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94143. سُلَّجَة1 94144. سَلْجَة1 94145. سِلْجَة1 94146. سلجت1 94147. سلجم9 94148. سَلجم194149. سَلَحَ1 94150. سُلْحٌ1 94151. سَلَح1 94152. سُلَح1 94153. سُلْح1 94154. سَلْح1 94155. سلح19 94156. سَلَحَ 1 94157. سُلْحان1 94158. سِلْحان1 94159. سلحب5 94160. سُلْحَة1 94161. سِلْحَة1 94162. سلحت2 94163. سِلَحْدار1 94164. سلحف11 94165. سُلْحُفَاة1 94166. سلحه2 94167. سَلْحِينُ1 94168. سَلَخ1 94169. سَلَخَ2 94170. سلخَ1 94171. سلخ18 94172. سَلَخَ 1 94173. سلخب1 94174. سَلْخَبٌ1 94175. سلخت1 94176. سلخد1 94177. سلخَف1 94178. سلخف2 94179. سلخم1 94180. سلخَم1 94181. سلخه1 94182. سلدانيون1 94183. سلر2 94184. سلس13 94185. سَلس2 94186. سَلِسُ البول1 94187. سَلِسَ 1 94188. سلسبل2 94189. سلسبيل3 94190. سَلْسَبِيل1 94191. سَلْسَبيل1 94192. سَلْسَبِيلة1 94193. سلسل8 94194. سَلْسَلَ1 94195. سَلْسَلٌ1 94196. سِلْسِلٌ1 94197. سِلْسِلانِ1 94198. سَلَّطَ1 94199. سلط17 94200. سَلُطَ 1 94201. سلطأ2 94202. سُلْطات1 94203. سُلْطَان1 94204. سلطان جهان1 94205. سُلْطَانة1 94206. سُلْطَانِيّ1 94207. سُلْطَانِيَّة1 94208. سَلَطَة2 94209. سلطة1 94210. سِلْطَة1 94211. سلطح5 94212. سلطس1 94213. سلطع1 94214. سَلْطَعان1 94215. سلطم4 94216. سلطن4 94217. سَلْطَنة1 94218. سلطنه1 94219. سلطه1 94220. سَلْطو1 94221. سُلْطُوح1 94222. سُلْطَويّ1 94223. سِلْطِيّ1 94224. سُلْطِيّ1 94225. سَلَطِيّ1 94226. سَلْطِيّ1 94227. سَلِطِيَّة1 94228. سِلْطِيَّة1 94229. سُلْطِيَّة1 94230. سَلَطِيَّة1 94231. سَلْطِيّة1 94232. سُلْطَيْسُ1 94233. سَلَطِين1 94234. سَلَعَ1 94235. سَلْعٌ1 94236. سِلْعٌ1 94237. سَلَعٌ1 94238. سلع18 94239. سَلَعَ 1 94240. سَلَعَانُ1 94241. سَلْعَان1 94242. سَلَعَانِي1 Prev. 100




َلجم سَلْجَمٌ and ↓ سُلَاجِمٌ Tall, or long; (S, K;) as epithets applied to a horse, and to a man, and to the iron head or blade of an arrow &c.: (K:) or, applied to this last, the former word signifies long and broad: (AHn, TA:) or slender; as also سَلْمَجٌ: and the pls. of these two words are سَلَاجِمُ and سَلَامِجُ: which, applied to such iron heads or blades, signify [also] sharpened, or pointed, or sharp-pointed: (TA:) and سَلَاجِمُ applied to arrows signifies long in the iron heads. (S.) سَلْجَمٌ and ↓ سُلَاجِمٌ are also applied as epithets to a camel: (S, K: [in the former it is implied that in this case they have the first of the significations above; but see what follows:]) thus applied, they signify Advanced in age, and strong: (K:) or the former, so applied, signifies strong: (S voce صَلْخَدٌ:) the pl. of each is سَلَاجِمُ, with fet-h [to the س]. (S, K.) b2: Also the former, applied to the لَحْى [or jaw-bone], Strong, (K, TA,) full-sized, (TA,) and thick, or compact. (K, TA.) And, applied to a head, Long in the لَحْيَانِ [or jaw-bones]. (K, TA.) b3: Also A well ancient (عَادِيَّةٌ) and having much water. (K.) A2: سَلْجَمٌ is also the name of A certain well-known plant; (K, TA;) of those termed بُقُول; which is eaten; (TA;) [namely, colza; or brassica napus oleifera: so in the present day:] it is an arabicized word, [from the Pers\. شَلْغَمْ,] originally with ش, but pronounced by the Arabs with س: (AHn, TA:) one should not say ثَلْجَمٌ, nor شَلْجَمٌ, or this is a word of weak authority: (T, K, TA:) Az says that some pronounce it with ش, but that it is correctly with س. (TA.) سُلَاجِمٌ: see the preceding paragraph, in two places.

سِهَامٌ مُسَلْجَمَاتٌ Arrows made long and broad [in their iron heads]. (TA.)
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