to the ample time, which is the future. (Mughnee, in art. س.) A3: نفّس القَوْسَ (tropical:) He cracked the bow: (Kr. M:) [see 5:] accord. to ISh, he put (حَطَّ) its string [upon the bow]. (TA.) 3 نافس فِى الشَّىْءِ, (S, K. *) inf. n. مُنَافَسَةٌ and نِفَاسٌ, (S,) He desired the thing, [or aspired to it.] with generous emulation; (S, K;) as also ↓ تنافس: (K:) and نافس صَاحِبَهُ فِيهِ [he vied with his companion in desire for it]: (A:) or تنافسوا ↓ فيه CCC signifies they desired it [or aspired to it]: (S:) or they vied, one with another, in desiring it: or they desired it with emulation; syn. فَراغَبَوا: (A, TA:) [and يُنَنَافسُ فيه it is emulously desired, or in request; or in great request:] or مُنَافَسَهٌ and ↓ تَنَافُسٌ signify the desiring to have a thing, and to have it for himself exclusively of any other person; from نَفِيسٌ, signifying a thing “ good, or goodly, or excellent, in its kind: ” (TA:) and تَنَافَسْنَا ذٰلِكَ الأَمْرَ and تنافسنا فيه we envied one another for that thing, and strove for priority in attaining it. (M.) See also تَفِسَ عَلَيْهِ الشَّىْءَ, with which نَافَسَهُ فِيهِ is syn. (M.) 4 انفس: see نَفُسَ, in two places.

A2: انفسهُ It (a thing, TA) pleased him, (K, TA,) and made him desirous of it: (TA:) or became highly esteemed by him. (IKtt.) b2: أَنْفَسَنى فِيهِ He made me desirous of it; (S, M, A, K:) as also تَفَّسَنِى فيه, (IAar, M, TA,) or بِهِ. (So in my copy of the A.) A3: مَا أَنْفَسَهُ How powerful is his evil, or envious, eye! (Lh, M.) 5 تنفّس [He breathed] is said of a man and of every animal having lungs: (S:) [or it signifies] he drew (اِسْتَمَدَّ) breath: (M:) or [he respired, i. e.] he drew breath with the air-passages in his nose; to his inside, and emitted it. (Msb.) Yousay also, تنفّس الصُّعَدَآءَ [He sighed: see also art. صعد]. (S.) b2: (tropical:) He (a man) emitted wind from beneath him. (TA.) b3: Also, (TA,) or تنفّس فِى الإِنَآءِ, (K,) (tropical:) He drank (K, TA) from the vessel (TA) with three restings between draughts, and separated the vessel from his mouth at every such resting: (K, TA.) and, contr., the latter phrase, (assumed tropical:) he drank [from the vessel] without separating it from his mouth: (K, TA:) which latter mode of drinking is disapproved. (TA.) b4: Also تنفّس (assumed tropical:) He lengthened in speech; he spoke long; for when a speaker takes breath, it is easy to him to lengthen his speech; and تنفس فِى الكَلَامِ signifies the same. (TA.) b5: (tropical:) It (said of the day, M, A, and of the dawn, A, and of other things, M) became extended; (M;) it became long; (M, A;) or, said of the day, accord. to Lh, it advanced so that it became noon: (M:) or it increased: (S:) and it extended far: and hence it is said of life, meaning either it became protracted, and extended far, or it became ample: (M:) and, said of the dawn, it shone forth, (Akh, S, K, TA,) and extended so that it became clear day: (Fr, TA:) or it broke, so that things became plain in consequence of it: (TA:) or it rose: (Mujáhid:) or its dusty hue shone at the approach of a gentle wind. (Bd, lxxxi. 18.) You say also, تنفّس بِهِ العُمُرُ (tropical:) [Life became long, or protracted, &c., with him]. (A.) And تنفّست دِجْلَةُ (assumed tropical:) The water of the Tigris increased. (TA.) b6: تنفّس المَوْجُ (tropical:) The waves sprinkled the water. (S, K.) b7: تنفّست القَوْسُ (tropical:) The bow cracked. (S, M, K.) It is only the stick that is not split in twain that does so; and this is the best of bows. And تنفّس in the same sense is said of an arrow. (M.) A2: [تنفّس عَلَيْهِ الشَّىْءَ app. signifies the same as نَفِسَ عليه الشىء, q. v.]6 تَنَاْفَسَ see 3, throughout.

نَفْسٌ The soul; the spirit; the vital principle; syn. رُوحٌ: (S, M, A, Msb, K:) but between these two words is a difference [which must be fully explained hereafter, though ISd says, that it is not of the purpose of his book, the M, to explain it]: (M:) in this sense it is fem.: (Msb:) pl. [of pauc.] أَنْفُسٌ and [of mult.] نُفُوسٌ. (M, Msb.) You say, خَرَجَتْ نَفْسُهُ [His soul, or spirit, went forth]; (Aboo-Is-hák, S, M, Msb, K;) and so جَادَتْ نَفْسُهُ. (Msb.) And a poet says, not Aboo-Khirásh as in the S, but Hudheyfeh Ibn-Anas, (IB,) نَجَا سَالِمٌ والنَّفْسُ مِنْهُ بِشِدْقِهِ وَلَمْ يَنْجُ إِلَّا جَفْنَ سَيْفٍ وَمِئْزَرَا i. e., [Sálim escaped when the soul was in the side of his mouth; but he escaped not save] with the scabbard of a sword and with a waist-wrapper. (S.) In the same sense the word is used in the saying. فِى نَفْسِ فُلَانٍ أَنْ يَفْعَلَ كَذَا وَكَذَا [but this seems rather to mean, It is in the mind of such a one to do so and so]. (Aboo-Is-hák, M.) Some of the lexicologists assert the نَفْس and the رُوح to be one and the same, except that the former is fem., and the latter [generally or often] masc.: others say, that the latter is that whereby is life; and the former, that whereby is intellect, or reason; so that when one sleeps, God takes away his نفس, but not his روح, which is not taken save at death: and the نَفْس is thus called because of its connexion with the نَفَس [or breath]. (IAmb.) Or every man has نَفْسَانِ [two souls]: (I'Ab, Zj:) نَفْسُ العَقْلِ [the soul of intellect, or reason, also called النَّفْسُ النَّاطِقَةُ (see رُوحٌ)], whereby one discriminates, [i. e., the mind,] (I'Ab,) or نَفْسُ التَّمْيِيزِ [the soul of discrimination], which quits him when he sleeps, so that he does not understand thereby, God taking it away: (Zj:) and نَفْسُ الرُّوحِ [the soul of the breath], whereby one lives, (I'Ab,) or نَفْسُ الحَيَاةِ [the soul of life], and when this quits him, the breath quits with it; whereas the sleeper breathes: and this is the difference between the taking away of the نفس of the sleeper in sleep and the taking away of the نفس of the living [at death.] (Zj.) Much has been said respecting the نَفْس and the رُوح; whether they be one, or different: but the truth is, that there is a difference between them, since they are not always interchangeable: for it is said in the Kur, [xv. 29 and xxxviii. 72,] وَنَفَخْتُ فِيهِ مِنْ رُوحِى [And I have blown into him of my spirit.]; not مِنْ نَفْسِى: and [v. 116,] تَعْلَمُ مَا فِى نَفْسِى [to be explained hereafter]; not فِى رُوحِى, nor would this expression be well except from Jesus: and [lviii. 9,] وَيَقُولُونَ فِى أَنْفُسِهِمْ [And they say in their souls, or within themselves]: for which it would not be well to say فِى أَرْوَاحِهِمْ: and [xxxix. 57,] أَنْ تَقُولَ نَفْسٌ [That a soul shall say]; for which no Arab would say أَنْ تَقُولَ رُوحٌ: hence, the difference between them depends upon the considerations of relation: and this is indicated by a trad., in which it is said that God created Adam, and put into him a نَفْس and a رُوح; and that from the latter was his quality of abstaining from unlawful and indecorous things, and his understanding, and his clemency, or forbearance, and his liberality, and his fidelity; and from the former, [which is also called النَّفْسُ الأَمَّارَةُ, q. v., in art. أمر,] his appetence, and his unsteadiness, and his hastiness of disposition, and his anger: therefore one should not say that نَفْسٌ is the same as رُوحٌ absolutely, without restriction, nor رُوحٌ the same as نَفْس. (R.) The Arabs also make the discriminative نَفْس to be two; because it sometimes commands the man to do a thing or forbids him to do it; and this is on the occasion of setting about an affair that is disliked: therefore they make that which commands him to be a نفس, and that which forbids him to be as though it were another نفس: and hence the saying, mentioned by Z, فُلَانٌ يُؤَامِرُ نَفْسَيْهِ (tropical:) [Such a one consults his two souls, or minds]; said of a man when two opinions occur to him. (TA.) [بِنَفْسِى فُلَانٌ is an elliptical phrase sometimes used, for بِنَفْسِى فُلَانٌ مَفْدِىٌّ, which see in art. فدى.] b2: (assumed tropical:) A thing's self; (S, M, A, K, TA;) used as a corroborative; (S, TA;) its whole, (Aboo-Is-hák, M, TA,) and essential constituent: (Aboo-Is-hák, M, A, K, TA:) pl. as above, أَنْفُسٌ and نُفُوسٌ. (M.) You say, رَأَيْتُ فُلَانًا نَفْسَهُ (assumed tropical:) I saw such a one himself, (S,) and جَآءَنِى بِنَفْسِهِ [or, more properly, حَآءَنِى هُوَ بِنَفْسِهِ (see, under the head of بِ, a remark on that preposition when used in a case of this kind, redundantly,)] He came to me himself. (S, K.) And وَلِىَ الأَمْرَ بِنَفْسِهِ [He superintended, managed, or conducted, the affair in his own person]. (K, in art. بشر, &c.) And حَدَّثَ نَفْسَهُ [He talked to himself; soliloquized]. (Msb, in art. بلو; &c.) and قَتَلَ فُلَانٌ نَفْسَهُ (assumed tropical:) [Such a one killed himself]: and أَهْلَكَ نَفْسَهُ (assumed tropical:) made his whole self to fall into destruction. (Aboo-Is-hák, M.) And hence, (TA,) from نَفْسُ الشَّىْءِ signifying ذَاتُهُ, (M,) the saying mentioned by Sb, نَزَلْتُ بِنَفْسِ الجَبَلِ (assumed tropical:) [I alighted in the mountain itself]: and نَفْسُ الجَبَلِ مُقَابِلِى (assumed tropical:) [The mountain itself is facing me]. (M, TA.) [Hence also the phrase] فِى نَفْسِ الأَمْرِ [meaning (assumed tropical:) in reality; in the thing itself]: as in the saying, قَلَّلَهُ فِى نَفْسِهِ وَإِنْ لَمْ يَكُنْ قَلِيلًا فِى نَفْسِ الأَمْرِ (assumed tropical:) [He held it to be little in his mind though it was not little in reality]. (Msb, art. قل.) The words of the Kur, [v. 116,] تَعْلَمُ مَا فِى نَفْسِى وَلَا أَعْلَمُ مَا فِى نَفْسِكَ mean (assumed tropical:) Thou knowest what is in myself, or in my essence, and I know not what is in thyself, or in thine essence: (Bd, K:) or Thou knowest what I conceal (M, Bd, Jel) in my نفس [or mind], (Bd, Jel,) and I know not what is in thyself, or in thine essence, nor that whereof Thou hast the knowledge, (M.) or what Thou concealest of the things which Thou knowest; (Bd, Jel;) so that the interpretation is, Thou knowest what I know, and I know not what Thou knowest: (M:) or نفس is here syn. with عِنْد; and the meaning is, تَعْلَمُ مَا عِنْدِى وَلَا أَعْلَمُ مَا عِنْدَكَ; (K, * TA;) [i. e., Thou knowest what is in my particular place of being, and I know not what is in thy particular place of being; for] the adverbiality in this instance is that of مَكَانَة, not of مَكَان: (TA:) but the best explanation is that of IAmb, who says that نفس is here syn. with غَيْب; so that the meaning is, Thou knowest غَيْبِى [my hidden things, or what is hidden from me, and I know not thy hidden things, or what Thou hidest]; and the correctness of this is testified by the concluding words of the verse, إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ عَلَّامُ الغُيُوبِ [for Thou art he who well knoweth the hidden things]: (TA:) [and here it must be remarked that] العَيْبُ, which occurs afterwards in the K as one of the significations of النَّفْسُ, is a mistake for الغَيْبُ, the word used by IAmb in explaining the above verse. (TA.) b3: (assumed tropical:) A person; a being; an individual; syn. شَخْصٌ; (Msb;) a man, (Sb, S, M, TA,) altogether, his soul and his body; (TA;) a living being, altogether. (Mgh, Msb.) In this sense of شخص it is masc.: (Msb:) or, accord to Lh, the Arabs said, رَأَيْتُ نَفْسًا وَاحِدَةً (assumed tropical:) [I saw one person], making it fem.; and in like manner, رَأَيْتُ نَفْسَيْنِ ثِنْتَيْنِ (assumed tropical:) [I saw two persons]; but they said, رَأَيْتُ ثَلَاثَةَ أَنْفُسٍ (assumed tropical:) [I saw three persons], and so all the succeeding numbers, making it masc.: but, he says, it is allowable to make it masc. in the sing. and dual., and fem. in the pl.: and all this, he says, is related on the authority of Ks: (M:) Sb says, (M.) they said ثَلَاثَةُ أَنْفُسٍ, (S, M,) making it masc., (S,) because they mean by نفس “ a man,” (S, M,) as is shown also by their saying نَفْسٌ وَاحِدٌ: (M:) but Yoo asserts of Ru-beh, that he said ثَلَاثُ أَنْفُسٍ, making نفس fem., like as you say ثَلَاثُ أَعْيُنٍ, meaning, of men; and ثَلَاثَةُ أَشْخُصٍ, meaning, of women: and it is said in the Kur, [iv. l, &c.,] اَلَّذِى خَلَقَكُمْ مِنْ نَفْسٍ وَاحِدَةٍ (assumed tropical:) [who created you from one man], meaning, Adam. (M.) You also say, مَا رَأَيْتُ ثَمَّ نَفْسًا (assumed tropical:) I saw not there any one. (TA.) b4: (assumed tropical:) A brother: (IKh, IB:) a copartner in religion and relationship: (Bd, xxiv. 61:) a copartner in faith and religion. (Ibn-'Arafeh.) (assumed tropical:) It is said in the Kur, [xxiv. 61,] فَإِذَا دَخَلْتُمْ بُيُوتًا فَسَلِّمُوا عَلَى أَنْفُسِكُمْ and when ye enter houses, salute ye your brethren: (IB:) or your copartners in religion and relationship. (Bd.) And in verse 12 of the same chapter.

بِأَنْفُسِهِمْ means (assumed tropical:) Of their copartners in faith and religion. (Ibn-'Arafeh.) b5: (tropical:) Blood: (S, M, A, Mgh, Msb, K:) [or the life-blood: in this sense, fem.:] pl. [of pauc. أَنْفُسٌ and of mult.] نُفُوسٌ: (IB:) so called [because the animal soul was believed by the Arabs, as it was by many others in ancient times, (see Gen. ix. 4, and Aristotle, De Anim. i. 2, and Virgil's Æn. ix. 349.) to diffuse itself throughout the body by means of the arteries: or] because the نَفْس [in its proper sense, i. e. the soul,] goes forth with it: (TA:) or because it sustains the whole animal. (Mgh, Msb.) You say, سَالَتْ نَفْسُهُ (tropical:) [His blood flowed]. (S.) And نَفْسٌ سَائِلَةٌ (tropical:) [Flowing blood]. (S, A, Mgh.) And دَفَقَ نَفْسَهُ (tropical:) He shed his blood. (A, TA.) b6: (tropical:) The body. (S, A, K.) b7: (assumed tropical:) [Sometimes it seems to signify The stomach. So in the present day. You say, لَعِبَتْ نَفْسُهُ, meaning He was sick in the stomach. See غَثَتْ نَفْسُهُ, in art. غثى; and مَذِرَتْ مَعِدَتُهُ and نَفْسُهُ, in art. مذر.] b8: (assumed tropical:) [The pudendum: so in the present day: in the K, art. حشو, applied to a woman's vulva.] b9: [From the primary signification are derived several others, of attributes of the rational and animal souls; and such are most of the signification here following.] b10: (assumed tropical:) Knowledge. (A.) [See, above, an explanation of the words cited from ch. v. verse 116 of the Kurn.] b11: (assumed tropical:) Pride: (A, K, TA:) and self-magnification; syn. عِزَّةٌ. (A, K.) b12: (assumed tropical:) Disdain, or scorn. (A, K.) b13: (assumed tropical:) Purpose, or intention: or strong determination: syn. هِمَّةٌ. (A, K.) b14: (assumed tropical:) Will, wish, or desire. (A, K.) b15: [Copulation: see 3, art رود.] b16: [(assumed tropical:) Stomach, or appetite.] b17: (tropical:) An [evil or envious] eye, (S, M, A, K, TA,) that smites the person or thing at which it is cast: pl. أَنْفُسٌ. (TA.) [See 1, last signification.] So in a trad., in which it is said, that the نَمْلَة and the حُمَة and the نَفْس are the only things for which a charm is allowable. (TA.) You say, أَصَابَتْ فُلَانًا نَفْسٌ (tropical:) [An evil or envious eye smote such a one]. (S.) and Mohammad said, of a piece of green fat that he threw away, كَانَ فِيهَا سَبْعَةُ أَنْفُسٍ, meaning, (tropical:) There were upon it seven [evil or envious] eyes. (TA.) b18: (assumed tropical:) Strength of make, and hardiness, of a man: and (assumed tropical:) closeness of texture, and strength, of a garment or piece of cloth. (M.) A2: Punishment. (A, K.) Ex. وَيُحَذِّرُكُم اللّٰهُ نَفْسَهُ, (K,) in the Kur, [iii. 27 and 28, meaning, And God maketh you to fear his punishment]; accord. to F; but others say that the meaning is, Himself. (TA.) A3: A quantity (S, M, K,) of قَرَظ, and of other things, with which hides are tanned, (S, K,) sufficient for one tanning: (S, M, K:) or enough for two tannings: (TA:) or a handful thereof: (M:) pl. أَنَفُسٌ. (M.) You say, هَبْ لِى نفْسًا مِنْ دِبَاغٍ [Give thou to me a quantity of material for tanning sufficient for one tanning, or for two tannings, &c.]. (S.) نَفَسٌ [Breath;] what is drawn in by the airpassages in the nose, [or by the mouth,] to the inside, and emitted, (Msb;) what comes forth from a living being in the act of تَنَفُّس. (Mgh:) or the exit of wind from the nose and the mouth: (M:) pl. أَنْفَاسٌ. (S, M, A. Mgh, Msb, K.) b2: A gentle air: pl. as above. (M, Msb.) You say also, نَفَسُ الرِّيحِ [The breath of the wind]: and نَفَسُ الرَّوْصَةِ the sweet [breath or] odour [of the meadow, or of the garden, &c.]. (TA.) b3: [Hence, app., its application in the phrase] نَفَسَ السَّاعَةِ [The blast of the last hour; meaning,] the end of time. (Kr, M.) b4: [Hence also, (assumed tropical:) Speech: and kind speech: (see an ex. voce أَمْلَحَ:) so in the present day.] b5: [and (assumed tropical:) Voice, or a sweet voice, in singing: so in the present day.] b6: A gulp. or as much as is swallowed at once in drinking: (S, L, K:) but this requires consideration; for in one نَفَس a man takes a number of gulps, more or less according to the length or shortness of his breath, so that we [sometimes] see a man drink [the contents of] a large vessel in one نَفَس, at a number of gulps: (L:) [therefore it signifies sometimes, if not always, a draught, or as much as is swallowed without taking breath:] pl. as above. (S.) You say, إِكْرَعْ فِى الإِتَآءِ نَفَسًا أَوْ نَفَسَيْنِ (tropical:) [Put thou thy mouth into the vessel and drink] a gulp, or two gulps: [or a draught, or two draughts:] and exceed not that. (S; And شَربْتُ نَفَسًا وَأَنْفَاسًا (tropical:) [I drank a gulp, and gulps: or a draught, and draughts]. (A.) And فُلَانٌ شَرِبَ الإِنَآءَ كُلَّهُ عَلَى نَفَسٍ وَاحِدٍ (tropical:) [Such a one drank the whole contents of the vessel at one gulp or at one draught]. (L.) b7: (tropical:) Every resting between two draughts: (M, TA:) [pl. as above.] Yousay, شَرِبَ بِنَفَسٍ وَاحِدٍ (tropical:) [He drank with one resting between draughts]. (A.) And شَربَ بِثَلَاثَةِ أَنْفَاسٍ (tropical:) [He drank with three restings between draughts]. (A. K.) [And hence,] شَرَابٌ ذُو نَفَسِ (tropical:) Beverage in which is ampleness, [so that one pauses while drinking it, to take breath,] and which satisfies thirst. (IAar, K.) And شَرَابٌ غَيْرُ ذِى نَفَسٍ (tropical:) Beverage of disagreeable taste, (A, K, *) changed in taste and odour, (K,) in drinking which one does not take breath (A, K) when he has tasted it; (K;) taking a first draught, as much as will keep in the remains of life, and not returning to it. (TA.) b8: [and hence it is said that] نَفَسٌ signifies (assumed tropical:) Satisfaction, or the state of being satisfied, with drink; syn. دِىَّ. (IAar, K.) b9: [Hence also.] (tropical:) Plenty, and redundance. So in the saying إِنّ فِى المَآءِ نَفَسًا لِى وَلَكَ [Verily in the water is plenty, and redundance, for me and for thee]. (Lh, M.) b10: (tropical:) A wide space: (TA:) (tropical:) a distance (A.) You say, بَيْنَ الفَر يقَيْن نَفَسٌ (tropical:) Between the two parties is a wide space. (TA.) And بَيْنِى وَبَيْنَهٌ نَفَسٌ (tropical:) Between me and him is a distance. (A.) b11: (tropical:) Ample scope for action &c.; and a state in which is ample scope for action &c., syn. سعةٌ, (S, M, A, Mgh, K,) and فُسْحَةٌ, (A, K,) in an affair. (S, M, A, K.) You say, لَك فِى هٰذَا نَفَسٌ [There is ample scope for action &c. for thee in this. (Mgh.) And أَنْتَ فِى نَفِس مِنْ أَمْرِكَ (tropical:) [Thou art in a state in which is ample scope for action &c. with respect to thine affair. (S, M.) And إِعْملْ وَأَنْتَ فِى نَفَسٍ مِنْ أَمْرِكَ (tropical:) Work thou while thou art in a state in which is ample scope for action &c. (فِى فُسْحَةٍ وَسَعَة) with respect to thine affair, before extreme old age, and diseases, and calamities. (TA.) See also نُفْسَةٌ. b12: (tropical:) Length. (M.) So in the saying زِدْنى نَفَسًا فِى أَجَلِى (tropical:) [Add thou to me length in my term of life]: (M:) or lengthen thou my term of life. (TA.) You say also, ↓ فِى عُمُرِهِ مُتَنَفَّسٌ (tropical:) [In his life is length: see 5]. (A, TA.) b13: The pl., in the accus. case, also signifies (assumed tropical:) Time after time. So in the saying of the poet, عَيْنَىَّ جُودَا عَبْرَةً أَنْفَاسَا [O my two eyes, pour forth a flow of tears time after time]. (S.) A2: نَفَسٌ is also a subst. put in the place of the proper inf. n. of نَفَّسَ; and is so used in the two following sayings, (K, TA,) of Mohammad. (TA.) لَا تَسبُوُّا الرِّيحَ فَإِنَّهَا مِنْ نَفَسِ الرَّحْمٰنِ, i. e. (tropical:) [Revile not ye the wind, for] it is a means whereby the Compassionate removes grief, or sorrow, or anxiety, (K, TA,) and raises the clouds, (TA,) and scatters the rain, and dispels dearth, or drought. (K, TA.) and أَجِدُ نَفَسَ رَبَِّكُمْ مِنْ قِبَلِ اليَمَنِ (tropical:) I perceive your Lord's removal of grief, &c., from the direction of El-Yemen: meaning, through the aid and hospitality of the people of El-Medeeneh, who were of El-Yemen; (K, TA;) i. e., of the Ansár, who were of [the tribe of] El-Azd, from ElYemen. (TA.) It is [said by some to be] a metaphor, from نَفَسُ الهَوَآءِ, which the act of breathing draws back into the inside, so that its heat becomes cooled and moderated: or from نَفَسُ الرِّيِح, which one scents, so that thereby he refreshes himself: or from نَفَسُ الرَّوْضَةِ. (TA.) You also say, مَا لِى نَفَسٌ, meaning, (tropical:) There is not for me any removal, or clearing away, of grief. (A.) A3: It is also used as an epithet, signifying (assumed tropical:) Long; (Az, K;) applied to speech, (K,) and to writing, or book, or letter. (Az, K.) نُفْسَةٌ, (S, Mgh, K,) with damm, (K,) [in a copy of the S, نَفْسَةٌ,] (assumed tropical:) Delay; syn. مَهْلَةٌ; (S, Mgh, K;) and ample space, syn. مُتَّسَعٌ. (TA.) Ex. لَكَ فِى هٰذَا الأَمْرِ نُفْسَةٌ (assumed tropical:) [Thou shalt have, in this affair, a delay, and ample space]. (S, Mgh, * TA.) See also نَفَسٌ.

نَفْسِىٌ Relating to the نَفْس, or soul, &c.: vital: and sensual; as also ↓ نَفْسَانِىٌّ.]

نُفَسَآءُ (Th, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K, &c.) and نَفَسَآءُ and نَفْسَآءُ (M, K) (tropical:) A woman in the state following childbirth: (S, M, * Mgh, * Msb, * K:) or bringing forth: and pregnant: and menstruating: (Th, M:) and نَافِسٌ signifies the same; (Msb;) and so ↓ مَنْفُوسَةٌ: (A:) [see نُفِسَتْ:] dual نُفَسَاوَانِ; the fem. ء being changed into و as in عُشَرَاوَانِ: (S:) pl. نِفَاسٌ, (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) like as عِشَارٌ is pl. of عُشَرَآءُ, (S, Msb, K,) the only other instance of the kind, (S, K,) and نُفَاسٌ, (M, K,) which is also the only instance of the kind except عُشَارٌ, (K,) and نُفَّاسٌ, and نُفَّسٌ and نُفَسٌ (M) and نُفُسٌ (M, K) and نُفْسٌ (K) and نُفَسَاوَاتٌ (S, M, K) and [accord. to analogy, of نَافِسٌ,] نَوَافِسُ. (K.) نَفْسَانٌ, or نَفْسَانِىٌّ: see نَفُوسٌ.

نَفْسَانِىٌّ: see نَفْسِىٌّ: b2: and نَفُوسٌ.

نِفَاسٌ (tropical:) Childbirth (S, K) from نَفْسٌ signifying “ blood. ” (Msb, TA.) See نُفِسَتْ. b2: [And The state of impurity consequent upon childbirth. See 5, in art. عل.] b3: Also, (tropical:) The blood that comes forth immediately after the child: an inf. n. used as a subst. (Mgh.) b4: A poet says, (namely, Ows Ibn-Hajar, O, in art. طرق,) لَنَا صَرْخَةٌ ثُمَّ إِسْكَاتَةٌ كَمَا طَرَّقَتْ بِنِفَاسٍ بِكِرْ [We utter a cry; then keep a short silence; like as when one that has never yet brought forth experiences resistance and difficulty in giving birth to a child, or young one]; meaning, بِوَلَدٍ. (S.) نَفُوسٌ An envious man: (M, TA:) (tropical:) one who looks with an evil eye, with injurious intent, at the property of others: (M, A, * TA:) as also ↓ نَفْسَانٌ, (TA,) or ↓ نَفْسَانِىٌّ. (A.) نَفِيسٌ A thing high in estimation; of high account; excellent; (Lh, M, Msb, TA;) [highly prized; precious; valuable; and therefore (TA) desired with emulation, or in much request; (S, K, TA;) good, goodly, or excellent, in its kind; (TA;) and ↓ نَافِسٌ signifies the same, (M,) and so does ↓ مُنْفِسٌ, (Lh, M, A, Msb, K,) and ↓ مَنْفُوسٌ: (K:) it signifies thus when applied to property, as well as other things; as also ↓ مَنْفِسٌ: (Lh, M:) and, when so applied, of which one is avaricious, or tenacious: (M:) or ↓ مُنْفِسٌ, so applied, abundant; much; (K;) as also ↓ مُنْفَسٌ: (Fr, K:) and ↓ نَافِسٌ, a thing of high account or estimation, and an object of desire: (TA:) this last is also applied, in like manner, to a man; as also نَفِيسٌ: and the pl. [of either] is نِفَاسٌ (M, TA) Youalso say, ↓ أَمْرٌ مَنْفُوسٌ فِيهِ, meaning, A thing that is desired. (M.) And فِيهِ ↓ شَىْءٌ مُتَنَافَسٌ A thing emulously desired, or in much request. (A.) b2: Also, [as an epithet in which the quality of a subst. predominates,] Much property; (S, A, K;) and so ↓ مُنْفِسٌ. (S.) You say, لِفُلَانٍ مُنْفِسٌ and نَفِيسٌ Such a one has much property. (S.) And مَا يَسُرُّنِى بِهٰذَا الأَمْرِ مَنْفِسٌ and نَفِيسٌ [Much property does not rejoice me with this affair]. (S.) نَافِسٌ: see نَفِيسٌ, in three places.

A2: See also نُفَسَآءُ.

