Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
1349. دهدى2 1350. دهر19 1351. دهش15 1352. دهقن14 1353. دهليز2 1354. دهم181355. دهن18 1356. دهو6 1357. دو2 1358. دوأ12 1359. دوج9 1360. دوح15 1361. دوخ13 1362. دود15 1363. دور19 1364. دوس18 1365. دوف14 1366. دوك12 1367. دول16 1368. دولاب2 1369. دوم20 1370. دون19 1371. دوى6 1372. ديبوذ1 1373. ديث13 1374. ديخ5 1375. ديد3 1376. دير13 1377. ديص10 1378. ديف8 1379. ديك12 1380. ديم14 1381. دين19 1382. ذ5 1383. ذأب14 1384. ذأر7 1385. ذأف7 1386. ذأل10 1387. ذأم13 1388. ذأن6 1389. ذا8 1390. ذات5 1391. ذاك1 1392. ذب4 1393. ذبح20 1394. ذبر13 1395. ذبل16 1396. ذحل14 1397. ذخر18 1398. ذر5 1399. ذرأ12 1400. ذرب15 1401. ذرح13 1402. ذرع18 1403. ذرف15 1404. ذرق17 1405. ذرو10 1406. ذعب5 1407. ذعر16 1408. ذعف13 1409. ذعن16 1410. ذف3 1411. ذفر17 1412. ذقن16 1413. ذكر20 1414. ذكو9 1415. ذل5 1416. ذلف16 1417. ذلق14 1418. ذلك2 1419. ذلى3 1420. ذم4 1421. ذمر14 1422. ذمل12 1423. ذمى3 1424. ذن4 1425. ذنب20 1426. ذه4 1427. ذهب17 1428. ذهل16 1429. ذهن14 1430. ذو8 1431. ذوب15 1432. ذوباج1 1433. ذود19 1434. ذوف9 1435. ذوق15 1436. ذول7 1437. ذون5 1438. ذوى6 1439. ذى3 1440. ذيأ7 1441. ذيا3 1442. ذيب6 1443. ذيت8 1444. ذير7 1445. ذيع14 1446. ذيف8 1447. ذيل15 1448. ذيم11 Prev. 100




1 دَهِمَهُمْ (S, Msb) and دَهَمَهُمْ, (Msb,) aor. ـَ (S, Msb,) inf. n. دَهْمٌ, (TA,) It (an event, S, Msb) came upon them, or happened to them, suddenly, unexpectedly, without their being aware of it, or without any previous cause; surprised them; took them by surprise, or unawares: (Msb:) or دَهَمَكَ and دَهَمَكَ, aor. ـَ it (anything) came upon thee so as to overwhelm thee, or cover thee, or as a thing that overwhelmed thee, or covered thee. (Th, K.) And دَهِمَتْهُمُ الخَيْلُ [The horsemen came upon them suddenly, &c.]: and AO says that دَهَمَتْهُم is a dial. var. thereof. (S.) See also دَهْمٌ, below.2 دَهَّمَتِ النَّارُ القِدْرَ, inf. n. تَدْهِيمٌ, The fire blackened the cooking-pot. (ISh, K.) 4 ادهمهُ It (an action done to him, Th, TA) displeased, grieved, or vexed, him, (Th, K,) and angered him. (Th, TA.) 5 تَدَهَّمَ [تدهّم is said by Golius, as on the authority of the K, to be syn. with تدام (meaning تدأّم); but app. on no other ground than that of his finding it there said that المُتَدَهَّمُ is syn. with المُتَدَأَّمُ.]9 ادهمّ, inf. n. اِدْهِمَامٌ, He (a horse) became

أَدْهَم, (S, K,) i. e. black. (S, * K, * TA.) and ↓ ادهامّ, inf. n. اِدْهِمَامٌ, It (a thing) was, or became, black. (S, K.) [Hence,] الزَّرْعُ ↓ ادهامّ The seedproduce [became of a dark green colour, or] was overspread with blackness, by reason of abundance of moisture, or irrigation. (JK, TA.) And in like manner, الرَّوْضَةُ ↓ ادهامّت and ادهمّت [The meadow became of a dark green colour, &c.]. (JK.) And الخُضْرَةُ ↓ ادهامّت The greenness became intense [so as to appear blackish, or so as to appear black when viewed from a distance]. (TA.) 11 ادهامّ: see the next preceding paragraph, in four places.

