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Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2945. غبق12 2946. غبن17 2947. غبو4 2948. غبى3 2949. غت5 2950. غتم142951. غث6 2952. غثر13 2953. غد4 2954. غدر20 2955. غدف19 2956. غدق16 2957. غدو10 2958. غذ6 2959. غذو11 2960. غذى2 2961. غر5 2962. غرب23 2963. غربل14 2964. غرث14 2965. غرد14 2966. غرز16 2967. غرس15 2968. غرض17 2969. غرضف7 2970. غرف18 2971. غرق17 2972. غرقأ7 2973. غرقد8 2974. غرقل8 2975. غرل13 2976. غرم18 2977. غرمل6 2978. غرنق10 2979. غرو10 2980. غرى3 2981. غزر18 2982. غزل17 2983. غزو12 2984. غسق16 2985. غسل19 2986. غسم8 2987. غش7 2988. غشم14 2989. غشو7 2990. غص6 2991. غصب18 2992. غصن13 2993. غض5 2994. غضب18 2995. غضر14 2996. غضرف7 2997. غضف14 2998. غضفر9 2999. غضن13 3000. غضو3 3001. غط5 3002. غطرف15 3003. غطس13 3004. غطش16 3005. غطف13 3006. غطل9 3007. غطم9 3008. غطمط6 3009. غف4 3010. غفر21 3011. غفص11 3012. غفل19 3013. غفو9 3014. غل6 3015. غلب20 3016. غلت16 3017. غلث9 3018. غلس15 3019. غلصم12 3020. غلط15 3021. غلظ17 3022. غلف19 3023. غلق19 3024. غلم18 3025. غلو13 3026. غلى5 3027. غم6 3028. غمت8 3029. غمد17 3030. غمر19 3031. غمز15 3032. غمس16 3033. غمص13 3034. غمض18 3035. غمط15 3036. غمل11 3037. غمن9 3038. غمه1 3039. غمى5 3040. غن5 3041. غنج11 3042. غندب5 3043. غنظ11 3044. غنم18 Prev. 100




1 غَتِمَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. غَتَمٌ, He had an impotence, or an impediment, or a difficulty, in his speech, or utterance; and a barbarousness, or vitiousness, therein, especially in speaking Arabic; i. e., a want of clearness, perspicuousness, distinctness, chasteness, or correctness, therein. (Msb.) A2: غَتَمَ, said of food (طَعَام), It was, or became, wholesome, or beneficial. (TA.) 4 اغتم الزِّيَارَةَ, (K, TA, in the CK [erroneously]

اغْتَتَمَ,) He visited much, so as to weary. (K, TA.) One says, لَا تُغْتِمِ الزِّيَارَةَ فَتُمِلَّ [Do not thou visit much, so as to weary]. (TA.) b2: And they said, كَانَ العَجَّاجُ يُغْتِمُ الشِّعْرَ i. e. El-'Ajjáj used to make poetry cause much wearying: and it is said in the A, أَغْتَمَ آلُ العَجَّاجِ الرَّجْزَ i. e. The family of El-'Ajjáj recited much poetry of the metre termed رَجَز; and he among them. (TA.) 8 اغتتم He suffered from indigestion (K, TA) in consequence of much eating; and became affected by what is termed ↓ غَتْم [app. meaning heat of the stomach so intense as to take the breath] arising from the distress occasioned by repletion. (TA.) غَتْمٌ Intense heat that almost takes away the breath. (S, K.) A rájiz says, (S,) namely, Mes'ood Ibn-Keyd [?] El-Fezáree, (TA,) describing camels, (S in art. فل,) حَرَّقَهَا حَمْضُ بِلَادِ فِلِّ وَغَتْمُ نَجْمٍ غَيْرِ مُسْتَقِلِّ [The pasturage termed حمض of tracts of country not rained upon and not having fresh herbage rendered them thirsty, and the intense and almostsuffocating heat of a star not high (above the horizon), i. e. not having become high so as to be concealed by the rays of the sun]; i. e. [a star] not high (غَيْرِ مُرْتَفِعٍ) because of the constancy of the heat attributed to it [at the time of its auroral rising]; the heat becoming intense only at the time of the [auroral] rising of الشِّعْرَى, [meaning Sirius, the star to which allusion is here made,] which is in [correctly after] الجَوْزَآء. (S. [See الشِّعْرَى.]) b2: See also 8.

غُتْمٌ Thick pieces [or clots or lumps] of milk. (TA.) غُتْمَةٌ An impotence, or an impediment, or a difficulty, in speech, or utterance; and a barbarousness, or vitiousness, therein; i. e. a want of clearness, perspicuousness, distinctness, chasteness, or correctness, therein; meaning, in speaking Arabic; syn. عُجْمَةٌ. (S, Mgh, Msb, K.) غُتْمِىٌّ: see أَغْتَمُ. b2: Hence, applied to milk, [and so, accord. to Reiske, as stated in Freytag's Lex., ↓ أَغْتَمُ,] Thick; the pouring forth of which is without any sound. (IAar, K.) b3: And One who is heavy in spirit: from غُتْمٌ signifying as expl. above. (TA.) حِيَاضُ غُتَيْمٍ, like زُبَيْر, (so in copies of the K,) [or حياض غُتَيْمَ, for it is] a proper name for المَنِيَّةُ, (TA,) meaning Death, (K, TA,) like شَعُوبُ, imperfectly decl. [as being a proper name and of the fem. gender]; so says Z; and, accord. to Lh, الغُتَيْمُ signifies the same, but ISd says, “I know it not save as from him. ” (TA.) One says, أَوْرَدَهُ حِيَاضَ غُتَيْم [He brought him to death]: and in like manner, وَقَعَ فِى أَحْوَاضِ غُتَيْم [He fell into death], expl. by Lh as meaning he died. (TA.) أَغْتَمُ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) and ↓ غُتْمِىٌّ, (S, * K, * TA,) [and ↓ أَغْتَمِىٌّ, occurring in the فاكهة الخلفآء, p. 151, 1. 18, as mentioned by Freytag, who explains it as meaning “ barbarus,”] One who does not utter anything with clearness, perspicuousness, or distinctness, or with chasteness, or correctness; (S, Mgh, Msb, K, TA;) i. q. أَعْجَمُ: (TA:) fem. of the first, غَتْمَآءُ, applied to a woman: (Msb, TA:) pl. of the first غُتْمٌ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and أَغْتَامٌ, (Mgh,) or this latter is pl. of the second. (TA.) b2: See also غُتْمِىٌّ.

أَغْتَمِىٌّ: see the next preceding paragraph.

مَغْتُومٌ, Burned by the heat. (TA.)
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