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80551. دءدأ1 80552. دءل1 80553. دءم1 80554. دءي1 80555. دَآثُ1 80556. دأ180557. دأب14 80558. دأَب1 80559. دأَبَ1 80560. دَأَبَ1 80561. دَأَب على1 80562. دَأَبَ 1 80563. دأَت1 80564. دأَث1 80565. دأث5 80566. دَأَثَ 1 80567. دأَد1 80568. دأد2 80569. دأْدأْ1 80570. دأدأ8 80571. دَأْدَأَ2 80572. دَأْدَدَ1 80573. دأص2 80574. دأَض1 80575. دأض1 80576. دأَظ1 80577. دأظ5 80578. دَأَظَ 1 80579. دَأَظَه1 80580. دأف1 80581. دأُفٍّ1 80582. دأك2 80583. دأل9 80584. دَأَلَ1 80585. دألَ1 80586. دَأَلَ 1 80587. دَأَمَ1 80588. دأم7 80589. دَأَمَ 1 80590. دأو3 80591. دأى2 80592. دَأى1 80593. دَأَى 1 80594. دأي5 80595. دَئِصَ1 80596. دا1 80597. دَاء1 80598. داء1 80599. دَاء الْأسد1 80600. داء الأسد1 80601. داء الثّعلب1 80602. داء الحيّة1 80603. داءُ الفِيلِ1 80604. داء الفيل2 80605. داء الكلب1 80606. دَاءةُ1 80607. داءله1 80608. دائب1 80609. دائخ1 80610. دائرة1 80611. دائرة أوّل السماوات...1 80612. دَائِرَة أول السَّمَاوَات...1 80613. دَائِرَة الْأُفق1 80614. دائرةُ الارتفاعِ1 80615. دَائِرَة الِارْتفَاع...1 80616. دائرة الارتفاع والانحطاط...1 80617. دائرة البروج1 80618. دائرة السّمت1 80619. دائرة العرض1 80620. دائرة الميل1 80621. دائرة معدّل النهار1 80622. دائرة نصف النهار1 80623. دَائِل1 80624. دائلة1 80625. دائلي1 80626. دَائِم1 80627. دائمة1 80628. دائمية1 80629. دَابّ1 80630. دَابَ1 80631. دَابَار1 80632. دابار1 80633. دابّة الأرض1 80634. دَابَّة الأَرْض1 80635. دابَّة الأرض1 80636. دابر2 80637. دَابِقٌ1 80638. دابِقُ1 80639. دَابِلَة1 80640. دابله1 80641. دابوقي1 80642. دَابُوقي1 80643. داُبولي1 80644. دَابِير1 80645. دابير1 80646. دات1 80647. داتا1 80648. داتورة1 80649. داتي1 80650. داث1 Prev. 100





R. Q. 1 دَأْدَأَ, inf. n. دَأْدَأَةٌ and دِئْدَآءٌ, He (a camel, S) ran (عَدَا) most vehemently, (S, M, K, TA,) going a pace quicker than that termed عَنَقٌ [q. v.]: (TA:) or hastened, or sped, and ran, or rose in his running; syn. أَسْرَعَ وَ أَحْضَرَ: (K:) accord. to AA, ↓ دَأْدَآءٌ is [a subst., or quasiinf. n., signifying] a quick pace or manner of going: and [the inf. n.] دَأْدَأَةٌ is syn. with إِحْضَارٌ: and in the Nawádir [app. of Aboo-'Amr EshSheybánee] it is said that دَوْدَأَ (inf. n. دَوْدَأَةٌ) and تَوْدَأَ (inf. n. تَوْدَأَةٌ) and كَوْدَأَ (inf. n. كَوْدَأَةٌ) are syn. with عَدَا; and that دَأْدَأَةٌ and دِئْدَآءٌ signify a camel's proceeding with short steps, at a rate quicker than that of the pace termed حَفَدٌ [q. v.]: accord. to the Kf, these two words signify the going a pace quicker than that termed خَبَبٌ [q. v.], not so quick as that termed رَبَعَةٌ [q. v.]. (TA.) You say, دَأْدَأَتِ الدَّابَّةُ The beast ran a pace quicker than that termed عَنَقٌ. (M.) and دَأْدَأَ فِى إِثْرِهِ He followed him, having him near before him. (M, * K, * TA.) And hence, دَأْدَأَ مِنْهُ He ran (أَحْضَرَ) to escape from him, being followed by him, and being near before him; as also ↓ تَدَأْدَأَ. (M.) A2: He put a thing in motion. (M, K.) b2: And, contr., He rendered a thing, still, or motionless. (M, K.) R. Q. 2 تَدَأْدَأَ: see above. b2: Also It (a stone, TA) rolled; or rolled along or down: (K, TA:) it (anything) rolled, or rolled along or down, before one, (M, TA,) and went away: IAth says that it may be from تَدَهْدَهَ. (TA.) b3: It became, or was put, in motion. (TA.) b4: And, contr., It became, or was rendered, still, or motionless. (TA.) دَأْدَأٌ: see دَأْدَآءٌ, in three places.