A3: (tropical:) Smiting with an evil, or envious, eye. (S, M, K.) A4: The fifth of the arrows used in the game called المَيْسِر; (S, M, K;) which has five notches; and for which one wins five portions if it be successful, and loses five portions if it be unsuccessful: (Lh, M:) or, as some say, the fourth. (S.) هٰذَا أَنْفَسُ مَالِى This is the most loved and highly esteemed of my property. (S, TA.) A2: بَلَّغَكَ اللّٰهُ أَنْفَسَ الأَعْمَارِ (tropical:) [May God cause thee to attain to the most protracted, or most ample, of lives: see 5]. (A, TA.) And دَارُكَ أَنْفَسُ مِنْ دَارِى (tropical:) Thy house is more ample, or spacious, than my house: (M:) and the like is said of two places: (M:) and of two lands. (A.) And هٰذَا التَّوْبُ أَنْفَسُ مِنْ هٰذَا (tropical:) This garment, or piece of cloth, is wider and longer and more excellent than this. (M.) And ثَوْبٌ أَنْفَسُ الثَّوْبَيْنِ (tropical:) A garment, or piece of cloth, the longer and wider of the two garments, or pieces of cloth. (A.) مُنْفَسٌ: see نَفِيسٌ; for the latter, throughout.

مُنْفِسٌ: see نَفِيسٌ; for the latter, throughout.

مَنْفُوسٌ: see نَفِيسٌ, in two places.

A2: (tropical:) Brought forth; born. (S, M, A, Msb, K.) It is said in a trad., مَا مِنْ نَفْسٍ مَنْفُوسَةٍ إِلَّا وَقَذْ كُتِبَ مَكَانُهَا مِنَ الجَنَّةِ أَوِ النَّارِ (tropical:) [There is not any soul born but its place in Paradise or Hell has been written]. (S.) b2: مَنْفُوسَةٌ applied to a woman: see نُفَسَآءُ.

A3: (tropical:) Smitten with an evil, or envious, eye. (M.) مُتَنَفَّسٌ A place of passage of the breath.] b2: فى عُمُرِهِ مُتَنَفَّسٌ: see نَفَسٌ. b3: See also سَحَرٌ.

مُتَنَفِّسٌ [Breathing;] having breath: (TA:) or having a soul: (so in a copy of the M:) an epithet applied to everything having lungs. (S, TA.) b2: غَائِطٌ مُتَنَفِّسٌ (tropical:) A depressed expanse of land extending far. (A, TA.) b3: أَنْفٌ مُتَنَفِّسٌ (tropical:) A nose of which the bone is wide and depressed; or depressed and expanded; or a nose spreading upon the face: syn. أَفْطَسُ. (A, TA.) شَىْءٌ مُتَنَافَسٌ فِيهِ: see نَفِيسٌ.



1 نَكَسَهُ, (S, A, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. نَكْسٌ, (S, Msb,) He turned it over, or upside down; inverted it; reversed it; changed its manner of being, or state: (Sh, Msb: *) he turned it over upon its head: (S, A, K:) and he turned it fore part behind; made the first part of it to be last; or put the first part of it last: (Sh:) and ↓ نكّسهُ, (S, A, K) inf. n. تَنْكِيسٌ, (S,) signifies the same; (S, * A, K;) or has an intensive sense. (TA.) You say, نُكِسَ السَّهْمُ فِى الكِنَانَةِ The arrow was turned, or put, upside down in the quiver. (TA.) And it is said in the Kur, [xxxvi. 68,] وَمَنْ نُعَمِّرْهُ نَنْكُسْهُ فِى الخَلْقِ, or, accord. to the reading of 'Ásim and Hamzeh, ↓ نُنَكِّسْهُ; meaning, And him whom We cause to live long, We cause him to become in a state the reverse of that in which he was, in constitution; so that after strength, he becomes reduced to weakness; and after youthfulness, to extreme old age. (TA.) b2: نَكَسْتُ فُلَانًا فِى ذٰلِكَ الأَمْرِ (assumed tropical:) I made such a one to enter again into that affair, or state, after he had got out of it. (ISh.) [Hence the saying in the Kur, xxi. 66,] ثُمَّ نُكِسُوا عَلَى رُؤُوسِهِمْ (assumed tropical:) Then they were made to return to their disbelief: (Jel:) or (tropical:) then they reverted to disputation, after they had taken the right course by means of consulting together; their return to falsity being likened to a thing's becoming upside down: and there are two other readings; ↓ نُكِّسُوا, and نَكَسُوا; the latter meaning نَكَسُوا أَنْفُسَهُمْ: (Bd;) or (assumed tropical:) then they reverted from what they knew, of the evidence in favour of Abraham. (Fr.) b3: [And hence,] نَكَسَهُ, and نَكَسَهُ إِلَى مَرَضِهِ, (tropical:) It made him to fall back into his disease.] (TA, in art. هيض.) And نُكِسَ, (S, Msb, K,) or نُكِسَ فِى مَرَضِهِ, (A, TA,) inf. n. نُكْسٌ (S, Msb, K) and نَكْسٌ (TA, [but see what is said of this below]) and نُكَاسٌ, (Sh, K,) (tropical:) He relapsed into his disease, after convalescence, or after recovery, but not complete, of health and strength: (S, A, K:) or the disease returned to him; [he relapsed into the disease;] as though he were made to turn back to it. (Msb.) Yousay, أَكَلَ كَذَا فَنُكِسَ (tropical:) [He ate such a thing, and relapsed into his disease]. (A, TA.) and تَعْسًا لَهُ وَنُكْسًا, and sometimes one says, نَكْسًا, (S, K,) in this case, (S,) for the sake of mutual resemblance, (S, K,) or because نَكْسًا is a dial form [of نُكْسًا], (S,) [meaning, (assumed tropical:) May he fall upon his face, or the like, (see art. تعس,) and relapse into disease: or] may he fall upon his face, and not rise after his fall until he fall a second time: and in like manner you say, ↓ تَعَسَ وَانْتَكَسَ. (Msb, art. تعس.) [See also 8.] You say also, نُكِسَ الجُرْحُ (assumed tropical:) [The wound broke open again; or became recrudescent]. (S, in arts. عرب and حبط, &c.) b4: And نَكَسَ الطَّعَامُ وَغَيْرُهُ دَآءَ المَرِيضِ (tropical:) The food, &c., made the disease of the sick man to return. (K.) And نَكَسَ الخِضَابَ عَلَى رَأْسِهِ (tropical:) He put the dye upon his head repeatedly, or several times. (A, TA. *) b5: Also نَكَسَ [or more probably نُكِسَ] (assumed tropical:) He (a man) became weak and impotent. (Sh, in TA.) And نُكِسَ عَنْ نُظَرَائِهِ, like عُنِىَ, (assumed tropical:) He fell short of his fellows; was unable to attain to them. (TA.) b6: نَكَسَ رَأْسَهُ, and ↓ نكّسهُ, (TA,) [and نَكَسَ alone, (see نَاكِسٌ,)] and ↓ نكّس, (L, TA, art. بقر,) and ↓ انتكس, (TA,) [and in like manner ↓ تنكّس, said of a flower-stalk in the M and K, voce قِشْبٌ,] He bent, or inclined, his head; (TA;) he lowered, or stooped, his head; bent, or hung, it down towards the ground; absolutely; or by reason of abasement. (So accord. to explanations of the act. part. n., below.) 2 نَكَّسَ see 1, throughout.5 تَنَكَّسَ see 1, last sentence.8 انتكس quasi-pass. of نَكَسَهُ; (S, A, TA;) [and therefore signifying It became turned over, or upside down; became turned over upon its head; became inverted; became reversed; became changed in its manner of being, or state; it became turned fore part behind; its first part was made to be last, or was put last:] he fell upon his head. (K.) This last signification [understood figuratively] it is said to have in the phrase تَعَسَ وَانْتَكَسَ, a form of imprecation, meaning, (assumed tropical:) May he be disappointed, or fail, of attaining his desire: for he who is overthrown in his affair (مَن انْتَكَسَ فِى

أَمْرِهِ) is disappointed of attaining his desire, and suffers loss. (TA.) [See also 1, where this form of imprecation is differently explained.] b2: Also, i. q. نَكَّسَ رَأَسَهُ. (TA.) [See 1, last signification.]

نِكْسٌ An arrow having its notch broken, and its top therefore made its bottom: (S, A, K:) pl. [of pauc.] أَنْكَاسٌ (A, TA) and [of mult.]

نُكُسٌ. (A.) b2: A head, or blade, of an arrow &c., having its tongue (سِنْخ) broken, and its point therefore made its tongue: (K:) pl. أَنْكَاسٌ. (TA.) b3: A bow of which the foot is made [of] the head of the branch; as also ↓ مَنْكُوسَةٌ. This peculiarity is a fault. (K.) b4: A child such as is termed يَتْنٌ [born preposterously, feet foremost; but يَتْنٌ is an inf. n., and I have not found it used as an epithet anywhere but in this instance]; (K;) i. q. مَنْكُوسٌ; and mentioned by IDrd; but he says that it is not of established authority. (TA.) b5: (tropical:) Low, or ignoble; base; vile; mean, or sordid: See a verse cited voce أَشَّعَلَ: (A:) (tropical:) one who falls short of the utmost point of generosity; (K;) or of courage and generosity: (TA:) (assumed tropical:) weak; (S, K;) applied to a man: (S:) (assumed tropical:) short: (AHn:) pl. أَنْكَاسٌ. (A, K.) b6: See also مُنَكِّسٌ: b7: and نُكُسٌ.

نُكَسٌ, [app. pl. of نِكْسٌ,] (assumed tropical:) Old men tottering by reason of age (مُدْرَهِمُّونَ) after attaining to extreme old age. (K.) نَاكِسٌ Lowering his head; bending, or hanging, down his head towards the ground; [absolutely;] (S, K;) [or] by reason of abasement: (TA:) pl. [properly نَاكِسُونَ; (see Kur, xxxii.

12;) and sometimes] نَوَاكِسُ, (S, K,) used [only] in poetry, (S, TA,) by reason of necessity, (TA,) and anomalous, (S, K,) like فَوَارِسُ. (S.) ElFarezdak says, وَإِذَا الرِّجَالُ رَأَوْا يَزِيدَ رَأَيْتَهُم خُضُعَ الرِّقَابِ نَوَاكِسَ الأَبْصَارِ [And when the men see Yezeed, thou seest them depressed in the necks, lowering the eyes]: (S:) thus the verse is related by Fr and Ks: Akh says, that it is allowable to say نَوَاكِسِ الأَبْصَارِ, after the manner of the phrase حُجْرُ ضَبٍّ خَرِبٍ; [see art. خرب;] and Ahmad Ibn-Yahyà adds

ى in relating it; saying نَوَاكِسِى الأَبْصَارِ. (TA.) [See the remarks on فَوَارِسُ, pl. of فَارِسٌ.]

مُنَكِّسٌ A horse that does not raise, or elevate, his head, (S, IF, K,) nor his neck, when running, by reason of weakness: (IF, K:) or that has not reached the other horses (Lth, K) in their heat, or single run to a goal; (Lth;) i. e., by reason of his weakness and impotence; as also ↓ نِكْسٌ. (TA.) وَلَدٌ مَنْكُوسٌ A child [preposterously brought forth; whose feet come forth before his head. (A, Msb, and so in a copy of the S.) See also نِكْسٌ. b2: وِلَادٌ مَنْكُوسٌ [Preposterous childbirth] is when the feet come forth before the head; (K, and so in a copy of the S, [and that this is what was meant by the author of the S seems to be indicated by what immediately follows]) i. q. يَتْنُ. (S.) b3: طَوَافٌ مَنْكُوسٌ A circuiting of the Kaabeh performed in a way contrary to the prescribed custom, by saluting the black stone and then going towards the left. (Mgh.) b4: قَرَأَ القُرَآنَ مَنْكُوسًا He read or recited, the Kur-án, beginning from the last part thereof, (K,) i. e. from [the commencement of the latter of] the مُعَوِّذَتَانِ [or last two chapters], (TA,) and ending with the فَاتِحَة [or first chapter]; contrary to the prescribed mode: (TA:) or beginning from the end of the chapter, and reading it, or reciting it, to its beginning, invertedly; (K;) a mode which A 'Obeyd thinks impossible; and therefore he holds the former explanation to be the right: (TA:) each of these practices is disapproved, excepting the former in teaching children, [in which case it is generally adopted in the present day,] (K,) and [in teaching] the foreigner the [portion of the Kur-án called the] مُفَصَّل; an indulgence being granted to these two only because the long chapters are difficult to them: but if any one knows the Kur-án by heart, and intentionally recite it from the last part thereof to the first, this is forbidden: and if we disapprove this, still more is the reciting from the end of the chapter to the beginning disapproved, if the doing this be possible. (TA.) b5: مَنْكُوسٌ also signifies (tropical:) Suffering a relapse into disease, after convalescence; or after recovery, but not complete, of health and strength. (K.) b6: مَنْكُوسَةٌ applied to a bow: see نِكْسٌ.



1 نَقَصَ, (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (M, Msb,) inf. n. نُقْصَانٌ (S, M, A, Mgh, Msb, K) and نَقْصٌ, (S, M, A, Msb, K,) or the former of these two only, the latter being the inf. n. of the trans. verb, (MS,) and نَقِيصَةٌ (M) and تَنْقَاصٌ, (K,) [which last is an intensive form,] said of a thing, (S, M,) intrans., (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) It lost somewhat, decreased, diminished, lessened, wasted, waned, or became defective or deficient or incomplete or imperfect, after having been whole or complete or perfect: (IKtt, Msb, TA:) or he, or it, lost, or suffered loss or diminution, (A, K,) with respect to lot or portion: (K:) and ↓ انتقص signifies the same; (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K;) and so does ↓ تنقّص; (TK, [probably from the TA,] art. أَفن;) and so does ↓ تناقص: (TA:) [or this last signifies it lost somewhat, decreased, &c., gradually; contr. of تزايد.] It is said in a trad., (Mgh,) شَهْرَا عِيدٍ لَا يَنْقُصَانِ, (Mgh, K,) i. e. Ramadán and Dhu-l-Hijjeh, (Mgh,) meaning, Two months of festival are not defective virtually (فِى الحُكْمِ) though they be defective in number [of days]; (K;) i. e. let no doubt occur in your hearts when ye fast nine and twenty days [instead of thirty]; nor if there happen a mistake respecting the day of the pilgrimage, will there be any deficiency in your performance of the rites thereof: (TA:) or, as some say, two months of festival will not be defective in one and the same year; but Et-Taháwee disapproves of this explanation: some say that the meaning is, that though they be defective, or one of them be so, yet their recompense will be complete. (Mgh.) It is also said in a trad., إِنَّ العَمَلَ فِى عَشْرِ ذِى الحِجَّةِ لَا يَنْقُصُ ثَوَابُهُ عَمَّا فِى شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ [Verily the deed that is done on the tenth of Dhu-l-Hijjeh, the recompense thereof will not fall short of that which is in the month of Ramadán: for نَقَصَ عَنْ كَذَا means It fell short of such a thing.] (Mgh.) [On the expression فِى النُّقْصَانِ, as used in grammar, see غَفِيرٌ.]

A2: نَقَصَهُ, (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (Msb,) inf. n. نَقْصٌ, (MS,) [and accord. to the TK تَنْقَاصٌ and نُقْصَانٌ also, which last, however, is said in the MS to be an inf. n. of the intrans. verb only,] He made it to lose somewhat, decreased it, diminished it, curtailed it, lessened it, wasted it, impaired it, took from it, or made it defective or deficient or incomplete or imperfect, after it had been whole or complete or perfect; (Msb;) he made it (i. e. a share, or portion) defective or deficient: (K:) [the pronoun often relates to a man: see an ex. in art. ضوز, and another in art. وكس:] this is the [most] chaste form of the verb, and is that which occurs in the Kur.: (Msb:) ↓ انقصهُ also signifies the same; (M, Msb, K;) and so does ↓ نقّصهُ, (Msb, K,) inf. n. تَنْقِيصٌ: (TA:) but these two are of weak authority, and do not occur in chaste language: (Msb:) and ↓ انتقصهُ signifies the same: (S, Mgh, Msb, K:) or this last signifies he took from it by little and little; as also ↓ تنقّصهُ. (M, * TA [in the latter of which this is plainly said of both of the last two verbs; but in the M, it seems rather to be said of تنقّصه only.]) [See an ex. of the verb followed by من voce طَرَفٌ. You say also, نَقَصَ مِنْهُ كَذَا He cut off from it such a thing.]

b2: نَقَصَ is doubly trans.: (Msb:) you say نَقَصَهُ حَقَّهُ, (A, Mgh, Msb, TA,) inf. n. نَقْصٌ; (A, Mgh;) and in like manner, حَقَّهُ ↓ انتقصهُ; (M, A, * Mgh, * TA; *) He diminished, or impaired, to him his right, or due; endamaged him; or made him to suffer loss, or damage, or detriment, in respect of it; curtailed him, abridged him, deprived him, or defrauded him, of a portion of it; (Msb, * TA;) contr. of أَوْفَاهُ: (TA:) [and he abridged him, deprived him, or defrauded him, of it altogether; for نَقَصَهُ أَهْلَهُ وَمَالَهُ signifies sometimes He deprived him of his family and his property altogether: as appears from the following ex.:] نُقِصَ أَهْلَهُ وَمَالَهُ وَبَقِىَ فَرْدًا [He was deprived of his family and his property, and remained alone]. (T, art. وتر.) الحَقِّ ↓ اِنْتِقَاصُ also signifies The denying, or disacknowledging, the right, or due. (TA.) b3: See also 5.2 نَقَّصَ see نَقَصَهُ.4 أَنْقَصَ see نَقَصَهُ.5 تنقّص: see نَقَصَ.

A2: تنقّصهُ: see نَقَصَهُ. b2: He attributed to him defect, or imperfection; i. e. to a man; (M;) as also ↓ انتقصهُ, and ↓ استنقصهُ: (M, TA:) he attributed or imputed to him, charged him with, or accused him of, a vice, fault, or the like; detracted from his reputation; censured him; reproached him; spoke against him; impugned his character; (S, A, K;) as also ↓ انتقصهُ: (A:) [and نَقَصَهُ signifies the same; for] IKtt says, that ↓ نقص [app. نُقِصَ], inf. n. نَقِيصَةٌ, signifies طعن عليه [app. طُعِنَ عَلَيْهِ]. (TA.) 6 تَنَاْقَصَ see نَقَصَ, where two meanings are assigned to it.8 انتقص: see نَقَصَ.

A2: انتقصهُ: see نَقَصَهُ, in four places. b2: See also 5, in two places.10 استنقص الثَّمَنَ He (the buyer, S) asked, demanded, or desired, a diminution, a lessening, a lowering, or an abatement, of the price. (S, A, K.) b2: See also 5.

نَقْصٌ: see 1. b2: [Used as a subst., Loss, or loss of somewhat, decrease, a state of diminution or lessening or washing or waning, defect, defectiveness, deficiency, incompleteness, or imperfection, after wholeness or completeness, or perfectness; as also ↓ نُقْصَانٌ; and ↓ مَنْقَصَةٌ signifies the same as نَقْص] as here rendered, agreeably with the explanation (i. e. of منقصة) in the PS., which is كَمِىْ: or, accord. to the A, مَنْقَصَةٌ seems to be syn. with نَقِيصَةٌ in the sense assigned to this last in the S, or in certain senses assigned to it in the K, which see below; and thus to be more restricted in application than نَقْصٌ]. (S, TA.) b3: Weakness of intellect: (M, TA:) and weakness with respect to religion and intellect. (TA.) You say, دَخَلَ عَلَيْهِ نَقْصٌ فِى دِينِهِ وَعَقْلِهِ [There came upon him a weakness in his religion and his intellect]: but one should not say ↓ نُقْصَانٌ [in this case]: (K:) app. because النَّقْص is “ weakness; ” whereas النُّقْصَانُ is only “ a going away [of part of a thing] after [its having been in] a state of completeness. ” (TA.) نُقْصَانٌ: see 1: b2: see also نَقْصٌ, in two places. b3: It also signifies The quantity that is gone, or lost, of a thing that is decreased or diminished or lessened. (Lth, A, K.) You say, نُقْصَانُهُ كَذَا وَكَذَا The quantity that is gone, or lost, of it is such and such. (TK.) نَقِيصَةٌ: see 1. b2: A defect, an imperfection, a fault, a vice, or the like; syn. عَيْبٌ: (S, TA:) or a low, or base, quality, property, natural disposition, practice, habit, or action; (K, TA;) of a man: (TA:) or a weak quality, &c.: (IDrd, K, TA:) but the attribution of weakness to a quality, &c., requires consideration: and it seems that what is meant by lowness, or baseness, is what leads to نَقْص: (TA:) [↓ مَنْقَصَةٌ, also, accord. to the A, seems to be syn. with نَقِيصَةٌ in one or another of the senses explained above; but its primary signification is probably a cause of نَقْص, like as that of مَبْخَلَةٌ is a cause of بُخْل, and that of مَجْبَنَةٌ a cause of جُبْن: the pl. of نَقِيصَةٌ is نَقَائِصُ: and that of مَنْقَصَةٌ is مَنَاقِصُ.] You say, مَا فِيهِ نَقِيصَةٌ and ↓ مَنْقَصَةٌ [There is not in him any defect, imperfection, fault, or vice, &c.]: and فُلَانٌ ذُو نَقَائِصَ and مَنَاقِصَ [Such a one has defects, &c.]. (A, TA.) A2: As a subst. from تَنَقَّصَهُ and اِنْتَقَصَهُ and اِسْتَنْقَصَهُ, [or, accord. to IKtt, as an inf. n. from نُقِص, and therefore from نَقَصَهُ also, (see 5,)] it signifies The attributing to a man defect, or imperfection: (M:) the attributing or imputing to men, charging them with, or accusing them of, vices, faults, or the like; censuring them; reproaching them; speaking against them; impugning their characters. (K.) A poet says, فَلَوْ غَيْرُ أَخْوَالِى أَرَادُوا نَقِيصَتِى

جَعَلْتُ لَهُمْ فَوْقَ العَرَانِينِ مِيسَمَا [But if others than my maternal uncles had desired to attribute to me defect, &c., I had set a brand upon them above the noses]. (M, TA.) نَاقِصٌ act. part. n. of 1. b2: دِرْهَمٌ نَاقِضٌ signifies A dirhem deficient in weight; (Msb;) light and deficient: and نُقَّصٌ occurs as pl. of ناقص thus applied, agreeably with analogy. (Mgh.) b3: [Hence, فِعْلٌ نَاقِصٌ meaning An incomplete, i. e. a non-attributive, verb: opposed to فِعْلٌ تَامٌّ.]

مَنْقَصَةٌ: pl. مَنَاقِصُ: see نَقِيصَةٌ, in four places: b2: and see also نَقْصٌ.

مَنْقُوصٌ pass. part. n. of نَقَصَهُ. (A, K.)



1 نَفَضَ, (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (S, Msb,) inf. n. نَفْضٌ, (S, Mgh, Msb,) He shook (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K) a thing, (Mgh, Msb,) or a garment, or piece of cloth, (S, A, K,) in order that what was upon it, of dust &c., might fall off (S, * A, * Mgh, K, *) or to remove from it dust and the like; (Msb:) he took a thing with his hand, and shook it, or shook it violently, to remove the dust from it: (TA:) and in like manner a tree, in order that what was upon it [of face or of leaves] might fall of; (S, A;) ??

instance,] a tree of the kind called عِضاه, to shake off its leaves. (TA) You say also, نَفَضَ عَنَهُ الغُبَارَ and التُّرَابَ [He shook off from it the dust (A.) And نَفَضَتُ الوَرَقَ مِنْ الشَّجَرَة. inf. n. ??

above, [He shook off the leaves from the tree;] be made the leaves to fall from the tree. (Msb,) And نَفْضٌ also signifies The sprinkling or ??

tering in drops, (syn. رَشٌّ,) water and blood. ??

K, in art. رش,) and tears, (K, ??: &c. ??

bid.) b2: [Hence,] ?? (S, A, K) (tropical:) The fever made him to shiver, or tremble (As, TA b3: And نَفَضَتِ المَرْأَةُ, (K,) or نَفضَتٌ كَرشَهَا (??) or نَفَضَتْ وَلَدَهَا مِنْ بَطْنها, (A,) The woman have many children; was prolific (S, K. TA) and نَفَضَت الإِبِلُ (assumed tropical:) The she-camels brought forth, (S, L, K,) all of them: (L;) and ↓ انعضت signifies the same. (IDrd, S, K.) And ??

بَيْضَها (tropical:) [The ?? la?? hen eggs. or all ??

A. TA.) b4: Hence also,] فَامَ يَنَفُضُ الكرَى, He arose, shaking off drowsiness]. (A. TA.) and نَفَضَ الأَسْفَامَ عَنْهُ وَاسْتَصَحّ; [He shook off water-dust from him, and ?? ?? from his ??

i. e. his health became in a ?? state (A. TA.) And نَفَضَ مِنْ مَرَضِهِ (A,) inf. n. نُفُوضٌ, (TA, K,) (tropical:) He recovered, or became free, from his ?? (A, K, * TA.) b5: And ?? ??

shored him what was in my heart (?? R ??

TA, in art. شكو and شكى b6: And ?? (tropical:) He cleared the road of robbers, and ?? of travellers: (tropical:) he guarded the road ?A. TA [The latter signification is shown by an explanation or the act. part. n.] It is said in the trad. of Aboo-Bekr and the cave [in which Mohammad was hiding himself], أَنَا أَنَفُضُ مَا حَوْلَكَ ??

guard what is around thee, and go round ??

to try if I can see a pursuer. (TA.) You say also, نَفَضَ المَكَان, (S, K,) aor. as above, (TA.) inf. n. نَفَضٌ (S, TA.) and ↓ ??, and ↓ تنفّضهُ; (S, K;) (tropical:) He looked trying to see all that was in the place: (S;) or he looked at all that was in the place so as to know it. (K) and hence نَفَضَ signifies (tropical:) He searched to the at most. (L.) And إِذَا تَكَلَّمُت نَهَارًا فَانْفُضْ وَإِذَا تَكَلَّمْتَ لَيْلًا فَاخْفِضْ (S, K, * TA) (tropical:) When thou speakest by day, look aside, or about, to try if thou see any one whom thou dislikest; (S, K, TA;) and when thou speakest by night, lower thy voice. (TA.) and القَوْمَ ↓ استنفض (tropical:) He looked at the people, or company of men, endeavouring to obtain a clear knowledge of them; or considered, or examined, them repeatedly, in order to know them. (TA.) The saying of El-'Ojeyr Es-Saloolee, القَوْمَ طَرْفُهُ ↓ إِلَى مَلِكٍ يَسْتَنْفِضُ means (tropical:) [To a king whose eye] looks at the people, or company of men, and knows who among them has the right on his side: or looks to see in whom among them is mental perception, sagacity, intelligence, forecast, or skill in affairs, and which of them is of the contrary description: (TA:) [or] طَرْفُهُ القَوْمَ ↓ فُلَانٌ يَسْتَنْفِضُ means (tropical:) [The eye of] such a one makes the people, or company of men, to tremble, by reason of his awfulness. (A, TA.) b7: You also say, الإِبِلُ تَنْفُضُ الأَرْضَ (assumed tropical:) The camels traverse the land. (IAar.) b8: And نَفَضَ القُرْآنَ, (IAar,) or السُّوَرَ, (K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. نَفْضٌ, (IAar,) (tropical:) He read, or recited, (IAar, K,) the Kur-án, (IAar,) or the chapters thereof. (K.) b9: And نَفَضْنَا حَلَائِبَنَا, inf. n. نَفْضٌ; and ↓ اِسْتَنْفَضْنَاهَا; (tropical:) We milked our milch beasts to the uttermost, not leaving any milk in their udders: (TA:) and الفَصِيلُ مَا فِى الضَّرْعِ ↓ انتفض (tropical:) the young camel sucked out all that was in the udder. (A, TA.) A2: [It is also used intransitively in the following exs., as well as in some instances given above. Thus نَفَضَ الشَّجَرُ app. signifies The trees shook off, or dropped, their leaves or fruit. (See an ex. voce عَتِيقٌ, last sentence but one.) b2: And hence] one says, نَفَضَ مَا فِى الجُلَّةِ [app. meaning What was in the palm-leaf basket became exhausted; like نَفِدَ; or it may be syn. with انتفض]; (A, K;) or جَمِيعُ مَا فِيهَا [all that was in it; which shows that ما in the former instance is virtually in the nom. case]. (TA.) See also 4, in two places. b3: And نَفَضَ الصِّبْغُ, (ISh, Mgh, K,) inf. n. نَفْضٌ, (ISh, TA,) or نُفُوضٌ, (TA,) (tropical:) The dye (ISh, K, TA,) of a red or yellow garment, or piece of cloth, (ISh, TA,) lost somewhat of its colour. (ISh, K, TA.) And hence, (Mgh,) نَفَضَ الثَّوْبُ, (A, Mgh,) aor. ـُ (A,) inf. n. نُفُوضٌ, (A, Mgh,) (tropical:) The garment, or piece of cloth, lost its dye: (A:) or lost somewhat of its colour, of redness, or yellowness: (Mgh:) or the colour of its dye faded away so that there remained nothing but the trace. (TA.) نَفْضٌ, accord. to the lawyers, signifies (assumed tropical:) The being scattered, strewn, strewed, or dispersed: and accord. to [the Hanafee Imám] Mohammad, the non-transition of the trace of the dye to another thing: or its exhaling a sweet odour. (Mgh [but it seems that the particle لا, which I have rendered “ non,” is inserted by mistake in my copy of the Mgh.]) b4: نَفَضَ الزَّرْعُ, (K,) or نَفَضَ الزَّرْعُ سَبَلًا, (TA,) (assumed tropical:) The seed-produce put forth the last of its ears. (K, TA.) And نَفَضَ الكَرْمُ (assumed tropical:) The grape-vine opened its bunches, or racemes. (K.) [See also 8.]2 نفّض, (S, TA,) inf. n. تَنْفِيضٌ, (TA,) He shook a garment, or piece of cloth, and a tree, much, or vehemently, in order that what was upon it might fall off. (S, TA. *) b2: Said of a horse, i. q. رَفَّضَ, q. v. (TA in art. رفض.) 4 أَنْفَضَتِ الجُلَّةُ i. q. مَا فِى الجُلَّةِ ↓ نَفَضَ, (A, K,) or جَمِيعُ مَا فِيهَا: (TA:) see 1. b2: انفضوا originally signifies They shook their provision-bags, in order that the dust or the like might fall from them. (A.) And hence, (A,) (tropical:) Their travellingprovisions became consumed, (S, M, A, K, TA,) and their wheat, or food; (M, TA;) like أَرْمَلُوا; (S, M, K, * TA;) as though they shook their provision-bags in order that the dust or the like might fall from them, because of their being empty; (TA;) as also ↓ نَفَضُوا: (K:) or انفضوا, (K,) or, as IDrd says, انفضوا زَادَهُمْ, making the verb trans., (TA,) They consumed their travellingprovisions. (IDrd, K.) And (tropical:) Their camels, or the like, (أَمْوَالُهُمْ,) died, or perished. (S, K.) إِنْفَاضٌ [the inf. n.] also signifies (assumed tropical:) The suffering hunger, or famine: and want. (TA.) b3: انفضت الإِبِلُ: see نفضت.5 تنفّض المَكَانَ: see 1.8 انتفض It (a thing, Mgh, Msb, or a garment, or piece of cloth, S, A, K, and a tree, S, A) shook, or became shaken, (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K,) so that what was upon it, of dust &c., fell off, (Mgh,) or so that the dust and the like became removed from it. (Msb.) Hence the saying in a trad., يَنْتَفِضُ بِهِ الصِّرَاطُ, i. e. [The bridge extending over hell will shake with him so that he will fall from it: or] will shake him, or shake him violently, or [app. a mistake for and] make him to fall. (Mgh.) b2: (tropical:) He trembled, quaked, or shivered: said of a man, and of a horse. (A, TA.) b3: (assumed tropical:) It (a grapevine) became beautiful and bright in its leaves: (K:) [as though its dust became shaken off.]

