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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2869. عمج9 2870. عمد19 2871. عمر24 2872. عمرد4 2873. عمش14 2874. عمق162875. عمل17 2876. عملق11 2877. عمن9 2878. عمه12 2879. عمى9 2880. عن9 2881. عنب13 2882. عنبر11 2883. عنبس6 2884. عنت20 2885. عنج11 2886. عنجف3 2887. عند17 2888. عندلب7 2889. عندم4 2890. عنز15 2891. عنس18 2892. عنف19 2893. عنفق9 2894. عنق18 2895. عنكب7 2896. عنم13 2897. عنو10 2898. عنى2 2899. عه3 2900. عهج8 2901. عهد24 2902. عهر14 2903. عهل9 2904. عهن16 2905. عو2 2906. عوج16 2907. عود22 2908. عوذ18 2909. عور17 2910. عوز16 2911. عوش2 2912. عوص14 2913. عوض14 2914. عوط8 2915. عوف13 2916. عوق17 2917. عول19 2918. عوم17 2919. عون16 2920. عوه14 2921. عوى7 2922. عى1 2923. عيب17 2924. عيث15 2925. عيج9 2926. عيد8 2927. عير16 2928. عيس14 2929. عيش14 2930. عيص11 2931. عيط15 2932. عيف17 2933. عيق10 2934. عيل20 2935. عيم12 2936. عين20 2937. عيه9 2938. غ6 2939. غب4 2940. غبث5 2941. غبر19 2942. غبس14 2943. غبش14 2944. غبط18 2945. غبق12 2946. غبن17 2947. غبو4 2948. غبى3 2949. غت5 2950. غتم14 2951. غث6 2952. غثر13 2953. غد4 2954. غدر20 2955. غدف19 2956. غدق16 2957. غدو10 2958. غذ6 2959. غذو11 2960. غذى2 2961. غر5 2962. غرب23 2963. غربل14 2964. غرث14 2965. غرد14 2966. غرز16 2967. غرس15 2968. غرض17 Prev. 100




1 عَمُقَ, (S, O, K,) or عَمُقَتْ, (Msb,) [aor. ـُ inf. n. عَمَاقَةٌ (S, O, Msb) and عُمْقٌ, (Msb,) said of a well (رَكِىٌّ, S, O, or بِئْرٌ Msb), It was, or became, deep: (S, * O, * Msb, K, * TA:) and so مَعُقَ. (TA.) One says, مَا أَبْعَدَ عَمَاقَةَ هٰذِهِ الرَّكِيَّةِ (O, K *) and ↓ مَا أَعْمَقَهَا (K) [How great, or far-extending, is the depth of this well !]: and so مَا أَمْعَقَهَا. (TA.) b2: And عَمُقَ and عَمِقَ, inf. n. (of the former, TA) عُمْقٌ and (of the latter, TA) عَمَاقَةٌ, said of a [road such as is termed] فَجّ, It was, or became, far-extending: or long: (K:) but accord. to a saying of IAar, app. not used in the latter sense when said of a road. (TA.) and عَمُقَ said of a place, It was, or became, distant, remote, or far off. (Msb.) 2 عَمَّقَ see 4. b2: [Hence,] عمّق النَّظَرَ فِى الأُمُورِ, (S, O, K,) inf.n. تَعْمِيقٌ, (S,) He exceeded the usual bounds [in looking, or examining, or rather he looked, or examined, deeply, into affairs, or the affairs]. (K, TA.) 4 اعمق البِئْرَ, (Msb, K,) inf. n. إِعْمَاقٌ; (S, O;) and ↓ عَمَّقَهَا, (Msb, K,) inf. n. تَعْمِيقٌ; (S, O;) and ↓ اِعْتَمَقَهَا; (O, K;) He made the well deep: (S, O, Msb, K, TA:) and so امعقها. (TA.) b2: مَا أَعْمَقَهَا: see 1.5 تعمّق فِى كَلَامِهِ He went deeply, or far, in in his speech; syn. تَنَطَّعَ. (S, O, K.) And تعمّق فِى الشَّىْءِ He went, or dived, deeply, or far, in, or into, the thing. (MA.) And تعمّق فِى الأَمْرِ He was, or became, nice, exquisite, refined, or scrupulously nice and exact; or he chose what was excellent, or best to be done; and exceeded the usual bounds; in the affair. (TA. [See also the part. n., below.]) 8 إِعْتَمَقَ see 4.

