1 قَاضَ, (
TA,) [aor, يَقِيضَ,]
inf. n. قَيْضٌ, (
K,) He clave, or broke or rent asunder. (
A, *
TA.) You say, قَاضَ البَيْضَةَ He (a young bird) clave, or broke asunder, the egg: and he (a bird) clave, or broke asunder, the egg from over the young one. (
A, *
TA.) And it is said in a trad, respecting the day of resurrection, فَإِذَا كَانَ كَذٰلِكَ قِيضَتْ هٰذِهِ السَّمَآءُ الدُّنُبَا عَنْ
أَهْلِهَا, i. e., [And when it shall be thus, this lowest heaven] shall be cleft, or rent asunder, from over its inhabitants, meaning the inhabitants of the earth (الأَرْض), which is previously mentioned in the
trad.:] or, as
Sh says, shall be dissolved. (
b2: Also, first
Pers\. قِضْتُ, (
S,) or قَضْتُ, (
IAth,) He cracked a glass bottle, without separation of the parts. (
b3: And قِضْتُ البِنَآءَ is a
dial. form of قُضْتُ [meaning I demolished, destroyed, or threw down, the building]. (
A2: Also,
inf. n. as above, It became cleft, or broken or rent asunder. (
K, in which only the
inf. n. is mentioned.) You say, قَاضَتِ البَيْضَةُ The egg became cleft, or broken asunder. (
TK.) [See also 7.]
b2: And قَاضَتِ السِّنُّ,
inf. n. as above, The tooth fell out from its root; as also with ص. (
S, *
TA in art. قيص.)
A3: Also, (
inf. n. as above, (
K,) He hollowed out a well (
TA) in a rock. (
TA.) And قِيضَ signifies It was dug. (
A4: Also, (
inf. n. as above, (
K,) He likened, or assimilated. (
TK.) You say, قَاضَهُ بِهِ He likened, or assimilated, him, or it, to him, or it. (
TK.) [See also 5; and see قَيْضْ, below.]
A5: See also 3, in two places.
2 قيّض لَهُ كَذَا He (God,
Msb) ordained, or appointed, for him such a thing. (
Msb.) And قيّض اللّٰهُ فُلَانًا لِفُلَانٍ, (
K,) in [some of] the copies of the
K, بِفُلَانٍ, which is a mistake, (
TA,) God ordained, or appointed, or prepared, such a one for such a one: (
A:) or brought such a one to such a one, and ordained, or appointed, or prepared, him for him. (
K.) Hence the saying in the
Kur, [xli. 24,] (
S,) وَقَيَّضْنَا لَهُمْ قُرَنَآءَ (
K) And we have appointed, or prepared, for them associates (
A, *
Bd, *
TA) whence they do not expect, (
TA,) which shall have possession of them like as the قَيْض, or shell, has possession of the egg. (
Bd.) And so in the same, [xliii. 35,] نُقَيِّضْ لَهُ شَيْطَانًا We will appoint, or prepare, for him a devil [as an associate]. (
Accord. to some, the verb is used only as relating to evil; but this is not true, as is shown by the saying of Mohammad, مَا أَكْرَمَ شَابٌّ شَيْخًا لِسِنِّهِ إِلَّا قَيَّضَ اللّٰهُ لَهُ عِنْدَ سِنِّهِ مَنْ يَكْرِمُهُ [A young man hath not honoured an aged man for his age but God hath appointed for him in his age such as shall honour him]. (
TA.) 3 قايضهُ, (
K, &c.)
inf. n. مُقَايَضَةٌ (
S Mgh) and قِيَاضٌ, (
A,) He bartered, or exchanged commodities, with him;
syn. عَارَضَهُ, (
L, and so in a copy of the
K,) بِمَتَاعٍ; (
S;) or عَاوَضَهُ; (
A, and so in some copies of the
K; in the
CK, عايَضَهُ;) and بَادَلَهُ; (
K;) i. e. he gave him a commodity and took another commodity in its stead: (
TA:) [as also قَابَضَهُ, with ب:] and ↓ قَاضَهُ,
aor. ـِ he gave him a thing in exchange. (
TA.) You say, قايضهُ بِكَذَا [He gave him in exchange for such a thing]. (
Mgh.) Hence, بَيْعُ المُقَايَضَةِ The selling a commodity for another commodity. (
Mgh.) And hence the saying of Mohammad, إِنْ شِئْتَ قَايَضْتُكَ بِهِ المُخْتَارَةَ مِنْ دُروُعِ خَيْبَرَ, or بِهِ ↓ أَقِيضُكَ,
accord. to different relations; i. e. [If thou wilt,] I will give thee in exchange for it [the choice of the coats of mail of Kheyber]. (
TA.) You say also, أَعْطَيْتُهُ فَرَسًا بِفَرَسَيْنِ مُقَايَضَةً
[I gave him a horse for two horses in exchange]. (
JK.) And مَا أُقَايِضُ بِكَ أَحَدًا (
tropical:) [I do not give, or take, in exchange for thee any one]. (
TA.) And لَوْ أُعْطِيتُ مِلْءَ الدَّهْنَآءِ رِجَالًا قِيَاضًا بِفُلَانٍ
رَضِيتُهُمْ (
tropical:) [If I were given what would fill the desert of men, in exchange for such a one, I would not accept them]: (
TA:) and the like occurs in a
trad. of Mo'áwiyeh, as said by him, with reference to Yezeed. (
TA.) 5 تَقيّضت البَيْضَةُ The egg became broken into. pieces; and in like manner, القَارُورَةُ the glass bottle. (
S.) [See also 7.]
