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86666. رذي5 86667. رذيف1 86668. رُرباح1 86669. ررق2 86670. ررو1 86671. رز286672. رَزّ1 86673. رُزّ1 86674. رَزَّ 1 86675. رزء3 86676. رزأَ1 86677. رزأ11 86678. رَزَأَ1 86679. رَزَأَ 1 86680. رَزَأَهُ1 86681. رزأه2 86682. رزئ1 86683. رزئه1 86684. رزا1 86685. رَزَا1 86686. رَزَّات1 86687. رَزَّاز1 86688. رَزَاز1 86689. رَزَّاق1 86690. رزَّاقة1 86691. رَزَّاقي1 86692. رِزَامٌ1 86693. رِزَام1 86694. رُزَاميّ1 86695. رِزَامِي1 86696. رزامية1 86697. رَزّان1 86698. رَزَانَة1 86699. رُزَانة1 86700. رَزّانِي1 86701. رزب16 86702. رَزَبَ1 86703. رَزَبَ 1 86704. رَزَبَهُ1 86705. رَزْبِيط1 86706. رزَّة1 86707. رُزَّة2 86708. رَزَّتِ1 86709. رزت1 86710. رزتق3 86711. رَزْجاه1 86712. رزح13 86713. رَزَحَ 1 86714. رَزَحتِ1 86715. رزحه1 86716. رزخ3 86717. رزخَ1 86718. رَزْخَان1 86719. رزخه1 86720. رزدق7 86721. رزرزه1 86722. رزز12 86723. رَزَزَ1 86724. رززه1 86725. رَزْطَبَل1 86726. رزع2 86727. رزغ12 86728. رَزَغَ1 86729. رَزَغَ 1 86730. رَزَفَ1 86731. رزف8 86732. رَزَفَ 1 86733. رِزْق1 86734. رزق18 86735. رَزَقَ1 86736. رزق الله1 86737. رَزَقَ 1 86738. رِزْقَا1 86739. رَزْقَا1 86740. رَزْقَانيّة1 86741. رِزْقة1 86742. رَزْقة1 86743. رزقه1 86744. رزقه بـ1 86745. رِزْقُون1 86746. رِزْقي1 86747. رِزْقِي1 86748. رزْقيَّة1 86749. رِزْقَيْن1 86750. رزك1 86751. رَزَمَ1 86752. رزم17 86753. رَزْمٌ1 86754. رِزَم1 86755. رُزَم1 86756. رَزِم1 86757. رَزَمَ 1 86758. رُزْماباذ1 86759. رَزْماز1 86760. رَزْمان1 86761. رزمانج1 86762. رُزَمَة1 86763. رَزَمَة1 86764. رُزْمَة1 86765. رزمز1 Prev. 100


الرّزُّ: الطَّعْنُ، رَزَّهُ رَزًةً. ورَزَزْتُ السِّكَيْنَ والسهْمَ في الحائطِ فارْتَزَّ: أي ثَبَتَ. وأرَزَتِ الجَرَادَةُ: أدْخَلَتْ ذَنَبَهَا في الأرْضِ كَيْ تَبِيْضَ. وارْتَزَّ عَلي عِرْقٌ: انْتَفَضَ.
والرّزُّ: الصَوْتُ تَسْمَعهُ من بَعِيْدٍ. ورَزَتِ السَّماءُ تَرِزُّ رَزّاً: صَوَّتَتْ من المَطَرِ. والرَّزَّةُ من الحَدِيْدِ: مَعْرُوفَةٌ، وهي الرَّزَّاتُ. والإرْزِيْزُ: الرِّعْدَةُ من البَرْدِ. وهي - أيضاً -: بَرَدٌ صِغَارٌ مِثْلُ الحَصَى من الدمَقِ. وطَعْنٌ يَجِدُه الإنسانُ في جَوْفِه. وحُرْقَةٌ من الجُوْع، وكذلك الرِّزُ والرّزَيْزى. وارْتَزَ فلانٌ في رِزِّ فلانٍ: إذا ذَهَبَ مَذْهَبَه وفَعَلَ فِعْلَه. ورَزْرَزْتُ الحِمْلَ: سَوَّيْتَه. ووَطَّاْتُ الأمْرَ ورَزًزْتُه: واحِد. ورَزْرَزْتُ الشيْءَ: حَرَّكْتَه. والرَّزَازُ: لُغَةٌ في الرصَاصِ، كذا قال. والرُّز: لُغَةٌ في الأرُزَ، طَعَامٌ مُرَزَّزٌ: مُعَالَجٌ بالرُزَ.


