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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
868. حز5 869. حزب19 870. حزر17 871. حزق13 872. حزم19 873. حزن19874. حزو8 875. حس9 876. حسب21 877. حسد16 878. حسر20 879. حسك13 880. حسل13 881. حسم19 882. حسن21 883. حسو10 884. حسى3 885. حش7 886. حشب7 887. حشد16 888. حشر18 889. حشرج9 890. حشف19 891. حشك11 892. حشم19 893. حشو11 894. حشى3 895. حص7 896. حصب22 897. حصد18 898. حصر21 899. حصرم11 900. حصف14 901. حصل16 902. حصن21 903. حصو4 904. حض8 905. حضأ6 906. حضر20 907. حضن17 908. حضو4 909. حط6 910. حطأ9 911. حطب16 912. حطم19 913. حظ6 914. حظر21 915. حظل11 916. حظو8 917. حف7 918. حفث9 919. حفد18 920. حفر18 921. حفز12 922. حفش13 923. حفظ16 924. حفل16 925. حفن16 926. حفو10 927. حق10 928. حقب17 929. حقد16 930. حقر15 931. حقط8 932. حقف19 933. حقل16 934. حقن16 935. حقو12 936. حك7 937. حكأ9 938. حكر17 939. حكل11 940. حكم21 941. حكو4 942. حكى7 943. حل9 944. حلأ11 945. حلب19 946. حلت8 947. حلج15 948. حلز7 949. حلس16 950. حلف18 951. حلق21 952. حلقم13 953. حلقن5 954. حلك14 955. حلم19 956. حلو12 957. حلى6 958. حم6 959. حمأ12 960. حمد17 961. حمدل5 962. حمر24 963. حمز14 964. حمس18 965. حمش14 966. حمص14 967. حمض16 Prev. 100




1 حَزِنَ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ (Msb, K,) inf. n. حَزَنٌ; (Msb, TA;) and ↓ احتزن, and ↓ تحزّن, (S, K,) and ↓ تحازن; (K;) He was, or became, affected with حُزْن [q. v.; i. e. he grieved, mourned, or lamented; or was sorrowful, sad, or unhappy; &c.; عَلَيْهِ and لَهُ for him or it]. (S, Msb, K.) لَا تَحْزَنْ and لَا تَحْزَنُوا, in the Kur [ix. 40, &c., and iii. 133], do not denote a prohibition of getting حُزْن; for حُزْن does not come by the will of man: the real meaning is Do not thou, and ye, that which engenders حُزْن; do not thou, and ye, acquire حُزْن. (Er-Rághib. [But this requires consideration; or, rather, is not in every case admissible.]) A2: حَزَنَهُ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (Msb, TA,) inf. n. حُزْنٌ; (K;) and ↓ احزنهُ; He, (another person, S,) or it, (an affair, or an event, or a case, Msb, K,) caused him to be affected with حُزْن [which see below; i. e. grieved him; or caused him to mourn or lament, or to be sorrowful or sad or unhappy; &c.]: (S, Msb, K:) accord. to Yz, (S,) the former is of the dial. of Kureysh; and the latter, of the dial. of Temeem: (S, Msb:) and so say Th and Az: (Msb, TA:) but the former is said to be the more approved: (TA:) or, accord. to Az, the aor. of the former is used, but not the pret.; (Msb, TA;) and when the act is ascribed to God, the latter verb is used: Z, also, says that what is well known in usage is the employing the pret. of the latter and the aor. of the former: (TA:) or احزنهُ signifies he made him حَزِين [q. v.]; and حَزَنَهُ, [in some copies of the K ↓ حزّنهُ,] he made حُزْن to be in him: (Sb, K:) or حَزَنَهُ, it caused him to fall into حُزْن. (TA.) A3: حَزُنَتِ الأَرْضُ, (TA,) inf. n. حُزُونَةٌ; (S, TA;) and ↓ استحزنت; (TA;) The ground was, or became, rough, (TA,) or rugged and hard. (S.) b2: One says also of a beast that is not easy to ride upon, يَحْزُنُ المَشْىَ (tropical:) [He is rough in pace]: and فِيهِ حُزُونَةٌ (tropical:) [In him is roughness in pace]. (TA.) 2 يَقْرَأُ بِالتَّحْزِينِ He reads, or recites, with a slender [and plaintive] voice. (S, K.) b2: See also 1.4 احزنهُ: see 1.

A2: احزن بنَا المَنْزلُ The place of alighting, or abode, was, or became, rough, or rugged and hard, with us: or made us to be on rugged ground. (TA.) b2: And احزن He was, or became, in a tract such as is termed حَزْن [i. e. rugged, or rugged and hard: opposed to أَسْهَلَ]. (K.) [And hence,] احزنوا (assumed tropical:) They used roughness with men: opposed to اسهلوا. (TA in art. سهل.) 5 تَحَزَّنَ see 1. b2: تحزّن عَلَيْه He expressed pain, grief, or sorrow, or he lamented, or moaned, for, or on account of, him, or it; syn. تَوَجَّعَ. (K.) 6 تَحَاْزَنَ see 1.8 إِحْتَزَنَ see 1.10 إِسْتَحْزَنَ see 1.

