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98565. شفه15 98566. شفهه1 98567. شَفَهَهُ1 98568. شَفْو1 98569. شُفْو1 98570. شفو898571. شفوف1 98572. شُفُوف1 98573. شُفُوفَة1 98574. شفوفة1 98575. شَفُوق1 98576. شَفُوقة1 98577. شُفُون1 98578. شَفُون1 98579. شفى2 98580. شفي10 98581. شَفِيّ1 98582. شِفِّيّ1 98583. شَفِيَ 1 98584. شَفْيَاء1 98585. شُفَيّةُ1 98586. شَفِيّةُ1 98587. شَفِيَّة1 98588. شِفِّيَّة1 98589. شُفَيْرا2 98590. شفيرا1 98591. شفيرة1 98592. شُفَيْرة1 98593. شُفَيع1 98594. شَفِيع1 98595. شُفَيْعَة1 98596. شَفِيعة1 98597. شُفَيْعِي1 98598. شَفِيعِي1 98599. شَفِيف1 98600. شُفَيف1 98601. شَفِيفَة1 98602. شُفَيْفة1 98603. شَفِيق1 98604. شُفَيْق1 98605. شُفَيْقة1 98606. شفيقة1 98607. شِقٌّ1 98608. شقّ1 98609. شق4 98610. شَقْ1 98611. شِقّ1 98612. شَقَّ 1 98613. شقء1 98614. شقأ7 98615. شَقَأَ1 98616. شقا4 98617. شقاء1 98618. شَقَاء1 98619. شَقَائِق1 98620. شَقَّاتِيّ1 98621. شُقَارُ1 98622. شُقَّار1 98623. شقار1 98624. شقاعة1 98625. شَقَّاعة1 98626. شِقَاق1 98627. شُقَاق1 98628. شَقَّاق1 98629. شقاقُل1 98630. شَقّانُ1 98631. شقاه1 98632. شَقاه1 98633. شقب7 98634. شَقَبَ 1 98635. شَقَبَانُ1 98636. شَقْبانارية1 98637. شقبل1 98638. شَقّةُ1 98639. شُقَّة1 98640. شِقَّة1 98641. شَقَّة1 98642. شُقّةُ بني عُذْرَةَ...1 98643. شَقَحَ1 98644. شقح13 98645. شَقَحَ 1 98646. شَقْحَا1 98647. شقْحَبٌ1 98648. شقحب1 98649. شَقْحَة1 98650. شُقْحَة1 98651. شقحطب4 98652. شَقَحْطَبٌ1 98653. شقد5 98654. شقدار1 98655. شقدع2 98656. شقدف1 98657. شُقْدُف1 98658. شقدوف1 98659. شقذ8 98660. شَقَذَ 1 98661. شقر16 98662. شَقْرُ1 98663. شُقَرُ1 98664. شَقَرَ 1 Prev. 100




شَفَا(n. ac. شَفْو)
a. Was near setting (sun).
b. Appeared; rose.
شَفَة [مفرد]: (انظر: ش ف هـ - شَفَة). 

