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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
1072. خرأ9 1073. خرب20 1074. خرت13 1075. خرث9 1076. خرج20 1077. خرد101078. خردل9 1079. خرز13 1080. خرس14 1081. خرش11 1082. خرص17 1083. خرط15 1084. خرطم9 1085. خرع14 1086. خرعب5 1087. خرف19 1088. خرفج9 1089. خرق20 1090. خرم18 1091. خرنب5 1092. خرو3 1093. خز5 1094. خزر19 1095. خزعبل6 1096. خزف12 1097. خزق13 1098. خزل18 1099. خزم16 1100. خزن16 1101. خزو6 1102. خزى4 1103. خس6 1104. خسأ14 1105. خسر19 1106. خسف19 1107. خسق8 1108. خسو4 1109. خسى1 1110. خش6 1111. خشب19 1112. خشر15 1113. خشع16 1114. خشف16 1115. خشم18 1116. خشن17 1117. خشو4 1118. خشى5 1119. خص8 1120. خصب15 1121. خصر18 1122. خصف20 1123. خصل15 1124. خصم16 1125. خصو4 1126. خصى4 1127. خض5 1128. خضب16 1129. خضد17 1130. خضر21 1131. خضرم11 1132. خضع15 1133. خضل15 1134. خضم14 1135. خط6 1136. خطأ14 1137. خطب20 1138. خطر17 1139. خطف18 1140. خطل14 1141. خطم12 1142. خطو12 1143. خظو5 1144. خظى2 1145. خف6 1146. خفت17 1147. خفر14 1148. خفش14 1149. خفض15 1150. خفق17 1151. خفو5 1152. خفى6 1153. خل7 1154. خلأ5 1155. خلب20 1156. خلج15 1157. خلد16 1158. خلس16 1159. خلص18 1160. خلط20 1161. خلع18 1162. خلف23 1163. خلق22 1164. خلنج3 1165. خلو10 1166. خلى7 1167. خم7 1168. خمد16 1169. خمر22 1170. خمس19 1171. خمش12 Prev. 100




1 خَرِدَتْ, aor. ـَ (L, K,) inf. n. خَرَدٌ, (L,) She was an untouched virgin; (L, K;) as also ↓ اخردت, inf. n. إِخْرَادٌ; (L;) and ↓ تخرّدت: (L, K:) or she was bashful and grave or staid or sedate, or very bashful, long silent, low in voice, one who concealed herself from public view, (L, K,) and did not remain long in her parents' house, or tent, unmarried, after having attained the usual proper age for marriage. (L.) b2: and خَرِدَ He was, or became, affected with shame, bashfulness, or pudency; (IAar;) as also ↓ اخرد (K.) b3: He was, or became, abject. (IAar.) b4: Also, inf. n. as above; and ↓اخرد; He kept long silence: (L, K:) and the latter signifies also he kept silence by reason of abjectness; not by reason of bashfulness: so accord. to the K: but accord. to the A, he kept silence by reason of bashfulness; and اقرد signifies "he kept silence by reason of abjectness:" (TA:) and so says IAar: (TA in art. قرد:) or اخرد accord. to IAar signifies he spoke little. (Har p. 250.) [See also خَارِدٌ.]4 أَخْرَدَ see 1, in three places. b2: اخرد إِلَى اللَّهْوِ He inclined to play, sport, or diversion. (K.) 5 تَخَرَّدَ see 1.

خَرُودٌ:see خَرِيدَةٌ, in two places.

خَرِيدٌ: see the next paragraph. b2: صَوْتٌ خَرِيدٌ A gentle voice, characterized by bashfulness, or modesty. (IAar, K.) خَرِيدَةٌ A virgin: (IAar, S, A:) and a bashful, or modest, woman: and sometimes they said ↓ جَارِيَةٌ خَرُودٌ, meaning a girl bashful and grave or staid or sedate; or very bashful: (S:) or خرِيدَةٌ and ↓ خَرِيدٌ and ↓ خَرُودٌ signify an untouched virgin: or a female bashful, and grave or staid or sedate, or very bashful, long silent, low in voice, who conceals herself from public view, (L, K,) and does not remain long in her parents' house, or tent, unmarried, after having attained the usual proper age for marriage: (L:) pl. خَرَائِدُ and خُرَّدٌ (S, A, L, K) and خُرُدٌ; (S, L, K;) the second of which is contr. to rule. (L.) b2: Also (tropical:) An unbored pearl. (Lth, IAar, S, A, K.) خَارِدٌ Silent by reason of bashfulness; not by reason of abjectness: and ↓ مُخْرِدٌ silent by reason of abjectness; not by reason of bashfulness: so accord. to AA: and the latter, simply, silent. (L.) [See also 1.]

مُخْرِدٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.
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