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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
4599. هقب7 4600. هقر6 4601. هقع12 4602. هك5 4603. هل10 4604. هلب164605. هلبث5 4606. هلبج5 4607. هلت8 4608. هلث7 4609. هلج13 4610. هلجب3 4611. هلقب3 4612. هلقت2 4613. هلك20 4614. هلم13 4615. هم7 4616. همأ6 4617. همت3 4618. همج13 4619. همد18 4620. همذ9 4621. همر15 4622. همرج6 4623. همرجل5 4624. همز17 4625. همس20 4626. همش9 4627. همل15 4628. هملج10 4629. هن6 4630. هنأ12 4631. هنب10 4632. هنبت4 4633. هنبر7 4634. هنتب4 4635. هند10 4636. هندب7 4637. هندز7 4638. هندس11 4639. هنر5 4640. هنع8 4641. هنف11 4642. هنقب3 4643. هنم11 4644. هوأ9 4645. هوب8 4646. هوت11 4647. هوث3 4648. هوج12 4649. هود20 4650. هوذ8 4651. هور17 4652. هوس13 4653. هوش18 4654. هوع14 4655. هول15 4656. هوم15 4657. هون17 4658. هوى10 4659. هى1 4660. هيأ14 4661. هيب16 4662. هيت16 4663. هيث9 4664. هيج13 4665. هيد14 4666. هير9 4667. هيش9 4668. هيض13 4669. هيط9 4670. هيف13 4671. هيق10 4672. هيل17 4673. هيم17 4674. هين7 4675. هيه9 4676. و11 4677. وأ3 4678. وأب6 4679. وأد13 4680. وأر7 4681. وأل13 4682. وأم13 4683. وأى5 4684. وب1 4685. وبأ16 4686. وبت4 4687. وبخ12 4688. وبد9 4689. وبر18 4690. وبش15 4691. وبص14 4692. وبل17 4693. وبه10 4694. وبى1 4695. وت2 4696. وتا1 4697. وتب3 4698. وتح10 Prev. 100




1 هَلِبَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. هَلَبٌ, He had much hair [of the kind termed هُلْب]; was very hairy. (K.) b2: هَلَبَ ذَنَبَ الفَرَسِ, and هَلَبَ الفَرَسَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. هَلْبٌ, He shore the tail of the horse: (Msb:) shore it, or cut it off, utterly. (TA.) هَلَبَهُ; (S, K;) and ↓ هلّبه, (K,) inf. n. تَهْلِيبٌ; (TA;) He plucked from him (i. e. a horse, S,) his هُلْب [or coarse hair, of the tail &c.]. (S, K.) b3: هُلِبَ It (a tail) was entirely cut off. (TA.) A2: هَلَبَهُمْ بِلِسَانِهِ, aor. ـِ and ↓ هلّبهم, (inf. n. تَهْلِيبٌ, TA;) (tropical:) He satirized and reviled them: (K:) he carped at them severely with his tongue. (TA.) A3: هَلَبَ, aor. ـُ and ↓ اهلب, (inf. n. إِهْلَابٌ, TA) ; He (a horse) prosecuted, or continued, his course, or run, uninterruptedly; syn. تَابَعَ الجَرْىَ: (K:) and, the latter verb, he (a horse,) was ardent, or impetuous, in his course, or running; as also أَلْهَبَ. (As, in TA, art. لهب.) [See also ضَهبَ القَوْمُ]

A4: هَلَبَتِ السَّمَاءُ القَوْمَ The sky wetted the people with dew (نَدًى): or, with continual rain. (K.) هَلَبَتْنَا السَّمَاءُ The sky wetted us with dew (ندى) or the like; (TA;) as also ↓ أَهْلَبَتْنَا: (T:) the sky rained upon us a copious, or an excellent, rain. (TA.) 2 هَلَّبَ see 1.4 أَهْلَبَ see 1.5 تهلّب and ↓ انهلب [He, a horse, had his tail shorn: see 1:] he had his هُلْب [or coarse hair, of the tail &c.,] plucked out. (K.) 7 إِنْهَلَبَ see 5.8 اهتلب He drew a sword from its scabbard. (TA.) هُلْبٌ, [a coll. gen. n.,] Hair, absolutely: or coarse hair; (K;) as the hair of the tail of a she-camel: (Az:) or hair of the tail: or pigs' bristles, with which skins and the like are sewed: (K:) J gives this last signification to ↓ هُلْبَةٌ: and also, coarse hair of the tail &c.: (so in the S:) but هُلْبَةٌ is the n. un. (TA.) b2: هُلْبٌ, The eyelashes. (TA.) b3: هُلْبٌ, call. gen. n., Hair that one plucks from the tail: n. un. with ة. (TA.) b4: هُلَبٌ [pl. of هُلْبَةٌ] Tails and manes plucked out. (TA.) A2: هُلْبٌ Continuance, or constant succession, of rain. (TA.) رَجُلٌ هَلِب [A man having much hair; of the kind called هُلْب; very hairy: see هَلِبَ:] a man whose هُلْب is growing forth. (TA.) هُلْبَةٌ The hair that is above the pubes, extending near to the navel. (TA.) See هُلْبٌ.

A2: هُلْبَةٌ Severity, or pressure, of fortune: like كُلْبَةٌ and جُلْبَةٌ. (S.) b2: Also, and ↓ هُلُبَّةٌ, Severity, or intenseness, of winter. (K.) أَتَيْتُهُ فِى هلبةِ الشِّتَاءِ I came to him during the severe, or intense, cold of winter. (El-Umawee.) هُلُبَّةٌ: see هُلْبَةٌ.