شَفَويّ [مفرد]: شفهيّ (انظر: ش ف هـ - شَفَويّ). 
الشين والفاء والواو ش فوشَفَتِ الشَّمْسُ تَشْفُو قَارَبَتِ الْغُرُوبَ وقد تقدّم ذلك في الياءِ لأن الكَلِمَةَ يائِيَّةٌ وَاويَّةٌ وشَفَا الهِلالُ طَلَع وشَفَا الشَّخْصُ ظَهَرَ هاتانِ عن الجوهريِّ والشَّفَا حرف الشَّيْءِ حكى الزّجّاج في تَثْنِيَتِهِ شَفَوَانِ
ش ف و : الشَّفَةُ مُخَفَّفٌ وَلَامُهَا مَحْذُوفَةٌ وَالْهَاءُ عِوَضٌ عَنْهَا وَلِلْعَرَبِ فِيهَا لُغَتَانِ مِنْهُمْ مَنْ يَجْعَلُهَا هَاءً وَيَبْنِي عَلَيْهَا تَصَارِيفَ الْكَلِمَةِ وَيَقُولُ الْأَصْلُ شَفْهَةٌ وَتُجْمَعُ عَلَى شِفَاهٍ مِثْلُ كَلْبَةٍ وَكِلَابٍ وَعَلَى شَفَهَاتٍ مِثْلُ سَجْدَةٍ وَسَجَدَاتٍ وَتُصَغَّرُ عَلَى شُفَيْهَةٍ وَكَلَّمْتُهُ مُشَافَهَةً وَالْحُرُوفُ الشَّفَهِيَّةُ وَمِنْهُمْ مَنْ يَجْعَلُهَا وَاوًا وَيَبْنِي عَلَيْهَا تَصَارِيفَ الْكَلِمَةِ وَيَقُولُ الْأَصْلُ شَفْوَةٌ وَتُجْمَعُ عَلَى شَفَوَاتٍ مِثْلُ شَهْوَةٍ وَشَهَوَاتٍ وَتُصَغَّرُ عَلَى شُفَيَّةٍ وَكَلَّمْتُهُ مُشَافَاةً وَالْحُرُوفُ الشَّفَوِيَّةُ وَنَقَلَ ابْنُ فَارِسٍ الْقَوْلَيْنِ عَنْ الْخَلِيلِ وَقَالَ الْأَزْهَرِيُّ أَيْضًا قَالَ اللَّيْثُ تُجْمَعُ الشَّفَةُ عَلَى شَفَهَاتٍ وَشَفَوَاتٍ وَالْهَاءُ أَقْيَسُ وَالْوَاوُ أَعَمُّ لِأَنَّهُمْ شَبَّهُوهَا بِسَنَوَاتٍ وَنُقْصَانُهَا حَذْفُ هَائِهَا وَنَاقَضَ الْجَوْهَرِيُّ فَأَنْكَرَ أَنْ يُقَالَ أَصْلُهَا الْوَاوُ وَقَالَ تُجْمَعُ عَلَى شَفَوَاتٍ وَيُقَالُ مَا سَمِعْتُ مِنْهُ بِنْتَ شَفَةٍ أَيْ كَلِمَةً وَلَا تَكُونُ الشَّفَةُ إلَّا مِنْ الْإِنْسَانِ وَيُقَالُ فِي الْفَرْقِ الشَّفَةُ مِنْ الْإِنْسَانِ وَالْمِشْفَرُ مِنْ ذِي الْخُفِّ وَالْجَحْفَلَةُ مِنْ ذِي الْحَافِرِ وَالْمِقَمَّةُ مِنْ ذِي الظِّلْفِ وَالْخَطْمُ وَالْخُرْطُومُ مِنْ السِّبَاعِ وَالْمِنْسَرُ بِفَتْحِ الْمِيمِ وَكَسْرِهَا وَالسِّينُ مَفْتُوحَةٌ فِيهِمَا مِنْ ذِي الْجَنَاحِ الصَّائِدِ وَالْمِنْقَارُ مِنْ غَيْرِ الصَّائِدِ وَالْفِنْطِيسَةُ مِنْ
: (و {شَفَتِ الشَّمسُ} تَشْفُو) : أَهْملهُ الجوهريُّ.
وَقَالَ ابنُ سِيدَه: أَي (قارَبَت الغُرُوبَ) ؛
قالَ: ومَرَّ فِي الياءِ لأنَّ الكلمةَ يائيَّةٌ واويَّةُ.
(و) ! شَفا (الهِلالُ) : إِذا (طَلَعَ.
(و) شَفا (الشَّخْصُ) : إِذا (ظَهَرَ. (و) أَبُو الحُصَيْن (الهَيْثمُ بنُ {شَفٍ، كعَمٍ) ، الرعينيُّ (مُحدِّثٌ) عَن أَبي ريحانَةَ مَوْلى رَسُولِ اللهِ، صلى الله عَلَيْهِ وَسلم وفضالة ابنِ عُبيدٍ وعبدِ اللهِ بنِ عَمْرٍ و، وَعنهُ يزيدُ بنُ أَبي حبيبٍ وعباسُ الْقِتْبَانِي.
(وقولُ المحَدِّثينَ:} شَفِيَ، كَرضِيَ أَو سُمَىَ لحْنٌ) ، والصَّوابُ الأوَّل، كَمَا قالهُ النّسائي وغيرُهُ.
( {وشُفَيٌّ، كسُمَيَ، ابنُ مانِعٍ) الأَصْبحيّ (محدِّثٌ) عَن أَبي هُرَيْرَةَ وعبدِ اللهِ بنِ عَمْرٍ و، وَعنهُ ابْنُه حُسَيْن وعقبةُ بنُ مُسْلم وربيعَةُ بنُ سيْفٍ، ماتَ سَنَة 105؛ وابْنُه ثُمامَهُ بنُ شُفَيَ محدِّثٌ أيْضاً.
(} والشَّفَةُ) للإنسانِ مَعْروفةٌ، و (نُقْصانُها) إمَّا (واوٌ) ، تقولُ: ثلاثُ {شَفَواتٍ، (أَو هاءٌ) ، وتُجَمْعُ شِفاهاً، وَمِنْه المُشافَهَةُ؛ (وتقَدَّمَ) فِي الهاءِ.
وممَّا يُسْتدركُ عَلَيْهِ:
} الشَّفا: حَرْفُ الشيءِ؛ حكَى الزجَّاجُ فِي تَثْنِيتِه {شَفَوانِ.
والحُروفُ} الشَّفَوِيَّةُ مَنْسوبَةٌ إِلَى الشَّفَة؛ عَن الخَليلِ.
{وشَفِيَّةٌ، كغَنِيَّةٍ: رَكِيَّةٌ على بُحيرَةِ الأحْساءِ.
ورجُلٌ} أَشْفى: هُوَ الَّذِي لَا تَنْضمُّ شَفَتاهُ؛ وامْرأةٌ {شَفْياءُ، كَذَا ذَكَرَه ابنُ عبَّاد.
ذُو} شُفَيَ، كسُمَيَ، ابنُ مشرقِ بنِ زيْدِ بنِ جشمٍ الهَمَدانيُّ.
باب الشين والفاء و (وا يء) معهما ش ف و، ش وف، ف ش و، ش ف ي، ف ي ش، شء ف مستعملات

