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Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
3115. فخ3 3116. فخت11 3117. فخذ12 3118. فخر15 3119. فخم11 3120. فد33121. فدح13 3122. فدخ6 3123. فدر13 3124. فدع14 3125. فدغ13 3126. فدم17 3127. فدن13 3128. فدى8 3129. فذ4 3130. فر5 3131. فرأ11 3132. فربيون2 3133. فرت17 3134. فرتن8 3135. فرث15 3136. فرج22 3137. فرجن9 3138. فرح17 3139. فرخ16 3140. فرد15 3141. فردوس1 3142. فرز15 3143. فرزن5 3144. فرس20 3145. فرسخ9 3146. فرسق2 3147. فرسك6 3148. فرسن8 3149. فرش18 3150. فرشح12 3151. فرص20 3152. فرصد9 3153. فرض21 3154. فرط22 3155. فرطح8 3156. فرع21 3157. فرعن10 3158. فرغ20 3159. فرفخ7 3160. فرق23 3161. فرقد7 3162. فرقع13 3163. فرك18 3164. فرم14 3165. فرن12 3166. فرنب4 3167. فرنج4 3168. فرند8 3169. فرنس6 3170. فرنق5 3171. فره18 3172. فرهد10 3173. فرو11 3174. فرى9 3175. فريج1 3176. فز5 3177. فزر14 3178. فزع18 3179. فس3 3180. فسأ9 3181. فست3 3182. فستق6 3183. فسح17 3184. فسخ13 3185. فسد17 3186. فسر16 3187. فسط14 3188. فسق17 3189. فسكل10 3190. فسل16 3191. فسو10 3192. فش4 3193. فشأ5 3194. فشج10 3195. فشح7 3196. فشغ14 3197. فشل18 3198. فشو9 3199. فص4 3200. فصح16 3201. فصد15 3202. فصع11 3203. فصل21 3204. فصم15 3205. فصى6 3206. فض5 3207. فضح13 3208. فضخ15 3209. فضل20 3210. فضو9 3211. فطأ9 3212. فطح11 3213. فطحل7 3214. فطر25 Prev. 100




1 فَدَّ, aor. ـِ inf. n. فَدِيدٌ (As, T, S, M, L, K) and فَدٌّ, (M, L,) He (a man, As, S) uttered his voice, called out, cried out, or vociferated: (As, S, M, A, L, K:) or did so vehemently: (T, M, L, K:) or raised his voice; (TA;) and so ↓ فَدْفَدَ, said of a man, and of a camel: (L:) or they (a number of sheep or goats) made a sound by running: or made a sound by running with their pastors and those driving them with singing: (K:) or he, or it, made a sound like that termed حَفِيفٌ; (Lth, T, M, K;) as also ↓ فَدْفَدَ, inf. n. فَدْفَدَةٌ: (M, L, K: *) and he (a man) ran, making a sound by his running. (L.) b2: فَدَّ, aor. ـِ inf. n. فَدِيدٌ, It (a bird) moved, or flapped, (حَثَّ,) its wings, expanding and contracting them. (M.) b3: He ran, (K, TA,) fleeing. (TA.) [See also R. Q. 1.] b4: فَدَّتِ الإِبِلُ The camels crushed the ground with their feet, by the vehemence of their tread. (M, L.) And فَدَّ, aor. ـِ inf. n. فَدٌّ and فَدِيدٌ; (L;) and ↓ فَدْفَدَ; (M, L;) He (a man) trod vehemently upon the ground, by reason of exultation, and briskness, liveliness, or sprightliness. (M, L.) [See also 2.]

A2: هُوَ يَفُدُّنِى وَيَعُدُّنِى means He threatens me. (K, TA.) 2 فدّد, inf. n. تَفْدِيدٌ, He cried out, or vociferated, or did so vehemently, in buying or selling. (IAar, T, L, K.) b2: And He (a man) walked upon the ground proudly and exultingly. (IAar, T, L, K. *) R. Q. 1 فَدْفَدَ, inf. n. فَدْفَدَةٌ: see 1, in three places. b2: Also He (a man, TA) ran, fleeing from an enemy or a beast of prey. (T, L, K.) [See also 1, latter half.]

