حَظَّ, sec. Pers\. حَظِظْتَ, (S, K,) aor. ـَ (S,) inf. n. حَظٌّ, (K,) He was, or became, fortunate, or possessed of good fortune, (S, K,) فِى الأَمْرِ in the affair; (K;) as also ↓ احظّ: (K, TA:) or ↓ the latter signifies he was, or became, rich, wealthy, or opulent; or in a state of, or possessed of, competence, or sufficiency; in no need; without wants; or with few wants. (O, TS.) Lth says, I have not heard any verb from حَظٌّ: but it has a verb, transmitted from the Arabs, which Lth did not know, and had not heard: and AHeyth says, in writing to Ibn-Buzurj, هُمْ يُحَظُّونَ بِهِمْ, and يُجَدُّونَ بهم, (Az, TA,) meaning They become possessed of good fortune, and riches, or competence, or sufficiency. (L in art. جد.) 4 أَحْظَ3َ see 1, in two places.
A2: أَحْظَيْتُهُ عَلَيْهِ [I preferred him above him] may be from the same root as the other words of this art.; the second ظ being changed into ى; [like as أَمْلَيْتُ is, accord. to some, formed from أَمْلَلْتُ;] or it may be from حُظْوَةٌ. (TA.) حَظٌّ Fortune; or particularly good fortune; syn. جَدٌّ (S, Nh, Msb, K) and بَخْتٌ: (Nh:) and a share, portion, or lot: (S, Msb, K:) or particularly a share, portion, or lot, of something good or excellent: (Lth, K:) some of the people of Hims say حَنْزٌ; but when they form a pl., they return to the original, saying حُظُوظٌ: and the ن is regarded by them as a nasal sound, not as a radical letter: and in like manner they do in the case of every word having a doubled letter, such as رُزٌّ and أُتْرُجٌّ, saying رٌنْزٌ and أُتْرُنْجٌ: (Lth, L:) the pl. (of pauc., S) is أَحُظٌّ (S, K) and (of mult., S) حُظُوظٌ (Az, S, Msb, K) and حُظُوظَةٌ (Ibn-'Abbád, K) and حِظَاظٌ (IJ, K) and حُظٌّ (Az, K) and ↓ أَحَاظٍ, (S, L, K, [in the CK, erroneously, أَحَاظٌ,]) irregularly, as though it were pl. of أَحْظٍ, (S, L,) or it is regularly formed from أَحْظٍ, which latter is [irregular, being] originally أَحْظُظٌ, [which is the original form of the pl. of pauc. mentioned above,] (IB,) and another pl. is ↓ حِظَآءٌ, (L, [and so in the TA as from the K, but in several copies of the K ↓ حِظَّآءٌ, which is of one of the forms of quasi-pl. ns.,]) also irregular, being formed [from حِظَاظٌ] by a change of the second ظ [into ى and then into ء]. (L.) A2: See also حَظِيظٌ.
حِظَآءٌ and حِظَّآءٌ: see حَظٌّ.
حَظِّىٌّ, or حَظِىٌّ: see what next follows.
حَظِيظٌ and ↓ حَظٌّ (S, K) and ↓ حَظِّىٌّ, as a relative n., accord. to [most of] the copies of the K, or as a defective word, [i. e. ↓ حَظِىٌّ, with a single ظ, as we find it in the CK,] accord. to Az, who says that it is originally حَظٌّ, (TA,) and ↓ مَحْظُوظٌ, (AA, S, Msb, K,) Fortunate; or possessed of good fortune; (S, Msb, K;) possessing a good share (حَظٌّ) of the means of subsistence: (TA:) or the first, accord. to Fr, possessing competence, or sufficiency; or rich, or wealthy, or opulent: (TA:) the pl. [accord. to analogy of حَظِيظٌ] is أَحِظَّآءُ. (So in the L: [in the TA written أَحْظَآء, which I think a mistake, though it seems to be there implied that it is pl. of حَظٌّ, and if so, we must suppose it to be originally أَحْظَاظٌ, like as حِظَآءٌ, a pl. of the subst. حَظٌّ, if correct, is originally حِظَاظٌ.]) فُلَانٌ أَحَظُّ مِنْ فُلَانٍ Such a one is more fortunate than such a one. (S, * Msb, * TA.) أَحَاظٍ said to be an irreg. pl. of حَظٌّ, q. v.
مَحْظُوظٌ: see حَظِيظٌ.