شفو: شفا كلِّ شيء: حدّه وحرفه، وجمعه: أشفاء، وقيل: شُفيٌّ وشفاه، إنك تقول: شفا البئر وشفةُ البِئر. والشَّفا: ما بين اللّيل والنهار عند غروب الشَّمس حيثُ يغيبُ بعضها ويبقى بعضها، قال :

أوفيته قبل شفاً أو بشفا ... والشَّمس قد كادت تكون دنفا

والشفة: نقصانها واو، تقول: شفةٌ وثلاث شفوات، وإذا أردت الهاء، قلت: شفاه. والمشافهة: مفاعلة منه. شوف: الشَّوف: الجلو، قال الطّرماح :

والقيض أجنبهُ كأن حُطامه ... فلقُ الحواجل شافهنَّ الموقدُ

قوله: أجنبهُ، أي: في أجنبه، فنزع الصِّفة. وقال عنترة :

ولقد شربتُ من المدامة بعد ما ... ركد الهواجرُ بالمشُوفِ المُعلمِ

والمشُوف: الدينار. وتشوَّفتِ المرأةُ: تزينت وظهرت ... وتشوفتِ الأوغال: ارتفعت على معاقل الجبال، فأشرفت ... وتشوَّفت أمري: طمحتُ ببصري إليه.

فشو: فشا الشَّيءُ يفشو فُشُوّا إذا ظهر، وهو عامٌّ في كلِّ شيءٍ، ومنه: إفشاءُ السرِّ. ويكتب بالسّواد على الشيء فيتفشى فيه، [أي: ينتشر] وتفشَّى بهم المرضُ، وتفشاهم المرضُ، قال:

تفشَّى بإخوانِ الثِّقاتِ فعمهم ... وأسكتُّ عنّي المُعولاتِ البواكيا

وفشت على فلانٍ أموره، أي: انتشرت، فلم يدرِ بأي ذلك يأخذُ، وأفشيته أنا. والفواشي: كلّ ما ينتشر من المال، مثل الغنم السائمة والإبل وغيرها. والتَّفشِّي: التوسُّع وفشا وتفشَّى: توسَّع وكثر وظهر. شفي: الشَّفاءُ: معروفٌ، وهو ما يبرىء من السَّقم.. شفاهُ الله يشفيه شفاءُ. واستشفى فلان، إذا طلب الشفاء.. وأشفيت فلاناً، إذا وهبت له شفاءٌ. وقيل: شفيته بمعنى: أشفيته في هبة الشَّفاء.. وشِفاءُ العيِّ: السُّؤال. والإشفى: المثقب، والجميع: الأشافي

