1 دَسِمَ, (S, M, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ (Msb, K,) inf. n. دَسَمٌ, (Msb, TA,) or دُسُومَةٌ, (Mgh, in which the verb is not mentioned,) It (a thing, S, M, Mgh, or food, Msb) was, or became, greasy; or had in it, or upon it, grease, or gravy, or dripping of flesh-meat or of fat; (M, K, * Mgh;) as also ↓ تدسّم: (M:) and it (a garment, or some other thing,) was, or became, dirty, or filthy. (K.) b2: And دَسِمَ, (inf. n. دَسَمٌ, TK,) He, or it, was, or became, of the colour termed دُسْمَة, i. e., dust-colour inclining to blackness. (M, K.) A2: دَسَمَ, (Z, K, and so in some copies of the S,) [aor., app., دَسِمَ,] inf. n. دَسْمٌ; (TA;) or ↓ دسّم; (so in some copies of the S;) said of rain, It moistened the earth (S, Z, K) a little, (K,) not much, (S,) or so as not to reach the moist soil. (Z, TA.) b2: And دَسَمَ, aor. ـِ (K,) inf. n. دَسْمٌ, (TA,) He smeared a camel with tar. (K.) b3: Also, (S, M, K,) aor. ـُ (S, K, *) or ـِ (M,) inf. n. دَسْمٌ, (S, M,) He stopped up (S, M, K) a thing, (M,) such as a wound, (S, M,) and an ear, (S,) and a flask, or bottle; as also ↓ ادسم; (K;) or دَسَمَ القَارُورَةَ signifies شَدَّ رأْسَهَا [i. e. he bound the head of the flask, or bottle: or the right reading, as the context seems to indicate, is سَدَّ رَأْسَهَا i. e. he stopped up the head of the flask, or bottle]; (M;) and دَسَمَ الجُرْحَ he put the tent (الفَتِيلَ) into the wound. (TA.) b4: and hence, i. e. from دَسَمَ الجُرْحَ or from دَسَمَ القَارُورَةَ, (TA,) (tropical:) Inivit feminam. (Kr, M, K, TA.) and hence also,] one says to the مُسْتَحاَضَة, [see this word,] اُدْسُمِى وَصَلِّى (assumed tropical:) [Stuff thy vagina with cotton, to arrest the blood, and say thy prayers]. (TA.) b5: Also, (K,) inf. n. دَسْمٌ, (TA,) He closed, or locked, a door; syn. أَغْلَقَ. (K.) A3: Also, (i. e. دَسَمَ,) i. q. طَسَمَ, [in some copies of the K, and in the TA, طَمَسَ, which signifies the same, i. e. It became effaced, or obliterated,] said of a relic, trace, mark, or the like. (S, K.) 2 تَدْسِيمٌ, (S,) inf. n. of دسّم, (Msb,) signifies The smearing (S, Msb) a thing, (S,) or a morsel, or mouthful, (Msb,) [or seasoning it, imbuing it, or soaking it,] with دَسَم [i. e. grease, or gravy, or dripping]. (S, Msb.) b2: دَسِّمُوا نُونَتَهُ, (Mgh, K,) said by 'Othmán respecting a beautiful boy, (Mgh,) means Blacken ye his dimple in the chin, in order that the evil eye may not have effect upon it. (Mgh, K. *) [Accord. to another explanation, mentioned in the TA, the blackness denoted by this phrase is behind the ear: but this is evidently a mistake.] b3: See also 1.4 أَدْسَمَ see 1.5 تَدَسَّمَ see 1. b2: تدسّموا also signifies They ate [food] with دَسَم [i. e. grease, or gravy, or dripping] دَسَم (TA.) دَسْمٌ: see دَسَمٌ.A2: أَنَا عَلَى دَسْمِ الأَمْرِ meansعلى طَرَفٍ مِنْهُ [app. I am beside, or out of, the case, or affair]. (K.) دَسَمٌ a word of well-known meaning; (S;) i. q. وَدَكٌ; (M, K;) both signifying Grease, or gravy; i. e. the dripping that exudes from flesh-meat and from fat; (Msb in art. ودك;) the وَدَك