طَسٌّ and ↓ طَسَّةٌ (S, M, K) and ↓ طِسَّةٌ (M, K) i. q. طَسْتٌ, (S, K,) which is expl. in its proper place: (TA:) [see art. طست: or] طَسَّةٌ is the original of طَسْتٌ: (Lth, TA:) the pl. (of طَسٌّ, M) is أَطْسَاسٌ [a pl. of pauc.] (M) and طُسُوسٌ (S, M, K) and طَسِيسٌ (M, K) [or rather this is a quasi-pl. n.] and (of طَسَّةٌ and طِسَّةٌ, M) طِسَاسٌ and [of طَسَّةٌ also] طَسَّاتٌ, (S, K,) and طِسَّةٌ may also have for its pl. طِسَسٌ, accord. to rule. (M.) The dim. [of طَسٌّ] is طُسَيْسٌ; (S in art. طست;) and [of طَسَّةٌ and طِسَّةٌ,] طُسَيْسَةٌ. (IKt and Msb in art. طست.) طَسَّةٌ: see the preceding paragraph.
طِسَّةٌ: see the preceding paragraph.
طِسَاسَةٌ The trade of selling, (M,) or the art of making, (K,) [the kind of basins called] طُسُوس [pl. of طَسٌّ]. (M, K. *) طَسَّاسٌ A seller, (M,) or maker, (K,) of [the kind of basins called] طُسُوس, (M, K. *)