A2: It is also used transitively: see 1, latter half: and see 10, in three places.10 استنفض القَوْمُ (tropical:) The people, or company of men, sent forth a نَفِيضَة, (S, K, * TA,) or party of scouts: (TA:) or sent forth نَفَضَة, or persons to clear the roads of robbers and of intercepters of travellers, or to guard the roads. (A, L, TA.) b2: استنفض المَكَانَ: and القَوْمَ: see 1, in four places. b3: استنفضهُ also signifies (tropical:) He extracted, educed, or elicited, it. (A, Mgh, * K.) You say, اِسْتَنْفَضْتُ مَا عِنْدَهُ (tropical:) I extracted, educed, or elicited, what he had. (A, TA. *) b4: And hence, (Mgh,) استنفض (tropical:) He performed the act of cleansing termed اِسْتِنْجَآء, (Mgh, K,) with three stones, (Mgh,) or with the stone: (K:) or this is from نَفَضَ الثَّوْبَ; because the person who performs this act shakes off from himself what is annoying, with the stone; i. e., removes it. (TA.) Yousay also, استنفض الذَّكَرَ (tropical:) He took extraordinary pains in cleansing, or he cleansed entirely, (إِسْتَبْرَأَ,) the penis from the remains of the urine; as also ↓ انتفضهُ; (K;) and ↓ انتفض [alone]: (TA:) and ↓ this last, he sprinkled some water upon his pudendum after the ablution termed وُضُوْء. (TA in art. نصح.) b5: [Hence also,] استفضنا حَلَائِبَنَا: see 1.

نَفَضٌ What has fallen, of the produce of a tree; (TA;) what has fallen, of leaves, and of fruit: (S, Msb, K:) or a thing that one shakes [or has shaken] off: (T in art. ذرى:) of the measure فَعَلٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ, (S, Msb, TA,) like قَبَضٌ in the sense of مَقْبُوضٌ, (S, TA,) and هَدَمٌ in the sense of مَهْدُومٌ: (TA:) and (K, TA) what has fallen, (TA,) of grapes, [in the CK we find حَبُّ العِنَبِ for حَبِّ العِنَبِ, the reading in other copies of the K,] when they are found (يُوجَدُ [in the CK يُؤْخَدُ, thus, with خ, and with the unpointed د,]) one with another, (K. TA,) or cleaving one to another: (L, TA:) or what has fallen, of dates, at the feet of the palm-trees: (M, TA:) or what has fallen, of fruit, at the feet of trees; as also ↓ أَنَافِيضُ: (A:) or ↓ this last signifies leaves that are shaken off upon the نِفَاض, q. v.; as also ↓ نِفَاضٌ [which is app. pl. of نَفَضٌ, like as جِبَالٌ is pl. of جَبَلٌ]: (Sgh, K:) the sing. of انافيض is ↓ أُنْفُوضَةٌ. (TA.) [See also نُفَاضَةٌ.]

A2: قوْمٌ نَفَضٌ [app. quasi-pl. of ↓ نَافِضٌ, like as خَدَمٌ is of خَادِمٌ,] (tropical:) A people, or company of men, whose travelling-provisions have become consumed. (ISh.) نُفْضَةٌ (tropical:) The shivering, or trembling, attending a fever termed النَّافِض; (S, K;) as also ↓ نُفَضَهٌ (Sgh, K) and ↓ نُفَضَآءُ. (S, K.) [See also نِفِّضَى.] The subst. [from these words, which seems to indicate that they are inf. ns. or from نَفَضَتْهُ الحُمَّى, which precedes them in the K,] is ↓ نَفَاضٌ [app. signifying (tropical:) A shivering, or tremour, attending that fever]. (K.) A2: (assumed tropical:) A rain which falls upon a piece of land and misses another piece. (S.) [In the O and K in art. عهد, written نَفْضَة.]

نَفَضَةٌ: see نَفِيضَةٌ, in two places.

نُفَضَةٌ: see نُفْضَةٌ.

نَفَضَى: see نِفِّيضَى.

نُفَضَآءُ: see نُفْضَةٌ.

نَفَاضٌ: see نُفْضَةٌ: A2: and see نُفَاضٌ.

نُفَاضٌ: see نُفَاضَةٌ.

A2: Also, and ↓ نَفَاضٌ, (tropical:) The failure of travelling-provisions; i. e. their being consumed: or dearth, or drought: (S, K:) the latter of the words, and of the explanations, on the authority of Th. (S.) Hence, النفاضُ يُقَطِّرُ الجَلَبَ, (S, K,) a proverb, meaning, (tropical:) The failure of provisions, (TA,) or dearth, or drought, (S, K, TA,) causes the camels, driven or brought from one place to another, to be disposed in files for sale, (S, K, TA,) in order that their owners may buy provisions with their price. (TA.) نِفَاضٌ: see نُفَاضَةٌ: and نَفَضٌ.

A2: A piece of cloth upon which the leaves of the سَمُرُ and the like fall, it being spread, (K, TA.) and the tree being beaten with a staff, or stick: (TA:) pl. نُفُضٌ: (K:) and [in like manner] ↓ مِنْفَضٌ and ↓ مِنْفَاضٌ signify a garment of the kind called كِسَآء, upon which the نَفَض [or leaves or fruit of a tree] fall: (A, TA:) or ↓ مِنْفَضٌ signifies i. q. مِنْسَفٌ, (S, K,) i. e. a vessel (وِعَآء) in which dates [and grain] are shaken to remove the dust &c. (TA.) b2: A garment of the kind called إِزَار worn by boys: (S, K:) pl. as above. (TA.) Yousay also, مَا عَلَيْهِ نِفَاضٌ, (S, K,) meaning He has not upon him any clothing. (Ibn-'Abbád, K.) نَفُوضٌ (tropical:) A woman having many children: prolific. (S, A, K.) A2: رَجُلٌ نَفُوضٌ لِلْكَلَامِ (tropical:) A man who considers, examines, or studies, speech, or language, or does so repeatedly, in order to obtain a clear knowledge of it. (TA.) نُفَاضَةٌ What has fallen in consequence of shaking to cause something upon it to fall; (S;) what has fallen from a thing so shaken; (IDrd, K;) whatever it be; as, for instance, of leaves; and mostly, of leaves of the سَمُر in particular, when collected and beaten off [or rather beaten off and collected] in a garment, or piece of cloth; (IDrd, L, TA;) [like نَفَضٌ, q. v.;] and ↓ نُفَاضٌ signifies the same; (S, K;) and ↓ نِفَاضٌ also. (K.) And What remains in one's mouth, of a سِوَاك [or tooth-stick], and is spit out; or a particle broken off therefrom, remaining in the mouth, and spit out; i. q. نُفَاثَةُ سِوَاكٍ, (IAar, K,) and ضُوَازَتُهُ. (IAar.) نَفِيضَةٌ (tropical:) A company sent forth into the land to see whether there be in it an enemy, (S, K,) or not, (K,) or any [cause of] fear; (S;) like طَلِيعَةٌ; (S, TA;) as also ↓ نَفَضَةٌ; [pl. of ↓ نَافِضٌ, like as طَلَبَةٌ is of طَالِبٌ:] (S, K:) or the former signifies men going before an army as scouts, or explorers: (As, in TA, voce حَضِيرَةٌ:) or men who explore a place thoroughly: and also, a single person: (A 'Obeyd, in TA, ibid.:) or a scout, or scouts, stationed on a mountain or other elevated place: (TA:) or one who guards the road: (A, TA:) or a company [of men]: (TA:) and ↓ the latter, persons who clear the roads of robbers and of intercepters of travellers; or who guard the roads; (A, TA:) the pl. of the former is نَفَائِضُ; (S;) which also signifies persons who throw pebbles in order to know if there be behind them anything that they dislike, or an enemy. (K.) b2: Also, the pl., (assumed tropical:) Lean, or emaciated, camels; (S, K:) accord to AA, as occurring in a verse of Aboo-Dhu-eyb, in which he says, تُلْقِى النَّفَائِضُ فِيهِ السَّرِيحَا (S, TA,) In which the lean, or emaciated, camels cast the shoes; meaning that these have become dissundered; or, as Akh says, the thongs so called [by which their shoes are fastened], these being dissundered; فيه referring to the road; but some read, فِيهَا, referring to the roads, mentioned before: (TA:) As reads نفائض, as well as AA: (S, TA:) but others read the word with ق, as pl. of نِقْضٌ, and signifying “ jaded ” camels: (so in a copy of the S:) or نفائض signifies camels which traverse the land. (IAar, K.) b3: The sing. is also said to signify Waters where there is not any one. (IAar, Sh; both in the TA. voce حَضِيرَةٌ, q. v., and the former also in this art.) نِفِّضَى Motion: and tremour; or shivering; as also ↓ نِفِضَّى and ↓ نَفَضَى. (O, K.) [See also نُفْضَةٌ.]

نَافِضٌ (assumed tropical:) A fever attended with shivering, or trembling: (S, A. * K:) of the masc. gender: (ISd, K:) but applied as an epithet to حُمَّى

[which is fem.] (TA.) Contr. of صَالِبٌ. (S, in art. صلب.) You say, أَخَذَتْهُ حُمَّى نَافِضٍ, (S, K,) and حُمَّى بِنَافِضٍ, (K,) which is the more approved form, (TA,) and حُمَّى نَافِضٌ, (K,) the latter word being sometimes thus used as an epithet; the second meaning (tropical:) Fever took him, or affected him, with [a shivering, or trembling, or] violent shivering or trembling; (TA;) [and the first and third, fever attended with shivering, or trembling, took him, or affected him.]

A2: See also نَفِيضَةٌ

A3: and نَفَضٌ

A4: ثَوْبٌ نَافِضٌ (tropical:) A garment, or piece of cloth, which has lost its dye: (A:) or which has lost somewhat of its colour, of redness, or yellowness. (Mgh.) أُنْفُوضَةٌ: pl. أَنَافِيضُ: see نَفَضٌ, in three places.

دَجَاجَةٌ مُنْفِضٌ, (A,) or منفضة [i. e. مُنْفِضَةٌ], (TA,) (tropical:) A hen that has laid her eggs, or all her eggs, (نَفَضَتْ بَيْضَهَا, A, TA,) and desisted, (A,) or become weary. (TA.) مِنْفَضٌ: see نِفَاضٌ; for the former, in two places.

مِنْفَاضٌ: see نِفَاضٌ; for the former, in two places.

مَنْفُوضٌ (tropical:) Made to shiver, or tremble, by fever (S, K.)



1 نَشِطَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. نَشَاطٌ (S, Msb, K) and مَنْشَطٌ, (TA,) He (a man, S, TA, and a beast of carriage, TA,) was, or became, brisk, lively, sprightly, frisky, active, agile, prompt, and quick; syn. خَفَّ, (Msb, TA,) and أَسْرَعَ; (Msb;) contr. of كَسِلَ; (TA;) or pleased, cheerful, happy, or willing; to do work, &c.; (Lth, K;) or by reason of his work; (Msb;) as also ↓ تنشّط, (S, * K,) لِأَمْرِ كَذَا [to do, or on account of, such a thing, or such an affair]. (S, TA.) You say also, نَشِطَ إِلَيْهِ [He betook himself to him, or it, with briskness, liveliness, sprightliness, or the like]. (TA.) b2: [Hence, app.,] نَشِطَتِ الدَّابَّةُ The beast of carriage became fat. (K.) A2: نَشَطَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. نَشْطٌ, (S, K, TA,) He went forth from a place: (K:) he passed, or crossed, from one country or the like to another: (TA:) said, for instance, of a wild bull: (AO, IDrd, S, K:) and in like manner, a star, [meaning a planet,] from one sign of the zodiac to another. (S, K.) And نَشَطَتِ الإِبِلُ, aor. ـِ inf. n. نَشْطٌ, The camels went, either in a right direction or otherwise. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] الهُمُومُ تَنْشِطُ بِصَاحِبِهَا (S, TA) (assumed tropical:) Griefs, or disquietudes of mind, lead forth him who has them [from place to place]. (TA.) Himyán Ibn-Koháfeh says, أَمْسَتَ هُمُومِى تَنْشِطُ المَنَاشِطَا

أَلشَّأْمَ بِى طَوْرًا وَطَوْرًا وَاسِطَا [meaning تنشط بى الى المناشط, i. e., (assumed tropical:) My griefs, or disquietudes of mind, became such as to lead me forth to the places to which one goes forth, to Syria at one time, and at one time to Wásit]. (S.) You say also of a road, يَنْشِطُ مِنَ الطَّرِيقِ الأَعْظَمِ (tropical:) It goes forth from the main road, to the right, and to the left. (Lth, K. *) And نَشطَ بِهِمْ طَرِيقٌ فَأَخَذُوهُ (tropical:) [A road led them forth, and they took it]. (TA.) A3: نَشَطَ الدَّلْوَ, (S, K,) aor. ـِ (K, * TA) and نَشُطَ, (TA,) [inf. n. نَشْطٌ,] He pulled out the bucket, (S, K,) or pulled it up, (TA,) from the well, (S, TA,) without a pulley. (S, K.) b2: And hence, المَلَائِكَةُ تَنْشِطُ الأَرْوَاحَ (assumed tropical:) The angels draw forth the souls like as the bucket is drawn forth from the well: (Zj:) and تَنْشِطُ نَفْسَ المُؤْمِنِ بِقَبْضِهَا (Fr, L, K [in the CK تَقْبِضُها]) which means, (K,) accord. to Ibn-'Aráfeh, (TA,) (assumed tropical:) they loose the soul of the believer gently. (K, TA.) b3: [Hence also,] one says of a she-camel, [likening the motion of her fore legs to that of the arms of a man pulling up a bucket from a well without a pulley,] حَسُنَ مَا نَشَطَتِ السَّيْرَ, meaning (assumed tropical:) Good was her wide stretching out of her fore legs (As, S, TA) in her going along. (TA.) A4: نَشَطَ الحَبْلَ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (K, and so in a copy of the S,) or ـِ (Msb, and so in a copy of the S,) inf. n. نَشْطٌ, (S, Msb,) He tied the cord, or rope so as to form a knot; (K, TA;) as also ↓ نشَّطهُ, (K,) inf. n. تَنْشِيطٌ: (TA:) or he tied it in a knot such as is termed أُنْشُوطَة; (Az, S, Msb;) as also ↓ the latter verb: (Ham, p. 742:) and نَشَطَ العُقْدَةَ he tied the knot so as to form what is thus termed: (Mgh:) and نَشَطَ الأُنْشُوطَةَ he tied the knot thus termed. (TA.) [See also 4.]

A5: نَشَطَ, and نُشِطَ مِنْ عِقَالٍ: see 4.2 نشّطهُ, inf. n. َتَنْشِيطٌ, He, or it, rendered him نَشِيط [i. e. brisk, lively, sprightly, frisky, &c.]; (K;) as also ↓ انشطهُ. (Yaakoob, K.) A2: See also 1, last sentence but one, in two places; and see 4.4 انشط, said of a man, (K, * TA,) or of a company of men, (S,) His, or their, beasts, (S, K,) or family, (K,) were, or became, in a state of نَشَاط [i. e. briskness, liveliness, sprightliness, friskiness, &c.: see 1]. (S, K.) A2: As a trans. v.: see 2. b2: [Hence, app.,] It (herbage) rendered a beast fat. (S, TA.) A3: He loosed, untied, or undid, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) a cord, or rope, (S, K,) or a knot such as is termed أُنْشُوطَة; (Mgh, Msb,) as also ↓ انتشط; and ↓ نَشَطَ; (Mgh;) and in like manner, the bond termed عِقَال; (Msb;) and so, perhaps, ↓ نشّط: (Ham, p. 165:) he pulled a cord, or rope, until, or so that, it became loosed, untied, or undone; (TA;) as also ↓ انتشط: (S, K, TA,) he caused the عِقَال to become loosed, untied, or undone, by pulling its انشوطة: (K, * TA:) he loosed, untied, or undid, a knot by a single pull. (TA.) You say also, انشط البَعِيرَ He loosed, untied, or undid, the انشوطة [of the عِقَال] of the camel. (TA.) And انشط البَعِيرَ مِنْ عِقَالِهِ He loosed the camel from his عِقَال. (Msb.) [And hence the saying,] كَأَنَّمَا أُنْشِطَ مِنْ عِقَالٍ As though he were loosed [from a bond such as is called عِقَال]: (S, * Mgh, TA:) a proverb, relating to an event's happening quickly; (Mgh;) or said of him who commences any work quickly; and of the sick when he recovers; and of a person who has swooned when he revives; and of a person sent to execute an affair, hastening his determination respecting it: (TA:) it is often related in a different manner, كانّما نُشِطَ من عقال; but this is not correct. (IAth, TA.) [But see above, in this paragraph; and see 1, where a similar meaning is assigned to the unaugmented verb.]

A4: He bound, or tied, him, or it, firmly, fastly, or strongly: so in the copies of the K; so that, if this be correct, the verb has two contr. significations. (TA.) A5: See also 8.5 تَنَشَّطَ see 1, first sentence. b2: تنشّطت فِى سَيْرِهَا She (a camel) hastened, or was quick, in her going, or pace. (S, K.) A2: تنشّط المَفَازَةَ (tropical:) He passed through, or over, the desert, (K, TA,) with swiftness, and with briskness, liveliness, sprightliness, or activity. (TA.) And تنشّطهُ (assumed tropical:) He traversed it quickly, or swiftly. (IB, in TA, voce هِرْجَابٌ.) And تنشّطت الأَرْضَ (assumed tropical:) She (a camel) traversed, or crossed, the land, like the نَاشِط in her quickness, or her aim, with briskness, liveliness, or sprightliness. (TA.) 8 انتشط It (a cord, or rope,) became loosed, untied, or undone. (Har, p. 361.) b2: (assumed tropical:) He (a man) became loosed from the tie of silence, (Har, p. 360.; Mgh,) and from that of impotence. (Mgh [in which a doubt is expressed as to its being of classical authority].) A2: As a trans. v.: see 4, in two places. b2: He pulled, or drew, a thing. (TA.) b3: He seized a thing, took it hastily, or snatched it unawares: a meaning wrongly assigned in the K to ↓ انشط. (TA.) You say also, انتشط المَالُ المَرْعَى, (Sh, K,) and الكَلَأَ, (Sh,) The camels, or sheep or goats, pulled up, or out, the herbage, with the teeth. (Sh, K.) b4: He scaled a fish; (K;) as though meaning he pulled off the scales thereof. (TA.) نُشُطٌ [app. a pl. of ↓ نَاشِطٌ] Persons untwisting cords, or ropes, in the time of undoing them for the purpose of their being twisted or plaited a second time. (IAar, K.) نَشْطَةٌ as used in the following saying, (Mgh,) الشُّفْعَةُ كَنَشْطَةِ العِقَالِ The right termed شفعة is like the loosing of the bond called عقال, in respect of the speediness with which it becomes of no effect, (Mgh, Msb,) by delay, (Msb,) is of the measure فَعْلَةٌ from أَنْشَطَ, or from نَشَطَ in the sense of انشط; or the meaning is, like the tying of the عقال; i. e., it is of short duration; but the former explanation is the more apparently right. (Mgh.) بِئْرٌ نَشُوطٌ A well from which the bucket does not come forth until it is much pulled, (As, S, TA,) by reason of the distance of its bottom; (TA;) contr. of بِئْرٌ أَنْشَاطٌ. (K.) نَشِيطٌ (S, Msb, K) Brisk, lively, sprightly, active, agile, prompt, and quick; (Msb;) or pleased, cheerful, happy, or willing; to do work &c.; as also ↓ نَاشِطٌ; (K;) [see نَشِطَ;] applied to a man; (S, TA;) and to a beast of carriage; fem. with ة: (TA:) pl. نِشَاطٌ (Har, p. 591) [and نَشَاطَى]. b2: A man (TA) whose family, or beasts, are in a state of نَشَاط [i. e. briskness, liveliness, sprightliness, &c.: see 1]; as also ↓ مُنْشِطٌ. (K, TA.) نَاشِطٌ: see نَشِيطٌ. b2: In a verse of Et-Tirimmáh, [see استطرب,] نَاشِطًا is used for شَوْقًا نَازِعًا [By reason of yearning, or longing, desire]. (K, in art. دد.) A2: A wild bull going forth from land to land, (S, K,) or from country to country. (TA.) b2: Hence, (S,) النَّاشِطَاتُ, as used in the Kur, lxxix. 2, meaning The stars [or planets] going forth from one sign of the zodiac to another: (S, K:) or it means the stars that rise, then set: (A'Obeyd, TA:) or the angels that draw forth the souls like as the bucket is drawn forth from the well: (Zj, TA:) or the angels that loose the soul of the believer gently: (Fr, * Ibn-'Arafeh, K:) or the believing souls that are brisk, lively, sprightly, or active, at death: (K, * TA:) or, as some say, [too fancifully,] the angels that ratify events; from نَشَطَ العُقْدَةَ, q. v.; and as this signifies the tying of a knot which is easily undone, the thing's easiness to them is thus notified. (TA.) b3: (tropical:) A road going forth from the main road, to the right, and to the left: (Lth, K *:) pl. نَوَاشِطُ: (TA:) which latter word is applied in like manner to water-courses (K, TA) going forth from the main water-course to the right and left. (TA.) A3: See also نُشُطٌ.

بِئْرٌ أَنْشَاطٌ, (K, and so in a copy of the S, as on the authority of As, but in another copy of the S the ا is without any vowel,) and بِئْرٌ إِنْشَاطٌ, (K, and, accord. to the TA, on the authority of As, and mentioned by IB on the authority of A'Obeyd,) A well of little depth, from which the bucket comes forth by means of a single pull: (As, S, K:) the latter may be defended on the ground of considering إِنْشَاطٌ as originally an inf. n., of أَنْشَطَ signifying “ he loosed, untied, or undid,” a knot “ by a single pull. ” (TA.) أُنْشُوطَةٌ [A knot tied with a bow, or with a double bow, so as to form a kind of slip-knot; whence, in modern vulgar Arabic, عُقْدَة وَشُنَيْطَة, applied to such a tie; and شُنَيْطَة, applied to a simple slip-knot;] a knot, or tie, which easily becomes undone, or untied, like that of the running band of a pair of drawers; (S, Mgh, K;) a knot, or tie, which becomes undone when one of its two ends is pulled. (Msb, TA.) You say, مَا عِقَالُكَ بِأُنْسُوطَةٍ, meaning (assumed tropical:) Thy love, or affection, is not weak, or frail. (S.) مَنْشَطٌ A thing on account of which, or to do which, one is brisk, lively, sprightly, or active; or pleased, cheerful, or happy; and which one likes, or prefers, to do: opposed to مَكْرَــهٌ. (TA.) مَنْشِطٌ A place to which one goes forth: pl. مَنَاشِطُ. See an ex. of the pl., voce نَشَطَ.]

مُنْشِطٌ: see نَشِيطٌ.

مِنْشَطٌ Having much نَشَاط [i. e. briskness, liveliness, sprightliness, friskiness, &c.: see 1]. (TA.) نشع, &c



أ1 كَفَأَ He turned a thing over; as a man turns over a cake of bread in his band until it becomes even. ↓ يَتَكَفَّأُ occurs in a trad. respecting the Day of Resurrection, accord. to one relation, for يَكْفَأُ, in this sense: it is said that the earth will be like a single cake of bread, which God will turn over in his hand, as a man in a journey turns over a cake of bread. (TA.) كَفَأَ, (Ks, S, K,) inf. n. كَفٌءٌ and كَفَآءَةٌ; (TA;) and ↓ اكفأ, (IAar, S, K,) and ↓ اكتفأ; (S, K;) but the first word is said to be the most chaste; He inverted, or turned upside-down, (S, K,) a vessel &c. (S, TA.) [You say] كُفِئَتْ جَفْنَتُهُ [His bowl was turned upside-down; meaning] (tropical:) He was slain: a phrase similar to هُرِيقَ رِفْدُهُ. (A in art. رفد.) b2: كَفَأَ (TA) and ↓ اكفأ, (Ks, and rejected by As, (TA,) He inclined, or made to turn aside or incline, (S, K,) a bow, in shooting with it, and a vessel, (Ks, S,) &c. (TA.) and كَفَأَ (TA) and ↓ اكفأ, (K,) and ↓ انكفأ (TA) He, or it, inclined: intrans. (K, TA.) b3: كَفَأَهُ عَنْ شَىْ, (S, * K, * TA,) inf. n. كَفْءٌ, (S, TA,) He turned him away, or back from a thing; (S, K, TA;) as from a thing that he desired to do, to another thing. (S, TA.) and كَفَأَ عَنْ شَىْءٍ He turned away, or back, from a thing: intrans. (TA.) [See also 4 and 7.] كَفَأَ القَوُمُ The people turned away, or back. (K.) [See also 7.] b4: كَفَأَ He drove away a man, (K,) or camels. (L.) b5: كَفَأَ الإِبِلَ He made an assault upon the camels, and took them away. (TA.) b6: كَفَأَ He followed, or pursued, another. (K.) b7: كَفَأَ الغَنَمُ فِى الشِّعْبِ The sheep entered the ravine. (K.) b8: كَفَأَ لَوْنُهُ, and لونه ↓ اكفأ, and لونه ↓ تكفّأ, (TA,) and لوزه ↓ انكفأ, (K,) (as also انكفت لونه, TA,) (tropical:) His, or its, colour changed. (K.) 3 كافأهُ عَلَى شَىْءِ, inf. n. مُكَافَأَةُ and كِفَأءٌ, He requited, compensated, or recompensed, him for a thing. (S, K.) b2: مَا لِى بِهِ قِبَلٌ وَلَا كِفَآءٌ I have not power to requite him. (S.) b3: كافأه, (K,) inf. n. مُكَافَأَةٌ and كِفَآءٌ, (TA,) He was like him; was equal to him; equalled him. (K.) A2: كافأه He watched him; observed him. (K.) A3: كافأ, (K,) inf. n. مُكَافَأَةٌ, (TA,) He repelled; turned, or put away; kept away, or off; withstood, or resisted. (K, TA.) b2: كافأ بَيْنَ فَارِسَيْنِ بِرُمْحِهِ He thrust this horseman, and then that, with his spear. (K, TA.) b3: كافأ بين البَعِيرَيْنِ He stabbed this camel, and then that. (Z.) A4: لَا مُكَافَأَةَ عِنْدِى فِى كَذَا There is no concealment with me in respect of such a thing; as also لا مُحَاجَاةَ. (TA in art. حجو.) 4 أَكْفَاَ See 1, in four places. b2: اكفأ فِى سَيْرِهِ عَنِ القَصْدِ, (TA,) or كَفَأَ, (K,) He deviated, or turned aside, in his journey, from the object he had in view. (K, * TA.) A2: اكفأ الإِبِلَ كَفْأَتَيْنِ He divided the camels into two equal numbers, setting apart the one half for breeding during one year, and the other half for breeding during the next. It was esteemed the best plan, by the Arabs, to leave a she-camel for one year after her breeding, without suffering the stallion to cover her; in like manner as land is left fallow for a year. (S, TA.) b2: The same is also said of sheep &c. (TA.) A3: اكفأه إِبِلَهُ وَغَنَمَهُ (S, * K, * TA) He assigned to him the profits, (K,) or the profits for a year, (S,) of his camels and his sheep or goats; (K, TA;) i.e., their hair and wool, milk, and young ones. (S, TA.) A4: اكفأت الإِبِلُ Many of the camels had young ones in their wombs. (K.) A5: اكفأ البَيْتَ, (K,) inf. n. إِكْفَآءٌ, (S,) He made for the tent a كِفَآء. (S, K, TA.) A6: اكفأ, (K,) inf. n. إِكْفَاءٌ, (TA,) in poetry, accord. to a commentary on the Káfee, He used as the رَوِىّ two letters having their places of utterance near to each other; as ط with د: [such is the signification of the verb accord. to general usage in the present day:] or, accord. to the Ahkám el-Asás, he changed the روىّ from ر to ل, or ل to م: or he made a similar change of one letter to another having its place of utterance near to that of the former: or it has another signification, given below, accord. to the same authority: (TA:) or he used different letters in the rhymes; (S, K;) whether letters having their places of utterance near to each other, or the contrary; (TA;) or in some م and in some ن and in some د, and in some ط, and in some ح, and in some خ, &c.; as says Az; and this is the meaning known to the Arabs: (S:) or he used different vowels in the روىّ: (Fr, S:) or i. q. أَقْوَى: (S, K:) or, accord. to the Ahkám el-Asás, it signifies either as explained above on that authority, (TA,) or he used different final inflections in the rhymes: (K:) or he changed the final vowel in the rhyme; ending one verse with ضَمَّة, and another with كَسْرَة, [which are the two vowels that resemble each other]: (TA:) [see a verse cited in the first paragraph of art. غيب:] or he impaired the end of a verse in any way. (K.) Eloquent Arabs explained the meaning of the verb in this last manner to Akh, without defining any particular kind of impairment: but one made it to consist in the use of different letters. (TA.) 5 تكفّأ It (a vessel &c.) was inverted, or turned upside-down. (TA.) See also 1, in two places. b2: تكفّأ (as also تكّفى, inf. n. تَكَفٍّ; but the original word is that with hemzeh;) He inclined forwards, in walking, as a ship inclines in her course. Mohammad is said to have walked in this manner, which is indicative of strength. (TA.) [And so] تكفّأت She (a woman) moved her body from side to side, in walking, as the tall palm-tree moves from side to side. (S.) [And] She (a ship) inclined forwards in her course. (TA.) [See an ex., voce أَعْرَبَ, in this sense; or, as implied in the S, in the sense immediately preceding.]6 تَكَافَآ They two were like, or equal, each to the other. (S, K.) b2: تَتَكَافَأُ دِمَاؤُهُمْ Their blood (i. e., the blood of the Muslims,) shall be equally retaliated, or expiated: (A 'Obeyd, S:) i. e., the noble shall have no advantage over the ignoble in the retaliation or expiation of blood. (A 'Obeyd.) 7 انكفأ He turned, or was turned, away, or back, from a thing that he desired to do; (S;) [see also 1;] he returned, or went back, or reverted. (S, K.) b2: Also, (TA,) or ↓ كَفَأَ, (K,) It (a party) became routed, defeated, or put to flight. (K, TA.) b3: See 1, in two places.8 إِكْتَفَاَ See 1. b2: اكتفأ أَهْلِيهِمْ وَأَمْوَالَهُمْ [He carried off their families and their goods.] (TA, from a trad.; mentioned next after the explanation of كَفَأَ الإِبِلَ.) 10 استكفأه إِبِلَهُ He asked him for a year's produce of his camels; i.e., their young ones in the womb in one year; (S, TA;) or their hair and wool, milk, and young ones, of one year. (TA.) b2: استكفأه نَخْلَةً He asked him for a year's produce of a palm-tree. (TA.) كَفْءٌ and كُفْءٌ and كِفْءٌ and كُفُؤٌ see كِفَاءٌ, and for كِفْءٌ see also كَفِىْءٌ.

