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138789. نُصَيِّفي1 138790. نَصِيلُ1 138791. نَصِيْل1 138792. نُصَيْو1 138793. نَضَّ1 138794. نض4138795. نض ونظ1 138796. نَضَّ 1 138797. نَضَا1 138798. نضا7 138799. نَضَا 1 138800. نَضَّاح1 138801. نَضَادُ1 138802. نُضَاريّ1 138803. نِضَال1 138804. نِضَال الدِّين1 138805. نِضَالَة1 138806. نَضاهُ1 138807. نَضَّاو1 138808. نَضَبَ2 138809. نضب16 138810. نَضَبَ 1 138811. نَضَجَ1 138812. نُضْج1 138813. نضج16 138814. نَضِجَ1 138815. نَضُج1 138816. نَضِجَ 1 138817. نضجه1 138818. نَضَحَ2 138819. نضح17 138820. نَضَح الفرج1 138821. نَضَحَ 1 138822. نَضَخَ1 138823. نضخَ1 138824. نضخ12 138825. نَضَخَ 1 138826. نَضَخَه1 138827. نَضَدَ2 138828. نضد17 138829. نَضَدَ 1 138830. نضده1 138831. نَضَدُون1 138832. نَضَرَ1 138833. نضر18 138834. نضر ونظر1 138835. نَضَرَ 1 138836. نضره1 138837. نَضريّ1 138838. نَضَضَ1 138839. نضض11 138840. نضف10 138841. نَضِف1 138842. نضف ونظف1 138843. نضفت1 138844. نَضِلَ1 138845. نَضَلَ1 138846. نَضْل1 138847. نَضْلٌ1 138848. نضل17 138849. نَضَلَ 1 138850. نضله1 138851. نضم2 138852. نَضْمِيّة1 138853. نَضْنَضَ1 138854. نضنض4 138855. نضو11 138856. نَضْوان1 138857. نِضْوَة1 138858. نُضُوج1 138859. نَضُوريّ1 138860. نضى2 138861. نضي2 138862. نَضِيَّان1 138863. نَضِيَّة1 138864. نَضَيْتُ1 138865. نَضِيد1 138866. نُضَيْرة1 138867. نَضِيرة1 138868. نط3 138869. نِطَ1 138870. نَطَّ1 138871. نَطَّ 1 138872. نطأ1 138873. نَطَا1 138874. نطا6 138875. نَطَاةُ1 138876. نَطَّاحي1 138877. نَطَاش1 138878. نَطَّاطا1 138879. نَطَاعِ1 138880. نِطَاق1 138881. نَطَّاليّ1 138882. نَطَّاما1 138883. نطب9 138884. نطبق1 138885. نطثر1 138886. نَطَحَ1 138887. نَطَّحُ1 138888. نطح16 Prev. 100