فُدَادٌ: see فَدَّادٌ, last sentence.

فَدِيدٌ an inf. n. of 1 [q. v.].

A2: Also Abundance of camels. (M, L.) b2: And إِبِلٌ فَدِيدٌ Many camels. (M, L.) فُدَادَةٌ and فَدَادَةٌ: see the next paragraph, last two sentences, in three places.

فَدَّادٌ Having a strong, or loud, voice, (S, M, A, L, K,) and rude, coarse, or uncivil, in speech; (L, K;) as also ↓ فُدْفُدٌ and ↓ فُدَفِدٌ. (Lh, M, L, K.) b2: Having a vehement tread. (M, L, K.) Hence, in a trad., قَدْ كُنْتَ تَمْشِى فَوْقِى فَدَّادًا i. e. [Thou usedst to walk upon me] treading vehemently, as said by the earth, (M, L,) to a dead man buried in it. (L.) b3: Proud, (K, TA,) and exulting. (TA.) b4: And Possessing camels in number from two hundred (in some copies of the K [and in a copy of the T] from hundreds, TA) to a thousand, (AO, T, Nh, L, K,) and therewithal rude, coarse, or uncivil, and proud. (AO, T.) b5: Pl. فَدَّادُونَ. (L, K, &c.) b6: The pl. occurs in a trad., in the saying, إِنَّ الجَفَاءَ وَالقَسْوَةَ فِى الفَدَّادِينَ, (T, S, L,) meaning [Verily rudeness, or coarseness, and hardness, are in] the men whose voices are high, or loud, in their corn-fields and among their cattle: (El-Ahmar, As, T, S, L, K:) or (in the K “ and ”) the tenders of camels, and pastors, and tenders of oxen and of asses: (Th, T, K:) or (in the K “ and ”) the tillers of the ground; (M, A, Mgh, K, TA;) because they vociferate in their corn-fields: (A, Mgh:) or (in the K “ and ”) the people of the deserts; (M, K, TA;) the men who dwell in the فَدَافِد [pl. of فَدْفَدٌ, q. v.]; (MF;) because of the roughness of their voices, and their rudeness, or coarseness: (M:) or (in the K “ and ”) the possessors of many camels. (M, K, TA.) [See also art. فدن.] b7: ↓ الفَدَّادَةُ signifies The frog: (A, K:) so called because of its croaking. (A.) b8: Also, ↓ فَدَّادَةٌ, (IAar, Th, M, L, K,) and ↓ فُدَادَةٌ, (IAar, L,) or ↓ فَدَادَةٌ, (M, K,) A cowardly man. (IAar, Th, M, L, K.) b9: Also, ↓ فَدَّادَةٌ, (L,) or ↓ فُدَادَةٌ, (M, K,) A certain bird: (M, L, K:) n. un. of فَدَّادً, (L,) or ↓ فُدَادُ. (M.) فَدَّادَةٌ: see the last three sentences of the next preceding paragraph.

فَدْفدٌ A desert, or waterless desert, (T, M, L, K,) wherein is nothing: (T, M, L:) or an even tract of land: (S, L, K:) or a spacious and pebbly tract of land: (A:) or a rugged and pebbly tract of land: or a hard place: (M, L:) or a hard and rugged place: (K:) or an elevated place (As, T, L, K) in which is hardness: (As, T, L:) pl. فَدَافِدُ. (L.) فُدفدٌ: see فَدَّادٌ, first sentence.

فُدَفِدٌ: see فَدَّادٌ, first sentence.

A2: Also Thick milk: (IAar, T:) or i. q. هُدَبِدٌ, (K,) which signifies very thick milk: (S and L and K in explanation of the latter:) or both signify sour and thick milk. (T and L in explanation of the latter.)
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