of flesh-meat and of fat: (Mgh: [in the CK, الوَرَكُ is erroneously put for الوَدَكُ:]) or, accord. to the T, anything that has وَدَك, of flesh-meat and of fat: (TA:) and dirt, or filth: (M, K:) and ↓ دَسْمٌ signifies the same as دَسَمٌ, accord. to El-Kurtubee; but El-Welee El-'Irákee says, I have not seen this on the authority of any other lexicologist. (TA.) You say, يَدُهُ مِنَ الدَّسَمِ سَلِطَةٌ [app. meaning, if correctly transcribed, His hand is hard by reason of dirt adhering to it: in my MS. copy of the K, the last word is written سَطِلَةٌ; a word which I do not find in any sense: in the TK, سطلة: this Freytag thinks to be the right reading, though I know of no such word; and he renders the phrase, “manus ejus propter sordes inhaerentes catinus est; ” evidently assuming that سطلة is a dial. var. of سَطْلٌ]. (K.) [It seems that you say also, مَا فِيهِ دَسَمٌ meaning (assumed tropical:) There is not in him, or it, any profit, or good: a sense assigned in the TA to the phrase ما فيه ديسم دسم; in which I think it evident that the transcriber has written ديسم by mistake, and forgotten to erase it after adding دسم.) b2: Also The bowels, or intestines. (TA.) A2: Accord. to IAar, it means also كَثِيرُ الذِّكْرِ [Praising, or glorifying, God, much]; a sense in which it is incorrectly said in the K to be ↓ دَسِيمٌ, like أَمِيرٌ: (TA:) and hence the trad., of weak authority, لَا يَذْكُرُونَ اللّٰهَ إِلَّا دَسَمًا: (K:) or, accord. to Z, this is from دَسَمَ said of rain: and, as related by Abu-d-Dardà, the words are أَرَضِيتُمْ إِنْ شَبِعْتُمْ عَامًا أَلَّا تَذْكُرُونَ اللّٰهَ إِلَّا دَسَمًا, meaning [Do ye approve, if ye be satisfied in your stomachs throughout a year,] that ye should not praise, or glorify, God, save a little? (TA:) or it may denote commendation; so that the meaning of لا يذكرون اللّٰه الّا دسمًا is, that praise, or glorification, is the stuffing of their hearts and of their mouths: and it may denote discommendation; as meaning that they praise, or glorify, little; from تَدْسِيمُ نُونَةِ الصَّبِىِّ; (K, TA;) the blackness denoted by this phrase being small in quantity: or, as some say, the meaning is, that they do not praise, or glorify, God for anything but eating, and the grease, or gravy, in their insides. (TA.) دَسِمٌ A thing greasy; or having in it, or upon it, grease or gravy, (M, Mgh,) of flesh-meat or of fat: (Mgh:) [and dirty, or filthy: pl. دُسْمٌ; like as ذُرْبٌ is pl. of ذَرِبٌ.] You say مَرَقَةٌ دَسِمَةٌ [Greasy broth]. (TA.) And ثِيَابٌ دُسْمٌ, Dirty, or filthy, garments. (S, TA.) And دَسِمَ الثَّوْبِ, applied to a man, [Dirty in the garment: and hence, going on foot;] not riding; as also ↓ أَدْسَمُ الثَّوْبِ. (TA.) [Hence also,] (assumed tropical:) Defiled by culpable dispositions. (TA.) A rájiz says, لَاهُمَّ إِنَّ عَامِرَ بْنَ جَهْمِ