دَأْدَأَةٌ inf. n. of R. Q. 1 [q. v.]. (S, M, K.) b2: Also The hasty replying of a foolish, or stupid, person. (T, TA.) b3: The sound of the falling (T, M, K) of stones in a torrent, (T,) or of a stone upon the bed of a torrent: (M, K:) or the falling of stones in the bed of a torrent. (Lth, IKtt, O.) b4: And The sound of one's moving, or putting in motion, [or rocking,] a child in the cradle (K, TA) in order that it may sleep. (TA.) A2: See also the next paragraph, in two places.

دَأْدَآءٌ (AA, T, S, M, K) and ↓ دِئْدَآءٌ (AA, S, M, K) and ↓ دُؤْدُوْءٌ, (M, K,) all with medd, (TA,) The last (of the days, T) of the [lunar] month; (AA, T, S, M, K;) as also ↓ دَأْدَأُ: (M:) or the day of doubt; يَوْمُ الشَّكِّ [generally meaning the day of which one doubts whether it be the last of Shaabán or the first of Ramadán; but here app. relating to any month]: (TA:) or ↓ دَأْدَأٌ signifies the day, (M,) or night, (TA,) of which one doubts whether it be the last of one month or the first of the next month: (M, TA:) so says Kr: (M:) or the first word and the second (M, K) and the third (K) signify the twenty-fifth, and the twenty-sixth, and the twentyseventh, night: (M, K:) or the twenty-eighth night, and the twenty-ninth: or each of these two is called ↓ دَأْدأَةٌ; and the two together, الدَّآدِئُ: (Th, M:) or [each of] three nights of the end of the month; (K, TA;) which are [also] called لَيَالِى المُحَاقِ: (TA:) pl. دَآدِئُ, (M, K,) and, by poetic license, دَآدٍ: (M:) or the دَآدِئ are three nights of the latter part of the month, before those called ليالى المحاق: (T, S:) thus says A 'Obeyd; and IAar says the like: or they are the three nights that are after the محاق; and are so called because the moon hastens therein to become invisible; from the phrase دَأْدَأَةُ البَعِيرِ: As says that three of the nights of the month are called the محاق; and three, the دآدئ; and these latter are the last; and AHeyth says the like. (T.) ↓ الدِّئْدَآءُ signifies also The last part of the night. (Kr, M.) And ↓ لَيْلَةٌ دَأْدَأٌ and ↓ دَأْدَأَةٌ and دَأْدَآءٌ and ↓ دَأْدَآءَةٌ, (M, K, TA,) of which the first two are the most common, mean A dark night: (TA:) or a very dark night: (M, K:) because of the concealment of the moon therein. (TA.) A2: See also R. Q. 1.

لَيْلَةٌ دَأْدَآءَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, near the end.

دُؤْدُوْءٌ: see دَأْدَآءٌ.

دِئْدَآءٌ: see دَأْدَآءٌ, in two places.
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