1 قَفَزَ,
aor. ـِ
inf. n. قَفْزٌ (
K) and قَفَزَانٌ (
K) and قُفُوزٌ and قِفَازٌ, (
Msb, and so in a copy of the
K,) the last with kesr, (
Msb,) or قُفَازٌ, (
K accord. to the
TA,) with damm, (
TA,) or قَفَازٌ, (so in the
CK,) He leaped, jumped, sprang, or bounded: (
K:) he (an antelope) did so and alighted with his legs together. (
TA, art. نفز.)
b2: قَفَزَ الحَائِطَ [He leaped the wall]. (O and
K in art. زيف.)
A2: See also 5.
A3: قَفِزَ,
aor. ـَ
inf. n. قَفَزَ, (
tropical:) He (a horse) had fore legs white as high as his مِرْفَقَانِ [properly signifying the elbows; but here, probably meaning, as it seems to do in some other instances, the knees], but not the kind legs. (
TA. [And ↓ قُفِّزَ
app. has a similar meaning: see its
inf. n. تقفيز below; and its part.
n. مُقَفَّزٌ,
voce أَقْفَزُ.]) But see أَقْفَزُ, and قُفَّازٌ.
2 قَفَّزَ see what next precedes.
5 تقفّز [He put on, or wore, a pair of gloves; as also ↓ قَفَزَ,
aor. ـِ as appears from a quotation in the
L, from
Khálid Ibn-Jembeh, viz. القُفَّازَانِ تَقْفِزُهُمَا المَرْأَةُ:] he (a sportsman [or falconer]) put on, or wore, hawking-gloves (قُفَّازَانِ): (
A:) or took or prepared for himself the reticulated iron thing upon which the falcon sits. (
TA, as from
Z.) See قُفَّاز.
b2: تَقفّزت بِالْحِنَّآءِ, said of a woman, (
A,) (
tropical:) She dyed her hands (
K) to the wrists, (
A,) and her feet, (
K,) with حنّآء. (
K.) 6 تقافزوا [They contended together, or vied, one with another, in leaping, jumping, springing, or bounding]. You say so of children playing at the game called قُفَّيْزَى. (
K.) قُفْزَةٌ A leap, jump, spring, or bound.]
قَفَزَى A leaping, jumping, springing, or bounding. (
K.) You say, جَآءَتِ الخَيْلُ تَعْدُو القَفَزَى
[The horses came running with a leaping, jumping, springing, or bounding, motion]; from القَفْزُ [
inf. n. of قَفَزَ]. (
TA.) قَفُوزٌ: see قَفَّازٌ.
قَفِيزٌ A certain measure of capacity, consisting of ten مَكَاكِيك [
pl. of مَكُّوكْ]; (
accord. to the people of El-'Irák: (
TA:) or twelve times what is termed مَنّ: (
Mgh in art. ربع:) [see also جَرِيبٌ, in three places: and see صَاعٌ:]
pl. [of pauc.] أَقْفِزَةٌ, and [of mult.] قُفْزَانٌ (
K) and قِفْزَانٌ. (
Sgh.) [See كُرٌّ, throughout.] قَفِيزُ الطَّحَّانِ [The قفيز of the grinder] is when one says, “I will grind for so much and a قفيز of the flour itself: ” so says Ibn-El-Mubárak: or when one hires a man to grind for him a certain quantity of wheat for a قفيز of its flour, (
TA,) or when one says, “I hire thee to grind this wheat for a pound of its flour,” for instance; whether there be something else therewith or not: (
Msb:) what is thus termed is forbidden. (
b2: Also, A certain measure of land; (
K;) namely, the tenth of a جَرِيب,
q. v.: (
Msb:) or a hundred and fortyfour cubits. (
K.) قَفَّازٌ That leaps, jumps, springs, or bounds, much, or often; (
A, *
Msb;) [and so ↓ قَفُوزٌ, occurring in art. رفأ in the
M and
K, applied as an
epithet to a gazelle.]
b2: Hence, قَفَّازَةٌ A female slave: because she seldom remains still. Yousay, يَا ابْنَ القَفَّازَةِ O son of the female slave. (
A.) قُفَّازٌ A kind of glove; a thing which is made for the two hands, or hands and arms, stuffed with cotton, (
K,) and having buttons which are buttoned upon the fore arms, (
L,) worn by a woman as a protection from the cold; (
K;) they are made of skins, and of felt; are worn by the women of the Arabs of the desert; and extend to the bones of the elbow: (
TA:) a pair of them is called قُفَّازَانِ: (
L:) or a thing which the women of the Arabs of the desert make for themselves, stuffed with cotton, covering a woman's two hands, with her fingers, and, some add, having buttons upon the fore arm; like what the carrier of the falcon wears: (
Msb:) or a thing which those women make for themselves, covering the fingers and hand and arm: and a thing which the sportsman [meaning the falconer] wears upon each hand, or hand and arm, of skin, or of felt, or wool: (
Mgh:) or a kind of women's ornament for the hands and feet, or the hands and arms and the feet and legs: and a reticulated iron thing (حَدِيدَةٌ مُشَبَّكَةٌ,
accord. to the
TA, as from the
K, but in the
CK مُشْتَبِكَةٌ,) upon which the falcon sits. (
b2: And [hence,] Whiteness in the أَشَاعِر [or hairs next the hoof] of a horse. (
K. [See also قَفِزَ, and قُفَّزَ, and أَقْفَزُ.]) قُفَّيْزَى A certain game of children, who set up pieces of wood, or a piece of wood, (the former
accord. to the
A, and the latter
accord. to the
K) and leap over them, or it. (
TA.) قَافِزٌ Leaping, jumping, springing, or bounding. (
b2: خَٰيْلٌ قَافِزَةٌ, and قَوَافِزُ, Swift horses, that leap, jump, spring, or bound, in their running. (
b3: القَوَافِزُ The frogs. (
K.) أَقْفَزُ (
K) and ↓ مُقَفَّزٌ (
K) (
tropical:) A horse whose whiteness of the lower parts of his fore legs extends as far as his مِرْفَقَانِ [properly signifying the elbows; but here, probably meaning, as it seems to do in some other instances, the knees], without his having the like in the hind legs; (
K;) as though he had gloves (قُفَّازَانِ) put upon him: (
S:) or whose whiteness of the lower parts of the legs does not extend beyond the أَشَاعِر [or hairs next the hoof]; as also مُنَعَّلٌ. (
TA.) تَقْفِيزٌ A scattered whiteness intermingling in the shanks, as far as the knees, of a دَابَّة [meaning, horse]: a signification wrongly assigned by
Lth to تَقْفِير. (
TA in art. فقر.) مُقَفَّزٌ: see أَقْفَزُ.