المَاء نضا ونضيضا سَالَ قَلِيلا قَلِيلا وَيُقَال نض لَهُ بِشَيْء أعطَاهُ قَلِيلا ونض إِلَيّ من معروفه شَيْء نالني مِنْهُ وَالشَّيْء حصل وتيسر وَيُقَال خُذ مَا نض لَك من دينك والطائر حرك جناحيه ليطير وَالشَّيْء حركه وقلقله
نض: نض: خفق، رجف (ألف ليلة برسل 4: 177): فاغتاظ الخليفة ونض العرق الهاشمي من بين عينيه (ترجمها لين: throb to أي نبض، خنق).
نض: في (محيط المحيط): ما نض بيدي منه شيء أي ما حصل؛ أعطى (فوك) لهذا الفعل مرادفا هو Presto esse أي حان أو حل؛ ولعله المرادف نفسه الذي ذكره (الكالا) في مواضع عدة ( acaecer mal, acaecer bien, acontecer, acaecer) نض، ينض، نضا وقد ترجمه بأنه الفعل: وصل، وقع، حدث، حان أجله. لقد ذكر (محيط المحيط) معان ومقاربة أخرى: خذ ما نض لك من دين أو ثمن أي ما تيسر وتعجل وذكر أيضا نض ماله أي (صار عينا بعد أن كان متاعل) ومعناها أن البضاعة قد حولت إلى نقد.
نض: والمصدر نضوض: الدفع نقدا (بوسييه، معجم التنبيه).
نضوض: اقتطاع، أخذ، استنزال (رولاند)؛ بعد نضوض رأس المال (بوسييه).
ناض. ناض المال: نقدا، فورا (أساس، المقدمة 2: 85، مولر 1: 43)، وكذلك ناض وحدها (المقري 2: 159) وأجرى عليه الرزق من الطعام والأدام والناض (ابن جبير 85: 18) (في مقابل كلمة سلع أي بضائع) (بوسييه): دراهم ناضة وكذلك في (عادات 29): وتوفى عن ثلاثة آلاف دينار ناضة.
نض: النَّضُّ: نَضِيْضٌ من الماء قَليلٌ، نَضَّ الماءُ يَنِضُّ. وفلاننٌ يَسْتَنِضُّ مَعْرُوْفَ فلانٍ. ونَضَّ إلَيَّ من مَعْرُوْفِه نُضَاضَةٌ. وأصابَهُ نّضٌّ من الأمْرِ: أي مَكْرُوْهٌ. والنّاضُّ من المالِ: مالَهُ مادَّةٌ وبَقَاءٌ. والنَّضِيْضَةُ: القَلِيلَةُ من المَطَرِ. وما في يدي إلاّ نَضِيْضَةٌ: أي شَيْءٌ يَسِيْرٌ. وعليهم نَضَائضُ من أمْوالِهِم ونَضِيْضَاتٌ: أي بَقَايا، وكذلك النُّضَاضَةُ. وأنّضَّ الراعي سِخَالَه: سَقَاها قَليلاً. والنَّضِيْضَةُ من الرِّيَاحِ: التي تَنِضُّ بالماءِ فَيَسِيْلُ. ونَضَّ إليَّ من خَيْرِكَ نَضِيْضٌ: أي يَسِيْرٌ. ونُضَاض المالِ: خِيَارُه. وفلانٌ من نُضَاضِ القَوْمِ: أي مُصَاصِهم. والنَّضْنَضَةُ: صَوْتُ الحَيَّةِ ونَحْوِها، وحَيَّةٌ نَضْنَاضٌ: إذا أخْرَجَتْ لِسَانَها تُحَرِّكُه. وهي في العَيْنِ: الظَّفَرَةُ. ونُضَاضَةُ الرَّجُلِ: آخِرُ وَلَدِه، وكذلك نُضَاضَةُ الماءِ: بَقِيَّتُه، والجَميعُ نُضَاضَاتٌ. وتَنَضْنَضْتُ حَقّي من فلانٍ: اسْتَنْظَفْته، والحاجَةَ: تَنَجَّزْتها، والرَّجُلَ: إذا اسْتَحْثَثْته. وأنْضَضْتُ الحاجَةَ إنْضَاضاً: أنْجَزْتها. ونَضَّ العُوْدُ يَنِضُّ: إذا أُوْقِدَ بأدْناه فَغَلى في أقْصَاه. ونَضِيْضُه: صَوْتُه الذي تَسْمَعُه كَصَوْتِ الغَلَيانِ. ونَضَنَضَتِ القِدْرُ: فارَتْ. وإبِلٌ ذاتُ نَضِيْضَةٍ ونَضَائِضَ: أي ذاتُ عَطَشٍ لم تَرْوَ بِعْدُ. وجاءوا بأقْصَى نَضِيْضَتِهم ونَضِيْضِهم: أي جَمَاعَتِهم. ورَجُلٌ نَضِيْضُ اللَّحْمِ ونَضَّه ونَضْنَاضُه: أي قَليلُ اللَّحْمِ. ونَضْنَضْتُ الشَّيْءَ: أقْلَقْته.