فيش: الفيشُ، والجميعُ: فيوش: الفيشلة الضَّعيفة، والفيشوشةُ: الضعف والرخاوة. ورجل فيوش: ضعيف جبانٌ. وفاش الرّجلُ فيشأ، إذا نصب الأمر وهيجه، فإذا أخذ الأمر، واستحق رجع وجبُن وذاك هو الانفشاش والتَّفيُّش، قال :

فازجُر بني النجاجة الفشوشِ ... عن مُسمهرٍّ ليس بالفيوشِ

شأف: شئفته شأفاً: إذا بغضته بغضاً شديداً.
شفو and شفى 1 شَفَتِ الشَّمْسُ, aor. ـُ [inf. n. app. شَفًا, but said in the TK to be شَفْوٌ,] The sun was, or became, near to setting: (K in art. شفو:) and شَفَت, (K in art. شفى,) [aor. ـِ inf. n. شَفًا, (TA,) it (the sun) set; as also شَفِيَت: (K:) or, accord. to IKtt, set save a little; and the like is said in the T. (TA.) قُبَيْلَ الشَّفَا means A little before the setting of the sun. (TA.) [See also شَفًا below.]

b2: And شَفَا said of the هِلَال [or moon a little after or before the change], It rose. (K.) And said of a شَخْص [or bodily form or figure seen from a distance, or a person], It, or he, appeared, or became apparent. (K.)

A2: شَفَاهُ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. ـِ (Msb, K,) inf. n. شِفَآءٌ, (S, Msb,) He (God, S, Msb) recovered

him, or restored him to convalescence, syn. أَبْرَأَهُ, so in the M, but in the K بَرَاهُ, (TA,) namely a sick person, (Msb,) مِنْ مَرَضِهِ [from his disease, or sickness]. (S, TA.)

b2: [Hence, شَفَيْتُهُ, in art. بضع in the S, said by a person respecting one who asked him concerning a question, as meaning (assumed tropical:) I relieved him from doubt: and شَفَاهُ عَنِ المَسْأَلَةِ in the same art. in the K, as meaning (assumed tropical:) He relieved him from doubt respecting the question. See 8 as quasi-pass. of the verb thus used.]

b3: And يَشْفِيكَ إِنْ قَالَ (assumed tropical:) [He will please thee if he speak; i. e.] his speech will please thee. (Har p. 433.)

b4: شَفَاهُ also signifies He sought, or demanded, or desired, for him, recovery, or restoration to convalescence; and so ↓ أَشْفَاهُ: (K, TA:) thus in the M. (TA.)

2 شفّاهُ بِكُلِ شَىْءٍ, inf. n. تَشْفِيَةٌ, He treated him medically, or curatively, with everything whereby he might attain recovery, or restoration to convalescence. (TA.)

b2: مَا شَفَّى فُلَانٌ أَفْضَلُ

مِمَّا شَفَّيْتَ i. e. مَا ازْدَادَ and رَبِحَ [meaning The gain of such a one (ما being here what is termed مَصْدَرِيَّة, as اِزْدَادَ and رَبِحَ are intrans.,) is more excellent than thy gain] is said to be an instance of substitution, [originally شَفَّفَ and شَفَّفْتَ,] like

[قَصَّى and تَقَصَّى and] تَقَضَّى [for قَصَّصَ and تَقَصَّصَ and تَقَضَّضَ]. (TA.)

3 مُشَافَاةٌ [an inf. n. of which the verb, if used, is شَافَى]: see 3 in art. شفه.

4 اشفى عَلَيْهِ He was, or became, on the brink of it; (S, Msb, K, TA;) namely, a thing; and death: (S, Msb:) mostly used in relation to evil, but also in relation to good: so says IKtt. (TA.)

[See شَفًا.]

b2: And اشفى [alone] (assumed tropical:) He was, or became, at the point of [giving or receiving] a charge or an injunction, or a trust or deposit. (TA.)

b3: And (assumed tropical:) He was, or became, in the last part of the night; which is termed شَفَا اللَّيْلِ. (TA.)

A2: أَشْفَى نَفْسَهُ عَلَى هُلْكٍ (K and TA in art. خطر) and اشفى بِهَا (TA in the same) i. e. عَلَى شَفَا هُلْكٍ [meaning (assumed tropical:) He caused himself to be on the brink of destruction]. (TA ibid.)

