4 احشبهُ He angered him. (K.) 8 احتشبوا They collected themselves together; congregated. (El-Muarrij, K.) حِشْبٌ: see what next follows.حَشِيبٌ A thick, coarse, or rough, garment or piece of cloth; (Aboo- Semeyda' El-Aarábee, K;) as also حِشِيبٌ and ↓ حِشْبٌ. (TA.) A2: See also حَوْشَبٌ.
حشيبى: see what next follows.
حَوْشَبٌ The fetlock-joint (مَوْصِلُ الوَظِيفِ) in the pastern (رُسْغ) of a beast: (S, K:) or, (K,) as also ↓ حشيب and ↓ حشيبى, (so in the TA,) a bone in the inside of the hoof, between the tendons (عَصَب) and the وَظِيف [or shank; app. the lower pastern-bone]: (K:) or the contents (حَشْو) of the hoof: (AA, TA:) or a small bone, like a سُلَامَى [or finger-bone, a description aptly applying to either of the pastern-bones, the upper of which seems to be here meant], at the extremity of the وَظِيف, between the head thereof and the place where the hoof is set on, (As, S, K,) entering into the جُبَّة: (As, S: [see this last word (جبّة), to which various significations are assigned; here said in the TA to be that which contains the حوشب and دَخِيس (both of which words seem to be syn.), between, or amid, the flesh and the tendons:]) or the bone of the رُسْغ [or pastern]: (T, K:) or a name applied to each of the two bones of the pastern (رسغ) of a horse. (TA.) A2: Lean, and lank in the belly. (K.) b2: And Bigbellied: or big in the sides: (TA:) or swollen, or inflated, in the sides: (S, K:) or swollen in the belly, and short: (Skr p. 57: [see an ex. in a verse cited voce مُجْرٍ in art. جرو:]) bearing two contr. significations: (K:) fem. with ة: (TA:) pl. حَوَاشِبُ. (Skr, S.) A3: The male hare: (K, * TA:) and [so in the K; but accord. to the TA, “or ”] the calf. (K.) Also, accord. to the K, the “ male fox: ” but this is a mistake, occasioned by the occurrence of the words حَوْشَب and قَعْنَب together in a verse: the latter of these two signifies the “ male fox. ” (TA.) A4: A company of men; as also ↓ حَوْشَبَةٌ: (El-Muarrij, K: *) a large number of men collected together. (TA.) حَوْشَبَةٌ: see what next precedes.