َثِرَ1 Bُ, (S, M, A, Msb, K,) aor. ـْ (Msb,) inf. n. بُثُورٌ; (M, Msb, K;) and بَثُرَ, (S, M, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (S, M, Msb,) inf. n. بَثْرٌ (M, Msb, K) and بُثُورٌ; (M, K;) and بَثُرٌ, aor. ـُ (S, Msb, K;) It (a man's face, S, M, K, or the skin, M, A, Msb) broke out with pimples, or small pustules; (S, M, A, Msb, K;) as also ↓ تبثّر: (M, A, and some copies of the K:) or this last signifies it (a man's skin) became blistered, or vesicated. (S, Msb.) 2 بثّر It (tar) [made a camel to break out with small pustules; or] excoriated a camel, and made him to bleed. (Ibn-'Abbád, TA in art. حرش.) 5 تَبَََّثَ see 1.بَثْرٌ (S, M, Msb, K) and ↓ بَثَرٌ, (M, Msb, K,) coll. gen. ns., (Msb, * MF,) originally inf. ns., (Msb,) Pimples, or small pustules; (S, M, Msb, K;) accord. to some, specially upon the face; (M, TA;) as also بُثُورٌ; (S, Msb;) which is the pl. of بَثْرً: (Msb:) ns. un. بَثَرَاتٌ (S, M, Msb) and بَثَرَةٌ: (M, Msb:) and pl. of this last بَثَرَاتٌ: (Msb:) or بُثُورٌ, pl. of بَثْرٌ, signifies purulent pustules like the small-pox, upon the face and other parts of the person of a man. (T.) You say, خَرَجَتْ بِهِ بَثْرَةٌ فَعَصَرَهَا [A pimple, or small pustule, or purulent pustule, came forth on him, and he squeezed it]. (A.) And بِجِلْدِهِ بَثْرٌ شَتَّى [In his skin are scattered, or sundry, pimples, &c.]. (A.) بَثَرٌ: see بَثْرٌ.