1 بَذَّ, (M,) sec. Pers\. بَذِذْتَ, (S, Mgh, K,) aor. ـَ (L, K,) inf. n. بَذَاذَةٌ (S, M, Mgh, K) and بُذُوذَةٌ (S, M, K) and بَذَذٌ (M, Mgh, K) and بَذَاذٌ, (K,) or بِذَاذٌ, with kesr, (TA,) [of all which, the third is the regular form,] He (a man) was, or became, threadbare, and shabby, or mean, in the state of his apparel, (Ks, S, M, Mgh, L,) and in an evil condition; (M, L, K;) slovenly with respect to his person: (Ks, M, L:) or he neglected the constant adornment of himself: or he adorned himself one day, and another day left his hair in a shaggy or dishevelled, or matted and dusty, state: (T, L:) or he was humble in his apparel, not taking pleasure therein. (IAth, L.) بَذَاذَة is said in a trad. to be a part of religion; (Ks, T, M, Mgh, L;) meaning, in this instance, The being humble in dress, and wearing that which is not conducive to self-conceit and pride. (Mgh.) A2: بَذَّهُ, aor. ـُ (T, S, M, L,) inf. n. بَذٌّ (S, M, L, K) and ↓ بَذِيذَةٌ, (K,) [or this may be a simple subst.,] He overcame him; (T, S, M, L, K;) he surpassed him in goodliness or beauty, or in any deed: (T, L:) he outstripped him. (M, L.) It is said in a trad., بَذَّ القَائِلِينَ He outstripped, or surpassed, and overcame, the speakers. (L.) 3 باذّهُ He hastened with him; made haste, or strove, to be, or get, before him: (K, * TA:) he vied with him in glory or excellence. (TA.) 8 ابتذّ حَقَّهُ He took his (i. e. his own) right, or due. (K.) 10 استبذّ بِالأَمْرِ He was alone, with none to share, or participate, with him, in the affair; (K, * TA;) i. q. استبدّ (K) and استقلّ. (TA.) بَذٌّ [perhaps from the Persian بَدْ] A man slovenly with respect to his person, and poor. (IAar, T, L.) And بَذُّ الهَيْئَةِ, and الهَيْئَةِ ↓ بَاذُّ, A man threadbare, and shabby, or mean, in the state of his apparel; (Ks, T, * S, Mgh, L;) and in an evil condition with respect to it; (L, K;) slovenly with respect to his person: (Ks, L:) or one who neglects the constant adornment of his person: or who adorns himself one day, and another day leaves his hair in a shaggy or dishevelled, or matted and dusty, state: (T, L:) or humble in his apparel, not taking pleasure therein. (IAth, L.) b2: بَذُّ البَخْتِ A man having evil fortune. (Kr, M, L.) b3: هَيْئَةٌ بَذَّةٌ A threadbare, and shabby, or mean, state of apparel. (M.) b4: حَالٌ بَذَّةٌ, (S,) and حَالَةٌ بَذَّةٌ, (TA,) An evil state or condition. (S, TA.) b5: تَمْرٌ بَذٌّ Dates that are separate, each one from another, not sticking together; like فَذٌّ: (IAar, M:) or that are scattered. (K.) b6: فَذٌّ بَذٌّ Single; sole; that is alone, or apart from others: (IAar, K:) and so أَحَذُّ↓ أَبَذُّ. (K.) فِى هَيْئَتِهِ بَذَّةٌ, and بَذَاذَةٌ, [the latter an inf. n. (of بَذَّ) used as a simple subst.,] In his state of apparel is slovenliness, and threadbareness, and shabbiness, or meanness. (T.) ↓ بَذِيذَةٌ, also, (sometimes written ↓ بَذْبَذَةٌ, TA, and so in the TT but without vowel-signs,) signifies Slovenliness with respect to one's person; or neglect of cleanliness. (T, L, K.) بَذِيذَةٌ, or بَذْبَذَةٌ: see بَذَّةٌ.
A2: And for the former, see also بَذَّهُ.
بَاذٌّ: see بَذٌّ.
A2: Also Any one overcoming, or surpassing. (M, L.) أَبَذٌّ: see بَذٌّ.