كَفْأَةٌ and ↓ كُفْأَةٌ (S, K) The young ones in the wombs of camels, in one year: or those after the dams have not conceived for one year or more: (K:) or a year's produce of camels [&c.]; i. e., their hair and wool, and their milk, as well as their young ones. (Az, S, K.) Yousay أَعْطِنِى كفأةَ نَاقَتِكَ Give me the year's produce, &c., of thy she-camel. (S.) b2: b3: And, both words (tropical:) A year's produce of a palm-tree. (K.) b4: (tropical:) A year's produce of a piece of land. (K.) See also 4.

كُفْأَةٌ: see كَفْأَةٌ.

كَفَآءٌ (K) and ↓ كَفَأءَةٌ (S, K) Likeness; equality. (S, K.) b2: كَفَأءٌ A slight inclination, to one side, of a camel's hump, and the like. This is the slightest of faults in a camel; for when the camel grows fat, his hump becomes erect. (TA.) كَفَآءٌ, originally an inf. n. [of 3], and ↓ كُفْءٌ and كُفُوْءٌ [&c., as in the following examples,] Like; equal; a match. (S.) b2: هٰذَا كِفَاؤُهُ, and ↓ كَفِيْئَتُهُ, and ↓ كَفِيؤُهُ, and ↓ كُفْؤُهُ, and ↓ كَفْؤُهُ, and ↓ كِفْؤُهُ, (in the CK, كَفُؤُهُ,) and ↓ كُفُوْؤُهُ, (in the CK, كُفُؤُهُ,) This is like, or equal to, him or it: (K:) And لَا كِفَآءَ لَهُ There is no one, or nothing, like, or equal, to him, or it. (S.) b3: Zj says, that the words of the Kur-án, وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَهُ كُفُؤًا أَحَدٌ (cxii. 4,) may be read in four different ways: ↓ كُفُؤًا and ↓ كُفْئًا and ↓ كِفْئًا (in which three ways the word has been read) and كِفَاءً (in which last way it has not been read.) Ibn-Ketheer and AA and Ibn-'Ámir and Ks read كُفُؤًا: Hamzeh read كُفْئًا; and, in a case of pause, كُفَا, without hemzeh. (TA,) b4: Pl. (of كُفْءٌ and كِفْءٌ, and كُفُؤٌ, and perhaps of كَفْءٌ also, MF,) أَكْفَآءٌ and (of all the above forms excepting كِفَآءٌ, MF,) كِفَآءٌ. (K.) b5: كِفَآءٌ As much as is equal to another thing. (L.) b6: الحَمْدُ لِلّهِ كِفَآءَ الوَاجِبِ Praise be to God, as much as is incumbent. (K.) A2: كِفَآءٌ A curtain (سُتْرَة) extending from the top to the bottom of a tent, at the hinder part: or an oblong piece of staff at the hinder part of the kind of tent called خِبَاء: or a كِسَآء that is thrown upon a خباء, so as to reach the ground: (K:) or an oblong piece of stuff, or two such pieces well sewed together, attached by the kind of wooden pin called خِلَال to the hinder part of a خباء: (S:) or the hinder part of a tent: pl. أَكْفِئَةٌ. (TA.) See مِظَلَّةٌ in art. ظل.

كَفِىْءُ اللَّوْنِ, and اللون ↓ مَكْفُوْءُ, (K,) and اللون ↓ مَكْتَفِئُ, (TA,) (tropical:) Changed in colour: (K:) said of the countenance and of other things: as also مُكْتَفِتُ اللون. (TA.) b2: Also, مُكْفَأُ الوَجْهِ Changed in countenance. (TA.) A2: See كِفَآءٌ.

A3: كَفِىْءٌ and ↓ كِفْءٌ (as in the CK and a MS. copy of the K) or كِفِىْءٌ (as in the TA) The bottom, or interior, or inside, (بَطْن,) of a valley. (K.) كُفُوْءٌ: see كِفَآءٌ.

كَفَآءَةٌ: see كَفَآءٌ. b2: In marriage, Equality of the husband and wife in rank, religion, lineage house, &c. (L,) أَكْفَأُ, fem. كَفْأَى, A camel whose hump inclines slightly to one side. (TA.) b2: A camel's hump inclining to one side. (ISh.) مُكْفِئُ الظَّعْنِ The last of the days called أَيَّامُ العَجُوزِ. (TA.) [See عجوز.]

مَكْفُوْءُ اللّون: see كَفِىْءٌ.

مُكَافِئٌ Being like, or equal to: equalling. (S.) b2: Also, in the following words of a trad., كَانَ لَا يَقْبَلُ الثَّنَآءَ إِلَّا مِن مُّكَافِئِ, said to signify One of known sincerity in professing himself a Muslim: (IAmb:) or one not transgressing his proper bounds, nor falling short with respect to that [religion] to which God hath exalted him-(Az.) b3: شَاتَانِ مُكَافِئَتَانِ, (S, K,) and مُكَافَأَتَانِ. (K,) as the relaters of trads. say, (S,) in a trad. respecting the عَقِيقَة for a male child, (S, TA,) Two sheep, or goats, of equal age. (S, K.) Some assign to these words meanings slightly differing from the above; as, similar, one to another: also, slaughtered, one immediately after the other: (TA:) or slaughtered, one opposite to the other. (S.) مُكْتَفِئُ اللّون: see كَفِىْءٌ.



1 كَرَدَ, (aor.

كَرُدَ, S, L,) inf. n. كَرْدٌ, He drove, (L, K,) drove away, and repelled, a people: (S, L:) accord. to some, he drove the enemy in a charge or assault: (L:) he drove away the enemy: (K:) he repelled them and drove them away with his sword. (L.) b2: He turned him back from his opinion. (L.) A2: He cut off [a thing.] (K.) 3 كاردهُ, (K,) inf. n. مُكَارَدَةٌ, (S,) He charged upon, or assaulted, or attacked, him, (S, K,) and repelled him, (K,) the latter doing the same. (S, K.) كَرْدٌ The neck; (S, L, K;) a Persian word, arabicized: (S, L:) or (properly, L) the base of the neck: (L, K:) or the place where the head is set upon the neck: i. q. قَرْدٌ: (L:) the back of the neck; as also ↓ كَرْدَنٌ and قَرْدَنٌ (IAar, T, L.) كُرْدٌ a pl. [or rather a coll. gen. n.] of which the sing. [or n. un.] is ↓ كُرْدَةٌ, the latter signifying A مَشَارَة, (O, L,) i. e. channel of water for irrigation, (TA, [but see this word, and what follows here below,]) of places, [or plots] of seed-produce: (O, L, TA:) this is what is meant in the K by the saying that الكُرْدُ signifies الدَّبْرَةُ مِنَ المَزَارِعِ, and that the n. un. is with ة: (TA:) an instance of agreement between the languages of the Arabs and the 'Ajam; or, as some assert, an Arabic word derived from المُكَارَدَةُ: (O:) or كُرْدٌ signifies a دَبْرَة, and is [originally] a Pers\. word: and the pl. is كُرُودٌ: and كُرْدَةٌ is like كُرْدٌ [in signification]: (L:) [see also دَبْرَةٌ, voce دَبْرٌ:] or كُرْدَةٌ signifies a piece of land, or of sown land, or one having a raised border; and its pl. is كُرَدٌ [app. a mistranscription for the coll. gen. n. كُرْدٌ]. (MA.) الكُرْدُ A certain nation; [the Gordiæi: (Golius:) n. un. كُرْدِىٌّ:] pl. أَكْرَادٌ: (S, L, K:) respecting their origin authors differ: it is said that their ancestor was Kurd the son of 'Amr Muzeykiyà the son of 'Ámir Má-es-Semà, not 'Ámir the son of Má-es-Semà, as in the K, for Má-es-Semà was a surname of 'Ámir: (TA:) or they are the remains of the people whom Beewarásf, also called Ed-Dahhák, used to eat: (IKt, MF, TA:) or their ancestor was Kurd the son of Ken'án (or Canaan) the son of Koosh (or Cush) the son of Hám (or Ham) the son of Nooh (or Noah): they consist of countless tribes, differing in language and condition, but all are reduced to four principal tribes, the سوران and the كوران and the كُلهر and the لُر: (Mohammad Efendee El-Kurdee:) or their ancestor was Kurd the son of 'Amr the son of 'Ámir the son of Saasa'ah: (Abu-l-Yakdhán:) El-Mes'oodee says, that some assert them to be of the descendants of Rabee'ah the son of Nizár: others, that they are of the descendants of Mudar the son of Nizár: others, that they are descended from Kurd the son of Ken'án the son of Koosh the son of Hám: and he adds, that they are apparently of the offspring of Hám, like the Persians: that among the known tribes of which they consist are the سورانيّة, the كورانية, the عمادية, the حكارية, the محمودية, the بختية, the بشوية, the جوبية, the زرزائية, the مهرانية, the جاودانية, the رضائية, the سروجية, the هارونية, and the لرية: and that their countries are Persia, and 'Irák el-'Ajam, and Ádharbeeján, and Irbil, and El-Mósil. (Mo-hammad Efendee El-Kurdee.) [Many other assertions as to the origin of this people are made by other authors.]

كَرْدَنٌ: see كَرْدٌ.

كُرْدَةٌ: see كُرْدٌ.

كُرْدِيَّةٌ an appellation of certain dogs [app. belonging to the كُرْد]. (M voce تَدْمُرِيَّةٌ.) كِرْدِيَّةٌ: see كِرْدِيدَةٌ.

كِرْدِيدَةٌ A large portion of dates. (L, K.) b2: Also, The [kind of basket of palm-leaves called]

جلَّةٌ in which dates are put: (Seer, L, K:) or the dates remaining upon the sides in the lower part of the جُلَّة: (S, L, K:) as also ↓ كِرْدِيَّةٌ: (K:) pl. كَرَادِيدُ (S, L, K) and كِرَادٌ. (K.) مَكْرُــودٌ A mustache cut off. (K.)



1 جَرَمَهُ, aor. ـِ (K,) inf. n. جَرْمٌ, (S,) [like جَزَمَهُ,] He cut it, or cut it off. (S, K.) b2: جَرَمَ الشَّاةَ, (K,) or جَرَمَ صُوفَ الشَّاةِ, (S,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) He shore, or sheared, or cut off the wool of, the sheep. (S, K, * TA.) And جَرَمْتُ مِنْهُ I took [or clipped somewhat] from it; [namely, the wool;] like جَلَمْتُ. (S.) b3: جَرَمَ النَّخْلَ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. as above, (TA,) inf. n. جَرْمٌ (K) and جَرَامٌ and جِرَامٌ, (S, * K,) He cut the palmtrees; (Msb;) [meaning] he cut off the fruit of the palm-trees; (S, K;) as also ↓ اجترمهُ: (S:) and in like manner, جَرَمَ التَّمْرَ he cut off the dates. (TA.) You say, هٰذَا زَمَنُ الجَرَامِ and الجِرَامِ, (S,) i. e. [This is] the time of the cutting off of the fruit of the palm-trees. (TA.) b4: and جَرَمَ النَّخْلَ, inf. n. جَرْمٌ, He computed by conjecture the quantity of fruit upon the palm-trees; (K;) and so ↓ اجترمهُ: (Lh, K:) [like جَزَمَهُ and اجتزمهُ.]

A2: جَرَمَ, (S, K,) aor. ـِ (S,) inf. n. جَرْمٌ, (TK,) also signifies He gained, acquired, or earned, [wealth, &c.,] (S, K,) لِأَهْلِهِ for his family; and so ↓ اجترم. (K.) And you say, خَرَجَ يَجْرِمُ لِأَهْلِهِ and يَجْرِمُ أَهْلَهُ, meaning He went forth seeking [sustenance], and practising skill, or artifice, for his family. (TA.) b2: وَلَا يَجْرِمَنَّكُمْ شَنَآنُ قَوْمٍ, in the Kur [v. 3 and 11], is explained by some as meaning And let not a people's hatred by any means occasion you. or cause you: or it means let not a people's hatred by any means induce you, or incite you. (S, TA.) Some read ↓ لا يُجْرِمَنَّكُمْ, with damm to the ى; and Zj says that جَرَمْتُ and أَجْرَمْتُ signify the same: but some say that the meaning is, let it not by any means lead you into crime, or sin; أَجْرَمْتُهُ being like آثَمْتُهُ, I led him into sin, &c. (TA.) b3: Fr says that the asserting جَرَمْتُ to mean حَقَقْتُ [or rather حُقِقْتُ, for this is evidently, I think, the right reading, though I find حَقَقْتُ in the TA as well as in a copy of the S, in another copy of which I find جَرَمَتْ and حَقَّقَتْ, suggesting that the right reading may perhaps be جَرَمَتْ and حُقَّتْ,] is nought: they who so explain it having been confused in their judgment by the saying of the poet Aboo-Asmà, (S, TA,) or, as some say, El-Howfazán, (TA,) or, accord. to some, 'Ateeyeh Ibn-'Ofeyf, (IB, TA,) وَلَقَدْ طَعَنْتُ أَبَا عُيَيْنَةَ طَعْنَةً

جَرَمَتْ فَزَارَةَ بَعْدَهَا أَنْ يَغْضَبُوا in which they made فزارة to be in the nom. case, as though the meaning were حُقَّ لَهَا الغَضَبُ [it was right, or fit, or proper, for it, (the tribe of Fezárah,) to be angry; nearly agreeing with an explanation of جَرَمَ given by Golius as on the authority of Ibn-Maaroof, namely, “meritus, dignus fuit ”]: but, he says, فزارة is in the accus. case; the meaning being, جَرَمَتْهُمُ الطَّعْنَةُ أَنْ يَغْضَبُوا [which will be found explained, on the authority of IB, in what follows]: AO says that the meaning is, أَحَقَّتْ عَلَيْهِمُ الغَضَبَ, i. e., أَحَقَّتِ الطَّعْنَةُ فَزَارَةَ أَنْ يَغْضَبُوا, and حَقَّت also, [both having the same signification, i. e., the thrust required Fezá-rah to be angry,] from لَا جَرَمَ لَأَفْعَلَنَّ كَذَا meaning حَقًّا [Verily I will do thus]: (S, TA:) accord. to Fr, the meaning is, كَسَبَتْ فَزَارَةَ الغَضَبَ عَلَيْكَ, the right reading being, وَلَقَدْ طَعَنْتَ, with fet-h to the ت; [so that the verse means And verily thou didst thrust Aboo-'Oyeyneh with a thrust of thy spear that occasioned, or caused, Fezárah, after it, to be angry against thee:] for he is addressing Kurz El-'Okeylee, bewailing his death; and Kurz had thrust Aboo-'Oyeyneh, who was Hisn Ibn-Hudheyfeh Ibn-Bedr El-Fezáree. (IB, TA.) b4: And جَرَمَ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. ـِ inf. n. جَرْمٌ, (Msb,) He committed a sin, a crime, a fault, an offence, or an act of disobedience; (S, Msb, K;) syn. أَذْنَبَ, (Msb, K,) and اِكْتَسَبَ الإِثْمَ; (Msb;) [perhaps because he who does so brings upon himself the consequence thereof; as though originally جَرَمَ نَفْسَهُ اولِنَفْسِهِ أَثَرَ جُرْمٍ he drew upon himself the effect of a sin, &c.; (compare كَسَبَ and اِكْتَسَبَ;)] as also ↓ اجرم, (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. إِجْرَامٌ; (Msb;) and ↓ اجترم; (S, K;) and ↓ تجرّم. (El-'Okberee, Har p. 207.) Yousay, جَرَمَ عَلَيْهِمْ جَرِيمَةً, and إِلَيْهِمْ, (K,) and بِهِمْ, used by a poet for عليهم or اليهم, (IAar, TA,) He committed against them a crime, or an offence for which he should be punished; as also ↓ اجزم. (K.) They said also, الذَّنْبَ ↓ اجرم [He committed the sin, or crime, amp;c.]; making the verb trans. (TA.) And a poet says, وَتَرَى اللَّبِيبَ مُحَسَّدًا لَمْ يَجْتَرِمْ عِرْضَ الرِّجَالِ وَعِرْضُهُ مَشْتُومٌ

[And thou seest the intelligent envied, or much envied: he has not injured the honour of men, while his honour is reviled]. (Th, TA.) A3: جَرِمَ, aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. جَرَمٌ, (TK,) He (a man, TA) betook himself to eating the جُرَامَة [in the CK, erroneously, جَرامَة,] of the palm-trees, (AA, K,) [i. e., the dates which had fallen in the cutting, and] which were among the branches. (AA, TA.) A4: جَرِمَ, said of a man, also signifies عَظُمَ جُرْمُهُ [His sin, or crime, &c., was, or became, great]; and so جَرُمَ, like كَرُم: [both are thus explained, in different places in this art, by the author of the TA; and the explanation in the latter case is followed by اى اذنب, i. e., he committed a six, &c.; probably added by him to show that the reading found by him was جُرْمُهُ, not جِرْمُهُ: but [think that the right reading is عَظُمَ جِرْمُهُ his body became great; and this is confirmed by what here follows:] ↓ اجرم explained in the copies of the K by عَظُمَ [in the TK عظم يعنى جرمه وجسده] should be جَرِمَ, a triliteral; and the meaning is عَظُمَ جُرْمُهُ: and in like manner, the three significations here following, assigned in the K to ↓ اجرم, belong to جَرِمَ. (TA.) A5: It (his colour) was, or became, clear. (K, * TA.) b2: He (a man, TA) was, or became, clear in his voice. (K, * TA.) A6: جَرِمَ بِهِ It (blood) stuck to him, or it: (K, * TA, and so in a marginal note in a copy of the S:) and in like manner, tar to a camel. (The same marginal note.) 2 جَرَّمَ [جرّم He cut off vehemently, or much. (Golius, on the authority of a gloss in the KL.)]

b2: جَرَّمْنَا هُمْ, inf. n. تَجْرِيمٌ, We went forth from them. (Lth, K.) b3: جَرَّمْنَا الشِّتَآءَ We completed the winter. (TA.) [See also 5.]4 اجرم التَّمْرُ The dates attained to the time for their being cut off. (TA.) A2: See also 1, in six places.5 تجرّم [It became cut off. b2: And hence,] (tropical:) It (a year, حَوْلٌ) became completed; (Az, K, TA;) as though it became cut off from the preceding year: (Az, TA:) it ended; (S;) and so the winter: (TA:) and it (a night) passed away, (S, K,) and became completed; (K;) it ended. (TA.) A2: تجرّم ثَمَانِيًا, a phrase used by Sá'ideh Ibn-Ju-eiyeh, means He passed eight nights. (TA.) [See also 2]

A3: تجرّم عَلَيْهِ He accused him of a sin, a crime, a fault, an offence, or an act of disobedience, (Abu-l-'Abbás, S, K,) which he had not committed, (Abu-l-'Abbás, S,) or though he had not committed any (K.) b2: and تجرّم He guarded against the commission of sin, or crime, &c; like تأثّم. (Har p. 207.) b3: See also 1.

A4: Also He called, cried out, shouted, or vociferated; from جِرْمٌ meaning صَوْتٌ. (Har p. 207. [But see جِرْمٌ.]) 8 إِجْتَرَمَ see 1, in five places.

جَرْمٌ Hot; syn. حَرٌّ, (S,) or [rather] حَارٌّ; (K;) contr. of صَرْدٌ; (Lth, TA;) a Persian word, (S,) arabicized; (S, K;) originally گَرْم. (TA.) Yousay أَرْضٌ جَرْمٌ A warm land: (AHn, TA:) or a hot land: (IDrd, TA:) or a vehemently hot land: (K:) pl. جُرُومٌ, (AHn, TA,) which, applied to countries, or regions, means the contr. of صُرُودٌ. (S.) A2: A boat (زَوْرَقٌ) of El-Yemen; (K;) also called نَقِيرَةٌ: (TA:) pl. as above. (K.) [In the dial. of Egypt, The largest kind of Egyptian boat used on the Nile for the conveyance of grain and merchandise in general, but used only when the river is high, and also in the coastingtrade, and generally carrying from 5,000 to 15,000 bushels of grain.]

جُرْمٌ A sin, a crime, a fault, an offence, or an act of disobedience, syn. ذَنْبٌ, (S, Msb, * K,) whether intentional or committed through inadvertence; (Kull voce إِثْمٌ;) as also ↓ جَرِيمَةٌ; (S, Msb, K;) and ↓ جَرِمَةٌ: (K:) transgression: (TA:) pl. [of pauc.] أَجْرَامٌ and [of mult.] جُرُومٌ, (K,) both of جُرْمٌ: the pl. of جَرِيَمةٌ is جَرَائِمُ. (TA.) A2: See also جَرَامٌ.

A3: لَا جُرْمَ: see لَا جَرَمَ.

جِرْمٌ The body; syn. جَسَدٌ; (S, Msb, K;) or بَدَنٌ; (Th, TA;) as also ↓ جِرْمَانٌ: (K:) or the أَلْوَاحِ [pl. of لَوْح q. v.] and جُثْمَان [q. v.] of the جَسَد: (T, TA:) pl. (of pauc., TA) أجْرَامٌ, (Msb, K,) which is also used as a sing., (TA,) and (of mult., TA) جُرُومٌ and جُرُمٌ. (K.) أَلْقَى عَلَيْهِ أَجْرَامَهُ is a phrase mentioned, but not explained, by Lh: ISd thinks that it means He threw upon him the weight of his body; as though the term جِرْمٌ applied to each separate part of his body. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] الأَجْرَامُ الفَلَكِيَّةُ The [heavenly] bodies that are above the عَنَاصِر, of the orbs and stars. (KT.) A2: The throat, or fauces; syn. حَلْقٌ. (K.) The phrase يَضِيقُ بِهِ الجِرْمُ, used by the poet Maan Ibn-'Ows, means (assumed tropical:) It is a great, or formidable, thing, or matter: [properly,] the throat (الحَلْقُ) will not easily swallow it. (TA.) b2: The voice; (S, K;) mentioned by ISk and others; (S;) and so explained as used in the phrase إِنَّ فُلَانًا لَحَسَنُ الجِرْمِ [Verily such a one is good in respect of voice]: (TA:) or highness, or loudness, of the voice: (K, TA:) you say, مَا عَرَفْتُهُ إِلَّا بِجِرْمِهِ [I knew him not save by his voice, or his highness, or loudness, of voice]: but some disapprove this: (TA:) AHát says that the vulgar are addicted to saying, فُلَانٌ صَافِى الجِرْمِ Such a one is clear in voice, or in throat: but it is a mistake. (S, TA.) A3: Colour. (IAar, S, Msb, K.) One may say, of نَجَاسَة [or filth], لَا جِرْمَ لَهَا, meaning It has no colour. (Msb.) A4: الأَجْرَامُ (app. as pl. of جِرْمٌ, TA) The utensils, or apparatus, of the pastor. (K.) لَا جَرَمَ (S, Msb, K, &c.) and لَا ذَا جَرَمَ, (IAar, K,) ذا being here a redundant connective as in several other instances, (IAar, TA,) and لَا أَنْ ذَا جَرَمَ and لَا عَنْ ذَا جَرَمَ (K) and لَا جَرَ, (Ks, K, [in the CK لا جَرْمَ,]) in which the م is elided in consequence of frequency of usage, as the ى is in حَاشَ لِلّهِ for حَاشَى لِلّٰهِ, and the ى and ء in أَيْشَ for أَىُّ شَىْءٍ, (Ks, TA,) and لَا ذَا جَرَ (IAar, TA) and ↓ لَا جَرُمَ and ↓ لَا جُرْمَ, (K,) originally i. q. لَا بُدَّ and لَامَحَالَةٌ [There is no avoiding it; it is absolutely necessary; &c.]: then, by reason of frequency of usage, employed in the manner of an oath, as meaning حَقًّا [verily, or truly]; wherefore, as in the case of an oath, ل is prefixed to its complement, (Fr, S, Msb, K, *) so that they say, لَا جَرَمَ لَآتِيَنّكَ [Verily I will come to thee], (Fr, S, K,) and لَا جَرَمَ لَأَفْعَلَنَّ كَذَا [Verily I will do thus], (S, Msb, *) and لَا جَرَمَ لَقَدْ كَانَ كَذَا and لَا ذَا جَرَمَ and لَا ذَا جَرَ [Verily it was thus, or verily such a thing happened]: (IAar, TA:) ISd says, Kh asserts that جَرَمَ [or لَا جَرَمَ] is only a reply to something said before it; as when a man says, “They did such a thing,” and you say, لَا جَرَمَ أَنَّهُمْ سَيَنْدَمُونَ, or أَنَّهُ سَيَكُونُ كَذَا وَكَذَا; and Az says that لا in لَا جَرَمَ is said to be a [mere] connective; and the meaning [of the former of the last two phrases] is كَسَبَ لَهُمْ عَمَلُهُمُ النَّدَمَ [It (their deed) will earn for them, or occasion them, repentance; and that of the latter, it will occasion that such and such things shall happen]: and some say that جَرَمَ means وَجَبَ, and حَقَّ, and that لا is a contradiction to the words preceding it, and that a new proposition then begins; as in the Kur [xvi. 64] where it is said, لَا جَرَمَ أَنَّ لَهُمُ النَّارَ, i. e., [Nay, or] the case is not as they have said: the fire [of Hell] is their due. (TA.) لَا جَرُمَ: see the paragraph next preceding.

جِرْمَةٌ People cutting off the fruit of palmtrees. (S, K, TA.) [In this sense it is app. a pl. of pauc., or a quasi-pl. n., of جَارِمٌ, q. v.] b2: Also Ripening dates cut off from the trees: and this sense, not the former as is implied in the S, is meant by Imra-el-Keys, where he says, عَلَوْنَ بِأَنْطَاكِيَّةٍ فَوْقَ عِقْمَةٍ

كَجِرْمَةٍ نَخْلٍ أَوْ كَجَنَّةِ يَثْرِبَ [They mounted, at Antioch, upon a variegated cloth, like the ripening dates cut off from palmtrees, or like the garden of Yethrib]: he likens the variegated cloth and wool upon the هَوْدَج to red and yellow ripening dates, or to the garden of Yethrib because it abounded with palm-trees. (TA.) جَرِمَةٌ: see جُرْمٌ.

