Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
1351. دهش15 1352. دهقن14 1353. دهليز2 1354. دهم18 1355. دهن18 1356. دهو61357. دو2 1358. دوأ12 1359. دوج9 1360. دوح15 1361. دوخ13 1362. دود15 1363. دور19 1364. دوس18 1365. دوف14 1366. دوك12 1367. دول16 1368. دولاب2 1369. دوم20 1370. دون19 1371. دوى6 1372. ديبوذ1 1373. ديث13 1374. ديخ5 1375. ديد3 1376. دير13 1377. ديص10 1378. ديف8 1379. ديك12 1380. ديم14 1381. دين19 1382. ذ5 1383. ذأب14 1384. ذأر7 1385. ذأف7 1386. ذأل10 1387. ذأم13 1388. ذأن6 1389. ذا8 1390. ذات5 1391. ذاك1 1392. ذب4 1393. ذبح20 1394. ذبر13 1395. ذبل16 1396. ذحل14 1397. ذخر18 1398. ذر5 1399. ذرأ12 1400. ذرب15 1401. ذرح13 1402. ذرع18 1403. ذرف15 1404. ذرق17 1405. ذرو10 1406. ذعب5 1407. ذعر16 1408. ذعف13 1409. ذعن16 1410. ذف3 1411. ذفر17 1412. ذقن16 1413. ذكر20 1414. ذكو9 1415. ذل5 1416. ذلف16 1417. ذلق14 1418. ذلك2 1419. ذلى3 1420. ذم4 1421. ذمر14 1422. ذمل12 1423. ذمى3 1424. ذن4 1425. ذنب20 1426. ذه4 1427. ذهب17 1428. ذهل16 1429. ذهن14 1430. ذو8 1431. ذوب15 1432. ذوباج1 1433. ذود19 1434. ذوف9 1435. ذوق15 1436. ذول7 1437. ذون5 1438. ذوى6 1439. ذى3 1440. ذيأ7 1441. ذيا3 1442. ذيب6 1443. ذيت8 1444. ذير7 1445. ذيع14 1446. ذيف8 1447. ذيل15 1448. ذيم11 1449. ذين8 1450. ر8 Prev. 100



دهو and دهى 1 دَهِىَ, aor. ـْ (JK, K,) inf. n. دَهْىٌ and دَهَآءٌ and دَهَآءَةٌ; (K;) and دَهَى, aor. as above, inf. n. دَهْىٌ; (JK;) and دَهَا, (JK, TA,) aor. ـه (JK,) or ـْ [or يَدْهَى], (TA,) inf. n. دَهَآءٌ (JK, TA) and دَهَآءَةٌ; (JK;) and دَهُوَ, aor. ـْ (JK,) [inf. n. app. دَهَآءَةٌ;] He possessed cunning; i.e. intelligence, or sagacity; or intelligence mixed with craft and forecast; and excellence of judgment; (K, TA;) he was, or became, such as is termed دَاهٍ and دَهِىٌّ and دَهٍ. (JK.) [See دَهَآءٌ, below.]

A2: دَهَوْتُهُ, (JK, TA,) inf. n. دَهْوٌ; (TA;) and دَهَيْتُهُ, (JK,) third Pers\.

دَهَاهُ, inf. n. دَهْىٌ; (TA;) I treated him with cunning, &c. (JK, * and TA in explanation of the former.) [Both signify also I outwitted, deceived, deluded, beguiled, or circumvented, him.]

And دُهِيتُ means I was turned, or kept, from a thing, or an affair, by deceit, or guile. (JK, TA.)

b2: Also دَهَاهُ, inf. n. دَهْىٌ, He attributed, or imputed, to him cunning, &c.; expl. by نَسَبَهُ

إِلَى الدَّهَآءِ [an inverted phrase]: or he attributed, or imputed, to him a vice, or fault, or the like; blamed him, censured him, found fault with him, or detracted from his reputation: or he smote him with a دَاهِيَة, i. e. great, formidable, grievous, or distressing, thing or event or accident or action: and ↓ دهّاهُ signifies the same: (K:) thus in the K, with teshdeed: but in the M and Tekmileh it is said that دَهَيْتُهُ and دَهَوْتُهُ signify I attributed, or imputed, to him cunning (الدَّهَآء); without

mention of تَدْهِيَةٌ [inf. n. of دَهَّى]. (TA.)

b3: You say also دَهَاهُ الأَمْرُ, aor. ـْ The thing, or event, befell him: (Msb:) and دَهَتْهُ دَاهِيَةٌ [a calamity befell him]. (S.) And مَا دَهَاكَ What

befell, or hath befallen, thee? (S.)

2 1َ2َّ3َ see above.

3 داهاهُ (inf. n. مُدَاهَاةٌ, M in art. ارب, and K in art. ورب, &c.,) He strove, or endeavoured, to outwit, deceive, delude, beguile, or circumvent, him; syn. آرَبَهُ, (S in art. ارب,) and وَارَبَهُ, (K in art. ورب,) and نَاكَرَهُ. (TA in art. نكر.)

b2: and داهى بِدَاهِيَةٍ, inf. n. as above, He smote people with a calamity. (TA.)