عَمْقٌ (S, O, Msb, K, TA) and ↓ عُمْقٌ, (S, O, K, TA,) or the latter is an inf. n., (Msb,) and ↓ عُمُقٌ, (K, TA,) The bottom (قَعْر) of a well (S, O, K, TA) and the like, (K, TA,) and of a [road such as is termed] فَجّ, and of a valley: (S, O, TA:) or the depth of a well (Msb, TA) and the like; [i. e.] the distance to the bottom: (TA:) [and عُمُوقٌ, which may be a pl. of the first or second, and perhaps of the third, signifies deep places of the ground: (see خَسْفٌ:) and ↓ عُمْقٌ signifies also depth of anything; or distance between the two opposite surfaces thereof:] but accord. to IAar, ↓ عُمْقٌ as an attribute of a road signifies distance: and as an attribute of a well it is the length of its cavity, or interior, from top to bottom. (TA.) b2: And عَمْقٌ and ↓ عُمْقٌ signify also The distant, or remote, extremity of a desert, or waterless desert: pl. أَعْمَاقٌ: (S, O, K, TA:) which is also expl. as signifying sides, regions, or tracts; and extremities; without restriction: and sides, regions, or tracts, of the earth, or of a land. (TA.) Ru-beh says, فِى سَبْسَبٍ مُنْجَرِدِ الأَعْلَاقِ الأَعْمَاقِ ↓ غَيْرِ الفِجَاجِ عَمِقِ [In a desert, or waterless desert, bared of the beaten tracks, except the far-extending (?) remote in respect of the extremities]. (O.) A2: And عَمْقٌ Full-grown unripe dates put in the sun to dry (AHn, K, TA) and to ripen. (AHn, TA.) b2: [And accord. to Forskål, (Flora Aeg. Arab. p. cxii.,) The Euphorbia officin. arborea; mentioned by him as found at a place in Tihámeh, which suggests that its name may perhaps be correctly عِمْقَى, q. v.]

عُمْقٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in four places.

عَمَقٌ A right, or due. (ISh, O, K.) So in the saying, فِى هٰذِهِ الدَّارِ عَمَقٌ [In this house is a right, or due, pertaining to some one]: (ISh, O:) and لَهُ فِيهِ عَمَقٌ [There pertains to him, in it, a right, or due]. (K.) عَمِقٌ: see عَمِيقٌ, and the verse cited above.

عُمُقٌ: see عَمْقٌ, first sentence. b2: [And see عَمِيقٌ.]

عَمَقَةٌ Feculence (وَضَرٌ) of clarified butter, [adhering to the interior] in a skin: (Lh, O, K:) the م is asserted by Lh to be a substitute for ب. (TA voce عَبَقَةٌ.) عِمْقَى, (S, O, K,) said by Aboo-Nasr to be of the fem. gender, (O,) A species of trees, (S,) or a certain plant, (O, K,) in El-Hijáz and Tihá-meh, (S, [see عَمْقٌ, last sentence,]) of which AHn states his not having found any one who described its qualities, or attributes, (O,) and said by IB to be spoken of as more bitter than the colocynth; (TA;) also called ↓ عَمَاقِيةٌ, (O, K,) which occurs in a verse of Sá'ideh Ibn-El-'Ajlán, or, as some relate it, the word there is عَبَاقِيَة [q. v.]. (O.) عُمْقِىُّ الكَلَامِ A man whose speech has depth. (TA.) عَمِيقٌ is of the dial. of the people of El-Hijáz: and the tribe of Temeem say مَعِيقٌ. (Fr, TA.) One says بِئْرٌ عَمِيقَةٌ (S, O, Msb, K) and مَعِيقَةٌ, formed by transposition, (O,) A deep well: (S, * O, * Msb, K, * TA:) pl. عُمُقٌ and عِمَقٌ and عَمَائِقُ and عِمَاقٌ. (K.) b2: Also, applied to a [road such as is termed] فَجّ, (O, K,) as in the Kur xxii. 28, (O,) Remote, or far-extending; (Mujáhid, O, K;) and so as applied to a place; (Msb;) [so too ↓ عَمِقٌ, applied to a desert, as in the verse cited above, voce عَمْقٌ;] and, applied to a road, عَمِيقٌ is more used than مَعِيقٌ: (Lth, TA:) or عَمِيقٌ applied to a فَجّ signifies long; (K;) or, app., accord. to IAar, not thus when applied to a فَجّ as meaning a road. (TA. [See عَمْقٌ.]) عَمَاقِيَةٌ: see عِمْقَى.

بَعِيرٌ عَامِقٌ A camel feeding upon the [trees, or plants, called] عِمْقَى: (S, O, K;) and إِبِلٌ عَامِقَةٌ camels so feeding. (TA.) أَعْمَقُ [Deeper: and deepest]. IAar mentions his having heard one of the Arabs of chaste speech say, رَأَيْتُ خَلِيقَةً فَمَا رَأَيْتُ أَعْمَقَ مِنْهَا i. e. [I saw] a recently-dug well [and I have not seen any deeper than it]. (O.) مُتَعَمِّقٌ One who exceeds the usual bounds in an affair; who acts with forced hardness, vigour, or hardiness, therein; seeking to accomplish the utmost thereof. (TA.)
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