هَلُوبٌ A woman who draws near to her husband, or ingratiates herself with him; syn. مُتَقَرِّبَةٌ مِنْ زَوْجِهَا; (K, TA;) and is loving, or affectionate, to him; and distant with respect to others. (TA.) b2: Also, contr., A woman who is distant, or shy, with respect to her husband, or who alienates herself from him, or avoids or shuns him, (K,) and draws near to, or ingratiates herself with, her special friend. (TA.) b3: From هَلَبَهُ بِلِسَانِهِ “ he carped at him severely with his tongue; ” because a wife carps either at her husband or at her friend: or, accord. to IAar, in the former sense, from ↓ يَوْمٌ هَلَّابٌ “ a day of gentle, constant, innocuous rain; ” and in the latter sense from the same phrase as signifying “ a day of rain attended by thunder and lightning and terrors, and destructive to dwellings. ” (TA.) هَلِيبٌ and هُلَيْبٌ: see هَلَّابٌ.

هُلَابَةٌ The filth that is washed away from the membrane which encloses the fœtus: (K:) i. q. حُوَلَاءُ: [a word which has two applications, which see:] also called هُلَابَةُ السقاء: (TA:) [but السقاء is written by mistake for السِّقْىِ]. [See also هُلَاتَةٌ.]

هَلَّابٌ (K) and هَلَّابَةٌ (S, K) A cold wind, with rain. (S, ISd, K.) b2: يَوْمٌ هَلَّابٌ A day in which is wind and rain: (S:) a day of rain attended by thunder and lightning and terrors, and destructive to dwellings. (IAar.) b3: Also, A day of gentle, constant, innocuous rain. (IAar.) b4: Also, A day of dry cold; or dry by reason of cold. (Az, in the T, art. حلب.) b5: عَامٌ هَلَّابٌ, and ↓ أَهْلَبُ, A year of much rain. (K.) b6: ↓ عام أَهْلَبُ (tropical:) A plentiful, or fruitful, year; a year of abundant herbage, or vegetation: like

أَزَبُّ. (S.) b7: هَلَّابٌ and ↓ مُهَلِّبٌ and ↓ هَلِيبٌ, (K,) or as in one copy of the K, that of Et-Tabláwee, the last is ↓ هُلَيْبٌ, (TA,) and this is the more correct reading, (MF,) [Three] very cold days, in Kánoon el-'Owwal [or January O. S.]: or in the severe, or intense, cold of winter: (K:) or in the severe, or intense, cold of the month [above mentioned], in the latter part of it. (L.) A2: هَلَّابٌ (tropical:) One who satirizes [and reviles] much: (ISh:) [who carps much and severely at others with his tongue: see 1].

هَالِبُ الشَّعْرِ and مُدَحْرِجُ البَعْرِ [Two] days of winter. (K.) b2: See art. دحرج b3: لَيْلَةٌ هَالِبَةٌ A rainy night. (K.) أَهْلَبُ Having much hair [of the kind called هُلْب]; very hairy: (K:) fem. هَلْبَاءُ. (CK.) A horse having much hair of the kind called هلب: (S:) a coarse-haired man: (TA:) a man having coarse hair upon the part where are the two veins called الأَخْدَعَانِ, and upon his body: (TA:) having much hair upon the head and body. (TA.) b2: أَهْلَبُ A tail cut off. (K.) b3: Also, [accord. to the CK, or,] Having no hair upon it: and, contr., Having much hair: (K:) [in each sense, as seems to be implied in the K, an epithet applied to a tail: but, app., accord. to the TA, applied to a horse]. b4: هَلْبَاءُ, fem., A beast of carriage (TA) having much hair. (K, TA.) b5: هَلْبَاءُ The podex; syn. إِسْتٌ: (K:) used as a subst.; originally an epithet. (TA.) b6: إِيَّاكَ وَأَهْلَبَ العَضْرَطِ Beware of him who has a hairy podex. Originally said by a woman to her son, who was boasting that he found no one whom he did not overcome, and who was afterwards thrown down by a man answering to this description. A proverb used in cautioning the self-conceited. (Meyd, TA.) b7: أَرْضٌ هَلْبَاءُ (tropical:) Land abounding with plants, or herbage. (TA.) b8: Also, [contr.,] (tropical:) Land of which the herbage has been eaten. (TA.) b9: هُلْبَةٌ هَلْبَاءُ (in the CK, هَلْبَةٌ هُلْبَاءُ) A severe calamity. (K.) b10: See هَلَّابٌ.

لَهُ أُهْلُوبٌ He [a horse] has ardour, or impetuosity, in his running &c.: formed by transposition from, or a dial. form of, أُلْهُوبٌ. (M.) عَدْوُهُ ذُو أَهَالِيبَ [His (a horse's) running is of ardent, or impetuous, modes, or manners]. (TA.) b2: أَهْلُوبٌ A kind, or way [or speech]: syn. فَنٌّ (K) and أَسْلُوبٌ: (AO:) pl. أَهَالِيبُ. (AO, K.) b3: اهلوبٌ من الثَّنَاءِ A kind, or way, of praising, or eulogizing. (TA.) مَهْلُوبٌ (S, A, L, Msb) and ↓ مُهَلَّبٌ (TA) A horse having his tail shorn: (Msb:) having the hair of his tail utterly removed: (L:) having his هُلْب [or coarse hair, of the tail &c.,] shorn: (A:) having his هلب plucked out. (S, TA.) مُهَلَّبٌ: see مَهْلُوبٌ.

مُهَلِّبٌ: see هَلَّابٌ.
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