تَنَّارٌ [and ↓ تَنُّورِىٌّ] A maker of ovens of the kind called تَنُّور. (M, K.) تَنُّورٌ A sort of كَانُون [or fire-place]; (M;) the thing, (S, Msb,) or كانون, (K,) in which bread is baked; (S, Msb, K;) but different from the فُرْن: (S in art. فرن:) [it is a kind of oven, open at the top, in the bottom of which a fire is lighted, and in which the bread, in the form of flat cakes, is generally stuck against the sides; either portable, and made of baked clay, wide at the bottom, and narrow at the top, where it is open; and if so, the bread is sometimes stuck upon the outside, to bake; or fixed, and in this case made of baked clay likewise, or constructed of bricks; or it is a hole made in the ground, and lined with bricks or tiles or the like, against which the bread is stuck, to bake; and sometimes flesh-meat, cut into small pieces, is roasted in it, or upon it, on skewers:] such, accord. to some, is the meaning in the Kur xi. 42 and xxiii. 27; (T;) and the word is said to have the same meaning in every language; (Lth, T, M;) but this is not correct: (Ham p. 793:) it is an arabicized word; (T, M;) not genuine Arabic; (AHát, Msb;) originally Persian: (M:) [in Hebrew XXX:] Ahmad Ibn-Yahyà [i. e. Th, as is stated in Ham, ubi suprà,] says that it is of the measure تَفْعُولٌ from النَّار, (M, and Ham ubi suprà,) or from النُّور; originally تَنْوُورٌ; (Ham;) but this is wrong: (M:) the pl. is تَنَانِيرُ. (M, Msb.) Mo-hammad is related to have said to a man wearing a garment dyed with bastard-saffron, “If thy garment were in the تنّور of thy family, or beneath their cooking-pot, it were better: ” whereupon he went away, and burned it: but he meant, “Wert thou to spend its price for flour to make bread, or for fire-wood with which to cook, it were better for thee: ” as though he disliked a garment so dyed. (IAth.) b2: The surface of the ground: (T, S, M, K:) so in the Kur ubi suprà, (T, S,) accord. to 'Alee (S) and I'Ab. (TA.) b3: The highest part of the earth or ground: so in the same passages of the Kur accord. to Katádeh. (TA.) b4: Any place from which water pours forth. (M, K.) b5: A place where the water of a valley collects. (M, K.) b6: The shining of the dawn: so accord. to some in the Kur ubi suprà: (T:) and 'Alee is related to have said that وَفَارَ التَّنُّورُ means and daybreak rose or rises: (TA:) or it relates to the welling forth of water from the place of the mosque of El-Koofeh: (T:) or التّنّور here signifies a well-known spring of water: (Hr, TA:) or a certain mountain near El-Maseesah; (I'Ab, K, TA;) i. e., (TA,) 'Eyn-el-Ward, in El-Jezeereh; (I'Ab, T, TA;) or 'Eyn-Wardeh. (Bd in xi. 42.) تَنُّورِىٌّ: see تَنَّارٌ.