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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
835. حدى1 836. حذ6 837. حذر19 838. حذف21 839. حذفر7 840. حذق15841. حذلق5 842. حذم15 843. حذو9 844. حذى2 845. حر7 846. حرب16 847. حرث20 848. حرج18 849. حرح5 850. حرد21 851. حردن3 852. حرذن5 853. حرز18 854. حرس19 855. حرش16 856. حرص19 857. حرض19 858. حرف24 859. حرق19 860. حرقد4 861. حرقص9 862. حرقف6 863. حرك17 864. حرم20 865. حرن14 866. حرو8 867. حرى6 868. حز5 869. حزب19 870. حزر17 871. حزق13 872. حزم19 873. حزن19 874. حزو8 875. حس9 876. حسب21 877. حسد16 878. حسر20 879. حسك13 880. حسل13 881. حسم19 882. حسن21 883. حسو10 884. حسى3 885. حش7 886. حشب7 887. حشد16 888. حشر18 889. حشرج9 890. حشف19 891. حشك11 892. حشم19 893. حشو11 894. حشى3 895. حص7 896. حصب22 897. حصد18 898. حصر21 899. حصرم11 900. حصف14 901. حصل16 902. حصن21 903. حصو4 904. حض8 905. حضأ6 906. حضر20 907. حضن17 908. حضو4 909. حط6 910. حطأ9 911. حطب16 912. حطم19 913. حظ6 914. حظر21 915. حظل11 916. حظو8 917. حف7 918. حفث9 919. حفد18 920. حفر18 921. حفز12 922. حفش13 923. حفظ16 924. حفل16 925. حفن16 926. حفو10 927. حق10 928. حقب17 929. حقد16 930. حقر15 931. حقط8 932. حقف19 933. حقل16 934. حقن16 Prev. 100




1 حَذَقَهُ, aor. ـِ inf. n. حَذْقٌ (S, K, TA, in the CK حِذْق) and حَذَاقَةٌ, (K, TA, in the CK حِذاقَة,) He cut it; (S, K;) namely, a rope, (S,) or a thing: (K:) or he stretched it, or extended it, to cut it with a reaping-hook and the like, (K, TA,) so that there remained not of it anything. (TA.) b2: حَذَقَ الرِّبَاطُ يَدَ الشَّاةِ The bond made an impression upon the fore leg of the sheep, or goat, (IDrd, K,) by cutting. (IDrd.) b3: حَذَقَ فَاهُ, (IDrd, S, K,) inf. n. حَذْقٌ, (S,) said of vinegar, (IDrd, S, K,) and of milk [when sour], and of the beverage called نَبِيذ, and the like, (TA,) (tropical:) It stung, bit, or burned, his mouth, by its strength and sharpness, (IDrd, S, K, TA,) and contracted it. (K.) b4: And حَذَقَ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. ـِ (Msb, K,) inf. n. حُذُوقٌ, said of vinegar, (S, Msb, K,) and of milk, (TA,) (tropical:) It was, or became, sour, (S, Msb, K, TA,) in the utmost degree, (Msb,) so that it burned the tongue. (Msb, TA.) b5: حَذَقَ القُرْآنَ, and (so in the S, but in the K “ or ”) العَمَلَ, aor. ـِ and حَذِقَ, aor. ـَ (S, K;) or ـَ فِيهِ, and حَذِقَ; (TA;) inf. n. (of both, S) حِذْقٌ and (of the former, S) حَذْقٌ and حِذَاقٌ and حَذَاقَةٌ (S, K) and حَذَاقٌ and حِذَاقَةٌ; or ↓ this last is a simple subst.; (K;) (tropical:) He (a boy) was, or became, skilled in the Kur-án, and the work; (S) or learned the whole of it, and was, or became, skilled in it: (K, TA:) from الحَذْقُ signifying “ the act of cutting. ” (Z, TA.) You say, هٰذَا يَوْمُ حِذَاقِهِ This is the day of his finishing [the learning or reciting] of the Kurn. (S, K.) And حَذَقَ فِى صَنْعَتِهِ, [and بِهَا also,] aor. ـِ and حَذِقَ, aor. ـَ (assumed tropical:) He was, or became, skilled in his art, or habitual work or occupation, and knew its abstrusities and niceties. (Msb.) 2 تَحْذِيقٌ, [inf. n. of حذّقهُ (assumed tropical:) He, or it, made, or rendered, him skilful,] from الحِذْقُ, rests upon analogy, not upon the authority of hearsay. (Mgh.) 4 احذقهُ (assumed tropical:) It (the heat) rendered it sour, so that it burned the tongue; namely, vinegar. (TA.) 5 تحذّق (assumed tropical:) He feigned, or made a show of, skilfulness to us. (TA.) And ↓ حَذْلَقَ, (S, K, mentioned in the latter in art. حذلق,) with an augmentative ل, (S,) inf. n. حَذْلَقَةٌ, (A, TA,) (tropical:) He feigned, or made a show of, skilfulness, and [in some copies of the K “ or ”] laid claim to more than he possessed; as also ↓ تَحَذْلَقَ: (S, K, TA:) or ↓ حَذْلَقَةٌ signifies (assumed tropical:) the employing oneself, or using art or artifice, with skilfulness, cleverness, or ingeniousness: and فِى ↓ تحذلق كَلَامِهِ (assumed tropical:) he feigned, or made a show of, skilfulness, cleverness, or ingeniousness, in his speech. (L.) Yousay, ↓ فِيهِ حَذْلَقَةٌ and ↓ تَحَذْلُقٌ (tropical:) [In him is a quality of feigning, or making a show of, skilful ness, &c.]. (A, TA.) 7 انحذق It (a rope) was, or became, cut. (K, TA.) Hence the saying of the poet, يَكَادُ مِنْهُ نِيَاطُ القَلْبِ بَنْحَذِقُ [The suspensory of the heart is near to becoming severed in consequence thereof]. (TA.) Q. Q. 1 حَذْلَقَ, inf. n. حَذْلَقَةٌ: see 5, in three places.

