بُصْمٌ The space that is between the extremity of the little finger and that of the third finger [when they are extended apart]: (S, M, * K:) mentioned on the authority of AO, (S,) or on that of Aboo-Málik alone. (M.) The عَتَب is the space between the third finger and the middle finger; the رَتَب, that between the middle finger and the first finger; [but see these two words;] the فِتْر, that between the first finger and the thumb; the شِبْر, that between the thumb and the little finger; and the فَوْت, that between every two fingers, in length. (S.) b2: ذُو بُصْمٍ Thick, or coarse; applied to a man, (M, K,) or a garment, or piece of cloth: (K:) or you say ثَوْبٌ لَهُ بُصْمٌ, meaning a garment, or piece of cloth, that is dense, or compact; close in texture. (M.)