جِرْمَانٌ: see جِرْمٌ.

جَرَامٌ (erroneously said in the K to be [جُرَامٌ] like غُرَابٌ, TA) and ↓ جَرِيمٌ Dry dates: (AA, S, M, K:) mentioned by ISk among [syn.] words of the measures فَعَالٌ and فَعِيلٌ, like شَحَاحٌ and شَحِيحٌ, and بَجَالٌ and بَجِيلٌ, &c. (S.) b2: Also, both these words, (AA, S, K, *) but the former not heard in this sense by ISd, (TA,) Datestones; (AA, S, K;) and so ↓ جُرْمٌ: (mentioned in one copy of the S, but not in the TA, [probably an interpolation in the copy of the S above mentioned:]) and ↓ جَرِيمَةٌ a date-stone; as in the saying of 'Ows Ibn-Háritheh, لَا وَالَّذِى أَخْرَجَ العَذْقَ مِنَ الجَرِيمَةِ وَالنَّارَ مِنَ الوَثِيمَةِ [No, by Him who has produced the palm-tree with its fruit from the date-stone, and fire from broken stones]. (TA.) جَرِيمٌ Dates (تَمْرٌ) cut off from the tree; (S, TA;) as also ↓ مَجْرُومٌ. (TA.) And شَجَرَةٌ جَرِيمَةٌ A cut tree. (TA.) b2: See also جَرَامٌ, with which it is syn. in two senses: in the latter sense having جَرِيمَةٌ for its n un. b3: Also A thing with which date-stones are brayed, or crushed. (TA.) A2: See also مُجْرِمٌ.

A3: Also Large-bodied; (S, * K;) and so ↓ مَجْرُومٌ: (K:) pl. (of the former, S) جِرَامٌ. (S, K.) The fem. of the former is with ة: (K:) [but] one says also جِلَّةٌ جَرِيمٌ, meaning Largebodied camels advanced in age. (S.) A4: In El-Hijáz, The [measure commonly termed] مُدّ is thus called; accord. to Z, the مُدّ of the Prophet. (TA.) جُرَامَةٌ i. q. جُذَامَةٌ; (K;) i. e., (TA,) The dates that have fallen when they are cut off from the tree: (S, TA:) so says As: (TA:) [but see the latter word as explained on the authority of the S in art. جذم:] and, (K,) or as some say, (TA,) dates cut off from the tree: or what are gotten (يُجْرَمُ) thereof, after their being cut off, being picked up from the lower ends of the branches. (K, TA. [See جَرِمَ.]) And The قَصَل of wheat and barley; i. e., the extremities thereof, which are bruised, and then cleared, or picked: (K, TA:) but the term more known is جُذَامَةٌ, with ذال. (TA.) جَرِيمَةٌ The last of one's offspring: (K:) as though there were a cutting off after it. (TA.) A2: See also جَارِمٌ: A3: and see جُرْمٌ: A4: and جَرَامٌ.

جَارِمٌ Cutting off, or one who cuts off, the fruit of the palm-tree: pl. جُرَّمٌ and جُرَّامٌ. (S.) [See also جِرْمَةٌ.]

A2: جَارِمُ أَهْلِهِ (TA) and أَهْلِهِ ↓ جَرِيمَةُ (S, K *) The gainer, acquirer, or earner, [of the sustenance] of his family. (S, K, TA.) A3: See also مُجْرِمٌ, in two places.

مُجْرِمٌ A sinner; a criminal; committing, or a committer of, a sin, a crime, a fault, an offence, or an act of disobedience; as also ↓ جَرِيمٌ (K) and ↓ جَارِمٌ: (TA:) and المُجْرِمُونَ particularly signifies the unbelievers: (Zj, K:) so in the Kur vii. 38. (Zj, TA.) You say, عَلَى نَفْسِهِ ↓ هُوَ جَارِمٌ وَقَوْمِهِ, [as also مُجْرِمٌ,] He is committing a crime, or an offence for which he should be punished, against himself and his people or party. (TA.) مُجَرَّمٌ, (fem. with ة, S,) A complete year (S, K) and month; (Ibn-Háni, TA;) a year past, completed. (Az, TA.) مَجْرُومٌ: see جَرِيمٌ, in two places.



1 هَاجَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. هَيْجٌ and هَيَجَانٌ [the most common form]; and هِيَاجٌ; and ↓ اهتاج, and ↓ تهيّج; It (a thing, S) became raised, roused, excited, stirred up, or provoked; syn. ثَارَ: (S, L, K:) it became so by reason of distress, or difficulty; or of harm, or injury: you say هَاجَ بِهِ الدَّمُ, inf. n. هَيْجٌ and هَيَجَانٌ, The blood became roused, or stirred up, in him: (A, L:) and in like manner, المِرَّةُ the gall, or bile: and الغُبَارُ the dust. (A.) See also هَائِجٌ. b2: هَاجَ, inf. n. هِيَاجٌ and هُيُوجٌ and هَيَجَانٌ; and ↓ اهتاج; (tropical:) He (a stallion-camel) became excited by lust; initum appetivit; brayed, and became excited by lust. When this is the case, he becomes lean, and his price is lessened. (L.) b3: هَاجَتْ عَيْنُهُ, (S, art. مرح; and L, art. رمد; &c.) inf. n. هَيَجَانٌ, (K, art. رمد; &c.) His eye became inflamed; painful and swollen; affected with ophthalmia; (L, art. رمد;) i. q. رَمِدَ. (S, art. رمد; and L, K, * in the same art.) b4: هَاجٌ به فَهَجَاهُ (tropical:) [He became excited against him, or attacked him, and satirized him]. (A.) b5: هَاجَ الهِجَآءُ بَيْنَهُمَا (tropical:) [Satire was excited between them two. (A.) b6: هَاجَتِ الحَرْبُ (inf. n. هَيْجٌ, Msb) (tropical:) War became excited, or raised. (A, Msb.) b7: هَاجَ الشَّرُّ بَيْنَهُمْ (tropical:) Evil become excited among them. (A.) b8: هَاجَ, inf. n. هَيْجٌ, He, or it, was in a state of commotion. (L.) b9: هَاجَتِ السَّمَآءُ فَمُطِرْنَا The sky became cloudy and windy, and we were rained upon. (TA.) b10: هَاجَ; (S, K;) [followed by an accus., and also by ب;] and ↓ هيّج, inf. n. تَهْيِيجٌ, the most common form;] and ↓ هَايَجَ; (S;) He, or it, raised, roused, excited, stirred up, or provoked, (S, K,) a thing; (S;) syn. أَثَارَ. (K.) Thus the first of these verbs is trans. as well as intrans. (S.) All have the same meaning: (S:) or the second has an intensive signification. (Msb.) b11: هَاجَ الغُبَارَ, and ↓ هيّجهُ, [which is more common,] He raised the dust. (TA.) b12: الشَّرَّ ↓ هيّج (tropical:) He excited evil among a people. (A) b13: النَّاقَةَ فَانْبَعَثَتْ ↓ هَيَّجْتُ I roused the she-camel, and she became roused. (A.) b14: هِجْتُهُ فَهَاجَ I roused him, and he became roused. (TA.) b15: هَاجَتْ لَهُ الدَّارُ الشَّوْقَ The dwelling excited his longing desire. (A.) b16: هَاجَ He, or it, disquieted, and scared, a person. (L.) b17: هَاج الإِبَلَ, inf. n. هَيْجٌ, He put the camels in motion, by night, towards the watering-place and pasture. (L.) b18: هَاجَتِ الإِبِلُ The camels thirsted. (K.) b19: هَاجَ, (inf. n. هِيَاجٌ, S, and هَيْجٌ, TA,) (tropical:) It (a plant, or herbage,) dried up: (S, K:) [it withered:] it (a leguminous plant) became yellow: (Msb:) or dried up and became yellow: and became tall. (L.) b20: هَاجَتِ الأَرْضُ, inf. n. هِيَاجٌ and هَيْجٌ and هَيَجَانٌ, (tropical:) The plants, or herbage, or leguminous plants, of the land dried up. (L.) 2 هَيَّجَ see 1 and 4.3 هايجهُ, (TK,) inf. n. هِيَاجٌ, (S, K,) He fought with him; engaged in a conflict, or combat, with him. (TK.) b2: يَوْمُ الهِيَاجِ The day of fight, conflict or combat. (S, K. *) b3: See 1.4 أَهَاجَتِ الرِّيحُ النَّبْثَ (tropical:) The wind dried up, or caused to dry up, the plants, or herbage: (S, K *:) and [so] ↓ هَيَّجَتْهُ. (O, K in art. صوع.) b2: أَهْيَجْنَا الأَرْضَ (tropical:) We found the land to have its plants or herbage, dried up. (S, K.) 5 تَهَيَّجَ see 1.6 تَهَايَجُوا (assumed tropical:) They leaped, or sprung up, together, to fight, one against another. (S, K.) 8 إِهْتَيَجَ see 1.

هِجْ: see هِيج.

هَيْجٌ Civil war; or conflict and faction; or discord, or dissension; syn. فِتْنَةٌ. (L.) See هَيْجَآءُ. b2: Excitement of the blood: or, of coitus: or, of longing desire. (L.) b3: يَوْمُ هَيْجٍ A day of wind: or, of clouds, or mist, and rain. (K, TA: [but accord. to some copies of the K, instead of “ and rain,” “ or, of rain. ”]) b4: هَاجَ لَهُ هَيْجٌ حَسَنٌ, said with respect to a cloud, or body of clouds, when first rising; (As;) [meaning, It hath had a good rising, or hath risen well, so as to present, at its first rising, a good, or promising, appearance: an expression like لَهُ نَشْءٌ حَسَنٌ, q. v., art. نشأ]. b5: هَيْجٌ, (assumed tropical:) Yellowness: [app. in a plant]: (L:) or a state of drying up. (IAar, L.) See هَائِجٌ.

هِيجِ, indecl., with kesreh for its termination, and ↓ هِجْ, Cries by which a she-camel is chidden. (K.) [See also هَجْهَجَ, in art. هج.]

هَاجَةٌ A ewe that does not desire the ram: as though deprived of excitement. (M.) b2: هَاجَةٌ A female frog. (L, K.) See an ex. in a verse cited voce صُبَارَةٌ. b3: An ostrich. (L.) Pl. of both, هَاجَاتٌ. (L. K.) Dim. هُوَيْجَةٌ and هُيَيْجَةٌ. (L.) هَيْجَى: see هَيْجَآءُ.

هَيْجَآءُ and ↓ هَيْجَى (S, L, K) and ↓ هَيْجٌ and ↓ هِيَاجٌ (L) the third [as also the fourth] originally an inf. n., (Msb,) War. (S, L, K.) هَيِّجٌ: see هَائِجٌ.

هِيَاجٌ: see 1 and 3; and هَيْجَآءُ.

شَيْءٌ هَيُوجٌ, and ↓ مِهْيَاجٌ, A thing, or person, that raises, rouses, excites, stirs up, or provokes, much: each of these epithets having a trans. signification. The former is also used as a fem. epithet. (L.) هَائِجٌ (tropical:) Anger; an ebullition of anger, rage, or passion; syn. فَوْرَةٌ. (S, K.) Ex. هَاجَ هَائِجُهُ (tropical:) His anger became roused, or excited; (S;) became violent; (TA;) he became inflamed with anger. (A.) And هَدَأ هَائِجُهُ (tropical:) The ebullition of his anger, rage, or passion, became appeased. (S.) b2: هَائِجٌ (S, K) and ↓ هَيِّجٌ (TA) (tropical:) A stallion excited by lust; initum appetens. (S, K.) b3: أَرْضٌ هَائِجَةٌ (tropical:) Land of which the leguminous plants have dried up, or become yellow: (S, K:) or, as in some lexicons, [and as in one copy of the S in my hands,] and become yellow: (TA:) or, of which the leguminous plants have dried up. (TA.) بَقْلٌ هَائِجٌ, and ↓ هِيْجٌ, (tropical:) Leguminous plants dried up, or drying up, [and yellow]. (L.) مِهْيَاجٌ A she-camel that is excited by desire for its accustomed place, and hastens thither. (S, K.) b2: See هَبُوجٌ. b3: مِهْيَاجٌ A camel that thirsts before [other] camels. (K.)



1 دَخَنَتِ النَّارُ, aor. ـَ and دَخُنَ, (S, K,) inf. n. دَخْنٌ and دُخُونٌ, (K,) The دُخَان of the fire rose; [i. e. the fire smoked, or sent up smoke;] as also ↓ اِدَّخَنَت, (S, K,) of the measure اِفْتَعَلَت; (S;) and ↓ أَدْخَنَت, and ↓ دَخَّنَت; (K;) the last with teshdeed, mentioned by Z. (TA.) b2: And دَخَنَ الدُّخَانُ, (JK,) and الغُبَارُ (K) and النَّقْعُ, (TA,) inf. n. دُخُونٌ, (K) The smoke, (JK,) and (tropical:) the dust, (K, TA,) rose; or spread, or diffused itself. (JK, K, TA.) b3: And دَخِنَتِ النَّارُ, (JK, S, Msb, K,) with kesr to the خ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ (JK, Msb, K,) inf. n. دَخَنٌ, (Msb,) The smoke (دُخَان) of the fire (JK, S, Msb, K) became vehement, (JK,) or became excited, or raised, (S, Msb, K,) in consequence of its having firewood, (JK, S, Msb, K,) in a fresh, or green, state, (JK,) thrown upon it, (JK, S, Msb, K,) and being thus marred. (S, Msb, K.) b4: دَخِنَ, aor. ـَ said of food, (JK, K,) and of flesh-meat, (TA,) inf. n. دَخَنٌ, (JK,) means It was, or became, infected with smoke (دُخَان), (K, TA,) while being roasted or cooked, (TA,) and acquired its odour, (K, TA,) so that this predominated over its flavour: (TA:) [in this sense] it is said of cooked food when the cooking-pot is infected with smoke (↓ إِذَا تَدَخَّنَتِ القِدْرُ). (S, TA.) b5: [Hence, as is indicated in the TA, it is said of wine, or beverage, as meaning (assumed tropical:) It became altered for the worse in odour. (See دَخِنٌ.) b6: Hence also,] (assumed tropical:) It was, or became, of a dusky, or dingy, colour, inclining to black, (K, TA,) like the colour of iron: (TA:) you say دَخِنَ النَّبْتُ, and دَخِنَتِ الدَّابَّةُ, (tropical:) The plant, and the beast, became of that colour; (K, TA;) as though overspread with smoke (دُخَان); (TA;) as also دَخُنَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. دُخْنَةٌ. (K.) b7: [Hence also,] دَخِنَ خُلُقُهُ (tropical:) His nature, or disposition, was, or became, bad, corrupt, or wicked. (K, TA. [See also دَخَنٌ, below.]) 2 دَخَّنَ see 1, first sentence.

A2: دخّنهُ [He smoked it, or made it smoky]; namely, flesh-meat. (S in art. شيط.) And دخّنهُ بِالدُّخْنَةِ [He fumigated it, or him, with what is termed دُخْنَة, q. v.]; namely, a house, or tent, or chamber, (JK, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) and a garment, (M,) and another man. (TA.) And دَخَّنُوا عَلَى قَوْمٍ فِى غَارٍ

فَقَتَلُوهُمْ [They smoked a party of men in a cave and so killed them]. (TA.) 4 أَدْخَنَ see 1, first sentence. b2: أَدْخَنَ الزَّرْعُ; (JK, CK, and so in my MS. copy of the K;) or ↓ اِدَّخَنَ, (so in the K accord. to the TA,) of the measure اِفْتَعَلَ; (TA;) (assumed tropical:) The seed-produce became hard in the grain, (JK, K, TA,) and full therein; (JK;) being overspread with a slight duskiness, or dinginess. (TA.) 5 تدخّن i. q. تَبَخَّرَ [He fumigated himself]: (TA in art. بخر:) from الدُّخْنَةُ. (Mgh.) Yousay, of a man, تدخّن بِالدُّخْنَةِ [He fumigated himself with what is termed دُخْنَة q. v.]; as also ↓ اِدَّخَنَ, of the measure اِفْتَعَلَ. (TA.) b2: See also 1.8 إِدْتَخَنَ see 1: b2: and 5: b3: and 4.

دُخْنٌ A well-known kind of grain; (Msb;) i. q. جَاوَرْسٌ; (S;) [i. e.] the grain of the جاورس: (JK, M, K:) or a certain grain smaller than that, very smooth, cold, dry, and constipating: (M, K:) [a species of millet; the holcus saccharatus of Linn.; holcus dochna of Forskål; sorghum saccharatum of Delile: and the holcus spicatus of Linn.: and the panicum miliaceum of Linn.: (Delile's “ Flor. Aegypt. Illustr.,”

no. 164: no. 57: and no. 79:)] n. un. with ة; signifying a single grain thereof. (Msb.) دَخَنٌ inf. n. of دَخِنَ [q. v.]. (JK, Msb.) b2: [Hence,] (assumed tropical:) The appearance, or appearing, of conflict and faction, sedition, discord, or the like. (TA.) b3: Hence also, i. e. from دَخَنُ النَّارِ and الطَّبِيخِ, (TA,) (tropical:) A state of alteration for the worse, of intellect, and of religion, and of the grounds of pretension to respect or honour. (K, TA.) b4: Also i. q. دُخَانٌ. (S, K.) See this word in two places. b5: [Hence,] (assumed tropical:) A duskiness, or dinginess, inclining to blackness; (S TA;) as also ↓ دُخْنَةٌ; (JK, S, K;) [like the colour of smoke, (see 1, last signification but one,) or] like the colour of iron: (TA:) it is in a sheep, (S,) or a horse and similar beasts, or in a garment, (TA,) and in a sword: (S, A, TA:) in this last it means (tropical:) a blackness that appears in the broad side, by reason of its great brightness: (A, TA:) or the diversified wavy marks, streaks, or grain, (syn. فِرِنْد,) of a sword. (K.) b6: Also (tropical:) Rancour, malevolence, malice, or spite. (JK, K, TA.) b7: And (tropical:) Badness, corruptness, or wickedness, of nature or disposition. (K, TA.) دَخِنٌ [applied to food, and to flesh-meat, Infected with smoke: see دَخِنَ. b2: And hence,] applied to wine, or beverage, (assumed tropical:) Altered for the worse in odour. (TA.) b3: And رَجُلٌ دَخِنُ الخُلُقِ (Sh, JK, S) (tropical:) A man bad, corrupt, or wicked, in respect of nature, or disposition. (Sh, JK, TA.) [See also دَاخِنٌ.]

دُخْنَةٌ i. q. ذَرِيَرةٌ [which generally means Particles of calamus aromaticus], (K,) or the like thereof, (S,) [i. e.] incense, or a substance for fumigation, (بَخُورٌ, JK, Mgh, Msb,) [of any kind, and particularly] like ذريزة, (Mgh, Msb,) with which houses, or tents, or chambers, (S Mgh, Msb, K,) or a house, or tent, or chamber, (JK, M,) and clothes, (M,) are fumigated. (JK, S M, Mgh, Msb, K.) A2: See also دَخَنٌ. b2: [Hence, app.,] أَبُو دُخْنَةِ or ابو دُخْنَةَ A certain bird, (IB, K, TA,) the colour of which is like that of the قُبَّرَةٌ [or lark]: so says IB: or, as in some MSS., like the colour termed الغُبْرَة [i. e. dust-colour]. (TA.) دُخْنَآءٌ A species of عُصْفُور [or sparrow]; as also ↓ دُخْنَانٌ. (K, * TA.) يَوْمٌ دَخْنَانٌ (tropical:) A hot, or an intensely hot, day: (JK, K, TA:) and لَيْلَةٌ دَخْنَانَةٌ (tropical:) a night intensely hot, (JK, TA,) in which the heat is such as takes away the breath; (TA;) as though it were overspread by smoke: (JK, TA:) or a dusky, or dingy, night, inclining to blackness. (S.) دُخْنَانٌ: see دُخْنَآءٌ.

دُخَانٌ (S, Msb, K) and ↓ دُخَّانٌ, (K,) which latter is the form [now] commonly used, (TA,) and ↓ دَخَنٌ, (S, K,) i. q. عُثَانٌ [a less usual term, meaning Smoke]: (K: [in the S it is said merely that the دُخَان of fire is well known:]) pl. (of the first, S, Msb) دَوَاخِنُ, (S, Msb, K,) like as عَوَاثِنُ is pl. of عُثَانٌ, (S, Msb,) the only other instance of the kind, (Msb,) deviating from rule, (S,) and دَوَاخِينُ, [also irreg., and both pls. of mult.,] and أَدْخِنَةٌ [a pl. of pauc.]. (K.) [Hence, the tribes of] Ghanee and Báhileh (غَنِىّ and بَاهِلَة) were called اِبْنَا دُخَانٍ [The two sons of smoke] (S, K, TA) because they smoked a party of men (دَخَّنُوا عَلَى قَوْمٍ) in a cave and so killed them. (TA.) Hence also, (S,) ↓ هُدْنَةٌ عَلَى دَخَنٍ (tropical:) A calm [or truce] for a cause other than recon-ciliation: (S, K, TA: [in the CK, لَغَلَبَةٍ is erroneously put for لِعِلَّةٍ:]) or (assumed tropical:) [as a cloak] upon [i. e. concealing] inward corruptness; from دَخِنَتِ النَّارُ explained above; [see 1;] (Msb;) [for] IAth says that it likens inward corruptness beneath outward rectitude to the smoke [or smoking] of fresh, or moist, firewood: (TA:) or (assumed tropical:) upon latent rancour or malevolence: (S and TA in art. هدن:) but A'Obeyd, in explaining a trad. in which it occurs, takes it from دَخَنٌ as signifying “ a duskiness, or dinginess, inclining to blackness,” in the colour of a beast or of a garment; for he says that it means [a case in which] the mutual love of two parties will not become pure, like the duskiness, or dinginess, that is in the colour of a beast. (TA.) b2: دُخَانٌ is also used by the Arabs for (assumed tropical:) Evil, or mischief, when it arises; as in the saying, كَانَ بَيْنَنَا أَمْرٌ ارْتَفَعَ لَهُ دُخَانٌ [There was between us an affair that had evil, or mischief, arising in consequence of it]. (TA.) b3: It also means (assumed tropical:) Dearth, drought, sterility, or unfruitfulness; and hunger: and so it has been said to mean in the Kur xliv. 9: for it is said that the hungry [once] saw smoke (دُخَان) between him and the sky: or hunger is thus called because of the dryness of the earth in drought, and the rising of the dust, which is likened to دُخَان [properly so termed]. (TA.) b4: [In the present day, it is also applied, but generally pronounced ↓ دُخَّان, to Tobacco; nicotiana tabacum of Linn.]

دُخَّانٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, first and last sentences.

دَاخِنٌ Firewood producing دُخَان [or smoke]. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] خُلُقٌ دَاخِنٌ (assumed tropical:) A bad, corrupt, or wicked, nature or disposition. (TA.) [See also دَخِنٌ.]

دَاخِنَةٌ [A chimney;] a hole, or perforation, [or hollow channel,] in which are pipes of baked clay (إِرْدَبَّات) [for the passage of smoke]: (JK:) its pl. is دَوَاخِنُ, (TA,) signifying holes, or apertures, [or hollow channels, for the passage of smoke,] made over frying-pans and the fire-places of baths &c.; (K, TA;) called by the vulgar مَدَاخِنُ [pl. of ↓ مَدْخَنَةٌ]. (TA.) أَدْخَنُ, applied to a ram [&c.], (JK, S,) Of a dusky, or dingy, colour, inclining to blackness: (JK, S, K:) fem. دَخْنَآءُ. (S, K.) مَدْخَنٌ A place of smoke.]

مَدْخَنَةٌ: see دَاخِنَةٌ.

مِدْخَنَةٌ A vessel for fumigation; i. q. مِجْمَرَةٌ: (K:) or differing from the مِجْمَرَة, [app. in being made only of baked clay,] and not disapproved; whereas the مجمرة is disapproved, because generally of silver: (Mgh in art جمر:) pl. مَدَاخِنُ. (TA.)



1 ضَبَحَتِ الخَيْلُ, (AO, S, O, K, * [in the K ضَبَحَ,]) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. ضَبْحٌ (AO, S, K) and ضُبَاحٌ, (K,) i. q. نَحَمَت, i. e. [The horses breathed pantingly, or hard, with a sound from the chest; or] made the breathing to be heard when running: (S, O:) [or breathed laboriously, when fatigued; and in like manner one says of camels; for] ضَبْحٌ signifies the breathing of horses and of camels when fatigued: (Suh, TA:) or caused a sound to be heard from their mouths, different from neighing, and from the sound termed حَمْحَمَةٌ, (K, TA,) in their running: (TA:) [or it signifies also the horses neighed; for it is said that] الضُّبَاحُ is also syn. with الصَّهِيلُ: (TA:) or, [but probably only with the former of the two inf. ns. mentioned above,] ran a pace less quick than that which is termed تَقْرِيب: (K, TA:) or i. q. ضَبَعَت, (AO, S, O, TA,) which means they stretched forth their arms, (AO, TA,) going along, (AO, S, * O, TA,) or running: (AO, TA:) accord. to I'Ab, one does not say ضَبَحَتْ دَابَّةٌ except in speaking of a dog or a horse: [he app. means that this verb is used thus only as denoting the uttering of a sound, or a manner of breathing:] some of the lexicologists say that those who use it in relation to a camel make ضَبْحٌ to have the meaning of ضَبْعٌ. (TA.) b2: ضَبَحَ, (L, TA,) inf. n. ضُبَاحٌ, (S, A, O, L, K, TA,) as meaning He, or it, uttered a cry, or sound, is also said of the fox, (S, * A, * O, * L, K, * TA,) and of the hare, and of the serpent called أَسْوَد, and of the owl, and of what is termed الصَّدَا [which see, for it is variously explained]: (L, TA:) and is also expl. as meaning نَبَحَ [he barked, &c.]. (TA.) b3: And ضَبَحَتِ القَوْسُ, aor. as above, inf. n. ضَبْحٌ, (assumed tropical:) The bow [twanged, or] made a sound. (TA.) b4: And ضَبَحَ is also used as meaning (tropical:) He cried out, and entered into an altercation for a person who had given him money. (IKt, O, * TA, from a trad.) A2: ضَبَحَتْهُ النَّارُ, (S, O, K, TA,) and الشَّمْسُ, aor. ـَ inf. n. ضَبْحٌ, (TA,) The fire, and the sun, altered it: (TA:) or altered its colour: (T, TA:) or altered it, but not in a great degree; (S, O, K, TA;) namely, a thing, (K, TA,) such as a stick, and an arrow, and flesh-meat, &c. (TA.) And ضَبَحَهُ بِالنَّارِ, aor. ـَ inf. n. ضَبْحٌ, He altered it in colour by fire; namely, an arrow: and he burned it in a portion of its upper parts; namely, a stick, and flesh-meat, &c. (L, TA.) And ضَبْحٌ is expl. by AHn as meaning The act of roasting, broiling, or frying. (TA.) 3 مُضَابَحَةٌ The act of mutual reviling, or vilifying, and encountering, (K, TA,) and contending, or striving, to repel. (TA.) 6 تضابح [It sent forth a sound]. (Ham p.615 [q. v.: it is there said to be from الضَّبْحُ meaning الصَّوْتُ].) 7 انضبح It became altered, (K, TA,) or altered in colour, (TA,) but not in a great degree, by fire, (K, TA,) and by the sun. (TA.) And انضبح لَوْنُهُ His, or its, colour became altered a little towards blackness. (S, TA.) ضَبْحٌ, (so in three copies of the S, and in the O,) or ↓ ضِبْحٌ, with kesr, (so accord. to the K,) Ashes: (S, O, K:) so called because of the alteration of their colour. (TA.) ضِبْحٌ: see what next precedes.

ضَبْحَةٌ A cry of a fox [&c.: an inf. n. un.]. (TA.) قَوْسٌ ضَبْحَآءُ A bow upon which fire has taken effect (K, TA) so as to alter its colour: (TA:) like ضَهْبَآءُ. (TA in art. ضهب. [See also what next follows.]) ضَبِيحٌ An arrow altered in colour [by fire]; as also ↓ مَضْبُوحٌ. (TA. [See an ex. of the latter in a verse of Tarafeh cited voce مُجْمِدٌ: and see also what here next precedes.]) It is also applied, (S, O,) in the same sense, (O,) to roasted flesh-meat. (S, O.) [And Freytag explains it as meaning, in the Deewan of Jereer, “Cutis nigra, usta vulneribus. ”]

ضَابِحٌ A man raising his voice in reading or reciting: pl. ضَوَابِحُ, which is anomalous, like فَوَارِسُ [pl. of فَارِسٌ]. (TA.) b2: And خَيْلٌ ضَوَابِحُ Horses stretching forth their arms in their going along: (A:) or running vehemently; like ضَوَابِعُ. (TA in art. ضبع.) مَضْبُوحٌ: see ضَبِيحٌ. b2: Also The stone that is in the [kind of ground called] حَرَّة [q. v.]: because of its blackness. (TA.) And مَضْبُوحَةٌ Stones from which one strikes fire, (S, O, K,) appearing as though burnt. (S, O.) مَضَابِحُ [a pl. of which the sing. is most probably مِضْبَحٌ] Frying-pans. (AHn, TA.)