دَهْمٌ A malicious, or mischievous, or grievous, act, by which one takes others unawares, or by surprise. (TA from a trad.) A2: Also, (S, TA,) or ↓ دُهْمٌ, (JK, and so in one place in the TA,) A numerous company: (Lth, JK, TA:) or a multitude: pl.دُهُومٌ. (S.) A rájiz says, جِئْنَا بِدَهْمٍ يَدْهَمُ مَجْرٍ كَأَنَّ فَوْقَهُ النُّجُومَا [We came with a numerous company that would overwhelm the other numerous companies; a great army, as though the stars were above it]. (S, TA.) [See also دَهْمَآءُ, voce أَدْهَمُ.] And one says, هُوَ ↓ مَاأَدْرَى أَىُّ الدُّهْمِ, and اللّٰهِ هُوَ ↓ أَىُّ دُهْمِ, (JK, K, TA,) or اىّ الدَّهْمِ هو, and اىّ دَهْمِ اللّٰه هو, (so in the CK and in my MS. copy of the K,) i. e. I know not what one of the creation, or of mankind, he is, and what one of the creatures of God he is. (K, * TA.) دُهْمٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in three places. b2: Also pl. of أَدْهَمُ [q. v.]. (TA.) دُهْمَةٌ Blackness: (JK, S, Msb, K:) and a deep ash-colour [without any tinge of white: see أَدْهَمُ]. (ISd, TA.) A2: Also A brown ewe (نَعْجَةٌ حَمْرَآءُ): [see also دَهْمَآءُ, voce أَدْهَمُ:] and sing. of دُهَمٌ signifying a certain sort [or breed] of sheep or goats. (JK. [But I do not find either of these two significations in any other lexicon.]) الدَّهْمَانُ The night: opposed to الوَضَّاحُ meaning “ the day. ” (L in art. وضح.) [Hence,] ثِنْىُ دَهْمَانَ The prayer of nightfall: opposed to بِكْرُ الوَضَّاحِ meaning “the prayer of morning.” (L and K in that art.: but in the CK and in a MS. copy of the K, instead of دَهْمَانَ we find دُهْمانَ.) دُهَامٌ: see أَدْهَمُ: b2: and see دُهَامِيَّةٌ.

الدُّهَيْمِ Calamity, or misfortune; (JK, S, K;) as also أُمُّ الدُّهَيْمِ; (S, K;) and ↓ الدُّهَيْمَآءُ, (JK, S,) dim. of الدَّهْمَآءُ [fem. of الأَدْهَمُ], so called because of its darkness: (S, TA:) or الدَّهَيْمَآءُ signifies black, dark, trial or conflict and faction or sedition or the like; and the dim. form is used to denote enhancement: (Sh, TA:) and ↓ الدَّهْمَآءُ signifies black, dark, calamity or misfortunes: (TA:) calamity, or misfortune, is termed الدُّهَيْمُ because of its darkness: (TA:) or, originally, (S,) this was the name of the she-camel of 'Amr Ibn-Ez-Zebbán Edh-Dhuhlee, who was slain, with his brothers, and their heads were put upon her, (S, K, TA,) in sacks hung upon her neck, and she returned to Ez-Zebbán: (TA:) whence the saying, أَثْقَلُ مِنْ حِمْلِ الدُّهَيْمِ [Heavier than the burden of Ed-Duheym]: (S:) and أَشْأَمُ مِنَ الدُّهَيْمِ [More unlucky than Ed-Duheym]: (S, K, TA:) or, as some say, seven brothers were slain in a warring and plundering expedition, and were put upon Ed-Duheym; and hence the name became proverbial as applied to any calamity or misfortune. (TA.) A2: دُهَيْمٌ also signifies Foolish, or stupid. (K.) إِبِلٌ دُهَامِيَّةٌ Certain camels: so called in relation to ↓ الدُّهَامُ, the name of a certain stallion-camel. (TA.) الدُّهَيْمَآءُ: see الدُّهَيْمُ.

