1 سَأَرَ: see 4, in two places.
A2: سَئِرَ,
aor. ـَ (
inf. n. سُؤْرٌ, (
Msb,) It remained; became left, as a residue. (
K.) 4 اسأر He left a remainder, or somewhat remaining; (
K;) as also ↓ سَأَرَ, (
K,) or سَأَرَ سُؤْرًا, (
inf. n. سَأْرٌ: (
TK:) or he left somewhat of the beverage in the bottom of the vessel from which he had drunk; (
TA;) as also اسأر فِى الإِنَآءِ سُؤْرًا: (
A:) the doing of which is prescribed in a
trad. (
TA.) You say also اسأرهُ He left it remaining. (
Msb.) And اسأر سُؤْرًا and سُؤْرَةً He left a remainder, or residue. (
TA.) And اسأر مِنْهُ شَيْئًا He left somewhat of it remaining. (
M.) And أَسْأَرَتِ الإِبِلُ فِى الحَوْضِ; and سُؤْرًا ↓ سَأَرَتْ; The camels left some water remaining in the trough, or tank. (
A.) Also اسأر مِنَ الطَّعَامِ سُؤْرَةً (
tropical:) He left somewhat remaining of the food. (
A.) And اسأر مِنْ حِسَابِهِ (
tropical:) He left somewhat of his calculation unreckoned. (
M, *
TA.) 5 تسأّر (so in the Tekmileh and
M and
CK, and in a
MS. copy of the
K; but in some copies of the
K, and in a copy of the
A, ↓ تَسَآءَرَ;) He drank the remains: (
A:) or the remainder of the نَبِيذ; (
K;) or so تسأّر النَّبِيذَ. (
M.) 6 تَسَاَّ^َ see what next precedes.
سُؤْرٌ A remainder, or residue; (
K;) of a thing, (
M,) or of anything; (
TA;) as also ↓ سُؤْرَةٌ: (
T:) or a remainder of beverage in the bottom of a vessel after one has drunk; (
S, * A;) such as is left by a rat or mouse &c. after drinking: (
S:) properly applied to a remainder of water left by the drinker in a vessel or wateringtrough: and tropically to (
tropical:) a remainder of food, &c.: (
Mgh:) and ↓ سُؤْرَةٌ signifies likewise (
tropical:) a remainder of food: (
pl. of the former أَسْآرٌ, (
Msb,) and, by
transposition, آسَارٌ, like آبَارٌ and آرَامٌ, pls. of بِئْرٌ and رِئْمٌ. (
M.) [See also سَائِرٌ, below.]
b2: الصَّقْرِ ↓ سُؤْرَةُ means (
tropical:) What remains of the portion of the flesh of the game that is given to the hawk which has captured it. (
b3: And ↓ سُؤْرَةٌ also signifies (
tropical:) A remainder of youthful vigour in a man, (
K,) or in a woman who has passed the prime of youth, (
Lth,) or in a woman who has passed the period of youth but not been rendered decrepit by old age. (
A.) [See also سُؤْدَةٌ.]
b4: And (assumed
tropical:) What is good, or excellent, of property, or of camels or the like:
pl. سُؤَرٌ. (
L.) [
App. because such is left when one has parted with the bad.]
b5: ↓ سُؤْرَةٌ مِنَ القُرْآنِ (
tropical:) [means A chapter of the
Kur-án;] so called because it is a portion, (
A,) or a remainder: (
TA:) or it may be from the signification immediately preceding: (
L:) or it is a
dial. var. of سُورَةٌ: (
pl. سُؤَرٌ. (
b6: فُلَانٌ سُؤْرُ شَرٍّ means Such a one is very evil or mischievous. (
A.) سُؤْرَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in five places.
سَأّرٌ One who leaves a remainder, or residue, (
K,) of beverage in the bottom of the vessel from which he has drunk: (
M:) [and (
tropical:) of food in a dish; &c.:] deviating from rule, (
M,) like جَبَّارٌ from أَجْبَرَ: (
S:) [see دَرَّاكٌ, which is said to be the only other instance of the kind:] by rule it should be ↓ مُسْئِرٌ; (
K;) which is [said to be] also allowable: (
K:) but
MF denies this; (
TA;) or it may be [regular] from سَأَرَ or [irregular] from أَسْأَرَ. (
TA.) سَائِرٌ The rest, or remainder, (
T, and
M in art. سير, and
Msb and
K,) of a thing, (
Msb,) whether little or much; (
Msb;) and of men, or people: (
Msb:) not the whole, or all, as many imagine it to mean, (
K,) though people use it in this latter sense, (
IAth,) which
Sgh asserts to be a vulgar error: (
Msb:) it occurs repeatedly in trads., and always in the former sense: (
IAth:) or it is sometimes used [in chaste Arabic] in the latter sense: (
K:) and is correctly so used
accord. to
AAF and
J and
IJ and ElJawáleekee and
IB, the last of whom confirms this signification by many examples and evident proofs: but whether, in this sense, it is derived from السَّيْر, as
AAF and
J and others hold, or from سُورٌ the “ wall which surrounds a town or city,” as others hold, is disputed: (
TA:) and سَارُ الشَّىْءِ is a
dial. var. of سَائِرُهُ. (
S in art. سير.)
b2: An Arab of the desert became the guest of a party, and they ordered the female slave to perfume him; whereupon he said, بَطْنِى عَطِّرِى
وَسَائِرِى ذَرِى [My belly perfume thou, and the rest of me leave thou]: (
K:) but in other lexicons than the
K, we find أَعْطِرِى. (
TA in art. عطر.) This saying is a well-known
prov. (
TA.) [In the
TA it is added that سائري here signifies the whole of me, or all of me: but this is an evident mistake.] You say this to a man who gives you what you do not want, and refuses you what you want. (
TA in art. عطر.)
b3: It is related, also, that a hostile attack was made upon a people, and they cried out for aid to the sons of their uncle; but these held back from them until they had been made captives and taken away; then they came inquiring respecting them; and the person asked replied, أَسَائِرَ اليَوْمِ وَقَدْ زَالَ الظُّهْرُ [What, all the day, when the noon has passed?] (
K:) i. e., Dost thou covet what is remote, (مَا بَعُدَ, (
TA, in a copy of the
S and in one of the
K and in the
CK مَا بَعْدُ,) when [reason for] despair hath become manifest to thee: for when one wants the whole day, and the noon has passed, he must despair like as he despairs of accomplishing his want at sunset. (
S in art. سير, and
K.) This saying is a
prov.; (
S, A;) and is used with reference to a thing which one hopes to attain when its time has passed. (
A.) أَسَائِرُ
expl. by Golius as a
pl. meaning “ Partes reliquæ ” is an evident mistake,
app. caused by a misunderstanding of the latter
prov. mentioned above.]
مُسْئِرٌ: see سَأّرٌ.