1 ضَفَرَ, (A, Msb, K,) aor. ـِ (Msb, K,) inf. n. ضَفْرٌ, (S, A, &c.,) He plaited, braided, or interwove, (S, A, Mgh, K,) hair, (S, Mgh, K,) &c., (S,) or the like, (TA,) or a [lock of hair, such as is called] ذُؤَابَة, and a [girth of thongs such as is called] نِسْع, (A,) in a wide form; (S, Mgh;) as also ↓ ضفّر, inf. n. تَضْفِيرٌ: (S, TA:) he made hair into ضَفَائِر, [pl. of ضَفِيرَةٌ,] each ضَفِيرَة consisting of three or more distinct portions. (Msb.) b2: He twisted a rope or cord. (K.) b3: ضَفَرَتْ شَعَرَهَا, (S, TA,) aor. ـِ (TA,) inf. n. as above, (K,) said of a woman, (S, TA.) She gathered together her hair. (K, * TA.) b4: And ضَفَرَ, from the same verb in the first of the senses expl. above, (tropical:) He made, or constructed, a [dam of the kind called]

ضَفِيرَة. (IAar, TA.) b5: ضَفْرٌ also signifies (assumed tropical:) The building with stones without [the cement called]

كِلْس and without clay. (K, * TA.) You say, ضَفَرَ الحِجَارَةَ حَوْلَ بَيْتِهِ (assumed tropical:) [He built the stones around his house, or tent, without mortar or clay]. (TA.) b6: ضَفَرَ البَعِيرَ العلَفَ, (A,) inf. n. ضَفْرٌ, (K,) (tropical:) He put the fodder into the mouth of the camel, (A, K, *) against his will. (A.) And ضَفَرَ الفَرَسَ لِجَامَهُ, (A,) or ضَفَرَ الدَّابَّةَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. ضَفْرٌ, (TA,) (tropical:) He put the bit into the mouth of the horse, (A,) or of the beast. (TA.) A2: Also ضَفَرَ, aor. ـِ (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. ضَفْرٌ, (S, Msb,) He ran; syn. عَدَا and سَعَى: (S, Msb, K:) or he hastened, or went quickly: or he bounded, or sprang: (TA:) he leaped (As, K) in his running. (As, TA.) 2 ضَفَّرَ see the preceding paragraph, first sentence.3 ضافرهُ He aided him. (A, Msb.) [See also 6.]6 تضافروا They leagued together, and aided one another, (Ibn-Buzurj, S, * A, * Msb, * K, *) عَلَى

الأَمْرِ to do the thing, (S, A, * K,) and عَلَى فُلَانٍ

against such a one. (Ibn-Buzurj.) 7 انضفر الحَبْلَانِ The two ropes became twisted together. (S.) ضَفْرٌ A camel's girth, of plaited [goats'] hair; (K, * TA;) as also ↓ ضَفَارٌ: (K:) the girth of a camel's saddle: (S:) a wide girth of a camel's saddle; as also ↓ ضَفِيرَةٌ: pl. [of mult.] (of the first, TA) ضُفُورٌ (K, TA) and [of pauc.] أَضْفَارٌ; (TA;) and (of the second, TA) ضُفُرٌ. (K, TA.) b2: See also ضَفِيرَةٌ, in three places. b3: Also (assumed tropical:) A great quantity of sand that has become collected together: or a quantity of sand that has become accumulated, part upon part; (K;) and (K) so ↓ ضَفِرَةٌ: (S, K:) pl. [of the former] ضُفُورٌ; (K;) and [coll. gen. n.] of the latter ↓ ضَفِرٌ: (S:) or a long, broad, حِقْف [generally expl. as meaning a winding tract] of sand; by some pronounced ↓ ضَفَرٌ: (Lth, TA:) [or] a حِقْف of sand is termed ↓ ضَفِيرَةٌ. (S.) ضَفَرٌ: see the last preceding sentence.

ضَفِرٌ and [its n. un.] ضَفِرَةٌ: see ضَفْرٌ.

A2: كِنَانَةٌ ضَفِرَةٌ [in the TA ضفيرة, evidently a mistranscription,] i. q. مُمْتَلِئَةٌ [i. e. A full quiver]. (S, O. [Freytag writes كِنانةُ ضَفِرَةٌ, and explains it as meaning “ Gens Cinanah impleta est: ” but in my copies of the S and in the O, it is كِنَانَةٌ.]) ضَفَارٌ: see ضَفْرٌ, first sentence.

ضَفِيرٌ A rope of [goats'] hair, (Mgh, Msb, TA,) twisted: of the measure فَعِيلٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ. (TA.) b2: And (assumed tropical:) The shore, or side, of the sea or of a great river; (O, K, * TA;;) as also ↓ ضَفِيرَةٌ. (TA.) ضَفَيرَةٌ (As, S, M, A, Mgh, Msb, K) and ↓ ضَفْرٌ, (S, M, A, Mgh, K,) the latter an inf. n. used as a subst. [properly so termed], (Mgh,) A single lock of hair: (M, Msb, K:) and (Msb) a [lock of hair such as is termed] ذُؤَابَة, (Mgh, Msb,) or جَمِيرَة and غَدِيرَة, of a woman: (As, TA:) or a plaited, braided, or interwoven, ذؤابة: (A, TA;) or [a plait of hair] consisting of three, or more, distinct portions: (Msb:) or i. q. عَقِيصَةٌ [q. v.]: one says لَهَا ضَفِيرَتَانِ, and ↓ ضَفْرَانِ, meaning عَقِيصَتَانِ: (Yaakoob, S:) or the ضَفِيرَتَانِ pertain to a man, not to a woman; [though such is not the case accord. to modern usage;] and غَدَائِر, [pl. of غَدِيرَةٌ,] to women; and these are مَضْفُورَة [i. e. plaited]: (Az, TA:) the pl. of ضَفِيرَةٌ is ضَفَائِرُ (A, Msb) and ضُفُرٌ; (Msb;) and the pl. of ↓ ضَفْرٌ is ضُفُورٌ. (A.) b2: See also ضَفْرٌ, in two places. b3: ضَفِيرَةٌ also signifies (tropical:) A dam, (IAar, S, A, Mgh, Msb,) extending in an oblong form upon the ground, having in it wood and stones. (IAar, TA.) b4: And (assumed tropical:) A plain, or soft, tract of land, oblong, producing herbage or the like, extending [to the distance of the journey of] a day, or two days. (TA.) b5: See also ضَفِيرٌ.

الضَّافِرُ فِى الحَجِّ He who twists, or plaits, (يَعْقِصُ,) his hair during the performance of the pilgrimage. (TA.)



1 ضَرَعَ, said of a lamb or kid, He took [with his mouth] the ضَرْع [meaning dug] of his mother. (TA.) [This seems to be regarded by some as the primary signification.] b2: And (TA) the same, (S, Msb, K,) said of a man, (S,) aor. ـَ (Msb, K;) and ضَرِعَ, aor. ـَ and ضَرُعَ, aor. ـُ (K;) inf. n. (S, Msb, K) of the first (S, Msb, TA) and of the third (TA) ضَرَاعَةٌ, (S Msb, K,) and (K) of the second (TA) ضَرَعٌ; (K;) He was, or became, lowly, humble, or submissive; (S, K;) and low, abject, or abased; (S, Msb, K;) إِلَيْهِ (K) and لَهُ [to him]: (TA:) or ضَرِعَ and ضَرَعَ signify he lowered, humbled, or abased, himself, (K, * TA,) [like تضرّع, which is more commonly used in this sense,] and made petition for a gift: (TA:) and ضَرُعَ, (Msb, K, TA,) inf. n. ضَرَعٌ, (Msb,) or ضَرَاعَةٌ, (TA,) he was, or became, weak; (K, TA;) and it is said that the verb in this last sense is from ضَرَعَ in the sense expl. in the first sentence: so in the “ Mufradát ” [of Er-Rághib]: ضَرِعَ, likewise, like فَرِحَ [in measure], signifies he was, or became, weak in body, slender, spare, or light of flesh: and ضُرُوعٌ, [app. as an inf. n. of which the verb is ضَرَعَ,] the being lean, or emaciated. (TA.) For another explanation of ضَرَاعَةٌ, see 5. b3: [ضَرَعَ is made trans. by means of ب:] one says, ضَرَعَ بِهِ فَرَسُهُ His horse humbled him, or abased him: (O, K, TA:) or, as in the L, overcame him. (TA.) b4: ضَرَعَ مِنْهُ, said of an animal of prey, (IKtt, K, TA,) inf. n. ضُرُوعٌ, (K,) He approached (IKtt, K, TA) him i. e. a man, (IKtt, TA,) or it i. e. a thing. (K.) b5: See also the next paragraph.2 تَضْرِيعٌ signifies The drawing near, or approaching, by little and little, in a deceitful, or guileful, manner, going this way and that, or to the right and left; (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K;) as also ↓ تَضَرُّعٌ: (K:) you say ضَرَّعَ and تَضَرَّعَ. (O, TA.) b2: And ضَرَّعَتِ الشَّمْسُ, (K,) inf. n. as above, (S, O,) (tropical:) The sun approached the setting; (S, O, K;) [like ضجّعت;] and ↓ ضَرَعَت signifies the same; [like ضَجَعَت;] or the sun set; (K;) and الشَّمْسُ ↓ ضَارِعَتِ, inf. n. مُضَارَعَةٌ, signifies the same as ضَرَعَت and ضرّعت. (TA.) b3: and ضَرَّعَتِ القِدْرُ i. q. حَانَ أَنْ تُدْرِكَ [i. e. The cookingpot approached, or attained, to the time of the cooking of its contents; and so, app., ↓ ضارعت, accord. to the TA, but the passage in which this is there indicated presents an obvious mistranscription]. (S, O, K, TA. [In the CK, تُدْرَكَ is erroneously put for تُدْرِكَ.]) b4: And ضَرَّعَ الرُّبُّ [app. means The rob, or inspissated juice, became nearly mature; or] the expressed juice was cooked, but its cooking was not complete. (O, K, * TA. [In the CK, الرُّبَّ is erroneously put for الرُّبُّ, and طَبَخ for طُبِخَ, and يُتِمَّ طَبْخَهُ for يَتِمَّ طَبْخُهُ.]) 3 مُضَارِعَةٌ is syn. with مُشَابَهَةٌ: (S, O, Msb:) accord. to Er-Rághib, its primary meaning is The sharing [in a thing, or particularly in the ضَرْع, or udder], like مُرَاضَعَةٌ, which is the “ sharing in sucking. ” (TA.) You say ضارعهُ He, or it, resembled him, or it; was, or became like him, or it. (K, TA.) And بَيْنَهُمَا مُرَاضَعَةُ الكَاسِ وَمُضَارَعَةُ الأَجْنَاسِ [Between them two are the sipping of the wine-cup, and the resemblance of kinds; or compotation and congeniality]: said in the A to be from الضَّرْعُ. (TA.) [See also an ex. voce تَحَلَّجَ.] b2: Also i. q. مُقَارَبَةٌ [meaning The approaching a thing]. (TA.) See 2, in two places.4 اضرعت, said of a ewe or she-goat, Her milk descended [into her udder, i. e. she secreted milk in her udder, as is shown in the lexicons in many places, (see for instance, أَرَدَّتْ, and رِدَّةٌ,)] a little before her bringing forth: (S, O, K:) and [in like manner] said of a she-camel, her milk descended from (مِنْ [a mistranscription for فِى

i. e. into]) her udder near the time of bringing forth; and the epithet applied to her is ↓ مُضْرِعٌ [without ة]: or, as in the A, said of a she-camel and of a cow, her udder (ضَرْعُهَا) became prominent before bringing forth: (TA:) or, said of a ewe or she-goat, she showed herself to be pregnant, and became large in her udder. (T in art. رمد.) and أَضْرَعَتْ عَلَى رَأْسِ الوَلَدِ [She secreted milk, or became large, in the udder, at the time of bringing forth, or when about to produce the young, like as one says كَانَ ذٰلِكَ عَلَى رَأْسِ فُلَانٍ expl. in art. رأس], said of a ewe or goat. (S in arts. رمد and ربق [in both of which the meaning is clearly shown] and in art. دفع [in which last see several sentences].) b2: [Hence, app.,] أَضْرَعْتُ لَهُ مَالِى (assumed tropical:) I gave him liberally, unsparingly, or freely, my property. (O, K. *) b3: And اضرعهُ signifies also He, or it, lowered, humbled, or abased, him. (S, O, K.) Thus, in a trad. of 'Alee, أَضْرَعَ اللّٰهُ خُدُودَكُمْ May God lower, or humble, or abase, your cheeks. (TA.) One says also, كَانَ مَزْهُوًّا فَأَضْرَعَهُ الفَقْرُ [He was proud, haughty, or insolent, and poverty lowered, or humbled, or abased, him]. (TA.) And it is said in a prov., الحُمَّى أَضْرَعَتْنِى

لَكَ, (S, Meyd, A, O,) or لِلنَّوْمِ, (Meyd, O, K,) accord. to different relations, (Meyd, O,) [meaning The fever abased me to thee, or to sleep;] asserted by El-Mufaddal to have been first said by a certain man named Mureyr, to a Jinnee by whom he was carried off while sleeping under the influence of fever, after he had been making a fruitless search after his two brothers, Murárah and Murrah, who had also been carried off by Jinn: [his story is related at length in the O and TA, as well as by Meyd.; and is given in Har p. 568, and in Freytag's Arab. Prov. i. pp. 364-5:] the prov. is applied to the case of abasement on the occasion of need. (Meyd, O, TA.) b4: One says also, اضرعهُ إِلَيْهِ He, or it, constrained him to have recourse to him, or it. (TA.) b5: And اضرعهُ الحُبُّ Love rendered him lean, or emaciated. (TA.) 5 تضرّع He lowered, humbled, or abased, himself: (O, K, TA:) or he addressed himself with earnest, or energetic, supplication: (TA:) syn. اِبْتَهَلَ, to God (إِلَى اللّٰهِ): (S, O, K:) or he manifested ↓ ضَرَاعَة i. e. severe poverty, (O, TA:) and want, (TA,) to God: (O, TA:) or i. q. تَعَرَّضَ بِطَلَبِ الحَاجَةِ, (K, TA,) or يَطْلُبُ الحَاجَةَ; (CK;) you say, جَآءَ فُلَانٌ يَتَضَرَّعُ and يَتَعَرَّضُ i. e. Such a one came asking, or petitioning, to another for a thing that he wanted. (Fr, S, O.) [See also تَصَرَّعَ.] b2: Also He writhed; and asked, or called, for aid, or succour. (TA.) b3: And, said of the shade, (tropical:) It contracted, shrank, or decreased; or it went away; syn. قَلَصَ: (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K, TA:) and تَصَرَّعَ is a dial. var. thereof. b4: See also 2.

ضَرْعٌ a word of well-known meaning; (TA;) [properly and generally, the udder, but sometimes applied to the dug, or teat:] the ضَرْع is of every female that has a cloven hoof, or of the she-camel: (S, O:) [i. e.] of each of these: (K:) or [of the former only; i. e.] of the sheep or goat and of the cow and the like; that of the camel being termed خِلْفٌ: (Lth, O, K:) it is, to the clovenhoofed female, like the ثَدْى to the woman: (Msb:) or, to cattle, like the ثَدْى to the woman: (Towsheeh, TA:) accord. to the IF, it is of the sheep or goat and of other animals: accord. to IDrd, of the sheep or goat [only]: Az says, it comprises the أَطْبَآء, which are the أَخْلَاف, and in which are the أَحَالِيل, which are the orifices for the passing forth of the milk: (O:) the pl. is ضُرُوعٌ. (O, Msb, K.) مَا لَهُ زَرْعٌ وَلَا ضَرْعٌ [lit. He has not seed-produce nor an udder] means (tropical:) he has not anything: (TA:) or it means he has not land to sow, nor ewe or she-goat or she-camel or other animal having a ضَرْع. (O.) A2: See also the next paragraph, in two places.

ضِرْعٌ A like; a similar person or thing; (IAar, O, K;) as also ↓ ضَرْعٌ: (IAar, TA in art. صرع:) and so صِرْعٌ (O, TA) and صَرْعٌ. (O and K and TA in art. صرع.) b2: And A sort, or species: and a state, condition, or manner of being: of a thing: as also ↓ ضَرْعٌ: and so صِرْعٌ and صَرْعٌ. (TA in art. صرع.) b3: And A strand of a rope: (O, K:) and so صِرْعٌ: (O:) pl. ضُرُوعٌ. (O, K: and the CK adds أَضْرُعٌ.) ضَرَعٌ Lowly, humble, submissive, or in a state of abasement; [originally an inf. n., and therefore, as an epithet,] applied to a single person and to a pl. number: (O:) and ↓ ضَارِعٌ signifies the same, applied to a single person; (O, Msb;) as also ↓ مُسْتَضْرِعٌ, (K, *TA:) accord. To Lth, one says, ↓ خَدُّكَ ضَارِعٌ, (O,) and ↓ أَضْرَعُ, which signifies the same, (Ham p. 344,) and ↓ جَنْبُكَ ضَارِعٌ, [meaning, as is implied in the O, Thy cheek is lowly &c., and so thy side, and the like is said in the Ham p. 590,] and ↓ أَنْتَ ضَارِعٌ [Thou art lowly &c.]: (O:) and the pl. of ضَارِعٌ is ضَرَعَةٌ and ضُرُوعٌ: (TA:) or ↓ ضَارِعٌ signifies, and so ↓ ضَرِعٌ, and [in an intensive sense] ↓ ضَرُوعٌ and ↓ ضَرَعَةٌ, lowering, humbling, or abasing, himself: (K:) or thus, and making petition for a gift: (TA:) and ضَرَعٌ signifies weak; (S, Mgh, Msb, K:) as also ↓ ضَرِعٌ; (K;) the former (Msb, K) originally an inf. n. (Msb) [and therefore, as an epithet,] applied to a single person and to a pl. number: (K:) and ضَرَعٌ and ↓ ضَارِعٌ small; applied to anything: or small in age, weak, (K, TA,) and lean, spare, or light of flesh: (TA:) and الجِسْمِ ↓ ضَارِعُ, (S,) and ↓ ضَرِعٌ, (TA,) lean, spare, or light of flesh, and weak, in the body; (S, TA;) applied to a man: (S:) and ضَرَعٌ applied to a colt, not having strength to run, (K, TA,) by reason of the smallness of his age. (TA.) Also (assumed tropical:) Cowardly, or weak-hearted: you say, هُوَ وَرَعٌ ضَرَعٌ [both app. meaning the same]. (TA.) And, applied to a man, (tropical:) Inexperienced in affairs; ignorant; or in whom is no profit nor judgment; syn. غُمْرٌ. (TA.) ضَرِعٌ: see ضَرَعٌ, in three places.

ضَرَعَةٌ: see ضَرَعٌ. b2: It is also a pl. of ضَارِعٌ [as mentioned above, voce ضَرَعٌ]. (TA.) سُبَبَةٌ ضُرَعَةٌ occurs in a trad. as meaning A reviler of men, who becomes like them and equal to them. (TA.) ضَرُوعٌ: see ضَرَعٌ.

ضُرُوعٌ pl. of ضَرْعٌ [q. v.]. (O, Msb, K.) b2: Also A species of grape, (AHn, O, K.) growing in the Saráh (السَّرَاة), (AHn, O,) white, large in the berries, (AHn, O, K,) having little juice, great in the bunches, like the sort of raisins called طَائِفِىّ. (O.) A2: It is also a pl. of ضَارِعٌ [as mentioned above, voce ضَرَعٌ]. (TA.) ضَرِيعٌ and ضَرِيعَةٌ (IF, S O, K) and ↓ ضَرْعَآءُ, (O, K,) applied to a ewe or she-goat, Large in the ضَرْع [or udder]; (IF, S, O, K;) and in like manner applied to a woman: (K:) or ↓ the last is applied to a woman as meaning large in the breasts, and in like manner to a ewe or she-goat: (IDrd, TA:) or, accord. to the L, the second and ↓ third, as first expl. above, are applied to a ewe or she-goat, and to a camel; and the first is applied to a ewe or she-goat, as meaning goodly in the ضَرْع. (TA.) A2: Also, the first of these words, (O, K;) mentioned in the Kur lxxxviii. 6, (O,) i. q. شِبْرِقٌ; (O, K;) which is A bad sort of pasture, upon which the pasturing cattle do not make (لَا تَعْقِدُ) fat nor flesh, and which renders them in a bad condition if they do not quit it and betake themselves to other pasture; (AHn, O;) or, accord. to IAth, the شبرق is a certain plant in El-Hijáz, having large thorns: (TA:) or, the plant called شِبْرِق that is dried up; (Fr, S, O, K;) شبرق being its appellation when it is in its fresh state; (Fr, K, TA;) the people of El-Hijáz call it ضريع in its dry state; (Fr, TA;) and it is [said to be] a plant which the beast will not approach, because of its bad quality: (K:) and (K) what is dry of any tree; (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K;) accord. to some, peculiarly, of the عَرْفَج and خُلَّة; (TA;) or [any] dry herbage: (TA in art. بحت:) and, (K,) accord. to Lth, (O,) a certain plant in water that has become altered for the worse by long standing or the like, having roots that reach not to the ground: (O, K:) or a certain thing in Hell, more bitter than aloes, and more stinking than the carcass, and hotter than fire; (K, TA;) the food of the inmates of Hell; but this was unknown to the [pagan] Arabs: (TA:) and, (K,) as some say, (O,) a certain plant, (K, O,) green, (O,) thus in the L, but in the “ Mufradát ” red, (TA,) of fetid odour, cast up by the sea, (O, K,) light, and hollow: (TA:) and, (K,) accord. to Abu-l-Jowzà, (O,) the prickles of the palm-tree: (O, K:) and, (K,) accord. to IAar, (O,) the [thorny tree called] عَوْسَج, in its fresh state. (O, K.) b2: Also Wine: or thin wine: (K:) or thin beverage. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K.) b3: And the skin that is upon the bone, beneath the flesh (Lth, O, K) of the rib: (Lth, O:) or the integument upon it. (TA.) ضَارِعٌ: see ضَرَعٌ, in seven places. b2: نُجُومٌ ضَوَارِعُ mean (tropical:) Stars inclining to setting, or to the places of setting. (A and TA in art. خضع.) أَضْرَعُ: see ضَرَعٌ: A2: and for its fem., ضَرْعَآءُ, see ضَرِيعٌ, in three places.

مُضْرِعٌ an epithet applied to a she-camel [and app. to a ewe or she-goat]: see 4.

مُضَرِّعٌ part. n. of the intrans. verb ضَرَّعَ. b2: In the TA, voce كَثْءٌ, مصرع, which is evidently a mistranscription for مُضَرِّعٌ, is expl. as an epithet applied to a preparation of أَقِط (q. v.) as meaning Such as has become thick, or coagulated, and almost thoroughly cooked: on the authority of AHát.]

المُضَارِعُ [as a conventional term of grammar] The future tense; [or rather the aor. st; for it is properly the present, and tropically the future:] so called because it resembles nouns in admitting the desinential syntactical signs. (TA.) مُسْتَضْرِعٌ: see ضَرَعٌ.



1 ضَاعَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. ضَيَاعٌ and ضَيْعَةٌ (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K) and ضَيْعٌ and ضِيعٌ, (K,) It (a thing, S, Mgh, O, Msb) perished, came to nought, passed away, or became lost. (S, O, Msb, K.) It is said in a trad. of Saad, إِنِّى أَخَافُ عَلَى

الأَعْنَابِ الضَّيْعُةَ i. e. [Verily I fear, for the grapes,] their [lit. the] perishing, or becoming lost. (TA.) b2: And ضاع, (K, TA,) inf. n. ضَيَاعٌ and ضَيْعَةٌ, (TA,) It (a thing) was left; left, or let, alone; or neglected. (K, TA.) Hence, ضاعت الإِبِلُ, and ضاع العِيَالُ, The camels, and the family, or household, were left untended, and unminded; and were left alone, or neglected. (TA.) A2: ضاع, aor. ـِ said of perfume, or sweet odour, i. q. ضاع having for its aor. ـُ (Har p. 670.) [See 5 in art. ضوع: and see also 5 in the present art.]2 ضيّع الشَّىْءَ, (O, Msb, K,) inf. n. تَضْيِيعٌ; (S;) and ↓ اضاعهُ, (O, Msb, K,) inf. n. إِضَاعَةٌ; (S;) both signify the same; (S, O, Msb, K;) He made, or caused, the thing to perish, or become lost; he destroyed it, wasted it, or lost it. (Msb, K, TA.) Hence, ضَيَّعُوا فُلَانًا is used by the vulgar as meaning They beheaded such a one with the sword. (TA.) It is said in a prov., الصَّيْفَ ضَيَّعْتِ اللَّبَنَ [In the spring, or in the summer, thou losedst the milk], in which the ت is with kesr when the words are addressed to a male, or to a female, or to a pl. number, because originally addressed to a woman, the wife of a wealthy man, whom she disliked because of his being aged, wherefore he divorced her, and a poor man married her, and she sent to her first husband requesting a gift, and he answered her thus; (S, O, K; *) الصيف being in the accus. case as an adv. n.: so says Yaakoob: (S, O:) or El-Aswad Ibn-Hurmuz divorced his wife El-' Anood Esh-Shenneeyeh, (O, K,) of the BenooShenn, (TA,) preferring to her a beautiful and wealthy woman of his people; (O, K; *) then there occurred between them what led to their separation, and he sought to obtain [again] El-' Anood, and sent a message to her; but in replying to him she said, أَنْشَأْتَ تَطْلُبُ وَصْلَنَا فِى الصَّيْفِ ضَيَّعْتَ اللَّبَنْ [Thou hast begun to seek our union: in the spring, or in the summer, thou losedst the milk]: (O, * K:) the ت in this case being with fet-h. (K. [See more in Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 197-8, or in Har p. 577; in both of which, however, and in the O, ضيّعت is with kesr in the latter case, as in the former.]) [One says also, ضيّع عَهْدَهُ, meaning He broke his compact, contract, or covenant]. The phrase, in a trad., نَهَى عَنْ المَالِ ↓ إِضَاعَةِ means He forbade the expending of wealth otherwise than in obedience to God, and the squandering thereof, and extravagance. (TA.) b2: See also the next paragraph.4 اضاع الشَّىْءَ: see 2, first sentence, and last but one. b2: Also, [and app. ↓ ضيّعهُ likewise, accord. to the K,] He left the thing; left it, or let it, alone; or neglected it. (K, TA.) Yousay, اضاع عِيَالَهُ He neglected his family, or household; omitted taking good care of them, or being mindful of them. (TA.) وَمَا كَانَ اللّٰهُ لِيُضِعَ

إِيمَانَكُمْ, in the Kur [ii. 138], means And God will not neglect [or make to be lost] your prayer. (TA.) أَضَاعُوا الصَّلَاةَ, in the same, [xix. 60,] means Who neglected, or omitted, prayer, (Bd, TA,) altogether: (TA:) or deferred it: (Bd:) or who performed it in other than its right time: but the first explanation is more suitable, for the unbelievers are meant thereby. (TA.) A2: اضاع [is also intrans., and] may signify He found his affair to be coming to nought. (Ham p. 33.) b2: And His estates (ضِيَاعُهُ) became wide-spread, (S, O, K,) and many, or numerous. (S, O, Msb, K.) 5 تضيّع, said of the wind, It blew: because it [often] destroys that upon which it blows: so says Er-Rághib. (TA. [But it may be from what here follows.]) b2: Said of musk, It diffused its odour, or fragrance: (S, O, K;) a dial. var. of تضوّع: (S:) or an instance of substitution [of ى for و]. (O.) [See also 1, last explanation.]

مَاتَ ضِيْعًا and ضِيَعًا: see ضَيَاعٌ.

