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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
4302. نزق13 4303. نزك13 4304. نزل21 4305. نزه17 4306. نزو9 4307. نس54308. نسأ18 4309. نسب17 4310. نسج16 4311. نسح9 4312. نسخ17 4313. نسر17 4314. نسع11 4315. نسغ9 4316. نسف17 4317. نسك16 4318. نسل17 4319. نسم18 4320. نش4 4321. نشأ15 4322. نشب15 4323. نشج13 4324. نشد13 4325. نشر20 4326. نشز18 4327. نشط19 4328. نشف17 4329. نشق14 4330. نص5 4331. نصأ7 4332. نصب20 4333. نصح16 4334. نصر15 4335. نصع13 4336. نصف22 4337. نصل18 4338. نصم3 4339. نصى2 4340. نض4 4341. نضب16 4342. نضج16 4343. نضح17 4344. نضد17 4345. نضر18 4346. نضل17 4347. نضو11 4348. نطأ1 4349. نطب9 4350. نطح16 4351. نطر12 4352. نطس14 4353. نطش7 4354. نطع16 4355. نطف18 4356. نطق16 4357. نطل14 4358. نطم3 4359. نطو7 4360. نظر19 4361. نظف18 4362. نظم16 4363. نعب15 4364. نعت15 4365. نعث7 4366. نعج14 4367. نعر16 4368. نعس17 4369. نعش15 4370. نعظ9 4371. نعق16 4372. نعل18 4373. نعم24 4374. نعو7 4375. نغ2 4376. نغب12 4377. نغت5 4378. نغث3 4379. نغر16 4380. نغص13 4381. نغض16 4382. نغف13 4383. نغق12 4384. نغل16 4385. نغم13 4386. نغو5 4387. نفأ7 4388. نفت9 4389. نفث19 4390. نفج14 4391. نفخ16 4392. نفد17 4393. نفذ20 4394. نفر21 4395. نفز10 4396. نفس22 4397. نفش19 4398. نفض18 4399. نفط16 4400. نفع15 4401. نفق22 Prev. 100




1 نَسَّ

, aor. ـُ He went at a gentle pace. (TA, art. خبز.) R. Q. 1 نَسْنَسَتِ الرِّيحُ The wind blew coldly: see R. Q. 1 in art. سن.

رِيحٌ نَسْنَاسَةٌ A cold wind: see سَنْسَانَةٌ.


نَسْنَاسٌ (S, M, Msb, K) and نِسْنَاسٌ (K) A kind of creatures (خَلْق [an appellation often applied particularly to human beings]) whereof [every] one jumps, or hops, upon one leg: (S, Msb, K:) it is related in a trad., that a tribe of 'Ád disobeyed their apostle, and that God thereupon transformed them into نَسْنَاس, every man of them having a [single] arm and a [single] leg, [consisting] of one half [of a human being], hopping like as the bird hops, and pasturing like as beasts pasture; (K;) and these are found in the islands of China: (TA:) or, as some say, these have become extinct; (K;) for a transformed being lives not more than three days, as the learned have established; (TA;) and what exist now, of this make, are a distinct class of creatures: (K:) or they are of three kinds; نَاسٌ and نَسْنَاسٌ and نَسَانِسُ; (K;) and the second of these are the baser sort; (TA;) or the نسانس are the females of them, (K,) as Aboo-Sa'eed Ed-Dareer says; (TA;) or they are of higher rank than the نسناس, (K,) as is said in the O: (TA:) or the نسناس are [the peoples called] Yájooj and Májooj: (IAar, Msb, K:) or a certain people of the sons of Adam: (K:) or certain creatures in the form of men, (M, K,) so called because of the weakness of their make, from نَسْنَسَةٌ, which signifies weakness, (M,) differing from men in some things, and not of them: (K:) or, accord. to what is said [by some], a certain beast, reckoned among wild animals, that is hunted and eaten, having the form of a man with one eye and leg and arm, and that speaks like man: (Kr, M:) or a species of marine animal: (Msb:) or, accord. to El-Mes'oodee, an animal like a man having one eye, that comes forth from the water, and speaks, and, when it gets a man within its power, kills him: or, as is related in the مجالسة, on the authority of Ibn-Is-hák, certain creatures (خَلْقٌ) in El-Yemen: ابن الرقيس says, that they are of the sons of Sám the son of Sám, brothers of 'Ád and Thamood, not possessing reason, living in the salt-water (الاجاج) on the coast of the Sea of India: the Arabs hunt them, and speak to them, and they speak the Arabic language, and propagate one with another, and poetize, or versify, and name themselves by the names of the Arabs: (TA:) [in the present day, this appellation is applied to a pigmy: and also, to an ape:] Es-Suyootee says, in the Deewán el-Hayawán, as to the animal which the vulgar call نسناس, it is a species of apes or monkeys, not living in water, and the eating of which is unlawful: but as to the marine animal, some hold it to be lawful; whereas the sheykh Aboo-Hámid holds the eating of the نسناس [of any kind] to be unlawful, because it has the form of the sons of Adam. (TA.) It is said in a trad. of Aboo-Hureyreh, ذَهَبَ النَّاسُ وَبَقِىَ النَّسْنَاسُ [The men have gone, and the نسناس remain]. Being asked who were the نسناس, he answered, Those who affect to be like men but are not men. (TA.) [For the verb نسّ, &c.:

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