Q. 1 فَرْطَحَ He made broad, or wide, (K,) or he spread out, or expanded, anything: and so فَلْطَحَ. (L.) Hence, فُرْطِحَ said of a round cake of bread, It was made broad, or wide: (S, L:) said by IB to be correctly فُلْطِحَ, and to be thus in a verse as related by El-Ámidee. (TA. [But see the pass. part. n., below.]) فِرْطَاحٌ: see what follows.رَأْسٌ مُفَرْطَحٌ A broad, or wide, head; (S, K;) as also ↓ فِرْطَاحٌ: the former is thus accord. to J; but it is [said to be] correctly مُفَلْطَحٌ, with ل: (K:) [or] both are correct; ر being a letter which replaces ل. (MF.)