حَزْنٌ Rugged (S, Msb, K) and hard (S) ground: (S, Msb, K:) or rugged high ground: (TA: [see also حَزْمٌ:]) good land, though hard, is not thus termed: (ISh:) pl. حُزُونٌ: (Msb, TA:) and ↓ حَزْنَةٌ signifies the same as حَزْنٌ: (K:) so too, as some say, does ↓ حُزُونٌ, with two dammehs; or, as others say, this is a pl. of حَزْنٌ: and you say also ↓ أَرْضٌ حَزْنِيَّةٌ [meaning the same as حَزْنٌ, or land of a rugged, or rugged and hard, or rugged and high, kind]. (TA.) حُزْنٌ and ↓ حَزَنٌ, (Lth, S, K,) the former said by AA to be used when the nom. or gen. case is employed, and the latter when the accus. is employed; (TA;) or the former is a simple subst., and the latter an inf. n.; (Msb;) Grief, mourning, lamentation, sorrow, sadness, or unhappiness; contr. of سُرُورٌ: (S, TA:) or i. q. هَمٌّ: (K:) or [هَمٌّ, accord. to common usage, is for some evil that is expected to happen; whereas] حُزْنٌ is grief arising on account of an unpleasant event that has happened, or on account of an object of love that has passed away; and is the contr. of فَرَحٌ: (El-Munáwee, TA:) or a roughness in the spirit, occasioned by grief: (Er-Rághib, TA:) pl. أَحْزَانٌ; (K;) [properly a pl. of pauc.; but] it has no other pl. (TA.) [Hence,] عَامُ الحُزْنِ The year [of mourning;] in which died Khadeejeh and Aboo-Tálib: (IAar, Th, K:) so called by Mohammad. (IAar, Th.) الحَمْدُ لِلّهِ الَّذِي أَذْهَبَ

↓ عَنَّا الحَزَنَ, in the Kur [xxxv. 31], is said to mean [Praise be to God, who hath dispelled from us] the anxiety (هَمّ) of the morning and evening meals: or all grieving anxiety of the means of subsistence: or the grief of punishment: or of death. (TA.) حَزَنٌ: see حُزْنٌ, in two places.

حَزُنٌ: see حَزِينٌ.

حَزِنٌ: see حَزِينٌ.

حُزُنٌ: see حَزْنٌ.

حَزْنَةٌ: see حَزْنٌ.

حُزْنَةٌ Rugged mountains: pl. حُزَنٌ. (As, S, K.) b2: And [hence,] the pl., (assumed tropical:) Difficulties, hardships, or distresses. (TA.) حَزْنِىٌّ A camel that pastures in a tract such as is termed حَزْنٌ. (S, TA.) b2: أَرْضٌ حَزْنِيَّةٌ: see حَزْنٌ.

حَزْنَانُ Affected with vehement, or intense, حُزْن [i. e. grief, mourning, &c.]; as also ↓ مِحْزَانٌ. (K, * TA.) حَزُونٌ A sheep, or goat, (شَاةٌ,) evil in disposition. (S, K.) حَزِينٌ (S, Msb, K) and ↓ حَزِنٌ (S, K) and ↓ حَزُنٌ (K) Grieving, mourning, lamenting, sorrowful, sad, or unhappy: (S, Msb, * K: * [see also مَحْزُونٌ; with which, accord. to the K, all seem to be syn.; and with which the first may be regarded as properly syn. on the ground of analogy, being from حَزَنَ, not from حَزُنَ:]) pl. (of the first, TA) حِزَانٌ and حُزَنَآءُ (K, TA) and حَزَانَى. (K voce ضَرِيسٌ.) b2: صَوْتٌ حَزِينٌ A soft or gentle, easy, slender, plaintive, and melodious, voice. (TA.) b3: مَالِك الحَزِين A certain bird. (TA. [See art. ملك.]) حُزَانَةٌ A man's family, or household, for whose case he suffers grief and anxiety. (S, K.) [and simply One's family, or household.] One says, فُلَانٌ لَا يُبَالِى إِذَا شَبِعَتْ خِزَانَتُهُ أَنْ تَجُوعَ حُزَانَتُهُ [Such a one cares not, when his store-room is full, that his family, or household, suffer hunger]. (A, TA.) A2: A prior right which the Arabs enjoy over the foreigners, on their first arrival [in the territory of the latter],with respect to the houses and lands: (M, K:) or a condition which the Arabs used to impose upon the foreigners in Khurásán, when they took a town, or district, pacifically, that when the soldiery [of the former] passed by them, singly or in companies, they should lodge them, and entertain them, and supply them with provisions for their march to another district. (Az, TA.) حَيْزُونُ: see حَيْزُومُ, in art. حزم.

مُحْزَنٌ: see مَحْزُونٌ.

مُحْزِنٌ [Grieving, or causing to mourn or lament, &c.,] is applied to an event, or a case; and also, but not حَازِنٌ, to a voice. (TA.) مِحْزَانٌ: see حَزْنَانُ.

مَحْزُونٌ Grieved; or caused to mourn or lament, or to be sorrowful or sad or unhappy; (AA, S, K;) as also ↓ مَحْزَنٌ. (K.) b2: مَحْزُونُ اللِّهْزِمَةِ Rough in the لهزمة [app. meaning the angle of the lower jaw, or the flesh on that part]: and having the لهزمة hanging down, [by the relaxation of its muscle,] in consequence of grief. (TA.)
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