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8755. ارقطيون1 8756. ارقنو1 8757. ارك1 8758. اركين1 8759. ارُلٌ1 8760. ارم18761. ارمد1 8762. ارْمَعَلَّ2 8763. ارمعل1 8764. ارْمَعَنَّ1 8765. ارْمَغَلَّ 1 8766. ارمق1 8767. ارمك1 8768. ارمليطة1 8769. ارمينياس1 8770. ارن1 8771. ارن 1 8772. ارنمة1 8773. ارى1 8774. اريوان1 8775. از1 8776. ازب2 8777. ازبأر1 8778. ازبنطوط1 8779. ازج1 8780. ازحلف1 8781. ازْدَادَ1 8782. ازدان1 8783. ازدج1 8784. ازدجر1 8785. ازْدحم1 8786. ازدراه1 8787. ازدرد1 8788. ازدرع1 8789. ازْدَرَى بـ1 8790. ازدغف1 8791. ازْدَفَ1 8792. ازدقمه1 8793. ازدلعه1 8794. ازدلف1 8795. ازدلم1 8796. ازدمل1 8797. ازدهار1 8798. ازْدِهار حَضَاريّ1 8799. ازدهده1 8800. ازْدَهَرَ1 8801. ازدهر1 8802. ازدهف1 8803. ازدهى1 8804. ازدوجا1 8805. ازر2 8806. ازْرَأَمَّ1 8807. ازراق1 8808. ازرق1 8809. ازعار1 8810. ازعر1 8811. ازغاب1 8812. ازف1 8813. ازِقَ1 8814. ازق2 8815. ازل1 8816. ازلأم1 8817. ازْلَحفَّ1 8818. ازلحف1 8819. ازْلَحَفَّ2 8820. ازْلَعَبَّ1 8821. ازْلَغَبَّ2 8822. ازْلَغب 1 8823. ازم1 8824. ازمأج1 8825. ازمخر1 8826. ازْمَعَلَّ1 8827. ازمهر1 8828. ازْمَهَلَّ1 8829. ازنكان وازنكن1 8830. ازهار1 8831. ازهر1 8832. ازوار2 8833. ازور1 8834. ازى1 8835. ازْيانَّت1 8836. ازَيْعٌ1 8837. ازين1 8838. اس1 8839. اسأله1 8840. اسار1 8841. اساراك1 8842. اسارون1 8843. اساس1 8844. اسب1 8845. اسبذ1 8846. اسبرج2 8847. اسبطر1 8848. اسْبَغَلَّ1 8849. اسْبَغلَّ 1 8850. اسْبَكَرَّ1 8851. اسبكر1 8852. اسبيداريج1 8853. اسبيدباج1 8854. اسبيوش1 Prev. 100




1 أَرَمَهُ, (S, Har p. 99,) aor. ـِ inf. n. أَرْمٌ, (S,) He took away, or removed, its أَرُومَةٌ, or أَصْل: (Har ubi suprà:) [he extirpated it; eradicated it:] he ate it. (S.) You say, أَرَمَتِ السَّائِمَةُ المَرْعَي, aor. as above, The pasturing beasts consumed, or made an end of, the pasturage, not leaving of it anything. (AHn, M.) And أَرَمَ مَا عَلَى

الخِوَانِ, (T,) or المَائِدَةِ, (Th, M, K,) aor. as above, (M,) He ate what was on the table, (Th, T, M, K,) not leaving anything. (K.) And أَرَمَتْهُمُ السَّنَةُ, (AHeyth, T, M, K,) aor. ـُ (so in the T, as on the authority of AHeyth,) inf. n. as above, (M,) The year of dearth, or drought, or sterility, extirpated them; (T;) or devoured them; (AHeyth, T;) or cut them off. (M, K.) And أَرَمَتِ السَّنَةُ بِأَمْوَالِنَا The year of dearth, or drought, or sterility, devoured everything [of our property or cattle]. (S.) And أَرَمَتِ الأَرْضُ المَيِّتَ The earth consumed the dead body. (T.) A2: أَرِمَ المَالُ, aor. ـَ The property, or cattle, perished, or came to nought. (TA.) إِرْمٌ: see إِرَمٌ.