b2: تقيّض الجِدَارُ The wall fell to pieces, or in ruins, or became a ruin, and broke down;
syn. إِنْهَدَمَ, and إِنْهَالَ; as also ↓ انقاضت: (
K:) or the former signifies the wall broke in pieces, and fell down: but the latter has a different signification, which see in its place below. (
A2: تقيّض لَهُ It (a thing,
TA) became ordained, appointed, or prepared, for him. (
A3: تقيّض أَبَاهُ He resembled his father; (
K;) as also تَقَيَّلَهُ. (
TA.) [See قَيْضٌ.]
6 تقايضا [They two bartered, or exchanged commodities, each with the other; like تقابضا: see 3]. (
JK.) 7 انقاضت البَيْضَةُ The egg cracked, without splitting apart; and in like manner, القَارُورَةُ the glass bottle. (
S.) [See also 1.]
b2: انقاض الجِدَارُ
i. q. تقيّض: (
K:) or the wall fell to pieces, or in ruins, from its place, without being pulled to pieces: (
Lth:) or cracked, without falling: but if it have fallen, you say, تقيّض: (
b3: Accord. to
AA, as related by ElMundhiree, انقاض and انقاص both signify It split, or cracked, lengthwise: but see مُنْقَاضٌ. (
TA.) You say,
accord. to
As, انقاضت السِّنُّ The tooth split, or cracked, lengthwise; and in like manner, الرَّكِيَّةُ the well: (
S:) or it (the well) became broken in pieces: or fell; fell in ruins, or to pieces; or collapsed; (
TA;) as also انقاصت. (
K, in art. قيص.) انقاض belongs both to this art. and to art. قوض. (
TA.) 8 اقتاضهُ He extirpated it; destroyed it utterly. (
A2: [Also, He received it, or took it, in exchange; like إِعْتَاضَهُ: see مُقْتَاضٌ; and see also 3.]
قَيْضٌ [An egg-shell;] the upper hard covering that is upon an egg: (
K:) or [an egg-shell cracked in pieces;] what is cracked in pieces of the upper covering of an egg: (
S, *
IB:) or one from which the young bird, or the fluid, has gone forth. (
A2: A compensation, or substitute; a thing given, or received, or put, or done, instead of, in the place of, or in exchange for, another thing. (
K.) You say, بَاعَهُ فَرَسً
بِفَرَسَيْن قَيْضَيْنِ [He sold to him a horse for two horses as substitutes]. (
b2: هُمَا قَيْضَانِ They two are likes; they two are like each other; (A' Obeyd, A;) each of them is fit to be a substitute for the other. (
TA.) [See also هُمَا قَوْضَانِ.]
b3: هٰذَا قَيْضٌ لَهُ, and له ↓ قِيَاضٌ, This is equal, or equivalent, to it. (
K.) قِيضَةٌ A small piece of bone: (
accord. to the
K, قِيْضٌ; but correctly,
accord. to
AA, قِيَضٌ. (
TA.) قَيِّضٌ A barterer, or an exchanger of commodities: (
Msb:) of the measure فَيْعِلٌ. (
Msb.) You say, هُمَا قَيِّضَانِ They two are barterers, or exchangers of commodities; like as you say بَيِّعَانِ. (
S.) قِيَاضٌ: see قَيْضٌ.
مَقِيضٌ The place in which is [an egg-shell, or an egg-shell cracked in pieces, or empty, or] the part of an egg called قَيْض. (
A2: بَيْضَةٌ مَقِيضَةٌ An egg cleft, or split. (
b2: بِئْرٌ مَقِيضَةٌ A well abounding with water, having been hollowed out, (
TA,) or cleft. (
TA.) المُقْتَاض in the following verse of Abu-shShees, بُدِّلْتُ مِنْ بُرْدِ الشَّبَابِ مُلَآءَةً
خَلَقًا وَبِئْسَ مَثُوبَةُ المُقْتَاضِ [I have been given in exchange, for the mantle of youth, an old worn-out covering; and very evil is the recompense of the receiver in exchange] is from قَيْضٌ as signifying the “ bartering,” or “ exchanging commodities,” (
TA,) [or rather the “ giving in exchange: ” see 3.]
بَيْضَةٌ مُنْقَاضَةٌ An egg cracked, without being split apart; and in like manner, قَارُورَةٌ a glass bottle. (
As says, that مُنْقَاصٌ signifies uprooted; and مُنْقَاضٌ, with the pointed ض, cracked, or split, lengthwise; but
AA says, that both signify the same. (
O, in art. قيص.)