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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2910. عوز16 2911. عوش2 2912. عوص14 2913. عوض14 2914. عوط8 2915. عوف132916. عوق17 2917. عول19 2918. عوم17 2919. عون16 2920. عوه14 2921. عوى7 2922. عى1 2923. عيب17 2924. عيث15 2925. عيج9 2926. عيد8 2927. عير16 2928. عيس14 2929. عيش14 2930. عيص11 2931. عيط15 2932. عيف17 2933. عيق10 2934. عيل20 2935. عيم12 2936. عين20 2937. عيه9 2938. غ6 2939. غب4 2940. غبث5 2941. غبر19 2942. غبس14 2943. غبش14 2944. غبط18 2945. غبق12 2946. غبن17 2947. غبو4 2948. غبى3 2949. غت5 2950. غتم14 2951. غث6 2952. غثر13 2953. غد4 2954. غدر20 2955. غدف19 2956. غدق16 2957. غدو10 2958. غذ6 2959. غذو11 2960. غذى2 2961. غر5 2962. غرب23 2963. غربل14 2964. غرث14 2965. غرد14 2966. غرز16 2967. غرس15 2968. غرض17 2969. غرضف7 2970. غرف18 2971. غرق17 2972. غرقأ7 2973. غرقد8 2974. غرقل8 2975. غرل13 2976. غرم18 2977. غرمل6 2978. غرنق10 2979. غرو10 2980. غرى3 2981. غزر18 2982. غزل17 2983. غزو12 2984. غسق16 2985. غسل19 2986. غسم8 2987. غش7 2988. غشم14 2989. غشو7 2990. غص6 2991. غصب18 2992. غصن13 2993. غض5 2994. غضب18 2995. غضر14 2996. غضرف7 2997. غضف14 2998. غضفر9 2999. غضن13 3000. غضو3 3001. غط5 3002. غطرف15 3003. غطس13 3004. غطش16 3005. غطف13 3006. غطل9 3007. غطم9 3008. غطمط6 3009. غف4 Prev. 100




1 عَافَتِ الطَّيْرُ, (Sh, O, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. عَوْفٌ, (Sh, O,) The birds circled over a thing, (Sh, O, K,) or over the water, or over carcasses or corpses: or circled over a thing, going to and fro and not going away, desiring to alight: (K:) AA says that the medial radical is و; others say that it is ى, as will be shown in art. عيف. (TA.) A2: And عَافَ He (a man, TA) kept, or clave, to the trees, or plants, called عَوْف. (O, K, * TA.) 5 تعوّف He (a lion) sought, or sought for or after, the prey, by night. (TA.) [It is used as intrans. and as trans.:] see عَوْفٌ and عُوَافَةٌ.

عَافٌ i. q. سَهْلٌ [A soft tract, or a plain, &c.]. (O, K.) عَوْفٌ A state, condition, or case. (S, O, K.) So in the saying, نَعِمَ عَوْفُكَ [May thy state, &c., be good, or pleasant]. (S, O.) One says also, أَصْبَحَ فُلَانٌ بِعَوْفِ سَوْءٍ, and بِعَوْفِ خَيْرٍ, meaning [Such a one entered upon the morning, or, simply, became,] in an evil state, and in a good state: or, accord. to some of the lexicologists, one should not say بِعَوْفِ خَيْرٍ, but only شَرٍّ [or سَوْءٍ]. (IDrd, O.) b2: Also Fortune; syn. جَدٌّ and حَظٌّ. (O, K.) And so, accord. to some, in the saying, نَعِمَ عَوْفُكَ [i. e. May thy fortune be good]. (O, TA.) b3: And i. q. طَائِرٌ [as meaning An omen]. (K, TA.) And thus it is said to signify in the form of prayer above mentioned: (TA:) [for,] as some say, the meaning is, نَعِمَ طَيْرُكَ [May thy omen be good]. (O, TA.) b4: And The ذَكَر. (O, K.) One says to a man on the morning after his first going in to his wife, نَعِمَ عَوْفُكَ, meaning thereby the ذَكَر [i. e. May thy ذكر be in a good state]. (O, TA.) A'Obeyd says, Some men used to explain (يَتَأَوَّلُ [for which يَتَنَاوَلُ is erroneously put in the O]) العَوْف as the فَرْج [meaning the ذَكَر], and I mentioned it to AA, and he disapproved it: (S, O, TA:) but a verse has been cited in which عَوْفِى [certainly] means ذَكَرِى. (TA.) b5: and A guest. (Lth, O, K.) And thus it has been expl. as used in the saying, نَعِمَ عَوْفُكَ. (O, * TA.) b6: And The cock. (O, K.) b7: And The lion: because he seeks his prey (↓ يَتَعَوَّفُ) by night. (O, K.) b8: And The wolf. (O, K.) b9: And One who toils, or seeks the means of subsistence, for his household, or family. (IAar, O, K.) b10: And A certain idol. (O, K.) b11: and A species of trees; (O;) or a species of plants, (AHn, O, K,) of the plants of the desert, (AHn, O,) of sweet odour. (AHn, O, K.) b12: أُمُّ عَوْفٍ

The جَرَادَة, (S, O,) [i. e.] the female of the جَرَاد [or locust]. (K.) And أَبُو عَوْفٍ The جَرَاد [meaning the male locust]. (Az, O, K.) A2: Also (i. e. عَوْفٌ) a good manner of tending or pasturing [cattle]: (O, K:) [or rather, simply,] the tending or pasturing [cattle]: so in the saying, إِنَّهُ لَحَسَنُ العَوْفِ فِى إِبِلِهِ [Verily he is one who has a good quality of tending, or pasturing, in respect of his camels]. (TA.) عُوَافٌ: see عُوَافَةٌ.

أُمُّ عُوَيْفٍ A small creeping thing (دُوَيَّبَةٌ), other than the جَرَادَة [which is termed أُمُّ عَوْفٍ]. (TA.) b2: And, accord. to AHát, أَبُو عَوْفٍ A species of the [beetles called] جِعْلَان [pl. of جُعَلٌ]: it is a small creeping thing (دُوَيْبَّة), dust-coloured, that excavates with its tail and with its two horns, and [then] never appears. (TA.) عُوَافَةٌ (O, K) and ↓ عُوَافٌ (K) The prey which the lion seeks (الأَسَدُ ↓ مَا يَتَعَوَّفُهُ) by night, and which he devours. (O, K.) b2: And (both words, K) A thing that becomes, or has become, an acquisition of any one (O, K, TA) by night. (TA.)
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