1 نَضَّ, aor. ـِ inf. n. نَضِيضٌ (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K) and نَضٌّ, (K,) It (water) welled from a source, or spring: (TA:) or flowed: (TA:) or flowed, (S, Mgh, K,) or came forth, (Mgh, Msb,) by little and little, (S, A, Mgh, Msb,) from stone or the like; (Mgh;) like بَضَّ: (A:) or exuded; or oozed forth, (A, K,) [like بَضَّ;] like as it does from stone. (TA.) You say also, سَحَابَةٌ تَنِضُّ بِالْمَآءِ A cloud flowing with water. (TA.) And رِيحٌ تَنِضُّ بِالْمَآءِ [app. A wind bringing rain]. (K.) And نَضَّتِ القِرْبَةُ مِنْ شِدَّةِ المَلْءِ, (K,) aor. ـِ inf. n. نَضِيضٌ, (TA,) The water-skin slit, or burst, (K, TA,) and its water came forth, (TA,) in consequence of being very full. (K, TA.) b2: [Hence,] نَضَّ إِلَيْهِ مِنْ مَعْرُوفِهِ شَىْءٌ, aor. ـِ inf. n. نَضٌّ [and نَضِيضٌ], (assumed tropical:) Somewhat flowed to him from his bounty: but the verb is mostly thus used in negative phrases. (TA.) You say also, نَضَّ مِنْ مَعْرُوفِكَ نُضَاضَةٌ (assumed tropical:) A little of thy bounty [flowed forth]. (TA.) And نَضَّ لَهُ بِشَىْءٍ (assumed tropical:) He did him a small benefit; as also بَضَّ. (As.) b3: Hence too, (Mgh,) نَضَّ, (IKoot, S, A, &c.,) aor. ـِ inf. n. نَضِيضٌ, (K,) also signifies (tropical:) It (a thing, IKoot, Msb, or an affair, K) was, or became, within the power or reach; or possible; or easy of obtainment or attainment; or prepared, or ready; or produced; or apparent; or it presented itself; syn. أَمْكَنَ; (K, TA;) and تَيَسَّرَ; (S, A, Mgh, Msb, TA;) and حَصَلَ; (IKoot, Mgh, Msb, TA;) and ظَهَرَ. (Mgh.) You say, خُذْ مَا نَضَّ (tropical:) Take thou, or receive thou, what hath become easy of obtainment or attainment: or prepared, or ready; or produced; or apparent; or what hath presented itself; syn. تَيَسَّرَ; (S, A, Mgh, Msb, TA;) and حَصَلَ; (Mgh, TA;) لَكَ to thee, or for thee; (S, A, Mgh, TA;) مِنْ دَيْنِ of a debt; (S;) or من الدَّيْنِ of the debt; (Msb;) or من دَيْنِكَ of thy debt; (A, Mgh;) or من غَرِيمِكَ from thy debtor. (TA.) And it is said in a trad., خُذُوا صَدَقَةَ مَا نَضَّ مِنْ

أَمْوَالِهِمْ (tropical:) Take ye the poor-rate of what hath appeared, or presented itself, of their possessions; syn. ظَهَرَ, and حَصَلَ. (Mgh.) You say also.

نَضَّ الثَّمَنُ (assumed tropical:) The price was, or became, produced, or apparent, or prepared, or ready: was, or became, given in ready money, or promptly, or quickly, or in advance: syn. حَصَلَ: and تَعَجَّلَ. (Msb.) And مَا تَضَّ بِيَدِى مِنْهُ شَىْءٌ, (S, Msb,) i. e. ما حَصَلَ (assumed tropical:) [Nothing became produced, or apparent, &c., by my hand therefrom: or, accord. to A 'Obeyd, or As, (see نَضَّ,) the verb in this instance seems to have the signification here next following] (Msb.) نَضَّ مَالُهُ also signifies (tropical:) His property became converted into money, or cash, after it had been a commodity, or commodities. (A, Mgh. *) 2 نَضَّّ see R. Q. 1, in two places.4 انضّ He (a pastor, S) gave lambs or kids to drink a small quantity of milk. (S, K, TA.) A2: (assumed tropical:) He accomplished a want. (K.) 5 تَنَضَّّ see 10, in two places.

