1 وَجِعَ رَأْسَهُ He had a pain in his head: see أَلمَ.4 أَوْجَعَهُ He, or it, pained him; or caused him pain, or aching. (K, MA, TA.) 5 تَوَجَّعَ He expressed, or manifested, pain, affliction, distress, grief, or sorrow; [complained; moaned; or] uttered lamentation, or complaint; (PS;) syn. تَأَلَّمَ. (S, art. ألم) and تَفَجَّعَ (S, art. فجع; and K) and تَشَكَّى (Msb, K) and تَأَوَّهَ (Msb, art. اوه) and أَهَّ (S, art. أه) and تَحَزَّنَ. (K, art. حزن.) b2: تَوَجَّعَ لَهُ مِنْ كَذَا [He was pained for him, or he lamented for him, on account of such a thing]; he pitied him for such a thing. (S, Msb, K.) b3: تَوَجَّعَ لِلْمُصِيبَةِ [He lamented for the affliction, or calamity]. (K, art. فجع.) b4: تَوَجَّعَ إِلَيْهِ من كَذَا He lamented, complained, or expressed pain, or grief, to him, on account of such a thing.وَجَعٌ A disease, or malady, (S, Msb, K, TA,) of any kind, (Msb,) causing pain. (TA.) b2: وَجَعُ المَفَاصِلِ Pain of the joints; i. e. arthritis: see نِقْرِسٌ.
جِعَةٌ The نبيذ, or beverage, made from barley: see مِزْرٌ.
الوَجْعَآءُ The anus: see a verse cited voce أَفْدَعُ.