A3: اشفاهُ He gave him a remedial medicine. (Az, TA.) And He prescribed for him a remedy in which should be his recovery, or restoration to convalescence. (TA.) And أَشْفَيْتُكَ الشَّىْءَ (S, K *)

I gave thee the thing in order that thou shouldst attain, or seek, recovery, or restoration to convalescence, thereby. (S: in two copies thereof, بِهِ ↓ تَشْتَفِى: in two other copies thereof, and in like manner in the K, بِهِ ↓ تَسْتَشْفِى.) And اشفاهُ

اللّٰهُ عَسَلًا God made honey to be his remedy. (AO, S: and the like is said by IKtt as cited in the TA.)

b2: See also 1, last sentence.

b3: اشفى also signifies (assumed tropical:) He gave [a person] something. (TA.)

5 تشفّى: see 8 [with which it is syn.].

b2: [Hence,] تشفّى مِنْ غَيْظِهِ (S, MA, K) (assumed tropical:) He recovered from his anger, wrath, or rage. (MA.)

And تشفّى مِنْ عَدُوِّهِ, (T, TA,) or بِالعَدُوِّ, and به ↓ اشتفى, (Msb,) (assumed tropical:) He inflicted injury upon his enemy [or the enemy] in a manner that rejoiced him [or relieved him from his anger]: (T, TA:) [or he attained what he desired from his enemy or the enemy, and so appeased his anger:] because latent anger is like a disease; and when it departs by reason of that which one seeks to obtain from his enemy, he is as though he became free, or recovered, from his disease. (Msb.)

6 تَشَافَيْتُ المَآءَ a phrase mentioned by IAar as meaning I exhausted the water: said by ISd to be originally تَشَافَفْتُ. (TA in art. شف.)

8 اشتفى بِكَذَا (S, K, TA) He attained recovery, or restoration to convalescence, by means of such a thing: (TA;) and so ↓ تشفّى: (TK:) and مِنْ عِلَّتِهِ ↓ استشفى [if not a mistranscription for اشتفى] he became free from his disease, sickness, or malady; recovered from it; or became convalescent. (TA.) See 4, latter part.

b2: and see also 5.

b3: [Also (assumed tropical:) He was, or became, content with such a thing; or relieved from doubt thereby: and] (assumed tropical:) he profited by such a thing. (MA.) One

says, اِشْتَفَيْتُ بِمَا أَخْبَرَنِى فُلَانٌ (assumed tropical:) I was, or became, content with that which such a one told me, [or relieved from doubt thereby,] because it was true. (IB in art. حك, from Az.) And أَخْبَرَهُ

فُلَانٌ فَاشْتَفَى بِهِ (assumed tropical:) [Such a one gave him information] and he profited by his veracity. (TA.)

10 استشفى He sought, or demanded, a remedy, or cure. (TA.) See 4, latter part.

b2: And see also 8.

شَفًا The point or extremity, verge, brink, or edge, of anything; (S, Msb, K, &c.;) like ↓ شَفَةٌ; for شَفَا الحُفْرَةِ (Ksh in iii. 99) or شَفَا البِئْرِ (Bd ibid.) and شَفَتُهَا both signify the same, (Ksh, Bd,) i. e. حَرْفُهَا (Ksh) or طَرَفُهَا; (Bd;) but the final و in the former is changed into ا, and in the latter [accord. to those who hold شَفَةٌ to be originally شَفْوَةٌ] it is elided; (Ksh, Bd;) شَفًا being originally شَفَوٌ: (Bd:) [but شَفًا generally signifies as expl.

above; and شَفَةٌ almost always signifies the “ lip ” of a human being:] the dual is شَفَوَانِ; this being known, as Akh says, by the fact that إِمَالَة in the word شَفًا is not allowable: (S:) and the pl. is أَشْفَآءٌ. (TA.) It is said in the Kur [iii. 99], وَكُنْتُمْ عَلَى شَفَا حُفْرَةٌ مِنَ النَّارِ فَأَنْقَذَكُمْ مِنْهَا [and ye were on the verge, or brink, of a pit of the fire of Hell, and He saved, or rescued, you from it]. (S.) And one says, هُوَ عَلَى شَفَا الهَلَاكِ (tropical:) [He is on the brink of destruction]. (TA.)

