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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
3008. غطمط6 3009. غف4 3010. غفر21 3011. غفص11 3012. غفل19 3013. غفو93014. غل6 3015. غلب20 3016. غلت16 3017. غلث9 3018. غلس15 3019. غلصم12 3020. غلط15 3021. غلظ17 3022. غلف19 3023. غلق19 3024. غلم18 3025. غلو13 3026. غلى5 3027. غم6 3028. غمت8 3029. غمد17 3030. غمر19 3031. غمز15 3032. غمس16 3033. غمص13 3034. غمض18 3035. غمط15 3036. غمل11 3037. غمن9 3038. غمه1 3039. غمى5 3040. غن5 3041. غنج11 3042. غندب5 3043. غنظ11 3044. غنم18 3045. غنو4 3046. غنى8 3047. غهب14 3048. غو2 3049. غوث15 3050. غوج7 3051. غور20 3052. غوص16 3053. غوط19 3054. غوغ9 3055. غول21 3056. غوى9 3057. غيب17 3058. غيث14 3059. غيد9 3060. غير18 3061. غيض22 3062. غيط6 3063. غيظ15 3064. غيف12 3065. غيق7 3066. غيل22 3067. غيم13 3068. غين14 3069. ف10 3070. فأ1 3071. فأت6 3072. فأد11 3073. فأر13 3074. فأس12 3075. فأل10 3076. فأم11 3077. فأو7 3078. فا4 3079. فالوذ2 3080. فاوانيا1 3081. فت3 3082. فتأ11 3083. فتح19 3084. فتخ13 3085. فتر17 3086. فتش14 3087. فتق19 3088. فتك15 3089. فتكر4 3090. فتل19 3091. فتن16 3092. فتو5 3093. فث4 3094. فثأ10 3095. فثج9 3096. فثر9 3097. فثى4 3098. فج4 3099. فجأ13 3100. فجر20 3101. فجس8 3102. فجع12 3103. فجل12 3104. فجن6 3105. فجو10 3106. فح4 3107. فحث6 Prev. 100


غفو and غفى 1 غَفَا, and غَفِىَ: see 4.

b2: غَفَا, (K, TA,) inf. n. غَفْوٌ and غُفُوٌّ, (TA,) also signifies It (a thing, TA)

floated upon the water (K, TA.)

A2: غَفَى الطَّعَامَ, aor. ـِ (K, TA,) inf. n. غَفْىٌ, (TA,) He cleared the wheat of what is termed غَفًى, i. e. a thing such as [the noxious weed called] زُؤَان [q. v.], (K, TA,) and other refuse; (TA;) or the straw; as also ↓ اغفى. (K, TA,) 4 اغفى, (S, Msb, K, &c.,) inf. n. إِغْفَآءٌ; (S, Msb;) and ↓ غَفَا, (K,) first Pers\. غَفَوْتُ, (S, Msb,) inf. n. غَفْوٌ and غُفُوٌّ; (K;) the latter verb said by ISd to occur in the trads., (TA,) but disallowed by ISk (S, Msb, TA) and by others, (Msb,) and said by Az to be rare; (Msb, TA;) He slept: (S, K:) or he slept a light sleep: (Msb, TA;) or he was, or became, drowsy, or heavy with sleepiness; as also ↓ غَفِىَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. غَفْيَةٌ. (K.)

b2: And اغفى He (a man, TA) slept upon what is termed غَفًى, i. e. the straw, in the place in which the grain thereof was trodden out: (K:) mentioned as from IAar by Az, and by Sgh as from AA. (TA.)

b3: And اغفى الطَّعَامُ The wheat was abundant in its نُخَالَة, accord. to the copies of the K, but more properly its نُفَايَة [i. e. refuse]. (TA.)

b4: See also 1.

A2: اغفى الشَّجَرُ The trees hung down their branches. (IKtt, TA.)

7 انغفى. It (a thing, TA) became broken. (K, TA.)

غَفْوٌ and ↓ غَفْوَةٌ and ↓ غَفْيَةٌ (K, TA) and ↓ غُفْيَةٌ and ↓ غِفْيَةٌ (Sgh, TA) A زُبْيَة [or hollow dug in the ground], (K, TA,) in which a sportsman lurks: the first and second mentioned by Lh. (TA.)

غَفًى The refuse that is taken forth from wheat, and thrown away, (Fr, S, TA,) such as [the noxious weed called] زُؤَان [q. v.]; (S;) a thing that is in wheat, such as زؤان, (K, TA,) and other refuse: (TA:) or the straw [thereof]; (K, TA;)

accord. to IAar, the bad, that is thrown away, of wheat; as also ↓ غَفَآءٌ. (Az, TA.)

b2: Also, (thus accord. to ISd in all the senses here following in this paragraph that are found in the K, as is said in the TA, and thus in some copies of the K,) or ↓ غُفَآءٌ, (thus in the copies of the K followed in the TA,) i. q. غُثَآءٌ [i. e. The rubbish, or small rubbish, or particles of things, or refuse, and scum, and rotten leaves mixed with the scum, of a torrent]. (K, TA.)

b3: And Fragments, or broken portions, of wheat: (K, TA;) or the stalks thereof. (TA.)

b4: And A blight incident to palm-trees, like dust falling upon the unripe dates, preventing their becoming ripe, (S, K, TA,) and rendering them tasteless. (S [in which the word thus expl. is غَفًى] and TA.) And A thick crust that comes upon unripe dates: [see 4 in art. غفر:] or, as some say, bad dates, that become [app. in the skin] thick, or coarse, and like the wings of locusts. (TA.)

b5: And A disease incident to straw, rendering it bad. (TA.)

b6: Also Such as they drive away, or expel, of their camels. (K, TA.)

b7: And غَفًى signifies also The bad of anything. (TA.)

b8: And The low, vile, mean, or sordid; or the lower, viler, &c.; or the refuse, or rabble; of mankind. (TA.)

غَفْوَةٌ A light sleep: occurring in the traditions. (TA.)

A2: See also غَفْوٌ.

غَفْيَةٌ and غُفْيَةٌ and غِفْيَةٌ: see غَفْوٌ.

غَفِيَةٌ, like فَرِحَةٌ [in measure], in the phrase خطة غفية, [in which, app., the former word is خُطَّةٌ, and the meaning of the phrase An affair, or a case, or a dubious, or momentous, and difficult affair, in which is something evil, or to be rejected,] is a possessive epithet, signifying فِيهَا غَفًى. (TA: immediately after غَفًى expl. as meaning the “ bad ” of anything.)

غَفَآءٌ and غُفَآءٌ: see غَفًى, first and second sentences.

الغُفَآءَةُ [in the CK الغُفاةُ] The whiteness upon the حَدَقَة [or iris of the eye], (K, TA,) i. e., that covers the حدقة. (TA.)

إِغْفَآءَةُ الصُّبْحِ The sleep of daybreak, or the first part of the day. (TA.)
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