أَدْهَمُ Black; (JK, S, * Mgh, Msb, * K;) as also ↓ دُهَامٌ: (K:) the former is applied in this sense to a horse, (S, * Mgh, Msb, * TA,) and to a camel, &c.: (TA:) or, applied to a camel, of a deep ashcolour without any tinge of white; (As, S, Msb, K;) when of a deeper hue, so as to be very black, he is termed جَوْنٌ: (S:) or, as some say, applied to a camel, like أَصْفَرُ, [in this case meaning black with some intermixture of yellow,] but less black: (TA:) fem. دَهْمَآءُ; which, when applied to a sheep (S, M, Msb, K) or goat, (S, Msb,) means of a pure or an unmixed brown colour (خَالِصَةُ الحُمْرَةِ): (S, M, Msb, K:) pl. دُهْمٌ. (TA.) The Arabs say, مُلُوكُ الخَيْلِ دُهْمُهَا [The kings of horses are the black thereof]. (TA.) And فَرَسٌ أَدْهَمُ بَهِيمٌ A black horse in which is no intermixture of colours. (TA.) And لَا آتِيكَ مَا حَنَّتِ الدَّهْمَآءُ [I will not come to thee as long as she (among the camels) that is of a deep ash-colour without any tinge of white reiterates her yearning cry after her young one; meaning, ever]. (Lh, TA.) and رَمَادٌ أَدْهَمُ Black ashes. (TA.) b2: حَدِيقَةٌ دَهْمَآءُ and ↓ مُدْهَامَّةٌ (tropical:) [A walled garden] green inclining to black. (K.) Hence, (K,) ↓ مُدْهَامَّتَانِ, (S, K,) in the Kur [lv. 64], (S, TA,) [Two gardens (جَنَّتَانِ)] of which the greenness inclines to blackness; for every green plant, when its abundance and its moisture, or irrigation, are complete, inclines to blackness: (Zj, TA:) or black by reason of intense greenness arising from abundant moisture, or irrigation; and everything that is green (أَخْضَر) the Arabs term أَسْوَدُ. (S, TA.) b3: رَبْعٌ أَدْهَمُ [A place of alighting or abode] recently occupied by the tribe; [because blackened by their fires &c.:] pl. أَرْبُعٌ دُهْمٌ. (TA.) And أَثَرٌ أَدْهَمُ A new, or recent, mark, trace, or vestige: (As, K:) and أَغْيَرُ means one that is “old, becoming effaced:” (As, TA:) and the former means also old, becoming effaced; (K;) as some explain it; (TA;) thus having two contr. significations. (K.) and وَطْأَةٌ دَهْمَآءُ A new, or recent, footstep, or footprint: and غَبْرَآءُ means “becoming effaced:” or the former means one that is becoming effaced, because it has become obscure to him who seeks it; (JK;) or an old footstep, or footprint: and حَمْرَآءُ means one that is “new, or recent.” (S.) [See also أَغْبَرُ.] b4: الدَّهْمَآءُ also signifies (tropical:) The cooking-pot: (JK, S, A, K:) or the black cooking-pot: (ISh, TA:) and the old cooking-pot. (K. [But it is implied in the TA that this last meaning is a mistake, occasioned by an omission; and that, instead of القِدْرُ وَالقَدِيمَةُ, (in the CK القِدْرُ القَدِيمَةُ,) we should read, القِدْرُ وَالوَطْأَةُ الدَّهْمَآءُ القَدِيمَةُ, explained above. Accord. to Golius, on the authority of a gloss in the KL, أَبُو الأَدْهَمِ signifies The great cooking-pot in which a whole sheep is cooked at once.]) b5: And The twenty-ninth night of the [lunar] month: (JK, K:) because of its blackness. (TA.) and [the pl.] الدُّهْمُ Three nights of the [lunar] month [during which is the change of the moon]: (K:) because they are black. (TA.) b6: See also الدُّهَيْمُ. b7: [Used as a subst.,] أَدْهَمُ signifies also A shackle or fetter, or a pair of shackles or fetters; syn. قَيْدٌ: (S, K:) because of the blackness thereof: accord. to AA, of wood: (TA:) or a heavy shackle or fetter or a pair of shackles or fetters: syn. أَدَاهِمُ: (S, K:) because of the blackform of pl., which is proper to substs., because the quality of a subst. is predominant in it. (TA.) b8: And [the fem.] دَهْمَآءُ signifies (assumed tropical:) A multitude, or large number: (K:) and (assumed tropical:) a company of men; (Ks, S, K; *) and multitude thereof: (Ks, TA:) or (tropical:) the generality, the common mass, or the main part [thereof]: (Z, TA:) or (assumed tropical:) the commonalty, or common people. (Mbr, Har p. 671.) [See also دَهْمٌ.]

A2: Also, دَهْمَآءُ, The aspect, appearance, mien, guise, or garb, of a man. (JK, S, * K.) A3: And الدَّهْمَآءُ A certain herb, or tree, green, and broad in the leaves; (JK;) or a certain broad herb, (K,) having leaves and twigs, resembling the قَرْنُوَة; (TA;) with which one tans. (JK, K.) مُدْهَامَّةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in two places.

مُتَدَهَّمٌ A catamite; i. q. مَأْبُونٌ and مِثْفَرٌ and مِثْفَارٌ (AA, TA in the present art. and in art. دثر,) and مُتَدَأَّمٌ. (K, TA.)
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