b2: Also (tropical:) A little; (S, A, K, TA;) a small part, or portion; somewhat; (A, TA;) somewhat remaining of the moon when near the change, (K, TA, [الهَلاك in the CK is erroneously put for الهِلَال,]) and of the sight (البَصَر), and of the day, and the like, as in the T. (TA.) One says of a man on the occasion of his dying, and of the moon at [the last period of the month called] its مُحَاق, and of the sun at its setting, (S,) مَا بَقِىَ مِنْهُ إِلَّا شَفًا [and مِنْهَا when

said of the sun] (assumed tropical:) There has not remained of him, or it, save a little: (S, K: *) and [in like manner]

مِنَ العُمُرِ [of life]. (S.) And one says, أَتَيْتُهُ

بِشَفًا مِنْ ضَوْءِ الشَّمْسِ (assumed tropical:) [I came to him in a time when there was little remaining of the light of the sun]. (TA.) El-'Ajjáj says, أَشْرَفْتُهُ بِلَا شَفًا أَوْ بِشَفَا وَمِرْبَأٍ عَالٍ لِمَنٌ تَشَرَّفَا

meaning [Many an elevated place of observation, high to him who ascends it, I have ascended]

when the sun had set or when there was somewhat of it remaining. (S.) One says also, صَارَ فِى شَفَا

القَمَرِ meaning (assumed tropical:) He was, or became, in the last part of the night. (TA.) And it is said in a trad., (in relation to [the temporary marriage termed]

المُتْعَة,) فَلَوْ لَا نَهْيُهُ عَنْهَا مَا احْتَاجَ إِلَى الزِّنَا إِلَّا شَفًا, accord. to the T meaning [Were it not for his (i. e. God's) forbidding it, none would need having recourse to fornication,] save a small number of men: (T, TA:) or, accord. to 'Atà, it means, but would be on the brink thereof, without falling into it; شَفًا being thus used in the place of the inf. n. إِشْفَآء: so says IAth, as from Az. (TA.)

شَفَةٌ, in which the deficient letter is و, (K, TA,) for it has for pl. شَفَوَاتٌ, (TA,) or ه, (K, TA,) for it has [also] for pl. شِفَاهٌ, (TA,) has been mentioned before, (K, TA,) in art. شفه [q. v.]. (TA.)

b2: See also شَفًا above, first sentence.

شِفَآءٌ, (K, TA,) like كِسَآءٌ, (TA,) [in the CK erroneously written شَفاء,] primarily signifies The becoming free from disease, sickness, or malady; recovering therefrom; or becoming convalescent:

b2: and then, Medical, or curative, treatment: (TA:) the giving of health; (KL:) inf. n. of شَفَاهُ

[q. v.]: (S, Msb, TA:)

b3: and [then], (TA,) A medicine, or remedy: pl. أَشْفِيَةٌ, and pl. pl. أَشَافٍ. (K, TA.) [Hence, دَارُ الشِفَآءِ The hospital.]

b4: [And hence,] one says, شِفَآءُ العِىِّ السُّؤَالُ (tropical:) [The remedy of inability is the asking information]. (TA.)

شَفِىٌّ: see art. شفه.

شُفَيَّةٌ: see art. شفه.

شَفَوِىٌّ: see art. شفه.

شَافٍ [Recovering, or restoring to convalescence; remedial;] health-giving. (KL.)

b2: [Hence, جَوَابٌ شَافٍ (assumed tropical:) An answer that relieves from doubt.]

أَشْفَى More [and most remedial or] healthgiving. (KL.)

A2: Also A man whose lips do not close together: fem. شَفْيَآءُ. (TA.) See أَشْفَهُ, in art. شفه.

إِشْفًى An instrument for perforating; (K;) a thing pertaining to the makers or sewers of boots or shoes or sandals &c.; (S;) [i. e.] the awl used by them: (MA, KL:) and the instrument with which leather, or skin, is sewed: (Mgh, K:) or, accord. to ISk, it is [an instrument used] for water-skins and water-bags and the like; and the مِخْصَف is for sandals: (S:) [see also art. اشف:] masc. and fem.: (K, * TA:) pl. أَشَافٍ. (Mgh, TA.)

b2: Th mentions the saying, إِنْ لَاطَمْتَهُ

لَاطَمْتَ الإِشْفَى [if thou contend with him in slapping, thou wilt do so with the اشفى]; meaning that when one does so, it will be against himself. (TA.)

b3: And إِشْفَى المِرْفَقِ, a phrase used by a poet, means (assumed tropical:) Sharp in the elbow. (TA.)
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