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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
3166. فرنب4 3167. فرنج4 3168. فرند8 3169. فرنس6 3170. فرنق5 3171. فره183172. فرهد10 3173. فرو11 3174. فرى9 3175. فريج1 3176. فز5 3177. فزر14 3178. فزع18 3179. فس3 3180. فسأ9 3181. فست3 3182. فستق6 3183. فسح17 3184. فسخ13 3185. فسد17 3186. فسر16 3187. فسط14 3188. فسق17 3189. فسكل10 3190. فسل16 3191. فسو10 3192. فش4 3193. فشأ5 3194. فشج10 3195. فشح7 3196. فشغ14 3197. فشل18 3198. فشو9 3199. فص4 3200. فصح16 3201. فصد15 3202. فصع11 3203. فصل21 3204. فصم15 3205. فصى6 3206. فض5 3207. فضح13 3208. فضخ15 3209. فضل20 3210. فضو9 3211. فطأ9 3212. فطح11 3213. فطحل7 3214. فطر25 3215. فطس18 3216. فطم16 3217. فطن13 3218. فظ5 3219. فظع16 3220. فعل16 3221. فعم10 3222. فغر13 3223. فغفور1 3224. فغم11 3225. فغو6 3226. فقأ13 3227. فقح11 3228. فقد17 3229. فقر22 3230. فقص9 3231. فقع16 3232. فقم14 3233. فقه18 3234. فقو4 3235. فك4 3236. فكر16 3237. فكل10 3238. فكه18 3239. فل5 3240. فلت14 3241. فلج19 3242. فلح21 3243. فلذ16 3244. فلز10 3245. فلس18 3246. فلست1 3247. فلطح8 3248. فلع11 3249. فلق19 3250. فلقس5 3251. فلك19 3252. فلن13 3253. فلهد4 3254. فلو9 3255. فلى5 3256. فم5 3257. فن4 3258. فنتق3 3259. فنجان2 3260. فنخ9 3261. فند17 3262. فندر5 3263. فندق7 3264. فنزج6 3265. فنطس9 Prev. 100




1 فَرُهَ, aor. ـُ (S, K,) inf. n. فَرَاهَةٌ and فَرَاهِيَةٌ (K) [and app. also فُرُوهَةٌ, expl. below as a simple subst.], He was, or became, skilled, or skilful. (S, K.) b2: And فَرُهَ and فَرَهَ, aor. of each ـُ [inf. n. app. فُرُوهَةٌ and فَرَاهَةٌ and فَرَاهِيَةٌ, expl. below as simple substs.,] said of a horse or similar beast, &c., He was, or became, brisk, lively, sprightly, active, agile, or light. (Msb.) b3: [And فَرُهَ, inf. n. فَرَاهَةٌ, (of which see an explanation below,) probably signifies He was, or became, beautiful, comely, pretty, or elegant; like صَبُحَ, inf. n. صَبَاحَةٌ.] b4: And فَرِهَ, (S, K,) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. فَرَهٌ, (TK,) He exulted, or rejoiced above measure; or he exulted greatly, and behaved insolently and unthankfully, or ungratefully: (S, K:) the ه in this verb, accord. to Fr, is substituted for the ح in فَرِحَ, which has this meaning. (TA.) 2 فَرَّهَ see what next follows.4 أَفْرَهَت She (a camel) brought forth [young ones such as are termed] فُرْهٌ (S) or فُرَّهٌ (K) [i. e. such as were brisk, lively, sprightly, active, agile, or light]; as also ↓ فرّهت, inf. n. تَفْرِيهٌ. (K.) b2: And She (a woman) brought forth beautiful children. (TA.) b3: And افره He (a man) took for himself a غُلَام [i. e. youth, young man, or male slave,] such as is termed فَارِهٌ (IAar, K) meaning beautiful, or comely, of countenance. (IAar, TA.) 10 هُوَ يَسْتَفْرِهُ الأَفْرَاسَ means يَسْتَكْرِمُهَا [i. e. He seeks the horses, or mares, that are of generous race]: (aK, TA:) and the like is said in the A, but with الدَّوَابَّ in the place of الافراس. (TA.) فَرِهٌ [part. n. of فَرِهَ, meaning Exulting, or rejoicing above measure; &c.]. In the Kur xxvi.

