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53765. بتيفور1 53766. بَتِيل1 53767. بَتيلَة1 53768. بُتَيْلة1 53769. بَتِّينَق1 53770. بث453771. بَثَّ2 53772. بث الأسرار1 53773. بَثَّ 1 53774. بثأ3 53775. بثا2 53776. بَثَا 1 53777. بَثَاوِيّ1 53778. بَثَّاوِيّ1 53779. بثث12 53780. بثج1 53781. بَثِرَ1 53782. بثر13 53783. بَثْر1 53784. بَثَرَ 1 53785. بَثَرُون1 53786. بثط4 53787. بَثِطَتْ1 53788. بثع7 53789. بَثَعَ 1 53790. بثعت1 53791. بثعر2 53792. بثغ2 53793. بَثَق1 53794. بثق15 53795. بَثَقَ1 53796. بَثَقَ 1 53797. بَثْقة1 53798. بثقه1 53799. بثل3 53800. بثماني سنوات سجنًا1 53801. بَثَن1 53802. بثن11 53803. بَثَنَ 1 53804. بَثْنة1 53805. بَثْنَت1 53806. بثه1 53807. بثو3 53808. بُثَيْن1 53809. بُثَيْنَاء1 53810. بُثَينَةُ1 53811. بُثَيْنَة1 53812. بَجَّ1 53813. بَجّ1 53814. بج1 53815. بَجُّ حَوْرَانَ1 53816. بَجَّ 1 53817. بجا5 53818. بَجَا1 53819. بجاد1 53820. بِجَاد2 53821. بَجَّار1 53822. بَجَّاس1 53823. بَجَاش1 53824. بَجَاشِيّ1 53825. بِجَاص1 53826. بجاص1 53827. بجامة1 53828. بَجَّامة1 53829. بجامه1 53830. بَجَّانُ1 53831. بجان1 53832. بَجَّانَةُ1 53833. بَجاوة1 53834. بَجَاوَةُ1 53835. بُجَاوَةُ1 53836. بِجَاوِي1 53837. بِجَايةُ1 53838. بجبان1 53839. بجبج3 53840. بَجْبَجَ1 53841. بَجْبَج1 53842. بَجْبَجَة1 53843. بجبشي1 53844. بَجَّة1 53845. بجت1 53846. بجتيت1 53847. بجج10 53848. بجَح1 53849. بجح14 53850. بَجَحَ 1 53851. بجحه1 53852. بجخست1 53853. بجَد1 53854. بجد10 53855. بَجَدَ1 53856. بَجَدَ 1 53857. بُجْدَانُ1 53858. بَجْدان1 53859. بجدان1 53860. بَجْدَانِيّ1 53861. بَجَرَ1 53862. بجر13 53863. بَجَرَ 1 53864. بجربق1 Prev. 100


باب الثاء والباء ب ث يستعمل فقط

بث: بَثُّ الشيءِ: تفريقُه. وبَثَثْتُ الشيء والخبر: نشرته، وابتثثته أيضاً. يقال: بَثَّ الخَيْلَ في الغارة، وبَثَّ الكَلاّبُ كِلابَه على الصَّيْد.
بث: بَثَّ الشَّيْءَ يَبُثُّ بَثّاً: إذا فَرَّقَه. وبَثُّوا الخَيْلَ والغارَةَ. وتَمْرٌ بَثٌّ.
والبَثُّ: الشَّكْوى للحُزْنِ.
وأبْثَثْتُه سِرّي: أعْلَنْته له.
وبَثْبَثْتُ المَتَاعَ: إذا قَلَبْتَه وبَحَثْتَه، والرَّجُلَ: إذا كَشَفْتَه وخَبَرْتَ ما عِنْدَه.
وضَرَبْتُه فَوَقَعَ مُبَثَّثاً: مَغْشِيّاً عليه.