A2: تَنَضَّضْتُ فُلَانًا (assumed tropical:) I excited, incited, urged, or instigated, such a one. (Sgh, K, TA.) [In one copy of the K, ↓ تَنَضْنَضْتُ.]8 إِنْتَضَ3َ see 10.10 استنضّ الثِّمَادَ He sought repeatedly and perseveringly the [small quantities, or remains, termed] ثِمَاد of water, and took of them little by little. (TA [in which, however, الثِّمَارَ is erroneously put for الثِّمَادَ].) b2: [Hence,] هُوَ يَسْتَنِضُّ مَعْرُوفًا (tropical:) He seeks, or demands, bounty, or a benefit, as it were drop by drop; syn. يَسْتَقْطِرُهُ: (K, TA:) or extracts, or elicits, it: (TA:) or seeks, or demands, its accomplishment. (A, TA.) And هُوَ يَسْتَنِضُّ حَقَّهُ, (S, K,) or حقّه ↓ يَنْتَضُّ, (so in a copy of the Msb,) (assumed tropical:) He seeks, or demands, the accomplishment of his right, or due, (S, Msb, K,) and takes, or receives, (S,) part after part, (S, Msb,) مِنْ فُلَانٍ from such a one: (S:) or extracts, or elicits, it, part after part. (K.) And مَنْهُ حَقِّى ↓ تَنضَّضْتُ [in one copy of the K ↓ تَنَضْنَضْتُ] (assumed tropical:) I took, or exacted, or received, fully, or wholly, from him, my right, or due, (K, TA,) part after part: (TA) [as also تَنَضَّضْتُهُ مِنْه.] And الحَاجَةُ ↓ تَنَضَّضْتُ [in one copy of the K ↓ تَنَضْنَضْتُ] A I sought, or demanded, the accomplishment of the want. (K.) R. Q. 1 نَضْنَضَ, (K, TA,) or ↓ نَضَّضُ, (so in the CK,) said of a man, (TA,) (assumed tropical:) His نَاضّ, (K, TA,) i. e. what was apparent of his property, (TA,) became much, or abundant. (K, TA.) A2: He moved about his tongue; as also تَصْنَصَ; but the ض in the former is not a substitute for the ص in the latter, as some assert it to be: (L, TA:) the verb is used in this sense in speaking of a man; (TA:) and of a serpent; (S *, A, K;) inf. n. نَضْنَضَةٌ: (S, but in one copy نَضِيضَةٌ:) and accord. to Ibn-'Abbád, نَضْنَضَةٌ [the inf. n.] signifies the making, or uttering, of a sound: or the sound itself; (صَوْت;) [app. by a motion of the tongue;] of the serpent; and hence, [accord. to some,] the epithet نَضْنَاضٌ, as applied to a serpent: (TA:) or this epithet is from the phrase, (IAar.) نَصْنَضَ فُلَانًا, (IAar, K,) ↓ نَضَّضَهُ, (so in the CK,) He put such a one in motion, (IAar,) and he disquieted, disturbed, or unsettled, him; or removed him from his place. (IAar, K.) [In one place, in the TA, اسنضّ مِنْهُ شَيْئًا is made to signify the same; but this is doubtless a mistake, arising from an omission in transcription.] You say also, نَضْنَضَ البَعِيرُ ثَفنَاته The camel moved about his ثَفِنَات [q. v.], and made them to be in contact with the ground; or this is [نَصْنَصَ,] with ص. (TA.) R. Q. 2 see 5: b2: and see also 10, in two places.

نَضٌّ (S, Msb, K) and ↓ ناضٌّ (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K) (tropical:) Gold and silver coin or money; or deenárs and dirhems: (S, A, Mgh, Msb:) such are called المَال ↓ نَاضٌّ: (A, TA:) or the dirhem and deenár: (K:) of the dial. of El-Hijáz: (As, S, Mgh, Msb:) but accord. to A 'Obeyd, (S, Msb,) or As, (TA,) these are called ↓ نَاضٌّ only when converted into such after having been a commodity, or commodities; (S, Msb, K;) because one says, مَا نَضَّ بِيَدِى مِنْهُ شَىْءٌ, (S, Msb,) i. e. مَا حَصَلَ: (Msb:) نَضٌّ also signifies what is apparent, or produced, or prepared, or ready; and so ↓ نَاضٌّ, particularly of property: (TA:) and ↓ the latter, what has continuance, or endurance, of property, (Msb.) A man of much property is described as being أَكْثَرُ النَّاسِ

↓ نَاضًّا (tropical:) [The most abounding of men in gold and silver coin]. (TA.) A2: See also نَضِيضٌ.