149, some read فَرِهِينَ, from فَرِهَ, signifying as expl. above: others reading فَارِهِينَ, which is from فَرُهَ: (S, TA:) b2: but فَرِهٌ is also syn. with فَارِهٌ, as an epithet applied to a youth, or young man, or male slave; and thus the reading of فَرِهِينَ in the Kur has been expl. as meaning Possessing skill. (TA.) فُرَاهٌ i. q. فُرَاتٌ, as an epithet applied to water, signifying Sweet, &c.: both are chaste forms, and well known, like تَابُوهٌ and تَابُوتٌ: so in the Towsheeh. (MF and TA in art. فرت.) فَرَاهَةٌ [mentioned in the first paragraph as an inf. n. is also expl. as a simple subst.]: see فُرُوهَةٌ. b2: Also Beauty, or comeliness. (Msb, TA.) فُرُوهَةٌ [app. an inf. n., but mentioned as a simple subst., meaning] Skilfulness. (K.) b2: And فُرُوهَهٌ and ↓ فَرَاهَةٌ and ↓ فَرَاهِيَةٌ denote a quality of a hackney and of a mule and of an ass, (S,) or of a horse, or similar beast, &c., (Msb,) all signifying Briskness, liveliness, sprightliness, activity, agility, or lightness. (Msb, TA. *) فَرَاهِيَةٌ [mentioned in the first paragraph as an inf. n.]: see what next precedes.

فَارِهٌ Skilful, or possessing skill; (S, Msb, K;) part. n. of فَرُهَ, irregularly formed, for by rule it should be فَرِيهٌ: (S:) accord. to Z, it is applied to a man; and also, without ة, to a قَيْنَة [i. e. female slave, or slave-songstress]. (Msb.) b2: And it is applied as an epithet to a hackney, (Az, S, Msb,) and a mule, (S,) and an ass, (Az, S, Msb,) or to a horse, or similar beast, (Az,) meaning Brisk, lively, sprightly, active, agile, or light; (Az, * Msb;) sharp; strong; that goes, or journeys, much; a great goer: (Az, TA:) it is not applied to a فَرَس, (Az, S,) i. e. to an Arabian horse; (Az, Msb;) such being termed جَوَادٌ, (Az, S, Msb,) and رَائِعٌ: (S:) 'Adee Ibn-Zeyd has applied it to the latter; but As has charged him with error in so doing; saying that he possessed not knowledge of horses: (S:) the pl. is فُرْهٌ, (S, Msb,) like بُزْلٌ and حُولٌ pls. of بَازِلٌ and حَائِلٌ, (S,) or فُرُهٌ, like كُتُبٌ, (K,) and فَرَهَةٌ, with two fet-hahs, (Msb,) or فُرْهَةٌ, (S, K,) but this is held by Sb to be a quasi-pl. n., (ISd, TA,) and فُرَّهٌ, like رُكَّعٌ, and فُرَّهَةٌ, like سُكَّرَةٌ, (K,) as in the A, but MF says that no pl. of this measure is known. (TA.) b3: Also, applied to a غُلَام [i. e. youth, young man, or male slave], Beautiful, or comely, of countenance. (IAar, TA.) And [the fem.]

فَارِهَةٌ signifies A beautiful, or comely, girl, or young woman: (K:) [and] so ↓ فَرْهَآءُ, [of which the masc. is أَفْرَهُ, and] of which the pl. is فُرْهٌ; but Az says, I do not think that they use this word in relation to girls, or young women, though they may apply it peculiarly to female slaves like as they apply فَارِهٌ and فَارِهَةٌ peculiarly to hackneys and mules and jades, exclusively of Arabian horses. (Msb.) b4: And فَارِهَةٌ is also syn. with فَتِيَّةٌ [i. e. A youthful females, or one in the prime of life]: (thus accord. to several copies of the K and accord. to the TA:) or قَيْنَةٌ [i. e. a female slave, or a slave-songstress: see the first sentence of this paragraph]. (Thus in the CK.) b5: and it signifies also [A woman] who eats vehemently: (K:) and فَارِهٌ applied to man, A vehement eater. (IAar, TA.) أَفْرَهُ: see its fem., فَرْهَآءُ, in the next preceding paragraph. b2: فُلَانٌ أَفْرَهُ مِنْ فُلَانٍ means Such a one is more beautiful, or comely, than such a one. (Msb.) مُفْرِهٌ and مُفْرِهَةٌ (S, K) and مُفَرِّهَةٌ (S) are epithets applied to a she-camel, meaning Bringing forth [young ones such as are termed] فُرْهٌ (S) or فُرَّهٌ. (K.) [See 4.]
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