4 ادهاهُ He found him to be such as is termed دَاهٍ [i. e. cunning, &c.], (IDrd, TA,) or دَاهِيَة

[which signifies the same in an intensive sense]. (JK.)

b2: [ادهى preceded by مَا is also used as a verb of wonder.] A poet says, أَبَا خَالِدٍ مَا كَانَ أَدْهَى مُصِيبَةً

أَصَابَتْ مَعَدًّا يَوْمَ أَصْبَحْتَ ثَاوِيَا

Aboo-Khálid, how great was the calamity that befell Ma' add on the day when thou diedst [or wast slain]! (Ham p. 440.)

5 تدهّى [He acted cunningly;] he did as do the دُهَاة [or cunning, &c., pl. of دَاهٍ]. (ISd, K.)

6 تداهى [He affected, or pretended, to possess دَهَآء; i. e., to be cunning, &c.]. (IAar, K in art. خزر: see 1 and 2 in that art.)

دَهٍ: see دَاهٍ, in two places.

A2: إِلَّا دَهٍ فَلَا دَهٍ: see art. ده.

دَهْوٌ: see دَهَآءٌ.

دَهْىٌ: see دَهَآءٌ.

A2: Also A large [bucket such as is called] غَرْب. (AA, TA.)

دَهْوَآءُ: see the next paragraph.

دَهْيَآءُ: see دَاهِيَةٌ.

b2: It is also used as a corroborative: (ISk, S:) you say دَاهِيَةٌ دَهْيَآءُ (ISk, JK, S, Msb) and ↓ دَهْوَآءُ (ISk, JK, S, Msb, K) and ↓: دُهْوِيَّةٌ, (JK, K,) meaning A severe, grievous, or distressing, calamity or misfortune: (JK:) or a very severe or grievous or distressing [calamity]. (K.)

دُهْوِيَّةٌ: see what next precedes.

دَهَآءٌ (in which the ء is converted from ى not from و S) and ↓ دَهْىٌ(JK, S, K) and ↓ دَهْوٌ (JK, TA) [are all inf. ns., and] are syn., (JK, S, K, TA,) signifying Cunning; i. e. intelligence, or sagacity; or intelligence mixed with craft and forecast; (TA in art. احد;) i. q.إِرْبٌ, (K,) and نُكْرٌ: (S, K:) and excellence of judgment. (S, K.)

[It is said in the S, app. with reference to دَهَآءٌ, that the dual is دَهْيَاوَانِ: but this is the regular dual of دَهْيَآءُ ; like حَمْرَاوَنِ, dual of حَمْرَآءُ]

دَهِىٌّ: see what next follows, in three places.

دَاهٍ and ↓ دَهٍ (JK, K) and ↓ دَهِىٌّ, part. ns. of دَهَى and دَهِىَ and دَهُوَ [respectively]: (JK,) and ↓ دَاهِيَةٌ, applied to a man, Cunning; i. e. possessing

intelligence, or sagacity; or intelligence mixed with craft and forecast: and excellent in judgment: (S, K:) i. q. مُنْكَرٌ [as syn. with نَكِرٌ] : (TA, and JK in explanation of دَاهِيَةٌ :) knowing, or skilful, in affairs: (TA:) or ↓دَهِىٌّ signifies [simply] intelligent: (AA, K:) and ↓دَاهِيَةٌ is [an intensive epithet, signifying very cunning; i. e. possessing much intelligence, &c.;] from دَهَآءٌ explained above: or [it means one who is as though he were calamity, or misfortune, personified;] from الدَّاهِيَةُ in the sense commonly known [which see below]: (TA in art. احِد:) the pl. (of دَاهٍ, JK, TA) is دُهَاةٌ, and (of ↓دَهٍ, JK, TA)

دَهُونَ, (JK, K, TA,) and of ↓دَهِىٌّ, أَدْهِيَآءُ (JK, M, TA) and دُهَوَآءُ, in the K, erroneously, أَدْهِيَةٌ and دَهْوَآءُ. (TA.)

b2: [Hence,] الدَّاهِى The lion. (K.)

دَاهِيَةٌ A calamity, a misfortune, an evil accident; (JK, Msb;) a great, formidable, grievous, or distressing, thing or event or accident or action; (S, K;) and ↓دَهْيَآءُ signifies the same: (JK, TA:*)

[the dim. of the former, ↓دُوَيْهِيَةٌ, generally means a great calamity &c.; being an instance of what is termed تَصْغِيرُ تَعْظِيمٍ:] the pl. of دَاهِيَةٌ is دَوَاهٍ: (Msb, TA:) and دَوَاهِى الدَّهْرِ means the great, formidable, grievous, or distressing, events of fortune that befall men. (S, TA.)

A2: See also دَاهٍ, in two places.

دُوَيْهِيَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

أَدْهَى [More, and most, cunning, &c. Hence,] أَدْهَى مِنْ قَيْسِ بْنِ زُهَيْرٍ [More intelligent, or sagacious, than Keys the son of Zuheyr] : a prov. (Meyd.)

مَدْهُوٌّ and مَدْهِىٌّ pass. part. ns.; (JK, TA;)

Treated with cunning, &c. (TA in explanation of the former.)
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