A2: Also, [perhaps originally,] It was, or became, sharpened. (TA.) Q. Q. 2 تَحَذْلَقَ: see 5, in three places.

خِذْقَةٌ A piece, or portion cut off, of a rope: pl. حِذَاقٌ and حُذَاقٌ; as in the phrase, تَرَكْتُ الحَبْلَ حِذَاقًا and حُذَاقًا [I left the rope in pieces]. (K.) [See also what next follows.]

حَذِيقٌ (S, K) and ↓ مَحْذُوقٌ (K) Cut: (S, K, * TA:) pl. أَحْذَاقٌ. (Lh, TA.) One says حَبْلٌ

أَحْذَاقٌ A rope altogether worn out; as though it were cut: (Lh, K, * TA:) every part of it being termed حَذِيق. (Lh, TA.) مَاعِنْدَهُ حُذَاقَةٌ (tropical:) He has not aught of food. (K, TA.) [See also حُذَافَةٌ, with ف.]

حِذَاقَةٌ: see 1.

حُذَاقِىٌّ Sharpened: applied to a knife: (Ibn-'Abbád, K:) and ↓ حِذْلَاقٌ signifies the same, applied to a thing [of any kind]. (TA.) b2: See also حَاذِقٌ. b3: (tropical:) A man chaste, or eloquent, of tongue; (S, K, * TA;) perspicuous in language. (S.) A2: A young ass; syn. حَجْشٌ. (K.) حِذْلِقٌ (assumed tropical:) A loquacious man; who affects to be commended for, or glories in, that which he does not possess. (TA.) حِذْلَاقٌ: see حُذَاقِىٌّ.

حَاذِقٌ Cutting, or sharp: (S, K: *) applied to a knife [&c.]. (S.) b2: (tropical:) Wine (شَرَاب) that has attained to its full maturity [of strength, so that it stings, bites, or burns; the tongue; see 1]: (AHn, TA:) likewise applied to vinegar [in the same sense; or as meaning sour, or sour in the utmost degree, so that it burns the tongue; see again 1]; as also ↓ حُذَاقِىٌّ. (TA.) b3: (tropical:) Skilled, or skilful, and thoroughly learned, [so as to know abstrusities and niceties, (see 1,)] in an art, or a habitual work or occupation, and in the Kur-án: pl. حُذَّاقٌ. (TA.) You say, فُلَانٌ فِى صَنْعَتِهِ حَاذِقٌ بَاذِقٌ (S, TA) (tropical:) Such a one is skilled, or skilful, &c., in his art, or habitual work or occupation; (TA;) using the latter word as an imitative sequent. (S, TA.) b4: (tropical:) Bad, evil, wicked, mischievous, or the like; syn. خَبِيثٌ. (TA.) مَحْذُوقٌ: see حَذِيقٌ.

مُتَحَذْلِقٌ Feigning, or making a show of, skilfulness, cleverness, or ingeniousness: or desiring to exceed his due bounds. (L.) [See 5.]
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