أصل البَثِّ: التفريق وإثارة الشيء كبث الريح التراب، وبثّ النفس ما انطوت عليه من الغمّ والسّرّ، يقال: بَثَثْتُهُ فَانْبَثَّ، ومنه قوله عزّ وجل:
فَكانَتْ هَباءً مُنْبَثًّا
[الواقعة/ 6] ، وقوله عزّ وجل: وَبَثَّ فِيها مِنْ كُلِّ دَابَّةٍ [البقرة/ 164] إشارة إلى إيجاده تعالى ما لم يكن موجودا وإظهاره إياه. وقوله عزّ وجلّ: كَالْفَراشِ الْمَبْثُوثِ
[القارعة/ 4] أي: المهيّج بعد ركونه وخفائه.
وقوله عزّ وجل: نَّما أَشْكُوا بَثِّي وَحُزْنِي
[يوسف/ 86] أي: غمّي الذي أبثّه عن كتمان، فهو مصدر في تقدير مفعول، أو بمعنى: غمّي الذي بثّ فكري، نحو: توزّعني الفكر، فيكون في معنى الفاعل.


1 بَثَّهُ, (Lth, T, S, M, A, K,) aor. ـُ (Lth, T, M, L, K) and بَثِّ, (M, L, K,) the latter [anomalous, and therefore] thought by MF to be a mistake, arising from confounding بَثَّ with بَتَّ, he not knowing any authority for it except the K, (TA,) inf. n. بَثٌ; (Lth, T, M, L;) and ↓ ابثّهُ, (S, M, K,) inf. n. إِبْثَاثٌ; (TA;) and ↓ بثّثهُ, (K,) or this has an intensive signification; (S;) and ↓ بَثْبَثَهُ, (S, K,) inf. n. بَثْبَثَةٌ; (S;) He spread it; (S, A, K;) he dispersed it, scattered it, or disseminated it; (Lth, T, S, * M, A, K;) namely, a thing; (Lth, T, M, A, * L;) or (tropical:) news, tidings, or information. (S, A, L, K.) You say, بَثُّوا الخَيْلَ فِى الغَارَةِ They spread, or dispersed, the horses, or horseme in the hostile incursion. (T, M, * A, L.) And بَثَّ الجُنْدَ فِي البِلَادِ He (the Sultán) spread, or dispersed, the army in the provinces. (Msb.) And بَثَّ كِلَابَهُ He (the hunter, A, L) spread, or dispersed, his dogs (T, A, L) عَلَ الصَّيْدِ [against the chase, or game]. (A.) And بَثَّ اللّٰهُ الخَلْقَ, (aor.

بَثُ3َ, inf. n. بَثٌّ, Msb,) God spread, or dispersed, mankind, or the beings whom He created, فِي الأَرْضِ [in the earth]: (T, A:) or God created them. (Msb.) وَبَثٌّ مِنْهُمَا رِحَالًا كثيرًا وَنِسَآءٌ, in the Kur [iv. 1.], means And spread, or dispersed, and multiplied, from them two, many men, and women. (T.) You say also, بُثَّتِ البُسُطُ The carpets were spread. (T.) And بَثَّ المَتَاعَ بِنَوَاحِى البَيْتِ He spread out the furniture, or utensils, in the sides of the tent, or house, or chamber. (A.) And بَثَّ الغُبَارَ, (K,) and ↓ بَثْبَثَهُ, (S, K,) He, or it, raised the dust. (S, K.) And التَُّرَابَ ↓ بَثْبَثَ He, or it, raised the dust, or earth, and removed it from that which was beneath it. (M.) And ↓ بَثْبَثُوهُ They uncovered him. (Hr, M, L, from a trad. respecting a dying Jew.) And بَثَّ الحَدِيثَ (assumed tropical:) He spread, published, or revealed, the discourse, narration, or information. (Msb.) And, accord. to IF, بَثَّ السِّرَّ and ↓ ابثّهُ (assumed tropical:) [He spread, published, or revealed, the secret]. (Msb.) And بَثَثْتُهُ مَا فِي نَفْسِى, aor. ـُ and إِيَّاهُ ↓ أَبْثَثَتُهُ; (tropical:) I revealed, or showed, to him what was in my mind. (A.) And سِرِىّ ↓ أَبْثَثْتُكَ, (S,) or السِّرَّ; (K;) and بَثَثْتُكَ السِّرَّ, (K,) inf. n. بَثٌّ; (TA;) (assumed tropical:) I revealed, or showed, to him my secret, or the secret: (S, K:) or سِرِّى ↓ أَبْثَثْتُهُ (T) and سِرِّى ↓ بَاثَثْتُهُ (A) (tropical:) I acquainted him with my secret: (T, A:) and الحَدِيثَ ↓ ابثّهُ (assumed tropical:) he acquainted him with the discourse, narration, or information. (M.) and بَثَّهُ شُقُورَهُ (assumed tropical:) He complained to him of his state, or condition. (M, in art. شقر.) 2 بثّث الخَبَرَ He spread, or disseminated, the news, tidings, or information, much: (S:) or i. q. بَثَّهُ, q. v. (K.) 3 بَاثَثَتُهُ سِرِّى: see 1; last sentence but one. b2: بَيْنَهُمَا مُبَاثَّةٌ (tropical:) [Between them two is a mutual revealing of secrets: see 6]. (A.) 4 أَبْثَ3َ see 1, in six places. b2: أَبْثَثْتُكَ [without a second objective complement,] (assumed tropical:) I revealed, or showed, or have revealed or shown, to thee my بَثّ, (S, TA,) whence the verb in this sense is derived; (TA;) i. e., my state, (S,) or my grief, or sorrow. (S, TA.) 6 تَبَاثُّوا (assumed tropical:) [They revealed secrets, one to another: see 3]. (K, in art. نجث.) 7 انبثّ It spread; (S, A, K;) it became dispersed, scattered, or disseminated; (S, * M, A, K;) namely, a thing; (M, L;) or (tropical:) news, tidings, or information. (S, A, L, K.) You say, انبثّت الخَيْلُ The horses, or horsemen, spread, or became dispersed, or dispersed themselves, (M, L,) in a hostile incursion. (L.) And انبثّ الجَرَادُ فِى الأَرْضِ The locusts spread, or became dispersed, or dispersed themselves, in the land. (M, A, L.) 10 استبثّهُ إِيَّاهُ (assumed tropical:) He asked him, or petitioned him, to reveal it to him. (M, L, K.) R. Q. 1 بَثْبَثَ, inf. n. بَثْبَثَةٌ: see 1, in four places. b2: بَثْبَثَ الأَمْرَ (assumed tropical:) He inquired respecting the affair or event, scrutinized it, and sought information respecting it. (T, L.) بَثٌ (As, S, M, A, K) and ↓ مُنْبَثٌّ, (A, TA,) both applied to dates, (تَمْرٌ, As, S, &c.,) Scattered, strewn, dispersed, and separate, (As, S, K,) one from another: (As, S:) or separate, or disunited, not being packed, or not campact: (A:) or not well packed, (S, M,) so that they are separated, or disunited: (M:) or scattered; not in the bag or other receptacle; like فَثٌّ: (M:) تَمْرٌ بَثٌ being a phrase [in which the latter word is an inf. n. used in the sense of a pass. part. n.,] like مَآءٌ غَوْرٌ. (S.) A2: A state, or condition. (S, K.) b2: Grief, or sorrow, (T, S, M,) which one makes known to his companion or friend: (T:) or violent, or intense, grief or sorrow; and violent, or severe, disease or sickness; as though, in consequence of its violence, one made it known to his companion or friend: (T, TA:) or the most violent or intense grief or sorrow. (K.) حَضَرَنِى بَثِّى, occurring in a trad., means My grief, or sorrow, became violent, or intense. (TA.) زَرِابِىُّ مَبْثُوثَةٌ [in the Kur lxxxviii. 16] means Goodly carpets, or the like, (Bd,) spread: (A, Bd:) or, accord. to Fr, many in number. (T.) مُنْبَثٌّ: see بَثٌ. b2: Scattered dust: so in the Kur [lvi. 6]. (T.) b3: (assumed tropical:) Swooning (K) from grief, or sorrow. (TA.)
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