1 رَزَّهُ, [aor. ـُ inf. n. رَزٌّ,] He pierced, stuck, or stabbed, him. (S, A, K.) b2: He stuck, or fastened, or fixed, it, (S, A, K,) into the ground, (S,) or into another thing; (K;) as, for instance, a nail (TA) or a knife (A) into a wall, (A, TA,) or a knife into the ground, (TA,) and an arrow into the target. (A.) b3: رَزَّتِ الجَرَادَةُ, aor. ـُ (S, K) and رَزِّ, (K,) inf. n. رَزٌّ (S, TA) and رُزُوزٌ, (so in a copy of the S, but wanting in another,) The locust stuck her tail into the ground, (Az, S, K,) and laid her eggs, (Az, S,) or to lay her eggs; (K;) as also ↓ ارزّت. (Az, S, K.) A2: رَزَّ البَابَ, (S, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. رَزٌّ, (TA,) He furnished the door with a رَزَّة [or staple to receive the bolt of the lock]. (S. K.) A3: رَزَّتِ السَّمَآءُ, (A, K,) aor. ـِ (A, TA,) inf. n. رَزٌّ, (TA,) The sky made a sound by reason of rain. (K.) b2: رَزَّ is also said of a stallion [i. e. a stallion-camel, meaning He uttered a low braying]: and of thunder [meaning It made a low sound]. (A.) [See رِزٌّ below.] b3: And رَزٌّ signifies also The being instantly silent. (TA.) 2 رَزَّزْتُ لَكَ الأَمْرَ, (S,) inf. n. تَرْزِيزٌ, (S, K,) (tropical:) I arranged, or facilitated, for thee the affair. (S, K. *) And زَرَّزْتُ أَمْرَكَ عِنْدَ فُلَانٍ (tropical:) I arranged, or facilitated, thine affair, and put it in a sound, right, or proper, state, (ثَبَّتُّهُ, [or, as in one copy of the A, بَيَّنْتُهُ, i. e. made it clear, or plain,]) with such a one. (A, TA.) A2: تَرْزِيزٌ also signifies The glazing, or polishing, of paper. (S, K.) b2: [See also the pass. part. n., below: whence it appears that it signifies also The dressing, or preparing, &c., with rice.] R. Q. 1 رَزْرَزَهُ, (K,) inf. n. رَزْرَزَةٌ, (TA,) He put it in motion, or in a state of commotion. (K, TA.) b2: And He equalized it; namely, a load, or burden; (K, TA;) made it to counterbalance. (TA.) 4 ارزّت الجَرَادَةُ: see 1.8 ارتزّ It stuck, or became fastened or fixed, into a thing; (TA;) as, for instance, an arrow into the target, (S, A, K,) and into the ground. (A.) b2: (assumed tropical:) He (a niggardly man) remained fixed in his place, and was tenacious, (S, * K, * TA,) and was ashamed and confounded, or speechless and motionless through confusion and shame. (TA.) رُزٌّ i. q. أَرُزٌّ [i. e. Rice: see the latter word, in art. ارز]. (S, K.) رِزٌّ A piercing [pain] and rumbling in the belly: (A:) or pain in the belly; as also ↓ رِزِّيزَى: (S:) or pain, and pressure of the feces: (TA:) or the pressure and motion of the feces in the belly, (KT, Mgh, TA,) in the effort to pass forth, so that the person who feels it wants to enter the privy; whether it be with a rumbling or without: (KT, TA:) or a sound of rumbling or the like in the belly. (As, Mgh, * TA.) You say, وَجَدْتُ فِى بَطْنِى رِزًّا (As, S, A) I felt in my belly a piercing [pain] and rumbling: (A:) or a pain: (As, S: expl. in the KL by the Pers\. word دَرْد:) as also ↓ رِزِّيزَى: (As, S:) or pain, and pressure of the feces; &c. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] (assumed tropical:) A vehement burning in the mouth of a camel, arising from thirst, with pain. (TA.) b3: Also A low sound: (TA:) any sound that is not vehement: (A 'Obeyd, TA:) or a sound that one hears from afar; as also ↓ رِزِّيزَى: (K:) or a sound that one hears but knows not what it is: (TA:) or a sound in a more common sense; (K, TA;) vehement or slight: (TA:) or a sound; as of thunder &c.: (S:) or the sound of thunder; (K;) as also ↓ رَزِيزٌ, [in measure] like أَمِيرٌ: or the former has a more general application: and ↓ إِرْزِيزٌ [in like manner] signifies a sound: and also thunder: (TA:) and رِزٌّ also signifies the braying of a stallion-camel. (K, * TA.) رَزَّةٌ A single piercing; a stick, or stab. (S, TA.) b2: And A pain in the back. (Sgh, TA.) A2: The iron [meaning the staple] into which [the bolt of] the lock enters: (S, K:) so called because [the bolt of] the lock penetrates it: pl. رَزَّاتٌ. (TA.) رَزَازٌ i. q. رَصَاصٌ [generally meaning Lead]: (Sgh, K:) a dial. var. of the latter word. (TA.) رَزِيزٌ: see رِزٌّ.

A2: Also A certain plant, with which one dyes. (S, K.) رَزَّازٌ One who sells, and traffics in, رُزّ [or rice]. (TA.) رِزِّيزَى: see رِزٌّ in three places.

إِرْزِيزٌ A piercing, sticking, or stabbing, (K, TA,) such as is firm, or steady. (TA.) A2: A tremour. (Th, S, K.) b2: See also رِزٌّ, last sentence.

A3: Long-sounding. (K.) A4: Hail: (Th, TA:) or small hail, like snow. (S, K.) مَرَزَّةٌ A place in which رُزّ [or rice] is collected together; like the كُدْس of wheat. (TA.) مُرَزَّزٌ Food dressed, prepared, or mixed up, (مُعَالَجٌ,) with رُزّ [or rice]. (Sgh, K.) and Paper dressed, or prepared, (مُعَالَجٌ,) with رُزّ [or rice]: (A, TA:) or paper glazed, or polished. (S.)
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