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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
4539. هدل16 4540. هدم20 4541. هدمل7 4542. هدن19 4543. هدى12 4544. هذ74545. هذأ6 4546. هذب15 4547. هذر16 4548. هذرب4 4549. هذلم5 4550. هذى4 4551. هر8 4552. هرا7 4553. هرب17 4554. هربذ6 4555. هرت15 4556. هرث4 4557. هرج17 4558. هرجب6 4559. هرجل7 4560. هرح1 4561. هرد12 4562. هردب7 4563. هرس18 4564. هرش16 4565. هرشب3 4566. هرشف8 4567. هرطل5 4568. هرق17 4569. هرل6 4570. هرم18 4571. هرمت4 4572. هرن7 4573. هرنصن1 4574. هرى2 4575. هز7 4576. هزأ13 4577. هزب8 4578. هزبر8 4579. هزج16 4580. هزر15 4581. هزرب2 4582. هزع13 4583. هزل21 4584. هزلج6 4585. هزم18 4586. هزمج3 4587. هسب3 4588. هش9 4589. هشم18 4590. هصب4 4591. هصر16 4592. هض5 4593. هضب16 4594. هضم19 4595. هطل15 4596. هف5 4597. هفت15 4598. هق6 4599. هقب7 4600. هقر6 4601. هقع12 4602. هك5 4603. هل10 4604. هلب16 4605. هلبث5 4606. هلبج5 4607. هلت8 4608. هلث7 4609. هلج13 4610. هلجب3 4611. هلقب3 4612. هلقت2 4613. هلك20 4614. هلم13 4615. هم7 4616. همأ6 4617. همت3 4618. همج13 4619. همد18 4620. همذ9 4621. همر15 4622. همرج6 4623. همرجل5 4624. همز17 4625. همس20 4626. همش9 4627. همل15 4628. هملج10 4629. هن6 4630. هنأ12 4631. هنب10 4632. هنبت4 4633. هنبر7 4634. هنتب4 4635. هند10 4636. هندب7 4637. هندز7 4638. هندس11 Prev. 100




1 هَذَّ بِسَلْحِهِ He ejected his excrement. (TA, art. تر.)


1 هَذّ, aor. ـُ (S, L,) inf. n. هَذٌّ (S, L, K) and هَذَذٌ (L, K) and هُذَاذٌ, (K, TA,) or هَذَاذٌ, (CK, [which latter is the correct reading, (see هَذَاذَيْكَ,) and, accord. to the JK, is a quasi-inf. n.],) He cut quickly, or cut off quickly; as also ↓ اهتذّ: (S, L, K:) or he cut anything. (K) b2: هَذَّهُ بِالسَّيْفِ, inf. n. هَذٌّ, He cut him, or it, in pieces with the sword. (L,) b3: هَذَّ. aor. ـُ (S, L.) inf. n. هَدٌّ (S, L, K) and هَذَذٌ (L, K) and هُذَاذٌ, (K, TA,) or هَذَاذٌ; (CK [see above];) and ↓ اهتذّ, (K:) (tropical:) He read, or recited, quickly. (S, L, K.) You say, هَدَّ قِرَآءَتَهُ, aor. ـ) inf. n. هَذٌّ, (tropical:) He performed his reading, or re (??) tation, quickly. (Msb.) And هُوَ يَهُذُّ القُرْآنَ (tropical:) He reads, or recites, the Kur-án rapidly and uninterruptedly: (S, A, L:) and in like manner, الحَدِيثَ the narrative; (S, L;) and الشِّعْرَ the poetry. (L.) 8 إِهْتَذَ3َ see 1.

هَذٌّ, or هِذٌّ: see هَذُوذٌ.

هَذُوذٌ (S, L, K) and هَذَّاذٌ (K) and ↓ هَذٌّ, (L, CK,) or ↓ هِذٌّ, (as in some copies of the K, and in the TA,) and ↓ هَذْهَاذٌ and هُذَاهِذٌ, (L, K [the last in the CK هَذَاهِذٌ],) Sharp; quickly cutting: (S, L, K:) the first, which is masc. and fem., and the second, applied to a knife; (S * L;) and the last two, to a (??) هَذَاذَيْكَ, (as As says, S) is said to people when you desire them to refrain, or forbear, or abstain, from a thing; as also هَجَاجَيْكَ; supposing [it to be addressed to] two [persons]; (S, L;) [but it is addressed to one;] meaning Refrain thou! or forbear thou! or abstain thou! (TA, art. هج.) 'Abd-Beni-l-Has-hás says,

إِذَا شُقَّ بُرْدٌ شُقَّ بِالْبردِ مِثْلُهُ هَذَاذَيْكَ حَتَّى لَيْس لِلْبُرْدِ لَابِسُ [When a burd (a kind of garment) is rent, the like thereof is rent with the burd b2: refrain thou b3: so that there is no wearer of the burd, it having been rent so as to fall off: but it seems more proper to render it here, with rending after rending, which is nearly the original signification, as will be presently shown; and, thus rendered, it does not interrupt the sentence]: the women assert that, when, in the act of concubitus, [app., for the first time,] somewhat of the garment of the man is rent, love continues between the pair; but otherwise, that they desert each other. (S, L. [This verse is related with several variations: see another reading of it voce دَوَالَيْكَ, in art. دول.]) b4: ضَرْبًا هَذَاذَيْكَ With a beating, or striking, with cutting after cutting; (L, K;) بَعْدَ هَذٍّ ↓ هَذًّا, (L,) i. e., قَطْعًا بَعْدَ قَطْعٍ: (L, K:) or with a beating, or striking, successively; uninterruptedly; وَلَآءً تِبَاعًا. (JK.) b5: In the saying of the poet,

فَبَاكَرَ مَخْتُومًا عَلَيْهِ سَيَاعُهُ هَذَاذَيْكَ حَتَّى أَنْفَذَ الدَّنَّ أَجْمَعَا [in which, for انفذ, in the L and TA, I substitute انفذ,] AHn says, that it signifies هَذًّ

بَعْدَ هَذٍّ, i. e., شُرْبًا بَعْدَ شُرْبٍ; the poet meaning And he applied himself early to a jar full of wine, [with its mud-plaster sealed upon it, with drinking after drinking, until he exhausted all that was in the jar,] and emptied it. (L.) قَرَبٌ هَذْهَاذٌ (assumed tropical:) A long and difficult night journey to water: (L, K:) or quick. (JK, K.) b2: See هذوذ.

هَذَّاذٌ: see هَذُوذٌ. b2: Also, (assumed tropical:) A camel that outstrips others. (K.)
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