بَابُونَجٌ [from the Persian بَابُونَهْ Chamomile; or chamomile-flowers: both called by these names in the present day]: a certain herb, of several different colours; yellow-flowered, and whiteflowered, and purple-flowered: (Avicenna [Ibn-Seenà] i. 139:)
i. q. أُقْحُوَانٌ: (
K, all in art قحو:) i. e. the اقحوان is the بابونج with the Persians: (
Msb in that art.:) or the flower of the اقحوان: (
S in art. قرص:) or of the yellow اقحوان, (
TA in art. قرص,) when it has become dry: (
TA, both in art. قرص:) a well-known flower, of great utility, (
TA,) or of which the oil is of great utility: (
CK:) commonly known in El-Yemen by the name of مونس [
app. مُؤْنِسٌ, because of its pleasant odour, or its medical properties]. (