ضَيْعَةٌ an inf. n. of 1. (S, &c.) b2: See ضَيَاعٌ, below, last sentence but one. b3: Also A single case, or occasion, of perishing, coming to nought, passing away, or becoming lost; or of being left, left or let alone, or neglected. (TA.) b4: تَرَكْتُهُ بِضَيْعَةٍ means I left him unsought-after, or unminded, or unmissed. (TA. [See also a similar phrase voce ضَيَاعٌ.]) A2: Also i. q. عَقَارٌ [meaning An estate consisting of land, or of land and a house, or of a house or land yielding a revenue, or of a house and palm-trees, or the like]; (S, O, Msb, K;) and [particularly] land yielding a revenue; (K;) or with the people of the towns and villages and cultivated lands it signifies the property, of a man, consisting of palm-trees and grape-vines and land: but the Arabs [of the desert] know not the word in this sense: (Az, TA:) IF says, I do not reckon the application of this word as a name for the عَقَار to be of the original language, but think it to be an innovation in speech; and I have heard it said that this is termed a ضيعة because, when frequent attention to it is neglected, it perishes; and if it be so, this is an evidence of what we have said, that it is of the innovated speech: (O, TA:) the dim. is ↓ ضُيَيْعَةٌ, for which one should not say ضُوَيْعَةٌ: (S, O, K:) the pl. is ضِيَاعٌ and ضِيَعٌ, (S, O, Msb, K,) as though the latter were a contraction of the former, (Msb,) and ضَيْعَاتٌ: (K:) accord. to Lth, the first of these pls. signifies places of alighting or abode or settlement; which are thus called because, when the paying frequent attention to them, or taking good care of them, and the keeping them, or putting them, in a good state, or state of repair, is neglected, they come to nought: and ضَيْعَاتٌ occurs in a trad. as meaning the means of subsistence. (TA.) And, (T, O, Msb, K,) as used by the Arabs [of the desert], who know not the word in any other sense than this, (T, O,) A craft, or handicraft, by which one gains his subsistence; a mode, or manner, of gain; or any habitual work or occupation of a man; (T, O, Msb, K) as the sewing of skins or boots and the like; and the twisting of ropes; and the weaving, or plaiting, of palm-leaves; and the culture of palm-trees (عَمَلُ النَّخْلِ); and the pasturing of camels; and the like thereof; (T, O;) including the sowing, or tilling, of land: (TA:) or the ضَيْعَة of the Arabs was the management, or tending, of camels and of sheep and goats: and the term includes a man's craft, or handicraft, or means of gain: (Sh, O:) and his traffic: (Sh, O, K:) one says to a man, قُمْ إِلَى ضَيْعَتِكَ [Arise to thy craft, &c.]: (Sh, O:) and كُلُّ رَجُلٍ

وَضَيْعَتَهُ, [Every man should occupy himself with his proper craft, &c.] (Msb.) أَفْشَى اللّٰهُ, ضَيْعَتَهُ, occurring in a trad., means God made or may God make, his means of subsistence to be abundant. (TA.) And one says, فَشَتْ ضَيْعَتُهُ, [or, more commonly, فَشَتْ عَلَيْهِ ضَيْعَتُهُ, as in the TA in art. فشو, &c.,] which is said to mean His property was, or became, large, or abundant, [or wide-spread,] so that he was unable to collect it together: and [hence] his means of attaining his object [or his affairs (as in the TA in art. فشو)] became disordered so that he knew not with which of them to begin: (TA:) or he took to doing an affair that did not concern him: (TA, and Ham p. 33:) it is nearly like the saying اِتَّسَعَ الخَرْقُ عَلَى الرَّاقِعِ [expl. in art. خرق]. (Ham ibid.) And إِنِّى لَأَرَى ضَيْعَةً لَا يُصْلِحُهَا إِلَّا ضَجْعَةٌ [Verily I see property that nothing but a sleep will restore to a right state] a prov.; said by a pastor whose camels had dispersed themselves, and who, desiring to collect them together, and being unable to do so, sought aid of sleep. (O.) مَاتَ ضِيعَةً: see the next paragraph.

ضَيَاعٌ an inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]. (S, &c.) [Hence] one says, مَاتَ ضَيَاعًا, as also ↓ ضِيَعًا, and ↓ ضِيْعًا, and ↓ ضِيعَةٌ, He (a man, TA) died unsought-after, or unminded, or unmissed. (K, TA. [See also a similar phrase voce ضَيْعَةٌ.]) b2: Also A family, or household: (ISh, O, K:) or the meaning is عِيَالٌ ضُيَّعٌ, (Mgh, O, K, *) i. e. a family, or household, neglected, untended, and unminded; (TA;) or such as are exposed, or liable, to perish, (بِعَرَضِ أَنْ يَضِيعَ,) as young children, and those who are crippled, or deprived of the power of motion, who cannot manage their own affairs: (Mgh:) occurring in a trad., in which it is said that when a man died leaving such as are thus termed, (تَرَكَ ضَيَاعًا,) they were to be brought to the Prophet, (Mgh, O,) to be maintained by means of the government-treasury: (Mgh:) a prefixed noun is to be understood [i. e. it is for عِيَالَ ضَيَاعٍ or the like]: (Mgh:) or it is an inf. n. used as a subst. [properly thus termed]: (Mgh, O:) or, accord. to one relation of the trad., the word is ↓ ضَيْعَةً [which is likewise an inf. n., and in this case to be expl. in the same manner]: (Mgh:) if read ضِيَاعًا, it would be pl. of ضَائِعٌ. (Mgh, O.) A2: Also A sort of perfume, or odoriferous substance. (K.) ضُيَيْعَةٌ dim. of ضَيْعَةٌ, q. v. (S, O, K.) ضَائعٌ Perishing, coming to nought, passing away, or becoming lost: (Mgh, * Msb:) [and being left; left, or let, alone; or neglected:] part. n. of 1: (Mgh, Msb:) pl. ضِيَاعٌ (Mgh, O, Msb, K) and ضُيَّعٌ. (Mgh, O, * Msb, K. *) [See an ex. of the latter pl. in a verse cited voce دَانَ, in art. دين. See also سَائِعٌ, in art. سوع.] b2: and A man in a state of poverty: or having a family, or household, to sustain: or in a state of circumstances by means of which he is unable to subsist. (TA.) b3: فُلَانٌ يَأْكُلُ فِى مِعًى ضَائِعٍ means جَائِعٍ

[i. e. Such a one eats into a hungry, or an empty, gut]: and it was said to the daughters of ElKhuss, “What is the sharpest thing? (مَا أَحَدُّ شَىْء;) and she answered, نَابٌ جَائِعٌ يُلْقِى فِى

مِعًى ضَائِعٍ [A hungry canine tooth that throws the food into an empty gut]. (S.) أَضْيَعُ means أَكْثَرُ ضَيَاعًا: so in the saying, فُلَانٌ أَضْيَعُ مِنْ فُلَانٍ [Such a one is in a more perishing state than such a one]. (TA.) مُضِيعٌ act. part. n. of the trans. v. اضاع. (TA.) [See مِسْيَاعٌ, in art. سوع.]

A2: And part. n. of the intrans. v. اضاع; as such signifying One whose estates (ضِيَاعُهُ) are becoming wide-spread, and many, or numerous. (S, TA.) مَضِيعَةٌ and مَضْيَعَةٌ i. q. ضَيَاعٌ [an inf. n. of 1, q. v.]. (Mgh, O, Msb, K.) So in the saying, تَرَكَ عِيَالَهُ بِمَضِيعَةٍ or بِمَضْيَعَةٍ [He left his family, or household, in a state of perishing, &c.]. (Mgh.) So too in the saying, السَّارِقُ لَا يُقْطَعُ فِى مَالٍ

بِمَضِيعَةٍ [The thief shall not suffer amputation of his hand in the case of his stealing property in a neglected state]. (Mgh.) And so in the saying, هُوَ بِدَارِ مَضِيعَةٍ (S, * O, K) and مَضْيَعَةٍ (O, K) [He is in a place (lit. an abode) of perdition, &c.]: or as meaning in this saying, abandonment, and ignominy. (TA.) And هُوَ مُقِيمٌ بِدَارِ مَضِيعَةٍ or مَضْيَعَةٍ means [He is dwelling in the abode of indolence; or] his characteristic in his affairs is indolence. (Msb.) b2: Also, [or perhaps the latter only, as meaning A cause of perishing &c., this latter being app. of the class of مَبْخَلَةٌ and مَجْبَنَةٌ

&c.,] A desert, or waterless desert, that is cut off [from inhabited regions]: or, as expl. by IJ, a place in which a man perishes, or is lost. (Msb.) مُضَيِّعٌ: see what follows.

رَجُلٌ مِضْيَاعٌ لِلْمَالِ i. q. لَهُ ↓ مُضَيِّعٌ [i. e. A man who wastes, or squanders, wealth, or property]. (S, O, K.)



1 غَضِبَ عَلَيْهِ, (S, Msb, K,) [aor. ـَ inf. n. غَضَبْ (S, Msb, K *) and مَغْضَبَةٌ, (S, K, *) He was angry with him; (MA, K, * PS, &c.;) and ↓ تغضّب عليه signifies the same. (Msb.) [See الغَضَبُ below.] And غَضِبَ مِنْ لَاشَىْءٍ i. e. [He was angry] for nothing; meaning, for no cause. (Msb. [لاشىء, in a case of this kind, is regarded as one word, and is therefore as above, not لَا شَىْءِ: see p. 1626, third col.]) b2: غَضِبَ لَهُ (meaning He was angry with another person for his sake, or on his account, TA) is said when the person [on whose account the anger is excited] is living: and غَضِبَ بِهِ, when he is dead: (S, A, Msb, K:) so says El-Umawee, and El-Ahmar says the like. (S.) b3: [And you say, غَضِبَ فِى اللّٰهِ He was angry for the sake of God.] b4: And غَضِبَتِ الفَرَسُ عَلَى اللِّجَامِ (tropical:) The mare champed upon the bit. (TA.) Abu-n-Nejm says, تَغْضَبُ أَحْيَانًا عَلَيا للِّجَامِ كَغَضَبِ النَّارِ عَلَى الضِّرَامِ (tropical:) [She champs, sometimes, upon the bit, like the fierce burning of the fire upon the quickly-kindling fragments of firewood]. (A, TA.) [See also 5, last sentence.]

A2: غُضِبَ, like عُنِىَ [pass. in form]; and غَضِبَ; (K, TA;) the former of which is the more usual; (TA;) He had the disease termed غُِضَاب [q. v.]. (K, TA.) b2: And غضبت عَيْنُهُ, with fet-h and kesr [i. e., app., غَضِبَتْ; or “ with fet-h and kesr ” may be a mistranscription for “ with damm and kesr,” so that the verb may be غُضِبَتْ; His eye had in it what are termed غُِضَاب]. (TA.) 3 غَاضَبْتُهُ I made him angry, he also making me angry. (K.) b2: And I broke off from him, or quitted him, in anger, or enmity. (S, K.) ذَهَبَ مُغَاضِبًا, in the Kur [xxi. 87], means He went away, breaking off from his people, or quitting them, in anger, or enmity. (S.) 4 اغضبهُ He angered him, or made him angry. (S, * Msb, * K.) 5 تغضّب He became angered or angry: (S:) or he was angry somewhat after [having been so] somewhat. (Ham p. 522.) See also 1, first sentence. b2: And تغضّبت القِدْرُ (tropical:) The cooking-pot boiled fiercely عَلَى اللَّحْمِ [upon the flesh-meat]. (TA.) غَضْبٌ (S, K) Red (S) intense in redness: (S, K:) you say أَحْمَرُ غَضْبٌ: so says ISk: (S:) or غَضْبٌ signifies أَحْمَرُ غَضْبٌ (K) i. e. red that is dense, or deep: (TK:) or أَحْمَرُ [i. e. red], applied to anything: and غَلِيظٌ [i. e. thick, &c.]. (TA.) A2: Also, and ↓ غَضْبَةٌ, A hard rock (K, TA) set, or fixed, in a mountain, and differing therefrom: (TA:) or the latter signifies thus: or a hard, round, rock. (O.) A3: And الغَضْبُ signifies The lion: and the bull: as also [in the latter sense, or perhaps in both senses,] ↓ الغَضُوبُ. (K.) غَضَبٌ an inf. n. of غَضِبَ [q. v.]. (S, Msb, K.) الغَضَبُ is The contr. of الرِّضَى: (K, TA:) it is variously defined: some say that it is a state of excitement of the blood of the heart for the purpose of revenge: some say that pain on account of anything reparable is غَضَب; and for anything irreparable, أَسَف: some say that it [is a passion which] includes all that is evil; wherefore the Prophet, to a man who asked of him a precept, said, لَا تَغْضَبْ: and some say that الغَضَب is [a passion] accompanied by an eagerness to obtain revenge; and الغَمّ is accompanied by despair of obtaining it: (TA: [see also غَيْظٌ:]) there is a غَضَب that is commended, and a غَضَب that is discommended; the former being that which is for the sake of religion and truth, or right; and the latter being that which is in a wrong case: and the غَضَب of God is his disapproving of the conduct of him who disobeys Him, and whom He will therefore punish. (Ibn- 'Arafeh, TA.) غَضِبٌ: see غَضْبَانُ.

غَضْبَةٌ A single fit of غَضَب [or anger]. (O.) A2: See also غَضْبٌ. b2: Also An [eminence of the kind termed] أَكَمَة. (L, TA.) b3: And A بَخَصَة (K, TA, in the CK بَخْصَة), or protuberance [of flesh], above, or beneath, the eyes, in the form of a flatulent tumour, (TA,) or in the upper eyelid, produced by nature: (K, TA:) so in the M. (TA.) b4: And A thing resembling a دَرَقَة, (K, TA,) i. e. a shield, (TA,) of the hide of the camel, (K, TA,) one part of which is folded over another. (TA.) b5: And A [garment of the kind called] جُبَّة made of the hides of camels, and worn for fighting. (O.) b6: Also The skin of a mountain-goat advanced in age. (K.) The skin of a fish. (K.) The skin of the head. (K.) And The skin of the part between the horns of a bull. (K.) b7: and A patch of the small-pox: so in the saying, أَصْبَحَ وَاحِدَةً مِنَ الجُدَرِىِّ جِلْدُهُ غَضْبَةً [His skin became one patch of the small-pox]: (O:) like غَضْنَةٌ. (S in art. غضن.) غُضَبَةٌ: see غَضْبَانُ.

غَضْبَى fem. of غَضْبَانُ [q. v.]: (S, Msb, K:) and pl. thereof. (S.) [See also غَضُوبٌ.]

A2: It is also said by J, (K, TA,) and [before him] by EzZejjájee, and also [after him] by ISd, (TA,) to be a name for A hundred camels, and not to have tenween, nor the article ال: but this is a mistake for غَضْيَا. (K, TA.) القُوَّةُ الغَضَبِيَّةُ [The irascible faculty]. (KT, in explanation of التَّهَوُّرُ.) غَضْبَانُ (S, Msb, K) [and, in the dial. of BenooAsad, as is implied by the fem. in that dial. mentioned in what follows, غَضْبَانٌ,] and ↓ غَضِبٌ and ↓ غَضُوبٌ [which is both masc. and fem.] and ↓ غُضُبٌّ (K) and ↓ غُضُبَّةٌ (S, K) and ↓ غَضُبَّةٌ and ↓ غَضَبَّةٌ, (K,) or the last, accord. to MF, is ↓ غُضَبَةٌ, (TA,) are epithets applied to an angry man: (K:) [the first seems often to signify simply Angry, like غَضِبٌ; but accord. to SM,] all these epithets signify quickly, or soon, angry [as غُضُبَّةٌ is said in the S to signify, on the authority of As]: (TA:) the fem. of the first word is غَضْبَى, (S, Msb, K,) and (in the dial. of Benoo-Asad, S) غَضْبَانَةٌ, (S, K,) which is seldom used; (K;) and غَضُوبٌ is also used as a fem. epithet [as stated above], (K,) and has an intensive signification: (TA:) pl. (of the first word, Msb) غِضَابٌ (Msb, K) and (likewise of the first) غَضْبَى (S) and غُضَابَى (S, K) and غَضَابَى. (Msb, K.) غُضُبٌّ: see the next preceding paragraph.

غُضُبَّةٌ and غَضُبَّةٌ and غَضَبَّةٌ: see غَضْبَانُ.

غِضَابٌ and غُضَابٌ Motes (قَذًى) in the eye: (K, TA:) or, as in one copy of the K, [and in the O,] in the eyes. (TA.) b2: And A certain disease; (K, TA;) or so the latter word; (O;) an eruption in the skin; but not small-pox: (TA:) or (so accord. to the TA, but in the CK “ and ”) small-pox. (K, TA.) غَضُوبٌ: see غَضْبَانُ. b2: Also Stern, or austere, in look, or countenance; applied to a woman: (S, O, K:) and in like manner applied to a she-camel: (O, K:) or thus applied to a she-camel: and also signifying a company of women. (TA.) b3: And A malignant serpent. (O, K.) b4: See also غَضْبٌ.

غُضَابِىٌّ A man (TA) perturbed (كَدِرٌ) in social intercourse and in comportment. (K. [For وَالمُخَالَفَةِ in some copies of the K, I read وَالمُخَالَقَةِ, as in other copies.]) الأَغْضَبُ The part between the penis and the thing. (K.) مَغْضُوبٌ عَلَيْهِ [An object of anger]. By المَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ in the Kur [ch. i. last verse], are meant The Jews. (O, TA.) A2: مَغْضُوبٌ also signifies Having [the disease called غِضَاب, i. e.] the smallpox. (O, TA.)



1 غَفَرَهُ, aor. ـِ (K,) inf. n. غَفْرٌ, (S, Mgh, Msb,) He covered, veiled, concealed, or hid, it; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) i. e., anything. (TA.) This is the primary signification. (Mgh, Msb.) b2: [Hence]

غَفَر الشَّيْبَ بِالخِضَابِ He covered, or concealed, the white, or hoary, hair with dye; (K;) as also ↓ أَغْفَرَهُ. (TA.) b3: And غَفَرَ المَتَاعَ, (S, K,) فِى

الوِعَآءِ, (K,) He put the goods, or utensils, into the bag, or receptacle, and concealed them; (K;) as also ↓ اغفرهُ. (K.) b4: [Hence also] غَفَرَ لَهُ ذَنْبَهُ, (S, Msb, * K,) aor. ـِ (K,) inf. n. مَغْفَرِةٌ, (S, K,) or this is a simple subst., (Msb,) and غُفْرَانٌ and غَفْرٌ (S, Msb, K) and غُفُورٌ (Lh, K) and غَفِيرٌ and غَفِيرةٌ, (K,) He (God) covered, his sin, crime, or offence; (K;) forgave it; pardoned it; (Msb, K;) as also ذَنْبَهُ ↓ اغتفر, (S,) or اغتفر لَهُ مَا صَنَعَ he forgave him what he had done: (Msb:) or غُفْرَانٌ and مَغْفِرَةٌ, on the part of God, signify the preserving a man from being touched by punishment: and sometimes غَفَرَ لَهُ signifies [he forgave him, or pardoned him: and also] he forgave him, or pardoned him, apparently, but not really; and thus it is used in the Kur xlv. 13, accord. to the B. (TA.) As an ex. of the last of the inf. ns. mentioned above on the authority of the K, the following saying, of a certain Arab, is cited: أَسْأَلُكَ الغَفِيرَهْ وَالنَّاقَةَ الغَزيِرَهْ وَالعِزَّ فِى العَشِيرَهْ فَإِنَّهَا عَلَيْكَ يَسِيرَهْ [I beg of Thee (O God) forgiveness, and a she-camel abounding in milk, and might among the kinsfolk, or in the tribe, for they are to Thee things easy]. (TA.) [See also the paragraph commencing with غَفِيرَةٌ.] b5: In the following saying of Zuheyr, the verb is used tropically: أَضَاعَتْ فَلَمْ تُغْفَرْ لَهَا غَفَلَاتُهَا meaning [She lost her young one, and] her acts of negligence with respect to her young one were not forgiven her, by the wild beasts, so they ate it. (TA.) b6: ↓ غَفَرَ الأَمْرَ بِغُفْرَتِهِ, (S, * K,) and ↓ بِغَفِيرَتِهِ, (K,) aor. ـِ (S,) [lit. He covered the affair with its cover,] means (assumed tropical:) he rectified the affair with that wherewith it was requisite that it should be rectified. (S, K.) [And ↓ اغتفرهُ perhaps signifies the same: see مُرْتَأَبٌ, in art. رأب.]

A2: غَفِرَ, aor. ـَ (S, K,) inf. n. غَفَرٌ, (S,) It (a garment, or piece of cloth,) became villous; as also ↓ اغفارّ, (S, K,) inf. n. اِغْفِيرَارٌ. (S.) A3: غَفَرَ, (S, K,) aor. ـِ inf. n. غَفْرٌ, (S,) It (a wound) became recrudescent; or reverted to a bad, or corrupt, state; (S, K;) as also غَفِرَ, [of which see another meaning in what follows,] aor. ـَ inf. n. غَفَرٌ. (S.) And in like manner the former is said of a sick person: (S:) [i. e.] غَفَرَ signifies likewise He (a sick person) relapsed into disease, after convalescence; as also غُفِرَ: (K, TA:) and in like manner one says of a wounded person. (TA.) and [hence, app.,] it is also said of an excessive lover, meaning He experienced a return of his desire, (K, TA,) after consolation. (TA.) b2: غَفِرَ said of a wound signifies also It healed: thus having two contr. meanings. (IKtt, TA.) A4: غَفَرَ الجَلَبُ السُّوقَ, (K, TA,) aor. ـِ inf. n. غَفْرٌ, (TA,) meansرَخَّصَهَا [more correctly أَرْخَصَهَا i. e. The beasts, or other things, brought thither for sale, made the market cheap]. (K, TA.) 2 غفّرهُ He said غَفَرَ اللّٰهُ لَهُ [May God cover his sins, &c.; may God forgive him, or pardon him]. (TA, from a trad.) 4 اغفر: see 1, in two places.

A2: أَغْفَرَتْ It (land) produced somewhat of غَفَر, meaning small herbage: (TA:) [i. e.] it produced herbage like the nap of cloth. (O, L, TA. *) b2: And It (land) produced its مَغَافِير [pl. of مُغْفُورٌ, q. v.]. (IAth, O, L, TA.) And اغفر It (the [species of tree, or shrub, called] رِمْث, S, and the عُرْفُط, [&c.,] TA) exuded, or produced, its مَغَافِير. (S, TA.) A3: Also, i. e. اغفرت, [from غُفْرٌ, q. v.,] She (a mountaingoat) had a young one, or young ones. (O, TA.) A4: And اغفر النَّخْلُ The palm-tress had, upon their unripe dates, what resembled bark, or crust; (O, K, TA;) which the people of El-Medeeneh term الغَفَا [or الغَفَى]. (O, TA.) 5 تغفّر and ↓ تَمَغْفَرَ He gathered what is called مِغْفَر and مُغْفُور [see the latter of these two words]. (S, K.) He who says مُغْفُور says ↓ خَرَجْنَا نَتَمَغْفَرُ, and he who says مِغْفَر says خرجنا نَتَغَفَّرُ, We went forth to gather مغفور, or مغفر, from its trees. (S.) 6 تغافرا They two prayed for the covering of sins, &c., or for forgiveness, or pardon, each for the other. (TA.) 8 إِغْتَفَرَ see the first paragraph, in two places.10 استغفر اللّٰهَ, (Msb,) and استغفر اللّٰه مِنْ ذَنْبِهِ, (S, K,) and لِذَنْبِهِ, (S,) and ذَنْبَهُ, (K,) He begged of God forgiveness, or pardon; (Msb;) he sought of God the covering, or forgiveness, or pardon, of his sin, crime, or offence, (K, TA,) by word and by deed; for so God requires one to do; not with the tongue only. (TA.) 11 إِغْفَاْرَّ see the first paragraph. Q. Q.2 تَمَغْفَرَ: see 5, in two places.

غَفْرٌ: see غَفَرٌ, in two places.

A2: See also غُفْرٌ.

A3: Also The belly. (K.) A4: And A certain thing like the [sack called] جُوَالِق. (K.) A5: And الغَفْرُ is the name of The star λ] in the left foot of Virgo: (Kzw in his Descr. of Virgo:) or three obscure stars, (Kzw in his Descr. of the Mansions of the Moon,) or three small stars, (S, K,) [most probably, I think, (not φ and ι and κ, as supposed by Freytag, who refers to Ideler's “ Untersuch. ”

pp. 169 and 288, but) ι and κ and λ of Virgo, though said to be] belonging to Libra: (S:) one of the Mansions of the Moon, (S, K,) namely, the Fifteenth. (Kzw in his Descr. of the Mansions.) غُفْرٌ The young of the mountain-goat; (S, K;) as also ↓ غَفْرٌ; but the former is the more common; (K;) the latter, rare: (TA:) pl. [of pauc.] أَغْفَارٌ and [of mult.] غِفَرَةٌ (S, K) and غُفُورٌ: (Kr, K:) the female is termed غُفْرَةٌ: and it is said that غُفْرٌ is an appellation of one and of a pl. number: the phrase غُفْرٌ كَثِيرٌ is mentioned [as meaning many young ones of the mountain-goat]. (TA.) غِفْرٌ The young of the cow [probably meaning of the bovine antelope called the wild cow]. (ElHejeree, K.) b2: And A certain دُوَيْبَّة [by which may be meant a small beast or creeping thing, or an insect]: (IDrd, O, K:) so, says IDrd, they assert. (O.) غَفَرٌ (S, K, TA) and ↓ غَفْرٌ (S, TA) and ↓ غُفَارٌ (S, K, TA) Hair like down, such as is upon the shank of a woman, and upon the forehead, and the like thereof: (S, TA:) or the hair of the neck, and of the jaws, and of the back of the neck; (K, TA;) as also ↓ غَفِيرٌ accord. to the copies of the K, but accord. to the L and other lexicons غَفْرٌ: and the small, short, hairs of the body. (TA.) b2: And غَفَرٌ signifies also The growth of hair in the place of the mane of a horse or similar beast. (TA.) b3: And The nap, or villous substance, upon the surface of a garment, or piece of cloth, (S, K, TA,) and the like thereof; (TA;) and ↓ غَفْرٌ signifies the same: (K, TA:) n. un. غَفْرَةٌ [and app. غَفَرَةٌ]: and غَفَرٌ is also expl. as signifying the هُدْب [app. here meaning likewise nap, or pile, or perhaps the unwoven end,] of a garment, or piece of cloth, and [particularly] of the thin and soft sorts of what are termed خَمَائِص and قُطُف [pls. of خَمِيصَةٌ and قَطِيفَةٌ]; but not the extremities of أَرْدِيَة and مَلَاحِف [pls. of رِدَآءٌ and مِلْحَفَةٌ]. (TA.) b4: And Small herbage; (K:) [or] a sort of small, sprouting herbage, of the [season called]

رَبِيع, growing in plain, or soft, land, and upon the [eminences termed] آكام [pl. of أَكَمَةٌ]; when green, resembling green passerine birds standing; and when it has dried up, resembling such as are red, not standing. (L, TA. *) هُوَغَفِرُ القَفَا means He is one who has [hair such as is termed] غَفَر upon the back of his neck: and هِىَ غَفِرَةُ الوَجْهِ, she is one who has غَفَر upon her face. (AHn, K, * TA.) غُفْرَةٌ A cover; a thing with which another thing is covered. (S.) [Hence] one says, غَفَرَ الأَمْرَ بِغُفْرَتِهِ (S, K) and ↓ بِغَفِيرَتِهِ (K) expl. above: see 1.

غِفْرَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ A good manner of covering, forgiving, or pardoning, sins, &c. (Lh, K.) غُفَارٌ: see غَفَرٌ, first sentence.

غِفَارٌ A certain brand, or mark made with a hot iron, upon the cheek [app. of a camel]. (TA.) غَفُورٌ: see غَافِرٌ, in three places.

جَمَّآءُ غَفِيرٌ A helmet that encloses and embraces the whole head. (K.) AO says, in his “ Book on the Coat of Mail and the Helmet,” that بَيْضَةٌ is a general name for a helmet, which has plates like the bones of the skull, fastened together, edge to edge, by nails. (TA.) b2: جَاؤُوا جَمَّآءَ غَفِيرًا, and الجَمَّآءَ الغَفِيرَ, (S, K,) and جَمَّآءَ الغَفِيرِ, and جَمًّا غَفِيرًا, and الجَمَّ الغَفِيرَ, and جَمَّ الغَفِيرِ, and ↓ جَمَّآءَ الغَفِيرَى, and ↓ جَمَّآءَ غَفِيرَةً, and الجَمَّآءَ

↓ الغَفِيرَةَ, and ↓ جَمَّآءَ الغَفِيرَةِ, and ↓ جَمَّ الغَفِيرَةِ, and بِجَمَّآءِ الغَفِيرِ, and ↓ بِجَمَّآءِ الغَفِيرَةِ, (K,) are phrases meaning They came all together, high and low, none of them remaining behind, and they being many: (S, K:) accord. to Sb, (K,) it (الجمّآء

الغفير, S, which is the only form that he mentions, TA, [or rather the former of these two words,]) is a subst., (S, K,) put in the place of an inf. n., (K,) i. e. put in the accus. case like an inf. n. of the same meaning, (TA,) i. e., [as when you say]

مَرَرْتُ بِهِمْ جُمُومًا كَثِيرًا [I passed by them they being very many]: (K:) it is not a verb, [by which is here meant, as in many other instances, an inf. n.,] but is put in the accus. case like an inf. n. of the same meaning, as when you say جَاؤُونِى جَمِيعًا, and قَاطِبَةً, and طُرًّا, and كَافَّةً, [They came to me all together,] and the article ال is prefixed like as it is prefixed in the saying أَوْرَدَهَا العِرَاكَ, meaning أَوْرَدَهَا عِرَاكًا [He brought them (the camels) to the water all together]: (S:) Sb says that it is one of those denotatives of state which have the art. ال prefixed, and is extr.; and that الغفير is an epithet inseparable from الجمّآء; meaning that you do not say الجمّآء and then be silent: (TA:) others hold it to be an inf. n.: IAmb allows it to be in the nom. case, on the condition that هُم is understood [before it; i. e., the complete phrase being جَاؤُوا هُمُ الجَمَّآءُ الغَفِيرُ]: and Ks says that the Arabs put الجمّاء الغفير in the accus. case فِى التَّمَامِ [i. e. in the case of its occurring after a proposition rendered complete by the mention of the agent. as when you say جَآءَ القَوْمُ الجَمَّآءَ الغَفِيرَ], and in the nom. case فِى النُّقْصَانِ [i. e. in the case of its occurring when what precedes it is not a complete proposition, and is only rendered complete by it as the agent, as when you say جَآءَ الجَمَّآءُ الغَفيِرُ]. (K.) b3: It is said in a trad., that Mohammad, being asked by Aboo-Dharr, what was the number of the apostles, answered ثَلٰثُمِائَةٍ وَخَمْسَةَ عَشَرَ جَمَّ الغَفِيرِ, meaning, Three hundred and fifteen: a great number. (Nh, TA.) A2: See also غَفَرٌ, first sentence.

