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105631. ظ6 105632. ظءات1 105633. ظءب1 105634. ظءر2 105635. ظءم1 105636. ظأ1105637. ظأب7 105638. ظَأَبَ 1 105639. ظأَت1 105640. ظأت1 105641. ظَأَتَه1 105642. ظأر13 105643. ظَأَرَ1 105644. ظأَر1 105645. ظَأَرَ 1 105646. ظأرت1 105647. ظأظأ5 105648. ظَأْظَأَ1 105649. ظأف3 105650. ظأُفٍّ1 105651. ظأفه1 105652. ظأم6 105653. ظَأَمَ 1 105654. ظا1 105655. ظاءب1 105656. ظاءر1 105657. ظَاجِّي1 105658. ظارفه1 105659. ظَارِّي1 105660. ظَارِي1 105661. ظَاظَا1 105662. ظَاظَة1 105663. ظَاظِي1 105664. ظَاف1 105665. ظَافّ1 105666. ظَافِر1 105667. ظَافِيّة1 105668. ظَالِع1 105669. ظَالِفَة1 105670. ظالمه1 105671. ظَامِئُون1 105672. ظَامِلَة1 105673. ظَامِي1 105674. ظَاهر1 105675. ظاهر1 105676. ظَاهِر1 105677. ظَاهر الرِّوَايَة وَظَاهر الْمَذْهَ...1 105678. ظَاهر الْعلم1 105679. ظاهر العلم1 105680. ظاهر المذهب وظاهر الرواية...2 105681. ظَاهر الممكنات1 105682. ظاهر الممكنات2 105683. ظَاهر الْوُجُود1 105684. ظاهر الوجود1 105685. ظَاهِرَة1 105686. ظَاوِيَة1 105687. ظَايْن1 105688. ظب2 105689. ظَبَّ1 105690. ظبأ2 105691. ظِبَأء1 105692. ظبا1 105693. ظَبَايَا1 105694. ظبب4 105695. ظَبَبَ1 105696. ظُبَةُ1 105697. ظبر1 105698. ظبظب6 105699. ظبو5 105700. ظُبَّى1 105701. ظبى4 105702. ظَبَى 1 105703. ظَبْيٌ1 105704. ظُبَيٌّ1 105705. ظَبِيَ1 105706. ظُبِيّ1 105707. ظَبيّ1 105708. ظبي10 105709. ظُبَي1 105710. ظَبْيَانُ1 105711. ظَبْيَةُ1 105712. ظُبْيَةُ1 105713. ظُبَيّةُ1 105714. ظَبْيَة1 105715. ظَبْيَت1 105716. ظَبيط1 105717. ظَبِيع1 105718. ظَةُ1 105719. ظَجَّ1 105720. ظجج2 105721. ظَحْنُون1 105722. ظُحَنُون1 105723. ظَحِيَّة1 105724. ظَخِير1 105725. ظر4 105726. ظَرَّ 1 105727. ظرأ2 105728. ظرا1 105729. ظَرَاء1 105730. ظَرَاةُ1 Prev. 100





R. Q. 1 ظَأْظَأَ, inf. n. ظَأْظَأَةٌ (L, K) and ظَأْظَآءٌ, (K, TA, [in the CK ظَأْواء,]) the latter allowable in the case of a R. Q. verb, as in the instances of وَسْوَاسٌ and the like, (MF, TA,) [accord. to some, but وسواس and the like are generally held to be inf. ns. if with kesr, and simple substs. if with fet-h,] He (a goat) made a [rattling] sound, or cry, when excited by lust, or at rutting-time; syn. نَبَّ. (AA, L, K.) b2: And ظأظأ, (M, K,) inf. n. ظَأْظَأَةٌ, (M,) He (a person whose upper lip was slit, M, K, and one whose fore teeth were broken at the roots, K, * TA) spoke unintelligible speech, and with a nasal sound. (M, K.)
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