Q. 1 طَقْطَقَ [He caused a thing to make a sound such as is termed طَقْطَقَةٌ]. (
K voce كَرَبَ.) طَقْ a word imitative of a sound; and sometimes they said ↓ طَقْطَقَةٌ: (
TA:) or the former is a word imitative of The sound of stones; and ↓ the latter is its noun: (
K:) one says, الحِجَارَةِ ↓ سَمِعْتُ طَقْطَقَةَ I heard [the sound of] the falling of the stones, one upon another, when they rolled down from a mountain: (
IDrd, O:) or طَقْ is a word imitative of the sound of the stone and of the solid hoof; and ↓ طَقْطَقَةٌ signifies the action thereof: (
TA:) or this latter is a word imitative of the sound of the successive falling of stones, one upon another: (
IDrd, O:) or this word signifies the sound of the legs of horses upon the hard ground; (
TA;) [or] sometimes it signifies also the sound of the solid hoofs upon the ground; (
IDrd, O;) or the sounds of the hoofs of horses or similar beasts [with quick reiteration]; like دَقْدَقَةٌ; and sometimes they said ↓ حَبَطِقْطِقْ, of which El-
Mázinee cites an
ex.; (
S, O;) but [
J says] I have not seen this except in his book: (
S:) another
ex. of it, however, is cited by
Lth. (
TA.) طِقْ The sound of a frog leaping from the margin of a river or rivulet. (
K.) One says, لَا يُسَاوِى طِقْ [It is not, or will not be, equal to the sound of a frog &c.]. (
M.) طَقْطَقَةٌ: see طَقْ, in four places.
b2: In the language of the common people, it means Lightness, or promptness, in speech. (
b3: and (assumed
tropical:) The death that results from the jinn's piercing or thrusting [i. e. from the طَاعُون]. (
TA.) طُقْطُوقٌ and ↓ مُطَقْطِقٌ in the language of the common people, Light in person; and light, or prompt, in speech. (
TA.) مُطَقْطِقٌ: see what next precedes.
حَبَطِقْطِقْ: see طَقْ.