خُرَةُ الفَأْسِ, as in the Tekmileh, on the authority of Fr; in the K and accord. to Sgh, الفَأْسِ ↓ خُرْوَةُ, which is a mistake; (TA;) The خُرْت [q. v. in art. خرت] of the فأس: pl. خُرَاتٌ; (Fr, Sgh, K, TA;) like as ثُبَةٌ has for its pl. ثُبَاتٌ. (TA.) الخَرَاتَانِ Two stars, (K,) mentioned [and described] in art. خرت, (TA,) each of which is [said to be] called خَرَاةٌ: (K:) accord. to ISd, only the dual form of the word is known; and the radical ت and the augmentative ت [by which latter is meant ة] are in the dual alike: (TA:) but Kr and others say that it is dual of خَرَاةٌ, and belongs to this art. (TA in art. خرت.) خُرْوَةٌ: see the first paragraph in this art.