أَرِمٌ [part. n. of أَرِمَ]. You say أَرْضُ أَرِمَةٌ, meaning Land upon which rain has not fallen for a long time: (T:) or land which does not give growth to anything. (TA.) [Not to be confounded with آرِمَهٌ, q. v.]

A2: See also what next follows.

إِرَمٌ (T, S, M, K) and ↓ أَرِمٌ, (M, K,) like كَتِفٌ, (K,) or ↓ إِرْمٌ, (so in a copy of the M,) and ↓ إِرَمِىٌّ and ↓ أَرَمِىٌّ, (M, K,) from Lh, (TA,) or ↓ أَرْمِىٌّ, from Lh, (so in a copy of the M,) and ↓ إِرْمِىٌّ, from Lh, (TA,) and يَرَمِىٌّ, (M, K,) from Lh, (TA,) and أَيْرَمِىٌّ, (T, K,) A sign, or mark, set up to show the way; (M, K;) stones set up as a sign, or mark, to show the way in the desert: (S:) or particularly one belonging to [the tribe of]' Ád: (M, K:) accord. to ISh, the إِرَم is [a thing] like a man in a standing posture upon the head of a hill, whereby one is directed to the right way, and whereby the land is marked, composed of stones set one upon another, and is only the work of the Muslims, and such is made by people in the present day, upon the road: (T:) or such as was made by the people in the time of ignorance, who were accustomed, when they found a thing in their way and could not take it with them, to leave upon it some stones, whereby to know it, until, when they returned, they took it: (TA:) the pl. [of pauc.] is آرَامٌ and [of mult.] أُرُومٌ (ISh, T, S, M, K:) or أُرُومٌ signifies the graves, or sepulchres, of [the tribe of]' Ád. (M, K.) A2: [إِرَمٌ in the phrase إِرَمُ ذَاتُ العِمَادِ (see art. عمد) is a proper name; but whether of a place, or a tribe, or an individual, is disputed: it is commonly believed to be the name of The terrestrial paradise of Sheddád the son of 'Ád: see Bd lxxxix. 6.]

أَرْضٌ أَرْمَآءُ Land in which there is not a root, or stock, of a tree; as though it were ↓ مَأْرُومَة [or extirpated]: (O:) or land in which neither root nor branch is left; as also ↓ مَأْرُومَةٌ. (M, K.) أَرْمِىٌّ and إِرْمِىٌّ and أَرَمِىٌّ and إِرَمِىٌّ: see إِرَمٌ.

أَرُومٌ: see what next follows.

أَرُومَةٌ (T, M, K) and أُرُومَةٌ, (M, K,) the latter of the dial. of Temeem, (TA,) or this is not allowable, (T,) or ↓ أَرُومٌ, (S,) or this is the pl., (M, K,) [or a coll. gen. n.,] The root, or base, or lowest part, syn. أَصْل, (T, S, M, K,) of a tree (T, S) of any kind; (T;) and of a horn: (S:) or, of a tree, [or plant, the root-stock, or rhizoma, or] the part from which branch off the عُرُوق [or roots properly so called]. (K in art. عرق. [See an instance of its use voce جَنْبَةٌ; another, voce جِنْثٌ; and another, voce جَزَرٌ.]) b2: And [hence,] (assumed tropical:) The origin, or stock, of a man: (TA:) (tropical:) The origin of حَسَب [or grounds of pretension to respect or honour, &c.]. (Har p. 99.) سَنَةٌ آرِمَةٌ (S, K, TA [in the CK, erroneously, اَرِمَةٌ]) An extirpating year of dearth or drought or sterility: (S:) or a year of dearth &c. cutting off people. (K.) أَرْضٌ مَأْرُومَةٌ: see أَرْمَآءُ, in two places.
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