أَوْذَمَ حَجًّا فِى ثِيَابٍ دُسْمِ meaning (assumed tropical:) [O God, verily 'Ámir Ibn-Jahm] hath imposed upon himself, (S in art. وذم,) or hath performed, (M,) pilgrimage being defiled by sins. (S in art. وذم, and M.) b2: عِمَامَةٌ دَسِمَةٌ signifies A black turban; (TA;) as also عمامة ↓ دَسْمَآءُ. (Az, Mgh, TA.) And دَسِمٌ occurs in a trad. as meaning (assumed tropical:) Strict, or pious, [though] black, (أَسْوَدُ, [or this may here mean a genuine Arab, as opposed to أَحْمَرُ meaning a foreigner,]) and religious. (TA.) أُمُّ دَسْمَة [probably a mistranscription for أُمُّ
↓ دُسْمَةٍ, lit. “ the mother of blackness; ”] (assumed tropical:) The cooking-pot. (T in art. ام.) A2: آخِرُ دَسْمَةٍ i. q. آخِرُ عَهْدٍ [The last time]; like آخِرُ مَخْطَرٍ. (TA in art. خطر. [See خَطْرَةٌ, last sentence.]) دُسْمَةٌ A thing with which a hole in a skin for water or milk is stopped up. (M, K.) A2: Blackness; (IAar, TA;) [and] so ↓ دَيْسَمٌ: (K:) or dust-colour inclining to blackness. (M, K.) Hence the Abyssinian is called أَبُو دُسْمَةٍ. (IAar, TA.) See also أُمُّ دَسْمَة, above.
A3: Applied to a man, (assumed tropical:) Low, or ignoble; base; vile; mean, or sordid: (S, TA:) or bad, corrupt, base, or vile. (M, K. [Freytag erroneously assigns the meaning “ vilis ”
to أَدْسَمُ.]) One says, مَا أَنْتَ إِلَّا دُسْمَةٌ (tropical:) Thou art none other than one in whom is no good. (TA.) دِسَامٌ A stopper; (M, K;) a thing with which one stops up the ear, and a wound, and the like, and the head of a flask or bottle, and the like. (S.) It is said in a trad. that the Devil has a دِسَام; meaning that he has a stopper by which he prevents one from seeing the truth (M, TA) and from keeping in mind admonition. (TA.) دَسِيمٌ: see دَسَمٌ.
دَاسِمٌ: see the next paragraph.
دَيْسَمٌ Darkness. (M, K.) b2: See also دُسْمَةٌ.
A2: The fox: (K:) [or] the young one of the fox: (M:) or, as some say, (M,) the young one of the fox from the bitch: (M, K:) and (so in the M, but in the K “ or ”) of the wolf from the bitch: (S, M, K:) and the bear: (K:) or the young one of the bear; (S, M, K;) which is the only meaning allowed by Abu-l-Ghowth. (S.) Also, (K,) or as some say, (M,) The young one of the bee. (M, K.) And, accord. to Abu-lFet-h, (TA,) whose name was دَيْسَمٌ, (K, * TA,) the companion of Kutrub, A [young ant, such as is termed] ذَرَّةٌ: (TA:) or ↓ دَيْسَمَةٌ [in the CK erroneously written دَسَمَة] has this last signification. (S, K, TA.) A3: Also A certain plant, (S, K, KL,) called in Pers\. بستان افروز [which is said to be a name applied to the amaranth, anemone, and the like]. (KL.) A4: And [A man] gentle, nice, or skilful, in work; careful, or solicitous [therein]; as also ↓ دَاسِمٌ. (K.) دَيْسَمَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.
أَدْسَمٌ, and its fem. دَسْمَآءُ: see دَسِمٌ. b2: دَسْمَآءُ also signifies A kind of milking-vessel; i. q. عُلْبَةٌ and جَنْبَةٌ and سَمْرَآءُ. (T and TA in art. علب.) A2: Also [Black: see دُسْمَةٌ: or] of a dust-colour inclining to blackness: (M, K:) fem. as above. (K.) b2: [Freytag assigns to it also the significations “ Multum pinguis ” and “ Oleo conspurcatus; ” both as on the authority of the K, in which I do not find either of them: also that of “ Vilis,” as applied to a man; a signification belonging to دُسْمَةٌ.]