نَضَضٌ Water upon sand beneath which is hard ground, from which whenever any exudes and collects, it is taken. (TA.) بِئْرٌ نَضُوضٌ A well of which the water flows by little and little: or oozes forth. (K, TA.) نَضِيضٌ Water little in quantity: (S, O, L, K.) pl. نِضَاضٌ; (S, O, L, TA; in the K, نَضَائِضُ, which is a mistake. TA.) Also, A small quantity of milk. (S. K.) b2: رَجُلٌ نَضِيضٌ اللَّحْمِ (assumed tropical:) A man having little flesh; (K;) as also ↓ نَضُّهُ, and ↓ نَضْنَاضُهُ. (TA.) A2: جَاؤوا بِأَقُصَى نَضِيضِهِمْ, and ↓ نَضِيضَتِهِمْ, They came with the most remote of their company; (O, K;) from Ibn-'Abbád. (TA.) نُضَاضَةٌ A remainder, (S, K,) or small remainder, (A,) of water, (S, A, K,) &c.: (S, K:) the last thereof: pl. نَضَائِصُ and نِضَاضٌ. (TA.) [Hence,] نُضَاضَةُ وَلَدِ الرَّجُلِ (tropical:) The last of the children of the man: (Az, S, A, K:) applied alike to the male and female and to two and more; (S, K;) like عِجْزَةٌ and كِبْرَةٌ. (S.) b2: (tropical:) A small thing: (A) what comes into one's hand, of a thing: a small benefit. (TA.) نَصِيضَةٌ A small quantity of rain: (AA, S, K:) or a weak rain: or a weak cloud: or one flowing with water: (TA:) pl. [of pauc.] أَنِضَّةٌ and [of mult.] نَضَائِضُ. (S, K.) b2: A wind that brings rain. (تَنِضُّ بِالْمَآءِ,) so that it flows: or a weak wind. (A 'Obeyd, K.) b3: لقَدٌ تَرَكْثِ الإِبِلُ المَآءَ وَهِىَ ذَاتُ نَضِيضَةٍ, and ذَاتُ نَضَائِضَ, The camels have left the water, having thirst; (S, K.; *) not having satisfied their thirst. (S.) A2: The sound of the roasting of flesh-meat upon heated stones: pl. نَضَائِضُ: (S, K:) ISd, however, says, I think that نَضَائضُ is a sing., like خَشَارِمُ; but the sing. may be نَضِيضَةٌ. (TA.) [It seems to me not improbable that نَضَائِضُ may in a mistranscription, for نَضَائِضُ, pl. of the inf. n. نَضْنَضَةٌ used as a subst.]

A3: See also نَضِيضٌ.

نَضْنَاضٌ: see نَضِيضٌ.

A2: حَيَّةٌ نَضْنَاضٌ, (IAar, S, K,) and نَضْنَاضَةٌ, (S, A, K,) A serpent that remains not still in a place, (IAar, K,) by reason of its malignity and liveliness: (IAar:) or that, when it bites, kills immediately: (K:) or that moves about its tongue, (S, A, K,) having put it forth; (K;) as also with ص: [see نَصْنَاصٌ:] (TA:) or that utters a sound, or sounds. (TA.) It is said that Dhu-r-Rummeh, being asked respecting the meaning of نَضْناضٌ, did nothing more than move about his tongue in his mouth; (S:) or put forth his tongue, and move it about, (IJ, O,) in his mouth, making a sign with it to him who asked him. (O.) نَضْنَاضَةٌ: see فَضْفَاضَةٌ.

نَاضٌ (tropical:) A thing, or an affair, within one's power or reach [&c.: see 1, of which it is the part. n.]. (K.) b2: See also نَضٌّ in six places.
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