غِفَارَةٌ: see مِغْفَرٌ, in three places. b2: Also A piece of rag worn beneath the مِقْنَعَة [q. v.], by which a woman preserves it from the oil or grease [on her head]: (S: [accord to one of my copies of the S, “preserves her head: ” ]) or a piece of rag by which a woman preserves her خِمَار [q. v.] from the oil or grease: (K:) or a piece of rag with which a woman covers the fore part and the hind part (but not the middle) of her head. (TA.) b3: [And A cloth that is spread upon the camel-litter. (Freytag, from the Deewán of the Hudhalees.)] b4: And A patch (رُقْعَة) that is put upon the notch, (S, K,) or a piece of skin which is upon the head, (TA,) upon which runs the string, of the bow. (S, K, TA.) b5: And A cloud (S, K) that is as though it were (S) above another cloud. (S, K.) b6: And The head of a mountain. (K.) غَفِيرَةٌ: see غُفْرَةٌ, and 1. b2: مَا فِيهِمْ غَفِيرَةٌ [There is not in them any disposition to forgive;] meansthey do not forgive any one a sin, a crime, or an offence. (S, K.) And مَاعِنْدَهُمْ عَذِيرَةٌ وَلَا غَفِيرَةٌ [They have not a disposition to excuse nor a disposition to forgive;] means they do not excuse nor do they forgive a sin, a crime, or an offence, of any one. (TA.) The rájiz (Sakhr-el-Ghei, L) said, (on seeing his companions, with whom he was journeying, fly from the Benu-l-Mustalik, whom they chanced to meet, L,) يَا قَوْمِ لَيْسَتْ فِيهِمُ غَفِيرَهْ فَامْشُوا كَمَا تَمْشِى جِمَالُ الحِيرَهْ [O my people, there is not in them any disposition to forgive: therefore march ye as march the camels of El-Heereh]: (S, L:) he mentioned particularly the camels of El-Heereh because they carry burdens; and meant, march ye heavily, and defend yourselves, and do not fly. (L.) A2: Also Abundance, and increase, in family and cattle or other property. (TA, from a trad.) A3: See also غَفِيرٌ, in five places.

غَفِيرَى: see غَفِيرٌ.

غَفَّارٌ: see the next paragraph.

غَافِرٌ (TA) and ↓ غَفُورٌ (S, K, TA) and ↓ غَفَّارٌ (K, TA) are epithets applied to God. (K, TA,) the second and third of which are intensive; (TA;) meaning, [the first,] Covering and forgiving the sins, crimes, and offences, of his servants; [or simply forgiving; and the second and third, covering and forgiving much the sins, &c., of his servants; or very forgiving.] (S, * K, * TA) The pl. of ↓ غَفُورٌ is غُفُرٌ. (S.) And ↓ غَفُورٌ is also applied to a woman, without ة. (TA.) غَوْفَرٌ The autumnal بِطِّيخ [i. e. melon or water-melon]: (K:) or a species thereof (Sgh, K, TA) It is said that the بِطِّيخ and the غَوْفَر are of those things in the cases of which the giving of the tithe is not incumbent. (Mgh.) أَغْفَرُ [Having the quality of covering, or the like, in a greater, or in the greatest, degree]. One says اُصْبُغْ ثَوْبَكَ بالسَّوَادِ فَإِنَّهُ أَغْفَرُ لِوَسَخِهِ Dye thou thy garment, or piece of cloth, with black; for it has the quality of bearing and concealing its dirt in the greatest degree. (S, * TA.) مُغْفُرٌ: see مُغْفُورٌ, in two places.

مُغْفِرٌ, (O, TA,) or مُغْفِرَةٌ, (S,) or the latter also, (O, TA,) A she-goat of the mountain having a young one or young ones: (S, * O, * TA:) pl. مُغْفِرَاتٌ. (S, TA.) مِغْفَرٌ What is worn beneath the helmet: (Mgh, Msb:) or a piece of mail, (زَرَدٌ, S K,) woven (S) from the دِرْع [or coat of mail], (S, K,) according to the size of the head, (S,) worn beneath the [kind of cap called] قَلَنْسُوَة; (S, K;) as also ↓ مِغْفَرَةٌ and ↓ غِفَارَةٌ: (K:) or the رَفْرَف [or pendent appertenance] of the helmet: (TA:) or a piece of mail, (حَلَقٌ, or حِلَقٌ, as in different copies of the K,) which an armed man, (K,) or a man, accord. to some lexicons, (TA,) wears in the manner of a قِنَاع (يَتَقَنَّعُ بِهَا); as also ↓ مِغْفَرَةٌ and ↓ غِفَارَةٌ: (K:) accord. to ISh, the مِغْفَر is a piece of mail (حَلَقٌ) which a man puts beneath the helmet, hanging down upon the neck: and sometimes, he says, it is like the قَلَنْسُوَة, except that it is more ample; a man throws it upon his head, and it reaches to the coat of mail; then the helmet is put on over it; and this مغفر hangs down upon the shoulders: sometimes, also, the مغفر is [a covering for the head] made of دِيبَاج [i. e. silk brocade], and of [the cloth called] خَزّ [q. v.], beneath the helmet: accord. to “ the Book of the Coat of Mail and the Helmet,” by AO, مِغْفَرٌ and ↓ غِفَارَةٌ are names applied to a portion of mail [forming a headcovering], which is also called تَسْبِغَةٌ [q. v.]; and sometimes the rings are exposed to view; and sometimes they line them within, and cover them externally, with دِيبَاج or خَزّ or [the kind of silk stuff called] بِزْيَوْن; and they stuff it with something (حشّوها بما كان); and sometimes they make above it a قَوْنَس [or tapering top] of silver &c.: (TA:) the term مِغْفَر is also applied to the helmet itself. (Mgh.) A2: See also مُغْفُورٌ, in three places.

مِغْفَرَةٌ: see مِغْفَرٌ, in two places.

مِغْفَارٌ: see the next paragraph, in two places.

مُغْفُورٌ (AA, T, S, K, &c.) and ↓ مِغْفَرٌ (Ks, T, S, K) and ↓ مُغْفَرٌ and ↓ مِغْفَارٌ and ↓ مِغْفيرٌ (K) i. q. مُغْثُورٌ; (T, S, K;) [A kind of manna;] a produce of the [species of tree, or shrub, called] رِمْث and sometimes of the عُشَر and the عُرْفُط and the ثُمَام and the سَلَم and the طَلْح &c.; (S;) the gum of the رمث and عرفط; (T;) the gum that is found upon the رمث, which is sweet, and is eaten; (AA;) a thing that flows, or exudes, from the ends of the twigs of the رمث, resembling دِبْس in its colour; (ISh, in explanation of the pl. مَغَافِيرُ;) a gum that flows, or exudes, from the عرفط, not of pleasant odour; (IAth;) a gum resembling [the kind of sweetmeat called] نَاطِف, exuded by the عرفط, which is put into a piece of cloth, then sprinkled with water, and drunk: accord. to Lth, ↓ مِغْفَارٌ is applied to the gum of the إِجَّاصَة: and some say that ↓ مِغْفَرٌ is applied to gum of a round shape; صُعْرُورٌ to that which is in shape like a finger; and ذَوْبٌ to that which flows upon the ground: and ↓ مِغْفَرٌ is also applied to a twig of a gum-tree, from which [for بِهِ (with which), in the TA, I read مِنْهُ,] is wiped a white fluid, whereof is made a sweet beverage: (TA:) pl. [of مُغْفُورٌ and مِغْفَارٌ and مِغْفِيرٌ] مَغَافِيرُ, (T, S, K,) and [of مِغْفَرٌ and مُغْفُرٌ] مَغَافِرُ: (K:) it is also said that مَغَافِيرُ is applied to a kind of sweet honey, like رُبّ, except that it is white. (TA.) [Hence the saying,] ↓ هٰذَا الجَنَى لَا أَْنْ يُكَدَّ المُغْفُرُ [This is gathering, not the scraping off مغفر]: a prov. alluding to the preference of a thing; said to him who obtains much good. (K.) [See also Freytag's Arab. Prov., ii. 874.]

مِغْفِيرٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

أَرْضٌ مَغْفُورَآءُ Land containing [trees producing]

مَغَافِير. (IDrd, K.) [See مُغْفُورٌ.]



1 غَبَنَهُ, (S, MA, Msb, K,) aor. ـِ (Msb, K,) inf. n. غَبْنٌ (S, MA, Msb, K, KL) and غَبَنٌ, or the former is [the inf. n. used in this case, i. e.] in selling [and the like], and the latter is in judgment, or opinion, (K, agreeably with a positive statement in the S,) He cheated, deceived, overreached, or defrauded, him, (S, MA, K, KL, TA,) in selling; (S, MA, K, TA;) he endamaged him, or made him to suffer loss or damage or detriment, (Msb, KL, TA,) in selling, (KL, TA,) &c., (KL,) or in the price, or otherwise: (Msb:) [or] he overcame him in selling and buying. (Msb.) And غُبِنَ He was cheated, or deceived [&c. in a purchase]: (S, K, TA:) and ↓ انغبن [in like manner signifies] he became [cheated or endamaged or] overcome in selling and buying. (Msb.) And it is said that غَبَنَ فِى البَيْعِ, inf. n. غَبْنٌ, signifies He was unmindful, or inadvertent, [or perhaps غَبَنَ is here a mistranscription for غُبِنَ, signifying thus, and therefore meaning he was made to suffer loss,] in selling or in buying. (TA.) And one says also, غُبِنَ الرَّجُلُ أَشَدَّ الغَبَنَانِ [The man was cheated or deceived &c. with the utmost degree of cheating &c.]. (Ibn-Buzurj, TA.) غَبْنٌ يَسِيرٌ [A petty overreaching or endamaging] is one of which the rate is such as has been estimated [as allowable by custom] by one estimator, not by every one: and غَبْنٌ فَاحِشٌ [An exorbitant overreaching or endamaging] is one of which the rate is such as has not been estimated [as allowable by custom] by any one. (Dict. of Technical Terms used in the Sciences of the Musalmans.) [الغُبْنُ وَالغَبَنُ mentioned by Freytag as occurring in the Fákihet el-Khulafà, and expl. by him as meaning “ Fraus omnimoda,” should, I doubt not, be الغَبْنُ وَالغَبَنُ, the two inf. ns. mentioned in the first sentence above.] b2: غَبَنَهُ, aor. ـِ inf. n. غَبْنٌ, signifies also He passed by him (i. e. a man) inclining, or leaning, [or bending down, so as as to elude his observation, i. e.] so that he [the latter] did not see him, and was not cognizant of him. (TA.) b3: [And it is said in the TA that غَيَنُوا النَّاسَ means None but they obtained it: whence it appears that فِيهِ or the like has been omitted after النَّاسَ: with this addition, the phrase may be rendered, they overreached, or prevented, the other people in respect of it, by obtaining it themselves.] b4: هٰذَا يَغْبِنُ عَقْلَكَ, said to a man whom another had cheated (غَبَنَ) in a sale, means This [man] attributes defect, or imperfection, to thy intellect. (TA.) b5: قَدْ غَبَنُوا خَبَرَهَا, and غَبِنُوا, aor. of the former verb غَبُنَ, and of the latter غَبَنَ, i. e. لَمْ يَعْلَمُوا عِلْمَهَا [meaning They have not know her case or state or condition, or her qualities], (ISh, K, ast; TA,) is a phrase relating to a she-camel, of which it is said that she is what one would desire a she-camel to be as a beast for riding and in generousness of race, but she is ↓ مَغْبُونَةٌ, [i. e.] one of which the qualities are not known to be as above mentioned. (ISh, TA.) b6: غَبَنْتَ رَأْيَكَ [if not a mistranscription for غَبِنْتَ (see غَبِنَ رَأْيَهُ in what follows)] meansThou hast lost, and forgotten, thy judgment, or opinion. (TA.) b7: غَبِنَ الشَّئَْ and فِى الشَّئْ, aor. ـَ inf. n. غَبْنٌ and غَبَنٌ, signify He forgot the thing: or he was unmindful, neglectful, or heedless, of it; (K, TA;) and ignorant of it: (TA:) or he made a mistake in respect of it; (K, TA;) as in the saying, غَبِنَ كَذَا مِنْ حَقِّهِ عِنْدَ فُلَانٍ [he made a mistake in respect of such a thing, of his right, or due, to be required at the hand of such a one]. (TA.) b8: غَبِنَ رَأْيَهُ, inf. n. غَبَنٌ (S, Msb, K) and غَبَانَةٌ, (S, * K,) means He was, or became, deficient in his judgment, or opinion: (S:) or he was, or became, weak [therein]: (K:) or his intelligence, or sagacity, and his sharpness, or acuteness, of mind, went away: (Msb:) the parsing of this phrase has been [fully] expl. voce سَفِهَ [q. v.]. (S.) A2: غَبَنَ الثَّوْبَ, (S, Mgh, Msb, TA,) inf. n. غَبْنٌ, (K,) from مَغْبِنٌ [q. v.], (Msb,) He folded, or doubled, the garment, (T, Mgh, Msb, K, * TA,) it being [too] long. (T, TA,) and then sewed it; (Mgh, Msb;) like خَبَنَهُ [q. v.] (S, Mgh) and كَبَنَهُ. (Mgh.) And غَبَنَ الدَّلْوَ He folded, or doubled, [the edge of] the leathern bucket, to shorten it. (TA: but only the inf. n. of the verb thus used is there mentioned.) b2: And غَبَنَ الشَّئْ He hid, or concealed, the thing in the مَغْبِن [or armpit or groin or the like]; (TA;) as also ↓ اغتبنهُ. (K, TA.) غَبَنَ الطَّعَامَ is like خَبَنَهُ [i. e. He concealed, kept, or stored, wheat, or food, for a time of dearth, or adversity.] (S.) 3 غَاْبَنَ see 6, first sentence.5 تَغَبَّنَ see 10.6 تَغَابُنٌ signifies Mutual غَبْن [i. e. cheating or endamaging or overcoming in selling and buying: and ↓ مُغَابَنَةٌ signifies the same; or mutual endeavoring to cheat &c: see 3 in art زبن]. (S, MA, K, KL, TA.) Hence, يَوْمُ التَّغَابُنِ [in the Kur lxiv. 9], an appellation of The day of resurrection; because the people of Paradise will then overreach (تَغْبِنُ) the people of Hell, (S, K, TA,) by the state of enjoyment in which the former will become and the punishment which the latter will experience; or, as El-Hasan says, because the former will attribute defect, or imperfection, to the intellects of the latter by reason of the preferring infidelity to faith. (TA.) b2: And تغابن له [i. e. لَهُ, but this, I think, is probably a mistranscription for بِهِ,] signifies تَقَاعَدَ [i. e. تقاعد بِهِ, meaning He did not pay him his due,] حَتَّى

غُبِنَ [so that he was cheated or endamaged or overcome]. (TA.) 7 إِنْغَبَنَ see 1, second sentence.8 إِغْتَبَنَ see 1, last sentence but one.10 استغبنهُ and ↓ تغبّنهُ [app. signify He esteemed him غَبِين, i. e. weak in judgment, and therefore liable to be cheated or endamaged]. (TA in art. زبن: see 10 in that art.) غَبَنٌ [mentioned above as an inf. n.,] Weakness: and forgetfulness. (K.) A2: And What is cut off from the extremities of a garment, and thrown down, or let fall. (TA.) غَبِينٌ Weak in his judgment, or opinion; (S, K, TA;) and in intellect, and in religion; (TA;) and ↓ مَغْبُونٌ signifies the same. (K, TA.) غَبَانَةٌ [mentioned above as an inf. n. (see غَبِنَ رَأْيَهُ),] Weakness of judgment, or opinion. (S.) غَبِينَةٌ [The act of cheating, deceiving, overreaching, or defrauding; or of endamaging; in selling or the like;] a subst. (S, Msb, K) from [the inf. n.] غَبْنٌ, like شَتِيمَةٌ from شَتْمٌ, (S,) [or] from غَبَنَهُ (Msb, K) used in relation to selling, (K,) or in relation to a price &c. (Msb.) غَابِنٌ Remiss, or languid, in work. (K.) مَغْبِنٌ sing. of مَغَابِنُ, (Mgh, Msb, K,) which signifies The أَرْفَاغ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) and the آبَاط, (Mgh, Msb, K,) [i. e. the groins and the armpits, and the like; (see رَفْغٌ;)] or the places of flexure, or creasing, of the skin: the sing. is expl. by Th as signifying any part upon which one folds his thigh. (TA.) مَغْبُونٌ pass. part. n. of 1 signifying as expl. in the first sentence of this art. [q. v.]. (S, Msb, K.) b2: See also غَبِينٌ. b3: مَغْبُونَةٌ applied to a she-camel: see 1, latter half.



1 غَاضَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. غَيْضٌ (S, A, Msb, K) and مَغَاضٌ (Msb, K) and مَغِيضٌ, (TA,) It (water) became scanty, or little in quantity, and sank into the earth, or disappeared in the earth: (S, and so in some copies of the K:) or became scanty, or little in quantity, and decreased, or diminished, or became deficient: (A, and so in some copies of the K:) or sank into the earth, and went away: (TA:) or went away into the earth; (Msb;) [contr. of فَاضَ, aor. ـِ as also ↓ انغاض, (S, K,) which is of the dial. of El-Hijáz. (TA.) b2: It (a thing, Msb, a flow of milk, TA, and (assumed tropical:) the price of a commodity, S, Msb, K) decreased, or diminished, or became deficient. (S, Msb, K.) b3: وَمَا تَغِيضُ الْأَرْحَامُ وَمَا تَزْدَادُ, (S, * K, * TA,) in the Kur [xiii. 9], (S,) means And the wombs' falling short [of completion or of what is usual], (Akh, S, Bd,) and their exceeding [therein], in respect of the body [of the fœtus], and the period of gestation, and the number borne: (Bd:) or, as some say, in respect of the menstrual blood: (Bd:) or the wombs' falling short of the nine months (Zj, O, L, and so in copies of the K, but in others seven months,) of gestation, and their exceeding the nine [or seven] months: (Zj, O, L:) or the wombs' falling short of completion, so that the fœtus dies, and their exceeding so that the gestation becomes complete: and accord. to this explanation, the reading of seven months in the K may be correct: see also Katádeh's explanation of غَيْضٌ, below, which favours this reading. (TA.) b4: You say also, غَاضَ الكِرَامُ وَفَاضَ اللِّئَامُ (S, A) (tropical:) The generous became few, (S, TA,) and failed, or perished, (TA,) and the mean became many. (S.) A2: غَاضَهُ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. as above, inf. n. غَيْضٌ, (TA,) He (God, S, Msb) made it (i. e. water) to become scanty, or little in quantity, and to sink into the earth, or disappear in the earth: (S:) or made it to decrease, or diminish, or become deficient: (K:) or made it to go away into the earth: (Msb:) and ↓ اغاضهُ signifies the same; (S, A, K;) and so does ↓ غيّضهُ, inf. n. تَغْيِيضٌ: (TA:) thus the first of these verbs is trans. as well as intrans. (S.) [It is said in the Kur xi. 46,] وَغِيضَ الْمَآءُ (S, A) And the water was made to become scanty, &c.: (S:) or was made to decrease, or diminish. (A, * Bd.) and hence the saying of 'Áïsheh, describing her father, وَغَاضَ نَبْعَ الرِّدَّةِ (assumed tropical:) And he did away with what appeared of apostacy. (TA.) You say also, دَمْعَهُ ↓ غيّض, (S, * K,) inf. n. as above, (K,) He made his tears to diminish, (S, K,) and restrained them: (S:) or he took the tears from his eye and dashed them away. (Th.) A poet says, (TA,) namely, Jereer, (O and TA in art. غبض,) مِنْ عَبَرَاتِهِنَّ وَقُلْنَ لِى ↓ غَيَّضْنَ مَا ذَا لَقِيتَ مِنَ الهَوَى وَلَقِينَا meaning They made their tears to flow until they exhausted them [and they said to me, What is it that thou hast experienced, of love, and we have experienced?]: ISd says that من here denotes some; or it may be redundant, accord. to the opinion of Abu-l-Hasan; for he holds that it may be so in affirmative [as well as negative] phrases, mentioning, as an instance, قَدْ كَانَ مِنْ مَطَرٍ, meaning قَدْ كَانَ مَطَرٌ. (TA.) One relation of this verse gives غَبَّضْنَ; but the former is the right. (O and TA in art. غبض.) b2: Also He opened a way, passage, or channel, for it (namely water) to flow forth to a مَغِيض [q. v.]. (Msb.) b3: (assumed tropical:) He diminished it, namely the price of a commodity; (Ks, S, Msb, K;) as also ↓ اغاضهُ. (K.) b4: And He caused him to suffer loss, or detriment; and wronged, or injured, him. (ISd, TA.) 2 غيّضهُ: see 1, latter half, in three places.

A2: غيّض said of a lion He frequented, or kept to, the غَيْضَة [q. v.]. (S, Sgh, L, K.) 4 اغاضهُ: see 1, latter half, in two places.7 إِنْغَيَضَ see 1, first sentence.

غَيْضٌ An abortive fœtus, not completely formed; (Katádeh, K;) i. e. less than seven months old. (TA.) A2: (tropical:) Little; or a small quantity: as in the saying, or in أَعْطَاهُ غَيْضًا مِنْ فَيْضٍ (tropical:) He gave him little from much. (S, A, K.) A3: An abundance of the trees called أَعْلَاث; i. e. طَرْفَآء and أَثْل and حَاج and عِكْرِش and يَنْبُوت. (TA.) [See also غَيْضَةٌ.]

غِيضٌ The طَلْع [or spadix of a palm-tree]; (IAar, IDrd, O, K, TA;) like غَضِيضٌ and إِغْرِيضٌ: (TA:) or the عَجَم (AA, O, K) [thus correctly (in the CK عُجْم) evidently, I think, here meaning the heart (commonly called جُمَّار q. v.) of the palm-tree (the only produce that is eaten except the dates)] that comes forth, or coming forth, (K,) or that has not come forth, (O,) from [amid] its [membranous fibres termed]

لِيف [q. v.], and all of which is eaten. (AA, O, K.) غَيْضَةٌ A thicket; syn. أَجَمَةٌ; i. e. a collection of tangled, or confused, or dense, trees: (Mgh, Msb:) or an أَجَمَة; i. e. a ↓ مَغِيض [q. v.] of water collected together, in which, in consequence thereof, trees grow: (S:) or an أَجَمَة: and a place in which is a collection of trees in a مَغِيض of water: (K:) or particularly, of [trees of the willow-kind called] غَرَب; not of all trees; (AHn, O, K;) accord. to the first Arabs of the desert; but this is at variance with what we find in the poems of the Arabs; for Ru-beh, for instance, makes it to consist of fruit-bearing trees and trees not fruit-bearing, and makes it to be a غَابَة: (AHn, O:) [see also غَيْنَةٌ:] pl. [of pauc.] أَغْيَاضٌ (S, K) and [of mult.] غِيَاضٌ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and غَيْضَاتٌ: (Msb:) the first of these being formed with disregard of the augmentative [ة]; not being a pl. pl., for this is not so formed: (TA:) any غَرَب in Nejd adjacent to the غَرَب of the cultivated lands, when they are collected therein, are termed غِيَاض. (O, TA.) [See also غَيْضٌ.]

غَائِض as used in the following verse, إِلَى اللّٰهِ أَشْكُو مِنْ خَلِيلٍ أَوَدُّهُ ثَلَاثَ خِلَالٍ كُلُّهَا لِىَ غَائِضُ is said by some to mean غَائِظ, the ض being substituted for ظ; [so that the verse should be rendered, To God I complain of three qualities, or habits, of a friend whom I love, every one of which is to me such as angers;] thus says IJ: but ISd says that it may be without substitution, from غَاضَهُ as expl. in the last sentence of the first paragraph of this art.; and thus the meaning may be, such as causes me to suffer loss, or detriment, and such as wrongs, or injures, me. (TA.) مَغِيضٌ is an inf. n. (TA. [See 1, first sentence.]) b2: And also the pass. part. n. of غَاضَهُ; applied to water. (Msb, TA. *) b3: And a n. of place, signifying A place where water sinks, or goes away, into the earth: (Msb, TA:) or مَغِيضُ مَآءٍ signifies a place where water enters [into the earth]: and a place where water collects: (Mgh:) see also غَيْضَةٌ: pl. مَغَايِضُ. (Mgh.)



1 غَاظَهُ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. ـِ (Msb, K,) inf. n. غَيْظٌ, (Msb, TA,) He, or it, affected him with غَيْظ [or anger, wrath, or rage; &c.; i. e. angered him; or enraged him; &c.]; (S, Msb, K, &c.;) as also ↓ غيّظهُ; (IAar, Th, K; [in a copy of the Msb, تغيّظهُ, which is doubtless a mistranscription;]) and ↓ غايظهُ; (S, K;) and ↓ اغاظهُ; (IAar, Th, Msb, K;) but this last is not common; (Zj;) or it is not allowable. (ISk, S.) [See also غَيْظٌ below.]2 غَيَّظَ see the preceding paragraph.3 غايظهُ, inf. n. مُغَايَظَةٌ: see 1: [originally, He angered him, or enraged him, or the like, being angered, or enraged, or the like, by him. b2: And hence, because emulation, or the like, often causes mutual anger,] (tropical:) He emulated him, vied with him, or strove to overcome or surpass him, and did like as he did. (TA.) b3: مُغَايَظَةٌ also signifies (assumed tropical:) An acting in a leisurely manner: or it is [a] mutual [acting in that manner]. (TA.) 4 أَغْيَظَ see the first paragraph.5 تَغَيَّظَ see 8. b2: سَمِعُوا لَهَا تَغَيُّظًا, in the Kur [xxv. 13] means (tropical:) They shall hear it to have a sound of boiling, (Zj, Bd, Jel,) like the boiling of the breast of an angry man. (Bd, * Jel.) b3: تَغَيَّظَتِ الهَاجِرَةُ (tropical:) The midday, or summer-midday, became [ragingly or] vehemently hot. (K, TA.) 8 اغتاظ He was or became, affected with غَيْظ [or anger; or rage; &c.; i. e. he was, or became, angered; or enraged; &c.]; (S, Msb, K;) مِنْ كَذَا by reason of such a thing; and sometimes one says, مِنْ لَا شَىْءٍ by reason of nothing; (Msb;) as also ↓ تغيّظ. (S, K.) غَيْظٌ Anger; wrath; syn. غَضَبٌ: (K) or [rage, or vehement anger; for] it has a more intensive signification than غَضَبٌ: (IDrd:) or the former is latent [anger]; and the latter is apparent: or the former is that which affects a person who has not power to exercise it; and the latter, that which affects a person who has power to exercise it: (TA:) or the former, latent anger affecting one who has not power to exercise it: (S:) or most vehement anger, (Msb, K,) encompassing the liver, by reason of some event that is disliked or hated, and sometimes by reason of nothing: (Msb:) or the outbreak, and commencement, of anger. (IDrd, K.) b2: تَكَادُ تَمَيَّزُ مِنَ الْغَيْظِ, in the Kur [lxvii. 8], means (assumed tropical:) It shall almost burst asunder by reason of vehemence of heat. (TA.) فَعَلَ ذٰلِكَ غِيَاظَكَ, and غِيَاظَيْكَ, (K, * TA,) [in the CK غِيَاضَيْكَ,] i. q. غَنَاظَيْكَ, (K,) i. e. He did that in order to distress thee, [or anger thee, or enrage thee,] time after time. (K in art. غنظ.) غَائِظٌ Affecting with غَيْظ [or anger; or rage; &c.; i. e. angering; or enraging; &c.]: (TA:) pl. غَائِظُونَ. (Kur, xxvi. 55.) أَغْيَظُ [comparative and superlative of غَائِظٌ].

أَغْيَظُ الأَسْمَآءِ عِنْدَ اللّٰهِ مَلِكُ الأَمْلَاكِ means The most severely to be punished, of persons bearing names, is he who is named the king of kings: (TA:) [lit. the most angering, or enraging, of names, is the king of kings.]

مَغِيظٌ Affected with غَيْظ [or anger; or rage; &c.; i. e. angered; or enraged; &c.]. (S, Msb.) حَلِيمَةٌ مُغْتَاظَةٌ (tropical:) [lit. Calm, angry; or the like; because what it contains is sometimes still and sometimes boiling;] is an appellation given to a stone cooking-pot. (A, TA.)



غَطَفٌ Ampleness of the means, or circumstances, of life: (S, O, K:) like غَضَفٌ. (O.) A2: and Length, and a folding, (O, K,) in the edges of the eyelids, (O,) or of the edges of the eyelids: (K:) or length, and then a bending [app. upwards] of the eyelashes: occurring in a trad., and, as some relate it, with ع; but Er-Riyáshee knew not this, and thought it to be غَطَف: (TA:) or abundance of the hair of the eyebrow: (K:) said by ISh to be syn. with وَطَفٌ: (TA:) but by IDrd said to be the contr. of وَطَف, and signifying paucity of the hair of the eyebrows: (O, TA:) and it is said to be sometimes used as meaning paucity of the eyelashes. (TA.) [See also غَضَفٌ.]

غطفان, in a note to “ Abulf. Ann. ” i. 194, thought by Reiske to be the name of a bird, is app. a mistake for some word relating to the cry of the bird called غَطَاط.]

غَاطُوفٌ A مِصْيَدَة [or snare, trap, gin, or net]: a dial. var. of عَاطُوفٌ [q. v.]. (TA.) أَغْطَفُ A life (عَيْشٌ) ample in its means, or circumstances: like أَغْضَفُ. (S, O.) A2: And syn. with أَوْطَفُ in relation to the edges of the eyelids [Having what is termed غَطَفٌ as meaning وَطَفٌ]. (TA.)
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